Operational Procedures: General Annex 6 Parts I, II and III
Operational Procedures: General Annex 6 Parts I, II and III
Operational Procedures: General Annex 6 Parts I, II and III
Annex 6 parts I, II and III
1. An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 7
to 30 seats must be equipped with at least:
A – 1 hand fire-extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger
B – 2 hand fire-extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger
C – 3 hand fire-extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger
D – 4 hand fire-extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger
Ans: A
2. The minimum equipment list (MEL) gives the equipment which can be
inoperative when undertaking a flight and the additional procedures to be
observed accordingly. This list is prepared by:
A – the operator, and it is inserted in the operations manual
B – the manufacturer, and it is inserted in the operations manual
C – the operator, and it is appended to the flight manual
D – the manufacturer, and it is appended to the flight manual
Ans: A
3. The coverage angle of the regulatory red position light, continuously lit in
flight and located at the tip of the left wing is:
A – 140o
B – 110o
C – 70o
D – 220o
Ans: B
4. For aircraft specified before the 1 April 1998, cockpit voice recorder must
keep the conversations and sound alarms recorded during the last:
A – flight
B – 25 hours of operation
C – 30 minutes of operation
D – 48 hours of operation
Ans: C
5. An operator must ensure that the lowest MDH for a non-precision approach
procedure which is based upon the use of a VOR is not lower than:
A – 150 ft
B – 200 ft
C – 250 ft
D – 300 ft
Ans: D
6. When refuelling is being performed while passengers are boarding or
disembarking the aircraft, it is necessary that: (Annex 6, Part I)
A – All the flight crew be on board
B – The aircraft’s stairs be completely extended
C – Refuelling is prohibited while passengers are boarding and/or
D – Communications be maintained between ground personnel and qualified
personnel on board
Ans: D
7. During a night flight, an observer located in the cockpit, seeing an aircraft
coming from the front right will first see the:
A – green flashing light
B – green steady light
C – white steady light
D – red steady light
Ans: D
8. The validity period of a certificate of airworthiness varies with the conditions
under which the aircraft is maintained. If the maintenance is carried out
according to an approved programme and done in a maintenance shop
approved by the Minister of Civil Aviation, the validity period is:
A – three years for public transport aircraft and one year for the others
B – three years
C – three years for public transport aircraft and five years for the others
D – three years if the aircraft has not undergone major modifications
Ans: B
9. Before any flight is commenced, forms have to be completed certifying that
the aeroplane is airworthy. Who has to be satisfied that the aeroplane is
A – The commander
B – The operator
C – The maintenance supervisor
D – a JAA authorised person
Ans: A
10. One shall not initiate any flight made in accordance with instrument flight
rules unless the available information indicates that the conditions at the
aerodrome of predicted destination or, at an aerodrome of alternative
destination, are: (Annex 6, Part l)
A – At the predicted time of arrival equal to or better than the minimum
conditions required for aerodrome use
B – At the predicted time of take-off equal to or better than the minimum
conditions required for aerodrome use
C – At the predicted time of arrival, and for a reasonable period before and
after such a predicted time, equal to or better than the minimum
conditions required for aerodrome use
D – At the predicted time of arrival better than the minimum conditions
required for aerodrome use
Ans: A
11. Who checks, before flight, that the aircraft’s weight is such that flight can be
safely made, and that any transported cargo is properly distributed and
secured? (Annex 6, Part ll)
A – The operator
B – The captain
C – The mechanic on board, or in his absence the co-pilot
D – the company’s cargo technicians
Ans: B
12. For turbo-jet aircraft, in the flight preparation stage, the landing distance at the
scheduled destination aerodrome shall be less than the available landing
distance multiplied by a factor of:
A – 0.5
B – 0.7
C – 0.6
D – 0.8
Ans: C
13. Selecting an alternate aerodrome the runway of this facility must be
sufficiently long to allow a full stop landing from 50 ft above the threshold
(jet type aircraft, dry runway) within:
A – 80% of the landing distance available
B – 70% of the landing distance available
C – 60% of the landing distance available
D – 50% of the landing distance available
Ans: C
14. The standby power supply powering the standby artificial horizon must be
operable on board any aircraft of more than 5,700 kg or more than 9
passengers during at least:
A – 15 minutes
B – 60 minutes
C – 30 minutes
D – 2 hours
Ans: C
The recent experience conditions of a captain assigned to a flight on an aircraft by an
operator must not be less than:
A – 6 take-offs and 6 landings as pilot in command on this type of aircraft
during the last 90 days
B – 3 take-offs and 3 landings as pilot in command on this type of aircraft
during the last 90 days
C – 6 take-offs and 6 landings as pilot in command on this type of aircraft
during the last 6 months
D – 3 take-offs and 3 landings as pilot in command on this type of aircraft
during the last 6 months
Ans: B
15. The coverage angle of the regulatory white position lights, continuously lit in
flight and located at the rear of the aircraft, is:
A – 140o
B – 100o
C – 70o
D – 220
Ans: A
16. The operator will include in the operations manual a list of minimum required
equipment approved by: (Annex 6, Part l)
A – The country where the aircraft is operated
B – The country where the aircraft was manufactured
C – The country of the operator
D – It is not mandatory that such a book be approved by aviation authorities
Ans: C
17. The rgulatory green navigation light is located on the starboard wing tip, with
a coverage angle of:
A – 70o
B – 140o
C – 110o
D – 220o
Ans: C
18. For turbo-propeller aircraft, in the flight preparation stage, the landing distance
on at alternate aerodrome shall be less than the available landing distance
multiplied by a factor of:
A – 0.7
B – 0.6
C – 0.5
D – 0.8
Ans: A
19. On board a pressurised aircraft, a flight shall be undertaken only if the aircraft
is provided with an oxygen reserve enabling all the crew members and part of
the passengers to be supplied with oxygen in the event of a cabin
depressurisation, throughout the flight period, during which the pressure
altitude is greater than:
A – 12,000 ft
B – 11,000 ft
C – 10,000 ft
D – 13,000 ft
Ans: C
20. The determination of the aerodrome minimum operating conditions must take
the following into account:
1. equipment available for navigation
2. dimensions and characteristics of the runways
3. composition of the flight crew
4. obstacles in the vicinity of approach and missed approach areas
5. facilities for determining and communicating the weather conditions
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
A – 1, 2, 4, 5
B – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
C – 2, 4, 5
D – 2, 3, 5
Ans: B
21. Flight crew members on the flight deck shall keep their safety belt fastened:
A – from take off to landing
B – only during take off and landing
C – only during take off and landing and whenever necessary by the
commander in the interest of safety
D – while at their station
Ans: D
22. The minimum time track is a track defined for:
A – a period of 12 hours
B – a given travel
C – a period of 24 hours
D – aircraft flying in MNPS airspace
Ans: B
23. On over-water flights, an operator shall not operate an aeroplane at a distance
away from land, which is suitable for making a emergency landing greater
than that corresponding to:
A – 400 NM or 120 minutes at cruising speed
B – 300 NM or 90 minutes at cruising speed
C – 200 NM or 45 minutes at cruising speed
D – 100 NM or 30 minutes at cruising speed
Ans: A
24. The MMEL (Master Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by:
A – the operator
B – the manufacturer
C – the aircraft manufacturers list
D – the aircraft state of registry
Ans: B
25. Who shall provide the flight operations personal with an operations manual
and also issue the amendments to keep it up to date?
A – Owner of the aircraft
B – Aircraft producer
C – Aircraft operator
D – ATS authority of the state of registry
Ans: C
26. For twin-engined aircraft, the take-off alternate shall be located at a distance
that: (Annex 6, Part l)
A – Does not exceed the equivalent of two hour of flight time at cruising
speed all engines operating
B – Does not exceed the equivalent of two hours of flight time at cruising
speed with only one engine operative
C – Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time at cruising speed
all engines operating
D – Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time, at cruising
speed with only one engine operative
Ans: D
27. When must a radiation indicator be carried?
A – For flights above 29,000 ft
B – For flights above 39,000 ft
C – For flights above 49,000 ft
D – For flights above 59,000 ft
Ans: C
Who accepts the MEL?
A – The country where the flight takes place
B – The country of the operator
C – The country of the designers
D – The country of the manufacturers
Ans: B
28. On board a non-pressurised aircraft, 10% of the passengers must be supplied
with oxygen throughout the period of flight, reduced by 30 minutes, during
which the pressure altitude is between:
A – 10,000 ft and 12,000 ft
B – 10,000 ft and 13,000 ft
C – 11,000 ft and 13,000 ft
D – 11,000 ft and 12,000 ft
Ans: B
29. A life jacket is mandatory for any passenger on board an aircraft flying away
from the shore by more than:
A – 100 NM
B – 50 NM
C – 200 NM
D – 400 NM
Ans: B
30. An aeroplane flying at 30,000 ft would be required to provide oxygen
dispensing units in the passenger cabin for:
A – the total number of passengers + 10%
B – the total number of passengers
C – the total number of seats
D – the total number of seats + at least 10% additional units
Ans: D
31. Who compiles the MEL and where does it go?
A – The manufacturer and in the Flight Manual
B – The manufacturer and in the Operations Manual
C – The operator and in the Flight Manual
D – The operator and in the Operations Manual
Ans: D
32. A modern aircraft must be provided with a flight data recorder when its
certified take-off gross weight is greater than:
A – 27,000 kg
B – 5,700 kg
C – 20,000 kg
D – 14,000 kg
Ans: B
33. Who makes up the MMEL?
A – The operator
B – The manufacturer and it must be approved by the state of certification
C – The authority
D – The state of registry
Ans: B
A transport category aircraft suffers an unserviceability on the ground prior to
take-off. What document do you refer to?
A – Aircraft Operating Manual
B – Minimum Equipment List
D – Operations Manual – relevant chapter
Ans: B
34. FDRs must keep data and parameters for at least the last:
A – 30 hours of operation
B – 48 hours of operation
C – 25 hours of operation
D – The whole flight
Ans: C
35. When is MDH referenced to the threshold as opposed to the aerodrome
A – Te threshold is more than 2m above the ARP
B – The threshold is less than 2m above the ARP
C – The threshold is less than 2m below the ARP
D – The threshold is more than 2m below the ARP
Ans: D
36. When you have been unlawfully interfered with the commander is required to
inform certain people:
(i) State of the Operator
(ii) ICAO
(iii) State of registration of aircraft
(iv) JAA
A – (i), (ii) and (iii)
B – (ii), (iii) and (iv)
C – (i), (iii) and (iv)
D – all of the abov
Ans: A
37. To operate an aircraft as commander a pilot must have:
A – Carried out at least 3 take-offs and 3 landings in an aeroplane of the same
type or a flight simulator in the preceding 60 days
B – Carried out at least 5 take-offs and 3 landings in an aeroplane of the same
type or a flight simulator in the preceding 60 days
C – Carried out at least 3 take-offs and 3 landings in an aeroplane of the same
type or a flight simulator in the preceding 90 days
D – Carried out at least 5 take-offs and 3 landings in an aeroplane of the same
type or a flight simulator in the preceding 90 days
Ans: C
38. An aeroplane with one passenger deck, is configured with 61 seats. The
required number of megaphones on board is:
D – 2 if the seating capacity with one passenger deck is 31
Ans: B
39. Aircraft using a VFR flight plan in controlled airspace shall be equipped:
(Annex 6, Part l)