Integrated Strategic Asset Management Frameworks A
Integrated Strategic Asset Management Frameworks A
Integrated Strategic Asset Management Frameworks A
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Human Factors
Asset Management
Environmental Factors
Asset Government
and Clients
and Human
Based on the concept of the three pillars of sustainability, economic factors (like
financial interests of stakeholders) are embedded in the society and can’t exist without
it. The economy and society (for instance expressed by cultural interest in the
conversation of heritage assets) are again constrained by the ecological environment
and also cannot exist without them (Scott 2009). Therefore holistic asset management
has to address organisational external factors as well as organisational internal factors.
To combine the continuous and the staged representation it is necessary to define the
capability levels of the process areas of the continuous representation which have to
be fulfilled to get to the next maturity level of the staged representation. Table 2
illustrates this relationship.
Table 2. Combination of continuous and staged representation
Asset management process Capability level to
Maturity level
area fulfil
A 2
B 2
C 3
D 3
E 3
F 3
G 3
H 3
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6 Acknowledgements
This paper was developed within the CRC for Infrastructure and Engineering
Asset Management, established and supported under the Australian Government’s
Cooperative Research Centres Programme.