This document contains definitions of various terms related to marine engines and ships. It defines key engine parts like the piston, cylinder, and connecting rod. It also defines marine terms like bulkhead, forecastle, hold, and light displacement tonnage which refer to different parts or measurements of a ship. The document provides concise definitions of over 60 terms to concisely explain marine engineering and nautical vocabulary.
This document contains definitions of various terms related to marine engines and ships. It defines key engine parts like the piston, cylinder, and connecting rod. It also defines marine terms like bulkhead, forecastle, hold, and light displacement tonnage which refer to different parts or measurements of a ship. The document provides concise definitions of over 60 terms to concisely explain marine engineering and nautical vocabulary.
This document contains definitions of various terms related to marine engines and ships. It defines key engine parts like the piston, cylinder, and connecting rod. It also defines marine terms like bulkhead, forecastle, hold, and light displacement tonnage which refer to different parts or measurements of a ship. The document provides concise definitions of over 60 terms to concisely explain marine engineering and nautical vocabulary.
This document contains definitions of various terms related to marine engines and ships. It defines key engine parts like the piston, cylinder, and connecting rod. It also defines marine terms like bulkhead, forecastle, hold, and light displacement tonnage which refer to different parts or measurements of a ship. The document provides concise definitions of over 60 terms to concisely explain marine engineering and nautical vocabulary.
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Gabriel Tolentino Lora 17.
The volume swept or travel by the piston from
top dead center to bottom dead center. MSAP Reviewer Part 1 Piston displacement 18. In a piston engine it is the ratio between the volume of the cylinder and combustion chamber 1. Which part of the engine connects the piston to the when the piston is at the bottom of its stroke, and the crankshaft? volume of the combustion chamber when the piston Connecting rod is at the top of its stroke. 2. The heart of the engine where the fuel is burned Compression ratio and power developed. 19. The lowest temperature at which it can vaporize Cylinder to form an ignitable mixture in air. 3. Which of the choices below is also called the Flash point working stroke? 20. The highest amount of heat that can be produce Power stroke from a given quantity of fuel by complete 4. The distance moved by the piston from bottom combustion. dead center to the top dead center is called: Calorific value Piston stroke 21. The internal friction or resistance to flow of a 5. A type of internal combustion engine that liquid at a certain point. generates power by burning a heavy oil is called: Viscosity Diesel engine 22. Process by which heat is transferred by 6. Used to propel vessels through reactive thrust movement of a heated fluid such as air or water. cause by increasing the velocity of the fluid. Convection Propeller 23.The transfer of heat between two parts of a station 7. The position of piston when the piston is very arysystem, caused by a temperature close to the cylinder head is called: difference between the parts. Top dead center Conduction 8. The position of piston when the piston is far away 24.The complete process in which energy is emitted b to the cylinder head is called: y onebody, transmitted through an intervening mediu Bottom dead center m or space,and absorbed by another body. 9. It has a single shaft that contains exhaust gas Radiation turbine on one end and compressor on the other. 25. The length of time or number of degrees of Turbo charger crankshaft rotation between the beginning of 10. The inside diameter of the cylinder is called: injection and ignition of the fuel. Cylinder bore Ignition delay 11. A cylindrical part which reciprocates in the 26. Measures the temperature of the engine through cylinder is called? its exhaust fumes. Piston Pyrometer 12. It is a series of events which are repeated in 27. Is a device used to measure and regulate regular order in the operation of an engine. the speed of a machine, such as an engine. Cycle Governor 13. It is the actual horsepower delivered by the 28. Is a rotating mechanical device that is used to engine to the drive shaft. store rotational energy. Brake horse power Flywheel 14. Clearing a cylinder of exhaust gases by forcing 29. This is caused by the continuous leaking of into a current of air which provides clean air for the starting air valve. next compression stroke is called: Starting air explosion Scavenging 30. How will you remove condensation and possibly 15. The adjustment of the valves to open and close at some flammable vapors from the cylinders? the proper time for smooth and efficient operation of Blow off the engine. 31. Why do we need to drain the air receivers before Tappet clearance starting the engine? 16. It is essentially a record of the pressures existing To remove water and oil in the cylinder at vacuum positions of piston 32. After everything is ready for starting, the engine throughout the engine cycle. should be started at what direction? Indicator diagram Starboard and port side 33. What is used to lubricate the cylinders before 50. Heavy substances loaded by a vessel to starting? improve stability, trimming, sea-keeping and to Cylinder lubricators increase the immersion at the propeller. 34. What do you call the speed usually somewhere Ballast between dead slow and slow that causes vibration 51. The width of a ship. Also called breadth. and rough sound? Beam Critical speed 52. A propeller at the lower sea-covered part of the 35. In preparation for starting the engine, the outlet bow of the ship which turns at right angles to the temp. Of the cooling water should be maintained at: fore-and-aft line and thus provides transverse thrust 70-80c as a maneuvering aid. 36. The lubricating oil pumps should be started at Bow thruster least how many hour/s before departure? 53. A name given to any vertical partition which 2hrs separates different compartments or spaces from 37. In a 4cycle engine the exhaust valve opens while one another. the piston is on its: Bulkhead Exhaust stroke 54. A raised bridge running fore and aft from the 38. The volume swept through by the piston in mid ship, and also called "walkway". It affords safe moving between the TDC and BDC is called: passage over the pipelines and other deck Piston displacement obstructions. 39. The last stroke of two-stroke cycle diesel engine Catwalk is called: 55. Two radial cranes on a ship which hold the Power stroke lifeboats. They are constructed in such a way as to 40. Is a mechanism used in large reciprocating lower and lift the lifeboats the easiest way possible engines and reciprocating compressors to eliminate and are also unobstructed in case of an emergency. sideways pressure on the piston? Davits Crossheads 56. The raised part of the forward end of a ship's 41. Is an oscillating lever that conveys radial hull. movement from the cam lobe into linear movement at Forecastle the poppet valve to open it. 57. A narrow portable platform used as a passage, Rocker arm by persons entering or leaving a vessel moored 42. Is a space between the top of the valve stem and alongside a pier or quay. the rocker arm? Gangway Tappet clearance 58. Deliberate contact by a ship with the bottom 43. Is the resistance of any physical object to a while she is moored or anchored as a result of the change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency water level dropping. of an object to resist any change in its motion? Grounding Momentum 59. Large strong rope used for towing purposes and 45. Is the product of the mass and velocity of an for securing or mooring ships. object? Hawser Inertia 60. A tiller or a wheel generally installed on the 46. Is the rate of change of the position of an object, bridge or wheelhouse of a ship to turn the rudder equivalent to a specification of its speed and direction during maneuvering and navigation. of motion? Helm Velocity 61. A general name for the spaces below the main 47. Is an indirectly observed quantity that is often deck designated for stowage of general cargo. understood as the ability of a physical system to Hold do work on other physical systems? 62. The weight of a ship's hull, machinery, Energy equipment and spares. 48. Pipes made of heavy cast iron or steel through Light displacement tonnage which the anchor chain runs. 63. A cargo-carrying ship which is operated Hawse pipe between scheduled, advertised ports of loading and 49. Fitting that allows a boom to move freely, both discharge on a regular basis. vertically and laterally. Liner Gooseneck 64. The line on a vessel indicating the maximum depth to which that vessel can sink when loaded with cargo. Load Line 79. Increases the risk of a ship capsizing in rough 65. The main continuous deck of a ship running weather. from fore to aft; the principle deck; the deck from Negative GM which the freeboard is determined. 80. Is a measurement of the initial static stability of Main Deck a floating body? It is calculated as the distance 66. Equals gross tonnage minus deductions for between the Centre of gravity of a ship and its meta space occupied by crew accommodations, Centre. machinery, navigation equipment and bunkers. Metacentric height Net tonnage 81. Is the point in a body where the gravitational 67. A book or log kept by the master of an oil force may be taken to act. tanker wherein every discharge or escape of oil is Center of gravity recorded. 82. Is the center of the gravity of the volume of Oil record book water which a hull displaces? 68. A person who is qualified to assist the master of Center of buoyancy a ship to navigate when entering or leaving a port. 83. Is a type of machine tool that Pilot uses linear relative motion between the workpiece 69. The relationship between a ship's draughts and a single-point cutting tool to machine a linear forward and aft. toolpath? Trim Shaper 70. A small vessel designed to tow or push large 84. is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or ships or barges. driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver Tug bit, used for drilling holes in various materials 71. Large manual winch used for any extremely or fastening various materials together with the use heavy lifting; especially the raising of the anchor of fasteners. Capstan Drill 72. The weight or volume of water displaced by a 85. is a machine tool which rotates the workpiece ship on its axis to perform various operations such Displacement as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, 73. The part of the ship’s side that extends above or deformation, facing, turning, with tools that are the main deck to protect it against heavy weather. applied to the workpiece to create an object which Bulwark has symmetry about an axis of rotation. 74. The arch or slope from side to side of a vessel’s Lathe weather deck for water drainage. 86. Is a device used to measure the distance Camber between two opposite sides of an object. 75. The overall volume of a ship’s hull, including Caliper crew cabins, storerooms and machinery spaces. 87. A machine for the removal of metal by feeding Gross tonnage a workpiece through the periphery of a rotating 76. The volume of cargo a ship could carry, equal circular cutter. to gross tonnage minus the crew cabins, storerooms Milling machine and machinery spaces. 88. A drilling machine in which a vertical drill Net tonnage moves into the work, which is stationary. 77. The uppermost deck of a ship; any deck that Drill press does not have overhead protection from the 89. Metal-cutting machine tool in which the weather. workpiece is firmly attached to a horizontal table Weather deck that moves back and forth under a single-point 78. Is a measure of how much weight a ship is cutting tool. carrying or can safely carry. It is the sum of the Planer weights of cargo, fuel, fresh water, ballast water, 90. A wheel or disk having an abrasive material provisions, passengers, and crew. such as alumina or silicon carbide bonded to the Deadweight surface. 78.The weight of a ship with all its permanent equi Grinding wheel pment, excluding theweight of cargo, persons, balla 91. The foundation for the whole machine and st, dunnage, and fuel, but usuallyincluding the weig holds the headstock, tailstock and carriage in ht of permanent ballast and water used to operate alignment. steam machinery. Bed Light displacement 92. Mounted rigidly to the bed and holds all the 5. What is the type of piston is commonly used for mechanisms, including various kinds and four cycle engines? combinations of pulleys or gears, so that the spindle Trunk type can be made to turn at different speeds. 6. The shortest distance between the piston and the Headstock cylinder head when the engine is on either to or 93. Arranged to slide along the bed and can be bottom dead center is called locked to it at any convenient point Combustion clearance Tailstock 7. What are provided at the foremost end of the stern 94. Is a process which slightly enlarges a pre- tube and serves to prevent seawater entering the ship existing hole to a tightly tolerance diameter? through the space between the stern tube and the Reaming propeller shaft? 95. Is the process of enlarging a hole that has Stuffing box already been drilled (or cast), by means of a single- 8. Under what classification does an engine which is point cutting tool rated for normal operation at a crankshaft speed of Boring 800 RPM belong? 96. Is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut or Medium-speed diesel enlarge a hole of circular cross-section in solid 9. The crankcases of many diesel engines are kept materials? under a slight vacuum to Drilling Reduce the risk of explosion 97. Process of removing metal from the end of a 10. Diesel engine operating conditions should be workpiece to produce a flat surface. checked immediately after any diesel engine is Facing started? 98. Is a mechanical drilling, or milling, process? Lube oil pressure After the initial hole is drilled, a larger well, or 11. The time period between fuel injection and recess, is drilled into the material. ignition is usually defined as Spot facing Ignition delay 99. is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical 12. Serves to keep the speed of an engine constant advantage in applying torque to turn objects— under changes in load and other disturbances. usually rotary fasteners, such as nuts and bolts—or Constant-speed governor. keep them from turning. 13. Defined as the pressure of the surrounding air at Wrench or near the surface of the Earth. 100. Widely regarded as "the king of wrenches, this Atmospheric pressure is a one-piece wrench with an enclosed opening 14. The difference between the pressure at a point that grips the faces of the bolt or nut. being measured and that of a perfect vacuum is Box- end wrench known as: 101. A one-piece wrench with a U-shaped opening Absolute pressure that grips two opposite faces of the bolt or nut. 15. Air in the fuel lines of a diesel engine can cause: Open-end wrench Ignition failure 102. Part of a drill press that holds the drill bits 16. If the diesel engine fuel injection timing is securely in place with chucks. changed to delay the start of injection until the Drill head pistons are at top dead center, the engine will: Develop less power under load 17. When fuel oil has seriously contaminated a diesel engine lubricating oil, you should Reviewer Part 2 Drain and then renew the lube oil supply 18. The principle states that “energy cannot be 1. A metal that can usually be drilled without created nor destroyed” is known as: lubrication? First law of thermodynamics Brass “conservation of energy” 2. In what part of a drill that could be found it size? 19. What is the purpose of the piston ring clearance Shank in diesel engine? 3. The upper section of a piston is called the To allow the combustion gases to press Crown the ring down on the set 4. Supplying the engine with air at a pressure greater 20. The first task that must be done before starting a than atmospheric pressure diesel engine: Supercharging Check crankcase oil level 21. The temperature at which water vapor in the Reduce liquid movement and surging atmosphere begins to condense within a tank Dew point temperature 38. The depth of fuel oil in a tank is normally 22. What is the function of lubricating oil? measured through the Maintain a pressurized fluid film between Sounding tube moving surfaces 39. The component which is used to thoroughly 23. Type of machine tool that has a horizontal separate small, fine, dust-like particulate reciprocating motion that is used in the production of contamination from hydraulic fluid is a/an: flat surfaces. Filter Planer 40. This is the kind of heat that involves a 24. A major part of a lathe machine that houses the transformation of matter from one physical state to apron and saddle. another without changing its temperature. Carriage Latent heat 25. Part of lathe machine used in drilling operations 41. Which of the following terms is used to indicate and for supporting a long work piece. that the addition of heat will result in a temperature Tailstock change? 26. What is the purpose of the expansion tank in a Sensible heat closed type jacket cooling water system of a diesel 42. What is known as the temperature of a liquid in engine? which boiling occurs? To increase the pressure of the jacket Saturation temperature cooling 43. What is the reduction of metals by chemical or 27. What should be done immediately after any diesel electrochemical reactions within their surroundings? engine is started? Corrosion Verify proper lube oil pressure 44. What energy associated with atoms forming 28. Water accumulating in the crankcase of a diesel molecules? engine could indicate Chemical energy Cracked cylinder liner 45. Which of the following forms of energy is 29. Which engine component prevents combustion released through the process of fuel combustion? gases formed in the cylinder of a diesel engine from Chemical energy blowing past the piston? 46. What is considered in mechanics as the factor Compression rings which tends to produce, modify or retard motion? 30. A distorted spray pattern from a fuel injector can Force cause a diesel engine to have: 47. What is the phenomena resulting from any Less power output reaction tending to develop heat? 31. An automated diesel engine should normally shut Combustion down due to: 48. What is the quantity of heat required to raise the Low lube oil pressure temperature of a unit mass of a substance? 32. The purpose of an oil mist detector in a main Specific heat capacity propulsion diesel engine is to warn of: 49. What energy existing in a system as a result of Possible overheated bearing the relative velocities of the objects? 33. If the temperature of the fuel oil entering an Kinetic energy atomizer is too low, the burner will: 50. When a piece of steel is reheated then cooled in Produce heavy black smoke at any load still air, the process is known as condition Normalizing 34. It is a state in which no transfer of heat from the 51. The instrument is being used onboard to indicate system to the surrounding or vice versa. the direction as well as the speed of wind is called Thermal equilibrium Anemometer 35. What is the lowest temperature at which the 52. Which of the following terms would best describe vapor of a flammable liquid will ignite and cause the temperature at which a liquid boils at a given self-sustained combustion in the presence of a spark pressure? or flame? Saturation temperature Fire point 53. What kind of scavenge system in a two stroke 36. Mechanical energy in transition is referred to as diesel engine if the intake and exhaust ports are Work adjacent at the cylinder liner? 37. The purpose of swash bulkheads is to Loop Flow 54. The wearing a way of corrosive metal by abrasion 72. Which of the following types of files is generally is called used for finishing? Erosion A single cut file 55. What is the time to get familiarized with the 73. The steel heated at a temperature 850-950° C that emergency exits on board the vessel? is cooled SLOWLY either inside the furnace or an Immediately after boarding insulated space is called 56. The oxygen indicator is an instrument that Annealing measures the 74. What do you call the edge of a file not having any The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere teeth? of a confined space Safe edge 57. You can find your assigned emergency stations 75. Which instrument that use to determine the on board ship on the number of threads per inch of a bolt? Station bill Screw pitch gage 58. Fire hoses are tested on a vessel 76. A wrench that completely surrounds a nut, or bolt Once a year head is a/an 59. What is the percentage of oxygen in a typical Box wrench sample of uncontaminated air? 77. A grinding wheel is trued with 21% Dressing tool 60. Which visual distress signal is acceptable for 78. A hand tool used for cutting threads on round daylight use only? stock is the Orange smoke signal Stock and die 61. What is the purpose of the life raft hydrostatic 79. What tools used to make up connection fittings release? for small diameter copper tubing? To release raft from the cradle Flaring tool automatically if the ship sinks 80. The distance between corresponding points on 62. When should food and water be provided to adjacent threads of a screw survivors after boarding a lifeboat or life raft? Pitch After 24 hours 81. What instrument is being used to measure the 63. Which of the lifeboat parts listed must be painted clearance between the rotor shaft and its bearing of a bright red? turbocharger? Releasing gear lever Dial gauge 64. After having thrown the life raft and stowage 82. A process of rapid cooling of heated metal is container into the water, the life raft is inflated by called Pulling on the painter line Quenching 65. To turn over a life raft that is floating upside 83. Which of the instruments listed is used to down, you should pull on the measure the gauge of a piece of sheet metal? Righting strap Wire gauge 66. The operating cord of the inflatable life raft has a 84. Ball peen hammers are sized according to their length of Head weight 100 feet 85. Which instrument is used to take crankshaft 67. It is a lifesaving apparatus design to carry all deflection readings? crew during abandon ship Strain gage Life boat 86. The term referring to the amount or degree the 68. Your assigned emergency stations aboard your teeth of a hacksaw blade are pushed out or canted vessel can be found on the ships from the blade center is known as what? Muster list Set 69. Where should a life line must be connected to the 87. An instrument used to detect leaks in the life raft? refrigerant system is All around Halide torch 70. Who is responsible for lowering the survival 88. A hacksaw blade is normally placed in the saw craft? frame with the Helmsman Teeth pointing away from the handle 71. What is the proper tool used for cutting new 89. What tool will be used in starting and finishing on external threads? internal threading for pipings? Die Taper tap 90. Hand tool that should only be used for restoring The ignition of unburned fuel and air in damaged threads the crankcase Thread chaser 6. A diesel engine may fail to start when being 91. What is the tool used for cutting external pipe cranked, due to threads? Insufficient compression Stock and die 7. The rotary motion of a diesel engine crankshaft is 92. What us the tool used to remove a ball bearing obtained from the up and down motion of the piston from the shaft of a motor? via the: Gear puller Connecting or piston rod 93. Which type of wrench listed is used to disconnect 8. Late fuel oil injection in a diesel engine can result fire hose couplings? in Spanner wrench High exhaust temperature 94. A roughened checkered surface is machined by a 9. The pressure differential across a diesel engine lathe on round stock using a lube oil system duplex filter should be checked to Knurling tool Determine the need for filter cleaning 95. Work that cannot readily be mounted between 10. Excessive valve clearance will cause a valve to lathe centers is usually held in a open Chuck Late and close early 96. What kind of maintenance work is being avoided 11. What could be the possible cause why a main onboard tanker vessels for the reason of safety? engine shuttles back at start or fails to attain speed? Chipping Starting air pressure 97. The lowest temperature required to cause self- 12. A device which functions to bring a diesel engine sustained combustion of a substance independent of to a full stop to protect it from damage is known as any outside source of ignition is called a/an Ignition temperature Over speed trip 98. A body having identical properties all over is 13. Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine called may be caused by Homogenear A clogged air cleaner 99. What is the space where the ventilation is NOT 14. Diesel engine mufflers reduce noise by functioning on around the clock basis? Changing exhaust gas direction Enclosed space 15. Which of the following conditions can cause oil 100. The ability of the engine governor to correct to accumulate in the cooling system of a diesel speed disturbance with a minimum of false motions engine? is known as Defective oil cooler core. Speed droop 16. In cold weather condition, what measures must be applied to ensure easier starting of a diesel engine? Apply heating to the cooling water 17. Slot are provided in a diesel engine piston oil Reviewer part 3 scraper ring to Permit drainage of excess oil to the engine sump 1. A restricted diesel engine exhaust manifold 18. What will be the result of dripping in fuel injector operating under a normal load is indicated by nozzles? Low firing pressures and high exhaust Coking and blocking temperatures 19. The rate of fuel injection in a diesel engine 2. What is consider as the backbones of a cylinder depends primarily on reciprocating engine? The size of the holes in the fuel nozzle Crankshaft 20. Water accumulation in the cylinder of a secured 3. An increase in crankcase pressure generally engine is an indication that the indicates Cylinder liner may be cracked Worn engine cylinder liners 21. Barrel face, taper face, grooved, and chrome 4. Diesel engine lube oil diluted with fuel oil is plated are all types of diesel engine indicated by Piston rings Decreased viscosity 22. Which engine component prevents combustion 5. Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines gases formed in the cylinder of a diesel engine from result from blowing past the piston? Compression rings Power stroke 23. In a modern internal combustion diesel engine, 39. What type of lubricating oil system are used on the component carrying the torque load of the engine diesel engines? is referred to as the Wet sump and dry sump Bedplate or base 40. A smoking exhaust from an operating diesel 24. Which factor limits the amount of load which can engine could be caused by be put on a modern marine diesel engine? Late fuel injection Exhaust temperature 41. High exhaust back pressure will result in an 25. The adjustment of the valves to open and close at increase in the proper time to smooth and efficient operation of Carbon deposits on fuel injectors the engine is called: 42. Camshafts are usually driven by timing gears or Tappet clearance Chain drives 26. what is more likely to happen when the diesel 43. The speed of the turbocharger for a four- engine starter-drive mechanism fails to disengage stroke/cycle diesel engine driving a generator at after the engine starts? constant speed depends on the The starter motor will overspeed. Kilowatt load 27. What is the main function of piston compression 44. The upper section of a piston is called the rings? Crown Seal the space between the piston and the 45. The purpose of an oil mist detector in a main liner propulsion diesel engine is to warn of 28. Prior to starting, the purpose of cranking an A possibility of an overheated bearing engine over with the cylinder test cocks open is to 46. Its purpose is to balance the rotation and have Remove condensation from the cylinders attachment for the clutch assembly: 29. The purpose of the main reduction gears is to Flywheel Reduce high turbine RPM to an efficient 47. The proper time for operating the crankcase door propeller RPM when oil must alarm is activated and the engine has 30. A diesel engine experiences a sudden loss in been stopped is speed, accompanied by black exhaust smoke, with After 20 minutes the fuel rack at maximum, and the speed remaining 48. The compression ratio of a diesel engine refers to below normal. The probable cause is the ratio between the Engine overload Cylinder volumes at top dead center and 31. When the cold tappet clearance is less than that at bottom dead center specified by the engine manufacturer, the diesel 50. A good quality oil used in main propulsion engine valves will engine lubrication systems should be Open earlier than normal Resistant to permanent emulsification 32. What should be done immediately after any diesel 51. The tail shaft of an ocean going vessel is usually engine is started? supported by the Verify proper lube oil pressure Stern tube bearings 33. What part is under compression when firing is 52. The diesel engine valve subjected to most severe taking place in a particular cylinder? conditions of service is the Piston rod Cylinder exhaust valve 34. The principal difference between loop scavenging 53. This indicates that the piston in a cylinder may and crossflow scavenging, as used in single acting excessively heated or needs lubrication diesel engines, is the Seizing Direction of air flow within the cylinder 54. What is the function of the main thrust bearing? 35. The crankcases of many diesel engines are kept Transmits propeller thrust to the hull. under a slight vacuum to 55. Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated Reduce the risk of explosion by low firing pressure with 36. What should be the condition of a crankshaft at High exhaust temperature all time? 56. What harmful condition can result if a diesel Properly aligned engine is operated at very high loads for long periods 37. High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel of time? engine can result from Increased carbon buildup Engine overload 57. Piston cooling fins are located 38. The last stroke of two-stroke cycle diesel engine Underneath the piston crown is called: 58. The amount of fuel injected in a particular time, 75. Combustion knock will most likely occur as a or degree, of crankshaft rotation is termed result of using a fuel with Rate of injection Low ignition quality 59. The greatest turbulence in a diesel engine 76. In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel cylinder is created by the particles, turn them into vapor and burn for Intake port design combustion is called 60. Turbulence of the compressed air charge in a Ignition delay diesel engine cylinder will increase 77. Many diesel engines have pistons with concave The efficiency of combustion heads to 61. The two strokes of a two-stroke cycle diesel Increase air turbulence and improve fuel engine are mixing Compression and power 78. White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can 62. In a diesel engine, blow-by is generally the result be caused by of worn _ Late injection timing Compression rings 79. When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine 63. Heat for igniting the fuel oil in the cylinder of a cylinder, diesel engine is generated by the Fuel consumption will be high Compression of air by the piston 80. It refers in internal combustion engine practice to 64. What type of piston is commonly used for four the necessity of heating the oil at discharge pressure cycle engines? to ensure easy flow and good atomization. A cross-head type Pre-heating 65. Which of the following procedures should be 81. Main propulsion engine lube oil sumps should be carried out when a large, low-speed, diesel engine is constructed operated with one cylinder secured? With a sloped bottom Engine speed should be reduced. 82. In comparing engines of equal horsepower, 66. The highest pressure in a diesel engine cylinder higher exhaust gas temperatures occur in a/an normally occurs Four-stroke/cycle engine After TDC 83. When does the power impulse in a single acting, 67. What are provided at the foremost end of the two-stroke/cycle, diesel generator engine occurs? stern tube and serves to prevent seawater entering the Once every crankshaft revolution ship through the space between the stern tube and the 84. Diesel engine injection lag is caused by propeller shaft? Compressibility of the fuel Stuffing box 85. Excessive vibration in an operating diesel 68. A controllable pitch propeller on a diesel driven generator may be caused by vessel eliminates the need for Loose engine mounting bolts Reversing gears 86. Grey smoke exhausting from a running diesel 69. Exhaust gases are generally removed from the engine can be caused by cylinders of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine by Late ignition Scavenging air pressure 87. What would cause excessive consumption of 70. Low compression in a diesel engine can be lubricating oil in a diesel engine? caused by Excessive piston ring wear A leaking cylinder head gasket 88. The lower section of a piston is called the 71. Which of the following is an indication that diesel Skirt oil contamination is present in the main engine lube 89. What is the function of the head tank on a CPP oil system. system? Lube oil viscosity has decreased Prevent seawater from entering the 72. The total air capacity for non-reversible main hydraulic system when it is secured engines is to be sufficient for 90. Significant retardation of diesel engine fuel Six consecutive starts injection timing will result in 73. Which of the following problems can cause Reduced engine power excessive consumption of the lubricating oil in a 91. The bore of a diesel engine cylinder describes the diesel engine? Inside diameter of the cylinder Excessive piston ring wear 92. Low compression in a diesel engine could be 74. Which diesel engine cylinder has internal cooling caused by water passages? Worn or broken piston rings Wet liner 93. Which diesel engine component has oil grooves? Bearings 11. The electric part that can be placed across the 94. If a diesel engine runs roughly, what system is motor terminals in order to improve its power factor most likely to be at fault? is Fuel Capacitor 95. The piston rings of diesel engines are made of_ 12. An accidental path of low resistance, allowing Cast iron passages of abnormal amount of current is known as 96. What will be the effect of a defective fuel injector a nozzle in a diesel engine operation? Short circuit Smoky exhaust due to unburned fuel 13. The inductive reactance of AC circuit is express 97. The governor controlling a diesel engine in modulates crankshaft RPM by adjusting the Ohms Fuel injection pumps 14. The electric device that automatically breaks the 98. Misalignment of the drive shaft and propeller current if an excessive current is drawn by the motor shaft flanges can be detected by using a dial indicator is called a/an _ or Overload relay Feeler gage and straight edge 15. Which of the following electrical properties will 99. The cylinder liner forming the cylinder wall and be the same with respect to each component in a the water is inside of the water jacket is called a series circuit? Wet liner Current 100. What is the best way of stopping an overs 16. It is a material widely used as electric cable due speeding diesel engine? to its good conductivity. Secure the fuel supply and block the air Copper intake 17. What instrument can be used in testing the insulation efficiency if electric devices and wiring? Megger MSAP reviewer part 4 (ELECTRICAL) 18. A small but unwanted current flow that occurs due to insulation breakdown or excessive heat. 1. A galvanometer is an instrument used to measure Leakage current Very small amounts of current or voltage 19. When two generators are on the line and are 2. Volts times’ ampere equal sharing the load equally, they are said to be operating Watts Parallel 3. An open coil can be detected by 20. The unit "hertz" is equivalent to High resistance Cycles per second 4. The heat dissipating capability of a resistor is 21. It is a system where the direct current always measured in flows in one and constant direction. Watt Direct current 5. It is being produced by the magnetism in a 22. One kilowatt is equal to: stationary copper wire through the movement of a 1.34 horsepower magnetic coil passing it. 23. A salinity indicating system functions by Electricity measuring the 6. What is the value that will change if the resistors Electrical conductivity of water are connected in parallel in an electric circuit? 24. A short circuit may be measured by Current Ammeter and ohmmeter 7. Electric current is the flow of electrons through a 25. The electric part that can be placed across the conductor; the rate of this flow is measured in motor terminals in order to improve its power factor Amperes is 8. The unit of electrical resistance is the Capacitor Ohm 26. The type of semi-conductor that decrease in 9. The device measure pressure and converts it into resistance with an increase in temperature is a an electrical signal? Thermistor Transducer 27. Static electricity is most often produced by: 10. Electrical material being used in electrical Friction installations that permits free motion of electrons? 28. It is a poor conductor material that becomes glow Conductors red or white hot when heated from conducting electric current. Tungsten 29. The basic unit of inductance is the: 48. What kind of hand gloves should be used onboard Henry when working on electrical jobs to avoid shock? 30. Phase differences are expressed in Rubber Degrees 49. This element is placed inside switchboard boxes 31. The number of cells in a 12 volt lead-acid battery of deck machineries outside the engine room to avoid is formation of moisture on electric parts. Six cells Selica gel 32. What is called the total opposition to the flow of 50. The D.C. generator that gives information about current in an alternating current circuit? the speed of a motor is called a/an Impedance Tachometer 33. One horsepower is equal to 51. What tools to cut an internal pipe threads? 746 watts Taps 34. The opposition to the establishment magnetic 52. To measure the diameter of a piece of round lines off force in a magnetic circuit is called stock, what should you should use? Reluctance Micrometer 35. The unit of electrical pressure is the 53. What tool can easily rotate a large size pipe? Volt Chain pipe wrench 36. What electrical property is the same with respect 54. Which of the following types of files is generally to each component in a series circuit? used for finishing? Current A single cut file 37. The electrical switch being used that 55. The type of tooth set on a hacksaw blade where automatically switch off in the event that there is every third tooth remains straight, while the other two overloading in the circuit? are alternately set is known as what? Circuit breaker Raker 38. What material is being used in an electric circuit 56. A wrench that completely surrounds a nut, or bolt that have very few free electrons? head is a/an Silver Box wrench 39. Current flowing in only one direction is called 57. To finish tapping a blind hole, it is best to use a Direct current Bottoming tap 40. A delay-action fuse is most frequently used in 58. Which material can be drilled at the highest which circuit? speed? Motor circuit Aluminum 41. It is the common method of producing electricity 59. Where should all straight shanked twist drills for the electric power use. must be mounted or held? Magnetism Drill chuck 42. The device which most commonly utilizes the 60. Which of the listed punches can be properly used principle of electromagnetic induction is the to free a tapered pin 'frozen' in its hole? Transformer Drift punch 43. IT is an electric device being used to increase or 61. What do you call for the rotating part of decrease the voltage in an A.C. current. micrometer? Transformer Thimble 44. The device in an electrical installation that is 62. What is the use of the center head of a being used to or close the electrical path way in a combination square set? complete circuit is called the_ Locate the center on round stock Switch 63. Which of the listed types of files is the best for 45. What electric material is being used to direct or producing a fine finish on metal? keep the electrons flowing in the directions e want or Mill to avoid spreading out? 64. The purpose of tempering is to make a metal Resistor Less brittle 46. What kind of transformer wherein the source 65. For cutting cast iron or soft steel, what should the voltage is higher than the voltage to be supplied? proper hacksaw blade have? Step down 14 teeth per inch 47. The parts of generator that carry the generated 66. Tubing is sized by electricity in the armature to an external circuit are Nominal outside diameter Carbon brushes 67. A thread die will be easier to start if the end of the shaft to be threaded is slightly Chamfered 84. The operating speed of a turbocharger is directly 68. For cutting thin tubing or sheet metal, the proper dependent upon hacksaw blade should have Engine load 32 teeth per inch 85. The total starting air capacity required for 69. A tapered shank drill is removed from the drill reversible main engines is to be sufficient for a least press spindle using a Twelve consecutive starts Drill drift 70. To drill a hole in round stock, perpendicular to the axis of the piece, the stock should be mounted in a V-block 71. For proper support when turning a long thin piece of work between lathe centers, you should use a Steady rest 72. If you are cutting off a piece of stock in a lathe and the work piece tends to climb over the top of the cutoff tool, you should Increase the height of the tool cutting edge 73. A lathe dog, fitted with a headless set screw, is known as a Safety lathe dog 74. Before power to a lathe is turned on, it is a good shop practice to first hand feed the carriage to ensure All locking devices have been released 75. What is the use of a dial indicator? Shaft eccentricity 76. Work that cannot readily be mounted between lathe centers is usually held in a Chuck 77. When drilling a hole in a piece of work chucked in a lathe, you should mount the drill chuck in the Tailstock 78. The 'breaking-up' of fuel as it enters a diesel engine cylinder is known as Atomization 79. For a given size engine, the two-stroke cycle diesel engine will deliver more power than a four- stroke cycle diesel engine because It develops twice as many power strokes at the same speed 80. What is the purpose of the expansion tank in a closed type jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine? To increase the pressure of the jacket cooling 81. Combustion knock will most likely occur as a result of using a fuel with Low ignition quality 82. Air in the fuel lines to the fuel injection nozzles of a diesel engine will result in Failure to start 83. High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel engine can result from Engine overload