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Metatrader 4: Expert Advisors

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MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors

MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MetaQuotes Language 4

MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL 4) is a new built-in language for programming trading strategies. This
language allows the creation of your own Expert Advisors that render the trade process management
automatic and are perfectly suitable for implementing your own trade strategies. You can create your
own Custom Indicators, Scripts and Libraries of functions with the help of MQL 4, as well.

A large number of functions necessary for the analysis of the current and last quotations, the basic
arithmetic and logic operations are included in MQL4 structure. There are also basic indicators built in
and commands of order placement and the control over them.

The MetaEditor 4 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that highlights different constructions of
MQL 4 is used for writing the program code. It helps users to orient in the expert system text quite
easily. As an information book for MQL 4 we use MetaQuotes Language Dictionary. A brief guide contains
functions divided into categories, operations, reserved words and other language constructions and
allows finding the description of every element we use.

Programs written in MetaQuotes Language 4 have different features and purposes:

Expert Advisors is a mechanical trade system (MTS) linked up to a certain plot. The Advisor
can not only inform you about a possibility to strike bargains, but also can make deals on the
trade account automatically and direct them right to the trade server. Like most trade systems,
the MetaTrader 4 terminal supports testing strategies on historical data with displaying on the
chart the spots where trades come in and out.
Custom Indicators is an analogue of a technical indicator. In other words, Custom Indicators
allow creating technical indicators in addition to those already integrated into MetaTrader 4
terminal. Like built-in indicators, they cannot make deals automatically and are aimed only for
implementing analytical functions.
Scripts are programs destined for single execution of some actions. Unlike Expert Advisors,
Scripts aren't run tickwise and have no access to indicator
Libraries are user functions libraries where frequently used blocks of user programs are

Warning: All rights on these materials are reserved by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Copying or
reprinting of these materials in whole or in part is prohibited.

MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Spaces, tabs, line feed and form feed symbols are used as separators. You can use any number of such
symbols instead of one. To enhance the readability of the text you should use tab symbols.

Multiline comments start with /* symbols and end with */ symbols. Such comments cannot be nested.
Single comments start with // symbols, end with the symbol of a new line and can be nested into
multiline comments.
Comments are allowed where blank spaces are possible and tolerate any number of spaces.

// single comment

/* multi-
line // nested single comment
Identifiers are used as names of variables, functions and data types. The length of an identifier cannot
exceed 31 characters.
Symbols you can use: the numbers 0-9, Latin capital and small letters a-z, A-Z (recognized as different
symbols), the symbol of underlining (_). The first symbol cannot be a number. The identifier mustn't
coincide with any reserved word.

NAME1 name1 Total_5 Paper
Reserved words
The identifiers listed below are fixed reserved words. A certain action is assigned to each of them, and
they cannot be used for other purposes:
Datatypes Memory classes Operators Other
bool extern break false
color static case true
datetime continue
double default
int else
string for
void if
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Data Types

The main data types are:
Integer (int)
Boolean (bool)
String (string)
Floating-point number (double)
Color (color)
Datetime (datetime)
We need the Color and Datetime types only to facilitate visualization and entering those parameters that
we set from expert advisor property tab or custom indicator "Input parameters" tab. The data of Color
and Datetime types are represented as integer values.
We use implicit type transformation. The priority of types at a transformation in growing order is the
int (bool,color,datetime);
Before executing operations (except for the assignment operation) the data is transferred to a type of
maximum precision, and before assignment operations - to the integer type.

Integer constants
Decimal: numbers from 0 to 9; Zero shouldn't be the first number.
12, 111, -956 1007
Hexadecimal: numbers from 0 to 9, letters a-f or A-F to represent the values 10-15; they start with 0x
or 0X.
0x0A, 0x12, 0X12, 0x2f, 0xA3, 0Xa3, 0X7C7
Integer constants can assume values from -2147483648 to 2147483647. If a constant exceeds this
range, the result isn't defined.

Literal constants
Any single character enclosed in single quotes or a hexadecimal ASCII-code of a character looking like
'\x10' is a character constant of integer type. Some characters like a single quote ('), double quote (") a
question mark (?), a reverse slash (\) and control characters can be represented as a combination of
characters starting with a reverse slash (\) according to the table below:
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
line feed NL (LF) \n
horizontal tab HT \t
carriage return CR \r
reverse slash \ \
single quote ' \'
double quote " \"
hexadecimal ASCII-code hh \xhh
If a character different from those listed above follows the reverse slash, the result isn't defined.
int a = 'A';
int b = '$';
int c = ''; // code 0xA9
int d = '\xEA'; // symbol code
Boolean constants
Boolean constants may have the value of true or false, numeric representation of them is 1 or 0
respectively. We can also use synonyms True and TRUE, False and FALSE.
bool a = true;
bool b = false;
bool c = 1;
Floating-point number constants
Floating-point constants consist of an integer part, a dot (.) and a fractional part. The integer and the
fractional parts are a succession of decimal numbers. An unimportant fractional part with the dot can be
double a = 12.111;
double b = -956.1007;
double c = 0.0001;
double d = 16;
Floating-point constants can assume values from 2.2e-308 to 1.8e308. If a constant exceeds this range,
the result isn't defined.

String constants
String constant is a succession of ASCII-code characters enclosed in double quotes: "Character
A string constant is an array of characters enclosed in quotes. It is of the string type. Each string
constant, even if it is identical to another string constant, is saved in a separate memory space. If you
need to insert a double quote (") into the line, you must place a reverse slash (\) before it. You can
insert any special character constants into the line if they have a reverse slash (\) before them. The
length of a string constant is from 0 to 255 characters. If the string constant is longer, the superfluous
characters on the right are rejected.
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
"This is a character string"
"Copyright symbol \t\xA9"
"this line with LF symbol \n"
"A" "1234567890" "0" "$"
Color constants
Color constants can be represented in three ways: by character representation; by integer
representation; by name (for concrete Web colors only).
Character representation consists of four parts representing numerical rate values of three main color
components - red, green, blue. The constant starts with the symbol C and is enclosed in single quotes.
Numerical rate values of a color component lie in the range from 0 to 255.
Integer-valued representation is written in a form of hexadecimal or a decimal number. A hexadecimal
number looks like 0x00BBGGRR where RR is the rate of the red color component, GG - of the green one
and BB - of the blue one. Decimal constants aren't directly reflected in RGB. They represent the decimal
value of the hexadecimal integer representation.
Concrete colors reflect the so-called Web colors set.

// symbol constants
C'128,128,128' // gray
C'0x00,0xFF,0xFF' // blue
// named color
// integer-valued representation
0xFFFFFF // white
16777215 // white
0x008000 // green
32768 // green
Datetime constants
Datetime constants can be represented as a character line consisting of 6 parts for value of year, month,
date, hour, minutes and seconds. The constant is enclosed in simple quotes and starts with a D
Datetime constant can vary from Jan 1, 1970 to Dec 31, 2037.

D'2004.01.01 00:00' // New Year
D'1980.07.19 12:30:27'
D'19.07.1980 12:30:27'
D'19.07.1980 12' //equal to D'1980.07.19 12:00:00'
D'01.01.2004' //equal to D'01.01.2004 00:00:00'
D'12:30:27' //equal to D'[compilation date] 12:30:27'
D'' //equal to D'[compilation date] 00:00:00'

MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Operations & Expressions

An expression consists of one or more operands and operation characters. An expression can be written
in several lines.

a++; b = 10; x = (y*z)/w;
Note: An expression that ends with a semicolon is an operator.
Arithmetical operations
Sum of values i = j + 2;
Difference of values i = j - 3;
Changing the operation sign x = x;
Product of values z = 3 * x;
Division quotient i = j / 5;
Division remainder minutes = time % 60;
Adding 1 to the variable value i++;
Subtracting 1 from the variable value k-;
The operations of adding/subtracting 1 cannot be implemented in expressions.

int a=3;
a++; // valid expression
int b=(a++)*3; // invalid expression
The operation of assignment
Note: The value of the expression that includes this operation is the value of the left operand following
the bind character.
Assigning the y value to the x variable y = x;
Adding x to the y variable y += x;
Subtracting x from the y variable y -= x;
Multiplying the y variable by x y *= x;
Dividing the y variable by x y /= x;
Module x value of y y %= x;
Logical shift of y representation to the right by x bit y >>= x;
Logical shift of y representation to the left by x bit y <<= x;
Bitwise operation AND y &= x;
Bitwise operation OR y |= x;
Bitwise operation exclusive OR y ^= x;
Note: There can be only one operation of assignment in the expression. You can implement bitwise
operations with integer numbers only. The logical shift operation uses values of x less than 5 binary
digits. The greater digits are rejected, so the shift is for the range of 0-31 bit. By %= operation a result
sign is equal to the sign of divided number.
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Operations of relation
The logical value FALSE is represented with an integer zero value, while the logical value TRUE is
represented with any value different from zero.
The value of expressions containing operations of relation or logical operations is a 0 (FALSE) or a 1
True if a equals b a == b;
True if a doesn't equal b a != b;
True if a is less than b a < b;
True if a is greater than b a > b;
True if a is less than or equals b a <= b;
True if a is greater than or equals b a >= b;
Two nonnormalized floating point number cannot be linked by == or != operations. For this purpose it is
necessary to subtract one from another and the normalized outcome need to compare to null.

Boolean operations
The operand of negation NOT (!) must be of arithmetic type; the result equals true(1) if the operand
value is false(0); the result equals to false(0) if the operand is different from false(0).

// True if a is false.
Print("not 'a'");
The logical operation OR (||) of values x and y. The value of expression is true(1) if x or y is true. Else
the value of expression is false(0).

if(x<k || x>l)

Print("out of range");
The logical operation AND (&&) of values x and y. The value of this expression is true(1) if x and y values
are true. Else the value of expression is false(0).

if(p!=x && p>y)
Bitwise operations
One's complement of variables values. The value of the expression contains 1 in all digits where n
contains 0; the value of the expression contains 0 in all digits where n contains 1.
b = ~n;
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MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Binary-coded representation of x is shifted to the right by y digits. The right shift is logical shift, that is
the freed left-side bits will be filled with zeros.
x = x >> y;
The binary-coded representation of x is shifted to the right by y digits; the freed right-side bits will be
filled with zeroes.

x = x << y;
Bitwise operation AND of binary-coded x and y representations. The value of the expression contains 1
(TRUE) in all bits where both x and y aren't equal to zero; the value of the expression contains 0 (FALSE)
in all other bits.

b = ((x & y) != 0);
Bitwise operation OR of binary-coded x and y representations. The value of expression contains 1 (TRUE)
in all bits where one from x or y is not equal to zero; the value of the expression contains 0 (FALSE) in
all other bits.

b = x | y;
Bitwise operation EXCLUSIVE OR of binary-coded x and y representations. The value of expression
contains 1 in all bits where x and y have different binary values; the value of the expression contains 0 in
all other bits.

b = x ^ y;
Note: Bitwise operations are executed to integers only.
Other operations
Indexing. At addressing to i' element of array, the value of expression equals to the variable under
number i.

array[i] = 3;
//Assign the value of 3 to array element with index i.
//Mind that the first array element
//is described with the expression array [0].
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
The call of function with x1,x2,,xn arguments. The expression accepts the value returned by the
function. If the returned value is void type, you cannot place such function call on the right in the
assignment operation. Mind that the expressions x1,x2,,xn are sure to be executed is this order.
double SL=Ask-25*Point;
double TP=Ask+25*Point;
int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,SL,TP,
"My comment",123,0,Red);
The "comma" operation is executed from left to right. A pair of expressions separated by a comma is
calculated from left to right with a subsequent deletion of the left expression value. All side effects of left
expression calculation can appear before we calculate the right expression. The result type and value
coincide with the type and value of the right expression.

Precedence rules
Each group of operations in the table has the same priority. The higher the priority is, the higher is the
group's position in the table.
The execution order determines the grouping of operations and operands.
() Function call From left to right
[] Array element selection
! Negation From left to right
~ Bitwise negation
- Sign changing operation
* Multiplication From left to right
/ Division
% Module division
+ Addition From left to right
- Subtraction
<< Left shift From left to right
>> Right shift
< Less than From left to right
<= Less than or equals
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equals
== Equals From left to right
!= Not equal
& Bitwise AND operation From left to right
^ Bitwise exclusive OR From left to right
| Bitwise OR operation From left to right
&& Logical AND From left to right
|| Logical OR From left to right
= Assignment From right to left
+= Assignment addition
-= Assignment subtraction
*= Assignment multiplication
/= Assignment division
%= Assignment module
>>= Assignment right shift
<<= Assignment left shift
&= Assignment bitwise AND
|= Assignment bitwise OR
^= Assignment exclusive OR
, Comma From left to right
Use parentheses to change the execution order of the operations.
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MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Format and nesting
Format. One operator can occupy one or several lines. Two or more operators can be situated on the
same line.
Nesting. Execution order control operators (if, if-else, switch, while and for) can be nested into each
Compound operator
A compound operator (a block) consists of one or more operators of any type enclosed in braces {}. The
closing brace shouldn't be followed by a semicolon (;).

x=1; y=2; z=3;
Expression operator
Any expression followed by a semicolon (;) is an operator. Here are some examples of expression

Assignment operator.

You can use an assignment operator in an expression only once.
y=x=3; // error
Function call operator
Function_name (argument1,, argumentN);
Null operator
It consists of a semicolon (;) only. We use it to denote a null body of a control operator.
Break operator
A break; operator terminates the execution of the nearest nested outward operator switch, while or for.
The control is given to the operator that follows the terminated one. One of the purposes of this operator
is to finish the looping execution when a certain value is assigned to a variable.
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Continue operator
A continue; operator gives control to the beginning of the nearest outward cycle operator while or for,
calling the next iteration. The purpose of this operator is opposite to that of break.

for(int i=0,int k=9;i<10; i++, k--)
if(a[i]!=0) continue;
Return operator
A return; operator terminates the current function execution and returns the control to the calling
A return(expression); operator terminates the current function execution and returns the control to the
calling program together with the expression value. The operator expression is enclosed in parentheses.
The expression shouldn't contain an assignment operator.

Void functions are necessary to complete by "return;"-operator without expression.

The completing curly bracket of the function assumes implicit realization of an operator return without

Conditional operator if
if (expression)
If the expression is true, the operator is executed. If the expression is false, the control is given to the
expression following the operator.

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Conditional operator if-else
if (expression)
If the expression is true, operator1 is executed and the control is given to the operator that follows
operator2 (operator2 is not executed). If the expression is false, operator2 is executed.
The "else" part of the "if" operator can be omitted. Thus, an ambiguity may appear in nested "if"
operators with an omitted "else" part. If it happens, "else" addresses to the nearest previous operator
"if" in the block that has no "else" part.

// The "else" part refers to the second "if" operator:
else z=6;

// The "else" part refers to the first "if" operator:
else z=6;

// Nested operators
else if(x=='b')
else if(x=='c')
y = 4;
Switch operator
switch (expression)
case constant: operators
case constant: operators
default: operators
It compares the expression value with constants in all variants of "case" and gives control to the operator
that resembles the expression value. Each variant of "case" can be marked with an integer or character
constant or a constant expression. The constant expression mustn't include variables and function calls.

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MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
case 3+4: //valid
case X+Y: //invalid
Operators connected with "default" label are executed if none of constants in "case" operators equals the
expression value. "Default" variant is not obligatory final. If none of the constants resembles the
expression value and "default" variant is absent, no actions are executed. The "case" keyword and the
constant are just labels and if operators are executed for some variant of "case" the program will further
execute the operators of all following variants until it hits "break" operator. It allows linking one
succession of operators with several variants. A constant expression is calculated during compilation.
None of two constants in one switch operator can have the same values.


case 'A':
Print("CASE A\n");
case 'B':
case 'C':
Print("CASE B or C\n");
Print("NOT A, B or C\n");
Cycle operator while
while (expression) operator

If the expression is true, the operator is executed till the expression becomes false. If the expression is
false, the control is given to the next operator.

Note: An expression value is defined before executing the operator. Therefore, if the expression is false
from the very beginning, the operator is not executed at all.

Cycle operator for
for (expression1; expression2; expression3)

Expression1 describes the initialization of the cycle. Expression2 is the cycle termination check. If it is
true, the loop body operator is executed, Expression3 is executed. The cycle is repeated until
Expression2 becomes false.
If it is false, the cycle is terminated and the control is given to the next operator. Expression3 is
calculated after each iteration. The for operator is equivalent to the following succession of operators:

while (expression2)
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Any of the three or all three expressions can be absent in the "for" operator, but you shouldn't omit the
semicolons (;) that separate them.

If Expression2 is omitted it is considered constantly true. The "for(;;)" operator is a continuous cycle
equivalent to the "while(l)" operator.
Each of the expressions 1-3 can consist of several expressions united by a comma operator ','.



Function definition
A function is defined by return value type declaration, by formal parameters and a compound operator
(block) that describes actions the function executes.

double // type
linfunc (double a, double b) // function name and
// parameters list
{ // nested operators
return (a + b); // returned value
The "return" operator can return the value of expression included into this operator. In case of necessity,
the expression value assumes the type of function outcome. A function that doesn't return a value must
be of "void" type.

void errmesg(string s)
Print("error: "+s);
Function call
function_name (x1,x2,...,xn)
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Arguments (actual parameters) are transferred according to their value. Each expression x1,,xn is
calculated and the value is passed to the function. The order of expressions calculation and the order of
values loading are guaranteed. During the execution, the system checks the number and type of
arguments given to the function. Such way of addressing to the function is called a value call. There is
also another way - call by link. A function call is an expression that assumes the value returned by the
function. This function type must correspond to the type of the returned value. The function can be
declared or described in any part of the program:

int somefunc()
double a=linfunc(0.3, 10.5, 8);
double linfunc(double x, double a, double b)
return (a*x + b);
Special functions init, deinit and start
Every program begins its work with the "init()" function. "Init()" function, attached to charts, is launched
also after client terminal starting and in case of changing financial symbol and/or charts periodicity.
Every program finishes its work with the "deinit()" function. "Deinit()" function is launched also by client
terminal shutdowning, chart window closing, changing financial symbol and/or charts periodicity.
By new quotations "start()" function of attached expert advisors and custom indicator programs is
executed. If by new quotations "start()" function, triggered on the previous quotation, was fulfilled, the
next calling "start()" function will be executed only after "return()" instruction. All new quotations that
receiving during program execution, are ignored by program.
Detaching of the program from charts, changing financial symbol and/or charts periodicity, charts closing
and also client terminal exiting interrupts execution of program.
Execution of scripts does not depend on coming quotations.


Definitions are used to define variables and to declare types of variables and functions defined
somewhere else. A definition is not a operator. Variables must be declared before they are used. Only
constants can be used to initialize variables.

The basic types are:
string - a string of characters;
int - an interger;
double - a floating-point number (double precision);
bool - a boolean number "true" or "false".
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string sMessageBox;
int nOrders;
double dSymbolPrice;
bool bLog;
The additional types are:
datatime - date and time, unsigned integer, containing seconds since 0 o'clock on January, 1,
color - integer reflecting a collection of three color components.
The additional data types make sense only at the declaration of input data for more convenient their
representation in a property sheet.
extern datatime tBegin_Data = D'2004.01.01 00:00';
extern color cModify_Color = C'0x44,0xB9,0xE6';
Array is the indexed sequence of the identical-type data.

int a [50]; //A one-dimensional array of 50 integers.
double m[7][50]; //Two-dimensional array of seven arrays,
//each of them consisting of 50 integers.
Only an integer can be an array index. No more than four-dimensional arrays can be declared.

Defining local variables
The variable declared inside any function, is local. The scope of a local variable is limited to limits of the
function inside which one's declared. The local variable can be initialized by outcome of any expression.
Every call of function execute the initialization of local variables. Local variables are stored in memory
area of corresponding function.
Formal parameters

void func(int x, double y, bool z)
Formal parameters are local. Scope is the block of the function. Formal parameters must have names
different from those of external variables and local variables defined within one function. In the block of
the function to the formal parameters some values can be assigned. Formal parameters can be initialized
by constants. In this case the initializing value is considered as default value. The parameters following
the initialized parameter, should be initialized too.
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By calling this function the initialized parameters can be omitted, instead of them defaults will be
func(123, 0.5);
Parameters are passed by value. That is modifications of an corresponding local variable inside the called
function will not be reflected in any way in the calling function. As parameters it is possible to pass
arrays. However, for an array passed as parameter, it is impossible to change the array elements.
There is a possibility to pass parameters by reference. In this case modification of such parameters will
be reflected on corresponded variables in the called function. To point, that the parameter is passed by
reference, after a data type it is necessary to put the modifier &.
void func(int& x, double& y, double& z[])
Arrays also can be passed by reference, all modifications will be reflected in the initial array. The
parameters that passed by reference, cannot be initialized by default values.

Static variables
The memory class "static" defines a static variable. The specifier "static" is declared before a data type.

static int flag
Static variables are constant ones since their values are not lost when the function is exited. Any
variables in a block, except the formal parameters of the function, can be defined as static. The static
variable can be initialized by corresponded type constant, as against a simple local variable which can be
initialized by any expression. If there is no explicit initialization the static variable is initialized by null.
Static variables are initialized single-valuedly before calling "init()" function. That is at an exit from the
function inside which the static variable is declared, the value of this variable is not lost.

Defining global variables
They are defined on the same level as functions, i.e. they are not local in any block.
int Global_flag;

int start()
Scope of global variables is all program. Global variables are accessible from all functions defined in the
program. They are initialized with zero if no other initial value is explicitly defined. The global variable
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can be initialized only by corresponded type constant. Initialization of global variables is made single-
valuedly before execution of "init()" function.
Note: it is not necessary to mix the variables declared at a global level, to global variables of Client
Terminal, access to which is carried out by GlobalVariable...() function.

Defining extern variables
The memory class "extern" defines an extern variable. The specifier "extern" is declared before a data
extern double InputParameter1 = 1.0;
int init()
Extern variables define input data of the program, they are accessible from a property program sheet. It
is not meaningful to define extern variables in scripts. Arrays cannot represent itself as extern variables.

Initializing variables
Any variable can be initialized during its definition. Any permanently located variable is initialized with
zero (0) if no other initial value is explicitly defined. Global and static variables can be initialized only by
constant of corresponded type. Local variables can be initialized by any expression, and not just a
constant. Initialization of global and static variables is made single-valuedly. Initialization of local
variables is made each time by call of corresponded functions.

Basic types
int mt = 1; // integer initialization
// initialization floating-point number (double precision)
double p = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
// string initialization
string s = "hello";
mta [6] = {1,4,9,16,25,36};
The list of array elements must be enclosed by curly braces. If the array size is defined, the values that
are not explicitly defined are equal to 0.

External function definition
The type of external functions defined in another component of a program must be explicitly defined. The
absence of such a definition may result in errors during the compilation, assembling or execution of your
program. While describing an external object, use the key word #import with the reference to the

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MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
#import "user32.dll"
int MessageBoxA(int hWnd ,string lpText,
string lpCaption,int uType);
int SendMessageA(int hWnd,int Msg,int wParam,int lParam);
#import "lib.ex4"
double round(double value);


If the first character in a program line is #, it means that this line is a compiler command. Such a
compiler command ends with a carriage-return character.
Declaring of constant
#define identifier_value

The identifier of a constant obeys the same rules as variable names. The value can be of any type.

#define ABC 100
#define PI 0.314
#define COMPANY_NAME "MyCompany Ltd."
The compiler will replace each occurrence of an identifier in your source code with the corresponding

Controlling compilation
#property identifier_value
The list of predefined constant identifiers.

#property link "www.mycompany.com"
#property copyright "My Company"
#property stacksize 1024

Constant Type Description
link string a link to the company's website
copyright string the company's name
stacksize int stack size
indicator_chart_window void show the indicator in the chart window
indicator_separate_windowvoid show the indicator in a separate window
indicator_buffers int the number of buffers for calculation, up to 8
indicator_minimum int the bottom border for the chart
indicator_maximum int the top border for the chart
indicator_color X color the color for displaying line X, where X is from 1 to 8
MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisors
MetaTrader is a property of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
The compiler will write the declared values to the settings of the executable module.

Including files
Note: The #include command line can be placed anywhere in the program, but usually all inclusions are
placed at the beginning of the source code.
#include <file_name>

#include <win32.h>
The preprocessor replaces this line with the content of the file win32.h. Angle brackets mean that the file
win32.h will be taken from the default directory (usually, terminal_direcroty\experts\include). The
current directory is not searched.
#include "file_name"

#include "mylib.h"
The compiler replaces this line with the content of the file mylib.h. Since this name is enclosed by
quotation marks, the search is performed in the current directory (where the main file of the source code
is located). If the file is not found in the current directory, directories defined in the compiler settings are
searched. If the find is not found there either, the default directory is searched.

Importing functions and other modules
#import "file_name"

#import "user32.dll"
int MessageBoxA(int hWnd,string lpText,string lpCaption,
int uType);
int MessageBoxExA(int hWnd,string lpText,string lpCaption,
int uType,int wLanguageId);
#import "melib.ex4"
#import "gdi32.dll"
int GetDC(int hWnd);
int ReleaseDC(int hWnd,int hDC);
Functions are imported from MQL4 compiled modules (*.ex4 files) and from operating system modules
(*.dll files). In the latter case, the imported functions are also declared. A new #import command (it can
be without parameters) finishes the description of imported functions.

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