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Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan (Cbydp) 2020 - 2022

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Region: X Province: Lanao del Norte City/Municipality: Nunungan Barangay: Panganapan


Center of Participation: HEALTH
Agenda Statement: To promote good healthy life style and help youth on having a good physical health, mental health and oral
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3]
Now a day youth are dealing with Educate youth on how to maintain Number of youth 2020 2021 2022 Seminar 5,000 SKC Monara
bad mental health because of a good mental health and how they provided with this 10% increase 10% 10% about
pandemic and other problems that can avoid bad mental health in this assistance. active lifestyle. increase increase mental
causes depression and other mental pandemic and other problem in active active health.
illness. their homes and barangay. lifestyle. lifestyle.
Some youth in barangay are having a Educate youth on how to do a Number of youth 2020 2021 2022 Medical and 20,000 SKC Monara
problem with oral health because of good oral hygiene. provided with this 10% increase 10% 10% Dental
their financial situation. Provide items to help on their oral assistance. medical and increase increase Mission
health, and to Promote a helping dental medical medical Program.
hand towards the youth. attention. and dental and dental
attention. attention.
Some youth in barangay are not To make a healthy completion “Fun Number of youth who 2020 2021 2022 I run for me 5,000 SKC Monara
physically healthy because of lack of Run” so that the youth will be participated on this 5% decrease the 10% 10% and my
physical activities in barangay. engage in participating on this event. number of increase increase health
event so that they will be exercised accidents active active program.
and enjoy the activity. involving the lifestyle. lifestyle.

Center of Participation: EDUCATION
Agenda Statement: Improve educational quality and teach the performance of the youth in barangay.
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] Responsi
There are a lot of youth that can’t do To promote a helping hand Number of youth 2020 2021 2022 Free school 20,000 SKC
their school work because of lack of towards the youth/students. provided with this 10% increase 10% increase 10% increase supply and Monara
school supplies and especially in art To promote artistic activity like
assistance. improvemen improvemen improvemen Art supply
materials the youth in barangay are drawing and painting in the t of t of t of project.
not exposed to arts. community. academic academic academic
performance performance performance
. . .
There are a lot of youth that stops Promote a helping hands towards Number of youth 2020 2021 2022 Allowance 24,000 SKC
their studies because of financial the youth/students and give provided with this 10% increase 10% increase 10% increase mo, Sagot Monara
problems. positive impact to the assistance. improvemen improvemen improvemen ko
youth/students. t of t of t of Program.
academic academic academic
performance performance performance
. . .

Center of Participation: SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EQUITY

Agenda Statement: Strengthen equal participation regarding of genders, disabilities and social status in community.
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] Respon
The youth in Barangay Panganapan To promote a healthy relationship Standardization and 2020 2021 2022 Volleyball 40,000 SKC
are inactive in communication and with anyone in the community and concreting of volleyball 10% increase 10% increase 10% increase Court Monara
they’re lacking of understanding of strengthen equal participation of court. participation participation participation Standardiza
equality of religion and gender. any status and gender by making a of youth. of youth. of youth. tion
healthy completion in volleyball Project.
and to standardized the volleyball
There are also youth who does not To promote a healthy relationship Number of youth who 2020 2021 2022 Mobile 3,000 SKC
like to be involved with any physical with anyone in the community and participated with this 10% increase 10% increase 10% increase Legend Monara
activities because of disabilities and strengthen equal participation activity. participation participation participation Bang Bang
other issue and prefer to play on regarding of their disabilities and of youth. of youth. of youth. League for
their own online games. other differences in religion and all.
social status by making a healthy
completion in Mobile game
“Mobile Legend” in the barangay
to promote equality.

Center of Participation: PEACE-BUILDING AND SECURITY

Agenda Statement: To promote human security and to contribute peace and unity in the barangay.
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] Responsi
There are some youth who are To provide employment to the out Number of youth 2020 2021 2022 Employme 10,300 SKC
unemployed and struggling to look of school youth and serves as a provided with this 10% increase 5% 3% increase nt for Out Monara
for a job to help their family finances watcher to any issue about drug assistance. the number of increase the number of of School
because some of the youth in abuse in the barangay. brigaded the number brigaded Youth
barangay are out of school. worker. of brigaded worker. Project.
15% decrease 15% decrease
the number of 15% the number of
drug decrease drug
dependent the number dependent
youth. of drug youth.
There are lot of alarming issues that To conduct symposium or talks Number of youth who 2020 2021 2022 Illegal 5,700 SKC
needed to discuss and solved about this issues so that we can participated with this 15% decrease 15% 15% decrease drugs Monara
formulate solution for it. event. the number of decrease the number of Awareness
drug the number drug Symposium
dependent of drug dependent
youth. dependent youth.

Center of Participation: GOVERNANCE
Agenda Statement: To promote governance through their involvement in local and national politics
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] Respon
Some youth in barangay Panganapan Make a campaigns about the Number of youth who 2020 2021 2022 Importance 2,000 SKC
are still not very open with their importance of voting to guide
participated with this Promote Promote 50% Promote 50% of Voting Monara
involvement in local and national youth on how to make a good event. 100% registration of registration of campaign
politics and also the importance of decision in voting for the registration youth voters. youth voters.
voting in politics. community. of youth
The youth are not always informed To report and publish the Number of youth who 2020 2021 2022 Accomplish 1,000 SKC
with the accomplishment of SK accomplishment report of SK participated with this 10% increase 10% increase 10% increase ment Monara
officials. officials. event. the number the number of the number of Report of
of first time first time first time SK officials.
youth youth youth
politicians. politicians. politicians.

10% increase 10% increase 10% increase

the the the
involvement involvement involvement
of youth in of youth in of youth in

Center of Participation: ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP

Agenda Statement: To Increase facilities available for youth groups.
Youth Development Concerns Objectives Performance Target PPAs Budget Person
[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] Responsi
There are no facilities available for To make a cottage for youth in Increase the facilities 2020 2021 2022 Cottage 40,000 SKC
youth and SK officials to make their Panganapan to be used as facilities available for youth and Increase the Increase Increase the Facilities Monara
meetings and other activities. for the youth and other purposes. the people in barangay. number of the number number of Project.
facilities of facilities facilities
available for available available for
youth by 1. for youth youth by 2.
by 1.
Prepared By:
SK Federated President Alrafie N. Monara
SK Secretary SK Chairperson


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