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Safety is a good ornament …………

Good health for industries Safety ………….

Q.1 : What is hazard ?

Ans: Anything any condition which has potential for harm or cause accident / incident.

Q. 2 : What is risk ?

Ans : it is combination of likelihood (probability) and consequence (severity) R=L R

Q.3 : What is accident ?

Ans : Any undesired event caused death.ill health injury or loss of properties and
environment .

Q.4: What is near miss ?

Ans : It is defined as the state of being safe from injury or freedom from unacceptable
risk of harm

Q.5: What is incident ?

Ans : Any event which cane cause accident or has the properties to lead an accident .

Q.6: What is Safety ?

Ans : It is defined as the state of being safe from injury or freedom from unacceptable
risk of harm.

Q.7 : What is IOW?

Ans : Any injury due to accident happened inside of registered factory during duty hours
is called injury on work ( Iow)

Q.8: What is IOD ?

Ans : Any injury occurred due to accident at out side of registered factory during duty
hours is called injury on duty (IOD)

Q.9: What is Ex-gratra case?

Ans : Any injury case due to accident on road while coming to duty from home or going
back home from duty within stipulated time (limited time) and rout .

Q.10:What is last time accident OR last work day case ?

Ans : Accident due to which the man –day were lost is person remained unfit for duty is
called last time accident or last time workday case
Q.11 :What is reportable accident ?

Ans : Last time accident which are reported to the inspector of factory (factory inspector)
if victim dose not report duty with in 48 hr .

Q.12 : What is frequency rate (FR)?

Ans: No of accident per million man hour worked or FR



Q.13: What is Severity rate(SR)?

Ans: No of man day list per million man hr worked or SR.



Q. 14: Write form of the following ?

Ans : DO – Danger occurrence

IOW - Injury on work

IOD - Injury on duty

LSEMT - Life saving emergency motivation training

CPR - Cardio pulmonary resuscitation

OSHA - Occupational safety health administration

EPA - Environment protection agency

OHSAS - Occupational health safety assessment series

HSE - Health safety environment

BIS - Bureau of INDIA standard

EMS - Environment management system

ILO - International labour organization

MSDS - Material safety data sheet

SHE - Safety health environment

WHO - Word health organization

NSC - National safety council

APOSHO - Asia pacific occupational safety and health organization

HAZOP - Hazard operability study

SOP - Standard operating practice

SWP - Safe work practice

OCP - operating control practice

Q.15 : When national safety day is celebration ?

Ans : On 04th MARCH

Q.16 : When word environment day is celebration ?

Ans : On 5th JUNE

Q.17: What is the duration of national safety week campaign ?

Ans : 4th -10th JUNE

Q.18: Fill in the blank as per Hein rich triangle (hazard pyramid ) ?

……………….. Unsafe act and unsafe condition cause . near miss ,minor accident major
accident and ……………….fatal accident

Ans : 30000,3000.30 and 1.

Q.19:Write down the domino effect in sequences which cause injury , property damage
and other cause






Ans : 1. The human cause .

2 . The unsafe act .

3. The unsafe condition.

4. The accident .

5. The damages (Injury , etc)

Q.20: In how many group the causes of accident may be put in ?

Ans : Unsafe act unsafe condition and other contribution factors.

Q.21: Write down any five fundamentals of safety.?

Ans :

Hazard is an inherent part of human existence however they are preventable at the first
place .

the best way to ensure prevention is to integrate safety requirement at planning stage .

Accident do not just happened , they are caused .

88% accident are caused by direct human failure due to unsafe acts 10% are cause by
unsafe conditions again caused by human failure and only 2 % are caused due
to natural cause .

A trained and alert worker suffer in a unsafe condition .

An untrained and un alert workers Is unsafe even in a safe condition .

Incident monitoring rather then accident monitoring e.g. to prevent accident it is

essential to prevent incident.

Q.22: Write down any five principal of safety management system. ?

Ans :

All injury are be prevented .

Management is responsible for preventing injuries.

Workers safety is a condition of employment .

All operating exposure can be safe guarded .

Training employees to work safely is essential.

Prevention of personal injury is a good business .

Accountability for safety management .

Q.23 : Write the name of same 8 important agencies which contribution batter safety ,
health and environment .

Center govt.

Regional govt.

Local govt.

Neighbors and community .

Pressure group

Media .

Employees / union education system.

Investors ,share holders , banks etc.

Q.24: What are the benefit to organization if safety is implemented?

Ans :

Reduced work place injures and illness.

Reduced cost of production.

Increased confidence and morale.

Increased productivity.

Improved insurance liability rating.

Positive response from customer.

Demonstrate due diligence.

Regulatory compliance.

Better relation between union and management.

Batter public relation.

Q.25: What are the cost {reactive cast} of accident ?

Ans : - Direct cost - including wages , compensation and medical expenses.

Indirect cost – including cost of time loss by the employees, supervisor ,cost of damages
of equipment cost due to production stop etc.

Q.26: Read the statement carefully and decide whether true or false.

Tolerable risk- Risk that can be endured {tolerated} by organization having regards to its
legal obligation and its own safety policy- T/f

Operation control is related to the operation of the mechanical or plant –T/F

Procedure control is related to the documented management system for operating the
machine or plant –T/F

Procedure control does not included safe work procedure (SWL) or standard operation
procedure (SOP) –T/F

Operating control does not included machine safe guard , alarm and PPE – T/F

Ans :

Q.27: What is motivation of safety? Name two important theories for motivation .

Ans : motivation is the process of creating the willingness to perform the job safely
obeying safety rules and using PPE

Two important theories for motivation.

Maslow’s five human need theory .

Theory “ X”

Theory “Y”

Q.27: What is communication for safety?

Ans: communication is the sharing of ideas ,facts, information and understanding .

communication for safety is the transfer and transmission regarding hazards , incidents
and safety among the people in the organization

Q.29: What is safety training?

Ans : it is the systematic process by which knowledge of safety, skill and ability to do the
job safely is developed though safety training employees are being awards of there
responsibility for safety , right for safety rules and regulation , hazards and prevention.

Q.30: Give some examples , which are not ergonomically correct ?

Ans :

Pushing the load instead of pulling

Fixing the switch board on wall above , average man height causing full body stretch.

Working in high noisy area

Working in uncomfortable gesture or position etc

Seeing the monitor of computer twisting his head

Working in poor light area

Sitting on chair without foot rest

Q.31: Name some important protective function and reactive function of safety officer?

Ans : Protective function of safety officer

To give safety training

Making safety inspection , observation and safety audit

To organize safety promotional activities

Job safety study HAZOP HAZAN etc

Reactive function
Accident /incident investigation , Recording keeping of incident ,

Reporting of accident . , To see the compliance of recommendation of accident etc

Q.32: What is the essential element for fire?

Ans : Oxygen , Fuel , Heat .

Q.33: Cross out the wrong statement related to fire ?

A flammable material or fuel must be present vapor form

oxygen is not essential for fire

Heat below ignition temperature may cause fire

Fire will not take place below lower explosive limit {LEL}

Fire take place while the gas or vapor is within explosive rang

Ans : 2 ,3 these are wrong statement

Q.34 : What is lower explosive limit ?

Ans : The upper limit [% or concentration] above which explosive atmosphere will not
form and fire / explosive will not take place

Q35.: What are the different class of fire ?What type of fire extinguisher are used
against this class fire?

Ans :

Sr. No Class of fire Type of extinguisher

1 A Water soda water

2 B Foam type CO2 DCP

3 C CO2 DCP when electrical equipment is de energized

same as class “A” and class “B”

4 D Special dry powder

Q.36 : Tick mark the correct statements. ?

1) As boiling point decreases ,the vapor pressure and evaporation rate increases .

2) The substance which has less boiling point has more fire hazard .

3) The lower is the flesh point of substance the greater is the fine hazard.

4) Providing adequate ventilation and dilution may reduce fire and explosion hazard .

5) water may be used to extinguish class “B” Fire.

ANS : 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 .

Q .37: Write down some important hazard of construction job .?

Ans: 1) Person falling from height .

2) Material falling from height .

3) Electrical hazard .

4) Fire and explosion hazard .

5) Hazard of working confined space .

6) Material handling hazards .

Q.38: Write down some six important hazard of excavation .?

Ans :

1)Fall of person into excavated pit .

2) Collapse of excavation side due to under cutting and care in.

3) Collapse of adjacent building or structure due to excavation .

4) Person within the excavation pit may be hit by parts of machine and fall of object from
the bucket of

Excavator or from the edge of pit .

5)Striking under ground electrical cable , gas line , water line etc.

6) Poising from gases heavier then air such as hydrogen supplied CO2 , methane etc

Q 39:What are different safety measure to be taken during excavation . ?

Ans :

1)Shoring .

2) Sloping .

3) Benching .

4) Planking .

5) Bracing.

6) Shuttering .

7) Barricading .

Q 40: What procedure will you follow to prevent damage to underground utility during
excavation .?


1) Marking the are .

2) Checking with cable detector .

3) Excavation of trial trench up to 1.5 mtr manually .

4) Follow work permit system.

Q41: fill in the blanks ?

1) Every Excavated pit must be fenced / barricaded up to a height of ------------ fit .

2) The excavated material shell not be placed within -------------feet from the edge of the
pit or trench

3) All narrow trenches -----------------fit or more deep shell have ladder every time during
work .

4) Ladder should be extended at least ----------------feet above the surface

5) An excavation more then --------------- feet deep must be property shored or sloped .


1} 3 feet, 2} 5 feet , 3} 4 feet, 4} 3 feet, 5} 5 feet

Q42: Write down some important safety measure to be taken during dismantling job .?

Ans :

Demolition should be done as per the sequence {steps} of the job

Demolition should be done in descending order

3) All services line like electricity, water , gas line etc should be removed first .

4)Barricading the area with red flag / red bulb .

5) Removing of scrape and debris on regular basis.

6)Preparation of SWP/SOP/before starting work .

Q43: What is the difference between fall protection and fall prevention .?

Ans :


The measure to eliminate all hazard When unsafe condition cannot be removed
[unsafe condition] which may cause a fall fully then fall protection measure are taken
like full body harness, safety net etc.

Q44: At what height used of safety belt are required .?

Ans : From 1.8 mtr

Q 45: What are the different technique of accident prevention .?

Ans : 1) Planning of the job including work permit system , clearance system

2) Identification of hazard and risk assessment HIRAC

3)Plan safety inspection , observation , Audit and supervision .

4) Accident / incident investigation .

5) Focus on behavioral safety [unsafe condition , unsafe act near miss ]

6)Three E’s of accident prevention like

{a} engineering control

{b} Enforcement of safety rule regulation standard

{c}Education & training .

7) PPE’S

8) Guarding of machineries

9)Hazard operability study [HAZOP]

10)Hazard Analysis [HAZAN]

11)Failure mode and effect analysis [FMEA]

12)Cause and effect analysis [CEA]

13)Event tree analysis [ETA]

14 )Fault tree analysis[FTA]

Q46: What should be the length and dia of lanyard of safety belt?

Ans : Length more then 1.8mtr [6fit] dia not more then 3/1 inch

Q47: What should be the breaking strength of lanyard of safety belt ?

Ans Minimum 2268kg.

Q48: What should be used while climbing up and climbing down ladder ?

Ans : Fall arrester

Q49: What are the electricity hazard?

Ans :

1)Electrical shock and electrocution .

2)Electrical burn

3) Electric flesh

4)Fire and explosion

Q50: Which current is more danger AC or DC?

Ans : AC

Q51:What does injury from electric shock depend on ?

Ans :

1) Amount of current passing though the body [voltage and resistance of the body]

2)Path of thee current through the body

3) Length of the time the victim in current

4)Physical condition of the body

Q52: Write down 10 important point which will you check for electrical job during your
observation ?

Ans : 1)SWP/SOP/work permit

2)Condition of cable

3)Earthling of equipment

4) Connection was taken by 3 pin or not [industrial plug top]

5)Use of ELLCB ,RCCB

6)Proper fuse or not [electrical connections’]

7)Expose wire was properly covered/insulated or not

8)PPE required are use or not

9) Training of employees

10)Condition of equipment [use ISI mark standard electrical equipment and material]
and housekeeping .

Q53: Write down some important points , which will you check during your plant safety
inspection ?
Ans :

1 Housekeeping .

2)safe material handling

3)Working space is safe and adequate

4)guarding of machinery

5)Condition of hand tools [don’t TPI ]

6)Location and condition of ladders ,steps ,lift ,hoist etc.

7)Condition of floor, platform, stair ,railing etc

8)Electrical equipments and their switches

9)Light and illumination

10) Dust , fumes, gases and vapors

11)Location and storage of chemical substance

12)Access to over head equipment and underground equipment

13) Escape route /exit path

14) Pressure vessel compressor machine and their inspection date

15) Use of PPEs.

Q54: What are the different categories , the point under which you will check during
observation ?

Ans :

1) PPEs and clothing

2)Position of person

3)Reaction of employees

4)Tool and equipment

5)Procedure and orderliness

6)Ergonomic related point

Q56: What is accident investigation and what are the different steps of accident
investigation ?

Ans :

1)Determine the facts. , 2)Determine the cause. , 3) Making recommendation. ,

4)Communication and implementation. , 5)CAPA [corrective action preventive action ]

Q57: Why is investigation done ?

Ans : Accident /incident investigation is done to find the root of accident so that
recurrence [repeat] of incident can be prevent due to similar cause.

Q58: What is HAZOP and what are the different guideword use in hazop ? Make the
table , which is used in HAZOP study?

Ans: Hazard operability [HAZOP]study is a technique for hazard identification , which may
come across after 7 guideword are used.

1) No

2) More


4)As well as

5)Part of


7)Other then

Table used in HAZOP



Q59: What is job safety analysis / hazard analysis {SWP/SOP/HAZAN} ? Make the format
for job

Safety analysis ?

Ans: JSA is a procedure analyzing the job for the purpose of finding the hazard in each
step of the job developing the safety precaution to be taken




Q60: Where do we use fault tree analysis ? Develop fault tree analysis taking an

Ans : We use fault tree analysis in an accident investigation . It is also called a Why –
Why Analysis . By asking repetitive

Question using Why , Why and How several time we reach at root cause .

Q61: What is the difference between Safety appliance and safety device ? give
example ?

Ans : Equipment which protect a person from a defined hazard is called PPE or safety
appliances like helmet , safety belt

etc . Safety device is an equipment keep the hazard under control and prevent the
hazard to cause accident like guards , like safety gauze presser level , ELCB ,Limit switch ,
Gas detector.

Q62: Where is tag out lock out system applied and Why ?

Ans : When person works after switching off the energy source a tag [red tag] is fixed
near the power cutting switch so that any people will not switch on the power . To

make it more safe , energy source is locked after switching off and this is called lock
out or Positive isolation system .

Q63: What is work permit system ?

Ans : It is a documented permission to perform the job given by the owner of the
department or equipment to the working agency so that work is done in safe manner
after controlling the hazard.

Q64: Name of the job for which Work permit is issued ?

Ans 1) Hot work permit. 2)Cold work permit. 3)Electrical job . 4)Working at height .

5)Working confined space. 6) working at gas hazard.

Q65: What are the safety devices of cranes?

Ans : 1)Hook Latch

2)Boom safety Limit switch

3)Boom Angle indicator and siren

4)Over hoist limit Switch

5) over load limit switch

6) front and reverse horn , light

Q66: Define safe working load [SWL]?

Ans : The breaking strength of rope divide by factor of safety give the SWL of rope.

Breaking strength of rope

SWL = Factor of safety

Q67: What is the rule of thumbs for determinate of SWL of rope ?

Ans The following rule of thumbs should to obtain an approximate SWL in KG .

SWL= 8*d2kg [d= rope dia in mm]

Q68: what are the deferent type of hitches? How does the method of slinging and the
sling angle affect the SWL of the rope ?

Ans : Three type of hitches are use during slinging operation .

1) Bridle hitch

2) Basket hitch

3) chocker hitch

Q69: What are the hazard of welding? What equipment is use during welding in
confined space and why it is used ?

Ans : Hazard associate with welding job are the following.

1) Electrocution .

2) Fire and explosion hazards

3) Ultraviolet [UV] radiation exposure

4) Fume and gases [oxygen depletion]


West guard is used during welding in confined space . it controls the voltage as more
than 24 volts is not allowed in confined space .

Q70: What are the colour of work permit , which is generally used in India ?

Ans : In India generally

Sr. Colors Generally As per OSHAS


1 Original copy BLUE For welding cutting as per OSEHAS

working at height COLD JOB

2 Original copy YELLOW For confined space as per OSHAS

entry Electric job

3 Original copy GREEN For confined space as per OSHAS

working Excavation

4 Original copy For Gas hazard job


5 Original copy RED For electrical power Hot job

6 Original copy ORANGE For radiography job

Q 71: What are the hazard s of gas cutting? What is the colour of oxygen cylinder and
D.A. cylinder?

Ans 1) Eye injury. , 2) Burn injury due to spark . , 3) Fire and Explosion.

4) Fall of cylinder. 5) Metallic fumes and smoke.

Colour of O2 Black , D.A .Cylinder is Red

Q72: What should be the pressure of acetylene gas during gas cutting ? At What distance
between O2 and acetylene should be stored?

Ans : Acetylene regular pressure shell not exceed 15 PSI .

Stored distance is 20 Feet.

Q73:At What distance oxygen cylinder should be stored from flammable or corrosive
material ?

Ans : At 15 mtr [50feet] distance .

Q 74: What should be the storing temperature?

Ans : Not more than 540c / 1300f .

Q:75: Why flashback flam arrestor is use in gas cutting torch ?

Ans: To prevent ignition of gas source upstream from the torch.

Q76: Why acetylene cylinder kept in upright ?

Ans : Acetylene is dissolved in acetone .When acetylene cylinder storage on its side , the
acetylene may separate from the acetone and become and can cause an internal
explosion .

Q78: What safety precaution should be taken during ionizing radiation [radiography] job?


1) Check the validity of radiography [ permit to use material /equipment producing

ionizing radiation ]

2) Ensure radiographer wear pocket dosimeters .

3) Calibration of detecting and monitoring equipment . these should be calibrated within

6 month .


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