Essentials of Crestron Programming: Training Manual - 2005
Essentials of Crestron Programming: Training Manual - 2005
Essentials of Crestron Programming: Training Manual - 2005
Or 2-
TCP/IP Connection
For a TCP/IP connection, use Ethernet straight cables to connect the PC
and control system to the LAN.
Or 2-
A. Viewport
- Connect your serial cable to the
control system
- Start Viewport
- Setup communication: factory set
for RS232
- Do the basic Diagnostics: F5, F4,
- For detailed info see the SW
F5, F4, F3,…
B. Toolbox
The Crestron Toolbox is intended to fully replace the Crestron Viewport.
The Address Book allows you to maintain a list of devices that can communicate
with the PC. The addresses are saved in an .adr file, allowing you to easily share
address books with other programmers, edit or remove addresses, and import
You can establish a session with any device by selecting the address from the
MRU (most recently used) address list in the status bar at the bottom of each
system tool.
The Crestron Toolbox provides the following tools:
SMW Program Tree: Lists devices in a SIMPL Windows program. Allows you to
update firmware, verify devices, upload projects and link to the Network Device Tree.
Network Device Tree: Lists devices detected on the network. Allows you identify
devices, manage device Network IDs and link to the SMW Program Tree.
System Info: Displays general device information. Allows you to manage device
functions and capture debugging information.
File Manager: Displays the file system. Allows you to manage control system files and
Network Analyzer: Samples voltages on the Cresnet Y and Z wires. Allows you to
troubleshoot Cresnet network problems.
Pressing “F1” on a
selected symbol will give
you a complete detailed
description. (see also SW
manual on the Control CD)
1 3
6. Exercises
Direct control:
- Digital signal
- Signal goes direct from TP to relay module, no logic symbols in between.
- Connection is made by giving out- and input the same name
- F2, F3 signal routing,…“shortcuts”
- CNX series: “Permanent Memory Image”. In case you are not sure of the new
program do not do it untill you tested it. In case it is not good, you can get the old
program back by re-booting the system.
- 2-Series: After an upload the “Permanent Memory Image” is done automatically,
but you have the chance (splash screen) to make a backup of the running program
on your PC before you upload. In case the new program is not OK you can than still
reload the old program so the user can continue working with the system.
Example 2
More logic
Insert more symbols to illustrate feedback and signal Pulsing: Interlock
is used for the feedback, the MOS (MMV) is used to pulse the signal
IR does not produce any feedback – so you need to do it via SW –
Use an IR driver instead of the relays: where to find it in the database on
the configuration page.
This is a logical example and it does not mean that you have to do it this
way. Ex 1 – direct control – can be perfectly used to work with IR.
“ Speedkey Name”: insert symbols by typing the speedkey name, you
do not have to drag and drop (faster).
Used Logic Symbol(s): INTERLOCK, MOS
Example 4
Second Page:
Working screen
Add 3 buttons for
Add EXIT button
with“Page Flip”
Create and add
subpages to this
Subpages: Create 3
screen. identical subpages.
- Subsystems
- Comment
- Bookmarks
- Worldview
A. Clock
B. Subpages
C. Serial
Indirect Text
D. Analog
E. Animation
F. Modules
G. Serial
A. Clock/date activation
- DST format 4 for Europe (only with 2-series!, otherwise leave open)
- Serialize date (7 formats) sends out text string to be displayed in a normal text field
-Symbols: Clock driver, Serialize Date (Date$)
- The date “Text” string is only send at program startup or at midnight, update
possibility via the [INIT] function on the date symbol
B. Subpages
F. Creating Modules
Manual programming
Comport fields accept the protocol in Hexadecimal, ASCII or a combination of the two
Monitor signals
An ‘archive’ is a .zip file that contains all files used by the program
(.smw, .umc, .usp, .ir).
This means it will also save used macro’s and IR drivers (very usefull
if you need to send your program to tech support)
You can open the .zip file by using ‘import archived program’. This
will make sure all used drivers are placed in the correct folders.
It is possible to trigger multiple actions with only one button press.
Actions like this are used to start up or shut down a complete
room/installation: lights go to the right level, projector switches goes
on, screen comes down, switcher changes to the right
input/output,… all activated by only one button press.
Useful Symbols:
The Stepper symbol drives its output signals high on the rising edge of <trig>
after the corresponding <delay> expires. Each output then remains high for the
period specified by its corresponding <len> parameter. Any subsequent changes
in <trig> have no effect until all outputs are low again.
The <busy> output goes high if any outputs are high, and low when all outputs are
The Delay symbol drives each output to the level of the <trig> input after the
corresponding <delay> expires. Note that all specified delays are independent of
one another; that is, there is no cumulative delay effect.
The optional <reset> immediately drives all outputs to the level of <trig> (with no
delay) for as long as <reset> is high.
By using an OR symbol you can trigger a function with multiple driving sources
Analog Values and the INIT symbol
Analog Initialize
Speed Key Name : init
Single Input Form
•One digital input: <trig1>
•Any number of analog outputs: <aout1> through <aoutN>
•For each output, one corresponding parameter: <value1> through <valueN> (See
Numeric Formats)
Conversion tables for Hex, Binary and ASCII can be found in the SIMPL Windows
Help File
Numeric Values
*Percentage and seconds formats can be expressed with precision of .01% or .01s.
**Double precision time values range from 0.0 seconds to 19,088,743 seconds.
Every parameter has a default format if none is specified when the symbol is defined.
Creating an Xpanel project