USCM Mayors Letter On Gun Violence To President
USCM Mayors Letter On Gun Violence To President
USCM Mayors Letter On Gun Violence To President
The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
We write to congratulate you and your Administration on the steps you have already taken to address
the scourge of gun violence we face in cities across America. These include the Department of Justice’s
proposed rules to stop the proliferation of ghost guns and clarify that when individuals use accessories
to convert pistols into short-barreled rifles, they must comply with the heightened regulations on those
dangerous and easily concealable weapons; the Department’s publication of a model state red flag law;
and the prioritization of gun violence intervention efforts in the various grant programs and increased
funding to carry them out. We also applaud the actions announced by the Justice Department on May
26th that will bring together and enlist U.S. Attorneys, the Department’s law enforcement agencies and
other relevant Department components in a coordinated and comprehensive violent crime reduction
We believe there are other steps that the federal government is uniquely qualified to take to enhance
the efforts already underway. These steps will help to reduce the epidemic of gun violence that we face
daily in our cities:
• Continue to use the platform of the Presidency to make reducing gun violence not just a law
enforcement priority, but truly a public health imperative. Stressing the importance of root
cause analysis and supporting investments in mental health, community health initiatives, our
youth – particularly efforts to help them reconnect to school and community in the aftermath of
the pandemic – as well as support for proven efforts to help returning residents transition back
into communities from incarceration are all crucial. These and other efforts to build peaceful
and vibrant neighborhoods are essential and the effective use of soft power interventions. As
you know well, we cannot police our way out of this problem, but saying it is not good enough.
As a nation, we need to take concrete, tangible steps and as our leader, your voice is critically
important in this fight.
o Additionally, every day, on social media platforms, illegal gun sales are happening
among criminals. Here again, local law enforcement has limited tools to address this
significant threat. There needs to be both regulatory and enforcement actions to bring
accountability to these social media platforms that often ignore the problem entirely
and make it difficult for local law enforcement to stop these illegal sales. The weight of
the federal government is needed to elevate this issue and demand a level of
accountability that will keep our residents safe.
o Finally, we urge this Administration to authorize the provision of resources for the
purchase of National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBN) machines and
staffing for more firearms examiners. These two elements would be important and
worthwhile investments.
We stand ready to work with you and Vice President Harris, Ambassador Susan Rice and Attorney
General Merrick Garland to see these actions implemented as quickly as possible and this administrative
and legislative agenda achieved.
Ted Wheeler
Mayor of Portland (OR)