Ad 72-03-03
Ad 72-03-03
Ad 72-03-03
To prevent inadvertent retraction of wing flap and to insure positive operation of the electrical wing
flap actuators, accomplish the following:
A) On all aircraft with more than 100 hours time in service, within the next 25 hours time in
service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the previous
75 hours time in service, and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 100 hours time in service,
visually inspect the actuator jack screw for condition of lubricant and presence of
contamination and scale in accordance with the procedure described in Cessna Service Letter
SE70-16, Supplement 1, dated July 10, 1970, or later FAA-approved revision. If any of the
conditions prescribed in the inspection criteria are noted, prior to further flight, remove, clean
and relubricate the actuator jack screw in accordance with Cessna Service Letter SE70-16,
dated June 12, 1970, or later FAA-approved revision, or any equivalent procedure approved
by Manager, Wichita Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Central Region.
B) On all aircraft with more than 500 hours time in service, within the next 25 hours time in
service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished within the previous
75 hours time in service, remove, clean and relubricate the actuator jack screw in accordance
with the procedure described in Cessna Service Letter SE70-16, dated June 12, 1970, or later
FAA-approved revision, or any equivalent procedure approved by Manager, Wichita Aircraft
Certification Office, FAA, Central Region.
2) NOTE: Cessna Service Letter SE70-16, Supplement 2, dated August 28, 1970, specified
some brand names of Molybdenum Disulfide Grease.
D) On or before January 1, 1973, modify the applicable aircraft in accordance with Cessna
Service Letter SE72-2 dated January 21, 1972, and Cessna Service Letter SE72-2,
Supplement 1, dated March 24, 1972, or alternatively Cessna Service Letter SE72-17
(Revision 1) dated January 12, 1973.
NOTE: The snubbers installed on certain airplanes per Cessna Service Letter SE72-2,
Supplement 1, are not required with actuators specified by Cessna Service Letter SE72-17
(Revision 1).