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Electric Mobility in Kenya: The Facts

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ii Photo: Shutterstock
1 Why is everyone talking about electric mobility? 1

2 What is electric mobility all about? 3

3 Why electric mobility? 5

Kenya’s electricity demand and power supply: is

the power grid fit for electric mobility? 10

What does electric mobility mean for the

economy? 11

6 Do we have electric motor vehicles in Kenya? 12

7 Current developments on e-mobility in Kenya 14

AC Alternating Current
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
DC Direct Current
EOL End-Of-Life
EV Electric Vehicles
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IKI The International Climate Initiative
kWh Kilowatt hour
LRRT Light Rail Rapid Transit
MtCO2e Million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan
NMT Non-Motorised Transport
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SDoT State Department of Transport
SGR Standard Gauge Railway
TraCS Advancing Transport Climate Strategies Project

1 Why is everyone talking
about electric mobility?
The transport industry is growing rapidly in Kenya registered units exceeding 200,000 annually since
as it is globally. The government has undertaken 20141. While supporting economic growth and
large infrastructural developments to strengthen the social connectivity, the present transport scenario
country’s position as the leading regional transport also brings about many problems such as air and
and development hub for East Africa. This has noise pollution, congestion, increased demand for
seen a significant growth in the vehicle fleet in the petroleum imports and consequent greenhouse gas
country with the current vehicle population standing (GHG) emissions.
at over 2.5 million and the average number of newly

According to the Traffic Index 2019, Nairobi is ranked and cycling. Significant emphasis is also being put
the worst city in Africa and fourth in the world on on electrification of the vehicle fleet in the country. It
overall inefficiencies in its traffic system2. These is crucial for us to find ways to provide mobility with
traffic snarl-ups and congestion cost the economy minimal footprint on the environment.
50 million shillings in lost productivity every day3
Is it possible to establish a clean, efficient and safe
and has contributed to respiratory diseases being
transport system to safeguard an eco-friendly future?
the leading cause of morbidity at 39% of the total
disease incidences in 20184. The transport sector One solution is electric mobility. Electric mobility also
directly accounts for about 13% of the country’s total known as e-mobility is the use of electricity to power
emissions from transport and growing faster than in the transport infrastructure as an alternative to fossil
any other sector5. Increased GHG emissions causes fuels. This electricity is preferably from renewable
global warming leading to extreme climate events. energy sources such as hydro, geothermal, wind and
solar to minimise overall emissions. Kenya’s energy
Kenya is already grappling with its share of the
mix is very favourable to support e-mobility with nearly
effects of climate change with increased frequency
85% of our energy coming from renewables. This is a
and intensity of extreme weather events, such as
great opportunity for Kenya.
droughts and floods hitting many regions across the
country. The destruction of infrastructure has also
negatively affected the energy, transport, housing, What this brochure is about
communications, manufacturing and tourism
This brochure answers to frequently asked questions
industries amounting to billions in losses. As part of the
about electric mobility and addresses the doubts and
efforts to create a sustainable transport system and
fears surrounding the viability of electric mobility in the
achieve the country’s targets in the National Climate
country. It is informed by research from government
Change Action Plan (NCCAP), the government has
reports, scientific studies, expert opinions and case
laid out plans for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light
studies to promote the uptake of e-mobility for both
Rail Rapid Transit (LRRT) systems, extension of the
the private and public transport sectors.
Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and promotion of
Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) such as walking

2 What is electric
mobility all about?
Electric mobility (E-mobility) refers to the use of Electric mobility encompasses all the different
Electric Vehicles (EVs) for mobility backed up by a types of vehicles: cars, motorcycles, bicycles,
robust information and communications technology 2- and 3-wheelers, buses, boats and electrified rail.
(ICT) infrastructure. Electric vehicles are propelled by
Electric cars are classified into four categories
one or more electric motors powered by rechargeable
according to the use of electricity as the primary fuel
battery packs in place of an internal combustion
or in part to improve the efficiency of conventional
engine (ICE). EVs are emission-free in use, less noisy
vehicle designs (cf. Figure 1).
and more efficient in energy input than conventional
vehicles (cf. Figure 1).

Figure 1. Electric Vehicles Categories

Categories Battery
Electric Hybrid Electric Plug in Hybrid
Vehicles Vehicles Electric vehicles Fuel Cell Vehicles
BEVs use HEVs are PHEVs are They use hydrogen
batteries to powered by powered by to generate electricity
store the an internal an internal on-board the vehicle.
electric energy combustion combustion Hydrogen is an
that powers engine and by engine and an abundant element
the motor. The an electric motor electric motor that can be readily
EV batteries that uses energy that uses energy derived when water
are charged stored in a battery. stored in a battery. (H2O) is broken down
by plugging The battery is The vehicle can into 2 hydrogen
the vehicle in charged through be plugged in to molecules and 1 oxygen
Description to an external regenerative an electric power molecule. They are then
electric power braking and source to charge harnessed separately,
source. by the internal the battery. and consequently,
combustion hydrogen used as fuel
engine and does for the vehicle. Refueling
not plug in to a fuel cell vehicle is
charge. comparable to refueling
a conventional car but
at a hydrogen refueling
station, taking less than
10 minutes.
• Electric • ICE • ICE • Electric motor
motor • Petrol/diesel • Petrol/diesel • Hydrogen tank
• Battery pack • Electric motor • Electric motor • Battery pack
• Regenerative • Battery pack • Battery pack
braking • Regenerative • Regenerative
braking braking

3 Why electric
EVs are environmentally friendly
They emit no tailpipe pollutants and when powered from renewable
energy, they have lower CO2 emissions overall. Even up to a certain share
of fossil electricity, EVs cause less emissions due to more efficient energy
conversion into movement.

EVs reduce noise pollution

This is because EVs only have one moving part, the motor, unlike the many
parts of the internal combustion engine (ICE). When traveling at average
speeds of below 20 km/h, they emit very minimal sound that hardly nearby
pedestrians can hear it. At faster speeds, the friction of the tires against
the road and wind resistance against the windshield make the car more

Lithium-ion batteries used for EVs are

The batteries usually last 10 years before losing enough performance that
one could consider replacing them. They retain about 90% of their power
capacity upon removal and can be reused as power storage for domestic
and commercial buildings or to store electricity from solar panels and
wind turbines. The batteries can also be recycled to harvest raw materials
further reducing the environmental footprint7.

Electric motors are more efficient than
They convert about 90% of the electrical energy to motion. Conventional
vehicles only convert about 30% of the energy stored in fuel to power
at the wheels. The problem of fuel loss during traffic snarl-ups is also
eliminated as EV batteries only consume power while in motion.

EVs have a better torque than

conventional vehicles
They offer instant response during acceleration and braking8.

Electric mobility reduces energy

Electricity is a domestic energy source unlike petrol or diesel. This saves
the consumers and the country from high and fluctuating costs for
importing petroleum.

Electric mobility saves money

Though EVs are comparatively expensive on initial purchase because
of the high cost of batteries, they are cheaper to run in the long term
because of the minimal maintenance and running costs. In place of an
engine and a gearbox, EVs run on batteries. With less moving parts,
there is less wear further limiting the need for servicing. The motor and
battery are also not repaired or serviced, only replaced in case of any

Competitive value of electric mobility in Kenya
A local comparison study conducted in 2017 by Drive Electric, proved the competitive value of electric
vehicles in the country9.

Table 1: Competitive value comparison of an electric vehicle and a petrol vehicle

Study Parameter Electric Car Petrol Vehicle

Battery/Engine Capacity 24 kWh 1500 cc

Power consumption per km 0.2 kWh 0.09 L (0.819 kWh)

Average fuel economy 5 km/KWh 12.68 km/L (9.1kWh)

Energy cost/km travelled Kes 4.00 (Kes 20.91/KWh) Kes 8.50 (Average Petrol
Cost of Kes 106.3/l)

Torque (Nm) 350 150

Tail pipe CO2 emissions per Zero 185.20 gm/CO2e*


Cost of maintenance Nil Kes 7,500/service

(Engine related service (service scheduled at (Service scheduled at every
schedule) 12,000 km) 5,000 km)

* (Notter & Füssler, 2018)

Source: Drive Electric (2017) and GIZ

How do I charge my vehicle? most often in public charging stations, especially
along heavy traffic corridors or highways.
Charging an EV requires plugging it into a charger
connected to the electric grid, also called Electric In some EVs, the battery can simply be removed
Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). There are different and exchanged for a fully charged battery or taken
categories of chargers, based on the maximum home for charging. This equalizes the standard
amount of power the charger provides to the battery time of fuelling a conventional vehicle10.
from the grid.
Where do I charge?
• Level 1: Provides charging through a 120V
alternating current (AC) plug and does not require Charging of EVs can be done at home, at the mall,
installation of additional charging equipment. at work or in public charging stations. Charging at
Most often used in homes. home or work is possible via the standard electrical
power points (240-volt AC/15 AMP) electricity
• Level 2: Provides charging through a 240V supply. DC fast charger outlets are installed in large
(for residential) or 208V (for commercial) plug residential and commercial buildings or along busy
and requires installation of additional charging highways. At the moment, there are fast chargers
equipment. It is used in homes, office buildings, set up at the Hub, Two Rivers and Thika Road
and for public stations. Malls in Nairobi by Nopia. The viability of charging
• DC Fast Charge: Provides a high-power through induction as an advanced technology is
Direct Current (DC) current generally up to also being tested. It will eliminate long charging
120kW directly to the battery and requires highly times as induction can also take place while the
specialized, high-powered equipment as well vehicle is in motion on the road11.
as special equipment in the vehicle itself. Used

Doesn’t charging take too What happens at the battery
long? end of life?
Full charging times can range from under 30 minutes When the electric vehicle batteries reach their end-
to over 8 hours based on the type of charger, type of-life (EOL) point, the battery can be removed
of battery, charge level and its capacity. Level 1 for recycling in various non-vehicular uses non-
and Level 2 chargers are best suited for overnight vehicular uses. Moreover, some of the materials
charging or during long stop-overs. DC Fast can be recovered and reprocessed to make
Chargers are used when there is the need for a new batteries, further reducing emissions during
quick recharge within a short amount of time. decommissioning12. Currently there are no EV
Further research into battery technologies continues battery recycling facilities in the country, but the
to reduce the cost of batteries, increasing efficiency government is exploring modalities for battery re-
and driving range of electric vehicles and decreasing use and recycling.
charge times.

4 Kenya’s electricity
demand and power
Is the power grid fit for electric mobility?
Kenya currently generates over 2700MW, out of slow charging at home. The electricity access rate in
which over 80% is renewable, against the demand the country also stands at 73.4% as of the end of April
at 1860MW13. The excess 800MW could be utilized 2018, but it is also possible through decentralized
to power an electric transport fleet. The demand power inputs such as solar panels to power electric
goes even lower to 1000MW during off-peak hours mobility in areas not connected to the national grid14.
between 10pm and 6am; this is the ideal time for the

Figure 2: Kenyan Electricity Supply Mix15

Hydro - 25%
Geothermal - 47%
Wind - 15%
Thermal - 10%
Solar - 1%
Imports - 2%

Source: Ministry of Energy, 2019

5 What does electric
mobility mean for the
New industry = new opportunities
The adoption of electric powered vehicles will capacity building through training on development,
reduce the levels of noise pollution, air pollution, deployment and maintenance of e-mobility
GHG emissions and overall expenditure on oil infrastructure. A study by the European Association
imports for the country while creating a more of Electrical Contractors shows that more than twice
climate-friendly environment. A shift to electric as many jobs are created in the electricity value
mobility will also lead to creation of employment; chain as are lost in automotive manufacturing. The
directly and indirectly in the automotive, electronics study concludes that by 2030 a total of nearly one
and IT industries as well as in other industries such million permanent jobs could be created globally in
as in the deployment and operation of charging fields such as electricity generation, civil and road
infrastructure, local assembly and maintenance works, battery cell manufacturing, installation and
of EVs and recycling or reuse of the battery at the maintenance. These are high quality, local, green
battery’s end of life. There is therefore need for jobs16.

6 Do we have electric
motor vehicles in Kenya?
Kenya had about 350 electric motor vehicles by December 201817. Some of the emerging industry
leaders are:
Nopia Ride is the first fully electric
Solar E-Cycles develops
ride sharing app established in Au-
electric bicycles, scooters
gust 2018. Hailed as an ‘eco-taxi’,
and 3- and 4-wheel vehicles.
it offers zero-emission rides allow-
The solar powered light
ing the company to charge less
electric vehicles can travel 50 km a day just with
compared to other ride hailing apps, pay their driv-
power from the solar rooftop. The three wheelers
ers more and protect the environment. The compa-
can serve as replacement for tuktuks (auto
ny is truly competitive in the market as drivers do
rickshaw) which are popular in urban areas for
not pay for fuel, enabling them to make more than
short distances. The inexpensive solar car can
their competitors. The company is scaling up,
serve as a sustainable economic development tool
building three charging stations at Two Rivers Mall,
in isolated off-grid rural areas in Africa19.
The Hub and Thika Road Mall.
Drive Electric offers
Opibus is a Nairobi-
services such as
based green energy
charging station instal-
company that deals
lation, operation and maintenance, e-mobility
with electric vehicle conversion. Its initial focus has
consultancy, electric vehicle leasing and fleet
been on conversion of off-road vehicles, for safari
use. They are also developing an electric motorcycle
through their subsidiary Flux Motors18.

Driving an electric vehicle is
not complicated, it is similar
to any other automatic ICE
vehicles only that it is silent when you
switch it on and when driving at low
speed. People are used to vehicles
with loud engine sound, so they
might not be aware of a car in motion
around them. For this reason
you have to be careful of your
surroundings when starting
and driving an electric car.
Amos Njau

Photo: Carol Mutiso

7 Current developments
on e-mobility in Kenya
E-mobility is key in supporting the government’s commitment to transform the transport sector into a
low-carbon, efficient and reliable system that will drive social and economic growth in the country—
furthermore it presents a new business opportunity. The SDoT has made it a priority to create an
enabling environment for the development of the sector:

1 Reduction of excise duty on electric

The Finance Bill of 2019 has proposed a reduction on the excise duty for all
vehicles with only electric motor for propulsion (BEVs) from 20% to 10%21.

2 Development of standards for electric

The Kenya Bureau of Standards has developed and adopted standards that apply
to electric vehicles imported into the country. Up until now, a total of 24 standards
have been developed and adopted, covering specifications and testing procedures
for safety aspects as well as performance and power consumption elements22.

3Endorsement of private and development
sector support
• The government is involved in an e-mobility pilot with UN Environment where they
will engage the City of Kisumu and Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
through deployment of a total of 50 electric motorcycles on a pilot basis23.
• The SIEMENS Stiftung Foundation is piloting electric trucks, cargo-bikes and boats
in Western Kenya through WE!Hub Victoria Ltd.

4 Through cooperation with GIZ, the State

Department of Transport is:
• Creating the necessary policy environment and regulatory framework for the uptake
of e-mobility
• Developing awareness materials on the feasibility and advantages of e-mobility in
the country

1 Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Economic Survey 2019 Highlights. Nairobi: Kenya
National Bureau of Statistics.
2 Numbeo. (2019). Traffic Index 2019 Mid-Year. Retrieved from numbeo: https://www.numbeo.com/
3 Ahmed, F. (2019, May 17). Kenya loses 50m daily on traffic jams. Retrieved from Citizen Digital:
4 Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Economic Survey 2019 Highlights. Nairobi: Kenya
National Bureau of Statistics.
5 Government of Kenya. (2015). Kenya Second National Communication to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Summary. Nairobi: Government of Kenya.
6 Lekach, S. (2019, March 17). Here’s what some electric vehicles will sound like to warn
pedestrians. Retrieved from Mashable: https://mashable.com/article/electric-vehicles-noise-
7 Stringer, D., & Ma, J. (2018, June 27). Where 3 Million Electric Vehicle Batteries Will Go When
They Retire. Retrieved from Bloomberg Business Week: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/
8 US Department of Energy. (2019). All-Electric Vehicles. Retrieved from www.fueleconomy.gov:

9 Romano, F. (2017, October 24). Energy Transformation in the Transport Sector. Retrieved
from Drive Electric: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/25188/
10 Battswap. (2019). Battswap. Retrieved from Battswap: http://battswap.com/
11 Statt, N. (2019, March 21). Norway will install the world’s first wireless electric car charging stations
for Oslo taxis. Retrieved from The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/21/18276541/
12 Stringer, D., & Ma, J. (2018, June 27). Where 3 Million Electric Vehicle Batteries Will Go When
They Retire. Retrieved from Bloomberg Business Week: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/
13 Obura, F. (2019, July 16). President Uhuru Kenyatta to commmission Lake Turkana Wind
Power this week. Retrieved from Standard digital: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/
14 Kenya Power. (2018, May 8). Kenya leads East Africa peers in access to electricity. Retrieved
from Kenya Power: https://www.kplc.co.ke/content/item/2485/kenya-leads-east-africa-
15 Ministry of Energy. (2019). Energy Sources Statistics. Retrieved from Ministry of Energy:
16 The European Association of Electrical Contractors. (2018). Powering A New Value Chain in
the Automotive Sector.

17 Eshiwani, M. (2019, August 19). Director of Road and Rail
Transport Services. (C. Mutiso, Interviewer)
18 The Energy Siren. (2019, March 18). Kenyan company in
electric conversion drive of petrol/diesel cars. Retrieved from
Energy Siren: https://energysiren.co.ke/2019/03/18/kenyan-
19 Solar eCycles. (2019). What we do. Retrieved from Solar
e-cycles: https://www.solar-e-cycles.com/what-we-do
20 Drive Electric. (2019). Driving is Changing. Retrieved from
Drive Electric: http://drivelectric.co.ke/
21 The National Treasury. (2019). Retrieved from The National
Treasury: http://www.treasury.go.ke/component/jdownloads/
22 The East African. (2017, December 27). Kenya import rules for
electric cars and motorcycles being drafted. Retrieved from The
East African: https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/business/Kenya-
23 United Nations Environment Programme. (2019, April 26).
Kenya’s first electric motorcycle pilots launched for Kenya
Power & Lighting Company and Kisumu City. Retrieved from
UN Environment program: https://www.unenvironment.org/

Photo: Shutterstock

GIZ, through the The Advancing Transport
Climate Strategies (TraCS) Project; a
technical assistance project focusing on
institutionalizing climate change functions
within the State Department for Transport, is
championing the uptake of e-mobility for the
transport sector in view of Kenya’s national
emissions reduction target. The project is
funded by the German Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear
Safety’s (BMU) International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Photo: Shutterstock

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