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1. Which is the primary goal of enterprise based on net profit A.

For people to attain their

community health nursing? D. Sex and age composition of birthrights and longevity
employees B. For promotion of health and
A. To support and supplement the prevention and diseases
efforts of the medical profession in 5. A business firm must C. For people to have access to
the promotion of health and employ an occupational health basic health services
prevention of nurse when it has at least how D. For people to be organized in
B. To enhance the capacity of many employees. their health efforts
individuals, families and
communities to cope with their A. 21 10. We say that a Filipino has
health needs B. 101 attained longevity when he is
C. To increase the productivity of C. 201 able to reach the average life
the people by providing them with D. 301 span of Filipinos. What other
services that will increase their statistic may be used to
level of health 6. When the occupational determine attainment of
D. To contribute to national health nurse employs longevity?
development through promotion ergonomic principles, she is
of family welfare, focusing performing which of her roles? A. Age-specific mortality rate
particularly on mothers and B. Proportionate mortality rate
children C. Swaroop's index
A. Health care provider D. Case fatality rate
2. CHN is a community-based B. Health educator
practice. Which best explains C. Health care coordinator 11. Which of the following is
this statement? D. Environment manager the most prominent feature of
public health nursing?
A. The service is provided in the 7. A garment factory does not
natural environment of people have an occupational nurse. A. It involves providing home care
B. The nurse has to conduct Who shall provide the to sick people who are not
community diagnosis to occupational health needs of confined in the hospital
determine nursing needs and the factory workers? B. Services are provided free of
problems charge to people within the
C. The service are based on the A. Occupational health nurse at catchment area
available resources within the the Provincial Health Office C. The public health nurse
community B. Physician employed by the functions as part of a team
D. Priority setting is based on the factory providing a public health nursing
magnitude of the health problems C. Public Health nurse of the RHU service
identified of their municipality D. Public health nursing focuses
D. Rural Sanitary inspector of the on preventive, not curative
3. Population- focused nursing RHU in their municipality services
practice requires which of the
following processes? 8. "Public health services are 12. According to Margaret
given free of charge". Is this Shetland, the philosophy of
A. Community organizing . statement true or false? public health nursing is based
B. Nursing, process on which of the following?
C. Community diagnosis A. The statement is true; it is the
D. Epidemiologic process responsibility of government to A. Health and longevity as
provide haste services birthrights
4. RA 1054 is also known as B. The statement is false; people B. The mandate of the state to
the Occupational Health Act. pay indirectly for public health protect the birthrights of its
Aside from the number of services citizens
employees, what other factor C. The statement may be true or C. Public health nursing as a
must be considered in false; depending on the Specific specialized field of nursing
determining the occupational service required D. The worth and dignity of man
health privileges to which the D. The statement may be true or
workers will be entitled? false; depending on policies of the 13. Which of the following is
government concerned. the mission of the Department
A. Type of occupation,: of Health?
agriculture, commercial, industrial 9. According to C.E. Winslow,
B. Location of the workplace in which of the following is the A. Health for all Filipinos
relation to health facilities goal of Public Health? B. Ensure the accessibility and
C. Classification of the business quality of health
C. Improve the general health B. Provincial Health Office A. Public health nurse
status of the population C. Regional Health Office B. Rural health midwife
D. Health in the hands of the D. Rural Health Unit C. Municipal health officer
Filipino people by the year 2020 D. Any of these health
19. RA 7160 mandates professionals
14. Region IV Hospital is devolution of basic services
classified as what level of from the national government 24. You are the public health
facility? to local government units. nurse in a municipality with a
Which of the following is the total population of about
A. Primary major goal of devolution? 20,000. There are3 health
B. Secondary midwives among the RHU
C. Intermediate A. To strengthen local government personnel. How many more
D. Tertiary units midwife items will the RHU
B. To allow greater autonomy to need?
15. What is true of primary local government units.
facilities? C. To empower the people and A. 1
promote their self-reliance B. 2
A. They are usually government- D. To make basic services more C. 3
run accessible to the people D. 4
B. Their services are provided on
an out-patient basis 20. Who is the Chairman of the 25. If the RHU needs
C. They are training facilities for
Municipal Health Board? additional midwife items, you
health professionals will submit the request for
D. A community hospital is an A. Mayor additional midwife items for
example of this level of health B. Municipal Health Officer approval to the:
facilities C. Public Health Nurse
D. Any qualified physician A. Rural Health Unit
16. Which is an example of the B. District Health Office
school nurse's health care 21. Which level of health C. Provincial Health Office
provider function? facility is the usual point of D. Municipal Health Board
entry of a client into the
A. Requesting for BCG from the health care delivery system? 26. As an epidemiologist, the
RHU for school entrance nurse is responsible for
immunization A. Primary reporting cases or notifiable
B. Conducting random classroom B. Secondary diseases. What law mandates
inspection during measles C. Intermediate reporting cases of notifiable
epidemic D. Tertiary diseases?
C. Taking remedial action on an
accident hazard in the school 22. The public health nurse is A. Act 3573
playground the supervisor of rural health B. RA.3753
D. Observing places in the school midwives. Which of the C. RA 1054
where pupils spend their free following is a supervisory D. RA 1082
times function of the pubic health
nurse? 27. According to Freeman and
17. When the nurse Heinrich, community health
determines whether resources A. Referring cases or patients to nursing is a developmental
were maximized in the midwife service. Which of the following
implementing Ligtas Tigdas, B. Providing technical guidance to best illustrates this
she is evaluating: the midwife statement?
C. Proving nursing care to cases
A. Effectiveness referred by the midwife A. The community health nurse
B. Efficiency D. Formulating and implementing continuously develops himself
C. Adequacy training programs for midwives personally and professionally
D. Appropriateness B. Health education and
23. One of the participants in community organizing are
18. You are a new B.S.N. a hilot training class asked necessary in providing community
graduate. You want to become you to whom she should refer health services
a Public Health Nurse. Where a patient in labor who C. Community health nursing in
will you apply? develops a complication. You intended primarily for health
will answer, to the; promotion and prevention and
A. Department of Health treatment of disease.
D. The goal of community health C. To maximize the community's the delos Reyes family has
nursing is to provide nursing resources in dealing with health been diagnosed as mentally
services to people in their own problems retarded. This is classified as:
place of .residence
33. An indicator of success in A. Health threat
28. Which disease was community organizing is when B. Health deficit
declared through Presidential people are able to: C. Foreseeable crisis
Proclamation No. 4 as a target D. Stress point
for, eradication in the A. Participate in community
Philippines? activities for the solution of a 39. The delos Reyes coupled
community problem have 6-year old child entering
A. Pioliomyelitis B. Implement activities for the school for the first time. The
B. Measles solution of the community delos Reyes family has a:
C. Rabies problem
D. Neonatal Tetanus C. Plan activities for the solution of A. Health threat
the community problem B. Health deficit
29. The public health nurse is D. Identify the health problem as a C. Foreseeable crisis
responsible for presenting the common concern D. Stress point
municipal health statistics
using graphs and tables. To 34. Tertiary prevention is 40. Which of the following is
compare the frequency of the needed in which stage of the an advantage of a home visit?
leading causes of mortality in natural history of disease?
the municipality, which graph A. It allows the nurse to provide
will you prepare? A. Pre-pathogenesis nursing care to a greater number
B. Pathogenesis of people
A. Line C. Predromal B. It provides an opportunity to do
B. Bar D. Terminal first hand appraisal of the home
C. Pie situation
D. Scatter diagram 35. Isolation of a child with C. It allows sharing of experience
measles belongs to what level among people with similar health
30. Which step in community of prevention? problems
organizing involves training of D. It develops the family's
potential leaders in the A. Primary initiative in providing for health
community? B. Secondary needs of its members
C. Intermediate
A. Integration D. Tertiary 41. Which is CONTRARY to the
B. Community organization principles in planning a home
C. Community study 36. On the other hand, visit?
D. Core group formation Operation Timbang is_____
prevention? A. A home visit should have a
31. In which step are plans purpose of objective
formulated for solving A. Primary B. The plan should revolve around
community problems? B. Secondary the family health .needs
C. Intermediate C. A home visit should be
A. Mobilization D. Tertiary conducted in the manner
B. Community organization prescribed by RHU
C. Follow-up/extension 37. Which type of family-nurse D. Planning of continuing care
D. Core group formation contact will provide you with should involve a responsible-
the best opportunity to family member
32. The public health nurse observe family dynamics?
takes an active role in 42. The PHN bag is an
community participation. A. Clinic consultation important tool in providing
What is the primary goal of B. Group conferences nursing care during a home
community organizing? C. Home visit visit. The most important
D. Written communication principle in bag technique
A. To educate the people states that it;
regarding community health 38. The typology of family
problems nursing problems is used in A. Should save time and effort
B. To mobilize the people to the statement of nursing B. Should minimize if not totally
resolve community health diagnosis in the care of prevent the spread of infection
problems families. The youngest child of C. Should not overshadow concern
for the patient and his family the nurse during an epidemic? increases towards the end of
D. May be done in variety of ways the rainy season. This pattern
depending on the home situation, of occurrence of Dengue fever
etc. A Conducting assessment of is best described as;
suspected cases to detect the
43. To maintain the communicable diseases A. Epidemic occurrence
cleanliness of the bag and its B. Monitoring the condition of the B. Cyclical variation
contents, which of the cases affected by the C. Sporadic occurrence
following must the nurse do? communicable disease D. Secular occurrence
C. Participating in the
A. Wash his/her hands before and investigation to determine the 51. In the year 1980, the
after providing nursing care to the source of epidemic World Health Organization
family members D. Teaching the community on declared the Philippines,
B. In the care of family member's, preventive measures against the together with some other
as much as possible, use only disease countries in the Western
articles taken from the bag Pacific Region, “free" of which
C. Put on an apron to protect her 47. The primary purpose of disease?
uniform and fold it with the right conducting an epidemiologic
side out before putting it back into investigation is to; A. Pneumonic plaque
the bag. B. Poliomyelitis
D. At the end of the visit, fold the A. Delineate the etiology of the C. Small pox
lining on which the bag was epidemic D. Anthrax
placed, ensuring that the B. Encourage cooperation and
contaminated side is on the support of the community 52. In the census of the
outside. C. Identify groups who are at risk Philippines in 1995, there
of contracting the disease were about 35,299,000 males
44. The public health conducts D. Identify geographical location and about 34,968,000
a study on the factors of cases of the disease in the females. What is the sex ratio?
contributing to the high community
morality rate due to heart A. 99.06:100
diseases in the municipality 48. Which is a characteristic of B. 100.94:100
where she works. Which person-to-person propagated C. 50.23%
branch of epidemiology does epidemic? D. 49.76%
the nurse practice in this
situation? A. There are more cases of the 53. Primary health care is a
disease than expected total approach to community
A. Descriptive B. The disease must necessarily development. Which of the
B. Analytical be transmitted through a vector following is an indicator of
C. Therapeutic C. The spread of the disease can success in the use of the
D. Evaluation be attributed to a common vehicle primary health care approach?

45. Which of the following is a D. There is gradual build up of

function of epidemiology? cases before we epidemic A. Health services are provided
becomes easily noticeable free of charge to individuals and
A. Identifying the disease families
condition based on manifestations 49. In the investigation of an B. Local officials are empowered
presented by a client epidemic, you compare the as the major decision makers in
B. Determining factors that present frequency of the matters of health
contributed to the occurrence of disease with the usual C. Health workers are able too
pneumonia in a 3 year old frequency at this time of the provide care based on identified
C. Determining the efficacy of the year in this community. This is health needs of the people
antibiotic used in the treatment of done during which stage of D. Health programs are sustained
the 3 year old client with the investigation? according to the level of
pneumonia development of the community
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of A. Establishing the epidemic
the implementation of the B. Testing the hypothesis 54. Sputum examination is the
Integrated Management of C. Formulation of the hypothesis major screening tool for
Childhood Illness D. Appraisal of facts pulmonary tuberculosis.
Clients would sometimes get
46. Which of the following is 50. The number of cases of false negative results in this
an epidemiologic function of Dengue fever usually exam. This means that the
test is not perfect in terms of 60. The municipality assigned health problem, you decided
which characteristic of a to you has a population of to conduct nutritional
diagnostic examination? about 20/000. Estimate the assessment. What population
number of 1-4 year old is particularly susceptible to
A. Effectiveness children who be given Retinol protein energy malnutrition
B. Efficacy capsule 200.000 every 6 (PEM)?
C. Specificity months.
D. Sensitivity A. Pregnant women and the
A. 1,500 elderly
55. Use of appropriate B. 1,800 B. Under 5 year old children
technology requires C. 2,000 C. 1-4 year old children
knowledge of indigenous D. 2,300 D. School age children
technology. Which medical
herb is given for fever, 61. Estimate the number of 66. Which statistic can give
headache and cough? pregnant women who will be the most accurate reflection of
given tetanus toxoid during an the health status of a
A. Sambong immunization outreach community?
B. Tsaang gubat activity in a barangay with a
C. Akapulko population of about 1,500. A. 1-4 year old age-specific
D. Lagundi mortality rate
A. 265 B. Infant mortality rate
56. What law created the B. 300 C. Swaroop's index
Philippine institute of C. 375 D. Crude death rate
Traditional and Alternative D. 400
Health Care? 67. In the past year, Barangay
62. To describe the sex A had an average population
A. RA 8483 composition of the population, of 1655. 46 babies were born
B. RA4823 which demographic tool may in that year, 2 of whom died
C. RA 2483 be used? less than 4 weeks after they
D. RA 3482 were born. They were 4
A. Sex ratio recorded stillbirths. What is
57. In traditional Chinese B. Sex proportion the neonatal mortality rate?
medicine, the yielding, C. Population pyramid
negative and feminine force is D. Any of these maybe used A. 27.8/1000
termed: B. 43.5/1000
63. Which of the following is a C. 86.9/1000
A. Yin natality rate? D. 130.4/1000
B. Yang
C. Qi A. Crude birth rate 68. Which statistic best
D. Chai B. Neonatal mortality rate reflects the nutritional status
C. Infant mortality rate of a population?
58. What is the legal basis of D. General fertility rate
Primary Health Care approach A. 1-4 year old age-specific
in the Philippines? 64. You are computing the mortality rate
crude rate of your B. Proportionate mortality rate
A. Alma Ata Declaration of PHC municipality, with a total C. Infant mortality rate
B. Letter of Instruction No 949 population o about 18,000 for D. Swaroop's index
C. Presidential Decree No. 147 last year. There were 94
D. Presidential Decree 996 deaths. Among those who 69. What numerator is used in
died, 20 died because of computing general fertility
59. Which of the following diseases of the heart and 32 rate?
demonstrates inter-sectoral were aged 50 years or older.
linkages? What is the crude death rate? A. Estimated midyear population
B. Number of registered live births
A. Two-way referral system A. 4.1/1000
B. Team approach B. 5.2/1000 C. Number of pregnancies in the
C. Endorsement done by a C. 6.3/1000 year
midwife to another midwife D. 7.3/1000 D. Number of females of
D. Cooperation between PHN and reproductive age
public school teacher 65. Knowing that malnutrition
is a frequent community 70. You will gather data for
nutritional assessment of a C. RA 3753 Philippines. Which of the
purok. You will gather D. RA 3375 following illustrates this
information only from families principle?
with members who belong to 75. Which of the following
the target population for PEM. professionals can sign the A. Information dissemination
What method of delta birth certificate? about the need for family planning
gathering is best for this
purpose? A. Public health nurse B. Support of research and
B. Rural health midwife development in family planning
A. Census C. Municipal health officer methods
B. Survey D. Any of these health C. Adequate information for
C. Record Review professionals couples regarding the different
D. Review of civil registry methods
76. Which criterion in priority D. Encouragement of couples to
71. In the conduct of a census, setting of health problems is take family planning as a joint
the method of population used only in community health responsibility
assignment based on the care?
actual physical location of the 80. A woman, 6 months
people is termed; A. Modifiability of the problem pregnant, came to the center
B. Nature of the problem for consultation. Which of the
A. De jure presented following substances is
B. De locus C. Magnitude of the health contraindicated?
C. De facto problem
D. De novo D. Preventive potential of the A. Tetanus toxoid
health problem B. Retinol 200,000 IU
72. The Field Health Services C. Ferrous sulfate 200mg
and information System 77. The Sentrong Sigla D. Potassium iodate 200 mg,
(FHSIS) is the recording and Movement has been launched capsule
reporting system in public to improve health service
health) care in the Philippines. delivery. Which of the 81. During prenatal
The monthly field health following is/are true of this consultation, a client asked
service activity report is a movement? you if she can have her
form used in which of the delivery at home. After history
components of the FHSIS? A. This is a project spearheaded taking and physical
by local government units examination, you advised her
A. Tally report B. It is a basis for increasing against a home delivery.
B. Output report funding from local government Which of the following
C. Target/client list units findings disqualifies her for a
D. Individual health record C. It encourages health centers to home delivery?
focus on disease prevention and
73. To monitor clients control A. Her OB score is G5P3
registered in long-term D. Its main strategy is certification B. She has some palmar pallor
regimens, such as the Multi- of health centers able to comply C. Her blood pressure is 130/80
Drug Therapy, which with standards D. Her baby is in cephalic
component will be most presentation
useful? 78. Which of the following
women should be considered 82. Inadequate intake by the
A. Tally report as special targets for family pregnant woman of which
B. Output report planning? vitamin may cause neural tube
C. Target/client list A. Those who have two children or defects?
D. Individual health record more
B. Those with medical conditions A. Niacin
74. Civil registries are such as anemia B. Riboflavin
important sources of data. C. Those younger than 20 years C. Folic Acid
Which law requires and older than 35 years D. Thiamine
registration of births within 30 D. Those who just had a delivery
days from the occurrence of within the past 15 months 83. You are in a client's home
the birth? to attend to a delivery. Which
79. Freedom of choice in one of the following will you do
A. PD 651 of the policies of the Family first?
B. Act 3573 Planning Program of the
A. Set up a sterile area of the baby's nutrient needs B. OPV1
B. Put on a clean gown and apron only up to: C. Infant BCG
C. Cleanse the client's vulva with D. Hepatitis B Vaccin
soap and water A. 3 months
D. Note the interval, duration and B. 6 months 94. You will not give DPT 2 if
intensity of labor and contractions C. 1 year the mother says that the
D. 2 years infant had?
84. In preparing a
primigravida for 88. What is given to a woman A. Seizures a day after DPT1
breastfeeding, which of the within a month after the B. Fever for 3 days after DPT1
following will you do? delivery of a baby? C. Abscess formation after DPT1
D. Local tenderness for 3 days
A. Tell her that lactation begins A. Malunggay capsule after DPT1
within a day after delivery B. Ferrous sutfate l00mg O.D.
B. Teach her nipple stretching C. Retinol 200.000 IU 1 capsule 95. A 2-month old infant was
exercises if her nipples are D. Potassium Iodate 200 mg, 1 brought to the health center
everted capsule for immunization. During
C. Instruct her to wash her nipples assessment, the infant's
before and after each 89. Which biological used in temperature registered at
breastfeeding EPI is stored in the freezer? 38.1 C. Which is the best
D. Explain to her that putting the course of action that you will
baby to breast will lessen blood A. DPT take?
loss after delivery B. Tetanus toxoid
C. Measles vaccine A. Go on with the infants
85. A primigravida is D. Hepatitis B vaccine immunization
instructed to offer her breast B. Give paracetamol and wait for
to the baby for the first time 90. Unused BCG should be his fever to subside
within 30 minutes after discarded how many hours C. Refer the infant to the physician
delivery. What is the purpose after reconstitution? for further assessment
of offering the breast this D. Advise the infant's mother to
early? A. 2 bring him back for immunization
B. 4 when he is well
A. To initiate the occurrence of C. 6
milk letdown D. At the end of the day 96. A pregnant woman had
B. To stimulate milk production by just received her 4th dose of
the mammary acini 91. In immunity school tetanus toxoid. Subsequently,
C. To make sure that the baby is entrants with BCG, you not her baby will have protection
able to get the colustrum obliged to secure parental against tetanus for how long?
D. To allow the woman to practice consent. This is because of
breastfeeding in the presence of which legal document? A. 1 year
the health worker B. 3 years
A. PD 996 C. 10 years
86. In a mother's class, you B. RA 7864 D. Lifetime
discuss proper breastfeeding C. Presidential Proclamation No. 6
technique. Which of these is a D. Presidential Proclamation No. 97. A 4-month old infant was
sign that the baby has 46 brought to the health center
"lactated on" the breast of cough. Her respiratory rate
property? 92. Which immunization is 42/minute. Using the IMCI
produces a permanent scar? guidelines of assessment, her
A. The baby takes shallow, rapid breathing is considered;
sucks A. DPT
B. The mother does not feel nipple B. BCG A. Fast
pain C. Measles vaccination B. Slow
C. The baby's mouth is only partly D. Hepatitis B vaccination C. Normal
open D. Insignificant
D. Only the mother's nipple is 93. A 4 week old baby was
inside the baby's mouth brought to the health center 98. Which of the following
for his first immunization. signs will indicate that a
87. You explain to a Which can be given to him? young child is suffering from
breastfeeding mother that severe pneumonia?
breastmilk is sufficient for all A. DPT1
A. Dyspnea tell her to: B. 20, 000 IU
B. Wheezing C. 100, 000 IU
C. Fast breathing A. Bring the child to the nearest D. 200, 000 IU
D. Chest indrawing hospital for further assessment
B. Bring the child to the health 107. The major sign of iron
99. Using IMCI guidelines, you center for IV therapy deficiency anemia is pallor.
classify a child as having C. Bring the child to the health What part is best examined
severe pneumonia. What is center for assessment by the for pallor?
the best management for the physician
child? D. Let the child rest for 10 A. Palms
minutes then continue giving B. Nailbeds
A. Prescribe antibiotic Oresol more slowly C. Around the lips
B. Refer him urgently to the D. Lower conjunctival sac
hospital 103. A 1 1/2 year old child was
C. Instruct the mother to increase classified as having 3rd 108. Food fortification is one
fluid intake degree of protein energy of the strategies to prevent
D. Instruct the mother to continue malnutrition, kwashjorkor. micronutrient deficiency
breastfeeding Which of the following signs conditions. RA 8976 mandates
will be most apparent in this fortification of certain food
100. A 5-month old infant was child? items. Which of the following
brought by his mother to the is among these food items?
health center because of A. Voracious appetite
diarrhea occurring 4 to 5 B. Wasting A. Sugar
times a day. His skin goes C. Apathy B. Bread
back slowly after a skin pinch D. Edema C. Margarine
and his eyes are sunken. D. Filled milk
Using the IMCI guidelines, you 104. Assessment of a 2-year
will classify this infant in old child revealed "baggy 109. What is the best course
which category? pants". Using the IMCI of action when there is a
guidelines, how will you measles epidemic in a nearby
A. No signs of dehydration manage this child? municipality?
B. Some dehydration A. Refer the child urgently to a
C. Severe dehydration hospital for confinement A. Give measles vaccine to babies
D. The data is insufficient B. Coordinate with the social aged 6 to 3 months
worker to enroll the child in a B. Give babies aged 6 to 11
101. Based on the feeding program months one dose of 100,000 IU of
assessment, you classified a C. Make a teaching plan for the Retinol
3-month old infant with the mother, focusing on the menu C. Instruct mother to keep their
chief complaint of diarrhea in planning for her child babies at home to prevent disease
the category of SOME D. Assess and treat the child for transmission
DEHYDRATION. Based on the health problems like infections D. Instruct mothers to feed their
IMCI management guidelines, and intestinal parasitism babies adequately to enhance
which of the following will you their babies resistance
do? 105. During the physical
examination of a young child, 110. A mother brought her
A. Bring the infant to the nearest what is the earliest sign of daughter, 4 years old, to the
facility where IV fluids can be xerophthalmia that may RHU because of cough and
given observe? colds. Following the IMCI
B. Supervise the mother in giving assessment guide, which of
200 to 400ml of Oresol in 4 hours A. Keratomalacia the following is a danger sign
C. Give the infant's mother B. Corneal opacity that indicates the need for
instructions on home C. Night blindness urgent referral to a hospital?
management D. Conjunctival xerosis
D. Keep the infant in your health A. Inability to drink
center for close observation 106. To prevent B. High grade fever
xerophthalmia, young children C. Signs of severe dehydration
102. A mother is using Oresol' are given Retinol capsule D. Cough for more than 30 days
in the management of every 6 months. What is the
diarrhea of her 3-year old dose given to preschoolers? 111. Management of a child
child. She asked you what to with measles includes the
do if her child vomits. You will A. 10, 000 IU administration of which of the
following? D. 5 skin lesions, positive slit skin
116. Which of the following smear
A. Gentian violet on mouth lesions signs indicates the need for
B. Antibiotic to prevent pneumonia sputum examination for AFB? 121. In the Philippines, which
C. Tetracycline eye ointment for condition is the most frequent
corneal opacity A. Hematemesis cause of death associated by
D. Retinol capsule regardless of B. Fever for 1 week schistosomiasis?
when the last dose was given C. Cough for 3 weeks
D. Chest pain for 1 week A. Liver cancer
112. A mother brought her 10 B. Liver cirrhosis
month old infant for 117. Which clients are C. Bladder cancer
consultation because of fever considered targets for DOTS D. Intestinal perforation
which started 4 days prior to category?
consultation. To determine 122. What is the most
malaria risk, what will you do? A. Sputum negative cavitary cases effective way of controlling
schistosomiasis in an endemic
A. Do a tourniquet test B. Clients returning after default area?
B. Ask where the family resides C. Relapses and failures of
C. Get a specimen for blood smear previous PTB treatment regimens A. Use of molluscicides
D. Clients diagnosed for the first B. Building of foot bridges
D. Ask if the fever is present time through a positive sputum C. Proper use of sanitary toilets
everyday exam D. Use of protective footwear,
such as rubber boots
113. The following are 118. To improve compliance to
strategies implemented by the treatment, what innovation is 123. When residents obtain
DOH to prevent mosquito- being implemented in DOTS? water from an artesian well in
borne diseases. Which of the neighborhood, the level of
these is most effective in the A. Having the health worker follow this approved type of water
control of Dengue fever? up the client at home facility is:
B. Having the health worker or a
A. Stream seeding with larva- responsible family member A. I
eating fish monitor drug intake B. II
B. Destroying breeding places of C. Having the patient come to the C. III
mosquitoes health center every month to get D. IV
C. Chemoprophylaxis of non- his medications
immune persons going to endemic D. Having a target list to check on 124. For prevention of
areas whether the patient has collected Hepatitis A, you decided to
D. Teaching people in endemic his monthly supply of drugs conduct health education
areas to use chemically treated activities. Which of the
mosquito nets 119. Diagnosis of leprosy is following is Irrelevant?
highly dependent on
114. Secondary prevention for recognition of symptoms. A. Use of sterile syringes and
malaria includes? Which of the following is an needles
early sign of leprosy? B. Safe food preparation and food
A. Planting of neem or eucalyptus handling by vendors
trees A. Macular lesions C. Proper disposal of human
B. Residual spraying of B. Inability to close eyelids excreta and personal hygiene
insecticides at night C. Thickened painful nerves D. Immediate reporting of water
C. Determining whether a place is D. Sinking of the nose bridge pipe leaks and illegal water
endemic or not connections
D. Growing larva-eating fish in 120. Which of the following
mosquito breeding places clients should be classified as 125. Which biological used in
a case of mutibacillary EPI should not be stored in the
115. Scotch tape swab is done leprosy? freezer?
to check for which intestinal
parasite? A. 3 skin lesions, negative slit skin A. DPT
smear B. OPV
A. Ascaris B. 3 skin lesions, positive slit skin C. Measles vaccine
B. Pinworm smear D. MMR
C. Hookworm C. 5 skin lesions, negative slit skin
D. Schistosoma smear 126. You will conduct outreach
immunization in a barangay B. Buccal mucosa 136. A 4-year old client was
with a population of about C. Skin on the abdomen brought to the health center
1500. Estimate the number of D. Skin on the antecubital surface with chief complaint of severe
infants in the barangay. diarrhea and the passage of
131. Among the following “rice water”. The client is
A. 45 diseases, which is airborne? most probably suffering from
B. 50 which condition?
C. 55 A. Viral conjunctivitis
D. 60 B. Acute poliomyelitis A. Giardiasis
C. Diptheria B. Cholera
127. In IMCI, severe conditions D. Measles C. Amebiasis
generally require urgent D. Dysentery
referral to a hospital. Which of 132. Among children aged 2
the following severe months to 3 years, the most 137. In the Philippines, which
conditions Does not always prevalent form of meningitis is specie of schistosoma is
require urgent referral to caused by which endemic in certain regions?
hospital? microorganism?
A. S. mansoni
A. Mastoiditis A. Hemophilus Influenzae B. S. japonicum
B. Severe dehydration B. Morbillivirus C. S. malayensis
C. Severe pneumonia C. Streptococcus Pneumoniae D. S. haematobium
D. Severe febrile disease. D. Neisseria meningitides
138. A 32 year old client came
128. A client was diagnosed as 133. Human beings are the for consultation at the health
having Dengue Fever. You will major reservoir of malaria. center with the chief
say that there is slow capillary Which of the following complaint of fever for a week.
refill when the color of the strategies in malaria control is Accompanying symptoms were
nailbed that you pressed does based on this fact? muscle pains and body
not return within how many malaise. A week after the start
seconds? A. Stream seeding of fever, the client noted
B. Stream clearing yellowish discoloration of his
A. 3 C. Destruction of breeding places sclera. History showed that he
B. 5 D. Zooprophylaxis waded in flood waters about 2
C. 8 weeks before the onset of
D. 10 134. The use of larvivorous symptoms. Based on this
fish in malaria control is the history/ which disease
129. A 3-year old child was basis for which strategy of condition will you suspect?
brought by his mother to the malaria control?
health center because of fever A. Hepatitis A
of 4-day duration. The child A. Stream seeding B. Hepatitis B
had a positive tourniquet test B. Stream clearing C. Tetanus
result. In the absence of other C. Destruction of breeding places D. Leptospirosis
signs, which of the most D. Zooprophylaxis .
appropriate measure that the 139. MWSS provides water to
PHN may carry out to prevent 135. Mosquito-borne diseases Manila and other cities in
Dengue shock syndrome? are prevented mostly with the Metro Manila. This is an
use of mosquito control example of which level of
A. Insert an NGT and give fluids measures. Which of the water facility?
per NGT following is NOT appropriate
B. Instruct the mother to give the for malaria control? A. I
child Oresol B. II
C. Start the patient on IV Stat A. Use of chemically treated C. III
D. Refer the client to the physician mosquito nets D. IV
for appropriate management B. Seeding of breeding places with
larva-eating fish 140. You are the PHN in the
130. The pathognomonic sign C. Destruction of breeding places city health center. A client
of measles is Koplik’s spot. of the mosquito vector underwent screening for AIDS
You may see Koplik’s spot by D. Use of mosquito-repelling using ELISA. His result was
inspecting the: soaps, such as those with basil or positive. What is the best
citronella course of action that you may
A. Nasal Mucosa take?
A. They prolong the life of the
A. Get a thorough history of the client with AIDS
client, focusing on the practice of B. They reduce the risk of
high risk behavior opportunistic infections
B. Ask the client to be C. They shorten the period of
accompanied by a significant communicability of the disease
person before revealing the result. D. They are able to bring about a
C. Refer the client to the physician cure of the disease condition
since he is the best person to
reveal the result to the client 145. A barangay had an outbreak
D. Refer the client for a of German measles. To prevent
supplementary test, such as congenital rubella, what is the
Western blot, since the ELISA BEST advice that you can give to
result maybe false women in the first trimester of
pregnancy in the barangay?
141. Which is the BEST control
measure for AIDS? a. Advice them on the sign of
German Measles
A. Being faithful to a single sexual b. Avoid crowded places, such as
partner markets and moviehouses
B. Using a condom during each c. Consult at the health center
sexual contact where rubella vaccine may be
C. Avoiding sexual contact with given
commercial sex workers d. Consult a physician who may
D. Making sure that one's sexual give them rubella immunoglobulin
partner does not have signs of

142. The most frequent causes

of death among clients with
AIDS are opportunistic
diseases. Which of the
following opportunistic
infections is characterized by

A. Respiratory candidiasis
B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Cytomegalovirus disease
D. Pneumocystis carinii

143. To determine the

possible sources of sexually
transmitted infections, which
is the BEST method that may
be undertaken by the public
health nurse?

A. Contact tracing
B. Community survey
C. Mass screening tests
D. Interview suspects

144. Antiretroviral agents,

such as AZT are used in the
management of AIDS. Which
of the following is not an
action expected of these
proper size of syringe and
needle would be: 9. Martha does review of
FOUNDATION OF related literature for the
PROFESSIONAL NURSING a. Syringe 3-5ml and needle purpose of:
PRACTICE gauge 21 to 23
b. Tuberculin syringe 1 mi with a. determine statistical treatment
needle gauge 26 or 27 of data research
Situation 1 - Mr. Ibarra is assigned c. Syringe 2ml and needle gauge b. gathering data about what is
to the triage area and while on 22 already known or unknown
duty, he assesses the condition of d. Syringe 1-3ml and needle c. to identify if problem can be
Mrs. Simon who came in with gauge 25 to 27 replicated
asthma. She has difficulty d. answering the research
breathing and her respiratory rate 5. The rationale for giving question
is 40 per minute. Mr. Ibarra is medications through the
asked to inject the client subcutaneous route is; 10. Client’s rights should be
epinephrine 0.3mg protected when doing
subcutaneously a. There are many alternative research using human
sites for subcutaneous injection subjects. Martha identifies
1. The indication for b. Absorption time of the medicine these rights as follows
epinephrine injection for Mrs is slower EXCEPT:
Simon is to: c. There are less pain receptors in
this area a. right of self-determination
a. Reduce anaphylaxis d. The medication can be injected b. right to compensation
b. Relieve hypersensitivity to while the client is in any position c. right of privacy
allergen d. right not to be harmed
c. Relieve respirator distress due Situation 2 - The use of massage
to bronchial spasm and meditation to help decrease Situation 3 - Richard has a nursing
d. Restore client’s cardiac rhythm stress and pain have been diagnosis of ineffective airway
strongly recommended based on clearance related to excessive
2. When preparing the documented testimonials. secretions and is at risk for
epinephrine injection from an infection because of retained
ampule, the nurse initially: 6. Martha wants to do a study secretions. Part of Nurse Mario's
on, this topic. "Effects of nursing care plan is to loosen and
a. Taps the ampule at the top to massage and meditation on remove excessive secretions in
allow fluid to flow to the base of stress and pain." The type of the airway,
the ampule research that best suits this
b. Checks expiration date of the topic is: 11. Mario listens to Richard's
medication ampule bilateral sounds and finds that
c. Removes needle cap of syringe a. applied research congestion is in the upper
and pulls plunger to expel air b. qualitative research lobes of the lungs. The
d. Breaks the neck of the ampule c. basic research appropriate position to drain
with a gauze wrapped around it d. quantitative research the anterior and posterior
apical segments of the lungs
3. Mrs. Simon is obese. When 7. The type of research design when Mario does percussion
administering a subcutaneous that does not manipulate would be:
injection to an obese patient, independent variable is:
it is best for the nurse to: a. Client lying on his back then flat
a. experimental design on his abdomen on Trendelenburg
a Inject needle at a 15 degree b. quasi-experimental design position
angle' over the stretched skin of c. non-experimental design b. Client seated upright in bed or
the client d. quantitative design on a chair then leaning forward in
b. Pinch skin at the Injection site sitting position then flat on his
and use airlock technique 8. This research topic has the back and on his abdomen
c. Pull skin of patient down to potential to contribute to c. Client lying flat on his back and
administer the drug in a Z track nursing because it seeks to: then flat on his abdomen
d. Spread skin or pinch at the d. Client lying on his right then left
injection site and inject needle at a. include new modalities of care side on Trendelenburg position
a 45-90 degree angle b. resolve a clinical problem
c. clarify an ambiguous modality 12. When documenting
4. When preparing for a of care outcome of Richard's
subcutaneous injection, the d. enhance client care treatment Mario should
include the following in his client's breath rhythm edema. When taking care of
recording EXCEPT: d. Percussion slaps the chest to Mr. Regalado, which of the
loosen secretions while vibration following intervention would
a. Color, amount and consistent of shakes the secretions along with be the most appropriate
sputum the inhalation of air immediate nursing approach.
b. Character of breath sounds and
respirator/rate before and after Situation 4 - A 61 year old man, a. Moisturize lower extremities to
procedure Mr. Regalado, is admitted to the prevent skin irritation
c. Amount of fluid intake of client private ward for observation; after b. Measure fluid intake and output
before and after the procedure complaints of severe chest pain. to decrease edema
d. Significant changes in vital You are assigned to take care of c. Elevate lower extremities for
signs the client. postural drainage
d. Provide the client a list of food
13. When assessing Richard 16. When doing an initial low in sodium
for chest percussion or chest assessment, the best way for
vibration and postural you to identify the client’s 20. Mr. Regalado will be
drainage Mario would focus on priority problem is to: discharged from your unit
the following EXCEPT: within the hour. Nursing
a. Interview the client for chief actions when preparing a
a. Amount of food and fluid taken complaints and other symptoms client for discharge include all
during the last meal before b. Talk to the relatives to gather EXCEPT:
treatment data about history of illness
b. Respiratory rate, breath sounds c. Do auscultation to check for a. Making a final physical
and location of congestion chest congestion assessment before client leaves
c. Teaching the client's relatives to d. Do a physical examination the hospital
perform 'the procedure white asking the client relevant b. Giving instructions about his
d. Doctor's order regarding questions medication regimen
position restriction and client's c. Walking the client to the
tolerance for lying flat 17. Upon establishing Mr. hospital exit to ensure his safety
Regalado's nursing needs, the d. Proper recording of pertinent
14. Mario prepares Richard for next nursing approach would data
postural drainage and be to:
percussion. Which of the Situation 5 - Nancy, mother of 2
flowing is a special a. introduce the client to the ward young kids. 36 years old, had a
consideration when doing the staff to put the client and family at mammogram and was told that
procedure? ease she has breast cysts and that she
b. Give client and relatives a brief may need surgery. This causes her
a. Respiratory rate of 16 to 20 per tour of the physical set up the unit anxiety as shown by increase in
minute c. Take his vital signs for a her pulse and respiratory rate,
b. Client can tolerate sitting and baseline assessment sweating and feelings of tension.
lying position d. Establish priority needs and
c. Client has no signs of infection implement appropriate 21. Considering her level of
d. Time of fast food and fluid interventions anxiety, the nurse can best
intake of the client assist Nancy by:
18. Mr. Regalado says he has
15. The purpose of chest "trouble going to sleep". In a. Giving her activities to divert
percussion and vibration is to order to plan your nursing her attention
loosen secretions in the lungs. intervention you will. b. Giving detailed explanations
The difference between the about the treatments she will
procedure is; a. Observe his sleeping patterns in undergo
the next few days c. Preparing her and her family in
a. Percussion uses only one hand b. Ask him what he means by this case surgery is not successful
white vibration uses both hands statement d. Giving her clear but brief
b. Percussion delivers cushioned c. Check his physical environment information at the level of her
blows to the chest with cupped to decrease noise level understanding
palms while gently shakes d. Take his blood pressure before
secretion loose on the exhalation sleeping and upon waking up 22. Nancy blames God for her
cycle situation. She is easily
c. In both percussion and vibration 19. Mr. Regalado's lower provoked to tears and wants
the hands are on top of each other extremities are swollen and to be left alone, refusing to
and hand action is in tune with shiny. He has pitting pedal eat or talk to her family. A
religious person before, she this because: 29. Mrs. Seva talks about rear
now refuses to pray or go to of being incontinent due to a
church stating that God has a. This is a necessary part of the prior experience of dribbling
abandoned her. The nurse nurse -client relationship process urine when laughing or
understands that Nancy is b. The nurse is a role model for sneezing and when she has a
grieving for her self and is in the client and should be strong full bladder. Your most
the stage of: C. How the nurse thinks and feels appropriate .instruction would
affect her actions towards her be to:
a. bargaining client and her work
b. denial d. The nurse has to be therapeutic a. tell client to drink less fluids to
c. anger at all times and should not be avoid accidents
d. acceptance affected b. instruct client to start wearing
thin adult diapers
23. The nurse visits Nancy and Situation 6 – Mrs. Seva, 32 years c. ask the client to bring change of
prods her to eat her food. old, asks you about possible underwear "just in case"
Nancy replies "what's the use? problems regarding her d. teach client pelvic exercise to
My time is running out. The elimination now that she is in the strengthen perineal muscles
nurse's best response would menopausal stage.
be: 30. Mrs. Seva asked for
26. Instruction on health instructions for skin care for
a. "The doctor ordered full diet for promotion regarding urinary her mother who has urinary
you so that you will be strong for elimination is important. incontinence and is almost
surgery." Which would you include? always in bed. Your
b. "I understand how you fee! but instruction would focus on
you have 1o try for your children's a. Hold urine, as long as she can prevention of skin irritation
sake." before emptying the bladder to and breakdown by
c. "Have you told your, doctor how strengthen her sphincters muscles
you feel? Are you changing your b. If burning sensation is a. Using thick diapers to absorb
mind) about surgery?" experienced while voiding, drink urine well
d. "You sound like you are giving pineapple-juice b. Drying the skin with baby
up." c. After urination, wipe from anal powder to prevent or mask the
area up towards the pubis smell of ammonia
24. The nurse feels sad about d. Jell client to empty the bladder c. Thorough washing, rising and
Nancy's illness and tells her at each voiding during of skin area that get wet
head nurse during the end of with urine
shift endorsement that "it's 27. Mrs. Seva also tells the d. Making sure that linen are
unfair for Nancy to have nurse that she is often smooth and dry at all times
cancer when she is still so constipated. Because she is
young and with two kinds. The aging, what physical changes Situation 7 - Using Maslow's need
best response of the head predispose her to theory, Airway, Breathing and
nurse would be: constipation? Circulation are the physiological
needs vital to life. The nurse's
a. Advise the nurse to "be strong a. inhibition of the knowledge and ability to identify
and learn to control her feelings" parasympathetic reflex and immediately intervene to
b. Assign the nurse to another b. weakness of sphincter muscles meet these needs is important to
client to avoid sympathy for the of the anus save lives.
client c. loss of tone of the smooth
c. Reassure the nurse that the muscles of the color 31. Which of these clients has
client has hope if she goes d. decreased ability to absorb a problem with the transport
through all statements prescribed fluids in the lower intestines of oxygen from the lungs to
for her the tissues:
c. Ask the other nurses what they 28. The nurse understands
feel about the patient to find out if that one of these factors a. Carol with a tumor in the brain
they share the same feelings contributes to constipation: b. Theresa with anemia
c. Sonny Boy with a fracture in the
25. Realizing that she feels a. excessive exercise femur
angry about Nancy's b. high fiber diet d. Brigette with diarrhea
condition, the nurse Seams c. no regular tine for defecation
that being self-aware is a daily 32. You noted from the lab
conscious process that she d. prolonged use of laxatives exams in the chart of Mr.
should do in any situation like Santos that he has reduced
oxygen in the blood. should be: are the following except
This condition is called: a. physical activity
a. deflated fully then immediately b. smoking
a. Cyanosis start second reading for same c. genetics
b. Hypoxia client d. nutrition
c. Hypoxemia b deflated quickly after inflating
d. Anemia up to 180 mmHg Situation 9 - Nurse Rivera
c. large enough to wrap around witnesses a vehicular accident
33. You will nasopharyngeal upper arm of the adult client 1 cm near the hospital where she
suctioning Mr. Abad. Your above brachial artery works. She decides to get involved
guide for the length of d. inflated to 30 mmHg above the and help the victims of the
insertion of the tubing for an estimated systolic BP based on accident.
adult would be: palpation of radial or bronchial
artery 41. Her priority nursing action
a. tip of the nose to the base of would be to:
the .neck 37. Chronic Obstructive
b. the distance from the tip of the Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in a. Assess damage to property
nose to the middle of the cheek one of the leading causes of b. Assist in the police investigation
c. the distance from the tip of the death worldwide and is a since she is a witness
nose to the tip of the ear lobe preventable disease. The c. Report the incident immediately
d. eight to ten inches primary cause of COPD is: to the local police authorities
d. Assess the extent of injuries
34. While doing a. tobacco hack incurred by the victims, of the
nasopharyngeal suctioning b. bronchitis accident
on .Mr. Abad, the nurse can c. asthma
avoid trauma to the area by: d. cigarette smoking 42. Priority attention should
be given to which of these
a. Apply suction for at least 20-30 38. In your health education clients?
seconds each time to ensure that class for clients with diabetes
all secretions are removed you teach, them the areas, for a. Linda who shows severe anxiety
b. Using gloves to prevent control . Diabetes which due to trauma of the accident
introduction of pathogens to the include all EXCEPT: b. Ryan who has chest injury, is
respiratory system pate and with difficulty of
c. Applying no suction while a. regular physical activity breathing
inserting the catheter b. thorough knowledge of foot c. Noel who has lacerations on the
d. Rotating catheter as it is care arms with mild-bleeding
inserted with gentle suction c. prevention nutrition c. Andy whose left ankle swelled
d. proper nutrition and has some abrasions
35. Myrna has difficulty
breathing when on her back 39. You teach your clients the 43. In the emergency room,
and must sit upright in bed to difference between, Type I Nurse Rivera is assigned to
breath, effectively and (IDDM) and Type II (NDDM) attend to the client with
comfortably. The nurse Diabetes. Which of the .lacerations on the arms, while
documents this condition as: following is true? assessing the extent of the
wound the nurse observes
a. Apnea a. both types diabetes mellitus that the wound is now starting
b. Orthopnea clients are all prone to developing to bleed profusely. The most
c. Dyspnea ketosis immediate nursing action
d. Tachypnea b. Type II (NIDDM) is more would be to:
common and is also preventable
Situation 8 - You are assigned to compared to Type I (IDDM) a. Apply antiseptic to prevent
screen for hypertension: Your task diabetes which is genetic in infection
is to take blood pressure readings etiology b. Clean the wound vigorously of
and you are informed about c. Type I (IDDM) is characterized contaminants
avoiding the common mistakes in by fasting hyperglycemia c. Control and. reduce bleeding of
BP taking that lead to 'false or d. Type II (IDDM) is characterized the wound
inaccurate blood pressure by abnormal immune response d. Bandage the wound and elevate
readings. the arm
40. Lifestyle-related diseases
36. When taking blood in general share areas 44. The nurse applies pressure
pressure reading the cuff common risk factors. These dressing on the bleeding site.
This intervention is done to: after intake of coffee unrelieved c. Caffeine causes a stimulant
by analgesics effect on both the mother and the
a. Reduce the need to change b. After drinking coffee, the client baby
dressing frequently experienced severe abdominal d. Studies show conclusively that
b. Allow the pus to surface faster pain caffeine causes mental retardation
c. Protect the wound from micro c. Client complained of
organisms in the air intermittent abdominal pain an 50. Your health education plan
d. Promote hemostasis hour after drinking coffee for Geline stresses proper diet
d. Client reported abdominal pain for a pregnant woman and the
45. After the treatment, the an hour after drinking black coffee prevention of non-
client is sent home and asked for three weeks now communicable diseases that
to come back for follow-up are influenced by her lifestyle
care. Your responsibilities 48. Geline tells you that she these include of the following
when the client is to be drinks black coffee frequently EXCEPT:
discharged include the within the day to "have energy
following EXCEPT: and be wide awake" and she a. Cardiovascular diseases
eats nothing for breakfast and b. Cancer
a. Encouraging the client to go to eats strictly vegetable salads c. Diabetes Mellitus
the, outpatient clinic for follow up for lunch and dinner to lose d. Osteoporosis
care weight. She has lost weight
b. Accurate recording, of during the past two weeks, in Situation 11 - Management of
treatment done and instructions planning a healthy balanced nurse practitioners is done by
given to client diet with Geline, you will: qualified nursing leaders who have
c. Instructing the client to see you had clinical experience and
after discharge for further a. Start her off with a cleansing management experience.
assistance diet to free her body of toxins then
d. Providing instructions regarding change to a vegetarian, diet and 51. An example of a
wound care drink plenty of fluids management function of a
b. Plan a high protein, diet; low nurse is:
Situation 10 - While working in the carbohydrate diet for her
clinic, a new client, Geline, 35 considering her favorite food a. Teaching patient do breathing
years old, arrives for her doctor's c. Instruct her to attend classes in and coughing exercises
appointment. As the clinic nurse, nutrition to find food rich in b. Preparing for a surprise party
you are to assist the client fiil up complex carbohydrates to for a client
forms, gather data and make an maintain daily high energy level c. Performing nursing procedures
assessment. d. Discuss with her the importance for clients
of eating a variety of food from d. Directing and evaluating the
46. The nurse purpose of your the major food groups with plenty staff nurses
initial nursing interview is to: of fluids
52. Your head nurse in the
a. Record pertinent information in 49. Geline tells you that she unit believes that the staff
the client chart for health team to drinks 4-5 cups of black coffee nurses are not capable of
read and diet cola drinks. She also decision making so she makes
b Assist the client find solutions to smokes up to a pack of the decisions for everyone
her health concerns cigarettes daily. She without consulting anybody.
c. Understand her lifestyle, health confesses that she is in her This type of leadership is:
needs and possible problems to 2nd month of pregnancy but
develop a plan of care she does not want to become a. Laissez faire leadership
d. Make nursing diagnoses for fat that is why she limits her b. Democratic leadership
identified health problems food intake. You warn or c. Autocratic leadership
caution her about which of the d. Managerial leadership
47. While interviewing Geline, following?
she starts to moan and 53. When the head nurse in
doubles up in pain, She tells a. Caffeine products affect the your ward plots and approves
you that this pain occurs central nervous system and may your work schedules and
about an hour after taking cause the mother to have a directs your work, she is
black coffee without breakfast "nervous breakdown" demonstrating:
for a few weeks now. You will b. Malnutrition and its possible
record this as follows: effects on growth and a. Responsibility
development problems in the b. Delegation
a. Claims to have abdominal pains unborn fetus c. Accountability
d. Authority arterial blood before symptoms of referred to as:
hypoxemia develops
54. The following tasks can be a. Morality
safely delegated' by a nurse to 58. After a few hours in the b. Religion
a non-nurse health worker Emergency Room, Mr. Dizon is c. Values
EXCEPT: admitted to the ward with an d. Bioethics
order of hourly monitoring of
a. Transfer a client from bed to blood pressure. The nurse 62. The purpose of having
chair finds that the cuff is too nurses’ code of ethics is:
b. Change IV infusions narrow and this will cause the
c. Irrigation of a nasogastric tube blood pressure reading to be: a. Delineate the scope and areas
d. Take vital signs of nursing practice
a. Inconsistent b. Identify nursing action
55. You made a mistake in b. low systolic and high diastolicrecommended for specific
giving the medicine to the pressure healthcare situations
wrong client You notify the c. higher than what the reading c. To help the public understand
client’s doctor and write an should be professional conduct, expected of
incident report. You are d. lower than what the reading nurses
demonstrating: should be d. To define the roles and
functions of the health care giver,
a. Responsibility 59. Through the client’s health nurses, clients
b. Accountability history, you gather that Mr.
c. Authority Dizon smokes and drinks 63. The most important
d. Autocracy coffee. When taking the blood nursing responsibility where
pressure of a client who ethical situations emerge in
Situation 12 – Mr. Dizon, 84 years recently smoked or drank patient care is to:
old, is brought to the .Emergency coffee, how long should be the
Room for complaint of nurse wait before taking the a. Act only when advised that the
hypertension flushed face, severe client’s blood pressure for action is ethically sound
headache, and nausea. You are accurate reading? b. Not take sides remain neutral
doing the initial assessment of and fair
vital signs. a. 15 minutes c. Assume that ethical questions
b. 30 minutes are the responsibility: of the
56. You are to measure the c. 1 hour health team
client’s initial blood pressure d. 5 minutes d. Be accountable for his or her
reading by doing all of the own actions
following EXCEPT: 60. While the client has the
pulse oximeter on his 64. You inform the patient
a. Take the blood pressure reading fingertip, you notice that the about his rights which include
on both arms for comparison sunlight is shining on .the the following EXCEPT:
b. Listen to and identify the area where the oximeter is.
phases of Korotkoff’s sounds Your action will be to: a. Right to expect reasonable
c. Pump the cuff up to around 50 continuity of care
mmHg above the point where the a. Set and turn on the alarm of the b. Right to consent to or decline to
pulse is obliterated oximeter participate in research studies or
d. Observe procedures for b. Do nothing since there is no experiments
infection control identified problem c. Right to obtain information
c. Cover the fingertip sensor with about another patient
57. A pulse oximeter is a towel or bedsheet d. Right to expect that the records
attached to Mr. Dizon’s finger d. Change the location of the about his care will be treated as
to: sensor every four hours confidential

a. Determine if the client’s Situation 13 - The nurse's 65. The principle states that a
hemoglobin level is low and if he understanding of ethico-legal person has unconditional
needs blood transfusion responsibilities will guide his/her worth and has the capacity to
b. Check level of client’s tissue nursing practice. determine his own destiny.
c. Measure the efficacy of the 61. The principles that .govern a. Bioethics
client’s anti hypertensive right and proper conducts of a b. Justice
medications person regarding life, biology c. Fidelity
d. Detect oxygen saturation of and the health professions is d. Autonomy
c. Have the registered nurse, include all the following
Situation 14 – Your director of family and doctor sign the order EXCEPT:
nursing wants to improve the d. Have 1 nurse take the order a. eat natural food with little or no
quality of health care offered in and sign it and have the doctor salt added
the hospital. As a staff nurse in sign it within 24 hours b. limit use of table salt and use
that hospital you know that this condiments instead
entails quality assurance 69. To ensure the client safety c. use herbs and spices
programs. before starting blood d. limit intake of preserved or
transfusion the following are processed food
66. The following mechanisms needed before the procedure
can be utilized as part of the can be done EXCEPT: 73. Teaching strategies and
quality assessment program of approaches when giving
your hospital EXCEPT: a. take baseline vital signs nutrition education is
b. blood should be warmed to influenced by age, sex and
a. Patient satisfaction surveys room temperature for 30 minutes immediate concerns of the
provided before blood transfusion is group. Your presentation for a
b. Peer review clinical records of administered group of young mothers would
care of client c. have two nurses verify client be best if you focus on:
c. RO of the Nursing Intervention identification, blood type, unit
Classification number and expiration date of a. diets limited in salt and fat
d. blood b. harmful effect on drugs and
d. get a consent signed for blood alcohol intake
67. The nurse of the Standards transfusion c. commercial preparation of
of Nursing Practice is dishes
important in the hospital. 70. Part of standards of care d. cooking demonstration and
Which of the following has to do with the use of meal planning
statements best describes restraints. Which of the
what it is? following statements is NOT 74. Cancer cure is dependent
true? on
a. These are statements that
describe the maximum or highest a. Doctor’s order for restraints a. use of alternative methods of
level of acceptable performance in should be signed within 24 hours healing
nursing practice. b. Remove and reapply restraints b. watching out for warning signs
b. It refers to the scope of nursing every two hours of cancer
as defined in Republic Act 9173 c. Check client’s pulse, blood c. proficiency in doing breast self-
c. It is a license issued by the pressure and circulation every examination
Professional Regulation four hours d. early detection and prompt
Commission to protect the public d. Offer food and toileting every treatment
from substandard nursing two hours
practice. 75. The role of the health
d. The Standards of care includes Situation 15 – During the worker in health education is
the various steps of the nursing NUTRITION EDUCATION class to:
process and the standards of discussion a 58 year old man, Mr.
professional performance. Bruno shows increased interest. a. report incidence of non-
communicable disease to
68. You are taking care of 71. Mr. Bruno asks what the community health center
critically ill client and the "normal" allowable salt intake b. educate as many people about
doctor in charge calls to order is. Your best response to Mr. warning signs of non-
a DNR (do not resuscitate) for Bruno is: communicable diseases
the client. Which of the c. focus on smoking cessation
following is the appropriate a. 1 tsp of salt/day with iodine and projects
action when getting DNR order sprinkle of MSG d. monitor clients with
over the phone? b. 5 gms per day or 1 tsp of table hypertension
a. Have the registered nurse, c. 1 tbsp of salt/day with some Situation 16 – You are assigned to
family spokesperson, nurse patis and toyo take care of 10 patients during the
supervisor and doctor sign d. 1 tsp of salt/day but not patis or morning shift. The endorsement
b. Have two nurses validate the toyo includes the IV infusion and
phone order, both nurses sign the medications for these clients.
order and the doctor should sign 72. Your instructions to
his order within 24 hours. reduce or limit salt intake 76. Mr. Felipe, 36 years old is
to be given 2700ml of D5RL to ointment, the following b. tell her to take the day off
infuse for 18 hours starting at guidelines apply EXCEPT: c. discuss how she is adjusting to
8am. At what rate should the her new job
IV fluid be flowing hourly? a. squeeze about 2 cm of ointment d. ask about her family life
and gently close but not squeeze
a. 100 ml/hour eye 84. Process of formal
b. 210 ml/hour b. apply ointment from the inner negotiations of working
c. 150 ml/hour canthus going outward of the conditions between a group of
d. 90 ml/hour affected eye registered nurses and
c. discard the first bead of the eye employer is:
77. Mr. Atienza is to receive ointment before application
150mg/hour of D5W IV because the tube likely to expel a. grievance
infusion for 12 hours for a more than desired amount of b. arbitration
total of 1800ml. He is also ointment c. collective bargaining
losing gastric fluid which must d. hold the tube above the d. strike
be replaced every two hours. conjunctival sac do not let tip
Between 8am to 10am. Mr. touch the conjuctiva 85. You are attending a
Atienza has lost 250ml of certification program on
gastric fluid. How much fluid Situation 17 – The staff nurse cardiopulmonary resuscitation
should he receive at 11am? supervisor request all the staff (CPR) offered and required by
nurses to “brainstorm” and learn the hospital employing you.
a. 350 ml/hour ways to instruct diabetic clients on This is;
b. 275 ml/hour self-administration of insulin. She
c. 400 ml/hour wants to ensure that there are a. professional course towards
d. 200 ml/hour nurses available daily to do health credits
education classess. b. in-service education
78. You are to apply a c. advance training
transdermal patch of 81. The plan of the nurse d. continuing education
nitroglycerin to your client. supervisor is an example of
The following important Situation 18 - There are various
guidelines to observe EXCEPT: a. in service education process developments in health education
b. efficient management of human that the nurse should know about.
a. Apply to hairlines clean are of resources
the skin not subject to much c. increasing human resources 86. The provision of health
wrinkling d. primary prevention information in the rural areas
b. Patches may be applied to nationwide through television
distal part of the extremities like 82. When Mrs. Guevarra, a and radio programs and video
forearm nurse, delegates aspects of conferencing is referred to as:
c. Change application and site the clients care to the nurse-
regularly to prevent irritation of aide who is an unlicensed a. Community health program
the skin staff, Mrs. Guevarra. b. Telehealth program
d. Wear gloves to avoid any c. Wellness program
medication of your hand a. makes the assignment to teach d. Red cross program
the staff member
79. You will be applying eye b. is assigning the responsibility to 87. A nearby community
drops to Miss Romualdez. the aide but not the accountability provides blood pressure
After checking all the for those tasks screening, height and weight
necessary information and c. does not have to supervise or measurement smoking
cleaning the affected eyelid evaluate the aide cessation classes and aerobics
and eyelashes you administer d. most know how to perform task class services. This type of
the ophthalmic drops by delegated program is referred to as:
instilling the eye drops.
83. Connie, the-new nurse, a. outreach program
a. directly onto the cornea appears tired and sluggish b. hospital extension program
b. pressing on the lacrimal duct and lacks the enthusiasms she c. barangay health center
c. into the outer third of the lower give six weeks ago when she d. wellness center
conjunctival sac started the job. The nurse
d. from the inner canthus going supervisor should: 88. Part of teaching client in
towards the side of the eye health promotion is
a. empathize with the nurse and responsibility for one’s health.
80. When applying eye listen to her When Danica states she need
to improve her nutritional d. Poison, control b. Identify yourself and state your
status this means: purpose in being with the client
90. Mrs. Ostrea has a schedule c. Talk to the physician for an
a. Goals and interventions to be for Pap Smear. She has a order of Valium
followed by client are based on strong family history of d. Do inspection and palpation to
nurse's priorities cervical cancer. This is an check extent of his injuries
b. Goals and intervention example of:
developed by nurse and client 92. While doing your
should be approved by the doctor a. tertiary prevention assessment, Ronnie asks you
c. Nurse will decide goals and, b. secondary prevention "Do I have a fracture? I don't
interventions needed to meet c. health screening want to have a cast.” The
client goals d. primary prevention most appropriate nursing
d. Client will decide the goals and response would be:
interventions required to meet her Situation: 19 - Ronnie has a
goals vehicular accident where he a. "You have to have an X-ray first
sustained injury to his left ankle. to know if you have a fracture."
89. Nurse Beatrice is providing In the Emergency Room, you b. "Why do you; sound so scared?
tertiary prevention to Mrs. De notice how anxious he looks. It is just a cast and it's not painful"
Villa. An example of tertiary c. "You seem to be concerned
provestion is: 91. You establish rapport with about being in a cast."
him and to reduce his anxiety d. "Based on my assessment,
a. Marriage counseling you initially there doesn’t seem to be a
b. Self-examination for breast fracture."
cancer a. Take him to the radiology,
c. Identifying complication of section for X-ray of affected
diabetes extremity

ANSWER KEY 31. B 62. C

1. C 32. C 63. D
2. B 33. C 64. C
3. D 34. C 65. D
4. D 35. B 66. D
5. B 36. D 67. A
6. B 37. D 68. D
7. C 38. B 69. D
8. D 39. B 70. C
9. B 40. C 71. B
10. B 41. D 72. B
11. B 42. B 73. D
12. C 43. D 74. D
13. C 44. D 75. B
14. D 45. C 76. C
15. A 46. C 77. -
16. A 47. D 78. B
17. C 48. D 79. B
18. B 49. B 80. C
19. A 50. D 81. C
20. C 51. D 82. B
21. D 52. C 83. C
22. C 53. D 84. C
23. D 54. B 85. B
24. D 55. B 86. B
25. C 56. C 87. A
26. D 57. D 88. D
27. C 58. C 89. C
28. D 59. B 90. B
29. D 60. C 91. B
30. C 61. D 92. C
7. Its a type of non-probability d. Redness around the insertion
FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING sampling wherein the site
researcher identifies
1. The nurse knows which of population strata and 12. A 27 y.o adult is admitted
the following indicates protein determines how many for treatment of Crohn's
deficiency? participants are needed for disease. Which information is
each stratum most significant when the
a. Hypoalbuminemia and pot belly nurse assesses nurtritional
b. Koionychia (spoon-shaped nails) a. Quota Sampling health?
c. Beefy red tongued. b. Purposive Sampling
d. Bleeding gums c. Convenience sampling a. Anthropometric measurements
d. Simple stratified sampling b. bleeding gums
2. Before administering a tube c. dry skin
feeding the nurse knows to 8. All but one are concepts of d. facial rubor
perform which of the following informed consent.
assessments? 13. ASA (aspirin) is being
a. It must be voluntary-without administered to a client. The
a. The GI tract including bowel coercion or force nurse understands that the
sound, last BM and distention b. Patient must be competent most common mechanism of
b. The clients neurologic status, c. Knowledgeable information action for nonnarcotic
especially gag reflex should be provided analgesic is their ability to:
c. The amount of air in the d. It must be signed right after
stomach administration of pre-ops meds. a. Inhibit prostaglandin systhesis
d. The formula used directly from b. After pain perception in the
the refrigerator 9. The following concepts of cerebellum
liability negligence are true, c. Directly affect the central
3. An adult is being taught except? nervous system
about a healthy diet. The d. Target the pain-producing
nurse can offer: a. Deviation from standard of care effect of kinins
is established.
a. Milk b. Duty is owed to the nurse 14. The nurse caring for an
b. Jello c. Financial, physical and adult client who is receiving
c. Freshly squeezed orange juice emotional harm is establish TPN will need to be monitored
d. Ice cream d. Direct cause for failure to meet for which of the following
standard of care clearly metabolic complications?
5. An adult has received an established.
injection of immunoglobulin. a. Hypoglycemia and
The nurse knows that the 10. The nurse is caring for a Hypercalcemia
client will develop which of client whose arterial blood b. Hyperglycemia and
the following types of gases indicate metabolic Hypokalemia
immunity: acidosis. The nurse knows that c. Hyperglycemia and
of the following, the least Kyperkalemia
a. Active natural immunity likely to cause metabolic d. Hyperkalemia and
b. Active artificial immunity acidosis is: Hypercalcemia
c. Passive natural immunity
d. Passive artificial immunity a. cardiac arrest 15. Total parenteral nutrition
b. Diabetic ketoacidosis is ordered for an adult. Which
6. BON Resolution No 432 S c. decreased serum potassium nutrient is not likely to be in
2003 is: level the solution?
d. renal failure
a. Guidelines for the a. Dextrose 10%
implementation of Board 11. The nurse is caring for a b. Trace minerals
Resolution No. 14 S 1999 client who is receiving IV c. Amino acids
b. Implementing Rules and fluids, Which observation the d. Non of the above
Regulations of RA 9173 nurse makes best indicates
c. Special training on intravenous that the IV has infiltrated? 16. A man has sprained his
injection for nurses ankle. The physician would
d. Adoption of a Guide to Evaluate a. Pain at the site order cold applied to the
Compliance with Standard for Safe b. A change in flow rate injured area to.
Nursing Practice. c. Coldness around the insertion
a. Reduce the body's temperature c. use of multiple sources for best initial action?
b. Increase circulation to the area conclusions
c. Aid in absorbing the edema d. consistency and stability of a. Evacuate any people in the
d. Relieve pain and control evidence over time room, beginning with the most
bleeding. ambultory and ending with the
22. It is thought to be the least mobile
17. An adult is to have a tepid most recent method or system b. activating the fire alarm or call
sponge bath to lower his in providing nursing care the operator, depending on the
fever. What temperature institutions system
should the nurse make the a. Case System method c. get a fire extinguisher and put
water? b. primary nursing method out the fire
c. functional nursing method d. close all the windows and doors
a. 65 F d. team nursing method and turn off any oxygen or
b. 90 F electricity appliance.
c. 110 F 23. A patient classification
d. 105 F system where patients 28. A member of the board of
minimal theraphy and less nursing may be removed
18. An adult has chronic lower frequent observation and/or suspended on the
back pain and receives hot following grounds except:
pack three times a week. The a. minimal care (category 1)
nurse knows that the b. moderate care (category 2) a. Toleration of irregularities in the
treatment is given for which of c. maximum care (category 3) licensure examination
the following reasons? d. intensive care (category 4) b Violation of the Philippine
Nursing Act
a. To help remove debris from the 24. The nurse is to apply a c. Neglect of duty or
wound dressing to a stage II pressure incompetence
b. To keep the client warm and ulcer. Which of the following d. Immoral unprofessional or
raise his temperature dressing is best? dishonorable conduct
c. To improve the client's general
circulation a. Dry gauze dressing 29. A tendency of the
d. To relieve muscle spasm and b. wet gauze dressing evaluator to inaacurately rate
promote muscle relaxation c. wet to dry dressing a group because of the belief
d. moisture vapor permeable that he/she has a very good
19. An insane man got hold of dressing cooperative group.
a knife and stabbed a
pregnant woman. His liability 25. The client has been placed a. hawthorne effect
will be determined by virtue of in the trendelenburg position. b. sunflower effect
: The nurse knows the effects of c. horn's effect
this position to the client d. halo effect
a. Justifying circumstances include which of the following.
b. Exempting circumstances 30. A type of probability
c. Mitigating circumstances a. increase blood flow to the feet sampling where the
d. Aggravating circumstances b. decrease blood pressure researcher selects random
c. increase pressure on the samples, successively from a
20. A crime in which all the diaphragm larger to smaller units by
elements necessary for its d. decrease intracranial pressure either simple or stratified
execution and accomplishment methods.
are present. 26. A man who has been in an
MVA is going into shock. a. Multi-stage sampling
a. Heinous crime Before placing the client in a b. Systematic sampling
b. frustrated crime modified trendelenburg c. purposive sampling
c. consummated crime position, the nurse should d. snowballing sampling
d. attempted crime assess the client for:
31. The nurse is to open a
21. Once criterion to assess a. long bone fracture sterile package from central
the quality of a study is b. air embolus supply. Which is the correct
triangulation. This means. c. head injury direction to open the first lap?
d. thrombophlebitis
a. accuracy and consistency of a. Toward the nurse
information 27. The nurse enter a room b. Away from the nurse
b. soundness of evidence and finds a fire. Which is the c. To the nurse's left or right hand
d. It does not matter as long as ommision changed
the nurse touches only the outside b. such act or omission must be b. A client who needs to be
edge done voluntarily suctioned
c. such act maybe done with or c. A client needs to be medicated
32. The nurse knows which of without intent for postoperative pain
the following is the proper d. such act or omission is d. A client who is incontinent and
technique for medical asepsis? punisable by law needs to be cleaned

a. gloving for all the client contact 37. To qualify as a dean of the 42. One of the major ethical
b. changing hospital linens weekly college of nursing the princles in research is
c. using your hands to turn off the applicants must have? beneficence that includes:
faucet after handwashing
d. gowning to care for a 1 year old a. At least 5 years of teaching and a. Right to protection of protection
child w/ infections diarrhea supervision from physical and psychological
b. At least 10 years of clinical harm
33. An adult ha a left, above practive b. Right to full-disclosure
the knee amputation two c. At least 3 years of being a c. Right to performance of sources
weeks ago. The nurse places clinical coordinator good
him in a prone position tree d. At least 2 years management d. Right to protection of
times a day because units. participants form explotation.

a. Prevents pressure ulcer on the 38. A research design where 43. He described humans as
sacrum there is manipulation of "wanting organism" that
b. helps the prosthesis to fit independent variable but no satisfly their basic needs in a
correctly random or control group specific sequence?
c. prevents flexion constractures
d. allow better blood flow to the a. longitudinal design a. Frederick Herzberg
heart b. quasi-experimental b. Abraham Maslow
c. experimental c. BF Skinner
34. A woman is to have a d. cross-sectional d. Victor Vroom
pelvic exam. Which of the
following should the nurse 39. Four clients have signaled 50. A client has been receiving
have the client do first? with the call bells for the an IV solution. What is an
nurse. Who should you see appropriate expected outcome
a. Remove all her clothes and her first? for this client?
socks and shoes
b. go to the bahtroom and void a. A client who needs to use the a. Monitor fluid intake and output
saving a sample toilet every 4 hours
c. assume a lithotomy position on b. A client who does not have his b. The client remains free of signs
the exam table glasses or hearing aide and symptoms of phelibits
d. assemble all the equipments c. A client who has just been given c. edema and warmth over the IV
needed for the examination morphine site
d. A client in a chair with a d. Excess fluid volumn evidenced
35. An adult is supine. Which restraint vest on. by weight gain
of the ff. can the nurse to to
prevent external rotation of 40. Which of the ff. should the 51. This theorist of
the legs? nurse observe first? management developed the
14 principles of management
a. put a pillow under the clients a. A client who has just returned based on his experience.
lower legs from the OR
b. place a pillow directly under the b. A client whose call light is not a. Mary Follett
client knee working b. Max Weber
c. use a trochanter rool alongside c. A client with Alzheimer's c. Henry Fayol
the client's upper thighs disease d. Kurt Lewin
d. lower the client's legs so that d. A clietn who is receiving a
they ae below hips. heating pad treatment 52. The nurse prepares to
palpate a clients maxillary
36. The following are elements 41. Which of the ff. should the sinues. For this procedure,
of felony except? nurse deal first? where should the nurse place
the hands?
a. There must be an act of a. A client who need her dressing
a. On the bridge of the nose 57. Which od the following exclusive to nursing
b. below the eyebrows options servers a framework b. Therapeutic use of self
c. below the cheekbones for nursing education and c. Focuses on nursing related to
d. over the temporal area clinical practice? physicians order
d. All of the above.
53. A client who receives a. Scientific breakthrough
general anesthesia returns b. technological advances 63. A research that seeks to
from surgery. Postoperatively, c. theoretical models describe an existing problem
which nursing diagnosis takes d. medical practices situation and examine the
highest priority for this client? underlying factors that
58. Nursing care for a client contributes to the emergence
a. Pain related to the surgery includes removing elastic of the problem:
b. Fluid volume deficit related to stocking once per day. What is
fluid and blood loss from surgery the rationale for this a. Explanatory research
c. Impared physical mobility interventions? b. Quantitative research
related to surgery c. Exploratory research
d. Risk for aspiration related to a. TO increase blood flow to the d. Quantitative research
anesthesia heart
b. to observe the lower 64. During blood transfusion,
54. After a client receives an extremities the patient manifest
IM injection, he complains of a c. to allow the leg muscles to tacycardia, distended neck
burning pain in the injection stretch and relax vein and increase CVP
site. Which nursing action d. To permit veins in the legs to fill reading, the nurse should
whould be best to take at this with blood.
time? a. Obtain vital signs
59. Hyperactive bowel sounds b. Call the physician
a. apply a cold compress to can result from all the c. Stop the infusion
decrease swelling following except. d. Decrease the rate of infusion.
b. apply a warm compress to
dilate the blood vessels a. Paralytic ileus 65. A nurse who is maintainin
c. Massage the area to promote b. hunger a private clinic in the
absorption of the drug c. intestinal obstruction community and renders
d. Instruct the client to tighten his d. diarrhea service on materials and child
gluteal muscles to enhance health amont the
absorption of the drug 60. The following neighborhood for a fee is
characteristics speak of a
55. These are mitigating leader except: a. primary care nurse
circumstances that lessen the b. an independent nurse
penalty, except: a. Do the right thing practioner
b. focus on people c. nurse-midwife
a. Under 18 and over 70 c. develops visions and strategies d. a nurse specialist
b. No intention to commit so grave d. have a short-term views
c. There wa sufficent provocation 66. A client comes to the clinic
d. in contempt of authority 61. This theory of for a diagnostic allergy
management suggest that an testing. Why is intradermal
56. The nurse is monitoring employees work motivation is injections used for such tsting.
options of effectiveness of controlled by conditions in the
drug theraphy, when should external environment rather a. intradermal injection is less
the nurse obtain a than by internal needs and painful
measurement of the blood desires. b. intradermal drugs are easier to
sample through level. administer
a. vroom's expectancy theory c. intradermal drug diffuse more
a. 1 hour before administering the b. skinner's operant theory rapidly
next dose c. adam's equity theory d. intradermal drugs diffuse more
b. immediately before d. white competence theory slowly
administering the next dose
c. immediately after administering 62. In Lydia Hall's theory, 67. A client is placed in
the next dose which of the ff. represents isolation. Client isolation
d. 30 mins. after administering the "core"? techniques attempt to break
next dose the chain of infection by
a. Nurturance and factors that are
interfering with the a. Are interested in efficiency a. Fluctuates
b. emphasize tactics, structure b. Remain the Same
and system c. Increase
a. Agent c. motivate people to comply with d. Decrease
b. susceptible host standards
c. transmission mode d. use person to person influence
78. The nurse assesses the
d. portal of entry skin turgor of an elderly
73. The nurse is assessing client. When evaluating skin
68. A research hypothesis that tactile fremitus in a client with turgon, the nurse should
proposes that there is pneumonia. For this remember that:
association or significant examination, the nurse hould
relationship between variables use the: a. Over hydration causes the skin
is called. to tent
a. fingertips b. Dehydration causes the skin to
b. ulnar surface of the hand appear edematous and spongy
a. null hypothesis
c. dorsal surface of the hand c. Inelastic turgor is a normal part
b. directional hypothesis
d. finger pads of aging
c. alternative hypothesis
d. Normal skin turgon is moist and
d. non-directional hypothesis
74. The ff. activities belong to boggy.
69. Which of the ff. laboratory the design phase in the
research process, except? 79. Which of the ff. does not
test results is themost impt. govern the practice of
indicator of malnutrition in a nursing?
client with a wound? a. developing a time table
b. selecting the study design a. RA 7164
a. serum potassium level c. determining sampling plan b. RA 9173
b. albumin level d. conducting a pilot study c. BON Resolution for Code of
c. lymphocyte count Ethics
d. differential count 75. When inspecting a client's d. Board Resolution Scope of
skin, the nurse finds a vesicle Nursing Practice
70. Which detail of a clients on the client's arm. Which
drug theraphy is the nurse description appliest to a 80. A client with sever chest
legally responsible for vesicle? pain is brought to the
documenting? emergency department. He
a. flat, nonpalpable and colored tells the nurse, "I just have a
a. Peak concentration time of drug b. solid, elevated and little indigestion." Which of
b. Safe ranges of the drug cicumscribed the following mechanisms is
c. Clients socioeconomic data c. circumscribed, elevated, and the client exhibiting?
d. client's reaction to the drug filled with serous fluid
d. elevated, pus-filled and a. Denial
circumscribed b. Anxiety
71. Which of the ff.
c. Repression
statements about these
d. Confusion
nursing practice acts are true? 76. Which nursing action is
essential when providing
continuous enteral feeding? 81. These are "in-between
a. These acts are not effective in factors" present in research
the supervision or revocation of environment that threaten the
licensure of erring nurses a. elevating the head of the bed
b. positioning the client on the left internal and external validity
b. These acts have been of a research study.
authorized by the accredited side
national nurses organization c. warming the formula before
administering it a. Dependent variable
c. These acts usually define the b. Independent variables
scope of nursing practice d. hanging a full day's worth of
formula at one time c. Intervening variables
d. These acts describe the d. Criterion variable
diffences between a registered
nurse and a practice nurse 77. After initial assessment of 82. The ff. are motivational
a client, findings reveals a factors according to Herzberg,
72. The following are true on a body temp of 38.5 C, except:
manager except? Consequently the clients blood
pressure can be expected to a. Challenging aspects of the work
b. Added responsibility the nuse measures the correct indicative for infection?
c. Oppurtunities for personal medication dose and draws a
growth small amount of air into the a. The presence of an indwelling
d. Quality of supervision syringe. What is the rationale urinary catheter
for this action? b. Rectal temperature of 100F
83. The nurse measures the c. Red, warm , tender incision
client's temperature at 102 F. a. Adding air decreases pain d. WVC count of 8,000/UI
What is the equivalent caused by the injection
centigrade temp? b. Adding air prevents the drug 92. A patient classification
from flowing back into the needle system where patients need
a. 39.1 C tract close attention and complete
b. 47.2 C c. Adding air prevens the solution care in most activities and
c. 38.9 C from entering a blood vessel requires frequent and complex
d. 40.1 C d. Adding air ensures that client treatments and medications
receives the entire dose.
84. A client is placed on a low- a. Minimal Care (category 1)
sodium (500mg/day) diet. 88. Which of the ff. is true of b. Moderate Care (category 2)
Which client statement Care System method? c. Maximum Care (category 3)
indicates that the nurse's d. Intensive Care (category 4)
nutrition teaching plan has a. Autonomy and authority for the
been effective? care of four to siz patients on a 93. What nursing diagnosis is
24-h basis commonly used to develop a
a. "I can eat a ham-and-cheese b. Assigning nurses to give total plan of care for managing
sandwich w/ potato chips for nursing care to a single patient client's drug regimen?
lunch" c. Divison of labor which nurses
b. "I choose broiled chiken whith a are assigned to perform secific a. Noncomplience
baked potato for dinner" tasks b. Altered coping mechanism
c. "I choose a tossed salad w/ d. Assigning a team to give total c. Anxiety
sardines and oil and vinegar care to a selected group of clients d. Altered home maintenance
dressing for lunch"
d. "Im glad i can still have chicken 89. Which of the ff. best 94. Which of the ff. provides
bouillon soup" describes the action of the that nurses be members of the
nurse who documents her national nurse organization?
85. Why should an infant be nursing diagnosis?
quiet and seated upright when a. RA 877
the nurse assess his a. She documents and charts it b. 1987 Code of Ethics approved
fontaanels? whenever necessary by the house of delegates PNA
b. She can be accused of c. Board Resolution No 1955
a. The mother will have less malpractice promulgated by the Board of
trouble holding a quiet upright c. She does it reguarly as an impt. Nursing
infant responsibility d. RA 7164
b. Lying down can cause the d. She starts it only when the pt. is
fontanels to recede, making acutely ill 95. The ff. are good sources of
assessment more difficult. research problems except?
c. The infant can breath more 90. To help assess a clients
easily when sitting up cerabral function, the nurse a. Literature
d. Lying down and crying can should ask: b. Clininal experience
cause the fontanels to buldge c. Daily news reports
a. Have you noticed a change in d. existing theories
86. Communicating and using your memory?
the research findings is under b. Have you noticed a chnge in 96. What is the common goal
what phase of the research your muscle strength? of discharge planning in all
process? c. Have you had any coodination care settings?
a. Implementation phase d. Have you had any problems a. prolonging hospitalization until
b. Dissemination phase with your eyes? the client can function
c. Analysis and interpretation independently
phase 91. The nurse is evaulating a b. Teaching client how to perform
d. Design phase postoperative client for self-care activities
infection. Which sign of c. Providing the financial
87. To give a Z-tract injection, sympton would be most resources needed to ensure
proper care
d. Preventing the need for medical
follow-up care.

97. The physician prescribe as

IV infucion of 1000 ml D5W
every 12 hours for a client.
The IV setup delivers 15
gtt/ml. Approx. how many
drops should be administered
each minute?

a. 18
b. 21
c. 24
d. 27

98. Which of the following

provides the material and
human resources and building
the structure to care out the
activities of the organization?

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Command
d. Control

99. A client is scheduled to

receive a blood transfusion.
During the transfusion, the
nurse should observer for
which sign or symptoms of a
transfusion reaction?

a. Dizziness
b. Chills
c. Hypothermia
d. Hyperreflexia

100. The client has an

abdominal hysterectomy, 10
hours ago. Which position
should the nurse teach the
client to avoid?

a. High Fowlers
b. lateral recumbent
c. Supine
d. Side lying
now Immobilized and brought to the side of the right foot.
the emergency room. The X-ray D. Holds the cane on the right
SITUATION : Arthur, A registered shows a fractured femur and side.
nurse, witnessed an old woman hit pelvis. The ER Nurse would
by a motorcycle while crossing a carefully monitor Martha for which SITUATION: Alfred, a 40 year old
train railway. The old woman fell of the following sign and construction worker developed
at the railway. Arthur rushed at symptoms? cough, night sweats and fever. He
the scene. was brought to the nursing unit for
A. Tachycardia and Hypotension diagnostic studies. He told the
1. As a registered nurse, Arthur B. Fever and Bradycardia nurse he did not receive a BCG
knew that the first thing that he C. Bradycardia and Hypertension vaccine during childhood
will do at the scene is D. Fever and Hypertension
9. The nurse performs a Mantoux
A. Stay with the person, SITUATION: Mr. D. Rojas, An obese Test. The nurse knows that
Encourage her to remain still and 35 year old MS Professor of OLFU Mantoux Test is also known as
Immobilize the leg while Lagro is admitted due to pain in
While waiting for the ambulance. his weight bearing joint. The A. PPD
B. Leave the person for a few diagnosis was Osteoarthritis. B. PDP
moments to call for help. C. PDD
C. Reduce the fracture manually. 6. As a nurse, you instructed Mr. D. DPP
D. Move the person to a safer Rojas how to use a cane. Mr. Rojas
place. has a weakness on his right leg 10. The nurse would inject the
due to self immobilization and solution in what route?
2. Arthur suspects a hip fracture guarding. You plan to teach Mr.
when he noticed that the old Rojas to hold the cane A. IM
woman’s leg is B. IV
A. On his left hand, because his C. ID
A. Lengthened, Abducted and right side is weak. D. SC
Internally Rotated. B. On his left hand, because of
B. Shortened, Abducted and reciprocal motion. 11. The nurse notes that a positive
Externally Rotated. C. On his right hand, to support result for Alfred is
C. Shortened, Adducted and the right leg.
Internally Rotated. D. On his right hand, because only A. 5 mm wheal
D. Shortened, Adducted and his right leg is weak. B. 5 mm Induration
Externally Rotated. C. 10 mm Wheal
7. You also told Mr. Rojas to hold D. 10 mm Induration
3. The old woman complains of the cane
pain. John noticed that the knee is 12. The nurse told Alfred to come
reddened, warm to touch and A. 1 Inches in front of the foot. back after
swollen. John interprets that this B. 3 Inches at the lateral side of
signs and symptoms are likely the foot. A. a week
related to c. 6 Inches at the lateral side of B. 48 hours
the foot. C. 1 day
A. Infection D. 12 Inches at the lateral side of D. 4 days
B. Thrombophlebitis the foot.
C. Inflammation 13. Mang Alfred returns after the
D. Degenerative disease 8. Mr. Rojas was discharged and 6 Mantoux Test. The test result read
months later, he came back to the POSITIVE. What should be the
4. The old woman told John that emergency room of the hospital nurse’s next action?
she has osteoporosis; Arthur knew because he suffered a mild stroke.
that all of the following factors The right side of the brain was A. Call the Physician
would contribute to osteoporosis affected. At the rehabilitative B. Notify the radiology dept. for
except phase of your nursing care, you CXR evaluation
observe Mr. Rojas use a cane and C. Isolate the patient
A. Hypothyroidism you intervene if you see him D. Order for a sputum exam
B. End stage renal disease
C. Cushing’s Disease A. Moves the cane when the right 14. Why is Mantoux test not
D. Taking Furosemide and leg is moved. routinely done in the Philippines?
Phenytoin. B. Leans on the cane when the
right leg swings through. A. It requires a highly skilled nurse
5. Martha, The old woman was C. keeps the cane 6 Inches out to to perform a Mantoux test
B. The sputum culture is the gold those with the following condition C. 6-8 inches
standard of PTB Diagnosis and it except D. 12-18 inches
will definitively determine the
extent of the cavitary lesions A. 23 Year old athlete with 25. The maximum height of
C. Chest X Ray Can diagnose the diabetes insipidus irrigation solution for colostomy is
specific microorganism B. 23 Year old athlete taking long
responsible for the lesions term Decadron therapy and A. 5 inches
D. Almost all Filipinos will test anabolic steroids B. 12 inches
positive for Mantoux Test C. 23 Year old athlete taking C. 18 inches
illegal drugs and abusing D. 24 inches
15. Mang Alfred is now a new TB substances
patient with an active disease. D. Undernourished and 26. Which of the following
What is his category according to Underweight individual who behavior of the client indicates the
the DOH? undergone gastrectomy best initial step in learning to care
for his colostomy?
A. I 21. Direct sputum examination
B. II and Chest X ray of TB A. Ask to defer colostomy care to
C. III symptomatic is in what level of another individual
D. IV prevention? B. Promises he will begin to listen
the next day
16. How long is the duration of the A. Primary C. Agrees to look at the colostomy
maintenance phase of his B. Secondary D. States that colostomy care is
treatment? C. Tertiary the function of the nurse while he
D. Quarterly is in the hospital
A. 2 months
B. 3 months SITUATION: Michiel, A male patient 27. While irrigating the client’s
C. 4 months diagnosed with colon cancer was colostomy, Michiel suddenly
D. 5 months newly put in colostomy. complains of severe cramping.
Initially, the nurse would
17. Which of the following drugs is 22. Michiel shows the BEST
UNLIKELY given to Mang Alfred adaptation with the new A. Stop the irrigation by clamping
during the maintenance phase? colostomy if he shows which of the the tube
following? B. Slow down the irrigation
A. Rifampicin C. Tell the client that cramping will
B. Isoniazid A. Look at the ostomy site subside and is normal
C. Ethambutol B. Participate with the nurse in his D. Notify the physician
D. Pyridoxine daily ostomy care
C. Ask for leaflets and contact 28. The next day, the nurse will
18. According to the DOH, the numbers of ostomy support assess Michiel’s stoma. The nurse
most hazardous period for groups noticed that a prolapsed stoma is
development of clinical disease is D. Talk about his ostomy openly to evident if she sees which of the
during the first the nurse and friends following?

A. 6-12 months after 23. The nurse plans to teach A. A sunken and hidden stoma
B. 3-6 months after Michiel about colostomy irrigation. B. A dusky and bluish stoma
C. 1-2 months after As the nurse prepares the C. A narrow and flattened stoma
D. 2-4 weeks after materials needed, which of the D. Protruding stoma with swollen
following item indicates that the appearance
19. This is the name of the nurse needs further instruction?
program of the DOH to control TB 29. Michiel asked the nurse, what
in the country A. Plain NSS / Normal Saline foods will help lessen the odor of
B. K-Y Jelly his colostomy. The nurse best
A. DOTS C. Tap water response would be
B. National Tuberculosis Control D. Irrigation sleeve
Program A. Eat eggs
C. Short Coursed Chemotherapy 24. The nurse should insert the B. Eat cucumbers
D. Expanded Program for colostomy tube for irrigation at C. Eat beet greens and parsley
Immunization approximately D. Eat broccoli and spinach

20. Susceptibility for the disease A. 1-2 inches 30. The nurse will start to teach
[ TB ] is increased markedly in B. 3-4 inches Michiel about the techniques for
colostomy irrigation. Which of the D. 20-25 mmHg
following should be included in the SITUATION : Juan Miguel Lopez
nurse’s teaching plan? 35. If a Wall unit is used, What Zobel Ayala de Batumbakal was
should be the suctioning pressure diagnosed with Acute Close Angle
A. Use 500 ml to 1,000 ml NSS required by James? Glaucoma. He is being seen by
B. Suspend the irrigant 45 cm Nurse Jet.
above the stoma A. 50-95 mmHg
C. Insert the cone 4 cm in the B. 95-110 mmHg 40. What specific manifestation
stoma C. 100-120 mmHg would nurse Jet see in Acute close
D. If cramping occurs, slow the D. 155-175 mmHg angle glaucoma that she would
irrigation not see in an open angle
36. Wilma was shocked to see that glaucoma?
31. The nurse knew that the the Tracheostomy was dislodged.
normal color of Michiel’s stoma Both the inner and outer cannulas A. Loss of peripheral vision
should be was removed and left hanging on B. Irreversible vision loss
James’ neck. What are the 2 C. There is an increase in IOP
A. Brick Red equipment’s at james’ bedside D. Pain
B. Gray that could help Wilma deal with
C. Blue this situation? 41. Nurse jet knew that Acute
D. Pale Pink close angle glaucoma is caused by
A. New set of tracheostomy tubes
SITUATION: James, A 27 basketball and Oxygen tank
player sustained inhalation burn B. Theophylline and Epinephrine A. Sudden blockage of the anterior
that required him to have C. Obturator and Kelly clamp angle by the base of the iris
tracheostomy due to massive D. Sterile saline dressing B. Obstruction in trabecular
upper airway edema. meshwork
37. Which of the following method C. Gradual increase of IOP
32. Wilma, His sister and a nurse if used by Wilma will best assure D. An abrupt rise in IOP from 8 to
is suctioning the tracheostomy that the tracheostomy ties are not 15 mmHg
tube of James. Which of the too tightly placed?
following, if made by Wilma 42. Nurse jet performed a
indicates that she is committing A. Wilma places 2 fingers between TONOMETRY test to Mr.
an error? the tie and neck Batumbakal. What does this test
B. The tracheotomy can be pulled measures
A. Hyperventilating James with slightly away from the neck
100% oxygen before and after C. James’ neck veins are not A. It measures the peripheral
suctioning engorged vision remaining on the client
B. Instilling 3 to 5 ml normal saline D. Wilma measures the tie from B. Measures the Intra Ocular
to loosen up secretion the nose to the tip of the earlobe Pressure
C. Applying suction during and to the xiphoid process. C. Measures the Client’s Visual
catheter withdrawal Acuity
D. Suction the client every hour 38. Wilma knew that James have D. Determines the Tone of the eye
an adequate respiratory condition in response to the sudden
33. What size of suction catheter if she notices that increase in IOP.
would Wilma use for James, who is
6 feet 5 inches in height and A. James’ respiratory rate is 18 43. The Nurse notices that Mr.
weighing approximately 145 lbs? B. James’ Oxygen saturation is Batumbakal cannot anymore
91% determine RED from BLUE. The
A. Fr. 5 C. There are frank blood suction nurse knew that which part of the
B. Fr. 10 from the tube eye is affected by this change?
C. Fr. 12 D. There are moderate amount of
D. Fr. 18 tracheobronchial secretions A. IRIS
34. Wilma is using a portable 39. Wilma knew that the c. RODS [RETINA]
suction unit at home, What is the maximum time when suctioning D. CONES [RETINA]
amount of suction required by James is
James using this unit? 44. Nurse Jet knows that Aqueous
A. 10 seconds Humor is produce where?
A. 2-5 mmHg B. 20 seconds
B. 5-10 mmHg C. 30 seconds A. In the sub arachnoid space of
C. 10-15 mmHg D. 45 seconds the meninges
B. In the Lateral ventricles C. Watching TV plan of care for this particular
C. In the Choroids D. Listening to the music patient?
D. In the Ciliary Body
51. If Mr. Batumbakal is receiving A. Air, Breathing, Circulation
45. Nurse Jet knows that the pilocarpine, what drug should B. Love and Belongingness
normal IOP is always be available in any case C. Food, Diet and Nutrition
systemic toxicity occurs? D. Safety
A. 8-21 mmHg
B. 2-7 mmHg A. Atropine Sulfate 55. After mastoidectomy, Nurse
c. 31-35 mmHg B. Pindolol [Visken] John should be aware that the
D. 15-30 mmHg C. Naloxone Hydrochloride cranial nerve that is usually
[Narcan] damage after this procedure is
46. Nurse Jet wants to measure D. Mesoridazine Besylate
Mr. Batumbakal’s CN II Function. [Serentil] A. CN I
What test would Nurse Jet B. CN II
implement to measure CN II’s SITUATION : Wide knowledge C. CN VII
Acuity? about the human ear, it’s parts D. CN VI
and it’s functions will help a nurse
A. Slit lamp assess and analyze changes in the 56. The physician orders the
B. Snellen’s Chart adult client’s health. following for the client with
C. Wood’s light Menieres disease. Which of the
D. Gonioscopy 52. Nurse Anna is doing a caloric following should the nurse
testing to his patient, Aida, a 55 question?
47. The Doctor orders pilocarpine. year old university professor who
Nurse jet knows that the action of recently went into coma after A. Dipenhydramine [Benadryl]
this drug is to being mauled by her disgruntled B. Atropine sulfate
3rd year nursing students whom C. Out of bed activities and
A. Contract the Ciliary muscle she gave a failing mark. After ambulation
B. Relax the Ciliary muscle instilling a warm water in the ear, D. Diazepam [Valium]
C. Dilate the pupils Anna noticed a rotary nystagmus
D. Decrease production of towards the irrigated ear. What 57. Nurse Anna is giving dietary
Aqueous Humor does this means? instruction to a client with
Menieres disease. Which
48. The doctor orders timolol A. Indicates a CN VIII Dysfunction statement if made by the client
[timoptic]. Nurse jet knows that B. Abnormal indicates that the teaching has
the action of this drug is C. Normal been successful?
D. Inconclusive
A. Reduce production of CSF A. I will try to eat foods that are
B. Reduce production of Aquesous low in sodium and limit my fluid
Humor 53. Ear drops are prescribed to an intake
C. Constrict the pupil infant, The most appropriate B. I must drink atleast 3,000 ml of
D. Relaxes the Ciliary muscle method to administer the ear fluids per day
drops is C. I will try to follow a 50%
49. When caring for Mr. carbohydrate, 30% fat and 20%
Batumbakal, Jet teaches the client A. Pull the pinna up and back and protein diet
to avoid direct the solution towards the D. I will not eat turnips, red meat
eardrum and raddish
A. Watching large screen TVs B. Pull the pinna down and back
B. Bending at the waist and direct the solution onto the 58. Peachy was rushed by his
C. Reading books wall of the canal father, Steven into the hospital
D. Going out in the sun C. Pull the pinna down and back admission. Peachy is complaining
and direct the solution towards of something buzzing into her
50. Mr. Batumbakal has the eardrum ears. Nurse Joemar assessed
undergone eye angiography using D. Pull the pinna up and back and peachy and found out It was an
an Intravenous dye and direct the solution onto the wall of insect. What should be the first
fluoroscopy. What activity is the canal thing that Nurse Joemar should try
contraindicated immediately after to remove the insect out from
procedure? 54. Nurse Jenny is developing a peachy’s ear?
plan of care for a patient with
A. Reading newsprint Menieres disease. What is the A. Use a flashlight to coax the
B. Lying down priority nursing intervention in the insect out of peachy’s ear
B. Instill an antibiotic ear drops WEBERS TEST. He placed the D. Dehydration R/T incessant
C. Irrigate the ear tuning fork in the patients vomiting
D. Pick out the insect using a forehead after tapping it onto his
sterile clean forceps knee. The client states that the 65. Approximately how much fluid
fork is louder in the LEFT EAR. is lost in acute weight loss of .5kg?
59. Following an ear surgery, Which of the following is a correct
which statement if heard by Nurse conclusion for nurse Josph to
Oca from the patient indicates a make? A. 50 ml
correct understanding of the post B. 750 ml
operative instructions? A. He might have a sensory C. 500 ml
hearing loss in the left ear D. 75 ml
A. Activities are resumed within 5 B. Conductive hearing loss is
days possible in the right ear 66. Postural Hypotension is
B. I will make sure that I will clean C. He might have a sensory
my hair and face to prevent hearing loss in the right hear, A. A drop in systolic pressure less
infection and/or a conductive hearing loss than 10 mmHg when patient
C. I will use straw for drinking in the left ear. changes position from lying to
D. I should avoid air travel for a D. He might have a conductive sitting.
while hearing loss in the right ear, B. A drop in systolic pressure
and/or a sensory hearing loss in greater than 10 mmHg when
60. Nurse Oca will do a caloric the left ear. patient changes position from
testing to a client who sustained a lying to sitting
blunt injury in the head. He 63. Aling myrna has Menieres C. A drop in diastolic pressure less
instilled a cold water in the client’s disease. What typical dietary than 10 mmHg when patient
right ear and he noticed that prescription would nurse Oca changes position from lying to
nystagmus occurred towards the expect the doctor to prescribe? sitting
left ear. What does this finding D. A drop in diastolic pressure
indicates? A. A low sodium , high fluid intake greater than 10 mmHg when
B. A high calorie, high protein patient changes position from
A. Indicating a Cranial Nerve VIII dietary intake lying to sitting
Dysfunction C. low fat, low sodium and high
B. The test should be repeated calorie intake 67. Which of the following
again because the result is vague D. low sodium and restricted fluid measures will not help correct the
C. This is Grossly abnormal and intake patient’s condition
should be reported to the
neurosurgeon SITUATION : [ From DEC 1991 A. Offer large amount of oral fluid
D. This indicates an intact and NLE ] A 45 year old male intake to replace fluid lost
working vestibular branch of CN construction worker was admitted B. Give enteral or parenteral fluid
VIII to a tertiary hospital for incessant C. Frequent oral care
vomiting. Assessment disclosed: D. Give small volumes of fluid at
61. A client with Cataract is about weak rapid pulse, acute weight frequent interval
to undergo surgery. Nurse Oca is loss of .5kg, furrows in his tongue,
preparing plan of care. Which of slow flattening of the skin was 68. After nursing intervention, you
the following nursing diagnosis is noted when the nurse released will expect the patient to have
most appropriate to address the her pinch.
long term need of this type of 1. Maintain body temperature at
patient? Temperature: 35.8 C , BUN 36.5 C
Creatinine ratio : 10 : 1, He also 2. Exhibit return of BP and Pulse to
A. Anxiety R/T to the operation complains for postural normal
and its outcome hypotension. There was no 3. Manifest normal skin turgor of
B. Sensory perceptual alteration infection. skin and tongue
R/T Lens extraction and 4. Drinks fluids as prescribed
replacement 64. Which of the following is the
C. Knowledge deficit R/T the pre appropriate nursing diagnosis? A. 1,3
operative and post operative self B. 2,4
care A. Fluid volume deficit R/T furrow C. 1,3,4
D. Body Image disturbance R/T the tongue D. 2,3,4
eye packing after surgery B. Fluid volume deficit R/T
uncontrolled vomiting SITUATION: A 65 year old woman
C. Dehydration R/T subnormal was admitted for Parkinson’s
62. Nurse Joseph is performing a body temperature Disease. The charge nurse is
going to make an initial areas? fibrosis
assessment. B. Dissolve blockage of the urinary
A. Balance tract due to obstruction of cystine
69. Which of the following is a B. Judgment stones
characteristic of a patient with C. Speech C. Reduces secretion of the
advanced Parkinson’s disease? D. Endurance glandular organ of the body
D. Stimulate peristalsis for
A. Disturbed vision 75. Mr. Dela Isla said he cannot treatment of constipation and
B. Forgetfulness comprehend what the nurse was obstruction
C. Mask like facial expression saying. He suffers from:
D. Muscle atrophy 80. What should the nurse caution
A. Insomnia the client when using this
70. The onset of Parkinson’s B. Aphraxia medication
disease is between 50-60 years C. Agnosia
old. This disorder is caused by D. Aphasia A. Avoid hazardous activities like
driving, operating machineries
A. Injurious chemical substances 76. The nurse is aware that in etc.
B. Hereditary factors communicating with an elderly B. Take the drug on empty
C. Death of brain cells due to old client, the nurse will stomach
age C. Take with a full glass of water in
D. Impairment of dopamine A. Lean and shout at the ear of the treatment of Ulcerative colitis
producing cells in the brain client D. I must take double dose if I
B. Open mouth wide while talking missed the previous dose
71. The patient was prescribed to the client
with levodopa. What is the action C. Use a low-pitched voice 81. Which of the following drugs
of this drug? D. Use a medium-pitched voice are not compatible when taking
A. Increase dopamine availability 77. As the nurse talks to the
B. Activates dopaminergic daughter of Mr. Dela Isla, which of A. Caffeine
receptors in the basal ganglia the following statement of the B. NSAID
C. Decrease acetylcholine daughter will require the nurse to C. Acetaminophen
availability give further teaching? D. Alcohol
D. Release dopamine and other
catecholamine from neurological A. I know the hallucinations are 82. What should the nurse tell
storage sites parts of the disease clients when taking Probanthine?
B. I told her she is wrong and I
72. You are discussing with the explained to her what is right A. Avoid hot weathers to prevent
dietician what food to avoid with C. I help her do some tasks he heat strokes
patients taking levodopa? cannot do for himself B. Never swim on a chlorinated
D. Ill turn off the TV when we go to pool
A. Vitamin C rich food another room C. Make sure you limit your fluid
B. Vitamin E rich food intake to 1L a day
C. Thiamine rich food 78. Which of the following is most D. Avoid cold weathers to prevent
D. Vitamin B6 rich food important discharge teaching for hypothermia
Mr. Dela Isla
73. One day, the patient 83. Which of the following disease
complained of difficulty in walking. A. Emergency Numbers would Probanthine exert the much
Your response would be B. Drug Compliance needed action for control or
C. Relaxation technique treatment of the disorder?
A. You will need a cane for D. Dietary prescription
support A. Urinary retention
B. Walk erect with eyes on horizon SITUATION : Knowledge of the B. Peptic Ulcer Disease
C. I’ll get you a wheelchair drug PROPANTHELINE BROMIDE C. Ulcerative Colitis
D. Don’t force yourself to walk [Probanthine] Is necessary in D. Glaucoma
treatment of various disorders.
SITUATION: Mr. Dela Isla, a client SITUATION : Mr. Franco, 70 years
with early Dementia exhibits 79. What is the action of this old, suddenly could not lift his
thought process disturbances. drug? spoons nor speak at breakfast. He
was rushed to the hospital
74. The nurse will assess a loss of A. Increases glandular secretion unconscious. His diagnosis was
ability in which of the following for clients affected with cystic CVA.
C. The client will have problems in suction
84. Which of the following is the judging distance and D. Deep breathing and leg
most important assessment during proprioception exercise
the acute stage of an unconscious D. Clients orientation to time and
patient like Mr. Franco? space will be much affected 94. Peritonitis may occur in
ruptured appendix and may cause
A. Level of awareness and SITUATION : a 20 year old college serious problems which are
response to pain student was rushed to the ER of
B. Papillary reflexes and response PGH after he fainted during their 1. Hypovolemia, electrolyte
to sensory stimuli ROTC drill. Complained of severe imbalance
C. Coherence and sense of right iliac pain. Upon palpation of 2. Elevated temperature,
hearing his abdomen, Ernie jerks even on weakness and diaphoresis
D. Patency of airway and slight pressure. Blood test was 3. Nausea and vomiting, rigidity of
adequacy of respiration ordered. Diagnosis is acute the abdominal wall
appendicitis. 4. Pallor and eventually shock
85. Considering Mr. Franco’s
conditions, which of the following 89. Which result of the lab test will A. 1 and 2
is most important to include in be significant to the diagnosis? B. 2 and 3
preparing Franco’s bedside C. 1,2,3
equipment? A. RBC : 4.5 TO 5 Million / cu. mm. D. All of the above
B. Hgb : 13 to 14 gm/dl.
A. Hand bell and extra bed linen C. Platelets : 250,000 to 500,000 95. If after surgery the patient’s
B. Sandbag and trochanter rolls cu.mm. abdomen becomes distended and
C. Footboard and splint D. WBC : 12,000 to 13,000/cu.mm no bowel sounds appreciated,
D. Suction machine and gloves what would be the most suspected
90. Stat appendectomy was complication?
86. What is the rationale for giving indicated. Pre op care would
Mr. Franco frequent mouth care? include all of the following except? A. Intussusception
B. Paralytic Ileus
A. He will be thirsty considering C. Hemorrhage
that he is doesn’t drink enough A. Consent signed by the father D. Ruptured colon
fluids B. Enema STAT
B. To remove dried blood when C. Skin prep of the area including 96. NGT was connected to suction.
tongue is bitten during a seizure the pubis In caring for the patient with NGT,
C. The tactile stimulation during D. Remove the jewelries the nurse must
mouth care will hasten return to
consciousness 91. Pre-anesthetic med of A. Irrigate the tube with saline as
D. Mouth breathing is used by Demerol and atrophine sulfate ordered
comatose patient and it’ll cause were ordered to : B. Use sterile technique in
oral mucosa dying and cracking. irrigating the tube
A. Allay anxiety and apprehension C. advance the tube every hour to
87. One of the complications of B. Reduce pain avoid kinks
prolonged bed rest is decubitus C. Prevent vomiting D. Offer some ice chips to wet lips
ulcer. Which of the following can D. Relax abdominal muscle
best prevent its occurrence? 97. When do you think the NGT
92. Common anesthesia for tube be removed?
A. Massage reddened areas with appendectomy is
lotion or oils A. When patient requests for it
B. Turn frequently every 2 hours A. Spinal B. Abdomen is soft and patient
C. Use special water mattress B. General asks for water
D. Keep skin clean and dry C. Caudal C. Abdomen is soft and flatus has
D. Hypnosis been expelled
88. If Mr. Franco’s Right side is D. B and C only
weak, What should be the most 93. Post op care for
accurate analysis by the nurse? appendectomy include the Situation: Amanda is suffering
following except from chronic arteriosclerosis Brain
A. Expressive aphasia is syndrome she fell while getting
prominent on clients with right A. Early ambulation out of the bed one morning and
sided weakness B. Diet as tolerated after fully was brought to the hospital, and
B. The affected lobe in the patient conscious she was diagnosed to have
is the Right lobe C. Nasogastric tube connect to cerebrovascular thrombosis thus
transferred to a nursing home.

98. What do you call a STROKE

that manifests a bizarre behavior?

A. Inorganic Stroke
B. Inorganic Psychoses
C. Organic Stroke
D. Organic Psychoses

99. The main difference between

chronic and organic brain
syndrome is that the former

A. Occurs suddenly and reversible

B. Is progressive and reversible
C. tends to be progressive and
D. Occurs suddenly and

100. Which behavior results from

organic psychoses?

A. Memory deficit
B. Disorientation
C. Impaired Judgement
D. Inappropriate affect
4. The nurse enter the room of a. Mixes room air with oxygen
a client who has a chest tube b. Delivers a precise concentration
Situation I -- Nurse Caria is attached to a water seal of oxygen
assigned in the emergency unit drainage system and notices c. Requires humidity during
meeting. Varied opportunities that the chest tube is dislodge delivery
developed her nursing skills. from the chest. The most d. Is less traumatic to the
appropriate nursing respirator tract
1. A 17-year old is admitted intervention is to:
following an automobile 8. Which statement by Mr.
accident He is very anxious, a. Notify the physician Sison indicates that client
dyspneic, and in severe pain. b. Insert a new chest tube teaching regarding oxygen
The left chest wall moves in c. Cover the insertion site with therapy has been effective?
during inspiration and new petroleum gauze
balloons out when he exhales. d. Instruct the client to breath a. "I was feeling fine so I removed
The nurse understands these deeply until the help arrives my nasal prongs."
symptoms are most b. "I've increased my fluids to six
suggestive of: 5. A 71-year old is admitted to glasses of water daily."
the hospital with congestive c. "Don’t forget to come back
a. Hemothorax heart failure. She has quickly when you get me out of
b. Flail chest shortness of breath and a +3 - the bed; I don't want to be without
c. Atelectasis 4 peripheral edema. The care my oxygen for too long."
d. Pleural effusion plan to reduce the client's d. "My family was angry when I
edema should include nursing told them they could not smoke in
2. A young man is admitted strategies for: my room."
with a flail chest following a
car accident. He is intubated a. Establishing limits on activity 9. Supplemental low-flow
with an endotracheal tube and b. Fostering a relaxed oxygen therapy is prescribed
is placed on a mechanical environment for a man with emphysema.
ventilator (control mode, c. Identifying goals for self care Which is the most essential for
positive pressure). Which d. Restricting IV fluids the nurse to initiate?
physical finding alerts the
nurse to an additional problem Situation 2 - Oxygen is the most a. Anticipate the need for
in respiratory function? vital physiologic need for survival. humidification
b. Notify the physician that this
a. Dullness to percussion in the 6. Mr. Sison, 65 years old has order is contraindicated
third to 5th intercostals space, been smoking since he was 11 c. Place client in high Fowler's
midclavicular line years old. He has long history position
b. Decreased paradoxical motion of emphysema. Mr. Sison is d. Schedule nursing care to allow
c. Louder breath sounds on the admitted to the hospital frequent observations of the client
right chest because of a respiratory
d. pH of 7.36 In arterial blood infection, which has not Situation 3 - Mr. Silverio, 56 years
gases improved with outpatient old, has had significant problem
therapy. Which finding would with alcohol abuse for the past 15
3. The nurse is caring for a the nurse expect to observe years. His wife brings him to the
client who has just had a chest during Mr. Sison's nursing emergency department because
tube attached to a water seal assessment? he is increasingly confused and is
drainage system (Pleur-evac). coughing blood. His medical
To ensure that the system a. Electrocardiogram changes diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver.
functions effectively the nurse b. Increased anterior-posterior He has ascites and esophageal
should: chest diameter varices.
c. Slow labored respiratory pattern
a. Observe for intermittent d. Weight-Height relationship 10. Assessment of Mr. Silverio
bubbling in the water seal indicating obesity would reveal all of the
chamber following, except:
b. Flush the test tube with 30 to 7. Mr. Sison is ordered oxygen
60 ml of NSS 4 to 6 hours via nasal prongs. The nurse a. Bulging flanks
c. Maintain the client in an administering the oxygen via b. Protruding umbilicus
extreme lateral position the low-flow system c. Abdominal distension
d. Strip the chest tubes in the recognizes that this method of d. Bluish discoloration of the
direction of the client delivery: umbilicus
11. Which laboratory value d. Developmental Situation 6 - One Important fact
would the nurse expect to find that will guide the nurse in the
in a client as a result of liver 16. Noemi, a staff nurse in the practice of the profession is her
failure? emergency room, realizes that knowledge of the nursing law.
she has an important role to
a. Decreased serum creatinine play as a patient advocate to 20. The nurse practice Act of
b. Decreased sodium rape victims. To demonstrate 1991 regulates the practice of
c. Increased ammonia this role, she takes note of nursing in the Philippines.
d. Restricted sodium one of the responsibilities? Which of the following
statements about this Act is
12. The major dietary a. Since this is a legal case, call true?
treatment for ascites calls for: the press about the incidence of
rape a. This Act delineates the practice
b. Perform thorough physical of nursing and midwifery
a. High protein assessment and documenting b. It was enacted in November
b. Increased potassium objectively all the evidences of 1991
c. Restricted fluids rape c. The primary purpose is to
d. Restricted sodium c. Ask the patient to stay in one protect the public
isolated room first to provide d. The Act defines the practice of
13. A Sengstaken-BIakemore privacy while attending to other nursing in the Philippines
tube is inserted in an effort to patients
stop the bleeding. Base on d. Provide emotional support first 21. When a nurse starts
this information, the first and postponed physical working In a hospital but
action the nurse should take is assessment when patient is without a written contract,
to: already calm which of the following is
expected of her?
a. Deflate the esophageal balloon 17. Which of the following is a
b. Encourage him to take the deep form of active, focused, a. She's not bound to perform
breath emotional environmental first according to the standards of
c. Monitor his vital signs aid for patients in crisis? nursing practice
d. Notify the physician b. Provides nursing care within the
a. Attitude therapy acceptable standards of nursing
14. Because the detoxification b. Psychotherapy practice
of alcohol damages tissues a c. Crisis intervention c. She's not obligated to provide
high-calorie diet, fortified with d. Re-motivation technique professional service
vitamins should be d. The employer does not hold the
encouraged to protect Mr. 18. Which of the following is nurse responsible for her action
Silverio's: true with regards to crisis?
22. A patient, G8P5, refused to
a. Liver a. Crisis is self-limiting be injected with the 3rd dose
b. Kidneys b. After crisis, the individual of Depoprovera. The
c. Adrenals always return to a pre-crisis state nurse insisted inspite of the
d. Pancreas or condition patients refusal and forcibly
c. Crisis always result in adaptive injected the contraceptive.
Situation 4 - Rape is one of the behavior She can be sued for which of
most tragic things that could d. The person in crisis is not the following?
happen to anyone especially with susceptible for any help
young girls. Incidence such as a. Misrepresentation
these could develop into a crisis19. If help is not provided in a b. Assault and Battery
situation involving not only the crisis situation, an individual c. Malpractice
rape victims but also their may spontaneously resolve in d. Negligence
families. negatively or positively by
returning to pre-crisis state, 23.A patient has been in the
15. This type of crisis could be usually within which of the ICU for 2 weeks. The relatives
an example of which of the following duration? have consented to a "Do not
following? resuscitate order," When the
a. 2-3 weeks patient develops a cardiac
a. Combination of developmental b. 3-4 weeks arrest, the nurse will carry out
and situational c. 1-2 weeks which of the following actions?
b. Situational d. 4-6 weeks
c. Emotional
a. Only medication will be given her motor strength? b. Return to an earlier, less
b. All ordinary measure will be mature stage of development
stopped a. Observe how he talks c. Exclude fro the conscious things
c. Basic and advance life support b. Instruct her to squeeze her that are psychologically disturbing
will not be given hands d. Channel an acceptable sexual
d. Mechanical ventilation and NGT c. Allowing him to stand alone desire into socially approved
will be stopped d. Pricking her skin with pin behavior

24. When a patient falls from 29.Which of the following 34. An example of
bed, which of the following is activities would cause her a displacement is:
your immediate action? risk in the increase of
intracranial pressure? a. Imaginative activity to escape
a. Report to the head nurse and reality
calls someone to help a. Coughing b. Ignoring unpleasant aspects of
b. Determine any injury or harm b. Reading reality
c. Refer to the resident on duty c. Turning c. Resisting any demands made by
d. Put back patient to bed d. Sleeping others
d. Pent-up emotion directed to
Situation 7 - Ms. May Mansur Situation 8 - Basic Psychiatric other than the primary source
encountered vehicular accident on concepts a nurse should be aware
her way to the office and he of... Situation 9 - Joan, age 34, is
remains conscious. Police officers hospitalized because of
brought her to the hospital. 30. Mental experiences, alcoholism.
operate on different levels of
25. You have to observe for awareness. The level that best 35. Joan denied that she has a
increase intracranial pressure. portrays one's attitudes, problem with alcohol. The
Which of the following is not a feelings, and desire is the: nurse understands that Joan
sign of increased intracranial uses denial for which of the
pressure? a. Conscious following reasons:
b. Unconscious
a. Headache c. Preconscious a. To reduce her feelings of guilt
b. Vomiting d. Foreconscious b. To iive up to others' expectation
c. Vertigo c. To make her seem more
d. Changes on the level of 31. The ability to tolerate independent
consciousness frustration is an example of d. To make her look better in the
one of the functions of the: eyes of others
26. Which of the following
drug may be given to reduce a. Id 36. Joan appears suspicious of
increase intracranial pressure? b. Ego others and blames them for
c. Superego her personal problems. The
d. Unconscious nurse understands the client
a. Scopalamine is using this behavior because
b. Lanoxin 32. In the process of which of the following
c. Coumadin development the individual difficulties?
d. Mannitol strives to maintain, protect,
and enhance the integrity of a. In telling the truth
27. Since she medicated to the self. This normally b. Meeting an ego ideal
reduce increased intracranial accomplished through the use c. With dependence and
pressure. What nursing of: independence
measure must be done to d. In identifying who is creating
prevent further complication? a. Affective reactions the problem
b. Ritualistic behavior
a. Encourage her to observe bed c. Withdrawal patterns 37. When thinking about
rest d. Defense mechanisms alcohol and drug abuse, the
b. Check blood pressure every nurse is aware that:
shift 33. Sublimation is a defense
c. Observe complete best rest mechanism that helps the a. Most polydrug abusers also
d. Measure intake and output individual: abuse alcohol
b. Most alcoholics become
28. In what manner would you a. Act out in a reverse something polydrug abusers
be able to assess accurately already one or thought c. Addictive individuals tend to use
hostile abusive behavior b. Echolalia ear
d. An unhappy childhood is a c. Neologism b. Insufficient cerebral
causative factor in many d. Echopraxia oxygenation
addictions c. A sudden drop in blood pressure
42. Projection, rationalization, d. Decreased level of serum
38. The most important factor denial, and distortion by glucose
in rehabilitation of a client hallucinations and delusions
addicted to alcohol is: are examples of a disturbance 47. Aisa is to receive a liquid
in: iron preparation. Which of the
a. The availability of community following directions would be
resources a. Logic appropriate for the nurse to
b. The accepting attitude of the b. Association teach Aisa's mother?
client’s family c. Reality testing
c. The client's emotional or d. The thought process a. Administer this at least an hour
motivational readiness before meals
d. The qualitative level of the 43. The major reasons for b. Explain that loose stools are
client's physical state treating severe emotional common with iron
disorders with tranquilizers is c. Have Aisa take the diluted iron
39. Joan asks if attendance of to: preparation through a straw
Alcoholics Anonymous is d. Avoid giving Aisa orange or
required. Which of the a. Reduce the neurotic syndrome other citric juices with the iron
following would reflect the b. Prevent secondary complication preparation
nurse's reply?
c. Prevent destructiveness by the 48. Aisa is to have blood
a. "You'll find you need their client transfusion. Which of the
support." d. Make the client more amenable following problems is most
b. "Do you have feelings about to psychotherapy likely associated with blood
going to these meetings?" transfusion?
c. "No its best to wait until you 44. The nurse recognizes that
feet you really need them." dementia of the Alzheimer's a. Serum hepatitis
d. "Yes, because you will learn type is characterized by : b. Allergic response
how to cope with your problem." c. Pulmonary edema
a. Aggressive acting out behavior d. Hemolytic reaction
Situation 10 - Nurse Medie has b. Periodic remissions and
been encountering schizophrenic exacerbations Situation 12 - Eric Pineda is
and different psychotic disorders. . c. Hypoxia of selected areas of admitted to hospital to have his
brain tissue urethra dilated by the physician. A
40. A male client who has d. Areas of brain destruction urinary retention catheter is
delusions of persecution and called senile plaques inserted following the procedure.
auditory hallucination is
admitted for psychiatric Situation 11 - Aisa, is a 4-year old 49. A routine urinalysis is
evaluation after stabbing a with severe anemia. She is seen ordered for Mr. Pineda. If the
friend. Later a nurse on the by the nurse in the clinic. specimen cannot be sent
unit greets the client by immediately to the laboratory,
saying, "Good evening. How 45. In addition to weakness the nurse should:
are you?" The client who has and fatigue, which of the
been referring to himself as following problems should the a. Take no special action
"man," answers, "The man is nurse expect Aisa to exhibit? b. Refrigerate the specimen
bad." This is example of: c. Store on dry side of utility room
a. Cold, clammy skin d. Discard and collect a new
a. Dissociation b. Increased pulse rate specimen later
b. Transference c. Elevated blood pressure
c. Displacement d. Cyanosis of the nail beds 50. The nurse understands
d. Reaction formation that the structure that
46. Which of the following encircles the male urethra is
41. A disturb client starts to problems associated with the:
repeat phrase that others anemia best explains why Aisa
have just said. This type of becomes dizzy during periods a. Epididymis
speech is known as: of physical activity? b. Prostate gland
c. Seminal vesicle
a. Autism a. An inflammation of the inner d. Bulbourethral gland
c. Position of the bladder c. Colostomy
51. The nurse can best d. Proximity of the urethra and d. Cecostomy
prevent the contamination anus
from Mr. Pineda's retention 60. The primary step toward
catheter by: 56. The family of an elderly, long-range goals in Mr.
aphasic client complain that Adriatico's rehabilitation
a. Perineal cleansing the nurse failed to obtain a involves his:
b. Encouraging fluids signed consent before
c. Irrigating the catheter insertion of indwelling a. Mastery of techniques of
d. Cleansing around the meatus catheter to measure hourly ostomy care
periodically output. This is an example of: b. Readiness to accept an altered
body function
52. When Mr. Pineda, who has a. A catheter inserted for the c. Awareness of available
urinary retention catheter in client's benefit community resources
place, complaints of b. A treatment that does not need d. Knowledge of the necessary
discomfort in the bladder and a separate consent form dietary modifications
urethra the nurse should first: c. Treatment without consent of
the client, which is an invasion of 61. When teaching Mr.
a. Notify the physician rights Adriatico to care for a new
b. Milk the tubing gently d. Inability to obtain consent for stoma, the nurse should
c. Check the patency of the treatment because the client was advice him that irrigations be
catheter aphasic done at the same time every
d. Irrigate the catheter with day. The time selected should:
prescribed solutions 57. When caring for a client
with continuous bladder
53. Mr. Pineda experiences irrigation, the nurse should: a. Be appropriate hour before
difficulty in voiding after his breakfast
indwelling urinary catheter is a. Monitor urinary specific gravity b. Provide ample uninterrupted
removed. This is probably b. Record urinary output every bathroom use at home
related to: hour c. Approximate Mr. Adratico's
c. Subtract irrigant from output to usual daily time for elimination
a. Fluid imbalance determine urine volume d. Be about halfway between the
b. Mr. Pineda's recent sedentary d. Include irrigating solution in any two largest meals of the day
lifestyle 24 hour urine tests order
c. An interruption in normal 62. When performing the
voiding habits 58. When urinary catheter is colostomy irrigation, the nurse
d. Nervous tension following the removed, the client is unable inserts the catheter into the
procedure to empty the bladder. A drug stoma:
is used to relieve urine
Situation 13 - Helen Alcantara is retention is: a. 5cm
admitted to hospital with b.10cm
complaints of hematuria, a. Carbachol injection c.15cm
frequency, urgency, and dysuria. b. Neosporin GU irrigant d.20cm
c. Bethanecol (Urecholine)
54. Mrs. Alcantara's signs and d. Pilocarpine hydrochloride 63.Mr. Adriatico should follow
symptoms would most likely (Pilocar) a diet that is:
be associated with:
Situation 14 - Arman Adriatico is a. Rich in protein
a. Pyelitis admitted to hospital with b. Low in fiber content
b. Cystitis extensive carcinoma of the c. High in carbohydrate
c. Nephrosis descending portion of the colon d. As close to normal possible
d. Pyelonephritis with metastasis to the lymph
nodes. Situation 15 - Richard Gabatan, a
55. Mrs. Alcantara has a 32-year-old car salesman, suffered
higher risk of developing 59. The operative procedure a spinal cord injury in a motor
cystitis than does a male. This that would probably be vehicle accident resulting to
is perform to Mr. Adriatico is a paraplegia.
due to: (an):
64. A nurse finds Mr. Gabatan
a. Altered urinary pH a. lleostomy under the wreckage of the car.
b. Hormonal secretions b. Colectomy He is conscious, breathing
satisfactorily, and lying on the a. Should be left up to Mr. think you stink," Which
back complaining of pain in Gabatan and his family response should the nurse
the back and an inability to b. Should be considered and make?
move his legs. The nurse planned for early in his care
should first: c. Are not necessary, because he a. "You seem angry with me."
will return to former activities b. "Stink? I don't understand."
a. Leave Mr. Gabatan lying on his d. Are not necessary, because he c. "Boy, you're in a bad mood."
back with instructions to move will probably not able to work d. "I can't be all that bad, can I?"
and then go seek additional help again
b. Gently raise Mr. Gabatan to a 73. On being discharged, a
sitting position to see if the pain Situation 16- Karen Boltron, age client with psychiatric
either 16, is withdrawn and non problems should be
c. Roll Mr. Gabatan on his communicative. She spends encouraged to:
abdomen, place, a pad under his most of her time lying on her bed.
head, and cover a. Go back to regular activities
him with any material available 69. Which nursing intervention b. Call the unit whenever upset
d. Gently lift Mr. Gavatan into a would be the most appropriate c. Continue in an after care
flat piece of lumber and using any way to help Karen accept the situation
available transportation, rush him realities of daily living? d. Find a group that has similar
to the nearest medical institution problem
a. Assist her to care for personal
65. Once admitted to hospital hygiene needs Situation 17 - Danny Dasigao, age
the physician indicates that b. Encourage her to keep up with 63, has an obsessive-compulsive
Mr. Gubatan is a paraplegic. school studies behavior disorder. He believes
The family asks the nurse c. Encourage her to join the other that the doorknobs are
what that means. The nurse clients in group singing contaminated and refuses to
explains that: d. Leave her alone when these touch them except with the tissue.
appears to be a disinterest in the
a. Upper extremities are paralyzed activities at hand 74. Which intervention should
b. Lower extremities are the nurse make when dealing
paralyzed 70. Which is the best plan of with Danny's fear of
c. One side of the body is nursing intervention to doorknobs?
paralyzed encourage Karen to talk:
d. Both lower and upper a. Supply rim with paper tissue to
extremities are paralyzed a. Try to get her discuss feelings help him function until his anxiety
b. Focus oh non threatening is reduced
66. The nurse recognizes that subjects b. Explain to him that this idea
the major early problem for c. Ask simple questions that about doorknob is part of his
Mr. Gabatan will be: require answers illness and is not necessary
d. Sit and look magazines with her c. Encourage him to scrub the
a. Bladder control doorknobs with a strong antiseptic
b. Client education 71. Which of the following is so he does not need to use tissues
c. Quadriceps setting an important aspect of nursing
d. Use of aids for ambulation intervention when caring for d. Encourage him to touch
Karen? doorknobs by removing all
67. The nurse should expect available paper tissue until he
Mr. Gabatan to have some a. Help keep her oriented to learns to deal with the situation
spasticity of the lower reality
extremities. To prevent the b. Involve her in activities 75. Which stimulus is possibly
development of contractures, throughout the day motivating Danny to use paper
careful consideration must be c. Encourage her to discuss why towels to open doors?
given to: mixing with other people is
avoided a. He is using the method to
a. Active exercise d. Help her understand that it is punish himself
b. Deep massage harmful to withdraw from b. He is listening to voices telling
c. Use of tilt board situations him that the doorknobs are
d. Proper positioning unclean
72. One day Karen suddenly c. He wants to unconsciously
68. Rehabilitation plans for walks up to the nurse and control unacceptable impulses or
Mr. Gabatan; shouts. "You think you're so feelings
damned perfect ad good. i d. He has a need to punish others
by carrying out an annoying does not eat about the unit and wringing his
procedure hands. He is breathing rapidly and
80. Which stimulus is the most complains of palpitations and
76. Which action by the nurse likely cause of Jennifer's nausea and he has difficulty
would most likely decrease disorder? focusing on what the nurse is
Danny's anxiety? saying. •
a. Allow self-esteem
a. Explore with him the nature of b. Feelings of unworthiness 84. Mr. Pascua is experiencing
his anxiety c. Anger directed at the parents a high degree of anxiety. It is
b. Stimulate him to express his d. An unconscious fear of growing important to recognize if
ritualistic actions regularly up additional help is required
c. Encourage him to participate in because:
his therapeutic plan of care 81 Jenifer is to be placed on
d. Provide him with an behavior modification. Which a. If the client is out of control,
environment that is both is appropriate to include in the another person will help to
supportive and non-opinionated nursing care plan? decrease his anxiety level
b. Being alone with an anxious
77. Which intervention should a. Remind frequently the client to client is dangerous
be included in Danny's initial eat all the food served on the tray c. It will take another person to
treatment plan? b. Increase phone calls allowed direct the client into activities to
the client by or a per day for each relieve anxiety
a. Deny his time for the ritualistic pound gained d. Hospital protocol for handling
behavior c. Include the family with the anxious clients requires at least
b. Give a schedule for the client in therapy sessions two two people
ritualistic behavior times per week
c. Determine the purpose of the d. Weigh the client each day at 85. He says he is having a
ritualistic behavior 6:00 A.M. in hospital gown and heart attack but refuses to
d. Suggest a symptom substitution slippers after she voids rest. The nurse would be
technique to refocus the behavior Interpret his level of anxiety
82. Another patient, Kara, 17 as:
78. The most appropriate way years old, is also diagnosed
to decrease a clients anxiety is with anorexia nervosa. You a. Mild
by: have been assigned to sit with b. Moderate
her while she eats her dinner. c. Severe
a. Avoiding unpleasant objects Kara says to you, "My primary d. Panic
and events nurse trusts me. I don't see
b. Prolonged exposure to fearful why you don't." Your best 86.What should the nurse
situation response is: include in the care plan to Mr.
c. Acquiring skills with which to Pascua when he is having
face stressful events a. "I do trust you, but S was a panic attack?
d. Introducing an element of assigned to be with you."
pleasure into fearful situations b. "It sounds as if you are a. Calm reassurance, deep
manipulating me." breathing and modication as
Situation 18 - Jennifer Yadao, age c. "OK. When S return, you should ordered
16, is admitted with the diagnosis have eaten everything." b. Teach Mr. Pascua problem
of anorexia nervosa. She has lost d. "Who is your primary nurse." solving in relation to his anxiety
10 kg in 5 weeks. She is very thin c. Expiam the physiologic
but excessively concerned about 83. Which observation of the responses of anxiety
being overweight. Her daily intake client with anorexia indicates d. Explore alternate methods for
is 10 cups of coffee. that the client is improving? dealing with the cause of his
79. Which nursing intervention a. The client eats meals in the
should the nurse initially dining room Situation 20 - Joel is a toddler who
perform for Jennifer? b. The client gains one pound per has classical hemophilia.
a. Explain the value of good week
nutrition c. The client attends group 87. Which of the following
b. Compliment her on her lovely therapy sessions statements is true regarding
figure d. The client has a more realistic Joel's disorder?
c. Try to establish a relationship of self-control
trust a. Hemophilia is an autosomal
d. Explore the reasons why she Situation 19 - Mr. Pascua is pacing dominant disorder in which the
woman carries d. Relieved the symptoms with an
the trait ordered antihistamines a. The client is in metabolic
b. Hemophilia follows regular laws acidosis
of Mendelian inherited disorders Situation 19 - Mr. Villa who was b. The client is in compensated
such as sickle ceil anemia admitted to the respiratory floor metabolic alkalosis
c. This disorder can be carried by with COPD. The nurse finds him c. The client is in respiratory
either male or female but occurs extremely restless, incoherent, alkalosis
in the sex opposite that of the and showing signs of acute d. The client is in compensated
carrier respiratory distress. He Is using respiratory acidosis
d. Hemophilia is an X-linked accessory muscles for breathing
disorder in which the mother is and Is diaphoretic and cyanotic. Situation 20 - The nurse is
usually the carrier of the illness assigned in a counseling clinic
but is not affected by it 92. The best initial action by about preventive measures for
the nurse is to: cancers.
88. Joel has some internal
bleeding. At which of the a. Administered oxygen as 96. Cancer is the second major
following sites is the most ordered cause of death in this country.
common for the child with b. Assess vital signs and neural What is the first step toward
hemophilia to bleed? vital signs effective cancer control?
c. Administered medication which
a. Joints has been ordered for pain a. Increasing governmental
b. Intestines d. Call respiratory therapy for a control of potential carcinogens
c. Cerebrum prescribed ABG (arterial -blood b. Changing habits and customs
d. Ends of the log bones gas) analysis that predispose the individual to
89. Which of the following 93. An order is written for c. Conducting more mass
blood products is most likely oxygen by nasal cannula at 2 screening programs
to be given to Joel? liters per minute. Which d. Educating public and
assessment is most useful in professional people about cancer
a. Albumin assessing the adequacy of the
b. Fresh frozen plasma oxygen therapy? 97. In order to educate clients,
c. Factor VIII concentrate the nurse should understand
d. Factor II, Vll, IX, X complex a. Respiratory rate that the most common site of
b. Color of mucus membranes cancer for a female is the:
90. Joel's parents ask if-their c. Pulmonary function tests
other children will be affected d. Arterial blood gases a. Uterine cervix
by the disorder. Which of the b. Uterine body
following statements should 94. Mr. Villa needs frequent c. Vagina
guide the nurse in her monitoring of arterial blood d. Fallopian tube
response? gases. Following the drawing
of arterial blood gasses it is 98.A client has just completed
a. All the girls will be normal and essential for the nurse to do a course in radiation therapy
the other son a carrier which of the following? and is experiencing radio-
b. All the girls will be carriers and dermatitis. The most effective
one half the boys will be affected a. Encourage the client to cough method of treating the skin is
c. Each son has a chance of being an deep breath to:
affected and each daughter a 50% b. Apply pressure to the puncture
chance of being a carrier site for 5 minutes a. Wash the area with soap and
d. Each son has 50% chance of c. Shake the vial of blood before warm water
being affected or a carrier, and transporting it to the lab b. Apply a cream or lotion to the
the girls will be all carriers. d. Keep the client on bed rest for 2 area
hours c. Leave the skin alone until it is
91. A child is to receive a clear
blood transfusion, if an 95. The nurse is interpreting d. Avoid applying creams or lotion
allergic reaction to the blood the results of a blood gas to the area
occurs, the nurse's first analysis performed on an
intervention should be: adult client. The value include 99.A client with cancer that
pH of 7.35, pC02 of 60, HC03 has metastazised to the liver
a. Call the physician of 35. and 02 of 60. Which is started on chemotherapy-
b. Slow the flow rate interpretation is most His physician has specified
c. Stop the blood immediately accurate? divided doses of the
antimetabolite. The client asks
why he could take the drug in
divided doses. The
appropriate response is:

a. " There really is no reason your

doctor just wrote the orders that
b. "This schedule will reduce the
side effect of the drug."
c. "Divided doses produce greater
cytotoxic effects on the diseased
d. "Because these drugs prevent
cell division, they are more
effective in divided doses,"

100. A client has possible

malignancy of the colon, and
surgery is scheduled. The
rationale for administering
Neomycin preoperatively is to:

a. Prevent infection
b. Eliminate the need for
preoperative enemas
c. Decreased and retard the
growth of normal bacteria in the
d. Treat cancer of the colon
IV. Modern paraphernalia c. TT1
d. TT2
1. When can trained hilot a. I, III, IV
attend to a delivery? b. I, II, IV 12. A woman uses a
c. II, III, IV diaphragm as contraceptive.
a. When at a time of delivery, no d. I, II, III You would instruct her to
licensed personnel trained on return to the clinic to have
maternal care is around 7. Which drug is not hem diaphragm fit checked
b. When the patient is living in a contraindicated to a patient in after which of the following
remote area a first trimester of pregnancy. circumstances?
c. When the worker is considered
to have a high risk pregnancy a. Paracetamol a. Cervical infection
d. The mother requested the hilot b. Cytoxan b. A weight gain of 20 pounds
to attend to the delivery c. Terbutahe c. A vaginal infection
d. Calcium Lactate d. Six n-onths of non-use
2. What mineral supplement is
given to a pregnant woman in 8. Which can be given to a 13. When a woman uses a
the third trimester of patient with hyperemesis vaginal spermicide, which of
pregnancy? gravidarum to relieve the the following techniques
signs & symptoms? should she use?
a. Vit.C
b. Fe a. Have the patient eat crackers a. Coitus should be followed by a
c. Ca before rising from the bed in the douche within 6 hours
d. FolicAcid morning b. Insert the product by applicator
b. Offer water with meals no more than 1 hour prior to
3. The following are benefits c. Let the patient choose what she coitus
of breastfeeding to the infant feels like eating c. Keep a feminine hygiene
except: d. Let the patient stay on bed until product available to use in case
the feelings of nausea subsides. her supply of spermicide runs out
a. Provides a nutritionally d. Place the product near the
complete food for the young infant 9. When can you inform an vaginal orifice for immediate
b. Strengthens the infants immune adopted child that he/she is contact instead of back of the
system, preventing many adopted? vagina.
c. Reduces the infant's exposure a. When he/she asks where he/she 14. The hormone that is
to infection came from. secreted by the corpus luteum
d. Provides a natural method of b. Wait until the child reaches age and prepares the
delaying pregnancies of majority. endometrium implantation is:
c. When he/she shows interest in
4. Perception of a toddler story telling. a. Estrogen
about illness is: d. Watery and greenish b. Luteinizing
c. Progestorene
a. Life threatening 10. A new mother asks the d. Prostaglandin
b. Punishment for wrong doings nurse to describe the normal
c. A necessary part of life stool pattern of a breast-fed 15. Which hormone causes
d. The will of god neonate. The nurse correctly spinnbarkeit and ferning to
describe the stool as being: occur?
5. Most common manifestation
of Anemia a. Watery and golden yellow a. FS H
b. Pasty and yellow b. Gn RH
a. Weight loss c. Thick, black, and odories c. Progesterone
b. Fatigue d. Watery and greenish brown d. Estrogen
c. Ahorexia
d. Poor digestion 11. For immunization of 16.The pregnant patient is in
pregnant women, which her third month when she
6. The following are needs of tetanus toxoid is given as makes her second prenatal
infants early as possible during visit. She asks the nurse "what
pregnancy? is happening right now in the
I. Comfort development of the baby?"
II. Sleep a. TT3 The nurse answer:
III. Stimulation b. TT4
a. "The heart is beginning to pump b. Pads having cold packs within pain
bloods." them, usually hold more lochia c. Contractions lasting more than
b. "The brain is dividing into than regular pads 40 seconds
section," c. Blood-soaked pads must be d. Contractions lasting more than
c. "Lanugo and vernix caseosa are returned in a plastic bag to the 6 seconds
forming to protect the embryo." hospital after discharge
d. "The embryo is becoming a d. The pads should be' applied 25. In explaining the pattern
fetus and sex is determined." and removed in a front-to-back of discharge following
direction delivery, the nurse explains
17.A new patient states, "I than lochia will be heavier.
must be about four months 21 .To prevent breast
pregnant. I cannot remember engorgement, the nurse a. in the morning
exactly my last menstrual should teach the non-lactating b. at night
period, but I have been feeling postpartum woman to: c. as lochia cessation nears
the baby kicking for 3 to 4 d. toward the end of lactation
weeks now." Upon a. Maintain loose-fitting clothing
auscultation the nurse hears over her breast 26. Choose correct pre-
fetal heart sounds. The nurse b. Pump the breast briefly if they operative teaching before
stales that this assessment become painful planned caesarian birth.
indicates: c. Limit fluid intake to suppress
milk production a. Oral intake will be limited to
a. "You are not quite four months." d. Wear a well-fitting bra or breast clear fluids for 12 hours before
binder constantly surgery
b. "You are in your fifth months." b. Intravenous fluids are usually
c. "You may be six months along." 22. The woman who has just continued for two days after birth
d. "You are probably seven completed her 13th weeks of c. The woman will be asked to
months pregnant." pregnancy comes in for her take deep breaths and cough
monthly visit. The nurse regularly after birth.
18. The nurse is doing an expresses concern regarding d. The nurse will help her
initial assessment with the the weight gain. The patient ambulate to the restroom to urine
pregnant patient who states asks, 'Well, how much weight within 4 hours of birth.
that she is a strict vegetarian. should I have gained by now?
What vitamin supplement The answer is: 27. Twelve hours after birth, a
should be recommended? mother a lies in bed resting
a. "About 10lbs." although she will be
a. A b. “Not more than 2 to 3 Ibs.” discharged in another 12
b. C c. "Not more than 10 Ibs." hours, she does not ask about
c. D d. "No weight gain is expected this her baby provide any care.
d. B12 soon." What is the probable reason
for her behavior?
19.The best method to 23. The pregnant patient asks
prevent hemorrhage after the nurse when she should a. She is still in the taking in
caesarian birth is to: start breastfeeding. The nurse phase maternal adaptation
replies: b. She shows behaviors that may
a. Provide regular analgesics to lead to postpartum depression
enhance urination a. "When your milk comes down." c. She is still affected by
b. Reposition the woman from side b. "As soon as possible after medications given during labor
to side delivery." ' d. She may be dissatisfied with
c. Observe vital signs for falling c. "In two or three days when you some aspect of the new born
blood pressure are feeling better."
d. Assess the uterine fundus d. "I do not recommend breast- 28.A newborn is rooming in
regularly for firmness feeding." with his teenage mother, who
is watching TV. The nurse
20.When teaching the 24.The patient is being notes that the baby is awake
postpartum woman about administered oxytocin at 14 and quite.
peripads, the nurse should tell mi U/min. At what point would
her that: the nurse DC the infusion. a. Pick the baby up and point out
his behaviors to the mother
a. She can change tampons when a. If the patient is not going into b. Tell the mother to pick up her
the initial perineal soreness goes labor baby and talk with him while he is
away b. If the patient is in too much awake
c. Focus care on the mother, ectopic pregnancy should be has a normal delivery and bears
rather than the infant so that she cautioned to avoid: healthy children.
can recuperate IV. To achieve healthy sexual
d. Encourage the mother to feed a. Driving or operating machinery development and maturation.
the infant before he begin crying b. Eating raw vegetables or fruits
c. Using latex condoms for a. I, II, III
29. A woman is considering intercourse b. I, III, IV
having a tubal ligation after d. Taking vitamin with folic acid c. I, II, IV
she giyes birth to her second d. II, III, IV
child. The nurse should 34.To reduce the risk for toxic
counsel her that: shock syndrome, women 38. Based on the DOH
should be taught to: program, a mother should
a. She should breast feed until have at least how many
several months after birth to be a. Avoid changing tampons until prenatal visits during
certain that the infant is healthy they are thoroughly saturated preqnancy?
b. The procedure should be b. Use a diaphragm with
considered permanent and spermicidal jelly during the a. 3
irreversible menstrual period b. 4
c. Steralization is an easier c. Wash hand thoroughly before c. 5
procedure to perform after the inserting a tampon or diaphragm d. 12
postpartum period into the vagina
d. Limit the use of super 39. A standard prenatal
30. How should a woman take absorbent tampons to the times physical examination per visit
oral contraceptives? when the flow is heavy should be performed. Which of
the following is not included in
a. On an empty stomach with a 35. Cervical mucus at the routine examination?
full glass of water ovulation should be:
b. At about the same time each a. BP .
day a. Thin, slippery, and should b. Height
c. Before every episode of stretch to at least 6 centimeter c. Lymph nodes
intercourse b. Cloudy, with a mild odor, and d. conjunctive of the eyes
d. In the morning and at bed time should stretch to at least 6
centimeter 40. In goiter endemic areas,
31. Choose the safety teaching c. Thick, clear, and of a large all pregnant women shall be
related oral contraceptives? quantity given one iodized oil capsule
d. Thin and tinged with a small of every:
a. A barrier method should also be blood .
used to protect from infection a. 6 months
b. Nausea suggests that stroke 36. An ovulation, the basal b. 1 year
may be imminent body temperature usually: c. 3 months
c. A toxic shock syndrome is more d. 4 months
likely to occur when the pill is a. Rises abruptly and then falls
used after 1 or 2 days 41. In the care of "high risk"
d. Increase fluids if urinary b. Falls and remains low for the pregnant women, "tagging"
frequency or urgency occurs last half of the cycle. the prenatal record means:
c. Is higher during the first half of
32. The intrauterine device is the cycle than in the last half a. Placing a name tag around
an appropriate contraceptive d. Falls slightly at ovulation and is patients wrist.
for the woman who: higher during the last half of the b. Assigning the mother under
cycle "high risk" group
a. Has unplanned intercourse with c. Writing the letters "HR" in red
several partners 37. The goals of maternal and ink against the entry in the
b. Was recently hospitalized for child health nursing are: prenatal register
treatment of a pelvic infection d. Writing the name of the patient
c. Is in mutually monogamous I. That every child lives and grows in red ink in the prenatal register
relationship up in a family unit with love and
d. Has had two ectopic security 42. In areas where licensed
pregnancies II. To ensure that every that every heath personnel are not
expected and nursing mother available, who shall be trained
33. The woman who is maintain good health. to regular prenatal visits using
receiving methorexate for an III. To ensure that every mother the Home Based mother's
Record to identify danger risk factors for pregnancy? strategies used for the
signs: attainment of goals of the
I. age-under 18 y.o. DOH Dental health program,
a. Midwife ll. height-less than 145 cm tall except:
b. Trained hilots lII. 4th pregnancy
c. Rural Health Nurse IV. History of previous caesarian a. Social mobilization
d. Barangay officials section b. Networking with other services
a. I, II, III c. Monitoring feedback
43. The following are qualified b. I, III, IV d. Home visits
for home.delivery: c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV 54. This project will be a
I. full term continuous solicitation of
II. more than 4 pregnancies 49. Any abnormally detected donation for new kiddie
III. Adequate pelvis during physical examination of toothbrushes:
IV. Cephalic presentation the newborn should be
reported to the physician. This a. 2 year care program,
a. I, II, III should include: b. Orientation Training on
b. I, III, IV Comprehensive dental health
c. II, III, IV a. head circumference 34 cm program
d. I, II IV b. weight- 2,350 cms c. "Sang Milyong Sipilyo Project"
c. chest circumference- 33 cm d. Dental Health Services Clinic
44. A home delivery hit should d. length – 49.5 cm
contain a complete set of 55. A mother together with
gadgets needed during 50. This law requires her 3 year old daughter came
delivery. Which of the compulsory immunization to the Dental Health clinic for
following is optional? against hepatitis B for infants check up. Which of the
and children below eight (8) following is not one of the
a. suction bulk years old. direct services offered by the
b. boiled razor blade Dental Health Program.
c. pair of scissors a. P.D. 996
d. clean towel b. RA 7846 a. Dental curative Program
c. Presidential Proclamation No. b. Oral Habilitation and
45. This provide a valuable 1066 Rehabilitation Program
index for evaluation of the d. P.D. 651 c. Training Program
newborn infant’s condition at d. Dental Preventive Program
birth: 51. Which of the following
immunization can be given 56. When assessing a.neonate
a. APGAR score any time after birth? a few hours after birth, the
b. Muscle tone nurse notes an edematous
c. Respiratory effort a. BCG area over the pariental are
d. Heart rate b. DPT that does not cross the
c. OPV sagittal suture line, This is
46.The major cause of d. Measles most likely indiates
maternal deaths is:
a. prolonged labors 52. When assessing a 3 month a. caput succedaneum
b. exhaustion old infant . Which of the b. cranlosyntostosis
c. hemorrhage following will you expect to c. cranlotables
d. infection find? d. cephalhematoma

47. When giving a nursing I. Smiles spontaneously 57. Mrs. P. has finished
care to a mother after II. Rotate the head from side to feeding her 5-day old neonate
delivery, the following should side but is having difficulty burping
be checked, except: III. Sits without support him. Which instructions should
IV. briefly holds toy in hand the nnurse give her?
a. uterus is contracted and hard
b. BP, and pulse rate is normal a. I, II, III a. "Give him water and hold him
c. Placenta must be complately b. I, III, IV on his side"
expelled c. II, III, IV b. "Hold him upright against your
d. Milk production is adequate d. I, II, IV shoulder and pat his back"
c. Give his pacifier and hold im
48. Which of the following are 53.The following are face down"
d. Hold him with his head slightly c. Diarrhea
elevated and rub his stomach" d. jaundice a. Left upper quadrant
b. Left lower quadrant
58. Which is the most reliable 64. Which adverse effect may c. Right upper quadrant
early indicator of neonated occur in a patient receiving d. Right lower quadrant
infection? bromocriptine mesylate
(parlodel) to prevent 68.The LOA position means
a. An elevated temperature postpartal lactation? that the:
b. A change in feeding pattern
c. A palpable mass a. Hypotension a. Lie is longitudinal and the fetal
d. Excessive mucos b. Tachycardia occiput is directed toward the left
c. Bradycardia posterior portion of the maternal
59. When bathing a newborn, d. Breast engorgement pelvis
the nurse should be especially b. Lie is transverse and the fetal
careful to: 65. Mrs Bugna, a 25 year old mentum is directed toward the left
has missed 2 menstrual posterior portion of the maternal
a. Avoid cleaning his umbilical periods and is making her pelvis
cord stump initial visit to the antepartal c. Lie is longitudinal and the fetal
b. Immerse him in warm water clicnic. Her last mentrual occiput is directed toward the left
only period began on June 3. Using anterior portion of the maternal
c. Wash his scalp every day the nagele's rule, the nurse pelvis.
d. Keep him warm would calculate her expected d. Lie is oblique and the fetal
date of delivery as: anterior fontanel is directed
60 A mother asks the nurse toward the left posterior portion of
about scheduling her daughter a. April 3 the maternal pelvis
for routine immunizations. At b. March 24
which age should her baby c. March 10 69. Which assessment finding
receive her initial dose of the d. February 24 would necessitate bedrest for
diptheria - pertussis - tetanus Mrs. Og?
vaccine? (Questions to 66 to 72 refer to this
situaltion) a. 5cm cervical dilation
a. 1 month b. 80% cervical effacement
b. 2 months Situation: Mrs Og gravida 2 para 1 c. Contractions every 5 to 8
c. 4 months is accompanied to the labor and minutes
d. 6 months delivery are by her husband. Both d. 3 station
have attended lamaze classes.
61. A decrease in the baseline Initial assessment reveals cervical 70. The fetal monitor strip
FHR may be caused by all of dilation of 5 cm. Cervical shows an FHR deceleration
the following factors except: assessment 80% station, -3; occurring during the
duration of contractions, 40 to 50 increment of the contraction,
a. Fetal sleep seconds; frequency of reaching its lowest point at
b. Fetal hypoxia contractions 5 to 8 minutes; the acme of the contraction,
c. Maternal drug administration membranes ruptured and returning to the baseline
d. Maternal fever spontaneousely 1 hour before during the decrement of the
admission; presentation vertex contraction. This type of
62. Which assessment findng and possition left occiput anterior deceleration:
is not a contraindication for (LOA). Mrs Og, is connected to an
using tocolytic agent to external fetal monitor; a. indicates fetal distress
manage preterm labor? b. Is caused by uteroplacental
66. Based on the initial insufficiency
a. Active vaginal bleeding assessment findings, the fetal c. Indicates fetal vagal nerve
b. fetal distress presenting part is: stimulation
c. Cervical dilatation of 2 to 3 cm d. is caused by umbilical cord
d. Cervical dilatation of 4 to 5 cm a. At the level of the pelvic inlet compression
b. At the level of the ischial spines
63. Which assesement finding c. 1 cm below the iscial spines 71.When should the nurse
indicates hypoglycemia in a d. At the perineum assess Mrs. Og's blood
neonate? pressure?
67. The fetal heart rate should
a. Tremors be most audible in which a. During the Increment of a
b. Projectile vomiting dominant quadrant? contraction
b. Between contractions b. Expulsion of the IUD infectious and:
c. During the decrement of a c. Rupture of the uterus
contraction d. Excessive menstrual flow a. is easily cured
d. During the acme of a b. Occurs very rarely
contraction 76.A client seeking advice c. Can produce sterility
about contraception asks the d. Is limited to the external
72.Which factor would be nurse about an IUD. The nurse genitalia
most helpful in assessing the explains that the IUD provides
adequacy of placentas contraception by: 82. When the client is
perfusion in Mrs Og? diagnosed as having
a. Blocking the cervical os gonorrhea, the nurse should
a. The duration and intensity of b. Increasing the mobility of the expect the physician to order:
her contractions uterus
b. Her ability to cope with the c. Preventing the sperm from a. Colistin
discomfort of labor reaching the vagina b. Ceftriaxone
c. The duration of the rest phases d. IUDs interfere with either c. Actinomycin
between contractions fertilization or implantation. d. Chloramphenicol
d. The effectiveness of her Promoting contraception
breathing techniques during a 83. The nurse understands
contraction 77. A diagnostic test used to that the organism that causes
evaluate the fertility is the a trichomonal infection is a:
73. A nurse is demonstrating post coital test. It is best
cord care to a mother of a timed: a. Yeast
neonate. Which actions would b. Fungus
the nurse teach the mother to a. 1 week after ovulation c. Protozoan
perform? b. Immediately after menses d. Spirochete
c. Just before the next menstrual
I. Keep the diaper below the cord period 84. Tile oral drug that is most
II. Tug gently on the cord as it d. With in 1 to 2 days of presumed likely to be prescribed for
begins to dry ovulation treatment of Trichomonas
III. Only sponge bath the infant vaginalis is:
until the cord fails off 78. One of the most common
IV. Apply antibiotic ointment to the causes of hypotonic uterine a. Penicillin
cord twice daily dystocia is: b. Gentian violet
c. Nystatin (Mycostatin)
a. I, II a. Twin gestation d. Metronidazole (Flagyl)
b. I, III b. Maternal anemia
c. I, IV c. Pelvic contracture 85. Acute salpingitis is most
d. II, III d. Pregnancy-induced commonly the result of:
74. A nurse is caring for a 3- a. Syphilis
year-old with viral meningitis. 79. The safest position for the b. Abortion
Which signs and symptoms woman in labor when the c. Gonorrhea
would the nurse expect to find nurse notes a prolapsed cord d. Dydatidiform mole
during the initial assessment? is:
86. Syphilis is not considered
a. Bulging anterior fontanel, fever, a. Prone contagious in the:
nuchal rigidity b. Fowlers
b. Fever, nuchal rigidity, petechiae c. Lithotomy a. Tertiary stage
d. Trendeirnburg b. Primary stage
c. Hypothermia, photophobia, c. incubation stage
irritability 80. A birth hazard associated d. Secondary stage
d. Fever, nuchal rigidity, with breech delivery may be:
photophobia 87. When teaching a client
a. Abruptio placenta about the drug therapy for
75.The nurse teaches that the b. Cephalhematoma gonorrhea, the nurse should
most frequent side effect c. Pathologic jaundice state that it:
associated with the use of d. Compression of the cord
IUDs is: a. Cures the Infection
81 .The nurse reaches the b. Prevents complications
a. ectopic pregnancy client that gonorrhea is highly c. Controls its transmission
d. Reverses pathologic changes a preschool-age child with a 99. Nursing care for an infant
urinary infection would be: after the surgical repair of a
88. With cancer of the cleft lip should include:
prostate, it is possible to a. Skim milk
follow the course of the b. Fresh fruit a. Keeping the baby NPO
disease by , monitoring the c. Hard candy b. Keeping the infant from crying
serum level of: d. Creamed soup c. Placing the infant in a semi-
sitting position
a. Creatinine 94.When performing a d. Spoon feeding for the first 2
b. Blood urea nitrogen physical assessment of a days after surgery
c. Non protein nitrogen newborn with Down
d. Prostate specific antigen Syndrome, the 100. When teaching the
nurse should carefully parents of an infant diagnosed
89. A client is diagnosed with evaluate the infant's: with PKU, the nurse should
herpes genitalis. To prevent plan to include the fact that:
cross contammiation, the a. Heart sounds
nurse should: b. Anterior fontanel a. Mental retardation occurs if PKU
c. Pupillary reaction is untreated
a. Institute droplet precautions d. Lower extremities b. Treatment for PKU includes life
b. Arrange transfer to a private long medications
room 95. If monocular strabismus in c. PKU is transmitted by an
c. Wear a gown and gloves when children is not corrected early autosomal dominant gene
giving direct care enough: d. The infant is tested for PKU
d. Close the door and wear a mask immediately after delivery
when in the room a. Dyslexia will develop
b. Peripheral vision will disappear
90. A nurse should be aware c. Amblyopia develops in the weak
that benign prostatic eye
hypertrophy: d. Vision in both eyes will be
a. is a congenital abnormality
b. Usually becomes malignant 96. Chickenpox can sometimes
c. Predispose to hydronephrosis be fatal to children who are
d. Causes an eievated acid receiving:
a. Insulin
91. A 4-year-old has a seizure b. Steroids
disorder and has been taking c. Antibiotics
phenytoin(Dilantin) for 3 d. Anticonvulsant
years. An important nursing
measure for the child would 97. A viral Infection
be to: characterized by a red blotchy
rash and Koplik's spots in the
a. Offer the urinal frequently mouth is:
b. Check for pupilary reaction
c. Observe for flushing of the face a. Mumps
d. Administer scrupulous oral b. Rubella
hygiene c. Rubeola
d. Chickenpox
92. In terms of preventive
teaching for the parents of a 98.The major influence of
1-year-old, the nurse would eating habits of the early
speak to them about: school-aged child is:

a. Accidents a. Availabilitv of food selections

b. Toilet training b. Smell and appearance of food
c. Adequate nutrition c. Example of parents at meal
d. Sexual development time
d. Food preferences of the peer
93. The best choice for group
between meal nourishment for
c. assessing need for medication 10. To ensure reliability of the
and medicating himself study, the investigator
Situation 1 - Jimmy developed this d. writing out a list of behaviors analysis and interpretations
goal for hospitalization. "To get a that he identifies as anxious were:
handle on my nervousness." The
nurse is going to collaborate with 5. The nurse notes a. subjected to statistical
him to reach his goal. Jimmy was effectiveness of Interventions treatment
admitted to the hospital because in using subjective and b. correlated with a list coping
he called his therapist that he objective data in the: behaviors
planned to asphyxiate himself c. subjected to an inter-observe
with exhaust from his car but a. initial plans or order agreement
frightened instead. He realized he b. database d scored and compared standard
needed help. c. problem list criteria
d. progress notes
1. The nurse recognized that Situation 3 - During the morning
Jimmy had conceptualized his Situation 2 - A research study was endorsement, the' outgoing nurse
problem and the next priority under taken in order to identify informed the nursing staff that
goal in the care plan is: and analyze a disabled boy's Regina, 5 years old, was given
coping reaction pattern during Flurazepam (Dalmane) 15 mg at
a. help the client find meaning in stress. 10:00pm because she had trouble
his experience going to sleep. Before
b. help the client to plan 6. This study which is a depth approaching Regina, the nurse
alternatives study of one boy is a: read the observation of the night
c. help the client cope with nurse.
present problem a. case study
d. help the client to communicate b. longitudinal study 11. Which of the following
c. cross-sectional study approaches of the nurse
2. The nurse is guided that Jimmy d. evaluative study validates the data gathered?
is aware of his concerns of the
"here and now" when he crossed 7. The process recording was a. "I learned that you were up till
out which item from this "list of the principal tool for data ten last night, tell me what
what to know" collection. Which of the happened before you were finally
following is NOT a part of a able to sleep and how was your
a. anxiety laden unconscious process recording? sleep?"
conflicts b. "Hmm...You look like you had a
b. subjective idea of the range of a. Non verbal narrative account very sound sleep. That pill you
mild to severe anxiety b. Audio and interpretation were given last night is effective
c. early signs of anxiety c. Audio-visual recording isn't it?"
d. physiological indices of anxiety d. Verbal narrative account c. "Regina, did you sleep we!!?"
d. "Regina, how are you?"
3. While Jimmy was discussing 8. Which of these does NOT
the signs and symptoms of happen in a descriptive study? 12. Regina is a high school
anxiety with his nurse, he teacher. Which of these
recognized that complete a. Exploration of relationship information LE^ST
disruption of the ability to between two or more phenomena communicate attention and
perceive occurs in: b. Exploration of relationships care for her needs for
between two or more phenomena information about her
a. panic state of anxiety c. Manipulation of phenomenon in medicine?
b. severe anxiety real life context
c. moderate anxiety d. Manipulation of a variable a. Guided by a medication
d. mild anxiety teaching plan go over with her the
9. The investigator also purpose, indications and special
4. Jimmy initiates provided the nursing care of instructions, about the medication
independence and takes an the subject. The investigator and provide her a checklist
active part in his self care with is referred to as a/an. b. Provide a drug literature
the following EXCEPT: c. Have an informal conversation
a. Participant-observer about the medication and its
a. agreeing to contact the staff b. Observer researcher effects
when he is anxious c. Caregiver d. Ask her what time she would
b. becoming aware of the d. Advocate like to watch the informative video
conscious feeling about the medication
is working from the
13. The nurse engages Regina philosophical framework that a. when the client asks, how long
in the process of mutual states: one relationship would be
inquiry to provide an b. during the working phase
opportunity for Regina to a. All behavior is meaningful, c. towards the end of the
communicating a message or a relationship
a. face emerging problems need d. at the start of the relationship
realistically b. Human beings are systems of
b. conceptualize her problem interdependent and interrelated 22. The client says, "I want to
c. cope with her present problem parts tell you something but can you
d. perceive her participation in an c. Each individual has the promise that you will keep
experience potential for growth and change in this, a secret?" A therapeutic
the direction of positive mental response of the nurse is:
14. Which of these responses health
indicate that Regina needs d. There is a basic similarity a. "Yes, our interaction is
further discussion regarding among all human beings confidential provided the
special instructions? information you tell me is not
18. One way to increase detrimental to your safety."
a. "I have to take this medicine objectivity in dealing with b. "Of course yes, this is just
judiciously." one’s fears and anxieties is between you and me. Promise!"
b. "I know 1 will stop taking the through the process of: c. "Yes, it is my principle to uphold
medicine when there is an advice my client's rights."
form the doctor for me to a. observation d. "Yes, you have the right to
discontinue." b. intervention invoke confidentiality of our
c. "I will inform you and the doctor c. validation interaction."
any untoward reactions I have." d. collaboration
d. "I like taking this sleeping pill. It 23. When the nurse respects
solves my problem of insomnia. I 19. All of the following the client's self-disclosure,
wish I can take it for life." response are non therapeutic. this is a gauge for the nurse's:
Which is the MOST direct
15. Regina commits to herself violation of the concept, a. trustworthiness
that she understood and will congruence of behavior? b. loyalty
observe all the medicine c. integrity
precautions by; a. Responding in a punitive d. professionalism
manner to the client
a. affixing her signature to the b. Rejecting the client as a unique 24. Rapport has been
teaching plan that she has human being established in the nurse-client
understood the nurse c. Tolerating all behavior in the interaction time. I am
b. committing what she learned to client committed to have this time
her memory d. Communicating ambivalent available for us while you are
c. verbally agreeing with the nurse messages to the client at the hospital and ends after
d. relying on her husband to your discharge."
remember the precautions 20. The rnentally ill person
responds positively to the a. "The best time to talk is during
Situation 4 - The nurse-patient nurse who is warm and caring. the nurse-client interaction time. I
relationship is a modality through This demonstration of the am committed to have this time
which the nurse meets the client's nurse’s role as: available for us while you are at
needs. the hospital and ends after your
a. counselor discharge."
16. The nurse's most unique b. mother surrogate b. "Yes, if you keep it confidential,
tool in working with the c. therapist this is part of privileged
emotionally ill client is his/her: d. socializing agent communication."
c. "I am committed for your care."
a. theoretical knowledge Situation 5 - The nurse engages d. "I am sorry, though I would
b. personality make up the client in a. nurse-patient want to, it is against hospital
c. emotional reactions interaction. policy."
d. communication skills
21. The best time to inform 25. The client has not been
17. The psychiatric nurse who the client about terminating visited by relatives for
is alert to both the physical the nurse-patient relationship months. He gives a, telephone
and emotional needs of clients is number and requests the
nurse to call. An appropriate a. Guilt feelings maintain her authoritative role
action of the nurse would be: b. Ambivalence
c. Narcissistic behavior 34. The daughter understood,
a. Inform the attending psychiatric d. Insecurity feelings the following ways to assist
about the request of the client Salome meet her needs and
b. Assist the client to bring his 30. Schizophrenia is a/an: avoiding which of the
concern to the attention of the following:
social worker a. anxiety disorder
c. "Here (gives her mobile phone). b. neurosis a. Using short simple sentences
You may call this number now." c. psychosis b. Speaking distinctly and slowly
d. Ask the client what is the d. personality/disorder c. Speaking at eye level and
purpose of contacting his relatives having the client's attention
Situation 7 - Salome, 80 year old d. Allowing her to take her meals
Situation 6 - Camila, 25 years old, widow, has been observed to be alone
was reported to be gradually irritable, demanding and speaking
withdrawing and isolating herself louder than usual. She would 35. Salome was fitted a
from friends and family members. prefer to be alone and take her hearing aid. She understood
She became neglectful of her meals by herself, minimized the proper .use and wear of
personal hygiene. She was receiving visitors al home and no this device when she ways
observed to be talking irrelevantly longer bothers to answer that the battery should be
and incoherently. She was telephone calls because of functional, the device is
diagnosed as schizophrenia deterioration of her hearing. 'She turned on and adjusted to a:
was brought by her daughter to,
26. The past history of Camila the Geriatic clinic for assessment a. therapeutic level
would most probably reveal and treatment. b. comfortable level
that her premorbid personality c. prescribed level
is: 31. The nurse counsels d. audible level
Salome's daughter that
a. schizoid Salome's becoming very loud Situation 8 - For more than a
b. extrovert and tendency to become month now, Cecilia is persistently
c. ambivert aggressive is a/an: feeling restless, worried and
d. cycloid feeling as if something dreadful is
a. beginning indifference to the going to happen. She fears being
27. Camila refuses to relate world around her alone in places and situations
with others because she: b. attempt to maintain where she thinks that no one
authoritative role might come to rescue her just in
a. is irritable c. overcompensation for hearing case something happens to her.
b. feels superior of others loss
c. anticipates rejection d. behavior indicative of 36. Cecilia is demonstrating:
d. is depressed unresolved repressed conflict of
the part a. acrophobia
28. Which of the following b. claustrophobia
disturbances in interpersonal 32. A nursing diagnosis for c. agoraphobia
relationships MOST often Salome is: d. xenophobia
predispose, to the
development of a. sensory deprivation 37. Cecilia's problem is that
schizophrenia? b. social isolation she always sees and thinks
c. cognitive impairment negative hence she is always
a. Lack of participation in peer d. ego despair fearful Phobia is a symptom
groups described as:
b. Faulty family atmosphere and 33. The nurse will assist
interaction Salome and her daughter to a. organic
c. Extreme rebellion towards plan a goal which is: b. psychosomatic
authority figures c. psychotic
d. Solo parenting a. adjust to the loss of sensory d. neurotic
and .perceptual function
29. Camila's indifference b. participate in conversation and 38. Cecilia has a lot of
toward the environment is a other social situations irrational thoughts: The goal
compensatory behavior to c. accept the steady loss of of therapy is to modify her:
overcome: hearing that occurs with aging
d. increase her self-esteem to a. communication
b. cognition c. Parents or legal guardian physiological cause of night
c. observation d. Law enforcement authorities bedwetting?
d. perception
43. In an extreme situation a. deep sleep factors
39. Cognitive therapy is and when no other resident or b. abnormal bladder development
indicated for Cecilia when she intern is available, should a or structure problems
is already able to handle nurse receive, telephone c. infections familial and genetic
anxiety reactions. Which of orders, the order has to be factors
the following should the nurse correctly written and signed
implement? by the physician within. 47. All of the following,
EXCEPT one comprise the
a. assist her in recognizing a. 24 hours concepts of behavior therapy
irrational beliefs, and thoughts b. 36 hours program:
b. help find meaning in her c. 48 hours
behavior d. 12 hours a. reward and punishment
c. provide positive reinforcement b. extinction
for acceptable behavior 44. The following are SOAP c. learning
d. administer anxiolytic drug (Subjective - Objective - d. placebo as a form treatment
Analysis - Plan) statements on
40. After discharge, which of a problem: Anxiety about 48. The help Marie who bed
these behaviors indicate a diagnosis. What is the wets at night practice
positive result of being able to objective data? acceptable and appropriate
overcome her phobia? behavior, it is important for
a. Relate patient's feelings to the parents to be consistent
a. she read a book in the public physician initiate and encourage with the following approaches
library her to verbalize her fears give EXCEPT:
b. she drives alone along the long emotional support by spending
expressway more time with patient, continue a discipline with a king attitude
c. she watches television with the to make necessary explanations b matter of fact in handling the
family in the recreation room regarding diagnostic test. behavior
d. she joint an art therapy group b. Has periods of crying, c. sympathize for the child
frequently verbalizes fear of what d. be lowing yet firm
Situation 9 - it is the first day of diagnostic tests will reveal
clinical experience of nursing c. Anxiety due to the unknown 49. A therapeutic verbal
students at the Psychiatry Ward- d. "I’m so worried about what else approach that communicates
During the orientation, the nurse they'll find wrong with me" strong disapproval is:
emphasizes that the team
members including nursing 45. Nursing care plans provide a. You are supposed to get up and
students are legally responsible to very meaningful data for the go in the toilet when you feel you
safeguard patient's records from patient profile and initial plan have to go and did not. The next
loss or destruction or from people because the focus is on the: time you bed wet, I’ll tell your
not authorized to bead it. friends and hand your sheets out
a. Summary of chronological the window for them to see."
41. It is unethical to tell one's notations made by individuals b. "You are supposed to get up
friends and family member’s health team members and go in the toilet when you feel
data bout patients because b. Identification of patient's you have to go and you did not. I
doing so is violation of responses to medical diagnosis expect you to from now on
patients’ rights to: and treatment without fail."
c. Patient's responses to health: c. "If you bed wet, you will change
a. Informed consent and illness as a total person in your bed linen and wash the
b. Confidentiality interaction with the environment sheets."
c. Least restrictive environment d. Step procedures for the d. "If you don't make an effort to
d. Civil liberty management of common control your bedwetting, I'd be
problems upset and disappointed."
42. The nurse must see to it
that the written consent of Situation 10 - Marie is 5 ½ years 50. During your conference,
mentally ill patients must be old and described by the mother the parent inquires how to
taken from: as bedwetting at night. motivate Marie to be dry in
the morning. Your response
a. Doctor 46. Which of the following is which is an immediate
b. Social worker the MOST common intervention would be:
relationship with his father, client a. Loneliness
a. Give a star each time she wakes was resistant to respond." b. Suspicion
up dry and every set of five stars, d. "When asked about his c. Grief
give a prize relationship with his father, his d. Confusion
b. Tokens make her materialistic anger was suppressed."
at an early age. Give praise and 59. An elderly confused client
hugs occasionally 54. To encourage thought. gets out of bed at night to go
c. What does you child want that Which of the following to the bathroom and tries to
you can give every time he/she approaches is NOT go to another bed when she
wakes up dray in the morning therapeutic? returns. The MOST
d. Promise him/her a long awaited appropriate action the nurse
vacation after school is over. a. "Why do you feel angry?" would take is to:
b. "When do you usually feel
Situation 11 - The nurse is often angry?" a. Assign client to a single room
met with t-he following situations c. "How do you usually express b. Leave a light on all night
when clients become angry and anger?" c. Remind client to call the nurse
hostile. d. "What situations provoke you to when she wants to get up
be angry?" d. put side rails on the bed
51. To maintain a therapeutic
eye contact and body posture 55. A patient grabs a chair and 60. An elderly who has lots of
while interacting with angry about to throw it. The nurse regrets, unhappy and
and aggressive individual, the best responds saying. miserable1 is experiencing:
nurse should:
a. "Stop! Put that chair down." a. Crisis
a. keep an eye contact while b. "Don't be silly." b. Despair
staring at the client c. "Stop, the security will be here c. Loss
b. keep his/her hands behind in a minute." d. Ambivalence
his/her back or in one's pocket d. "Calm down."
c. fold his/her arms across his/her Situation 13 - Graciela 1 ½ year
chest Situation 12 - Nursing care for the old is admitted the hospital from
c. keep an "open" posture, e.g. elderly. the emergency room with a
Hands by sides but palms turned fracture of the left femur due to a
outwards 56. In planning care for a Tall down a flight of stairs.
patient with Parkinson's Graciela is placed oh Bryant's
52. During the pre-interaction disease, which of these traction.
phase of the N-P nursing diagnoses should have
relationship/the nurse priority? 61. While on Bryant's traction,
recognizes this normal INITIAL which of these observations of
reaction to an assaultive or a. potential for injury Graciela and her traction
potentially assaultive person. b. altered nutritional state apparatus would indicate a
c. ineffective coping decrease in the effectiveness
a. To remain and cope with the d. altered mood state of her traction?
b. Display empathy towards the 57. A healthy adaptation to a. Graciela's buttocks are resting
patient aging is primarily related to on the bed
c. To call for help from the other an individual. b. The traction weights are
members of the team hanging 10 inches above the floor
d. To stay and fight or run away a. Number of accomplishments c. Graciela's legs are suspended at
b. Ability to avoid interpersonal a 90 degree angle to her trunk
53. Which of the following is conflict d. The traction ropes move freely
an accurate way of reporting c. Physical health throughout life through the pulley
and recording an incident? d. Personality development in his
life span 62. The nurse notes that the
a. "When asked about his fall might also cause a
relationship with his father, client 58. The frequent use of the possible head injury. She will
became anxious." older client's name by the be observed for signs of
b. "When asked about his nurse is MOST effective in increased intracranial
relationship with his father, client alleviating which of the pressure which include:
clenched his jaw/teeth made a fist following responses to old
and turned away from the nurse." age? a. Narrowing of the pulse pressure
c. "When asked about his b. Vomiting
c. Periorbital edema constant tiredness. because it should help Jolina
d. A positive Kernig's sign to:
66. Jolina is out on
63. Graciela is assessed to antidepressant drugs. These a. Find a good job
have no head injury. The drugs act on the brain b. Make some decision about her
Bryant's traction is removed. chemistry, therefore they future
A plaster of Paris his spica is would be useful in which type c. Realistically assess her assets
applied. Which of these of depression? and limitations
finding as a concern of d Solve her own problems
immediate attention that must a. exogenous depression
be reported to the physician b. neurotic depression Situation 15 - Group Approach" in
immediately? c. endogenous depression Nursing.
d. psychotic depression
a. Graciela is scratching the cast 71. Membership dropout
over her abdomen 67. This is a tricyclic generally occurs in group
b. The toes of Graciela's left foot antidepressant drug: therapy after a member:
blanch when the nurse applies
pressure on them a. Venlafaxine (Effexor) a. Accomplishes his goal in joining
c. Graciela's cast is still damp c. Setraline (Zoloft) the group
d. The nurse is unable to insert a b. Flouxetine (Prozac) b. Discovers that his feelings are
finger under the edge of Graciela's d. Imipramine (Tofranil) shared by the group members
cast on her left foot c. Experiences feelings of
68. After one week of frustration in the group
64. Part of discharge plan is antidepressant medication, d. Discusses personal concerns
for the nurse to give Jolina still manifests with group members
instructions about the care of depression. The nurse
Graciela's cast to the mother. evaluates this as; 72. Which of the following
Which of these statements questions illustrates the group
indicate that the mother a. Unusual because action of role of encourager?
understood an important antidepressant drug is immediate
aspect of case care? b. Unexpected because a. What were you saying?
therapeutic effectiveness takes b. Who wants to respond next?
a. I will use white shoe polish to within a few days c. Where do you go from here?
keep the cast neat c. Expected because therapeutic d. Why haven't we heard from
b. I will place plastic sheeting effectiveness takes 2-4 weeks you?
around the perineal area of the d. Ineffective result because
cast perhaps the drug's dosage is 73. The goal of remotivation
c. I will use cool water to wash the inadequate therapy is to facilitate:
d. I will reinforce cracked areas on 69. Jolina continues to a. Insight
the cast with adhesive tape verbalize feeling sad and b. Productivity
hopeless. She is not mixing c. Socialization
65. The nurse counsels well with other clients. One of d. Intimacy
Graciela's mother ways to the nurse's important
safeguard safety white consideration for Jolina 74. The treatment of the
providing opportunities of Initially is to: family as a unit is based on
Graciela to develop a sense of: the belief that the family:
a. Formulate a structured
a. Trust schedule so she is able to channel a. is a social system and all the
b. Initiative her energies externally members are interrelated
c. Industry b. Let her alone until she feels like components of that system
d. Autonomy mingling with others b. as a unit of society needs the
c. Encourage her to join opportunity to change its own
Situation 14 - Jolina is an 18 year socialization hour so she will start destiny
old beginning college student. Her to relate with others c. who has therapy together will
mother observed that she is d. Encourage her to join group tend to remain together
having problems relating with her therapy with other patients d. is "contaminated" by the
friends. She is undecided about presence of deviant member and
her future. She has lost insight, 70. During the predischarge all members need treatment
lost interest in anything and conference, the nurse
complained and complained of suggests vocational guidance 75. The working phase in
therapy group is usually increasingly tense and upset repeated use
characterized by which of the because of shortening of their b. requires long term treatment in
following? recreation time. To die a hospital based program
escalate possible anger and c. produces less severe symptoms
a. Caution aggression among the clients than that of abuse
b. Cohesiveness it is BEST to play: d. includes characteristics of
c. Confusion tolerance and withdrawal
d. Competition a. religious music
b. relaxation music 84. During the detoxification
Situation 16 - The mental health - c. dance music stage, it is a priority for the
psychiatric nurse functions in a d. rock music nurse to:
variety of setting with different
types of clients. 80. The parents of special a. teach skills to recognize and
children who are behaviorally respond to health threatening
76. Poverty as reflected in disturbed need mental health situations
prevalence of communicable education. Which of these b. increase the client's awareness
diseases, malnutrition and topics would the school nurse of unsatisfactory protective
social ills such as street consider as priority for their behaviors
children, homeless and parents’ class? c. implement behavior
prostitution is a predisposing modification
factor to mental illness. A a. Drug education d. promote homeostasis and
community approach to cope b. Child abuse minimize the client’s withdrawal
with this problem is for the c. Effective parenting symptoms
nurse to support: d. Sex education
85. Commonly known as
a. aggressive family planning Situation 17 - Nurse's in all "shabu" is:
methods practice areas are likely to come
b. provision of social welfare in contact with clients suffering a. Cannabis Sativa
benefits for the poor from acute or chronic drug abuse. b. Lysergic add diethylamide
c. social action c. Methylenedioxy,
d. free clinics and more hospitals
81. The psychodynamic methamphetamine
therapy of substance abuse is d. Methamphetamine
77. The MOST cost effective based upon the premise that hydrochloride
way to meet the mental health drug abuse is:
needs of the public is through Situation 18 - It is common that
programs with a priority goal a. a common problem brought client ask the nurse personal
of: about by socioeconomic questions.
a. treatment b. caused by multiplicity of factors 86. Anticipation of personal
b. prevention c. predisposed by an inability to questions is given adequate
c. rehabilitation develop appropriate psychological attention during which phase
d. research resources to manage of the nurse patient
developmental stresses relationship?
78. Lorelle upon discharge d. due to biochemical factors
was referred to a volunteer a. Orientation phase
group where she has learned 82. Being in contact with b. Working phase
to read patterns, cut out reality and the environment is c. Pre-interaction phase
fabric and use a sewing a function of the: d. Termination phase
machine to make simple
outfits that will help her earn a. conscience 87. The client asks for the
in the future. What type of b. ego nurse's telephone number,
activity therapy is this? c. id which of these responses is
d. super ego NOT appropriate?
a. Recreational therapy
b. Art therapy 83. Substance abuse is a. "it is confidential I just don't
c. Vocational therapy different from substance give it to anyone."
d. Educational therapy dependence is than, b. "What would you do with my
substance dependence: number if I give it to you?"
79. In a residential treatment c. "If I say. No to your request,
home for adolescent girl's the a. includes characteristics of what are your thoughts about it?”
clients were becoming adverse consequences and d. "Are you asking for an official
number of the hospital/clinic for c. Needs for safety and Security 96. The nurse should
your reference?" d. Needs for belonging recognize that the unit
primarily responsible for
88. When the client asks about 92. Ricky's mother visited the education and awareness of
the family of the nurse the school nurse. She asked, " the members of the family on
MOST appropriate response is: What should I do when Ricky the ill effects of dangerous
fond his genitalia?" drugs is the:
a. Avoid the situation and redirect Appropriate response of the
the client's attention nurse is for the mother to: a. law enforcement agencies
b. Give a brief and simple b. school
response and focus on the client a. Divert Ricky's attention and c. church
c. "Why don't we talk about your engage him in satisfying activities d. family
family instead?" b. Tell Ricky that it is wrong to
d. Introduce another topic like the keep fondling his genitalia 97. A drug dependent utilizes
client's interests c. Ignore Ricky's behavior because this defense mechanism and
he will outgrow it later enables him to forget shame
89. When the nurse is asked a d. Engage him in computer TV and pain.
personal question, which of games that engage his hands
these reactions indicate a a. repression
need her to introspect? 93. The nurse has one on one b. rationalization
health education sessions with c. projection
a. The client is simply curious Ricky's mother. The mother d. sublimation
b. His/her right to privacy is being understood that for her son to
intruded learn to cope and be 98. This drug produces
c. The client knows no other way independent, she should mirthfulness, fantasies, flight
to begin a conversation constantly provide activities of ideas, loss of train of
d. Some patients are like children for Ricky to be able to: thought, distortion of size,
in seeking recognition from the distance and time, and
nurse a. socialize with people "bloodshot eyes", due to
b. eventually go to school alone dilated pupils.
90. It is 10 o'clock of your c. select and prepare his own food
watch. The client asks, "What d. do activities of daily living a. Opiates
time is it?" The nurse's b. LSD
appropriate response is: 94. All of the following c. Marijuana
activities are appropriate for d. Heroin
a. "Are you bored?" Ricky EXCEPT:
b. "It is 10 o’clock." 99. The nurse evaluates
c. "Why do you ask?" a. Working with clay that-.her health teaching to a
d. "Guess, what time is it?" b. Competitive sports group of high school boys is
c. Preparing and cooking simple effective if these students
Situation 19 - Ricky is a 12 year menu recognize which of the
old-boy with Down’s syndrome. He d. Card and table games following dangers of inhalant
stands 5' ½" and weight 100 lbs. abuse.
He is slim and walks sluggishly 95. Ricky's IQ falls within the
with a limp. He wears a neck range of 50-55. He can be a. Sudden death from cardiac or
brace as support for his neck. X - expected to: respiratory depression
ray of cervical spine showed b. Danger of acquiring hepatitis or
"subluxation of CI in relation to C2 a. Profit from vocational training AIDS
with cord compression." He with moderate supervision c. Experience of "blackout"
attends a school for special b. Live successfully in the d. Psychological dependence after
education. community prolonged use
c. Perform simple tasks in closely
91. The classroom teacher supervised settings 100. The mother of a drug
consults the school for d. Acquire academic skills of 6th dependent would never
guidance on how to take care grade; level consider referring her son to a
of Ricky while inside the, drug rehabilitation agency
classroom. The nurse Situation 20 - The abuse of because she fears her son
considers as priority, Ricky's: dangerous drug is a serious public might just becomes worse
health concern that nurses need while relating with other
a. Physiological needs to address, drugs users. The mother's
b. Need for self-esteem behavior can be described as:
c. Caretaking
a. Unhelpful d. Supportive
b. Codependent

ANSWER KEY: 34. D 68. C

1. C 35. D 69. C
2. C 36. C 70. C
3. B 37. D 71. C
4. A 38. B 72. B
5. D 39. A 73. B
6. A 40. A 74. A
7. C 41. B 75. B
8. D 42. C 76. B
9. D 43. A 77. B
10. A 44. B 78. C
11. A 45. C 79. B
12. D 46. 80. C
13. D 47. 81. B
14. D 48. 82. B
15. A 49. 83. D
16. D 50. 84. D
17. C 51. D 85. D
18. B 52. B 86. B
19. 53. B 87. A
20. 54. A 88. B
21. 55. A 89. D
22. 56. A 90. B
23. 57. C 91. C
24. 58. D 92.
25. A 59. A 93. D
26. A 60. B 94. B
27. A 61. A 95. C
28. B 62. B 96. D
29. C 63. D 97. A
30. C 64. D 98. B
31. A 65. D 99. A
32. A 66. B 100. A
33. A 67. D

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