Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy
Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy
Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy
French revolutionaries ideology was liberty, fraternity, and equality which influenced many people and
triggered them to start a revolution. Italy and Germany also became a united nation under King Victor
Emannuel II and Otto von Bismarck.
After 1815 the idea of nationalism influenced the modern world and it is said that there are three points
which stood out. First is that nationalism has evolved from a real or cultural unity. Second, they turned
this cultural unity into political reality. Third, nationalists believed that every country should exist in
The development of nationalism here in the Philippines was very slow. It only started after the execution
of the three friars commonly known as the GomBurZa on February 17, 1872.
As the result of the growth and development of nationalism the rise and spread of liberalism and
democracy emerged. The main idea of liberalism is about the liberty and equality for people. It also
meant the freedom of the press, freedom of speech as well as freedom from arbitrary arrest. On the
other hand democracy was established through promulgation of laws that advance democracy,
undertaking of reforms through legislation, abolition of slavery, adoption of liberal constitution and
granting of political, economic and social rights to the people.
Before, democracy was not yet exercised in the Philippines. The ecclesiastical and the civil authorities do
not want to grant basic human rights to the Filipinos because they believed that this will become a way
to motivate the Filipinos to work for their independence.
It is considered as one of the most critical developments in the 19 th century. The manufacturing of goods
in this time became easier because of the use of machines. It started in England and later on spread into
Belgium, France, Germany and even in the United States.
There are positive and negative effects brought by this development and some of the positive effects are
greater urbanization of society, rise of factory system, invention of labor-saving devices and fostering of
liberalism and nationalism. While here are some of the negative effects of this development. Pollution
and other environmental problems, beginning of child and women labor and unending warfare between
labor and capital