Modeling and Analysis of Spur Gear For Sugarcane Juice Machine Under Static Load Condition by Using FEA
Modeling and Analysis of Spur Gear For Sugarcane Juice Machine Under Static Load Condition by Using FEA
Modeling and Analysis of Spur Gear For Sugarcane Juice Machine Under Static Load Condition by Using FEA
Abstract : This paper describes design and analysis of and abrasion resistance property, excellent wear resistance,
Spur gear. In the present work, it is proposed to substitute resistant to most chemicals and self- lubricant.
the metallic gear of sugarcane juice machine with plastic Polycarbonate materials have, high impact strength, good
gears to reduce the weight and noise. For the purpose of dimension stability and heat resistance. Since, Nylon and
two different types of plastic materials were considered Poly carbonate have good properties as stated above the cast
namely Nylon and Polycarbonate and their viability are iron spur gears of sugarcane juice machine are being
checked with their counterpart metallic gear (Cast iron). replaced by plastic spur gears. The plastic material offer
Based on the static analysis, the best plastic material is opportunities for substantial weight saving but not always
recommended for the purpose. Static analysis of a 3-D are cost-effective over their cast iron counter parts.
model has been performed using ANSYS 10.0. Compared to
Cast iron spur gears Nylon gears are suitable for the
application of sugarcane juice machine application under
limited load conditions.
I. Introduction
According to the position of axes of the shafts the
following are the different kinds of gears. Fig. No. 1 Schematic diagram of a sugarcane juice machine.
a. Parallel
Spur gear II. Literature Review:
Helical gear The review mainly focuses on replacement of Cast iron
Rack and pinion spur gears with the Nylon spur gear in the application of
b. Intersecting sugarcane juice machine.
Bevel gears R. Yakut, H. Düzcükoğlu*, M.T. Demirci et al
c. Non – Intersecting and Non parallel [1] In this study, load carrying capacity and
Worm gears occurring damages of gears which are made of PC/ABS
blends were investigated. PC is hard material and ABS is
The gear materials used for the manufacture of soft material. The usage of materials limits these drawbacks.
gears depend upon the strength and service conditions like However PC and ABS polymers combine each other, the
wear and noise etc. The gears maybe manufactured from PC/ABS blends have suitable mechanical properties for
metallic or non – metallic materials. The cast iron is widely gear applications in the industrial areas. In this study,
used for the manufacture of gears due to its good wearing usability of PC/ABS composite plastic materials as spur
properties, excellent machine ability and ease of producing gear was investigated. PC/ABS gears were tested by
complicated shapes by casting method. The non – metallic applying three different loading at two different numbers of
materials like wood, rawhide, compressed paper and revolutions on the FZG experiment set.
plastics like Nylon, Acrylic and Polycarbonate etc are used J.L. Moya, A.S. Machado, J.A.Velásquez, R.
for gears, especially for reducing weight and noise. oytisolo, A.E.Hernández, J.E. Fernández, and J.M. Sierra et
Weight reduction can be achieved primarily by the al [2] In this study they have performed a theoretical
introduction of better material, design optimization and analysis of a procedure to determine the Lewis Factor and
better manufacturing processes. The plastic materials have also performed the contact analysis of spur gears to find the
corrosion resistance, low electrical and thermal stress distribution between gear tooth.
conductivity, easily formed into complex shapes, wide Alexandre Luís Gasparin I; Leandro Luís CorsoI;
choices of appearance, colors and transparencies. The Eduardo Kirinus TentardiniII; Regina Célia Reis NunesIII;
introduction of plastic materials was made it possible to Maria Madalena de Camargo ForteIV; Ricardo Vinicius Bof
reduce the weight of the spur gear without any reduction on de Oliveira, et al [3] The focus of this paper is to establish a
load carrying capacity and stiffness. characterisation method for seven polyamide (PA) grades to
The Nylon materials have high strength, good mechanical determine the major material to manufacture an automotive 2862 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug 2012 pp-2862-2866 ISSN: 2249-6645
worm gear. The composite properties were measured Power (P) = 2*π*N*T / 60
according to the worm gear loadings: tensile strength, 1500 = (2*π*1400*T) / 60
Young's modulus, abrasion and impact resistance. They Torque (T) = (1500*60)/ (2*π*1400)
were also correlated to the PA moisture absorption and its T= 10.2313 N-m
glass fibre (GF) reinforcement. The data from mechanical T= 102313 N-mm
tests were applied in the finite element analysis (FEA) using T= F * (d/2)
the von Mises stress criterion. Before the rig tests of the PA F= T/ (d/2)
worm gears, the injection process was evaluated, through F= 10231/90
the capillary rheometry. A higher difficulty to process PA F= 113.677 N
6/6 30% GF was found, due to its lower apparent viscosity. Where „F‟ is the Tangential load
In the end, the influence of moisture absorption was as Using Lewis equation
decisive to the gear's material selection as the GF to the Tangential load F = σb*y*Pc*b
pinion. Thus, the PAs with the best performance were: PA 6 113.677= σb*0.1034*(π*10)*54
with 30% GF (gear) and with PA 60% GF (pinion). σb = 113.677 / (0.1034*(π*10)*54
σb = 0.648 N/mm2
III. Specification Of The Problem Where „σb‟ is the allowable stress
In this project work it is proposed to substitute the „y‟ is the Lewis form factor
metallic gear of sugarcane juice machine with plastic gears „Pc‟ (Circular pitch) = π * module
to reduce the weight and noise. For the purpose of two ‘b‟ is the face width of the gear
different types of plastic materials were considered namely „d‟ is the pitch circle diameter of the gear
Nylon and Polycarbonate and their viability are checked The Maximum allowable stress as per the design of the
with their counterpart metallic gear (Cast iron). Based on desired spur gear, σb = 0.648 N/mm2
the static analysis, the best plastic material is recommended Allowable stress of Cast iron (high grade) =
for the purpose. A virtual model of spur gear was created in = Ultimate tensile strength / 3
Pro-E. Model is imported in ANSYS 10.0 for analysis by = 320 / 3 = 106.67 N/mm2 > 0.648 N/mm2
applying normal load conditions. After analyis a Allowable stress of Nylon =
comparison is made among exisisting Cast iron spur gear. = Ultimate tensile strength / 3
Based on the deflections and stresses from the analysis we = 69/3 = 23 N/mm2 > 0.648 N/mm2
choose the best one between the Nylon and Polycarbonate Allowable stress of Polycarbonate =
spur gears. = Ultimate tensile strength / 3
= 62/3 = 20.67 N/mm2 > 0.648 N/mm2
Gear is nothing but a toothed wheel which is useful SO the design is safe
to transmit power from one shaft to another shaft. They are (Reference 1:
suitable when two machine parts are nearer to each other. Reference 2: p.s.g data book pageno: 25.33,
They give exact ratio of transmission of motion, slip cannot Page no 8.21)
takes place between gears, they are useful for high torque
transmission. V. Geometric details of desired spur gear:
In spur gear teeth is parallel to axis of rotation. • Module (m) = 10 mm
Spur gear transmit power from one shaft to another parallel • Addendum = 1 module
shaft. • Dedendum = 1.157*module
4.1 Matrials for Gears : • Pressure angle (α ) = 20 degrees
The gear materials used for the manufacture of • Tooth thickness(t) =1.571 * module
gears depend upon the strength and service conditions like • Whole depth = 2.25 * module
wear and noise etc. The gears maybe manufactured from • Face width(b) = 5.4 * module
metallic or non – metallic materials. The cast iron is widely • Fillet radius = 3.9 * module
used for the manufacture of gears due to its good wearing • No of teeth(z) =18
properties, excellent machine ability and ease of producing
complicated shapes by casting method. The non – metallic 5.1 Calculation of gear tooth proportions:
materials like wood, rawhide, compressed paper and • Pitch circle diameter (p.c.d)= z*m
plastics like Nylon, Acrylic and Polycarbonate etc are used = 18*10 = 180mm
for gears, especially for reducing weight and noise. • Base circle diameter (Db)= D Cos α
= 180Cos20 =
4.2 Theoretical calculations of conventional Cast iron 169.145mm
Spur gear: • Out circle diameter = ( Z+2)*m
In the present analysis the maximum torque, = (18+2)*10 = 200
allowable stress and tangential load of the spur gear are
calculated based on the desired sugarcane juice machine
• Clearance = Circular pitch/20
motor specifications and are as following below:
= 31.4/20 = 1.57mm
• Dedendum =
4.3 Specifications of sugarcane juice machine motor: =Addendum+ clearance = 10 + 1.57
Power (P) = 1.5 kW = 1500watt = 11.57 mm.
Speed (N) = 1400 RPM 2863 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug 2012 pp-2862-2866 ISSN: 2249-6645
• Module =D/z optical properties position polycarbonates between
=180/18 = 10mm. commodity plastics and engineering plastics
• Dedendum circle diameter Table: 1 Material properties of cast iron, Nylon
= p.c.d–2*dedendum = 80- 2*11.57 and Polycarbonate:
= 156.86 mm.
• Fillet radius = circular pitch/8 = 31.4/8 = 3.9 mm Material Cast Nylon Polycarbonate
• Pich circle diameter (Pc) = Property Iron
m*z= 10 * 18 = 180mm
Young’s 1.65e5 2.1e5 2.75e5
• Hole depth = 2.25 * m = 2.25 * 10
= 22.5mm Modulus
• Thick ness of the tooth (N/mm2)
= 1.571* 10=15.71mm Poisson’s ratio 0.25 0.39 0.38
• Face width (b) = Ψ*a = 0.3*180 = 54 mm 1.1e-6
Density 7.2e-6 1.13e-
Where „a‟ is the centre distance between two gears
= (180+180 /2) 180 mm and assume Ψ = 0.3) (Kg/mm3) 6
Co-efficient of 1.1 0.15- 0.31
Diametral pitch = Number of teeth/ P.C.D
= 18 / 180 = 0.1 mm friction 0.25
Ultimate 320-350 55-83 55-70
VI. Specification Of Existing Cast Iron Gear: Tensile
The typical chemical composition of the cast iron strength
material : Carbon - 2.5 to 3.7%, Silicon - 1.0 to 3.0%,
Manganese - 0.5 to 1.0%, Phosphorus - 0.1 to 0.9% and
Sulphur - 0.07 to 0.10%
6.1 SPECIFICATIONS OF NYLON AND VII. Finite Element Analysis Of Spur Gear :
POLYCARBONATE PLASTIC MATERIALS: Finite element modeling is described as the
Chemical composition of Nylon: representation of the geometric model in terms of a finite
number of element and nodes. It is actually a numerical
method employed for the solution of structures or a
complex region defining a continuum. Solutions obtained
by this method are rarely exact. However, errors in the
approximate solution can be minimized by increasing the
number of equations till the desired accuracy obtained. This
is an alternative to analytical methods that are used for
getting exact solution of analysis problems. The solution of
Its properties are determined by the R and R' general problem by finite element method always follows
groups in the monomers. In nylon 6. 6, R' = 6C and R = 4C an orderly step-by-step process. for analysis in ANSYS
alkanes, but one also has to include the two carboxyl 10.0. The loading conditions are assumed to be static. The
carbons in the diacid to get the number it donates to the element choosen is solid Brick 8 node45.
The majorities of nylons tends to be semi-
crystalline and are generally very tough materials with good
thermal and chemical resistance. The different types give a
wide range of properties with specific gravity, melting point
and moisture content tending to reduce as the nylon number
increases. Nylons can be used in high temperature
environments. Heat stabilized systems allow sustained
performance at temperatures up to 185oC.
Chemical composition of Polycarbonate: Fig1: Loads and boundary conditions of the gear
The main polycarbonate material is produced by
the reaction of bisphenol A and phosgene COCl2. The
overall reaction can be written as follows: 2864 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug 2012 pp-2862-2866 ISSN: 2249-6645 2865 | P a g e
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug 2012 pp-2862-2866 ISSN: 2249-6645
stresses and deflection values of the spur gear were
increased. And the minimum stress values are obtained for
Nylon spur gear compared with Cast iron and
Polycarbonate. According to the study, analysis, results and
Graphs: graphs we recommend the best plastic material is Nylon and
Nylon gears are suitable for the application of sugar cane
juice machine under limited load conditions.
Pressure Vs Deflection
0.016 Graph IX. CONCLUSIONS:
To find the suitable design gears with less weight
0.012 and less cost, corrosion resistance, frictionless also. To
0.01 design and manufacture a sugarcane juice for a common
0.008 Cast people including women. With less cost, self lubricating
Iron neat and clean hygienic juice. With more material removal
0.006 Nylon of deflection and stress are increased. So for safe operation
0.004 of my design is more appropriate under limited load
Polycar conditions for Nylon gear.
1 2 3 4 5 Pressure(N/mm2) 10.1Journals Papers:
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Mechanical Education Department, University of
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Stress (N/mm2)