Locktite - Superflex - Blue - RTV - Silicone MSDS
Locktite - Superflex - Blue - RTV - Silicone MSDS
Locktite - Superflex - Blue - RTV - Silicone MSDS
Product name: Loctite(R) Superflex(R) Blue RTV Silicone Item No. : 30560 / IDH No. 270642
Adhesive Sealant
Product type: Silicone Region: United States
Company address: Contact Information:
Henkel Corporation Telephone: 860.571.5100
1001 Trout Brook Crossing Emergency telephone: 860.571.5100
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 Internet: www.loctite.com
Exposure to moisture during cure will release 1-5% acetic acid. The above components are hazardous as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Physical state: Paste HEALTH: 1
Odor: Acetic Acid PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0
Personal Protection: See Section 8
Inhalation: Acetic acid produced during cure may irrritate eyes, nose and throat. When heated to temperatures
exceeding 300° F (150° C) in the presence of air, silicones may form formaldehyde vapors.
Formaldehyde is a potential cancer hazard and a known skin and respiratory sensitizer. Vapors irritate
the eyes, nose and throat. Safe handling conditions may be maintained by keeping formaldehyde
vapor concentrations below the OSHA permissible limt.
Skin contact: May cause skin irritation.
Eye contact: Vapors may irritate eyes. Contact with eyes will cause irritation.
Ingestion: Not expected to be harmful by ingestion.
Item No. : 30560 / IDH No. 270642 Product name: Loctite(R) Superflex(R) Blue RTV Silicone Adhesive Sealant
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Skin contact: Wipe off paste with paper towel or cloth. Wash with soap and water.
Eye contact: Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under the eyelids. If eye irritation persists, consult a
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If a person feels unwell or symptoms of skin irritation appear, consult a
Hazardous combustion products: Formaldehyde. Silica Mist. Acrid smoke and fumes.
Clean-up methods: Scrape up as much material as possible. Spilled material will solidify. Store in a closed container until
ready for disposal. Maintain good ventilation for large spills.
Handling: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not get in eyes. Do not get on skin or clothing. Do not
wear contact lenses.
For information on product shelf life contact Henkel Customer Service at (800) 243-4874.
Respiratory protection: No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. Use NIOSH approved respirator if
there is potential to exceed exposure limit(s).
Eye/face protection: Chemical splash goggles or safety glasses with side shields.
Item No. : 30560 / IDH No. 270642 Product name: Loctite(R) Superflex(R) Blue RTV Silicone Adhesive Sealant
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Physical state: Paste
Color: Blue
Odor: Acetic Acid
Vapor pressure: <10 mmHg @20°C (68° F)
pH: Not applicable
Boiling point/range: Not available
Melting point/range: Not available
Specific gravity: 1.04 at 20 deg. C
Vapor density: Heavier than air
Evaporation rate: Not available
Solubility in water: Insoluble Polymerizes in presence of water
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not available
VOC content: 3.08%; 32 grams/liter
Stability: Stable.
Hazardous decomposition products: Acetic acid is liberated slowly upon contact with moisture. Formaldehyde.
Conditions to avoid: Prolonged heating at temperatures above 150“C °C. Exposure to moisture.
Carcinogen Status
Ecological information: No specific studies have been conducted by Henkel on the ecotoxicity or environmental fate of this
material; however, commonly available data on the material indicate that uncontrolled releases to soil,
groundwater, or surface waters could entail acute and/or chronic ecological effects, depending on the
quantity and concentration of such releases. Releases of volatile components to the atmosphere are
not believed to entail significant ecological consequences provided such releases are within the
exposure levels set forth in this document. Accordingly, all appropriate measures should be taken to
avoid uncontrolled releases to the environment, and any spills or other uncontrolled releases which
may occur should be contained and cleaned up immediately in accordance with Section 6.
Item No. : 30560 / IDH No. 270642 Product name: Loctite(R) Superflex(R) Blue RTV Silicone Adhesive Sealant
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Recommended method of disposal: Dispose according to EPA and local governmental regulations. Cured rubber can be incinerated or
landfilled following EPA and local regulations.
WaterTransportation (IMO/IMDG):
Proper shipping name: Not regulated
Hazard class or division: None
Identification number: None
Packing group: None
Marine pollutant: None known
TSCA 8 (b) Inventory Status: All components are listed or are exempt from listing on the Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory.
TSCA 12 (b) Export Notification: None.
California Proposition 65: No California Proposition 65 listed chemicals are known to be present.
CEPA DSL/NDSL Status: All components are listed on or are exempt from listing on the Domestic Substances List.
WHMIS hazard class: D.2.B
This material safety data sheet contains changes from the previous version in sections: New Material Safety Data Sheet format.
Prepared by: Lou Fabrizio, Senior Health & Regulatory Affairs Specialist
DISCLAIMER: The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. However, Henkel Corporation
does not assume responsibility for any results obtained by persons over whose methods Henkel Corporation has no control. It is the
user's responsibility to determine the suitability of Henkel's products or any production methods mentioned herein for a particular
purpose, and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and persons against any hazards that may be
involved in the handling and use of any of Henkel Corporation's products. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically
disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, arising from
sale or use of Henkel Corporation's products. Henkel Corporation further disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages
of any kind, including lost profits.
Item No. : 30560 / IDH No. 270642 Product name: Loctite(R) Superflex(R) Blue RTV Silicone Adhesive Sealant
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