Reflection, Refraction, Refraction by Spherical Surface, Prism
Reflection, Refraction, Refraction by Spherical Surface, Prism
Reflection, Refraction, Refraction by Spherical Surface, Prism
For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187 1
PEA's Quad PHYSICS Reflection, Refraction, Refraction by Spherical Surface, Prism
21. The angle of prism is 30°. A ray incident at 60° on one refracting surface suffer a deviation of 30°. The angle of emergence is
a) 0° b) 15° c) 30° d) 45°
22. A ray of light passes through equilateral prism such that the angle of incidence is equal to angle of emergence and the later is equal to (34) th
34. One face of rectangular glass plate of 6 cm thick is silvered. An object held at 8 cm in front of 1st face form an image 12 cm behind the silvered
face. The refractive index of glass is
a) 1.1 b) 1.2 c) 1.3 d) 1.5
35. A beaker of 21 cm height in which water of refractive index is placed upto depth so that it appeared half filled is
a) 8 cm b) 9 cm c) 12 cm d) 15 cm
36. A square of side 3 cm is located at a distance 25 cm from concave mirror of focal length 10 cm. The centre of square is at the axis of the mirror
and plane is normal to axis of mirror. The area of enclosed by image of square is
a) 4 cm2 b) 6 cm2 c) 16 cm2 d) 36 cm2
37. A point object is moving on the principal axis of concave mirror of focal length 24 cm towards mirror. The velocity of object is 9 cm/s at 60
cm from mirror, then velocity of image will be
a) 5 cm/s towards mirror b) 4 cm/s towards mirror c) 4 cm/s away from mirror d) 9 cm/s away from mirror
38. If object is n times the focal length to the right of principal focus of a concave mirror and image will be times the focal length to right of
focus then magnification will be
1 1
a) 1 b) n c) d) 2
n n
2 For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187
PEA's Quad PHYSICS Reflection, Refraction, Refraction by Spherical Surface, Prism
39. The image of tree just covers the length of 5 cm mirror when the mirror at 30 cm from eye. The tree is 100 m from mirror then height of tree is
a) 10.5 m b) 16.72 m c) 25.65 m d) 42.6 m
40. A tank having mirror at bottom is filled with water upto depth 20 cm. An object is hanging at 8 cm under the surface of water the apparent
distance of image will be µw =
3 )
a) 12 cm b) 20 cm c) 24 cm d) 30 cm
41. A plano convex lens act like concave mirror of focal length 28 cm when it's plane surface is silvered and like a concave mirror of focal length
10 cm when curved surface is silvered. The refractive index of lens
a) 1.35 b) 1.42 c) 1.55 d) 1.62
42. A ray of light incident normally on one of the face of right angled isosceles prism is found totally reflected from hypotenuse. The refractive
index of material is
a) 1.2 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1.8
43. Light which deviate maximum by a prism is
a) Violet b) Green c) Yellow d) Red
44. When I1 and I2 be the sizes of images for two positions of a lens in displacement method. The size of object is
I2 I2
a) I1I2 b) I 1I 2 c) d)
I1 I1
45. A convex lens of power 4D and a concave lens of power 3D are placed in contact. The equivalent power will be
4 3
a) 7D b) D c) 1 D d) D
3 4
46. The refractive index of material of prism is 3. The value of minimum deviation of prism is
a) 30° b) 41° c) 49° d) 60°
47. A ray of light incident on the first mirror and parallel to the second mirror is reflected from 2nd mirror parallel to first mirror. The angle
between two mirror is
a) 30° b) 60° c) 75° d) 90°
48. The plane faces of two identical plano convex lenses each having focal length of 40 cm are placed against each other to form a convex lens.
The distance from lens at which an object is placed so that inverted image of magnification is obtained is
a) 80 cm b) 40 cm c) 20 cm d) 160 cm
49. A glass lens of focal length 20 cm of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in liquid act as diverging lens of focal length 100 cm. The refractive
index of liquid is
4 5 5 6
a) b) c) d)
3 3 4 5
50. A ray of light incident at an angle of incidence i on one surface surface of a prism of small angle A and emerge normally from opposite
surface. The refractive index of material is µ the angle of incidence is nearly
A A µA
a) b) c) µA d)
µ 2µ 2
51. A prism of angle A has one surface silvered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence 2A on first surface return back through the same path
after suffering reflection at second silvered surface. The refractive index of material is
a) 2 sinA b) 2 cosA c) d) tanA
52. A luminous object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the convex lens of focal length 20 cm. On the other side of lens, a convex mirror of
radius of curvature 10 cm is placed so that inverted image coincide with object then separation of lens & mirror is
a) 12 cm b) 30 cm c) 50 cm d) 60 cm
53. Microscope is focused on a mark. The refractive index of glass is 1.5 and thickness 6 cm placed on a mark. The distance by which microscope
should be moved to focus on mark is
a) 1 cm up b) 1 cm down c) 2 cm up d) 2 cm down
..The End..
For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187 3