What Do You Do in Community Immersion?: - Is Empowering The People Towards Development of The Locality
What Do You Do in Community Immersion?: - Is Empowering The People Towards Development of The Locality
What Do You Do in Community Immersion?: - Is Empowering The People Towards Development of The Locality
What It Is. Community immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and
communities where they will work immerse themselves in these settings. This gives them the
opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and the knowledge base of their profession and
to gain cultural competence.Mar 11, 2019
Definition of empowered
: having the knowledge, confidence, means, or ability to do things or make decisions
for oneself
Home visits.
Living with selected families.
Informal discussions with individuals or groups.
Sharing in household and community activities.
Attendance in social gatherings.
Assistance in production work.
Before I discuss the things on what we have done on our community immersion, let me first
give its definition:
Community immersion- is a version of service learning that is more integrated with student’s
passions and interests, is longer-term and is related to the on-going development of
community and social justice issues.
Whereas pulling debris from a river would be classified as community service, at EUACS an
explicit educational component - such as studying the causes of river pollution and how to
advocate for environmental policy reform- makes it community immersion learning.
Community immersion learning fulfills many of the school's goal s for students - becoming
involved citizens, learning through worthwhile tasks, and developing leadership, advocacy and
problem-solving skills.
Community Immersion (Service) learning is defined as a method; under which young people
learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized experiences that
meet actual community needs that are coordinated with the school and community; that is
integrated with specific learning objectives and provides structured time for youth to think,
talk, or write about what they did and saw during the actual service activity; that provides
young people with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real-life
situations in their own communities; that enhances what is taught in school by extending
student learning beyond the classroom and into the community; that is related to community
development and social justice; helps foster a sense of caring for others through direct
involvement; and That is supported by regular assessment to provide feedback and guide
improvement. Community Immersion-it is a strategy designed to cope up with the gap
between realities of public safety through learning and theoretical instruction, social strategy
and training to attain common goal or interest.
Community Immersion-it is a strategy designed to cope up with the gap between realities of
public safety through learning and theoretical instruction, social strategy and training to
attain common goal or interest.
We’ve conducted two type’s immersion, the school-based and the community- based
First, that we undertake is the school-based immersion last October 7, 2012 where in, we do
some cleaning such as cutting grass and collecting garbage and throwing it to its proper place.
We also plant okra vegetables in order to occupy the place we cleaned.
Then finally, we undertake our community-based immersion at Brgy. 13Catbalogan City. As
usual we did bring different cleaning materials then do the cleaningtheir place for the sake of
cleanliness because as what I observed to their barangay it seemsthat persons living there are
not aware of their cleanliness.
Indeed, such two immersion’s that we’ve undertaken is a great experience in my part.