Surveying: John Rey M. Pacturanan, CE, MP
Surveying: John Rey M. Pacturanan, CE, MP
Surveying: John Rey M. Pacturanan, CE, MP
b. 18.95 m d. 34.58 m
9. What height of tower must be constructed at C so that it could
be visible from A with the line of sight having a clearance of
2m above hill B?
a. 44.12 m c. 68.59 m
SITUATION 1: A 50-m steel tape is of standard length under a pull of
b. 56.23 m d. 38.41 m
5.50 kg and a temperature of 20 0C when supported throughout its entire
10. What height of equal towers A and C that could be
length. The tape weighs 0.05 kg/m, has a cross-sectional area of 0.04
constructed so that A, B, and C will be intervisible with 2m
cm2 and a modulus of elasticity of 2 x 106 kg/cm2. The tape was used in
clearance at B?
the field to measure a distance that was determined to be 458.650 m. At
a. 20.95 m c. 35.62 m
the time the measurement was made, the constant pull applied was 8 kg
b. 10.58 m d. 52.14 m
with the tape supported only at endpoints. During the measurement, the
temperature was observed to be at an average of 18 0C. Use α = 11.6 x
SITUATION 3: Three hills Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie have elevations
10-6 /0C.
680 m, 645 m, and 620 m respectively. The distance between Alpha and
1. Determine the correction due to tension.
Bravo is 12 km while that of Bravo and Charlie is 15 km. Consider the
a. 0.0122 m c. 0.0167 m
combined effect of earth’s curvature and refraction:
b. 0.0143 m d. 0.0206 m
11. Compute the elevation of the line of sight at station Bravo
2. Determine the correction due to temperature.
with the instrument placed at station Alpha such that station
a. 0.0183 m c. 0.0206 m
Charlie would be visible from station Alpha.
b. 0.0106 m d. 0.0093 m
a. 640.32 m c. 643.19 m
3. Determine the correction due to sag.
b. 645.12 m d. 641.27 m
a. 1.8321 m c. 1.6227 m
12. Assuming that station Bravo will obstruct the line of sight
b. 1.5668 m d. 1.5233 m
from station Alpha while observing station Charlie and a 4-m
4. Find the correct length of the line.
tower is constructed on top of station bravo, Compute the
a. 456.8216 m c. 455.5554 m
height of equal towers at station Alpha and station Charlie in
b. 456.5554 m d. 454.2318 m
order that both three stations as observed from station Alpha
will still be intervisible.
5. A baseline measures 25 km at elevation 520m. If the average
a. 7.7 m c. 6.3 m
radius of curvature is 6400 km, compute the sea level
b. 8.9 m d. 5.2 m
13. Without constructing any tower at station Bravo, what height
a. 24 996.24 m c. 24 997.97 m
of tower must be constructed at station Charlie so that both
b. 24 998.63 m d. 24 995.24 m
station Bravo and Charlie would be visible from station
a. 8.12 m c. 8.57 m
b. 8.33 m d. 8.84 m
b. 202.16 m d. 229.47 m
38. Find the length of the curve from PC to A.
a. 26.03 m c. 12.62 m
b. 32.64 m d. 33.04 m
39. Find the length of the chord from PC to B.
a. 58.03 m c. 34.05 m
b. 59.76 m d. 65.86 m