Hse Plan: PT Cipta Mulia Semesta
Hse Plan: PT Cipta Mulia Semesta
Hse Plan: PT Cipta Mulia Semesta
This HSE PLAN is established to provide all PT CIpta Mulia Semesta Management and Employees, Sub-
Contractors, Visitors and Other Persons involved in the Project Site a clearly defined plan to ensure
that CMS takes every possible action to protect the Health and Safety of all persons, prevent damage
to and loss of property and to protect the environment.
All CMS Management & Employees and Sub-Contractor personnel for construction site shall be familiar
with their responsibilities to Health, Safety and the Environment as outlined in this document. For this
purpose, this HSE PLAN and other documents required such as client HSE guidance, if any, will be
located at site offices and work sites and be readily available to all personnel.
The HSE Plan covers the health, safety, and environmental protection procedures, work instructions,
and standards that will be applied for construction works of the Project and the works shall be
performed in accordance with the related HSE requirements.
Should there be any conflicts between this Plan and the Client’s Health, Safety and Environmental
requirements, the Client’s documents shall be governed.
This is a “Living Document” and, as such, will be subject to regular Review and Updating in accordance
with changes in duties and responsibilities, processes and practices, systems of work and other aspects
of CMS’S activities. The original & revised HSE Plan shall be approved by the approver before
During the course of the work, CMS Management & Employees, Subcontractor Personnel and Other
Persons involved in the Project site shall follow not only the Plan, but also any other Health, Safety and
Environmental rules and regulations specified in Indonesia law and the provisions of applicable other
CMS : PT. Cipta Mulia Semesta, the Main Contractor that receives order from the Owner and
subcontracts the work package to Subcontractors
Subcontractor : The organizations that provides the products and service to CMS
HSE Committee : The HSE Committee at project site that lead by Construction Manager or his/her
designated personnel from CMS site organization members. Members of the committee are consist of
CMS Construction Representatives.
• Owner HSE Requirements (ITB / Contract / Etc.)
HSE site organization shall be established by CMS and entire subcontractor that involved in the Project.
CMS shall assign one personnel as CMS HSE supervisor/Admin with role and responsibility as stated in
the point 5.2 hereto. CMS site HSE supervisor shall work together with CMS supervisors to ensure
entire HSE requirement are followed by entire project site organization. CMS HSE supervisor shall
supervise entire subcontractor safety officers and drive them to prepare report, JSA and investigation if
any incident or accident occurred. Subcontractor HSE officers are responsible for day to day operation
and management of the project HSE program for their respective company on the job site. They report
to the subcontractor project manager and CMS HSE supervisor.
5.2. Responsibility
All level of management from the Project Manager to the Discipline Managers must be involved in the
HSE organization, and must recognize that attaining the HSE objectives and performance is their own
duty and responsibility.
The Project Manager has overall responsibility for HSE management and performance of the project as
well as for the engineering, procurement and construction throughout the project execution period.
His/her major roles and responsibilities for HSE management are to:
i. Encourage the Engineering Manager, Procurement Manager, Construction Manager and QHSE
Manager to establish HSE management strategy, programs and procedures for the project.
j. Visit the site, as frequently as possible, to confirm and evaluate the HSE management status
and performance as well as the construction status.
The Construction Manager is responsible for the implementation of theConstruction HSE Plan. The
plan shall be according to the Project HSE Plan, applicable Legal & Other Requirements and OWNER
Requirements with the assistance of the QHSE Manager/Safety Supervisor and all supervisory
personnel, accident prevention procedures will be implemented in all activities by the application of
sound HSE planning.
Specifically, the Construction Manager shall be the driving force behind the Project HSE Program and
shall take the following responsibilities:
a. Assume full responsibility for HSE activities on the project and maintain liaison with the Project
Manager as well as with the Construction Management Department Manager and Project
Operation Division Manager in Head Office.
b. Establish and, with the assistance of the QHSE Manager/HSE Supervisor, direct the Site HSE
c. Promote full support of the HSE Program by enthusiastically advocating the Program.
d. Delegate responsibilities for the various safety functions and authority for departmental and
craft HSE promotion.
e. Require full HSE compliance by all departments of CMS and all of its Subcontractors.
f. Establish the job HSE rules with special attention to unusual operations and HSE requirements
g. Establish the disciplinary action necessary to develop an efficient, functioning HSE Program.
h. Plan for prompt accident investigations, ensuring that adequate, informative reports are
completed and their distribution is accomplished.
i. Be directly concerned with the planning for those operations which have a potential loss or
hazard above that of normal construction activities.
j. Pursue improvements in HSE performance.
k. Prevent damage to the environment by construction activities.
The HSE Supervisor is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Construction HSE
Plan. As HSE Administrator, the HSE Supervisor shall function as advisor and consultant to site
management, supervisory personnel and Subcontractor's HSE organizations, in establishing,
implementing, maintaining and continually improving compliance with the Project HSE Plan, Client and
CMS HSE Requirements.
The specific responsibilities of the HSE Supervisor include, but are not limited to:
a. Coordinating site HSE efforts between Client, CMS and subcontractor HSE personnel.
b. Keeping site management aware of the progress of the HSE Program and making
recommendations for site-related HSE improvements.
c. Administering site HSE policies and procedures within the framework of the HSE Plan with
particular emphasis on potentially hazardous operations.
d. Proposing Programs to implement the accomplishment of short and long term site HSE
objectives and to initiate the motivation for employee participation needed to obtain these
e. Preparing and distributing all relevant HSE reports, which will include accident, incident and
near miss details.
f. Maintaining a continuing inspection Program and reporting the findings and recommendations
to the appropriate supervisor or Subcontractor for prompt remedial action.
g. Conducting and participating in HSE meetings.
h. Supervising HSE training in accordance with the HSE PLAN.
i. Coordinating the site first aid and rescue services.
j. Investigating all accidents, injuries, fires, property damage, and other HSE-related incidents
and completing relevant reports.
k. Being responsible for the classification of occupational injuries/illness and following up on the
control and management of all cases. Assisting Subcontractors with their HSE Programs to
meet government, Client and CMS site HSE requirements.
l. Evaluating the need for, and requisitioning of, HSE, first aid, and fire protection equipment
needed at each job location, and ensuring that HSE equipment meets appropriate standards
and is maintained in good condition.
m. Effectively displaying and maintaining publicity material on site bulletin boards, posters, HSE
signs and banners and distributing HSE literature.
n. Monitoring the site hazardous waste Program.
o. Monitoring the site radiation HSE Program.
p. Maintaining knowledge of current state-of-the-art concepts of accident prevention and
continually contributing to upgrading the site HSE effort.
q. Ensuring, by adequate practical means and "follow-up" methods, that all directions and advice
is understood and acted upon.
r. Pursuing improvements in HSE performance.
s. Monitoring the effect of the construction activities on the environment.
Construction Supervisors are directly responsible for the control and activities of craft employees on
construction projects. They play a key role in the execution and maintenance of an effective job site
HSE Program.
The standards for the HSE Program are established by the Construction Manager. The actual
performance of the HSE Program is a prime responsibility of the Construction Supervisor who has
direct contact with the crafts. The Construction Supervisor's ability to instill an HSE attitude in the
crafts is a direct reflection of his talents.
The specific HSE responsibilities of Construction Supervisors shall include, but will not be limited to the
a. Reviewing all work and all new personnel for HSE requirements. Complete familiarization with
HSE requirements is an integral part of the total job responsibility.
b. Continual monitoring of the HSE attitudes of employees, their responsibilities toward the HSE
of their crafts, and their participation in the job HSE effort.
c. Insist on compliance with all established HSE legal & other requirements during performance
of the work.
Subcontractor's Construction Manager/Superintendent will provide his workers with a safe and
healthy working environment.
He/She shall be responsible for promoting HSE and health consciousness among all his workers at all
times and shall :
a. Familiarize himself and comply with all INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT, OWNER and CMS
regulations/requirements, including the contents of the CMS HSE Plans.
b. Provide adequate safe construction equipment, tools and apparatus for the work, including
personal protective equipment for his workers.
c. Ensure the construction work is being executed in the safest manner based on planned work
d. Inspect and maintain the entire work area in a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly
condition, instructing his supervisors to take immediate corrective action if he detects
e. Lead subcontractor's HSE meetings.
f. Act as a Site HSE Committee Member.
g. Provide HSE training for his work-force.
h. Maintain records of employees’ qualifications.
i. Prevent damage to the environment.
a. Stop work when an unsafe condition is identified; warn fellow-workers and supervisors
b. Use the correct tools and equipment for each job. Use personal protective equipment as
required and provided.
c. Do not endanger self or fellow workers.
d. Keep tools and equipment in good condition. Inspect tools/equipment for defects before use
and report defects immediately to a supervisor.
e. Refrain from horseplay and abuse of HSE devices, equipment and welfare facilities.
f. Report any accidents, near misses or hazardous conditions to a supervisors
g. Read OWNER and CMS HSE rules and take note of special HSE precautions in restricted areas.
h. Obey all posted warning signs.
i. Follow instructions from supervisors. If in doubt, ask questions. Never commence work
without a work permit if a Permit-to-Work system is operating.
j. Cooperate with HSE Personnel. They are on the site for everyone's safety.
k. Know emergency procedures (siren codes, assembly points, wind socks, etc.). These
procedures could safe a life.
l. Prevent damage to the environment.
Sub contractor shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its (Sub contractor’s) HSE
Plan and all other associated documents in accordance with the requirements of the Project HSE Plan
and legal & other requirements, and determine how it will fulfil these requirements.
The sub contractor shall define and document the scope of this HSE Plan.
It is the policy of CMS to provide a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly work place. This is for the
benefit of all employees, sub-contractors and other persons that may be affected by their operations
while engaged in the engineering, procurement and construction work.
CMS will comply with all applicable Legal & Other requirements.
A safe, healthy and environmentally friendly work place will be maintained by using work methods
with the objectives acting as guidance.
Where hazards exist that cannot be entirely removed, personnel will be advised and trained regarding
the risks involved.
CMS Management will continually monitor and report conditions controlling and reducing risks
wherever possible and stop un-safe work conditions.
This HSE Policy is refer to the CMS Corporate HSE Policy that is integrated in the Corporate QHSE Policy
There are two types of hazard analysis that will be used to minimize risks at the work area. They are
described below.
The sub contractor shall establish and / or implement and maintain a documented HIRA procedure to:
a. Identify the HSE hazards/aspects of its activities, products, services and facilities included in
the project
b. Identify risks/impacts of the hazards/aspects
c. Assess the potential of the hazards/aspects
d. Determine the significant hazards/aspects
e. Determine the control for the significant hazards/aspects
f. Implement the control
g. Monitor, measure, and evaluate the determined control to reduce the significant
hazards/aspects to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) or until
corrective/preventive actions are completed
The HIRA shall be implemented before commencing the project, periodically at least once per year,
and in case of any change
6.4. HSE Legal & Other Requirements Identification, Review and Evaluation
The sub contractor shall establish and / or implement and maintain a documented Legal & Other
Requirements, Review and Evaluation procedure to:
a. Identify the applicable legal & other requirements to the project’s activities, products, services
and facilities
b. Review the applicable requirements specifically
c. Implement the applicable specific requirements
d. Monitor, Measure and evaluate the implementation until the corrective/preventive actions are
The Legal & Other Requirements, Review and Evaluation shall be implemented before commencing
the project, periodically at least once per year, and in case of any change
The main HSE Objectives of this project are to ensure that project activities, facilities, products and
services are effectively and efficiently planned, organized, lead, executed and controlled in order to
achieve the objectives and targets as below:
Zero Injury
Zero Illness
Zero Property Damage
Zero Environmental Damage
In accordance with its scope of works, Sub contractor shall ensure the availability of resources
essential to establish, implement, maintain and improve its HSE Plan. Resources include human
resources and special skills, organizational infrastructure, technology and financial resources
The sub contractor shall establish and / or implement and maintain a documented HSE Competence,
Training and Awareness procedure.
The HSE qualification / training / certification needs of the project shall be analyzed prior to job-start
and periodically thereafter, to determine training requirements of Indonesian regulations, OWNER,
CMS & other parties’ requirements. These will be then implemented as required.
It shall be given to all employees (project team). This training shall inform HSE policy, safe working
procedure & practices and any other safety topics.
b. Specific Training
It shall be given to employees who work for specific jobs such as work at height, confined space, etc.
It is required for a specific job and shall be certified by government or a third party. The specific jobs
will include Welding, Rigging, Operating Crane, Installing Scaffold, First Aide and Driving.
Internal Communication
HSE communication shall be conducted through Safety Committee Organization or daily safety
activities using the following methods:
a. Safety Induction
Tool box meeting is to be conducted every day by Supervisors or Foreman’s with their members before
starting their work. Job sequences, accident prevention plant and safe work methods will be discussed
in this meeting.
Pre-job safety meeting is a special meeting for high risk construction activities such as: heavy lift
rigging, high elevation work, confined space work and any other works that need work permit. This
meeting will be conducted by contractor representative (Project Manager, Construction Manager, and
Superintendent) to discuss safety aspects of the high risk construction activities.
Safety Morning Talk is to be conducted by safety committee on Site to all employees and will be held
once a month.
Monthly Safety Committee Meeting is conducted by safety committee members and others who are in
charge in the project. The agenda of this meeting is to discuss health, safety and environmental issues,
accidents, unsafe condition and unsafe act, personal protective equipment, the physical conditions of
worksite area.
CMS will convene a Site Safety Committee to analyze the safety record of the site and to encourage all
parties to promote and improve safety controls across the site.
Safety Committee meeting will be conducted every two weeks or at least every month by CMS.
The meeting will be chaired by the CMS Construction Manager, accompanied by the CMS HSE
Supervisor who will write the minutes.
All main Subcontractors’ Construction Managers and HSE Managers will attend the meeting.
Performance Review
Accident / Incident investigation
Areas of concern
Recommendation / actions
Results of site inspection
g. Others
External Communication
As required by the government, Safety Committee shall report its activities and performance at least
once per 3 months to local government
b. Incident Reporting
As required by the government, Safety Committee shall report incident occurred within 2 x 24 hours to
local government
c. Others
6.6.4 Documentation
Applicable HSE documents shall be prepared or referred by subcontractors in accordance with the
Project HSE Plan, their scope of work and field activities, and other applicable legal & other
a. General
The below procedures of operational control shall be prepared by subcontractor in accordance with
their scope of work and field activities:
The other applicable documents, if any, shall be prepared or referred by the sub contractor.
Personal protective equipment that follows international standard for all kind activities shall be
provided by each organization and distributed to its employees sufficiently and properly:
HSE Patrol
Every day, the CMS HSE Supervisor and each subcontractor HSE Officer shall conduct a site HSE patrol.
Owner representative may participate in this patrol. The objectives of this patrol are all construction
site personnel & visitors and all construction areas
HSE Inspection
Every week, the CMS HSE Supervisor and each subcontractor HSE Officers shall conduct a site safety
inspection. Owner representative may participate in this inspection. The inspection result i.e. site
monitoring records, pictures and / or others will be a documented inspection evidences that will be
discussed during the weekly meeting and followed-up with corrective/preventive action
As inspection will move from one area to another area the appropriate disciplines
superintendent/supervisor will joint with the inspection team. During the inspection employees may
be questioned as to their understanding of work being performed, communication of safety concern,
how safety meeting and job safety analysis are conducted.
House keeping and industrial hygiene around project and work area
Equipment check
Hazardous spill, chemical or other materials
Electrical tools or equipment
Potential Fire Hazard Identification
Other Potential hazard identification
The sub contractor shall establish and / or implement and maintain a documented JSA procedure.
The JSA shall be conducted for any new activity, job or changes to a job. Essentially, a JSA is simply
taking the time before performing the job to plan for safety and identify and remove hazards rather
than starting work assuming that all those involved in the work know what to do and how to do it in a
safe manner.
Experienced supervisors, workers and inspectors, including HSE supervisors/officers, assigned to the
specific work activity will perform JSA’s for each project activity. The JSA system develops worker
involvement in planning and doing the work in a safe and efficient manner. The system develops and
promotes teamwork and good communications, and focuses workers on their specific responsibilities.
The JSA also facilitates the training of relatively unskilled work force.
e. Working Permit
The work permit system will incorporate checks and authorizations that are consistent with risk or
hazards involved.
The Permit to Work system contains pre-start checks to ensure that the work site is safe, that
necessary isolations are performed and verified, necessary bypasses are performed, and the
work does not present a hazard to other work in progress or planned. Those affected by the
work must be informed of the work and the possible affects upon their work, and appropriate
communication and coordination meetings are held and key decisions recorded.
Work Permits are approved for a specific duration.
Senior operations / construction management is responsible for ensuring an effective work
permit system and verifying that it is used correctly.
The type of work and work conditions that are managed with work permits are defined for
each site based on the risks involved.
Each work permit has a description of the work to be performed and details specific
precautions to protect personnel, environment and equipment from potential hazards.
Permit procedures require closeout checks to be performed at completion of the work to
ensure that: (a) the work was performed satisfactorily, (b) isolations and bypasses are
restored, (c) workplace and processes are returned to a safe condition, and (d) completion of
work is communicated to affected personnel.
The authority to approve and closeout work permits is clearly designated and documented at
each site.
All personnel issuing or using work permits are trained in the application of the work permit
Work permit system and training effectiveness is audited periodically and results documented.
Work permits and records are retained to facilitate assessment.
In the case of work at night, the special work permit shall be applied and lighting for work is
Working permit must be prepared before starting the work and must be available during the work.
All the safety instructions that are mentioned on the work permit must be obeyed by all personal
in charge before starting the work.
All equipment operated by each company at any CMS project must be inspected and shall have a
green tag for “safe to operate” / red tag for “unsafe to operate” or lock out “for do not use”. This
procedure is to avoid any accident, injury or property damage caused by improper operation of
any equipment.
Worker supervisor, subcontractor safety officer, CMS disciplines supervisor in charge and CMS HSE
supervisor shall utilise and control their personnel key log and worker to ensure that entire worker
or work area have safe during LOTO working execution and termination period.
g. Safe Driving
To ensure that all vehicles are in safe condition for operation, regular maintenance shall be
Heavy equipment and vessel must be certified by a third party or government when
operated inside project site.
Drivers must have driving licenses issued by Police and follow entire CMS’s save driving
Any operator for a crane or other heavy equipment must have a valid Police driving
h. Environmental Management
Pollution Control
Project team shall have an environmental monitoring program. The purpose of this program to
control and manage all waste from the construction activities such as: organic waste, non-organic
waste, air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution. This program shall be discussed with the
client and is to be in line with the client’s environmental management program.
House Keeping
A planned, clean, orderly project site is mandatory. Worksites, shop areas and lay down areas shall
be kept clear of scrap and unnecessary materials. Materials necessary for work shall be properly
stacked and kept out of roadways to allow proper access for fire fighting equipment. Lay down
areas shall be planned and laid out in sections with access roadways adequate for fire fighting and
materials handling equipment.
Scrap lumber, scrap materials, formwork, etc. shall be picked up, de-nailed, and stored or
put in waste bins as the work progresses
Full waste bins shall be removed from site on a daily basis.
Waste bins shall not be overfilled.
Areas where personnel are expected to pass or work shall be kept free of tripping hazards
such as small pipe scrap materials, rolled steel, etc.
Trash barrels are located throughout the project site and shall be used.
Surplus materials shall be returned to the stockpile at the completion of each job.
Tools and materials shall be kept in gang boxes or returned to the tool room, and not be
left where they create a hazard for others.
Oily rags shall be placed in approved metal containers.
Spilled liquids shall be wiped up immediately.
Soiled clothes, food scraps and soft drink bottles/cans shall not be left to accumulate.
If drinking cups are used, they shall be deposited in the containers provided.
Periodic checks shall be made on the cleanliness of drinking water and eye wash.
Sandwich wrappers, paper bags, and food waste shall be deposited in covered containers.
Toilets, wash-up facilities, and drinking water cans are provided for employee convenience
and comfort, and shall be kept clean and sanitary.
Flagging placed to designate hazardous areas shall be tagged by the supervisor placing it,
maintained, and off the ground or removed when unnecessary.
In each project site; supporting facilities such as site office, site worker hut/shelter, workshop,
warehouse, security shelter and other designated location by site safety committee shall have Fist
Aid Kit Box that used for first aid in case of any accident and injury. The CMS HSE supervisor and
subcontractor admin personnel shall ensure the first aid kit box have contain completely and easy
to access by personnel in charge.
There must be at least a party that assigned by CMS and each subcontractor to provide clinic,
ambulance, and first aid facilities during Project site activities that locate near and outside project
area to take further action if any major accident or incident upon a worker.
When injury or damage is sustained, the area must be roped-off until the investigation has
been completed. Equipment / material or goods must not be moved unless causing a
serious obstruction or blocking an emergency access-route.
Other minor injuries, incidents and near-miss must also be reported.
In all cases, report together with witness statement and sketches must be submitted to
CMS within 24 hours.
An “Accident” is a happening which may involve physical injury and damage to property /
equipment whereas a “near-miss” is a happening where no physical injury is involved at
time of occurrence
k. HSE Performance
Performance Indicators will be used to measure the achievement of overall HSE objectives and to
communicate current HSE performance throughout the Project. Criteria used to measure the
performance will be:
LWDR = (Fatalities + days away from work cases + restricted activity cases) x 200,000 /
hours worked
LTIR = Fatalities + days away from work cases) x 200,000 / hours worked
This rate shall be calculated monthly, quarterly and yearly. It will be maintained on a year
to date and job to date basis.
Total Man-Hours
Total Fatality
Total Major Incident/Accident case
Total First Aid Case
Total Man-Power
Revision Date
All sub-contractors and visitors that will enter, leave and work at site must follow HSE regulation of
Using drugs, alcohols, carrying weapon, and smoking inside site office and site area are strictly
CMS HSE Department has a right to stop the work if there is any non-conformance, unsafe act and
unsafe condition has been found, until the corrective action has taken by sub-contractor and
acknowledge by CMS HSE Department.
To achieve zero accident and no damage to environment, all supervisors and above level in project
site shall report any unsafe act & unsafe condition.
To ensure all area in safe condition and task recognise by other employee, safety sign board shall
be installed on proper location.
Prevention of fire is a goal. Identification of potential fire hazards and prevention and protection
will be an important factor in the job safety analysis performs for each specific activity.
Fire prevention and fighting training will emphasize planning work in such a way that potential fire
hazards are removed or reduced to the greatest extent possible. Particular emphasis will be on hot
work permits, control of flammable gas, liquids and other material, proper electrical wiring, and
proper removal and storage of waste materials.
Each subcontractor’s safety officer shall become a Fire Marshal on site. He will be responsible for
maintaining a living fire protection training program. It will be his responsibility to conduct training
classes on the proper selection and safe use of fire extinguishers, types of fires, training of
personnel to respond to any fire emergency on the jobsites.
Emergency alarms, evacuation procedures, fire protection training will all are part of the training
supplied by the CMS and Subcontractor. CMS HSE and Owner will provide assistance and guidance
in developing these training programs. All programs are subject to continuous updates to maintain
Entire the Fire regulations that applied by CMS on site are mandatory to follow by all construction
workers during the period of construction.
Project team shall prepare site emergency response procedure with the following breakdown
Coordination with the client / owner on the emergency response program is required.
The organization shall establish and / or implement, maintain and continually improve a
procedure(s) to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations
that can have a significant HSE risk/impact. The procedure(s) shall include the documenting of
information to monitor performance, applicable operational controls and conformity with the
organization’s HSE objectives and targets
The organization shall ensure that calibrated or verified monitoring and measurement equipment
is used and maintained and shall retain associated records.
Evaluation of Compliance shall be implemented refer to (combined with) the point 6.4 above
Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action control shall be implemented refer to the
Project HSE Plan
6.13.Management Review