LEA 1 (Week 3)
LEA 1 (Week 3)
LEA 1 (Week 3)
There are about 40,000 separate police agencies in United States that operate under city, county,
state, or federal governments. Police officers in US are often called COPS. During the late 1800s, they
were called constables. The word cop may have come from the initials C.O.P., which stood for constable
on patrol.
1. CITY POLICE: City police are mainly responsible for enforcing the law in their own city. New York
City has the largest city police department in the United States – about 29, 000 police officers. A small
town may have a police force of only one or two officers. In most cities, the mayor appoints the head of
the police department. This official may have the title of chief, commissioner, director, or
superintendent. Other ranking police officers include inspectors, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains,
lieutenants, and sergeants.
2. COUNTY POLICE: The powers of a county police force extend throughout the county. In some states,
however, these powers are restricted in towns and cities that have their own force. A SHERIFF, elected
by the people, is the chief law enforcement officer in most counties.
3. STATE POLICE: Every state, except Hawaii, has either a state police force or a state highway patrol
force. Both types of agencies are headed by a commissioner or superintendent appointed by the state
governor. State police enforce state laws. State police officers are called TROOPERS because they
were originally organized along military lines and often rode horses.
FBI – the chief investigating branch of the United States Department of Justice; investigates federal
crimes and handles cases involving stolen money or property that has been taken from one state to
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) – a computerized information system that stores
records on wanted persons and stolen property; operated by the FBI based in Washington, DC.
4. PRIVATE POLICE AGENCIES are licensed by federal state government to perform limited types of
police work. Industrial security police guard factories and warehouses. Campus police protect the people
and property of colleges and universities. Private investigative agencies provide detective services to
individuals and businesses. The earliest private detective agency that was licensed by the federal state
government was the PINKERTON PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY founded by Allan Pinkerton.
B. What are the existing national police agencies around the world?
In many countries, the national government directs the police system and maintains a national
police force.
1. Canada: Canada has national, provincial, and city police forces. The ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED
POLICE (RCMP) enforce federal laws throughout Canada. The RCMP provides police services on a
contract basis to about 175 cities. Members of the RCMP are traditionally called MOUNTIES, though
they now ride horses only in special ceremonies. For their daily assignments, they travel in cars,
snowmobiles, helicopters and other vehicles.
2. Great Britain: British police system is organized into about 50 large forces that are connected with local
governments. These forces operate under the direction of the national government. The LONDON
METROPOLITAN POLICE serve greater London except for an area that is called the City of London,
which has its own force. The headquarters of the METROPOLITAN POLICE is called NEW
SCOTLAND YARD. The name Scotland Yard is often used to refer to the Criminal Investigation
Department of the Metropolitan Police.
3. Australia: Each of the six states and two mainland territories in Australia has a police force. Australia has
a national police force, formerly the COMMONWEALTH POLICE FORCE. Now known as
4. France: The national law enforcement agency in France is the SURETE NATIONALE. The Surete
Nationale forms part of the Ministry of the Interior. Police officers, called GENDARMES, serve as
military police and provide police services in rural areas.
5. In Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in charge of providing general police services. It also
provides border guards and investigates activities considered a threat to the security of the national
6. In China, a national police force called the People’s Police is directed locally by provincial public security
bureaus. These bureaus function under the Ministry of Public Security, an agency of the national
C. What is INTERPOL?
The recognized national police force in the Philippines is the PHILLIPINE NATIONAL
POLICE (PNP). This is by far the latest name of the police agency with national in scope. The PNP
was established by Republic Act Nr. 6975 as the nation’s leading law enforcement agency under the
DILG. Its original name was the DILG Act of 1990. This means that this law was approved in 1990 by
then President Corazon Aquino, particularly on December 13.
More than seven years later, with the objective to modernize and professionalize the PNP, former
President Fidel Ramos approved a new police act – Republic Act Nr. 8551 is otherwise called as the
PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998. This law still supports the concept that the PNP is the
primary law enforcement organization in the Philippines, which is national in scope and civilian in
Other significant law enforcement agencies include NBI, LTO, PDEA, MMDA and PACER
(Police Anti-Crime Emergency Response Team)
1. Home Rule Theory: Police are considered servants of the community. Effectiveness of the
policemen in their functions depends on the express wishes of the people. In this theory,
policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is the preservation of the public peace and
security. This is applied in countries with decentralized government structure.
2. Continental Theory: Policemen are considered servants of a higher authority. Ordinary people
have little or no share in all of the police duties, nor have any direct connection with the police
functions. This theory is applied in countries that have centralized government.
B. The fundamental concepts concerning police service?
1. Old Concept: Police is looked upon as a repressive machinery of the government. In this traditional
concept, punishment is the sole instrument of crime control. The yardstick of police efficiency is
more arrest. Thus, job of the police is to arrest and put people in jail rather than keep them out of jail.
2. Modern Concept: Police is an instrument for crime prevention. The modern philosophy of police
service is not only focused to criminal apprehension but has been broadened to include social
services. Objective of the police is to promote the welfare of the individual citizen as well as the
society in general. The yardstick of the police efficiency is the absence of crime.