Getting Started SEP11.0.5
Getting Started SEP11.0.5
Getting Started SEP11.0.5
Symantec™ Endpoint
Getting Started with Symantec Endpoint Protection
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Getting Started
This document includes the following topics:
■ System requirements
Component Description
Central Quarantine (optional) The Central Quarantine receives suspicious files and
unrepaired infected items from the Symantec Endpoint
Protection clients. Central Quarantine forwards a
sample to Symantec Security Response, which analyzes
the sample. If a threat is new, Symantec Security
Response produces security updates.
Feature Benefit
Symantec Endpoint Protection Your company can now support new operating
Manager now supports the following systems.
operating systems:
See “System requirements” on page 7.
■ Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Service Pack 2 (all editions except
for Itanium)
■ Microsoft Windows Server 2008
R2 (all editions except for
Symantec Endpoint Protection Your company can now use Symantec Endpoint
Manager can now be used with Protection Manager with a Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 2008 database.
The Symantec Endpoint Protection Your company can protect the computers that run
or Symantec Network Access Control these new operating systems.
client now supports:
The size of the exported client You can upgrade more clients with the client
installation package has been reduced installation package in less time than before. As
soon as the client connects to a management server,
the client receives the most recent content.
Getting Started 7
System requirements
Feature Benefit
The Group Update Provider includes You can configure the following features for the
new functionality Group Update Provider:
The client now includes a Download Users on the client can download a support tool
Support Tool command on the Help from the Support Web site that helps to diagnose
and Support menu. the common issues that they might encounter on
the client.
System requirements
Symantec software requires specific protocols, operating systems and service
packs, software, and hardware. All the computers to which you install Symantec
software should meet or exceed the recommended system requirements for the
operating system that is used.
The Getting Started guide contains summary information about system
requirements. This information may be sufficient to install to a small network or
test network. You should refer to the full system requirements before you install
the product on a more complex network.
See the Installation Guide for Symantec Endpoint Protection and Symantec Network
Access Control for full system requirements.
8 Getting Started
System requirements
Table 1-3 summarizes the minimum requirements for the computer on which you
install the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.
Component Requirement
■ 32-bit systems: You can also use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4
or later, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2, or Microsoft SQL Server
■ 64-bit systems: You can also use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3
or later, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2, or Microsoft SQL Server
Other software ■ 32-bit systems: Internet Information Services server 5.0 or later with Web services
64-bit systems: Internet Information Services server 5.1 or later with Web services
■ Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
■ Static IP address recommended
Getting Started 9
System requirements
Component Requirement
Table 1-4 summarizes the minimum requirements for the remote computer on
which you run the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager console.
10 Getting Started
System requirements
Component Requirement
Table 1-5 summarizes the minimum requirements for the computers on which
you install the client software for either Symantec Endpoint Protection or
Symantec Network Access Control.
Getting Started 11
System requirements
Component Requirement
Component Requirement
For information about using the Symantec AntiVirus client on Linux, see the
Symantec AntiVirus for Linux Client Guide.
The guide is located in the docs folder of the product disc that contains the
Symantec AntiVirus client software for Linux.
7 Click Next.
8 In the Ready to Install the Program panel, click Install.
9 When the installation finishes and the Install Wizard Completed panel
appears, click Finish.
Wait for the Management Server Configuration Wizard dialog box to appear,
which can take several seconds. If you are prompted to restart the computer,
restart the computer, log on, and the wizard appears automatically for you
to continue.
10 Follow the steps for the appropriate mode of configuration that you select:
Simple or Advanced.
To configure the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager with an embedded
database in Simple mode
1 In the Management Server Configuration Wizard dialog box, select Simple,
and then click Next.
2 Provide and confirm a password of 6 or more characters. Optionally, provide
an administrator email address.
The password is the admin account password that you use to log on to the
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager console. The password is also used
as the encryption password necessary for disaster recovery and for adding
optional Enforcers. After installation, the encryption password does not
change, even if the password for the admin account is changed.
Document this password for when you install Symantec Endpoint Protection
in your production environment.
3 Click Next.
Getting Started 15
Installing and configuring the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager with an embedded database
4 The configuration summary panel displays the values that are used to install
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. You can print a copy of the settings
to maintain for your records, or click Next.
Wait while the installation creates the database, which can take several
5 In the Management Server Configuration Wizard Completed panel, do one
of the following:
■ To deploy client software with the Migration and Deployment Wizard,
click Yes, and then click Finish.
See “Configuring and deploying client software” on page 16.
■ To log on to the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager console first, and
then deploy client software, click No, and then click Finish.
Note: This procedure has you select a directory in which to place installation files.
You may want to create this directory before you start this procedure. Also, you
need to authenticate with administrative credentials to the Windows Domain or
Workgroup that contain the computers.
Deploying client software to computers that run firewalls, and that run Windows
XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008 have special requirements. Firewalls
must permit remote deployment over TCP ports 139 and 445. Also, the computers
that are in workgroups and that run Windows XP must disable simple file sharing.
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 have additional requirements.
You can also use the Find Unmanaged Computers utility that lets you discover
the client computers that do not run client software and then install the client
software on those computers.
For more information, see the Installation Guide for Symantec Endpoint Protection
and Symantec Network Access Control.
To configure client software
1 Start the Migration and Deployment Wizard by doing one of the following:
Getting Started 17
Configuring and deploying client software
■ On the Windows Start menu, click Start > Programs > Symantec Endpoint
Protection Manager > Migration and Deployment Wizard.
The path may be different depending on the version of Windows you use.
■ On the last panel of the Management Server Configuration Wizard, click
Yes, and then click Finish.
See “Installing and configuring the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
with an embedded database” on page 13.
2 In the Welcome to the Migration and Deployment Wizard panel, click Next.
3 In the What would you like to do panel, check Deploy the client (Symantec
Endpoint Protection only), and then click Next.
4 In the next panel, check Specify the name of a new group that you wish to
deploy clients to, type a group name in the box, and then click Next.
After you have deployed client software and logged on to the console, you
can locate this group in the console.
5 In the next panel, uncheck any types of protection that you do not want to
install (Symantec Endpoint Protection only), and then click Next.
6 In the next panel, check the installation options that you want for packages,
files, and user interaction.
7 Click Browse, locate and select a directory in which to place the installation
file(s), and then click Open.
8 Click Next.
9 In the next panel, check Yes, and then click Finish.
It can take several minutes to create and export the installation package for
your group before the Push Deployment Wizard appears.
To deploy the client software with the Push Deployment Wizard
1 In the Push Deployment Wizard, under Available computers, expand the
trees and select the computers on which to install the client software, and
then click Add >.
2 In the Remote Client Authentication dialog box, type the user name and
password, and then click OK.
The user name and password must be able to authenticate to the Windows
Domain or Workgroup that contains the computers.
3 When you have selected all of the computers and they appear in the right
pane, click Finish.
18 Getting Started
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