Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual: (Type: RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual: (Type: RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual: (Type: RATE Series 1630)
Height Controller
T: +86-10-52659604
S: info-toptechone
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
User Guide
This manual is used to the Plasma Torch Height Controller (RATE SERIES 1630)
produced by Beijing TopTech Technology Co., Ltd.. Read and understand this
munual, the cutting machine manuals and local security regulation before use
Note: This product is not designed to be field serviceable. Please return back to the
after-sales (service) center for any required service.
Work condition
Safety notice
This THC will switch in high electromagnetic,it can hurt us if we get to touch
with high electromagnetic. Do not touch shield cable and wire when power
supply is turning on.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Installation note
The ratio of partial pressure board in this THC is 100:1. Effective measuring
voltage in THC is 0~660V DC.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
USER GUIDE...................................................................................................................................III
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................1
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Chapter 1 overview
Portable Plasma Torch Height Controller type RATE SERIES 1630 is a product
which have such advantage as operate simply, stabilize property, full function and
high performance ratio. It is made on basis of condition that used in plasma power
source scene, and it absorb a lot of advantage of THC all around the world. Our
equipment make use of peculiarity that plasma power source have constant current,
check alteration of plasma torch height by checking alteration of plasma torch height,
control height between torch and work piece on time. It suits to control height of
plasma power source torch which have peculiarity of constant current, or control
height of plasma power source torch which have peculiarity of constant current within
limit. It especially suit to torch height control of portable cutting machine.
Our equipment have such advantage as operate simply, use easily, light and
portable, all buttons and knobs design by humanization, comfort and convenience.
Our equipment use nixie tube and LED as arc voltage and signal display, clear
display, stabilization and anti-interference, long serve life.
The parameter is able to be regulated and operated by button and rotary knob in
our equipment, easy to use.
It have simple and convenient parameter which can be set, change operation
parameter flexibly, suit complex working conditions.
It can suit external working conditions by changing parameter, so we need not
change hardware within equipment.
It can change the electrical level of input signal which is useful. The input
signal acquiesce in low electrical level is useful. The high electrical level is
useful when we change it.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
promote a height named urgency collision rise spear height(in general, this height is
higher than down height, and this parameter can be change).
12) Intelligent arc voltage adjust
When intelligent arc voltage adjust is been use and torch is working, if torch
collide continuously steel plate twice, arc voltage can increase automatically a value
which we have set(this parameter can be change, it is 5V that we set), for example,
if arc voltage setting value is 110V, after torch collide continuously steel plate twice,
arc voltage setting value increase automatically 5V, arc voltage setting value is 115V
now, it can promote torch height to avoid collide workpiece when torch is working.
13) Dynamic pierce function
During torch is working, if set-pierce have delay, torch can promote a height
when arc start work at the moment. Before delay time of piercing have
accomplished, torch can descend a height which it is the same with promoting
height. It can named dynamic pierce function similarly. When piercing is working,
torch need promote a height, it can avoid dress get into torch head. If dynamic
pierce lifting times that we set is 0, torch can not promote when arc start is working.
14) Collision signal feedback
THC can make numerical control system receive collision feedback signal, it
can avoid that torch is working after collision have happened. THC make CNC
receive collision feedback signal after collision happened several times, it can keep
coherent torch.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Overload protect:auto overload、overheating、lack of voltage protect, making
power source connect adversely to protect itself.
THC main device: take high performance processor, basic frequency reaches up to
Connection with external circuit is segregated through optocoupler.
Divider board with 100:1 and collision detection circuit.
THC installation size:width 264mm,depth 200mm(it can not contain wire and
port in back),height 70mm。
THC installation screw of IHS:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
it can stop start arc(arc relay is opened) when button have been loosened.
If arc start button of testing is loosened, torch will lift up an height which
named torch accomplishment height of putting the spear.
【IHS TEST】:IHS button of testing. During torch do not work and menu operation do
not use, if the button is pressed first, THC will start IHS until down is
accomplished. If the button is pressed again during down is working, or
【▲】 is pressed, down will stop work. The light above the button is
lighted during IHS test. If IHS test finish, the light will go out.
1.Displaying with Nixie tube :Arc voltage value is displayed by two nixie tubes
in the front operation panel. During torch do not work and menu operation do
not been used, it can display arc voltage 、IHS 、pierce delay value and so on.
The green nixie tube is used to display arc voltage setting value; the red nixie
tube is used for display actual value of arc voltage. Arc voltage setting value
can be changed by turning the button named 【 ARC SET 】, and the value
displayed with green nixie tube will be changed at the same time. The red nixie
tube display 0 when plasma do not been working. The value displayed with red
nixie tube is actual arc voltage value during plasma is working.
2.Parameter spin button of setting:
There have three spin button of spin encoding in panel.
The spin button named“ARC SET”:When menu operation do not use, arc voltage
value can change by turning this spin button. If it turn clockwise, arc voltage value
will increase. If it turn anticlockwise, arc voltage value will decrease. Arc voltage
setting value is displayed in yellow nixe tube. When we change arc voltage setting
value, it should on the basis of workpiece thickness and torch speed, it also need use
parameter which offer by plasma power source. Torch height depend on Arc voltage
value when torch is working.
During torch is working, arc voltage setting value also can change by spin button,
and it can adjust torch height. This operation suit to adjust slightly torch height when
torch is working.
The spin button named“Piercing delay” : When menu operation do not use,
turning the button can change the value of piercing delay time. If it turn clockwise, the
value of piercing delay time will increase. If it turn anticlockwise, the value of
piercing delay time will decrease. When the spin button is turned, the yellow nixie
tube display“Dly”, the red nixie tube display piercing delay time, the unit is second.
When THC use the piercing delay time which user set, it can send arc OK signal
to CNC after piercing delay is finishing and arc voltage by sampling is effective.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Some CNC have piercing delay time, but this delay is calculated when CNC receive
arc OK signal. The authentic piercing delay time is the sum of piercing delay time of
THC and piercing delay time of CNC. If user do not want to use the piercing delay
time of THC, user can set it as zero.
The spin button named“IHS Height ”:When menu operation do not use, turning
the button can change height of IHS. If it turn clockwise, the height of IHS will
increase. If it turn anticlockwise, the height of IHS will decrease. When the spin
button is turned, the green nixie tube display“IHS”, the red nixie tube display the
height of IHS. The height of IHS set by delay, the unit is second.
When menu operation do not use, two nixie tube is display arc voltage setting
value. If user turn the spin button named “Piercing delay”or the spin button named
“IHS Height”, it will display corresponding character. If the spin button is not turned
for a long time, the nixie tube will display arc voltage setting value.
3. Working condition indicator:
The panel have 8 LED light:
UP:This LED light is turned on when torch lift up.
AUTO THC :This LED light will be truned on when the THC is working in
auto height controlling processing. If it satisfy four conditions below, the
indicator will turn on:
1)The indicator named“AUTO”is turned on.
2)CNC Auto height control enables.
3)THC have sampled valid arc voltage.
4)The sampling arc voltage do not exceed the value added
between arc setting voltage and arc protecting voltage(in general, the value is 30V and
can been changed).
TRANS:The indicator is lighted, it means system have detected the effective
arc voltage value and piercing have competed. (it is piercing delay time of
THC over, it is not contain the piercing delay time of CNC)
ARC ON:Turn on when THC send arc start signal out. If IHS completed, this
indicator is lighted when THC send arc start signal. During arc start test, the
indicator is lighted.
DOWN:Turn on when torch lift down.
COLLISION : Turn on when torch touch workpiece or proximity switch
AUTO: The indicator up the button is indicated whether allowed auto height
control. If the indicator is lighted, THC will allow auto height control. If the
indicator is extinguish, THC will not allow auto height control. The
indicator is lighted after starting up. The indicator condition will change
when the key named【AUTO】is pressed.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
IHS TEST:The indicator up the key named【IHS TEST】is lighted during IHS
test, it means IHS test is working. The indicator is extinguish during other
THC have concise menu, it can set some parameter and adopt to different work
condition. Menu operation use the button named【MENU】、【OK】、 【+】、 【-】and so on.
It also use two nixie tube to display parameter, the green nixie tube display parameter
number and the red nixie tube display parameter value.
When user use it on the scene, parameter number and meaning can refer to
concise parameter grid up the chassis.
During torch do not work, when arc start and IHS test do not work, user press the
button named【MENU】can enter into the menu operation model. After it enter into the
menu model, the button named【IHS TEST】、 【ARCON TEST】is trashy. Only the button
named【▲】、 【▼】and the signal named THC_UP、THC_DN that CNC send is useful.
If THC enter into the menu model, it will not test and cut.
When THC enter into the menu model, it mean THC enter into first submenu
named “Pxx”(xx is parameter number),if the button named【MENU】is pressed again,
THC will enter into second submenu named“Hxx”. When the button named【MENU】
is pressed, THC can switch the next submenu. When it have switched the last
submenu, if the button named 【MENU】is pressed, it will exit the menu model. THC
can test and cut until it exit the menu model. So user need exit the menu model in time
after parameter have changed.
When THC switch submenu, the submenu is in a view model, it display first
parameter of submenu. For example, the first parameter of first submenu is named
“recover factory parameter”. The yellow LED display“P00”,the red LED display“ 1”.
When the submenu is in view model, pressing the button named【+】can switch the
next parameter in same submenu. For example, the yellow LED display“P01”, when
the button named 【+】 is pressed, it can display“P02”. The red LED display value of
P02. When the button named 【+】 is pressed again, it can display“P02”, by parity of
reasoning. Similarly, pressing the button named 【- 】 can go back the last parameter
When the submenu is in view model, pressing the button named 【OK】 can enter
into the parameter modification model. Then the red LED start flicker, it means this
parameter is waiting for changing. Pressing the button named 【 + 】 / 【 - 】 can
increase/decrease parameter, the value which user change will display in the
parameter. After parameter have changed, user can save it by pressing the button
named【OK】and cancel it by pressing the button named【MENU】.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
If user save it by pressing the button named【OK】, the red LED will stop flicker
and display the value which user have change. If the parameter have changed and user
cancel by pressing the button named【MENU】, the red will stop flicker and display the
value which the parameter before it。
THC have“Pxx”“Hxx”“Lxx” three submenu.With the addition of non-menu
model, it have four condition. When the button named 【MENU】 is pressed, THC can
switch in four condition circularly. Warning: During the non-menu model, if THC
is testing or auto height control is working, THC will not enter into the menu
model and change parameter. Similaryly, if THC have entered into menu model,
it will not start test and auto height control. After the parameter have changed,
user must be remember to exit menu model in time.
“Pxx”submenu contain 21 parameters, they are“P00”~“P20”and contain sundry
quantification parameter. The sundry parameter can change in this submenu.
“Hxx”submenu contain 9 parameters, they are“H01”~“H09”. It is used to check
input signal is high level or low level. The sundry parameter can not change in this
submenu. Warning : During torch start to work, pressing the button named
【MENU】can look up the level condition of input port.
“Lxx”submenu contain 9 parameters, they are“L01”~“L09”. It can be set the
input signal as high level effective or low level effective. The sundry parameter can
change in this submenu.
“Pxx”submenu listing
Para Settin step Initial Yell Red Remark
meter g and para ow LED
numb scope lengt meter LED
er h
P00 0-1 1 1 P00 1 Recovering factory parameter/
amending parameter interval
P01 0-50 1 50 P01 50 Setting manual lift speed of torch, the
minimum speed is 0, the maximum
speed is 50. CNC_THC_UP also use
this speed.
P02 0-50 1 50 P02 50 Setting manual descend speed of
torch , the minimum speed is 0, the
maximum speed is 50.
CNC_THC_DN also use this speed.
P03 0-50 1 50 P03 50 Setting auto lift speed, minimum is
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
0,maximum is 50.
P04 0-50 1 50 P04 50 Setting auto descend speed, minimum
is 0,maximum is 50.
P05 10-50 1 30 P05 30 Unit:volt(V). The value of protecting
arc voltage. It can avoid torch descend
rapidly because of arc voltage increase
too big.
P06 1-10 1 1 P06 1 Unit:volt(V). The arc voltage precision
of adjusting. For example, setting it as
1V, if D-value between setting arc
voltage and practical arc voltage is
under 1V, it will not start auto start.
P07 1-50 1 6 P07 6 Sensitivity coefficient, the bigger
coefficient can make the sensitivity
higher. But if it is too higher,torch will
quiver around the balance location.
P08 0.1-9. 0.01 2 P08 2.0 Unit: second(S). During torch do not
99 work , the time is urgency rise spear
time when torch collide the steel.
P09 3-20 1 5 P09 5 Unit: volt(V). The arc voltage value of
auto adjust. During torch work, if
torch collide the steel twice
continuously, the arc voltage value of
setting will increase this parameter
P10 0 或 0 P10 0 Enabling arc voltage auto adjust.
1 When user set it as 1, it can allow arc
voltage to adjust automatically.
P11 0-5 1 0 P11 0 During torch work, it allow that
collision can happen several time then
make THC stop to work. When user
setting it as 0, if the collision happen is
checked by THC, it can send a
collision halt signal to CNC during
torch work.
P12 0或1 1 P12 1 Switching motor contrary or positive
direction of rotating. Instead of
changing wiring, changing this
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
4. P06 : The arc voltage precision of adjusting. For example, if user set the
parameter as 1V, it means when D-value between setting arc voltage and practical
arc voltage is under 1V, torch height will not be adjusted. If user set the parameter
as 3V means when D-value between setting arc voltage and practical arc voltage
is under 3V, torch height will not be adjusted.
5. P07 : Sensitivity coefficient. When arc voltage is changing, more and more
bigger parameter can make torch adjust become more and more faster. But if
parameter is too big, torch is easy to quiver around the balance location. If
parameter is too small, torch can have slow follow speed. In genal, we set it as 6.
When user use it, it can be adjust on the basis of torch effect.
6. P08:The time of torch rise spear urgently. During torch do not work , when
torch collide the steel, THC can use fastest speed rise spear urgently in this time.
7. P09 , P10 : Setting the function of arc voltage auto adjust. During torch is
cutting, because of the arc voltage that user set is too low, or with service life of
plasma pierce is decreasing, arc voltage in plasma power source can rise. If arc
voltage value of setting is invariant, height will drop and it even can collide
pierce after auto height control. During torch is cutting, when collision have
happened, if user want to make torch promote some height and continue to cut,
this function will be used by user. According to this function, THC can increase
arc voltage value of setting automatically and increase torch height after collision
happen twice. It can avoid torch continue collide pierce. During torch is cutting,
when collision have happened, if user want to make torch promote some height
and continue to cut, this function will be forbidden by user.
8. P11:The time of allowing collision happen during torch work. During torch is
cutting, if user allow torch continue to cut after collision have happened, user can
set the time of allowing collision happen by changing this parameter. For example,
user set the parameter as1. Then during torch is cutting, when first collision
happen, THC can not send collision signal to CNC. But THC can make torch
promote a IHS height automatically. When collision happen again, THC can send
collision signal to CNC. After CNC receive this signal, torch stop to work. In
other example, user set the parameter as 3. After collision happen at the fourth
time, THC send collision signal to CNC and the input is TO CNC COLLISION.
9. P12:Switching motor contrary or plus direction of rotating. If user develope
direction of motor and the button of lifting/descending is different, they enable
this parameter will change direction of motor. For example, when user set P12 as
1, if the button of lifting is pressed, motor will descend. When user set P12 as 0,
if the button of lifting is pressed, motor will lift.
10. P13:Enable the proximity switch collision test. When user set it as 1, THC can
use the proximity switch to test collision. When user set it as 0, THC can not use
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
the proximity switch to test collision. When user set it as 1, user need make
proximity switch put in THC and ensure that proximity switch is not breaking
away from. Otherwise, lifting motor can rise straight because of THC can not
receive the collision signal.
11. P14: Brake acceleration. This parameter can set deceleration time value when
motor stop to work. This parameter is bigger, deceleration can become faster, the
time of motor stop work can become shorter. The biggest parameter is 50.
12. P15 : Reversion acceleration. Speed adjust step and length when motor turn
contrary. When motor speed is changing or motor turn positive become turn
contrary. It can change speed value by change this parameter, the bigger
parameter can make reversal transition speed become more and more smaller. We
set it as 100(it is the biggest value), user can adjust this parameter on the basis
of specific condition when they used THC.
13. P16:Arc voltage delay time of setting. After arc start command is sended and
delaying in this time have finished, THC start sampled the arc voltage value. This
time can be used for avoiding to sample severe and waved arc voltage when arc
start start to work.
14. P17:Torch lifting time after starting up. When THC is starting up, the time of
promoting the lifting motor. It can avoid some condition that the distance between
torch and workpiece is nearer. If user do not pay attention to make equipment
start to work and move the torch, it will lead to happen collision. Lifting torch can
avoid this accident happen after starting up.
15. P18:The time of promoting the spear after torch have accomplished. After
torch have accomplished, torch can lift a height. When arc start test, if user
loosened the button named【ARCON TEST】, torch can lift in this time.
16. P19:Torch lifting time when arc start start to work. When piercing delay time
is not setted as 0, THC can used this parameter and send a commend of arc start.
Arc start is working, at the same time, torch is lifting in this time. Before piercing
have accomplished, torch can descend a height which it is the same with
promoting height. It can named dynamic pierce function similarly. When piercing
is working, torch need promote a height, it can avoid dress get into torch head. If
dynamic pierce lifting times that we set is 0, torch can not promote when arc start
is working.
17. P20:The time of descending rapidly during the dual speed IHS. During the
dual speed IHS, at first, motor descend by fastest speed in this time. Then motor
descend by lowest speed until collision have happened(lowest speed= fastest
speed /4). If user set it as 0, motor will descend by fastest speed/4.
“Hxx”submenu listing
High/low level of input display in red LED. If LED display 0, input is low level.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
“Lxx”submenu listing
High level effective or low level effective of input signal is displayed in red
LED. If user set it as 0, the effective level of input is low. If user set it as 0, the
effective level of input is high. When low level is effective and the actual level of
input signal is 0, it means this signal have happened. For example, when user
set“L05”as 0 and “H05”display 0, it means this signal is useful at now. It can explain
that the arc start signal which have IHS and send by CNC is useful. If “H05”display 1,
it mean CNC can not send arc start signal which have IHS.
Default of input is low level effective. User can change it on the basis of actual
Para Param Defa Yell Red Remark
mete eter ult ow LED
r scope of LED
num para
ber mete
L01 0 or 1 0 L01 0 The effective level of CNC_AUTO/
L02 0 or 1 0 L02 0 The effective level of CNC_THC_UP.
L03 0 or 1 0 L03 0 The effective level of CNC_THC_DN.
L04 0 or 1 0 L04 0 The effective level of CNC_IHSAON.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
This system adopts the integrated motor driver chip with protection function, it
have perfect over-current, over temperature protection.
Motor can drive current by the red dial switch in the main board (you need open
the crate), showing as following:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
THC have voltage divide pierce in their interior, connecting with CNC、dc motor、
arc start switch 、proximity switch, etc. Points linking piece put in the case, and the
whole point of metal shielding encapsulation, voltage divide piece can be connected
directly to the plasma power source arc pressure and protective cap collision detection
circuit, etc.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Motor and motor limit port use 5-pin plug. This THC drives 24V DC motor immediately and
the plug wiring port is defined as follows:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
This THC connects arc starting control switch and proximity switch by a socket
which have 5 pin.
Pins are defined as follows:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
4) In general, if torch collision or torch incline does not happen, the red indictor
light of proximity switch will be lighted all the time.
The THC connects with CNC by a socket which have 10 pins,the pin definition
is shown as the diagram below:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
This THC connects with points linking piece crate through 7-pin socket, THC
X1-1(TO DIVBOARD) connects with divider board X1-2 through 7-pin shield cable,
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
1) Divider board don’t need to contact with power source in addition, supplied DC
24V power by THC.
2) Must use shield cable to contact the THC and divider board. Shield layer of shield
cable can be connected to ground in the side of THC or divider board, It is
recommend that the shield layer is connected to ground.
THC have a function which can make firmware procedure upgrade. User can use
USB flash disk, make it connect this USB port, then it can make firmware procedure
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
The upgrade method:
1) Copying the firmware program named “pthc.bin” to USB flash disk
2) Making THC power down, then inserting this USB flash disk.
3) Making THC power on. After THC power on, the green nixie tube can
display “PHC”, the red nixie tube have 3 seconds countdown. Before the end
of the countdown, pressing the button named 【 MENU 】 can enter into the
upgrade mode. At the same time, the green nixie tube can display “UPD” and
start flashing, it means THC wait for confirmation to upgrade. If user do not
press the button named 【MENU】 before the end of the countdown, THC will
start work normally after the end of the countdown. If user do not press the
button named【MENU】before the end of the countdown, and user presses the
button named 【 + 】, THC will skip the countdown and enter into the normal
working condition.
4) When the button named【MENU】is pressed, after entering into upgrade model,
the green nixie tube display “UPD” and start flashing, it means THC wait for
confirmation to upgrade. Then if the button named【OK】is pressed, THC start
update. At the same time, the green nixie tube display “UPD” but it do not
start flashing, the red nixie tube display upgrade progress by digital form.
When it displays 8, it means program has been updated by 8%. When it
displays 16, it means program has been updated by 16%.
5) After pressing the button named【MENU】and THC have entered into upgrade
model, If user do not press the button named 【MENU】 and user presses the
button named 【+】, THC will skip the upgrade condition of waiting and enter
into the normal working condition. If waiting for upgrade and do not press
any key, after 20 seconds, THC will end the upgrade condition of waiting and
enter into the normal working condition.
6) When the red nixie tube displays 100, it means program has been updated by
100% and upgrade is successful. After upgrade is successful, the nixie tube
display ”SUC” and start flashing three times, then automatic restart THC.
7) After upgrade has been successful, it do not need to do any action.THC can
restart, then after 3 seconds countdown, THC enter into normal working
8) After THC restart and enter into normal working condition, user can pull up
USB flash disk.
9) After THC firmware program upgrade is accomplished, the parameter of the
original set will not change and can use normally.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Divider board X1-2 is a 7-pin socket, which can be connected to the THC X1-1.
The connection mode can refer to section 3.3.4.
When THC detects plasma arc voltage, use the voltage divide circuit. After arc
voltage (which plasma output) is divided into 100, import it into THC mainframe. It is
shown as following:
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Figure 3.13 voltage divide board plasma arc voltage port and wiring
The plasma power source anode connects with GND; cathode connects with torch
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
nozzle, the voltage of which is negative voltage. During torch work, the absolute
value of the arc voltage is greater than 100V. Because voltage is higher and
interference is bigger, it is necessary to control by quarantining voltage divide. THC
voltage divide board use voltage divide circuit which ratio is 100:1, the arc voltage
range which we can measure is 0V~660V.
Warning : the plasma power arc voltage sampling cable need use HVSC,
plus-n-minus should not be connected contrary. If arc voltage plus-n-minus is
connected contrary, auto height control will not work. Plasma power source arc
voltage wiring need connect with wiring pile in plasma power source output, it do
not connect with torch and work piece, it can avoid disturbing by the high
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Work process : THC receives arc start signal from CNC, lifts torch down right
away until torch protective cap collide the work piece. When protective cap touches
work piece, collision detection circuit can be connected. THC can receive this
collision signal right away and lift torch up to the set height. Then THC control
plasma power source start to work.
During torch protective cap is detecting collision, user need notice some matter:
1) Cable connect to protective cap via “SHILED” position, at the same time, in
high voltage wires, user can twine a magnetic ring near the pressure plate, and user
can make cable twine some rounds in magnetic ring. It can avoid high-frequency
interference which plasma arc voltage produced usefully.
2) When Cutting material and work piece connect with plasma power source
anode, they are short circuit, and ensure the circuit is low impedance. Wiring usually
can accomplish it. it do not need treat specially, because it have guaranteed the short
circuit when plasma power source anode and work piece have connected.
3) GND named PE must be connected well, GND size>4mm².
4) When torch protective cap contact with work piece, tangent resistance <20kΩ.
Otherwise, torch protective cap collision detection circuit cannot work because of
impedance is too large. It is especially important for rusty steel note, if the steel rust is
serious, user should clean the steel surface before torch start work, remove rust layer.
5) Torch protective cap collision detection circuit just need a signal line of
collision detection, circuits use wiring which arc voltage sample, so it can save a high
voltage cable.
Warning:Torch protective cap collision detection circuit and the proximity
switch detection circuit can work at the same time, one of them can complete
positioning when they have detect collision signal. In general, torch protective
cap IHS signal can be triggered at first and accomplish fixed position. But when
workpiece have rusted oxide or have the protective insulation, torch protective
IHS is invalid. If torch protective cap IHS can not complete, THC will use
proximity switch to complete positioning.
If the wiring of torch protective cap IHS is connected true, torch protective cap
IHS will work usefully. And user can choose whether use proximity switch on the
basis of parameter. When user set parameter P13 as 1, they should use proximity
switch to detect collision. When user set P13 as 0, they should not use proximity
switch to detect collision.
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
DC 24V -
DC 24V+
+24V Brown
RATE Series 1630
COM Blue
Protective cap
IHS_ARCON work piece
+24V GND
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
During THC work, user can encounter some problem and solution as follows:
6 Before IHS have It always happen Extend CNC positioning waiting time
accomplished, in the case of arc
plasma can make arc start signal control
start work right
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
7 After IHS have Plasma power 1. Coming back THC arc start relay wiring,
accomplished, auto source can not start make two wiring which control plasma power
arc start is closed. arc start, or arc source start arc start connect, observe whether
start relay is not plasma can make arc start work normally.
closed 2. If plasma can make arc start work normally,
user should check whether THC arc start relay
can be closed normally(when the button named
“ARCON TEST”is pressed, arc start relay
should be closed).
8 Torch can not start 1. Confirming the plasma power source is
arc start working
2. Check whether IHS height is too high(or
3. Check torch part which it is easy to damage.
4. When torch protective cap is sensing,
electrode and the nozzle have scum which made
by cutting, it can make short circuit happen.
9 When CNC make When CNC make 1. Increasing arc voltage setting value.
torch start work, torch start work 2. Extending the time which CNC start auto
torch decline and arc voltage is height control need spend.
immediately. too high, if auto 3. Check whether the corner low speed signal
height control start of CNC or auto signal is normal, in genal, auto
work, torch will height control signal is not joined before torch
decline cut a few millimeters.
10 After arc have 1. Delay time is too long.(before torch
shifted and piercing machine move, torch stay time is too long in
have accomplished, piercing position, plasma is easy to make arc
plasma make arc start stop to work)
start stop to work.
11 When auto IHS THC do not 1. Check whether collision signal can work
work, torch is not receive collision normally(check whether proximity switch or
uplifted after it signal or IHS torch protective cap can reflect the collision
collide steel plate. height is too small. situation normally). If it can not reflect the
collision situation normally, IHS will not be
2. Check whether positioning height time
setting is too small, if this setting value is too
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
Numeric Plasma Torch Height Controller Manual (RATE Series 1630)
T: +86-10-52659604
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