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How To Use This Competency-Based Learning Material

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How to use this competency-based learning material

Welcome to the module Performing Basic preventive-maintenance Servicing for Earth-Moving

Equipment. This module contains training materials for and activities for you to complete.

The unit of competency “Performing Basic Preventive-Maintenance Servicing for Earth-Moving

equipment” contained to knowledge and skills and attitudes required for Performing Basic
Preventive-Maintenance servicing. It is one of the specialized modules at National certificate Level

You are required to do through a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcomes there are Information Sheets to help
you better understand the required activities. Follow these activities on your own and answer the
self-check at the end of each learning outcome. You may remove a blank answer sheet at the end of
each module to write your answers for each self-check. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask
your facilitator for assistance.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

You already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in this learners’ guide because
you have:

 Been working for some time

 Already completed training in this area
If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular outcome, you
don’t have to do the same training again. Talk to your trainer about having them formally recognized.
If you have a qualification or certificate of competence from previous training, show it to your trainer.
If the skills you acquired are still current and relevant to the unit/s of competency they may become
parts of evidence you can present to RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills discuss
this with your trainer.

After completing this module ask your trainer to assess your competency. Result of your assessment
will be recorded in your competency profile. All the learning activities are designed for you to
complete at your own pace.
Unit of Competency : Perform Basic Preventive-Maintenance servicing for Earth-moving
Module: Performing Basic Preventive-Maintenance servicing for Earth-moving Equipment

In order to prolong and optimize the life and utilization of equipment proper
maintenance should be followed. Preventive maintenance could reduce the probability of
failure and malfunctioning of equipment and motor vehicles that will result to longer
utilization hours

In this module you will be able to recognize the step and procedures in performing
basic preventive-maintenance servicing for earth-moving equipment. Acquire the different
skills and attitude required in this particular vocation.

You will also review underpinning knowledge about concise sequence of checkpoints,
replete with hazard involved and safety reminders to properly undertake the daily
maintenance activity by yourselves with minimal supervision or help from your trainer.

 Talk to you trainer and agree on how you will be both organizing the training of this
unit. It is divided into sections which cover all the skills as and knowledge you need
to successfully complete this module.
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. You trainer is
there to support you and show you the correct way to do these things. Ask for help.
 Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to consider when you
are completing activities and it is important that you listen and take notes.
 Your will be given opportunities to ask question and practice on the job. Make sure
you practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will improve
both your speed and memory and also your confidence.
 Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance
 Use self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own progress.
 When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform activities outlined
learning materials.
 As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your progress. Your
trainer keeps feedback /pre-assessment reports for this reason. When you have
successfully completed each element, ask your trainer to mark on the reports that you
are ready for assessment
 When you have completed this module and feel confident that you have had sufficient
practice, your trainer will arrange an appointment with the registered assessor to
assess you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in your Competency
Achievement record sheets.

1. Perform adjustment/replacements on backhoe loader
2. Perform basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS) on backhoe loader.
3. Prepare backhoe loader equipment operation reposts.


All standard of performance for providing basic preventive-maintenance servicing is in

accordance with company or establishment standard operating procedure.

1. Perform adjustments/replacements
1.1 Minor defects are identified and remedied in accordance with company/ manufacturer’s
1.2 Correct/proper tools are selected based on job requirements.
1.3 Major defects are identified with checklist and referred to appropriate personnel.
2. Perform basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS)
2.1 OS parts/standards are identified and serviced according to manufacturer’s
2.2 Fluids and lubricants are used based on manufacturer’s manual.
2.3 Appropriate basic hand tools and equipment are identified and used in accordance with
site requirements.
2.4 Basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS) is carried out in accordance with
manufacturer’s and/or site conditions/requirements.
3. Prepare equipment reports
3.1 daily checklist form is properly accomplished in accordance with manufacturer’s/
company requirements
3.2 Minor/major equipment defect are reported to concerned personnel.


(Backhoe Loader)
Competency-Based Learning Materials.

List of Core Competencies.

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

1. Perform pre- and post- Performing pre- and post-operation CON833301

operation procedures for earth procedures for earth moving equipment
moving equipment
2. Perform basic preventive Performing basic preventive CON833302
maintenance servicing for maintenance servicing for earth
earth moving equipment moving equipment

3. Perform productive operation Performing productive operation for CON833303

for backhoe loader backhoe loader

Unit of Competency :Perform Basic Preventive-maintenance Servicing for earth-Moving

Module Title :Performing Basic Preventive-maintenance Servicing for Earth-

Moving Equipment

Module Descriptor:

This module covers the knowledge; skills and attitudes required in performing
preventive-maintenance servicing of backhoe loader. It covers core competencies such as:
Performing pre-and post-operation procedures, performing productive and performing basic
preventive-maintenance servicing on a given backhoe loader.

Nominal duration : 40 hours

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you Must be able to:

1. Perform adjustments/ replacements on backhoe loader
2. Perform basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS)
3. Prepare backhoe loader equipment operation reports

Assessment Criteria’s

1.Minor defects are identified and remedied in accordance with company/manufacturer’s

2.Correct/proper tools are selected based on job requirements
3.Major defects are identified with checklist and referred to appropriate personnel.
4.OS parts/Standard are identified and serviced according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.Fluids and lubricants are used based on manufacturer’s manual
6.Appropriate basic hand tools and equipment are identified and used in accordance with site
7.Basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS) is carried out in accordance with manufacturer’s
and /or site conditions/requirement
8.Daily checklist form is properly accomplished is accordance with manufacturer’s/company
9.Minor/major equipment defects are reported to concerned personnel.


Perform adjust/replacements

1. Precautions to be taken during maintenance

2. Equipment trouble shooting. Identifying minor and major Equipment defects.
3. Basic tools for equipment repair and trouble shooting

Assessment Criteria

1. Observe safety precaution during maintenance

2. Minor/major equipment defects are reported to concerned personnel.
3. Identify tools needed in equipment repair


The students/trainees must be provided with the following

1. Work place location

2. Equipment’s
- Computer/laptop
3. Tools, accessories and supplies
- Whiteboard
- CD
- Tapers
- Equipment tools (e.g. Hand tool: wrenches, pliers, screw driver, etc.).
4. Training materials
- Learning packages
- Ball pens
- Whiteboard markers
- Manuals/handouts
- Daily preventive maintenance checklist
- Repost sheet/log sheet for equipment
Assessment method:

Written and/or oral questioning

Direct observation/practical demonstration
Work record and document
Learning Activities Special Instructions

1.Read Information Sheet 2.1-1 Read and understand the information sheet 2.1-
“Familiarization of the different system of the 1 on “Familiarization of The Different System
Backhoe Loader of the Backhoe Loader”
2.Answer Self-Check 2.1-1 Listen and understand the power lecture or
Compare Answer to Answer key 2.1-1 point presentation on “Familiarization of the
different system of the Backhoe Loader”
3. View the Power Point on Familiarization of Listen and understand the power lecture or
the different system of the Backhoe Loader point presentation on “Familiarization of the
different system of the Backhoe Loader”
Answer the Trainer’s question
Read Information Sheet 2.1-2 “precaution to be Read and understand the information sheet 2.1-
taken during Maintenance 2 on “Precautions to be taken during
Answer Self-check 2.1-2 You must answer all the questions correctly
Compare answer to Answer Key 2.1-1 before proceeding to the next activity. You can
ask the assistance of your trainer for further
explanation regarding the topic that you may
not understand.
View the Power Point on Precaution to be Listen and understand the power lecture or
taken during Maintenance point presentation on “Precautions to be taken
Answer the trainer’s question during Maintenance”
Read Information Sheet 2.1-3 “Identifying Read and Understand the information sheet
Minor and Major Equipment Defects including 2.1-3 on “Identifying Minor and Major
Equipment Troubleshooting. Equipment Defects including Equipment
Answer Self-check 2.1-3 You must answer all the questions correctly
Compare answer to Answer key 2.1-3 before proceeding to the next activity. You can
ask the assistance of your trainer for further
explanation regarding the topic that you may
not understand.
View the Power Point in “Identifying Minor Listen and understand the power lecture or
and Major equipment defects including point presentation on “Identifying Minor and
Equipment Trouble shooting” Major equipment defects including Equipment
Trouble shooting”
Read information sheet 2.1-4 “Basic Tools for Read and understand the information sheet 2.1-
Equipment Repair and Trouble Shooting 4 on “Basic tools for Equipment Repair and
Answer Self-check 2.1-4 You must answer all the questions correctly
Compare answer to answer key 2.1-4 before proceeding to the next activity. You can
ask the assistance of you trainer for further
explanation regarding the topic that you may
not understand.
View the Power Point in Basic Tools for Listen and understand the power lecture or
Equipment Repair and Trouble Shooting point presentation on “Basic Tools for
equipment Repair and Trouble Shooting”
Information Sheet 2.1-1
Familiarization of the Different System of the backhoe loader

Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to:
1. Identify the precaution to be taken during maintenance

In Module Performing Pre- and Post- Operation Procedures for Earthmoving Equipment you learned to
perform visual check of equipment you learned to perform visual check of equipment. You learned to perform
“BLOWAF” and perform operation and post-operation procedures. In this module you will learn LO1 of
Performing Adjustment? Replacement in Backhoe Loader this includes the Familiarization of the Different
System of the Backhoe Loader.

Below are the different systems of the Backhoe Loader.

Engine. The engine- the “heart” of the automobile-operates on internal combustion, meaning the fuel used for
its power is burned inside of the engine. This burning occurs inside cylinders which contain pistons. The
pistons are attached, via a connecting rod, to a crankshaft. Gasoline the most common automobile fuel, is
pulled into the cylinder by the vacuum created as the piston moves down through the cylinder. The gasoline is
then compressed up into the cylinder by the upward movement of the piston. A spark is introduced through a
spark plug placed at the end of the cylinder. The sparks cause the gasoline to explode, and the explosion
drivers the piston down again into the cylinder. This movement, called the power stroke, turns the crankshaft.
A final movement of the piston upward again forces the exhaust gases, the byproducts of the fuel’s
combustion, from the cylinder. These four movements- intake, compression, power, exhaust- are called
strokes. The four-stroke engine is the most common type of automobile engine.

Fuel system. Gasoline must be properly mixed with air before it can be introduced into the cylinder. The
combination of gasoline and air creates a greater explosion. The fuel pump draws the gasoline from the gas
tank mounted at the rear of the car. The gasoline is drawn into a carburetor on some cars, while it is fuel-
injected on others. Both devices mix the gasoline with air (approximately 14 parts of air to 1 part of gasoline)
and spray this mixture as a fine mist into the cylinder. Other parts of the fuel system include the air cleaner (a
filter to ensure that the air mixed into the fuel is free of impurities) and the intake manifold (distributes the
fuel mixture to the cylinders).
Exhausted System. After the fuel is burned in the pistons, the gases and heat created must be released from
the cylinder to make room for the cylinder to make room for the next intake of fuel. The exhaust system is
also responsible for reducing the noise cause by the explosion of the fuel.

Exhaust gases are released from the cylinder through an exhaust valve. The gases gather in an exhaust
manifold before eventually being channeled through the exhaust pipe and muffler and finally out the tailpipe
and away from the car. The muffler is constructed with a maze of baffles, especially developed walls that
absorb energy (in the form of heat, force and sound) as the exhaust passes through the muffler.

The burning of fuel creates hazardous gases (hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide) that are
extremely harmful to the engine’s components and the environment. The emission control system of a car,
linked to the exhaust system, functions in two primary ways. First, it reduces the level of unburned fuel by
burning as much of the exhaust as possible. It does this by returning the exhaust to the fuel-air mixture
injected into the cylinder. Second it uses a catalytic converted (filter before the muffler) to increase the
conversion of the harmful gases to less harmful forms.

Cooling System. The cooling system also maintains the engine at a temperature that will allow it to run most
efficiently. A liquid- cooled system is most commonly used. The explosion of fuel in the cylinders can
produce temperatures as high as 4000 oF (2204oC). Liquid-cooling system use water (mixed with an antifreeze
that lowers the freezing point and ses the boiling point of water) guided through a series of jackets attached
around the engine. As the . rai

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