Tser Neil's On His Demonstration Teaching Grade Four (Science - 5e's Method)
Tser Neil's On His Demonstration Teaching Grade Four (Science - 5e's Method)
Tser Neil's On His Demonstration Teaching Grade Four (Science - 5e's Method)
Tser Neil's used the 5E's method in teaching the grade four students.
He used this method or strategies for to make he really get the attention of
his/her students also to make the performance of his/her students will be
increasing. And because it is the most effective method in teaching the
science subject.
The 5E's learning cycle that used by Tser Neil's in teaching have a 5
stages or sequences that undertake for the student to learn effectively. First
the engage, in this part Tser Neil's given a pictures to see by his students to
review but for prior knowledge. He post it in front of the class and then
asking different questions on his students to build the interest and
generates curiosity on their topic. The second stage is explore, in this stage
Tser Neil's given an activity on his students to help discover the concept of
the lesson. In this process of exploration the students skills development
occur because they form new understanding or ideas done during
exploration from the things they discovering and observing. Then the third
stage is the explain, in this stage the teacher allow his students to share
what they discovered in explore stage. He given different questions that
connect about the observation of the learner's and the new lesson. And
then after that he clarify his lesson and correct the students concepts about
their topic so as not to confuse the understanding of his students. The
fourth stage is Elaborate, in this stage the teacher tell additional
information about his lesson that was not discovered by his students and
then he explain the lesson briefly and completely to improve his students
skill. And then the last stage is Evaluate, in this stage the teacher will given
an activity sheet to his students to make he will know who really listening to
his discussion and who is not. And also he given an activity sheet or
assessment to see whether the learning objective was being able to meet
by the teacher or not. So in this stage it evaluates not only progression of
the students but also the teachers progression.
The 5E's method that used by Tser Neil's in teaching is really essential
on teaching science because it is a learner-centerd strategy that the
students engage into different task that might lead into their learning
development. It is a performance based activity in order for the students to
learn by their own and to discover or enhance their learning skill.