Manual EA888 GEN 3 Motor
Manual EA888 GEN 3 Motor
Manual EA888 GEN 3 Motor
Audi Academy
Audi of America, LLC
Service Training
Created in the U.S.A.
Created 5/2016
Course Number 920163
©2016 Audi of America, LLC
Always check Technical Bulletins and the latest electronic service repair
literature for information that may supersede any information included
in this booklet.
Service ............................................................................................. 2 5
Three-piece oil control rings .................................................................................................................................. 25
Maintenance ...................................... ...... ............... ..... ............... ..... ............... ...... ............... ..... ............... ..... ........... 25
Appendix ......................................................................................... 26
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................................26
This eSelf Study Program teaches a basic knowledge of the design and functions of new models,
new automotive components or technologies.
I Note
It is not a Repair Manual! All values given are intended as a guideline only.
For maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.
~ Reference
Two new 2.0l engines - representing the next evolutionary The Performance class 2 is similar in operating principle to
step forward - are being introduced by Audi. They derive the current 2.0l TFSI engine used in the North American
from the third generation EA888 engine family and are market on the 2016 Audi A4. This engine is not a B cycle
categorized as Generation 3 MLBevo engines. engine.
The 2.0l engines are members of separate performance Learning objectives of this eSelf-Study Program:
classes (a European rating system). The main difference
between the two engines is in the charge cycle and combus- After completion, you will be able to answer the following
tion process. questions:
The Performance class 1 engine is capable of operating on > What are the differences in terms of the engine
the Miller cycle. The Miller cycle was first patented in 1947. mechanicals compared with the third-generation
Audi premiered an engine based on the Miller cycle operat- engines?
ing principles at the Vienna Motor Symposium in May of
2015. It was hailed as the most fuel efficient gasoline > What are the new features of the lubrication,
engine in its class. charging, fuel and injection systems?
Development of the engine series
The EA113 or EA888 engine series has been used for many However, one of the engines from this series is also used in
years in a number of Audi models and provides a broad high performance models, such as the Audi 53.
basis for gasoline engine configurations. Development of
this engine series was principally focused on improving fuel Please note, not all of these configurations were used in
economy and reducing CO 2 emissions. the North American market.
Engine generation
ro EA113
> Innovative thermal management (ITM) system with Third Generation Audi l.8L and 2.0l
actuator for engine temperature control Engines from the EA888 Model
> Boost is provided by a turbocharger with electrical Family.
wastegate actuator
> Supersedes the l.8l variant
Innovative engine technologies are selectively combined For the North American Region, this engine will be used
and configured in such a way that displacement, power first in the 2017 Audi A4. Audi also plans to employ these
output, torque, fuel consumption and operating conditions engines in a number of Group vehicles in both longitudinal
are optimally balanced. and transverse configurations.
The new engines have all the fuel economy advantages of a The descriptions in this eSelf-Study Program refer to the
smaller engine in partial-load operation. At higher engine longitudinal engines in the 2017 Audi A4 at the start of
loads, they draw on the benefits of the high-displacement production.
engine. This provides an optimal combination of efficiency
and performance across the entire RPM range.
For further information about the first use of engines and the fuel system, please refer to eSelf-Study Program
990263. The 2017 A4 Introduction .
Features/ specifications
Performance class 1 engine JI 309.7 lbft (420 Nm) --.......,~-"""'!l'~-""'T--""T'--"'T'--"T""-..,......., 281.6 hp (210 kW)
in the 2017 Audi A4
Power output in hp (kW) 265. 5 lb ft (360 Nm) ---1---1---1-------4---...i~--~1------1 241.3 hp (180 kW)
Torque in lb ft (Nm)
Features Specifications
Oxygen sensor/knock control Adaptive oxygen sensor control, adaptive knock control
Exhaust gas treatment Close-coupled ceramic calatyst, oxygen sensors before and after catalytic converter
309. 7 lb ft (420 Nm) 281.6 hp (210 kW)
Performance class 2 engine JI
in the 2017 Audi A4
177 lbft (240 Nm) ,/ 160.9 hp (120 kW)
88.5 lb ft (120 Nm) I 80.4 hp (60 kW)
Features Specifications
Oxygen sensor/knock control Adaptive oxygen sensor control, adaptive knock control
Exhaust gas treatment Close-coupled ceramic calatyst, oxygen sensors before and after catalytic converter
Performance class 1 engine
(2.0T ultra)
The basis for the third-generation MLBevo 2.0l TFSI engine On the next two pages is a summary of the key similarities
is the 2.0l TFSI engine from the 2016 Audi A4. and differences between the previous 2.0l engine and the
MLBevo 2.0l TFSI engine of the 2017 A4.
Fuel system
> Pressure increase to 3626 psi (250 bar).
> Adaptation of the components in the high-pressure
Chain drive
> Longer guides.
> Non-circular sprocket for timing drive.
> Chain tensioner with lower tensioning force.
> Faster oil pump gear ratios, sprocket with 22 teeth (previously 24 teeth).
Engine management
> Bosch MED 17.1.10 system.
> New combustion process (B cycle).
> Use of a Mass Airflow Sensor.
Other modifications: Cylinder head
> Vacuum pump by Bosch. > Audi valvelift system (AVS) on the intake side.
> Smaller exhaust turbocharger, adapted thermodynamics. > Re-designed intake ports.
> New engine oil 0W-20 (compliant with VW 50800 and VW 50900). > Re-designed squish zones in the combustion chambers.
> Valve guide housings designed for optimal heat dissipation.
> Double-lip exhaust valve stem seals.
> Friction reduction measures.
> Pistons with modified crowns.
> Reduced main bearing diameter.
Performance class 2 engine
> The piston has the same geometry.
> The piston is made from the same material as in the 2015 Audi 53.
> 3-piece oil control ring.
EVAP system
> Increased air flow.
> Noise reduction measures.
Engine management
> Simas 18.4 system.
> Throttle valve with reduced air leakage.
> The throttle valve and the high-pressure fuel pump are supplied by Bosch.
> Engine Control Module communicates over the FlexRay bus system.
Oil supply
> Modified to create room for the use of electromechanical steering (ESP)
and the planned roll stabilization system.
> A non-return valve in the oil filter module allows maximum oil pressure to
build up more quickly at all lubrication points, especially when the engine
is cold. There is no non-return valve in the engine block or in the cylinder
> Increasing the oil volume between minimum and maximum oil levels
ensures that a sufficient volume of oil is available at the intake end of the
oil pump whenever the driver adopts an especially dynamic driving style.
Cylinder head
> Special alloys are used in order to allow for higher power output and the
resultant higher levels of thermal stress.
> The coolant jacket is now thicker.
> The valve gear has been modified by using sodium-filled exhaust valves,
which allow for higher power output and the resultant higher levels of
thermal stress.
> The exhaust turbocharger has been upgraded for temperature stability up
to 1743 °F (950 °().
Engine block
> The crankcase ventilation system has been re-routed across the balancer
> The modifications to the crankcase ventilation system necessitated direc-
tional installation of the piston cooling jets (refer to the current electronic
service information).
Engine mechanicals
When work began on the development of the crankshaft, There are several differences between the Performance
the focus was on reducing friction and weight. class 1 and 2 engines. These are explained below.
> Adapted piston crowns
Piston rings
> 3-piece oil control ring
> Reduced bearing diameter
in Performance class 1 engine (2.0T ultra)
.71 Refer to "Glossary" on page 26.
The main bearings of the Performance class 2 engine have Fewer counterweights on the Performance class 1 engine
the same diameter as in the third-generation EA888 results in further weight savings.
engine. Also, they are the same size as in the previous
l.Bl TFSI engine (used only in Europe).
645_025 645_023
These components for the Performance class 2 engine The enlarged squish zones enhance the swirling action of
have, to the greatest possible extent, been adopted from the fuel/air mixture inside the cylinder. Accordingly, use is
the predecessor engine. Only the piston rings have been made of shaped valve recesses in the piston crowns.
modified. A 3-piece oil control ring is now used (refer to
"3-piece oil control ring" on page 25). The intake and exhaust valves also have slightly longer
stems. However, the diameter of the exhaust valves is
Further modifications were made to the Performance class unchanged.
1 engine due to the higher compression levels and the new
B cycle combustion process.
Squish zone
Engine block
Because the Audi valvelift system (AVS) was relocated to the A slotted sleeve which allows through-flow of the blow-by
intake side of the Performance class 1 engine, it was neces- gases is integrated in the balancer shaft housing.
sary to adapt the positive crankcase ventilation system.
Instead of the previous extraction points in the crankcase The rotation of the balancer shaft creates a centrifugal
chambers of cylinders 3 and 4, the blow-by gases .71 are now effect that ensures a large proportion of the oil is separated
extracted from the crankcase chambers in the area of cylin- from the blow-by gases (coarse oil separator) and flows
ders 1 and 2. The blow-by gases flow from here into the back into the oil pan. The flow path of the blow-by gases to
housing of a balancer shaft. the fine oil separator module on the cylinder head is identi-
cal to that of the third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine.
Slotted sleeve Blow-by gases in the Blow-by gas intake points in the
engine block crankcase chamber of cylinders 1
and 2
.71 Refer to "Glossary" on page 26.
For more information about the fine oil separator module and how it works, please refer to Self-Study Program
920243. The Audi l.8l and 2.0l Third Generation EA888 Engines.
Piston cooling jets
As shown, on the previous pages, the Performance class 1 Previously, a contact edge was used to position the piston
engine uses a modified crankcase ventilation system where cooling jets. For this reason, care must be taken to ensure
the blow-by gases flow around one of the balancer shafts. that the piston cooling jets are exactly aligned during
Because of this, it was also necessary to make changes to installation in the new engine.
the manufacturing of the engine block.
For further information about installation of the piston jets, please refer to the electronic service information.
All modifications and new features described below refer to the Performance class 1 (B cycle) engine only.
Refer to the manufacturer's specifications with regard to the new engine oil. The oil viscosity and the oil standards specified
in the current maintenance chart must always be observed.
Cylinder head
The cylinder head of the Performance class 2 engine is to a This was necessary to implement the new B cycle combus-
large extent a carry-over from the third-generation 2.0l. tion process. In addition, this has improved running refine-
However, a number of modifications have been made to the ment and reduced knock tendency.
cylinder head of the Performance class 1 (B cycle) engine.
> The Audi valve lift system (AVS) has been moved to the > FSI injectors are positioned closer to the combustion
intake side. chambers.
> The cylinder head cover has been adapted to accommo- > The intake ports have been redesigned, that is, made
date the new installation position of the Audi valvelift straighter, to optimize charging motion.
system (AVS).
> The positions of the spark plug and high-pressure injec-
> The compression ratio has been increased from 9.6:1 to tor as well as the shape of the piston have been adapted
11.7:1 by reducing the volume of the compression to the new combustion chamber design.
> Valve guide housings, modified for better heat dissipation.
> Modified squish zones in the combustion chamber.
> Lowering of combustion chamber ceiling by 9 mm. > Double-lip exhaust valve stem seals.
> Modified piston shape.
Cam Adjustment
Actuators 1 - 8,
F366 - F373
Intake ports
Cylinder head cover and camshafts
The B cycle engine uses an adapted cylinder head cover to adjustment actuators of the Audi valve lift system (AVS) are
suit the new installation position of the Audi valvelift located on the intake side of the cover.
system (AVS). As a result, the connections for the cam
645_047 645_046
For more general information about how the Audi valvelift system (AVS) works, please refer to eSelf-Study Program
922903 The 2.0l 4VTFSI Engine with AVS.
Chain drive
(Performance class 1 engine only)
The basic configuration of the chain drive has, to a large Even more extensive modifications were made in the case
extent, been adopted from the third-generation engine. of the Performance class 1 engine.Here is a summary of the
However, it too has been systematically improved. Due to various ind ivid ua l modifications.
the further reduction in friction loss, less power input is
required to drive the chain drive.
Chain guide
The guide rail directs the chain between the two camshaft
gears. It has very little contact with the chain. To provide
skip protection, the guide rail has been extended and is
bolted onto the cylinder head cover.
Guide rail
A skip guard is attached to both ends of the guide rail. This
precaution has already been incorporated into series pro-
duction of the third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine.
Balancer shaft drive
The balancer shaft drive incorporates the following friction- > Narrower chain design and reduction in number of
reducing modifications. chain links from 96 to 94.
> Layout with fewer deflections.
> New clamping rail and guide rails.
> New sprockets.
> Chain damper with softer damping.
The gear ratios have been modified so the oil pump now
runs more quickly. The sprocket now has 22 teeth instead
of the previous 24. This modification was necessary to
ensure that all lubrication points are reliably supplied with
the new 0W-20 specification engine oil.
Engine management
Combustion process
For the first time in an Audi, the Performance class 1 In the early years of combustion engine development
engine (B cycle) utilizes a new combustion process. One of similar efforts were undertaken to improve the efficiency of
the primary objectives was to improve fuel economy. This is gasoline engines, resulting, for instance, in the Atkinson
essentially accomplished by shortening the compression and Miller cycles.
Atkinson cycle
As early as 1882 James Atkinson unveiled an engine The piston travels less distance during the working and
designed to significantly increase the thermal efficiency of exhaust cycles than during the intake and compression
the internal combustion engine while circumventing cycles. Intake valve closing is retarded during the compres-
patents on the four-stroke engine by Nicolaus August Otto. sion stroke. An advantage is that the higher expansion ratio
increases efficiency. The working stroke takes longer
In Atkinson's engine, all four strokes are performed by a thereby minimizing the amount of waste heat in the
specially designed crank mechanism within a single crank- exhaust gases.
shaft cycle. The fact that the crankshaft must produce two
upward movements of the pistons to achieve this allowed However, there is a drawback in that relatively little torque
Atkinson to use piston strokes of different lengths. He took is available at low rpm. The Atkinson engine needs to be
advantage of this difference to create a shorter compres- running at a relatively high speed before it can reliably
sion stroke and a longer expansion stroke (working stroke). deliver power. The Atkinson cycle (as originally conceived by
The crankshaft mechanism is designed in such a way that Atkinson) is also very difficult to implement because of the
the compression ratio is smaller than the expansion ratio. complex crankshaft mechanism geometry.
645_035 645_036
Miller cycle
Another option for changing the compression and expan- distance above its bottom-most position: at around 20% to
sion ratios is the Miller cycle. The inventor Ralph Miller took 30% of the total piston travel of its upward stroke. The
out a patent on this principle in 1947. piston actually compresses the fuel-air mixture only during
the latter 70% to 80% of the compression stroke. During
His aim was to transfer the principles of the Atkinson cycle the initial part of the compression stroke, the piston
to conventional crankshaft engines in order to utilize the pushes part of the fuel-air mixture through the still-open
beneficial effects, while eliminating the complex crankshaft intake valve, and back into the intake manifold.
To date, the Miller cycle has mainly been used in the
In the Miller cycle engine, the piston begins to compress engines of several Asian vehicle manufacturers.
the fuel-air mixture only after the intake valve closes. The
intake valve closes after the piston has traveled a certain
Basic principle
A special valve gear control system is used in engines oper- In the intake stroke in particular, this has the following
ating on the Miller cycle principle. effects:
> Less air intake.
Its primary function is to close the intake valves earlier
than a conventional gasoline engine at partial load opera- > Compression pressure is roughly the same.
tion and later at full load operation.
> Lower compression ratio.
Advantages Drawbacks
> Varying the valve opening times increases the expansion > Less torque at low engine speeds. This can, for example,
ratio, allows throttle-free load control and therefore be compensated by turbocharging.
significantly increases efficiency.
> Less efficiency due to the lower effective compression
> A lower compression ratio means fewer Oxides of ratio. This can be compensated by turbocharging and
Nitrogen in the exhaust gases. charge air cooling.
> The charging temperature is lower. > At least one camshaft phasing adjustment is required.
The new Audi B cycle combustion process
The new combustion process of the Audi B cycle engine is This combustion process is known as a "combustion process
basically a modified Miller cycle. This provides better fuel with extended expansion phase" or "B cycle". Strictly speak-
economy than the equivalent third-generation l.Bl TFSI ing, it is not so much that the expansion phase is extended
engine, although friction within the engine is higher due to as that the compression phase is shorter.
the larger engine displacement.
The term "extended expansion phase" would only apply if
The valve opening times on the intake side are controlled by one were to compare this combustion process with that of a
the Audi valve lift system (AVS). The AVS switches to a cam- low-displacement engine, which achieves a similar degree
shaft profile that provides alternate valve opening times of fresh gas compression with a reduced overall stroke.
(earlier closing of the intake valves) and less valve lift.
There are two cam profiles available for each intake valve.
The cam profiles control the timing, lift and duration of the
intake valve opening. They are adapted to the required
. ,
The new B cycle combustion process by Audi is
characterized by the following features:
> Activation in the partial-load range of the engine. > Higher geometric compression ratio.
> Shorter compression phase (similar to Miller cycle). > Modified combustion chamber design (squish zone, valve
> Expansion ratio is higher than compression ratio (similar diameter, piston design).
to Miller cycle). > Modified cylinder head intake port (to create swirl).
The diagrams below show the piston position at the intake They show the position of the piston at the intake closing
closing point for the third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine point (hV = 1.0 mm) in a third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine
using the conventional combustion process and the 2.0T compared with the 2.0T ultra engine at an engine speed of
ultra engine using the new B cycle combustion process. 2000 rpm and at an effective mean pressure (Pm.) of
approximately 87 psi (6 bar).
Third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine with 2.0T ultra engine with new B cycle
conventional combustion process combustion process
Intake valve closes at 20° crank angle in Intake valve closes at 70° crank angle in
advance of BDC advance of BDC
Medi M di
Find out more about the modifications Find out more about the modifications
to the cylinder head. to the overall engine.
Processes inside the cylinder
The piston moves from TDC to BDC.
The piston moves from BDC to TDC.
The piston moves from BDC to TDC.
Operating strategies
Engine start The intake camshaft is operating with the short cam profile (represented in green on illustration 645_052
on page 20) that is, short lift and short intake phase with 140° crank angle as well as short intake valve
opening time. Fuel is injected during the start phase in the compression stroke and/or intake stroke
(single, multiple), depending on engine temperature.
Warm-up phase Fuel straight injection (F5I) is carried out once or twice up to a coolant temperature of 158 °F (70 °C).
Engine running at Depending on load demand in the B cycle or the full throttle map.
normal operating
In the B cycle > The B cycle combustion process is active at idle and in the partial-load range.
> The intake camshaft uses the smaller cam profile.
> The intake manifold flaps are only activated in the low-load range.
> The throttle valve is wide open.
Charge pressure is increased (up to 31.9 psi (2.2 bar) absolute). This allows optimal charging of the cyl-
inders with fresh gas during the short intake valve opening time.
Full throttle map > The intake camshaft is switched to the large cam profile by the Audi valvelift system (AV5). A 170° crank
angle intake phase is now implemented.
> The intake manifold flaps are open in the full throttle range.
Depending on the characteristic map, up to three injections are possible. The amount of fuel injected
and the injection timings are variable.
> The throttle valve now switches to normal operating mode.
u I I
320 Nm 140kW
I I ~
I - ,. _ ,- - - ,._
' .._.
l>& r
8"' 1<4
u •
w ;
Cl) Low pn ssure se1 ing Hig pressur setting
t!Cl) :(I
~ I
Intake manifold flaps and Audi valvelift system (AVS)
320 Nm 140kW
I ""
' "'!iii
AVSwi h short alve lift AV IS with lo ng valve ift
' ~"'·
~ l~
- m-
:ll 10
• '-ii i Ii ii • • - ii iii
iii!iiiii!ii • iii ii ii iiiiiiiiil ii ii iii ! iitiiiiiii!lii
-- -- -- - .
•••.,,"":, :.a
·"". r.•::i .• . .. I
Engine speed [rpm]
Assembly notes
Make sure that the expander springs are correctly posi- To simplify checking, both ends of the springs have color
tioned during assembly. This is particularly important when markings. The expander springs must not be overlapping as
using pistons supplied with rings already installed. It is otherwise the oil control ring will not function properly. The
possible that the spring ends may have slipped over one joints of the three-piece oil control ring must be installed
another. rotated through 120°.
- - - - - - -
Spacer and
- ~
expander spring
I• Note
Always follow the instructions in the current electronic service information when installing the oil control rings on the piston .
Cl) Cl)
Ol Ol
..c "'u
u ·a Cl)
u ·a Cl)
·;;: ..c ·;;: ..c ·;;:
+- +-
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"§: cii
Cl) C Cl) C Cl)
Ol 0 Ol 0 Ol
BCl) "'u
BCl) "'u
Cl. Cl.
V, V,
6 .s 6 .s 6
10,000 miles/ 20,000 miles/ 30,000 miles/ 40,000 miles/ 50,000 miles/
1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
I• Note
The specifications in the current service literature apply and are market dependent .
When the engine is running, blow-by gases flow from the In the Federal Republic of Germany mobile working
combustion chamber and past the piston into the crank- machines are subdivided into Performance classes accord-
case. This is due to the high pressure inside the combustion ing to the Federal Emission Control Act (regulations on
chamber and the normal leakage that occurs around the emission limits for internal combustion engines) and the
piston rings. Blow-by gases are extracted from the crank- guidelines of the European Parliament.
case by the positive crankcase ventilation system and re-ad-
mitted into the combustion chamber. Levels I, II, IIIA, IIIB and IV as well as Performance classes
19 kW - 3 6 kW, 3 7 kW - 5 5 kW, 5 6 kW - 7 4 kW, 7 5 kW
JI Cracked connecting rod - 129 kW and 130 kW- 560 kW are differentiated by
This term derives from the method by which the connecting variable and non-variable engine speed.
rod is manufactured. The large end of the connecting rod is
fractured in a controlled cracking process. The advantage of
this process is that it provides an exact fit and a high JI MPI
degree of joining accuracy so only these two parts fit
together perfectly. MPI is the abbreviation for Multi Point Injection, an injec-
tion system for gasoline engines where fuel is injected into
the intake manifold upstream of the injectors. In some
engines it is used in combination with the FSI direct injec-
tion system.
~ - - - - - - - Pre-determined breaking
MPI injector
FSI is the abbreviation for Fuel Straight Injection, a tech-
nology used by Audi for direct fuel inejection into the com-
bustion chamber in gasoline engines. Fuel is injected at
pressures of up to 2900 psi (250 bar).
Self-Study Programs
For more information about the technology of the EA888 series engines, please refer to the following:
SSP 920153
Audi B aa l ca of En g in e Te chnology SSP 922903
Audi Basics of Engine Technology
The 2.0L 4V TFSI Engine with AVS
> Basic information about the engine
> Audi valve lift system (AVS)
mechanicals and subsystems
SSP 920243
SSP 990263
Third Generation Audi 1.81 and 2.01
Th e 20 1 7 A 4 In troduction
The 2017 A4 Introduction Th e A\Jdl l.B l a nd 2.0L Third G e n e r a tion
EA 8 B8 En!iJln ••
Engines from the EA888 Model Family
> Fuel system
> Turbocharging
> Engine mechanicals
> High and low pressure fuel system
Knowledge assessment
An On-Line Knowledge Assessment (exam) is Available for this eSelf-Study Program.
Click on the Course Catalog Search and select "920163 -Audi Third Generation 2.0l Engines"
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which is located under the "Support" tab or the "Contact Us" tab of the Academy CRC.
Thank you for reading this eSelf-Study Program and taking the assessment.
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