Aman Bansal: Academic Qualifications
Aman Bansal: Academic Qualifications
Aman Bansal: Academic Qualifications
Academic Qualifications
Bachelor of Technology (Honours), IIT Bombay, Mumbai 2016 - Ongoing
{ Major : Computer Science and Engineering Current CPI (after 7 semesters) : 9.66/10
{ Advanced Topics : Virutualization and Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Concurrent and Parallel Program-
ming, Advanced Machine Learning, Network Security & Cryptography, Blockchain Technology
Garbage Collection Using a Finite Liveness Domain International Symposium on Memory Management 2020
Aman Bansal*, Saksham Goel*, Preey Shah*, Amitabha Sanyal, Prasanna Kumar
{ Designed a technique for static context-sensitive liveness analysis by exploiting recurring liveness patterns
{ Improved upon the standard algorithms in garbage reclamation and collection time by an order of magnitude
{ Extended the algorithm to work for higher order functions and obtained huge gains on real-world programs
* Sorted by last name
Haptik Pvt. Ltd. | Machine Learning Engineering Intern Nov 2019 - Jan 2020
{ Trained an ensemble model in PyTorch, by taking state-of-the-art NLP models and applying transfer learning, to
make the customer-facing virtual voice assistants intelligently predict when the user has stopped speaking
{ Augmented the training dataset with noise-added data-points to make the model robust to variations in speaking
{ Achieved an accuracy of around 85% on the test data and of over 75% on real-life chat data
Rubrik Inc. | Software Development Engineering Intern May 2019 - Jul 2019
{ Developed an end-to-end feature, as part of the Data Life Cycle Team, for implementing a user-configurable
behaviour of on-demand backups for every supported object without compromising efficiency
{ Creating optimized RESTful APIs for exposing the backend functionality to the UI/UX
INRIA Nancy, France | Research Intern | Guide: Prof. Steve Kremer May 2018 - July 2018
{ Studied about automated, symbolic verification techniques and operational semantics of applied pi calculus
{ Designed a simulator for interactively displaying attacks on protocols which violate the behavioural equivalence
Research Projects
Extending Foundations of Differential Privacy | Guide: Prof. Manoj Prabhakaran Jan 2019 - Ongoing
Submitted in Crypto ‘20
{ Proposed two new concepts, Robust Privacy and Flexible Accuracy along with their composition theorems, for
extending the notion of differential privacy to accommodate highly sensitive functions like maximum
{ Invented new mechanisms with optimal parameters and improved upon the state-of-the-art for such functions
Boolean Functional Systhesis | Guide: Prof. Supratik Chakraborty Bachelor’s Thesis | Ongoing
{ Examining the constraints under which factorization can be solved in P-time using a synNNF multiplication circuit
{ Proved that the conjunction of two synNNF circuits can lead to exponential blowup in time and size complexities
{ Studied and relaxed the conditions under which a boolean functional problem synthesis is in P/Poly class
Key Projects
Multi-PAXOS Consensus Protocol | Distributed Systems Autumn 2019
{ Programmed the nodes of a distributed system, who want to consistently update a common state, to run PAXOS
consensus protocol for the election of a leader node known to every other node in Java
{ Handled the unexpected failure of the leader node by a consistent re-election via PAXOS to achieve fault-tolerance
Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol | Computer Networks Spring 2018
{ Simulated the topology of network bridges as a distributed system of nodes, communicating via messages, in C++
{ Configured the nodes to run the protocol and agree upon a loop-less logical topology to prevent a broadcast storm
Secure Online Exam Portal | Database and Information Systems Autumn 2018
{ Developed a platform for optimizing exam conductance and correction using JDBC API with PostgreSQL
{ Safeguarded the web-pages against database attacks like SQL Injection and Cross-site scripting (XSS)
Parallelized Fast Fourier Transform | Parallel Programming Autumn 2019
{ Achieved a speed-up of around 80x in the execution time of the FFT algorithm on a GPU using CUDA in C++
{ Optimized the running time by shifting to an iterative algorithm which allowed extensive memory coalescing
Learning Latent Representation of Sound | Advanced Machine Learning Spring 2019
{ Used instantaneous frequency spectograms (ICLR‘19) as audio representations for developing auto-encoders
{ Trained Autoencoders and Beta-VAE on them for modelling latent space of samples in audioset dataset
Autonomous Teaching Assistant | Institute Technical Summer Project Summer 2017
{ Created a platform to frame questions from text corpus and grade answers using statistical NLP and (NLTK) library
{ Introduced Named Entity Recognition, Pronoun Resolution and Synonym/Antonym Detection for better results
D-RAM Addressing Attack on Intel i7 | Computer Architecture Autumn 2018
{ Directed a timing attack on Intel 7th gen i7 processor to reverse engineer the confidential DRAM address mappings
{ Established illicit inter-process communication through a covert channel by utilising the address mappings
EYE, The Interpreter that Visualises | Software Systems Lab Autumn 2017
{ Developed an interpreter in Python for a subset of C language with visual execution as a debugging tool
{ Displayed the memory layout (stack variables and heap data structures) after every statement execution
Other Projects
{ Virtualization in Linux: Studied KVM API and implemented multiple hypercalls in a simple hypervisor
{ Big Data Processing: Analysed sentiments in a large amount of data using RDD and Dataset in Spark
{ Chess Classic: Designed a chess AI engine using mini-max algorithm with alpha-beta prunning in Racket
{ Decentralized Application: Built a blockchain-based web-application for professional networking with verifiable
credentials, using Solidity to create smart contracts, and deployed on Ropsten Ethereum network
Technical Skills
C/C++ (Proficient), Python (Proficient), Scala, Java, JavaScript, Bash, SQL, Databases, Git, CUDA
Positions of Responsibility
Department Academic Mentor Apr 2018 - Apr 2019
{ Mentor to 6 sophomores for helping them cope up with the curriculum and solve their general concerns
Teaching Assistant IIT Bombay
{ Foundations of Data Structures - MOOC course { Design and Analysis of Algorithms (x2)
{ Data Structures and Algorithms (Theory + Lab) { Computer Programming and Utilisation - Core TA
Department Sports Secretary Apr 2017 - Mar 2018
{ Took initiative to organize and conduct 2 new department sports events apart from the expected 4 major leagues
{ Wrestle-AI: Secured first place in wrestle-AI competition for engineering an autonomous wrestling bot in arduino,
with line-following and wall-following capabilities, using IR and ultrasonic sensors 2017
{ Received certificate of merit for swimming for 8 hours straight covering 12 km in Swimmathon 2017
{ Successfully completed 80 hours under the National Service Scheme (NSS) which involved teaching science at
LCCWA (NGO) and powerpoint presentations about basic finance 2016-17