Biology: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Biology: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Biology: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
1 hour
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separate answer paper used.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
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Within your chosen option, write your answers to the Questions in the spaces provided on the Question
Paper. At the end of the examination, enter the number of the option you have answered in the grid
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The options are:
1 – Mammalian Physiology (page 2)
2 – Microbiology and Biotechnology (page 10)
3 – Growth, Development and Reproduction (page 19)
4 – Applications of Genetics (page 28)
If you have been given a label, look at the
details. If any details are incorrect or 2
missing, please fill in your correct details
in the space given at the top of this page. 3
1 Fig.1.1 is a diagram drawn from a photomicrograph of a section through the stomach wall.
Fig. 1.1
(a) Name A to D.
A ..................................................................
B ...................................................................
C ..................................................................
D .................................................................. [2]
.............................................................................................................................. [3]
In an investigation into the effect of these hormones, samples of stomach tissue were
exposed to three treatments:
• gastrin alone
• gastrin plus somatostatin
• no hormones
The rate of acid secretion, measured as the amount of hydrogen ions secreted per hour,
was recorded over a period of 180 minutes. The results are shown in Fig. 1.2.
4 gastrin alone
rate of
of H+/
mmol h–1
no hormones
gastrin and
0 somatostatin
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time / min
Fig. 1.2
(ii) One type of cell in the gastric pit reacts to the presence of acid by releasing
somatostatin. With reference to Fig. 1.2, and to your knowledge of the principles of
homeostasis, explain how this could help to control the acidity of the stomach
(iii) The stomach tissue used in this investigation had not been exposed to food in the
previous 24 hours. Explain why this was necessary.
[Total : 15]
Fig. 2.1
A .......................................................................................................................................
B .......................................................................................................................................
Table 2.1 shows the results of a study into the incidence of fractures of the upper end of
the femur in men and women of different ages.
Table 2.1
20–29 9 1
30–39 9 3
40–49 10 5
50–59 12 21
60–69 48 98
(i) calculate the percentage increase for women in the number of fractures between
the ages of 40–49 and 50–59. Show your working;
………… [2]
(ii) compare the changes in the risk of fracture in men and women as both get older;
.............................................................................................................................. [2]
(iii) explain the changes that you have described in (i) and (ii).
[Total : 8]
ornithine ATP
substance X cycle
Fig. 3.1
(ii) Name the blood vessel in which the urea that is formed leaves the liver, and outline
how the urea is excreted from the body.
(iii) Aquatic animals are able to excrete ammonia directly into the water surrounding
them. With reference to Fig. 3.1, suggest why this is advantageous compared with
the excretion of urea.
(b) Another metabolic reaction which takes place in the liver and which involves amino
acids is transamination. Describe transamination and explain why it takes place.
[Total : 9]
© UCLES 2004 9700/06/M/J04
9 For
4 (a) Fig. 4.1 shows a vertical section through a human eye. The eye is focused on a distant
object in low intensity (dim) light.
Fig. 4.1
Describe how the following responses of the eye would be brought about:
(i) the decrease in size of the pupil when light intensity increases;
(ii) the increase in curvature of the lens when focusing on a nearby object.
[Total : 8]
© UCLES 2004 9700/06/M/J04 [Turn over
10 For
500 nm
Fig. 1.1
(i) Name A to D.
A ...............................................................................................................................
B ...............................................................................................................................
C ...............................................................................................................................
D ...............................................................................................................................
(b) State two characteristics that are used to distinguish viruses from prokaryotae and
1. ......................................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................................[2]
(d) Fig.1.2 shows the number of HIV/AIDS cases diagnosed in a European country from
1983 to 1997.
number 800
cases 600
83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97
year of diagnosis
(i) Calculate for the period of 1989 to 1993, the mean rate of increase in HIV/AIDS
cases. Show your working.
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
(iii) Suggest two explanations for the trend in the incidence of HIV/AIDS from 1993 to
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
[Total : 15]
respiratory gases
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) With reference to Fig. 2.1, explain how an air-lift fermenter works.
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................[3]
(b) Describe two ways in which Fusarium must be processed after fermentation to make it
acceptable as a human food product.
1. ......................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
[Total : 8]
(b) Most beers contain starch. Recently, ‘light’ beers of low energy content have become
more popular. Light beers have a low starch content. This is achieved by the addition of
immobilised fungal amylase after the mashing process.
(ii) The effect of two different types of immobilised fungal amylase on the hydrolysis of
starch is shown in Table 3.1. In these reactions starch is not a limiting factor.
Table 3.1
0 0 0
1 0.05 0.05
2 0.20 0.10
3 0.60 0.20
With reference to Table 3.1, explain which of these enzymes would be used in the
production of light beers with a low starch content.
[Total : 10]
© UCLES 2004 9700/06/M/J04 [Turn over
16 For
4 (a) Diabetes can be controlled by daily injections of insulin. The insulin used to be
produced from pigs. Genetically engineered (transgenic) microorganisms can now be
used to produce human insulin.
(ii) State two problems that are avoided by using insulin produced by genetically
engineered microorganisms rather than insulin from pigs.
1 ................................................................................................................................
(b) Restriction enzymes can be used to cut DNA at specific sites. Genes such as the gene
for insulin, can be cut from the chromosome of one species and as a result of ligation
joined to the chromosome of another species forming recombinant (hybrid) DNA.
Fig. 4.1 shows two chromosomes from different species. The specific restriction
enzyme sites (R1, R2, and R3) are shown.
Species A R1 R2 R3
Species B R3 R1 R2
Fig. 4.1
Sketch all the possible ways in which the fragments could join in the space below.
[Total : 7]
19 For
1 (a) Explain why growing plantlets from a callus in tissue culture results in a clone.
(b) Equal masses of tobacco plant callus were cultured for four weeks on media containing
different concentrations of two plant growth regulators: auxin and cytokinin. The
results are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
auxin cytokinin
(c) One of the difficulties of culturing callus is surface sterilising the piece of plant tissue
(explant) to be used, especially when samples are being taken from the wild in tropical
In Trinidad, plant tissue samples were taken at three different times of the year and
placed on a medium containing no fungicide or antibiotic. Two different sampling
methods were used:
Table 1.2
August 322 16 5
January 332 30 9
(i) calculate the percentage of cultured stem tissue explants with no fungal or
bacterial contamination in January. Write your answer in the appropriate box in
the table;
Show your working in the space below.
.............................................................................................................................. [3]
(d) Suggest how the number of contaminated samples could be reduced when collecting
explants from the wild.
[Total : 15]
The probability of pregnancy following intercourse on a given day relative to the day of
ovulation (day 0) was calculated for three different age groups of women. Their partners
were either the same age or five years older.
of pregnancy
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 +2 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 +2 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 +2
day of intercourse
Fig. 2.1
(a) With reference to Fig. 2.1, describe the effect on the probability of pregnancy of
.............................................................................................................................. [3]
.............................................................................................................................. [2]
.............................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) Explain why intercourse two days before ovulation leads to the greatest probability of
pregnancy in all age groups of women.
[Total : 10]
Fig. 3.1
Name A to D.
A .............................................................................
B .............................................................................
C .............................................................................
D .............................................................................
Fig. 3.2
[Total : 8]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
age / years
Fig. 4.1
.............................................................................................................................. [3]
.............................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total : 7]
1 (a) Explain why growing plantlets from a callus in tissue culture results in a clone.
(b) Equal masses of tobacco plant callus were cultured for four weeks on media containing
different concentrations of two plant growth regulators: auxin and cytokinin. The
results are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
auxin cytokinin
(c) One of the difficulties of culturing callus is surface sterilising the piece of plant tissue
(explant) to be used, especially when samples are being taken from the wild in tropical
In Trinidad, plant tissue samples were taken at three different times of the year and
placed on a medium containing no fungicide or antibiotic. Two different sampling
methods were used:
The results of culturing the explants are shown in Table 1.2 on the next page.
August 322 16 5
January 332 30 9
(i) calculate the percentage of cultured stem tissue explants with no fungal or
bacterial contamination in January. Write your answer in the appropriate box in
the table;
Show your working in the space below.
(ii) compare the effect of the different methods of taking tissue samples and the time of
year on fungal and bacterial contamination of the cultured explants.
.............................................................................................................................. [3]
(d) Suggest how the number of contaminated samples could be reduced when collecting
explants from the wild.
[Total : 15]
(b) The new hybrid variety, VND 404, was ready for trial planting on 6000 hectares in
2002. The differences between VND 404 and its parent variety, IR 59655, are
summarised in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
shorter taller
less able to compete well with weeds more able to compete well with weeds
With reference to Table 2.1, explain how the new variety of rice was produced within
five years.
[Total : 8]
• Pods with genotypes including the dominant allele A have a thin layer of cells lining the
• Pods with genotypes in which the recessive allele a is homozygous have no thin lining
• Pods with genotypes including the dominant allele B have lignin added to the thin lining
layer, when it is present.
• Pods with genotypes in which the recessive allele b is homozygous do not have added
(a) State the phenotypes of pea pods with the following genotypes:
AAbb ...............................................................................................................................
aaBB ............................................................................................................................[2]
(b) Two pea plants of genotypes AAbb and aaBB were interbred to give an F1 generation
and these in turn were interbred to give an F2 generation.
Draw a genetic diagram of the cross, including gametes, showing the genotypes and
phenotypes of the F1 and F2 generations. Give the ratio of phenotypes expected in the
F2 generation.
[Total : 10]
In an experimental gene therapy, the dominant allele coding for factor IX was added to
the genome of adeno-associated virus (AAV). The genetically modified virus was
injected into the thigh muscles of three patients. All three patients then produced small
quantities of factor IX. AAV does not appear to stimulate the human immune system.
(b) The genetically modified AAV has now been injected into patients’ livers.
Suggest why the liver was chosen as the target organ for this gene therapy.
1. .......................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
[Total : 7]
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