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FPGA IM Control

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International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 4 (11), pp.

645-650, November, 2009

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/ijps
ISSN 1992 - 1950 © 2009 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Design and synthesis of FPGA for speed control of

induction motor
Avnesh Verma1, Sunil Dhingra1 and M. K. Soni2*
Institute of Instrumentation Engineering, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra-136119 (Haryana) India.
Carrier Institute of Technology and Management, Fraidabad-121001 (Haryana) India.
Accepted 14 September, 2009

The industrial motor control is quickly changing from micro to nanotechnology design with speed and
performance based design implementation. Considering accuracy and synchronism of output response,
the attention has been brought to fully digitized design to adopt Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation
(SVPWM) as a control technique for three phase Induction Motors due to its resulted advantages in
harmonic reduction. Very High Speed Hardware Description Language (VHDL) digitized scheme built on
the platform of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for direct speed control of Induction Motor has
been proposed for industrial applications. This paper proposed hybrid hardware model of analog,
digital, power and micro-electronics. The model is focused to industrial application with loss
minimization and smooth control of flux. Xilinx 8.1i, Spartan-II FPGA Xc2s50-5pq208, IGBT CT60AM18F,
2HP Induction Motor has been used for design and synthesis of model. The result shows 74% occupied
slices and 70% total no of 4 look-up-tables (LUTs) have been utilized. The model response has been
observed very smooth.

Key words: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), look-up-tables (LUTs), Space Vector Pulse Width
Modulation (SVPWM), Very High Speed Hardware Description Language (VHDL).


Modern industrial motor control units include many micro- motor to achieve faster dynamic response. With the
controllers and digital signal processors (DSP) interface. improvement in faster dynamic control and its signal
The number of varieties, adopted schemes and devices processing the need of new high speed processor has
are advancing rapidly. Motor controllers are generally increased to be adopted by power semiconductor
implemented using PID (Proportional Integrated and devices. In today’s industrial scenario the ac motors
Derivative) algorithms (Changuel et al., 1996). The (induction/universal/servo etc.) are digitally controlled
voltage/ frequency (V/f) control of induction motor is through microprocessors/ microcontrollers/ Digital Signal
mostly studied in this regard because of the reason that Processing (DSP) modules by PWM techniques.
switching power converters can regulate voltage, current The advantage can only be attained when it is
and frequency (Richard et al., 2006). Switching power interfaced with analog circuitry. This has provided many
converters are also suitable to control critically high advantages like smooth loss-less control, less generated
transient response of voltage and current applied at noise, harmonic reduction, easy control of transient etc.
but it is suffered by major disadvantages like complexity
in its circuits, restricted function, no circuit modification,
application and component specific. In the recent past
*Corresponding author. E-mail: verma.avnesh@rediffmail. the modification in VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)
com. Tel: +919416481652. Fax: +911744238191. designing has revolutionized the possibility of embedded
646 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

systems to be software adopted computer based control

of such industrial applications. The hardware description HDL Entity; IGBT
Generic; n integer
lan-guage (HDL) has approached the development of
modern electronic products to be more application
specific integrated circuits (ASIC). It has the possibility to
implement the application specific algorithms with the use Generic n clock
=8M Hz/(2*(n+1)*360)
of its library functions, which is in many ways a low-cost
manufacturing and optimal design solution.
The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is one of else
If clk=1 and clock' event,
the substitutes to the major disadvantages of the then
conventional microprocessors/DSP control, due to its one
major advantage that it can be modified to perform any
Delay counter +1
application and is not specific to a particular function
(Ying-Yu-Tzou and Hau-Jean, 1997). The FPGA has on
field control/ re-programmable/ convenient software tool/ Delay counter =‘0’
high efficiency /very high significant integration density
(Richard et al., 2006). In this paper we try to emulate the
design and implementation of FPGA based motor control Set & reset
and how efficiently they are when it comes to yielding low the value of v_ count
power norms. A flow diagram based on VHDL as shown for (Tt to T6 ) for IGBT.
in Figure 1 is the basis of implementation.


Experimental setup

Constant volts per Hertz (V/f) mode of operation for Induction Motor End Behavioral
is an old method and very well acceptable for low range (even less
then 1 Hz) of speed control. Ideally it is notified that torque-speed
charac-teristics can be reproduced at all frequencies. If inverter Figure 1. Flow Chart of coding.
nonlinearities have not been compensated adequately then they
may cause distortion output voltages, pulsating torques leading to
vibrations and acoustic noise. So it becomes challenging to
produce sufficient flux at lower frequencies/ voltages (Richard et
al., 2006; Ying-Yu-Tzou and Hau-Jean, 1997). A new control
structure for digital realization of induction motor control has been Rectifier IGBT
IGBT Inverter
developed based on space vector PWM VSI control through FPGA.
Figure 2 shows the rectifier unit to convert single phase ac into dc
which is fed to the IGBT inverter. The Xilinx compatible FPGA is
Filter Circuit
used to control the IGBT gate driver circuit, for further
implementing the volt per hertz speed control techniques for Filter Circuit
induction motor. Induction motor is most commonly used machine
with its flexibility in terms of operation. IGBT as inverter has been Gate Driver Circuit Tachometer
chosen because it comprises fast switching characteristics of
MOSFET and lower conduction loss of power BJT’s. The principal Gate Driver Circuit
function of FPGA is to maintain the output timing of the inverted FPGA CARD compatible with
waves by controlling the IGBT gate driver circuit. FPGA is Xillinthrough PC
generating the control pulses to keep the three phases 1200 out of
phase sine waves on which AC Induction motor thrives. A 600 V FPGA CARD compatible with
rating has been chosen for designing a three phase inverter which
Xillin through PC
is operating from 200 - 230 VAC. H.V.I.C. technology requires
integration of analog control circuits and high voltage level shifting
devices together with the capability of the analog circuits ope-rating
at high voltage DC bus. The steady-state RMS value of the per-
phase inverter output current is about 5 A when the inverter
operates with a maximum motor overload at a switching frequency
of 27.6 MHz. To account for overload current transient conditions,
the current rating of the switching device is set up to 1.5 times the
value of the steady-state current. Thus overload rating is expected Figure 2. Block Diagram of experimental Setup for VSI
up to 7.5 A. controller through FPGA.
Verma et al. 647

Table 1. Eight possible combinations of switching states.


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 -1/3 -1/3 0 -1 1 1 -120
0 1 0 -1/3 2/3 -1/3 -1 1 0 1 120
0 1 1 - 1/3 1/3 -1 0 1 1 180
1 0 0 2/3 -1/3 -1/3 1 0 -1 1 0
1 0 1 1/3 -2/3 1/3 1 -1 0 1 -60
1 1 0 1/3 1/3 -2/3 0 1 -1 1 60
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
R, Y, B = Red, Yellow, Blue phases, VRN, VYN, VBN = Line to neutral voltages,
VRY, VYB, VBR = Phase to Phase voltages, M = Magnitude, Ang. = Angle.

Table 2. Comparative table of different fpga.

Device xc4003A xc4010 xc2s50

Logic Cells 3,000 10,000 50,000
Total CLBs 100 400 384
Max. Available IOB 80 160 176
Distributed RAM Bits 3,200 12,800 24,576
Max. = maximum, IOBs = Input/Output Blocks, CLB = Configurable Logic Blocks;
RAM = Random Access Memory.

Implementation of controlling algorithm and SVPWM in absolute unison. The floating point math algorithm
succeeded in optimum designing of FPGA in combination of
There are eight possible combinations of switching states which hardware and software. This high level integration on FPGA makes
derived output line-to-line and phase voltages in terms of DC easier since it comprises 50,000 gates, a perimeter of input/output
supply voltage Vdc according to equation no 1 to 3 and Table 1. Six blocks (IOBs), a core array of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) and
of them lead to non-zero phase voltages and two interchangeable resources of interconnections.
states lead to zero phase voltages. Table 2 shows selection consideration of device no. xc2s50 for
its superiority in specifications. More no. of gates/RAM size/ will
Voltage across line –neutral give more features to be embedded hence this device has been
chosen. Our studies have been performed on device xc2s50.
VRn = (VR − Vn ) = (VRY − VBR ) / 3
VYn = (VY − Vn ) = (VRY − VBY ) / 3 (1) RESULTS
VBn = (VB − Vn ) = (VBY − VBR ) / 3 FPGA has endowed an attractive alternative in final
product when total demand is restricted to few units
Voltage across line-line because of high cost associated to ASIC fabrication. The
hexagon shown in Figure 3 is 360 cycle with upper IGBT
VRY 1 −1 0 R 0
triggering through SVPWM in 60 interval of time.
VYB = (Vdc ) 0 1 −1 Y - - This proposed operation is verified using HDL on Xilinx
VBR −1 0 1 B xc2x50 Spartan-II FPGA and the post layout timing
results of the implementation are shown in Figure4.
= − (2) SVPWM is tested with the help of ModelSim5.4a with a
VRY = VRdc−VYdc frequency of f = 27.6 MHz are presented in timing simu-
VYB = VYdc−VBdc - lation results the time period of start and end of the cycle
is 87092300 ps and 87128477 ps respectively. It can
VBR = VBdc−VRdc seen that the switching sequence is changing for all six
(3) IGBTs after an equal interval of time. The switching
pattern so generated has been varied to test the variation
This intelligent controller comprise of software, power circuit in speed of drive. The switching frequencies 27.6, 29.3,
648 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

120 60
2 6

150 30

180 0 0

210 330

240 300

Figure 3. Hexagon of SVPWM, pattern.

Figure 4. Timing Simulation of SVPWM (Space vector pulse width modulation).

Verma et al. 649

Figure 5. Integrated Circuit Structure of

Xilinx program in FPGA.

Figure 6. Schematic of SVPWM generators.

30.4, 26.2 and 25 MHz were set and a variation of 1267 to IC structure and Schematic of SVPWM generator of
1443 RPM was observed. The on field speed variation coding are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively. t1 to t6
with the change in program application has also been shows the output from FPGA connected at gate driver
proved with this test. circuitry of six IGBTs of inverter. Schematic presents the
650 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 3. Comparative table of different fpga. REFERENCES

Changuel A (1996). Design of an adaptive motor controller based on

Logic utilization Utilization fuzzy logic using behavioral synthesis, EURO-DAC ’96 WITH
Number of Slice Flip Flops 23% EURO-VHDL ’96 IEEE.
Number of 4 input LUTs 35% Richard RB, Mohand AO, Andrej MT (2006). A new scheme for sensor
less induction motor control devices operating in low speed region.
Number of occupied Slices 74% Mathematics and computers in simulation 71. Sci. Direct pp. 109–
Number of Slices containing only 100% 120.
related logic Ying-Yu-Tzou, Hau-Jean H (1997). FPGA Realization of Space- Vector
PWM Control IC for three Phase PWM Inverter, IEEE Trans. Power
Total Number 4 input LUTs 70% Electronics 12(6): 953-963.
Number of bonded IOBs 12%
Number of GCLKs 75%
Number of GCLKIOBs 25%

occupation inside the FPGA after programming. The

results articulate the algorithm perfectly. 70% 4-LUTs,
23% flip-flops slices and 12% bonded IOBs were utilized
as shown in Table 3.
The proposed scheme has achieved good voltage re-
gulation against load variations. Simulation results have
proven the design principles and theoretical analysis.


The resulting tile structure indicates the optimal utilize-

tion of tile structure with presumption that the electronic
structure would be a complex and bulky in circuitry. Also
from Table 3 supports the above mentioned conclusion.
The ease of reprogramming has facilitated the use to
mould the structure values as per the suitability. A high
variation in frequency has been observed. .

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