09 - Erosion Mechanisms Which Cause Boiler Tube Failure
09 - Erosion Mechanisms Which Cause Boiler Tube Failure
09 - Erosion Mechanisms Which Cause Boiler Tube Failure
Presentation on
“Erosionprotection Measures
operational influence on Tube
metal Temperature”
Prepared by:
Pr parts arrangement
of 110 MW boiler
Service failure of boiler tubes
• Burst
• Erosion
• Corrosion
• Fatigue
• Crack
1. Overheat
2. Lack of strength
Long Term Overheating
7. Improper material
8. Exposure to high flue gas temperature due to
blockage of gas or laning.
9. Periodic over firing /uneven firing of fuel burners.
Short Term Overheating
• Erosion is more in boiler back pass where the gap between the
coils/assemblies is less and gas temperature is also less.
2. Improper combustion.
Falling slag erosion
Corrective action
1. Check the fuel characteristics for fouling.
2. Change fuel if warranted.
3. Tuning the boiler air regime for optimised combustion to
avoid fouling.
4. Welding of wear bars at the bottom S-panel tubes to
break the ash boulders and to avoid direct hitting of the
5. Increase tube wall thickness.
Soot blower steam erosion
Typical Location:
1. Around wall blower opening (about 1m radius)- Steam impingement
2. First tubes near wall entrance of retractable blowers.
3. Direct path of soot blowers
Probable cause:
1. Condensate formation during idling and water impingement on WW
during subsequent blowing.
2. Blower getting stuck-up.
3. Degree of superheat of blowing steam (about 15 to 20 C above the
saturation limit) not being maintained.
4. Non availability of thermal drain system.
5. Improper alignment /damaged nozzle.
Corrective action
1. Ensure wall blower nozzle alignment
2. Check the blowing pressure
3. Ensure condensate free steam with a minimum superheat of
(about 15C above the saturation temp) at blower.
4. Necessary gradient/downward slope of the SB piping is to be
ensured. 1 per meter length of pipe is to be maintained.
5. Thorough thickness survey of WW in the SB location for 2
meter radius and replacing the eroded tubes.
6. Temporary shielding / spraying.
7. Installing thermal drain system if not available.
8. Smart wall blowing system.
Coal particle erosion
Typical location:
• Burner nozzle
Design Improvements to reduce Tube Failure …