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Pre Reading Activity:

Bronzing- A makeup technique in applying hue to skin.
Gorge- A narrow valley between hills.
Infusion- A process of preparing an extract.
Mantra- A chant repeated to aid concentration.


Cognitive Component- For Mrs. Geni, marriage is the most illogical of all ceremonies for it cause

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a lot of trouble.

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Affective Component- Mrs. Geni is happy to do makeup for brides who are to be second and
third wives as she considers marriage as not a success.

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Behavioral Component- If Mrs. Geni saw a sad face on the bride-to-be, she would not render
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her service as a makeup artist leading to the cancellation of the wedding ceremony.

While Reading Activity:

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“This child is already pregnant. Why are you hiding it? Why are you embarrassed?”
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Answer: Angry
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“Can’t be like this. You have to be happy first.”

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Answer: Emotional

“You all stress about working out an auspicious date, what sort of matching clothes to have, and

it all has no connection with the marriage itself.

Answer: Boring

“Because something strange is thought of as normal, the people who do not marry, who are
widows or widowers, are even thought of as strange.”
Answer: Focused

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“I’ve never thought about getting divorced.
Answer: Playful/Naughty

Post-Reading Activity

1. What belief does Mrs. Geni hold about marriage? How does this belief influence her work as
a makeup artist for bride-to-be?
Answer: For Mrs. Geni, she believes that marriage is the most illogical of all ceremonies . Her
belief influences her work as a makeup artist for bride-to-be in a way that she can change or
transform the physical appearance of her client wherein, almost the family of the bride-to-be
cannot recognize their bride-to-be because of how stunning she is. No one can expect that it will
be the result after Mrs. Geni does her make up to her clients.

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2. Mrs. Geni considers marriage as “not a success,” how does this idea relate to her own

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marriage and her reason for marrying her husband?

Answer: I think it is related to her own marriage because her marriage is not also successful.
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Her husband marry another woman again and again. The reason why she marry her husband is
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that she think it is the time to get married like everyone else.

3. How does Mrs. Geni react on the upcoming marriage of his husband to his second bride?
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What does she mean when she says that she will personally do the makeup for her husband’s
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second bride?
Answer: Mrs. Geni react on the upcoming marriage of his husband to his second bride
emotionless. She doesn’t feel anything and she doesn’t want to feel worried about her because
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it’s okay to her. When she says that she will personally do the makeup for her husband’s second
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bride she really mean it because for her, it would be hard but it is still useless.

4. Whenever Mrs. Geni does the makeup for the brides who are second and third wives, she

makes them feel the joy of wedding ceremony. What does this action reveal about her attitude

toward marriage?
Answer: Through Mrs. Geni reaction, her attitude towards the marriage is positive. She is not
affected with the past because she has her own belief. She want other people to feel happy and

to have joy in their heart because she believe that everybody deserves it. For Mrs. Geni,
marriage is joy, happiness. “If someone does not even feel happy when they get married, they
aren’t going to find any other joy.” That’s the reason why she’s letting to do the makeup on her
husband second and third wives.

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5.What is the significance of this concluding statement from Mrs. Geni, “Let the buffaloes
experience happiness, just as we have believed all this time that marriage is happiness”?
Answer: I think the significance of this is that we should not stop other people to feel the
happiness that they really deserves. Let them enjoy their life and continue to grow. Also, we
should make everyone to experience the true happiness because happiness is not only for few
people but also for many.

Literary Approach: Formalism

1.Which situation is emphasized in the story? What do you think is the writer’s attitude towards
this situation? Explain.
Answer: I think the situation empasized in the story is that when Mrs. Geni is still happy to do
the makeup for the soon-to-be-brides who are to become second or third wives. I think the
writer's attitude towards this situation is positive because in that situation Mrs. Geni always

wanted to make other people to be happy and enjoy life.

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2.What is the dominant mood expressed among the dialogues of the main character in the

story? How does this mood affect the readers?
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Answer: For me the dominant mood expressed among the dialogue of the main character is the
feeling of happiness because she always want other people to feel the joy and happiness in life.
She always makes her client beautiful and stunning. Through this mood it helps the reader to
evoke their feeling and emotions towards the story.
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Poem 1
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Only in Poetry by Ajip Rosidi

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Pre-reading Activity
Examine the given quote carefully. Rearrange the jumble words below to paraphrase the given
quote and answer the questions that follow.

Guide Question

1.What quote do you form out of the jumbled words? What does it mean?
Answer: Life drifts between heaven and earth. It means that our life goes on between heaven

and earth. There are many circumstances in life that sometimes we just have to go with the flow
and enjoy life eventhough there are many challenges and struggles in life.

Examine the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

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Guide Questions
1.How does a poet compare to a painter?
Answer: A poet is a person whk creates poetry. Poet may simple be a writer of poetry or may
perform their art to an audience. While a painter is someone who paints pictures as rheir

2.From which do these artists derive their inspirations in crafting their masterpieces?
Answer: These artist derive their inspirations in crafting their masterpice through their
experiences, emotions, feelings and interest in life because by that they can easily express the
meaning of what does their masterpiece means.

While-reading Activity

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Read the poem Only in Poetry by Ajip Rosidi and identify a song matching your feeling upon

reading this poem. Make a second and third reading of the poem while playing the song of your

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choice. What do you feel upon reading this poem with a background music of your choice?

Answer: The song entitled Memories by Maroon 5 matched my feeling upon reading this poem.
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Upon reading this poem with this background music I feel that I can really relate and know the
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meaning of the poem itself wherein it remind me of something.

Post Reading Activity

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Theme and Genre

1.The first stanza suggests that a poem is created out of a challenging experience as the
speaker relates this creative process of poem-making to a long and lonely day of a typical
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farmer on a rice-field. What can a reader benefit from this craft created from a challenging
experience? What kind of connection can he or she make to benefit and better appreciate
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Answer: A reader can benefit from this craft created from a challenges experience because by
knowing that, we won't be able to see the brighter side of our life if we didn't experienced

challenges. It's normal to experince challenges because at the end of the day we learn from it

that makes our life to move forward. The kind of connection is the connection between the
people and the world. When we have the connection to everyone we may easily appriagethose
poetry. We can easily know what their poetry means and we can really reflect on it.

2. The speaker describes the unveiling of hidden meaning of a poem as a continuously slow
movement from heaven and earth? What do heaven and earth symbolize in this stanza? How
do these symbols relate to the process of interpreting a poem? How is the allusion of Adam
searching for Eve recounted this process of interpretation?

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Answer: In my opinion, Heaven and earth symbolizes as a peaceful place where the connection
of people and the world began because it shows in the poem the challenges that they
encounter. It is normal in life to have challenges, it’s just depends on us on how can we deal
with it. It shows dedication for Adam to find Eve.

3. The third stanza narrates a poet’s struggle in conveying his or her message to the readers.
Characterize this struggle. How should a poet approach this struggle to overcome it? How does
the image in the fourth stanza communicate the outcome of overcoming this struggle?
Answer: It came in the situation where they encounter the struggle in finding. They knock on
every door but still can’t find but then he refused to surrender because he is dedicated to do this
thing. Even though she experienced difficulties, we can still see his calm face.

4. To which do the “iron fingers of Time” in the fifth stanza pertain? What effects can it bring to

the lives of the readers?

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Answer: I think the “iron fingers of Time” pertains to the poet or the writer because it said in the

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fifth stanza about the poetry, submission of emotion. The effects that it can bring to the lives of
the readers is the emotion if they can relate with the poem that the writer will wrote.

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5. What does the concluding stanza suggest on the nature of poetry?
Answer: The concluding stanza suggest on the nature of poetry that we know, when it comes to

poetry everything is clear and definite.

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6. What is metapoetry? How does this literary piece serve as a metapoem?

Answer: Metapoetry is self-aware poetry about poetry or writing poetry. This literary piece is a
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metapoem because it pertains to poetry.

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Literary Approach: Reader-response Criticism


3. Which emotion have you experienced often drive you to write a poem? What happens to this
emotion after writing poetry?
Answer: The emotion that I experienced often to write a poem is happiness and in love. When

we are happy and in love we can create a good piece that can inspire people. After writing
poetry, my emotions are still the same or should I say it makes me happier and proud with
myself that I was able to write a poem.

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4. Which subject or idea do you find meaningful whenever you read poetry? How does this
subject or idea relate to your experience?
Answer: The subject or idea that I find meaningful whenever I read poetry is Asean Literature
because I can able to read different literary piece from different country that inspire me and
other readers and give me motivation in life.

5. Is there a poem which you had read before that changed your perspective in life? What
changes have occurred to you as a person upon reading this poem?
Answer: Yes, I had read many poems that changed my perspective in life, It makes me a better
person, gives me hope and boost my self-confidence.

Poem 2

“The birth of Poem”

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Pre-Reading Activity

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Bastard Melancholy

Synonym Antonym Synonym Antonym


1. Rascal 1. Saint 1. sadness 1. bliss

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2. Rogue 2. Gentlemen 2. Sorrow 2. Happiness

3. Scoundrel 3. Goodman 3. Grief 3. Glee

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1. How does the vlogger describe poem?


Answer: The vlogger describe poem as moods they are about emotions/feelings, if you feel

joyful or sad, she said it is a good point to start a poem. She said that the great thing about
poem is that we can write it anywhere and the writer can decide what he wants to write it may
be a thing from his surroundings. She said that when you write you must have fun.

2. What are her advices in writing poetry?

Answers: she said when writing you must have fun, that you might write about you or your
house or about one thing, it doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy writing it. Also, vlogger said it is
important to write by your hand because if you do this, you’ll get connection between your body
and the page. Moreover, she also mentioned that in writing poem it is important to write down on
some scraps of paper a list of words, a list of feelings, write down about ten or twelve of them

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and then at random pieces of paper write down twelve ordinary objects and then shuffle the
papers and pick one object and one emotion. Those are all great things in making a poem.
3. Which among her advices in writing poetry do you find most applicable to you? Why?
Answer: I think the last one is the most applicable to me because I think writing thing, object and
emotion on scraps of paper and shuffling it will make it easier to write poem.

While Reading Activity

The birth of poem Paraphrased equivalents

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Night pregnant with my seed the poem that is created recounts the
thrust the nine-month child down extra-ordinary experiences of its creator.

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to the ground

Motherless bastard bearing the The creative process of poem making is
first sin on its brow rs e laborious as it gives birth to the would be
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experience of its reader.
Its cry declares my hunger and Thus, this vicarious experience becomes
melancholy, personal experience of its reader.

my suffering and my death, kiss the

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source of your suffering.

It is your soul. When read, the poem hands down the
same extra-ordinary experiences of its
creator to its reader.
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Post Reading activity


1.What human characteristics are endowed to the subject of this literary work?

Answer: the human characteristics that is endowed here is the diligence or the patience of the
writer while writing its poem. Writer also use such words like motherless bastard, pregnant and
nine-month child in describing its subject which is the poem.

2.What effects this endowment of human characteristics bring to the subject of the poem and to
the reader.
Answer: it makes the reader realize how the writer make an effort and spent a lot of time in
making up his poem. Also, the endowed human characteristics give the reader clue about how
the poem was made by the author.

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3.How does the use of personification help in conveying the central idea of this metapoem?
Answer: the use of personification makes the readers understand more about the theme of
poem. These attributes a lot in embodying the concept of the poem.

Literary Approach
1.Who owns the experiences brought by the poetry- the author, the persona, or the reader?
Answer: I think the experiences is own by the author because the poem itself tell us and show
us how the author writes its poems. The process and his suffering during the making of poem.in
connection with this, I can tell that the experiences brought by the poetry is the author’s
experiences and readers experiences because the stanzas “Night pregnant with my seed
thrust the nine-month child down to the ground” represents the extra-ordinary experiences

of its creator. While “Motherless bastard bearing the first sin on its brow” means that the

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creative process of poem making is laborious as it gives birth to the would be experience of its


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