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Crosby ReliefValve JOS JBS JLT Cat D495

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Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT

Flanged, Full Nozzle

Pressure Relief Valves

Table of Contents
Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT Pressure Relief Valves
for Gas, Vapor and Liquid Service

Features and Benefits

Full Compliance with ASME Code Requirements
Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT valves are manufactured in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.

National Board Certified Capacities

Relieving capacities are certified by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Inspectors. Certification includes air, steam and water.

Positive Operating Characteristics

Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT pressure relief valves have been designed with single nozzle ring
control which allows the user to adjust the valve to the process system.

Excellent Seat Tightness

Precision lapped flat metal-to-metal or soft seats provide reliable seat tightness for a broad
variety of applications.

Easy Interchangeability, Flexibility and Versatility

Fully interchangeable from conventional to bellows to liquid trim constructions, from metal
to soft seats, and from closed to open bonnets with minimum parts changes.

Maximum Corrosion Resistance

Nozzle, disc insert and most internal parts are 316 stainless steel. All 316 stainless steel,
Monel *, Hastelloy ** and NACE optional constructions are available.

Reduced Installation Costs

Crosby Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS provide high efficiency at 10% overpressure permitting
selection of smaller valves and associated piping.

Economical to Maintain
Stable, chatter-free valve operation prolongs valve life and reduces frequency of
seat maintenance.

Reduced Down Time

Crosby pressure relief valves are fully backed by a worldwide manufacturing and sales
organization, including spare parts inventories and repair services.
*Monel is a registered trademark of the International Nickel Company, Inc.
**Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.

Table of Contents
Features and Benefits Page 2 Equivalents and Conversion Factors Page 51
Introduction/Description Pages 3-5 Capacity Tables (Metric) Pages 52-57
Style Variations Descriptions Pages 6-7 Crosby Critical Application Valves Page 58
Style Designation Chart Page 8 JBS-BP/JLT-JBS-BP Balancing Piston Page
O-Ring Soft Seats Page 9 59
Valve Materials of Construction Pages 10-11 Flange Information Page 59
Caps and Lifting Levers Pages 12-13 NACE MR0175 Sour Gas Service Pages 60-61
Specifications Pages 14-43 Seat Tightness Standard Page 62
Capacity Tables (U.S.C.S.) Pages 44-50 Ordering Information/Warranty Page 63
Crosby Products, Services and Back Cover
2 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.
Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT Pressure Relief Valves
cover process plant overpressure protection applications
and complement our other extensive lines
to satisfy your diversified requirements

Style JOS and JBS Style JOS-H

Style JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS (With Open Bonnet)

Crosby Styles JOS/JBS/JLT and JOS-H pressure relief valves 526 and 527.
are backed by over 120 years of pioneering research and
development. Designed to provide high quality standardized
For information pertaining to sizing and selection, refer to the
overpressure protection to the process and power industries,
CROSBY-SIZE Computer Sizing Program and the Crosby
the JOS/JBS/JLT unified line of pressure relief valves provides
Pressure Relief Valve Engineering Handbook.
overpressure protection for air, gas, steam, vapor and liquid
applications. Seat Design
Styles JOS/JBS/JLT pressure relief valves are available with
Standard sizes are 1" D 2" to 8" T2 10" with inlet flange
flat metal-to-metal seats or soft seats for optimum tightness
ratings of ANSI Cl 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500.
and minimal maintenance. Details on O-ring materials and
Standard outlet flanges are ANSI Cl 150 or Cl 300 depending
pressure/temperature limitations are on page 9. All O-rings
on valve size and rating. Optional materials of construction
are standard commercial sizes.
are available for special applications such as cryogenic
service or conditions involving corrosive fluids. In addition, Caps/Lifting Lever Top Constructions
materials are available conforming to NACE MR0175. Both Type J screwed cap and Type L bolted cap are offered
with or without test rods. Also available are Type C regular
Codes and Standards
lifting lever, Type D packed lifting lever and Type E packed
JOS/JBS/JLT and JOS-H full nozzle top guided pressure
lifting lever with test rod. See pages 12 and 13.
relief valves are manufactured in accordance with
requirements of ASME Code, Section VIII and capacities are Optional Steam Jackets
certified by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel For applications where the valve must remain hot to prevent
Inspectors. service fluid from solidifying, optional steam jackets are
available. Contact the factory.
They also comply with the recommended standards of the
U.S. Coast Guard (U.S.C.G.) and conform to API Standards

Sizes: 1" D 2" to 8" T2 10"*

Orifices: D (0.110 sq.in.) to T2 (27.872 sq.in.)*
D (71 sq.mm) to T2 (17981 sq.mm)*
Inlet Ratings: ANSI Cl 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500
Temperature Range: -450F to +1000F (-268C to +538C)
Pressure Range: JOS and JLT-JOS: 15 to 6000 psig (1.03 to 413.79 barg)**
JBS and JLT-JBS: 25 to 6000 psig (1.72 to 413.79 barg)**
*Larger sizes are available on application. ** Consult Factory for lower set pressures.
See Catalog No. 307 for details.
Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 3
Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, and JLT Pressure Relief Valves
handle process fluids in hostile environments;
provide seat tightness and reliable performance you need

Spindle construction
on smaller valves
thru K orifice

All internal parts shown in color are Ball joints above and below guide as-
stainless steel as standard. sure a tight seal and proper alignment,
prevent valve seat damage due to seat
rotation during set pressure adjustment.

Balanced bellows protects Style

JBS valve and environment
against effects of corrosive and
toxic fluids; assures top perfor-
mance under conditions of
superimposed and built-up vari-
able back pressure in the dis-
charge line.

4 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

D-N Orifice P-T Orifice
Construction Construction

Standard Style JOS Optional Style JLT Liquid Trim with

Standard Trim with metal-to-metal seat metal-to-metal seat (Standard)

Rugged construction/high performance High coefficient of discharge

Exceptionally rugged, standardized construction is provided Crosby Style JLT pressure relief valves for liquid service offer
in a design that can be easily converted from conventional to a significant increase in capacity at 10% overpressure. This
balanced bellows type.The disc holder is centered and aligned high capacity, in many cases, results in economic use of a
in a hard, corrosion-resistant, stainless steel guide for durability smaller valve with an associated reduction in piping costs.
and high performance. The two-piece disc holder/disc insert
construction provides thermal balancing assuring maximum Stable operation
seat tightness. Stainless steel internal parts allow standard Crosby's smooth, stable operation over a wide range of
Style JOS/JBS/JLT valves to be used "off-the-shelf" for most system conditions significantly reduces noise and vibration.
process overpressure protection applications. This results in lower maintenance and repair costs.

Single nozzle ring control permits shop or field adjustment to Commercial metal-to-metal seat tightness
ensure relieving at full capacity flow within allowable 10% Styles JOS/JBS/JLT valves are engineered to provide the
overpressure at all possible ring positions. tightest possible shutoff in a metal-to-metal seat. The finely
lapped and thermally balanced two-piece disc assembly is
Corrosion resistant materials protected by ball joints above and below the guide and at the
To accommodate severe conditions or corrosive fluid, Crosby spring washers. These ball joints prevent rotational damage
Styles JOS/JBS/JLT pressure relief valves are available in a to the free floating disc insert during set pressure adjustments,
number of special material combinations such as Monel, and assure proper alignment, performance and easy-to-
Hastelloy and stainless steel. For pressure relief valves maintain seat tightness. Refer to pages 4 and 62.
meeting the material requirements of NACE Standard MR0175
for sour gas service, see pages 60 and 61. Exceptional soft seat tightness
For exceptional tightness, Crosby offers an O-ring soft seat
Selection of corrosion resistant materials requires complete design capable of handling pressures to 1480 psig (102 barg).
knowledge of the process fluid. The special materials detailed Standard O-ring materials include Viton*, Buna N, EPR, TFE,
in this catalog cover the majority of requirements. Where silicone rubber and Kalrez**. Temperature and pressure
specific applications require materials of construction not limits of each material are shown on page 9. Other soft seat
shown in this catalog, consult Crosby or your local Crosby materials may be available on application. Consult Crosby.
sales representative.

Extreme temperature service

For applications involving unusually high and low temperatures,
Crosby offers five different combinations of valve materials
which incorporate the recommendations of American
Petroleum Institute Standard 526 or an upgrade thereof.
Materials of construction are available for temperatures
ranging from -450F to +1000F (-268C to +538C). See pages * Reg. U.S.Pat.Office for Du Pont's fluoroelastomer.
10 and 11. For applications above +1000F (+538C) contact ** Reg. U.S.Pat.Office for Du Pont's perfluoroelastomer parts.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 5

Style Variations

Style JOS Style JBS

Crosby Conventional Style JOS Crosby Balanced Bellows Style JBS

Crosby Style JOS is the basic conventional pressure Crosby Style JBS incorporates a balanced bellows to
relief valve most frequently used in process provide satisfactory valve performance when the
applications. This valve has a closed bonnet that developed back pressure becomes excessive. The
contains the process fluid within the valve preventing balanced bellows design will assure that valve
any release to the atmosphere. Style JOS closed characteristics such as lift and relieving capacity,
bonnet valves may be specified with a screwed or opening and closing pressure, and stability are not
bolted cap, or with a regular or packed lifting lever. unduly influenced by static pressure in the discharge
The bonnet vent is always plugged. For steam service, manifold.
the JOS valve may also be supplied with an open
bonnet and a regular lifting lever (Style JOS-H). Balanced pressure relief valves must be installed
when the built up back pressure in the exhaust
Conventional pressure relief valves are installed when system is allowed to exceed 10% of the valve set
the discharge is either into a short tailpipe that vents pressure. Style JBS valves must also be installed
directly to the atmosphere or when the discharge is when the back pressure is superimposed and variable.
into a low pressure exhaust system designed to A more detailed explanation on back pressure is
contain the fluid. available in the Crosby Engineering Handbook.

The bonnet is vented to monitor bellows integrity.

Aside from balancing, the bellows in Style JBS may

be used to isolate the spring and guiding surfaces in
the valve from corrosive and dirty fluids and shield the
spring from high temperature service.

6 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Crosby Liquid Service Valves
Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS
Crosby Style JLT pressure relief valve for
liquid service has been designed with a unique
patented internal trim that provides stable
non-chattering valve performance on incom-
pressible fluid applications. This superior
high performance valve for liquid service has
increased capacity at 10% overpressure that
often permits the use of a smaller valve with
an associated reduction in piping costs. The
blowdown is adjustable and an O-ring soft
seat design is also available when excep-
tional seat tightness is required.

Crosby Style JLT valves have been capacity

certified on water at 10% overpressure and
Style JLT-JOS meet all the requirements of ASME Code
Section VIII.


Crosby Style JOS-H

Style JOS-H with open bonnet and Type C
regular lifting lever is available for ASME Code
Section VIII steam applications. Only the bon-
net need be changed to convert a Style JOS
Type C to Style JOS-H. With the open bonnet
feature, carbon steel spring material can be
used to +650F (+343C).
Style JOS-H

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 7

JOS, JBS and JLT Style Designations
Size Pressure/Temperature Caps and
Inlet x Inlet Flange Range Ratings Material Variations Lifting Levers
Orifice x
Style (4)
(3) (Type)

1" D 2" JOS-Conventional 1 - Cl 150 Flange 2 - -450F to -76F None - Standard Materials Type J - (Standard)
thru JBS- With bellows 2 - Cl 300 Flange (-268C to -60C) S - All 316 St.St. screwed cap
8" T2 10" JLT-JOS-Conventional 3 - Cl 300 Flange 4 - -75F to -21F S4 - All 316 St.St. Type K - Screwed cap
(5) with liquid trim(1) 4*- Cl 600 Flange (-59C to -30C) except body, bonnet, with test rod
JLT-JBS-Bellows with 5 - Cl 900 Flange 5*- -20F to +450F cap and spring Type C- Regular lifting
liquid trim(1) 6 - Cl 1500 Flange (-29C to +232C) M - All Monel with Monel lever(6)
JBS-BP-Bellows with 7 - Cl 2500 Flange 6 - +451F to +800F or Inconel spring Type D- Packed lifting
back pressure (+233C to +427C) M1 - Monel nozzle and lever(6)
balancing piston *Except "T" and "T2" 7 - +801F to +1000F disc insert Type E- Packed lifting
JLT-JBS-BP - Bellows orifice is Cl 300 (+428C to +538C) M4 - All Monel except lever with
flange body, bonnet, cap,
with liquid trim and test rod(6)
back pressure *Except for Style JOS-H spring and washers Type L- Bolted cap
balancing piston(1) with open bonnet, M5 - All Monel except Type M- Bolted cap
JOS-H - Conventional carbon steel spring may spring and washers with test rod
JOS with open be used to H - All Hastelloy C
bonnet for ASME +650F(+343C) H1 - Hastelloy C nozzle Special top constructions
Code Section VIII and disc insert are also available such as
steam service to H4 - All Hastelloy C except Type F - Air Operated
+650F(+343C)(2) body, bonnet, cap, Lifting Device
spring and washers
H5 - All Hastelloy C except
spring and washers Optional Caps for
Height Restricted
When ordering soft seats, Applications
specify material.
Type A- Screwed cap
Type B- Screwed cap
with test rod
Type G- Bolted cap
Type H- Bolted cap
with test rod

Available Options:
O-ring soft seats Flanges to international standards
Flange facings such as ring type joint Special flanges CAUTION!
Sour gas service materials and certifications Stellited nozzle and disc insert Refer to pages 14 through 43 to verify that the
Special Cl 300 outlets (where not standard) Special casting or machined JOS/JBS/JLT model number specified is avail-
Special Teflon (FEP) bellows coating surface tests able in the size, style and pressure/temperature
Special spring coatings or plating Special cleaning rating combination selected.
Block bodies Special painting or coatings
Bonnet and cap inside painting Special Testing
or plastic coating Steam jacketed bodies
Bug screens Supplementary loading
Special materials not cataloged

How to Order
(1) To specify a G orifice (0.503 sq.in.) (325 sq.mm) Style JOS conventional valve
with standard materials for liquid service at 700 psig (48.2 barg) and at +700F
(+371C) with a packed lifting lever, the following designation applies:

1-1/2 G 2-1/2 JLT-JOS-46 - D Notes:

(1) Style designations "JLT-JOS," "JLT-JBS," or
"JLT-JBS-BP" signify Styles JOS, JBS or JBS-BP
(2) To specify an M orifice (3.60 sq.in.)(2323 sq.mm) Style JBS bellows valve with
with liquid trim for liquid service.
back pressure balancing piston, Monel nozzle and disc insert, and Kalrez O-ring (2) Upper temperature limit is +650F (+343C) for
soft seats for gas service at 200 psig (13.7 barg) and +400F (+204C) with
Style JOS-H open bonnet valve for ASME Code
screwed cap and test rod, the following designation applies: Section VIII steam service.
4M6 JBS-BP-25-M1 - K with Kalrez (3) See pages 14-43 for appropriate maximum set
pressures and temperatures.
(3) To specify a K orifice (1.838 sq.in.)(1186 sq.mm) Style JOS conventional valve (4) See pages 10-13 for complete listings of materials
with open bonnet and standard materials for ASME Code Section VIII steam of construction.
service at 600 psig (41.3 barg) and +600F (+316C) with a regular lifting lever, (5) Larger sizes are available. Ask for Catalog No. 307.
the following designation applies: (6) ASME Code Section VIII rules require that pressure
relief valves for water service over +140F (+60C),
3K4 JOS-H-45-C steam and air shall have a lifting device.

8 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

O-Ring Soft Seat Materials and Pressure/Temperature Limits
1.03 6.90 34.5 69.0 102
500 260

Kalrez (90) TFE


400 204

Kalrez (80)
Silicone (80) Kalrez (90)
300 Viton (75) Viton (90)

200 93
Buna N(70)
EPR (80)
Kalrez (80)
Silicone (70) Buna N (90)
Viton (75) EPR (90)
100 TFE Kalrez (90)
Viton (90)
50 Buna N (60)
EPR (70)
Silicone (50)

0 Buna N (70) Buna N(90) -17

EPR (70) EPR (90)
Silicone (70) Silicone (80)
-150 -101
15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400

EPR = Ethylene Propylene Rubber

Note: Other soft seat materials are available on request.
For O-ring seats below -150F (-101C) consult Crosby.
For steam service, metal-to-metal seats are recommended; consult Crosby if soft seats are required.

psig barg
D 1480 102
E 1480 102
F 1480 102
G 1480 102
H 1480 102
J 1480 102
K 1480 102
L 1000 68.9
M 1100 75.8
N 1000 68.9
P 1000 68.9
Q 600 41.3
R 300 20.6
JLT O-Ring JOS/JBS O-Ring T 300 20.6
Soft Seat Soft Seat T2 300 20.6

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 9

JOS/JBS/JLT Valve Materials
Standard Materials - Body/Bonnet/Spring Materials per API Standard 526(5)
JOS/JBS ( )5 JOS/JBS ( )6 JOS/JBS ( )7 JOS/JBS ( )4 JOS/JBS ( )2
Ref. Part Name -20F to +450F +451F to +800F +801F to +1000F -75F to -21F -450F to -76F
No. (-29C to +232C) (+233C to +427C) (+428C to +538C) (-59C to -30C) (-268C to -60C)

1 Body Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Chrome Moly Steel 316 St.St. 316 St. St.
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-217 Gr. WC6 SA-351 Gr. CF8M SA-351 Gr. CF8M

2 Nozzle 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
3 Nozzle Ring 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
4 Set Screw 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 5 Disc Holder 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
+ 5A Disc Holder 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
+ 5B Bellows Top Flange(12) 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
+ 5C Bellows 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
+6, +6A Disc Insert 316 St.St. (6) 316 St.St.(6) 316 St.St. (6) 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 6B Retainer Screw(s) 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 6C O-Ring Retainer 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 7 O-Ring (7) Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify
8 Guide St.St. (1) St.St. (1) St.St. (1) St.St. (1) St.St. (1)
9 Spindle 416 St.St. (2) 416 St.St. (2) 416 St.St. (2) 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
9A Spindle Cotter Pins Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel

10 Spring Carbon St. (3) Alloy St. (3)(8) Alloy St. (3)(8) Carbon St. (3) 316 St.St.

11 Spring Washer(s) Steel Steel Steel Steel 316 St.St.

12 Bonnet Carbon St. Carbon St. Chrome Moly St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-217 Gr. WC6 SA-351 Gr. CF8M SA-351 Gr. CF8M

13 Bonnet Stud Alloy St.(4) Alloy St. (4) Alloy St. (4) 304 St.St. 304 St.St.
14 Bonnet Nut Steel Steel Steel 304 St.St. 304 St.St.
15 Adjusting Bolt 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
16 Adj. Bolt Nut Steel Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
17 Pipe Plug (Bonnet) Steel Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 20 Set Screw Gasket * * * * *
+ 21 Guide Gasket * * * * *
22 Seal & Wire Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead &
St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St.
23 Seal Clip St.St. St.St. St.St. St. St. St. St.
24 Type J Cap Carbon St. Carbon St. Carbon St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
+ 25 Cap Gasket
* * * * *

24 23 22 25

15 6A

12 Note: This vent

must remain
10 17 (JOS only) open on JBS
9 construction
2 6B
13 21
Style JLT 21
14 21 O-Ring Soft Seat

9A 5C
20 5
4 3

2 Cotter pins used in L Style JBS
Style JOS orifice and above only. (with bellows)

10 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Variations From Standard Materials
316 Stainless Steel Monel Hastelloy
( )( ) S4 ( )( ) S ( )( ) M1 ( )( ) M4 ( )( ) M5 ( )( ) M ( )( ) H1 ( )( ) H4 ( )( ) H5 ( )( ) H No.
Carbon Steel 316 St.St. Carbon Steel Carbon St. Monel Monel Carbon St. Carbon St. Hast. C Hast. C 1
SA-216 SA-351 SA-216 SA-216 ASTM A 494 ASTM A 494 SA-216 SA-216 SA-494 SA-494
Gr. WCB Gr. CF8M Gr. WCB Gr. WCB Gr. M35-1(11) Gr. M35-1(11) Gr. WCB Gr. WCB Gr. CW-12MW Gr.
316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Monel Monel Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C 2
316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Monel 316 St.St. Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C 3
316 St.St. 316 St.St. 416 St.St. Monel Monel Monel 416 St.St. Monel Hast. C Hast. C 4
316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. Monel Monel Monel 316L St.St. Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 5
316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. Monel Monel Monel 316L St.St. Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 5A
316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. Monel Monel Monel 316L St.St. Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 5B
316L St.St. 316L St.St. 316L St.St. Monel Monel Monel 316L St.St. Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 5C
316 St.St.(6) 316 St.St. (6) Monel Monel Monel Monel Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C +6,+6A
316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Monel Monel Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 6B
316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Monel Monel Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C + 6C
Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify Specify + 7
St.St.(1) St.St. (1) St.St. (1) Monel Monel Monel St.St. (1) Hast. C Hast. C Hast. C 8
316 St.St. 316 St.St. 416 St.St.(2) Monel Monel Monel 416 St.St.(2) Monel Hast. C Hast. C 9
Stainless Stainless Stainless Monel Monel Monel Stainless Monel Hastelloy Hastelloy 9A
Steel Steel Steel Steel or Monel or Monel
Carbon St.(3) 316 St.St. Carbon St.(3) Carbon St. Carbon St. Monel Carbon St. (3) Carbon St. Carbon St. Hast. C 10
or Alloy or Inconel or Nickel Nickel or Inconel or Nickel Nickel
Steel (3)(8) X750 (10) Alloy St.(3)(8) Plated (9) Plated (9) X750 Alloy St.(3)(8) Plated (9) Plated (9)
316 St.St. 316 St.St. Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Hast.C 11
Carbon St. 316 St. St. Carbon St. Carbon St. Monel Monel Carbon St. Carbon St. Hast. C Hast. C 12
SA-216 SA-351 SA-216 SA-216 ASTM A 494 ASTM A 494 SA-216 SA-216 SA-494 SA-494
Gr. WCB Gr. CF8M Gr. WCB Gr. WCB Gr. M35-1(11) Gr. M35-1 (11) Gr. WCB Gr. WCB Gr. CW-12MW Gr.
Alloy St.(4) 304 St.St. Alloy St.(4) Alloy St. (4) 304 St.St. 304 St.St. Alloy St. (4) Alloy St. (4) Hast. C Hast. C 13
Steel 304 St.St. Steel Steel 304 St.St. 304 St.St. Steel Steel Hast. C Hast. C 14
316 St.St. 316 St.St. 416 St. St. Monel Monel Monel 416 St.St. Monel Hast. C Hast. C 15
316 St.St. 316 St.St. Steel Monel Monel Monel Steel Monel Hast. C Hast. C 16
Steel 316 St.St. Steel Steel Monel Monel Steel Steel Hastelloy Hastelloy 17
* * * * * * * * * * + 20
* * * * * * * * * * + 21
Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & Lead & 22
St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St.
St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St. St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. 23
Carbon St. 316 St.St. Carbon St. Carbon St. Monel Monel Carbon St. Carbon St. Hast. C Hast. C 24
+ 25
* * * * * * * * * *

+ Recommended spare parts
* Organic fiber non-asbestos
(1) Corrosion resistant stainless steel ASTM A 297 Gr. HE
(2) 17-4PH Spindle Point on D and E orifice Style JBS ( )5, 6 and 7 valves only.
(3) Corrosion resistant coating.
(4) ASME SA 193 Gr. B7
(5) Crosby may upgrade to an alternative material.
(6) 17-4PH stainless steel for steam service above 450 psig (31.03 barg).
(7) See page 9 for O-ring soft seat materials and pressure/temperature limits.
(8) Crosby may upgrade to Inconel X750.
(9) For temperatures above +450F (+232C), Crosby will supply either alloy steel nickel plated or Inconel X750 springs.
(10) Temperature limit for 316 stainless steel spring is +450F (+232C).
(11) Permitted by ASME Code Case 1750-10
(12) Top flange on D and E orifice bellows is 316 stainless steel.
Note: Cotter pins used to lock spindle into disc holder are in L orifice and above only.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.
Caps and Lifting Levers




Screwed Cap CAP

Packed Lifting Lever
(Standard) (Top View of Packing Gland
construction used for
SPINDLE special materials)

Cap and Test Rod LEVER NUT LEVER

Type B - Screwed Cap
Type E - Packed Lifting Lever LOCKWASHER
Type H - Bolted Cap DOG SHAFT
Type K - Screwed Cap (Standard) SHAFT
Type M - Bolted Cap (Standard) O-RING




Bolted Cap
Type G Type L Packed Lifting Lever
(Standard) Type D
Top View



Regular Lifting Lever
Type C
Packed Lifting Lever
Type D

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.
Styles JOS/JBS/JLT pressure relief valves are regularly furnished TEST RODS:
with closed bonnet and screwed cap over the adjusting bolt. The Types K, E or M - Valves with screwed caps, packed lifting levers or
following types of top construction are available except where bolted caps can be fitted to accommodate test rods which will hold the
otherwise indicated. valve closed when the equipment on which they are installed is
hydrostatically tested.
Screwed Cap (Type J Standard) - Where no lifting lever is
Type J screwed cap changes to Type K with test rod.
Bolted Cap (Type L) - Where no lifting lever is required. Available
on special order. Type D packed lifting lever changes to Type E with test rod.

LIFTING LEVERS: Type L bolted cap changes to Type M with test rod.
Regular (Type C) - for steam and air service where the valve cap
is not required to be tight on the discharge side and where
For applications where there are height restrictions, cap types A,B,G
conditions are such that periodic testing is desirable. Regular lifting
and H are available.
levers may be furnished with a supplementary gagging device on
special order.
CAUTION: Test rods should never be tightened more than
Packed (Type D) - For services where tightness on the discharge fingertight. Overtightening may damage internal parts. More-
side is necessary and where conditions are such that periodic over, a test rod should never be kept on the valve during
testing is desirable. Also recommended for hot water services. operation of the equipment. During normal operation the
test rod is replaced with cap plug and gasket to maintain
tightness on the discharge side.
Caps and Lifting Lever Materials
Ref. Part Name JOS/JBS-( )5,6,7 JOS/JBS-( )4 JOS/JBS-( )2 ( )( )S ( )( )S4 ( )( )M & ( )( )M4 & ( )( )H &
No. -20F to +1000F -75F to -21F -450F to -76F ( )( )M5 ( )( )H4 ( )H5
(-29C to +538C) (-59C to -30C) (-268C to -60C)

24 Cap(J,K,D, Carbon 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Carbon Monel Carbon Hastelloy C
E,L and M) Steel Steel Steel
Cap (C) Malleable Iron Malleable Iron 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Malleable Iron Monel Malleable Iron Hastelloy C
36 Cap Top(D,E) Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Steel Monel Steel Hastelloy C
31 Cap Set Screw(C) St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. St.St. Hastelloy C
40 Cap Stud Alloy Steel 304 St.St. 304 St.St. 304 St.St. Alloy Steel 304 St.St. Alloy Steel Hastelloy C
41 Cap Stud Nut Steel 304 St.St. 304 St.St. 304 St.St. Steel 304 St.St. Steel Hastelloy C
48 Lever (D & E) Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Steel 316 St.St. Steel 316 St.St.
32, Lever(C), Malleable Iron Malleable Iron 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Malleable Iron 316 St.St. Malleable Iron 316 St.St.
35 Forked Lever (C)
33 Pin(Lever, Steel Steel St.St. St.St. Steel 316 St.St. Steel St.St.
Forked Lever)
34 Cotter Pins Steel Steel St.St. St.St. Steel St.St. Steel St.St.
49 Lever Nut Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
50 Lever Nut Steel Steel St.St. St.St. Steel St.St. Steel St.St.
30 Spindle Nut Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Hastelloy C
38 Dog Steel Steel 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Hastelloy C
39 Dog Shaft 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Hastelloy C
46 Dog Shaft 416 St.St. 416 St.St. Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1
45 Dog Shaft Viton Viton Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1
Bearing O-Ring
57 Packing Gland Note 1 Note 1 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Monel Monel Monel
58 Packing Note 1 Note 1 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 416 St.St. Monel 416 St.St. Monel
Gland Sleeve
59 Packing Note 1 Note 1 316 St.St. 316 St.St. Steel Monel Steel Monel
Gland Nut
56 Packing Note 1 Note 1 Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon
27 Test Rod (K,E,M) 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 416 St.St.
28 Cap Plug (K,E,M) 416 St.St. 416 St.St. 316 St.St. 316 St.St. 416 St.St. Monel 416 St.St. Hastelloy C
25,29 Gaskets
* * * * * * * *

Special material valves ( )( )M1 and ( )( )H1 use caps and lifting gear of standard materials.
Organic Fiber Non-Asbestos
*Note 1: Packing gland construction is standard for special material valves.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 13

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
D Orifice JOS = 10 psig (0.68 barg)
0.110 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)
(71 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

Valve Size Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit @100F Limit@38C
Inlet Inlet Inlet
ANSIFlanges psig barg
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style x to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 1D2 150 150 285) 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 1D2 300 150 285) 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 1D2 300 150 740) 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 1D2 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8

JOS- 55 11/2D2 900 300 2220) 1845 ) 600 600 153 127 41.3 41.3
JBS- 65 11/2D2 1500 300 3705) 3080 600 600 255 212 41.3 41.3
1 1
JLT- 75 1 /2D2 /2 2500 300 6000) 5135 740 600 413 354 51.0 41.3

JOS- 16 1D2 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.51 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 1D2 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 1D2 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 1D2 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8

JOS- 56 11/2D2 900 300 1845 1235 600 600 127 85.1 41.3 41.3
JBS- 66 11/2D2 1500 300 3080 2060 600 600 212 142 41.3 41.3
JLT- 76 11/2D21/2 2500 300 5135 3430 740 600 354 236 51.0 41.3

JBS- 37 1D2 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 1D2 600 150 1015 445 285 230 69.9 )30.6 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 11/2D2 900 300 1525 670 600 600 105 46.1 41.3 41.3
JBS- 67 11/2D2 1500 300 2540 1115 600 600 175 76.8 41.3 41.3
JLT- 77 11/2D21/2 2500 300 4230 1860 740 600 291 128 51.0 41.3

14 1D2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 24 1D2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 1D2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 1D2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8

12 1D2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 22 1D2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9
) 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 1D2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 1D2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights D Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16, 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
JOS- 22,24,25,26 (105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
JBS- 32,34,35,36,37 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
JLT- (105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
JOS-H- 42,44,45,46,47 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
(105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
55,56,57,65,66,67 4-1/8 5-1/2 2 20-1/2 19-3/4 20-1/4 65 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS- (105) (140) (51) (521) (502) (514) (29) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
JBS- (also JOS-H)
75,76,77 5-1/2 6-1/2 2-1/2 21-3/4 21 21-1/2 75
(140) (165) (64) (552) (533) (546) (34) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

14 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

D Orifice
SET PRESSURE - barg 0.110 sq. in.
(71 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200


200 100





Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500, Cl 2500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 15

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
E Orifice JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
0.196 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)
(126 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style x to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 1E2 150 150 285) 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 1E2 300 150 285) 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 1E2 300 150 740) 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 1E2 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8
JOS- 55 11/ 2E2 900 300 2220) 1845 ) 600 600 153 127 41.3 41.3
JBS- 65 11/ 2E2 1500 300 3705) 3080 600 600 255 212 41.3 41.3
JLT- 75 11/2E21/2 2500 300 6000) 5135 740 600 413 354 51.0 41.3
JOS- 16 1E2 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.51 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 1E2 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 1E2 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 1E2 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8
JOS- 56 11/ 2E2 900 300 1845 1235 600 600 127 85.1 41.3 41.3
JBS- 66 11/ 2E2 1500 300 3080 2060 600 600 212 142 41.3 41.3
JLT- 76 11/2E21/2 2500 300 5135 3430 740 600 354 236 51.0 41.3
JBS- 37 1E2 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 1E2 600 150 1015 445 285 230 69.9 30.6
) 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 11/ 2E2 900 300 1525 670 600 600 105 46.1 41.3 41.3
JBS- 67 11/ 2E2 1500 300 2540 1115 600 600 175 76.8 41.3 41.3
JLT- 77 11/2E21/2 2500 300 4230 1860 740 600 291 128 51.0 41.3
14 1E2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JOS- 24 1E2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 1E2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 1E2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8
12 1E2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JOS- 22 1E2 300 150 275 275 230 )
18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 1E2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 1E2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights E Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16, 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
22,24,25,26 (105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
JBS- 32,34,35,36,37 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
JLT- (105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
JOS-H- 42,44,45,46,47 4-1/8 4-1/2 1-9/16 19-3/4 19 19-1/2 36
(105) (114) (40) (502) (483) (495) (16)
55,56,57,65,66,67 4-1/8 5-1/2 2 20-1/2 19 3/4 20-1/4 65 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS- (105) (140) (51) (521) (502) (514) (29) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
JBS- (also JOS-H)
75,76,77 5-1/2 6-1/2 2-1/2 21-3/4 21 21-1/2 75
(140) (165) (64) (532) (533) (546) (34) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

16 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

E Orifice
0.196 sq. in.
(126 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200







Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500, Cl 2500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 17

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
F Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
0.307 sq. in. JBS = 10 psig (0.68 barg)
Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits
(198 sq. mm) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
(See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style Orifice * *
x to to to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 11/2F2 150 150 285) 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 11/2F2 300 150 285) 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 11/2F2 300 150 740) 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 11/2F2 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8
1 1
JOS- 55 1 /2F2 /2 900 300 2220) 1845 ) 740 500 153 127 51.0 34.4
JBS- 65 11/2F21/2 1500 300 3705) 3080 740 500 255 212 51.0 34.4
JLT- 75 11/2F21/2 2500 300 5000) 5000 740 500 344 344 51.0 34.4

JOS- 16 11/2F2 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.5 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 11/2F2 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 11/2F2 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 11/2F2 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8

JOS- 56 11/2F21/2 900 300 1845 1235 740 500 127 85.1 51.0 34.4
JBS- 66 11/2F21/2 1500 300 3080 2060 740 500 212 142 51.0 34.4
JLT- 76 11/2F21/2 2500 300 5000 3430 740 500 344 236 51.0 34.4

JBS- 37 11/2F2 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 11/2F2 600 150 1015 445 285 230 69.9 30.6
) 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 11/2F21/2 900 300 1525 670 740 500 105 46.1 51.0 34.4
JBS- 67 11/2F21/2 1500 300 2540 1115 740 500 175 76.8 51.0 34.4
JLT- 77 11/2F21/2 2500 300 4230 1860 740 500 291 128 51.0 34.4

14 11/2F2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 24 11/2F2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 11/2F2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 11/2F2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8
12 1 /2F2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JOS- 22 11/2F2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9) 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 11/2F2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 11/2F2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights F Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16 4-7/8 4-3/4 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
22,24,25,26 (124) (121) (44) (591) (572) (597) (23)
32,34,35,36,37 4-7/8 6 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
JOS- (124) (152) (44) (591) (572) (591) (23)
JBS- 42,44,45,46,47 4-7/8 6 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
JLT- (124) (152) (44) (591) (572) (591) (23)
55,56,57,65,66,67 4-7/8 6 2 23 21-1/4 21-3/4 65 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(124) (152) (51) (584) (540) (552) (29) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
75,76,77 5-1/2 6-1/2 2-1/2 26-3/4 26 26-3/4 85
(140) (165) (64) (679) (660) (679) (39) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

18 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

F Orifice
0.307 sq. in.
(198 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200


200 100





Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500, Cl 2500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 19

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
G Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
0.503 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
(325 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Inlet Connections Limit@100F Limit @38C
ANSIFlanges Inlet psig Inlet barg
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 11/2G21/2 150 150 285) 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 11/2G21/2 300 150 285) 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 11/2G21/2 300 150 740) 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 11/2G21/2 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8
1 1
JOS- 55 1 /2G2 /2 900 300 2220) 1845 ) 740 470 153 127 51.0 32.4
JBS- 65 2G3 1500 300 3705) 3080 740 470 255 212 51.0 32.4
JLT- 75 2G3 2500 300 3705) 3705 740 470 255 255 51.0 32.4

JOS- 16 11/2G21/2 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.51 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 11/2G21/2 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 11/2G21/2 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 11/2G21/2 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8

JOS- 56 11/2G21/2 900 300 1845 1235 740 470 127 85.1 51.0 32.4
JBS- 66 2G3 1500 300 3080 2060 740 470 212 142 51.0 32.4
JLT- 76 2G3 2500 300 3705 3430 740 470 255 236 51.0 32.4

JBS- 37 11/2G21/2 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 11/2G21/2 600 150 1015 445 285 230 69.9 30.6
) 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 11/2G21/2 900 300 1525 670 740 470 105 46.1 51.0 32.4
JBS- 67 2G3 1500 300 2540 1115 740 470 175 76.8 51.0 32.4
JLT- 77 2G3 2500 300 3705 1860 740 470 255 128 51.0 32.4

14 11/2G21/2 150 150 275) 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 24 11/2G21/2 300 150 275) 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 11/2G21/2 300 150 720) 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 11/2G21/2 600 150 1440) 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8
1 1
12 1 /2G2 /2 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JOS- 22 11/2G21/2 300 150 275 275 230 18.9) 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 11/2G21/2 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 11/2G21/2 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights G Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16 4-7/8 4-3/4 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
22,24,25,26 (124) (121) (44) (591) (572) (591) (23)
32,34,35,36 4-7/8 6 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
JOS- 37,47 (124) (152) (44) (591) (572) (591) (23)
JBS- 42,44,45,46 4-7/8 6 1-3/4 23-1/4 22-1/2 23-1/4 50
JLT- (124) (152) (44) (591) (572) (591) (23)
JOS-H- 55,56,57 4-7/8 6 2 26 25-1/4 26 70 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(124) (152) (51) (660) (641) (660) (32) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
65,66,67,75,76,77 6-1/8 6-3/4 2-3/4 27 26-1/4 27 90
(156) (171) (70) (686) (667) (686) (41) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

20 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

G Orifice
0.503 sq. in.
(325 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200





-300 -200



Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500, Cl 2500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 21

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
H Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
.785 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 10 psig (0.68 barg)
(506 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 11/2H3 150 150 285 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 11/2H3 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 2H3 300 150 740 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 2H3 600 150 1480 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8
JOS- 55 2H3 900 150 2220 1845 ) 285 230 153 127 19.6 15.8
JBS- 65 2H3 1500 300 2750 2750 740 415 189 189 51.0 28.6

JOS- 16 11/2H3 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.51 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 11/2H3 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 2H3 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 2H3 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8
JOS- 56 2H3 900 150 1845 1235 285 230 127 85.1 19.6 15.8
JBS- 66 2H3 1500 300 2750 2060 740 415 189 142 51.0 28.6

JBS- 37 2H3 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 2H3 600 150 815 445 285 230 56.2 )
30.6 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 2H3 900 150 1225 670 285 230 84.4 46.1 19.6 15.8
JBS- 67 2H3 1500 300 2040 1115 740 415 140 76.8 51.0 28.6

14 11/2H3 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 24 11/2H3 300 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 2H3 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 2H3 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8
12 1 /2H3 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JOS- 22 11/2H3 300 150 275 275 230 )
18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 2H3 300 150 720 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 2H3 600 150 1440 275 230 99.2 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights H Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16 5-1/8 4-7/8 1-11/16 23-1/2 22-3/4 23-1/4 55
22,24,25,26 (130) (124) (43) (597) (578) (591) (25)
32,34,35,36 5-1/8 4-7/8 1-13/16 23-1/2 22-3/4 23-1/4 60
37,47 (130) (124) (46) (597) (578) (591) (27)
42,44,45,46 6-1/16 6-3/8 1-13/16 26-3/4 26 26-3/4 75 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(154) (162) (46) (679) (660) (679) (34) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
55,56,57,65,66,67 6-1/16 6-3/8 2-5/16 28-1/4 27-1/2 28-1/4 110 TYPE D (PACKED LIFTING LEVER)
(154) (162) (59) (718) (699) (718) (50) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

22 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

H Orifice
.785 sq. in.
(506 sq.mm)
Effective Area




400 200




-300 -200



Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 23

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
J Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
1.287 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 9 psig (0.62 barg)
(830 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Standard Limit@100F Limit @38C
Inlet Connections Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 2J3 150 150 285) 185 285 230 19.6 12.7 19.6 15.8
JBS- 25 2J3 300 150 285) 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 35 21/2J4 300 150 740) 615 285 230 51.0 42.4 19.6 15.8
*JOS-H- 45 21/2J4 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 230 102 85.1 19.6 15.8

JOS- 55 3J4 900 150 2220) 1845 ) 285 230 153 127 19.6 15.8
JBS- 65 3J4 1500 300 2700) 2700 600 230 186 186 41.3 15.8

JOS- 16 2J3 150 150 185 80 285 230 12.7 5.51 19.6 15.8
JBS- 26 2J3 300 150 285 285 285 230 19.6 19.6 19.6 15.8
JLT- 36 21/2J4 300 150 615 410 285 230 42.4 28.2 19.6 15.8
JOS-H- 46 21/2J4 600 150 1235 825 285 230 85.1 56.8 19.6 15.8
JOS- 56 3J4 900 150 1845 1235 285 230 127 85.1 19.6 15.8
JBS- 66 3J4 1500 300 2700 2060 600 230 186 142 41.3 15.8

JBS- 37 21/2J4 300 150 510 225 285 230 35.1 15.5 19.6 15.8
JLT- 47 21/2J4 600 150 815 445 285 230 56.1 30.6
) 19.6 15.8

JOS- 57 21/2J4 900 150 1225 670 285 230 84.4 46.1 19.6 15.8
JBS- 67 3J4 1500 300 2040 1115 600 230 140 76.8 41.3 15.8

14 2J3 150 150 275) 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 24 2J3 300 150 275) 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8
JBS- 34 21/2J4 300 150 720) 275 230 49.6 18.9 15.8
JLT- 44 21/2J4 600 150 1440) 275 230 99.2 ) 18.9 15.8

12 2J3 150 150 275 275 230 18.9 18.9 15.8

JOS- 22 2J3 300 150 275 275 230 18.9) 18.9 15.8
JBS- 32 21/2J4 300 150 500 275 230 34.4 18.9 15.8
JLT- 42 21/2J4 600 150 625 275 230 43.0 18.9 15.8

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights J Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16 5-3/8 4-7/8 1-11/16 23-3/4 23-1/4 23-3/4 66
22,24,25,26 (137) (124) (43) (603) (591) (603) (30)
32,34,35,36,37,47 5-3/8 5-5/8 2-1/16 26-3/4 26 26-3/4 89
JOS- (137) (143) (52) (679) (660) (679) (40)
JBS- 42,44,45,46 6-1/8 6-3/4 2-1/8 29-1/2 28-3/4 29-1/2 115
JLT- (156) (171) (54) (749) (730) (749) (52)
JOS-H- 57 6-1/8 6-3/4 2-7/16 29-1/2 28-3/4 29-1/2 140 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(156) (171) (62) (749) (730) (749) (64) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
55,56,65,66,67 7-1/4 7-1/8 2-11/16 32-1/2 31-3/4 32-1/2 155 TYPE D (PACKED LIFTING LEVER)
(184) (181) (68) (826) (806) (826) (70) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

24 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

J Orifice
1.287 sq. in.
(830 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200








Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 25

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
K Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
1.838 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 9 psig (0.62 barg)
(1186 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Inlet Connections Limit@100F Limit@38C
Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 3K4 150 150 285) 185 285 150 19.6 12.7 19.6 10.3
JBS- 25 3K4 300 150 285) 285 285 150 19.6 19.6 19.6 10.3
JLT- 35 3K4 300 150 740) 615 285 150 51.0 42.4 19.6 10.3
*JOS-H- 45 3K4 600 150 1480) 1235 ) 285 200 102 85.1 19.6 13.7

JOS- 55 3K6 900 150 2220) 1845 ) 285 200 153 127 19.6 13.7
JBS- 65 3K6 1500 300 2220) 2220 600 200 153 153 41.3 13.7

JOS- 16 3K4 150 150 185 80 285 150 12.7 5.51 19.6 10.3
JBS- 26 3K4 300 150 285 285 285 150 19.6 19.6 19.6 10.3
JLT- 36 3K4 300 150 615 410 285 150 42.4 28.2 19.6 10.3
JOS-H- 46 3K4 600 150 1235 825 285 200 85.1 56.8 19.6 13.7

JOS- 56 3K6 900 150 1845 1235 285 200 127 85.1 19.6 13.7
JBS- 66 3K6 1500 300 2220 2060 600 200 153 142 41.3 13.7

JBS- 37 3K4 300 150 510 225 285 150 35.1 15.5 19.6 10.3
JLT- 47 3K4 600 150 815 445 285 200 56.1 30.6) 19.6 13.7

JOS- 57 3K4 900 150 1225 670 285 200 84.4 46.1 19.6 13.7
JBS- 67 3K6 1500 300 2040 1115 600 200 140 76.8 41.3 13.7

14 3K4 150 150 275) 275 150 18.9 18.9 10.3

JOS- 24 3K4 300 150 275) 275 150 18.9 18.9 10.3
JBS- 34 3K4 300 150 720) 275 150 49.6 18.9 10.3
JLT- 44 3K4 600 150 1440) 275 200 99.2 ) 18.9 13.7

12 3K4 150 150 275 275 150 18.9 18.9 10.3

JOS- 22 3K4 300 150 275 275 150 18.9
) 18.9 10.3
JBS- 32 3K4 300 150 525 275 150 36.1 18.9 10.3
JLT- 42 3K4 600 150 600 275 200 41.3 18.9 13.7

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights K Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16 6-1/8 6-3/8 2-1/8 29-3/4 29 29-3/4 116
22,24,25,26 (156) (162) (54) (756) (737) (756) (52)
32,34,35,36, 6-1/8 6-3/8 2-1/8 29-3/4 29 29-3/4 117
37,47 (156) (162) (54) (756) (737) (756) (53)
JOS- 42,44,45,46 7-1/4 7-1/8 2-1/8 33 32-1/2 33-1/4 160
JBS- (184) (181) (54) (838) (826) (845) (73)
JLT- 57 7-1/4 7-1/8 2-5/16 33 32-1/2 33-1/4 175
JOS-H- (184) (181) (59) (838) (826) (845) (79)
55,56 7-13/16 8-1/2 2-11/16 39 38 38-3/4 185 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(198) (216) (68) (991) (965) (984) (84) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
65,66,67 7-3/4 8-1/2 2-11/16 39 38 38-3/4 195
(197) (216) (68) (991) (965) (984) (88) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

26 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - To ANSI Cl 600

K Orifice
SET PRESSURE - barg 1.838 sq. in.
(1186 sq.mm)
Effective Area



400 200







Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart - ANSI Cl 900, Cl 1500



Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 27

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
L Orifice JOS = 6 psig (0.41 barg)
2.853 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
(1841 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 3L4 150 150 285) 185 285 100 19.6 12.7 19.6 6.89
JBS- 25 3L4 300 150 285) 285 285 100 19.6 19.6 19.6 6.89
JLT- 35 4L6 300 150 740) 615 285 170 51.0 42.4 19.6 11.7
*JOS-H- 45 4L6 600 150 1000) 1000 ) 285 170 68.9 68.9 19.6 11.7

JBS- 55 4L6 900 150 1500) 1500 ) 285 170 103 103 19.6 11.7

JOS- 16 3L4 150 150 185 80 285 100 12.7 5.51 19.6 6.89
JBS- 26 3L4 300 150 285 285 285 100 19.6 19.6 19.6 6.89
JLT- 36 4L6 300 150 615 410 285 170 42.4 28.2 19.6 11.7
JOS-H- 46 4L6 600 150 1000 825 285 170 68.9 56.8 19.6 11.7

JOS- 56 4L6 900 150 1500 1235 285 170 103 85.1 19.6 11.7
JBS- 66 4L6 1500 150 1500 1500 285 170 103 103 19.6 11.7

JBS- 37 4L6 300 150 510 225 285 170 35.1 15.5 19.6 11.7
JLT- 47 4L6 600 150 1000 445 285 170 68.9 30.6
) 19.6 11.7

JOS- 57 4L6 900 150 1500 670 285 170 103 46.1 19.6 11.7
JBS- 67 4L6 1500 150 1500 1115 285 170 103 76.8 19.6 11.7

14 3L4 150 150 275) 275 100 18.9 18.9 6.89

JOS- 24 3L4 300 150 275) 275 100 18.9 18.9 6.89
JBS- 34 4L6 300 150 720) 275 170 49.6 18.9 11.7
JLT- 44 4L6 600 150 1000) 275 170 68.9 ) 18.9 11.7

12 3L4 150 150 275 275 100 18.9 18.9 6.89

JOS- 22 3L4 300 150 275 275 100 18.9) 18.9 6.89
JBS- 32 4L6 300 150 535 275 170 36.8 18.9 11.7
JLT- 42 4L6 600 150 535 275 170 36.8 18.9 11.7

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights L Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16, 6-1/8 6-1/2 2 34 33-1/4 34 152
22,24,25,26 (156) (165) (51) (864) (845) (864) (69)
JOS- 32,34,35,36,37 7-1/16 7-1/8 2-1/8 34 34-1/4 34-1/4 192
JBS- (179) (181) (54) (864) (870) (870) (87)
JLT- 42,44,45,46,47 7-1/16 8 2-3/8 35-1/4 34-3/4 35-1/4 226 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (179) (203) (60) (895) (883) (895) (103) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
55,56,57,66,67 7-3/4 8-3/4 2-15/16 39-3/4 38-3/4 39-1/2 270 (also JOS-H)
(197) (222) (75) (1010) (984) (1003) (122) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

28 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

L Orifice
2.853 sq. in.
(1841 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200







Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 29

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
M Orifice JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
3.60 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 10 psig (0.68 barg)
(2323 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit@38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style * to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
x to to to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 4M6 150 150 285) 185 285 80 19.6 12.7 19.6 5.51
JBS- 25 4M6 300 150 285) 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 35 4M6 300 150 740) 615 285 160 51.0 42.4 19.6 11.0
*JOS-H- 45 4M6 600 150 1100) 1100 ) 285 160 75.8 75.8 19.6 11.0

JOS- 16 4M6 150 150 185 80 285 80 12.7 5.51 19.6 5.51
JBS- 26 4M6 300 150 285 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 36 4M6 300 150 615 410 285 160 42.4 28.2 19.6 11.0
JOS-H- 46 4M6 600 150 1100 825 285 160 75.8 56.8 19.6 11.0

JOS- 56 4M6 900 150 1100 1100 285 160 75.8 75.8 19.6 11.0

JBS- 37 4M6 300 150 510 225 285 160 35.1 15.5 19.6 11.0
JLT- 47 4M6 600 150 1015 445 285 160 69.9 30.6 19.6 11.0
JOS-H- )

JBS- 57 4M6 900 150 1100 670 285 160 75.8 46.1 19.6 11.0

14 4M6 150 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51

JOS- 24 4M6 300 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51
JBS- 34 4M6 300 150 720) 275 160 49.6 18.9 11.0
JLT- 44 4M6 600 150 1100) 275 160 75.8 ) 18.9 11.0

12 4M6 150 150 275 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51

JOS- 22 4M6 300 150 275 275 80 18.9
) 18.9 5.51
JBS- 32 4M6 300 150 525 275 160 36.1 18.9 11.0
JLT- 42 4M6 600 150 600 275 160 41.3 18.9 11.0

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights M Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
12,14,15,16, 7 7-1/4 2-1/8 33-1/2 33 33-3/4 201
22,24,25,26 (178) (184) (54) (851) (838) (857) (91)
JOS- 32,34,35,36,37 7 7-1/4 2-1/8 36 35-1/2 36 222
JBS- (178) (184) (54) (914) (902) (914) (101)
JLT- 42,44,45,46,47 7 8 2-7/16 42 41 41-3/4 265 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (178) (203) (62) (1067) (1041) (1060) (120) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
56,57 7 3/4 8-3/4 2-9/16 42-3/4 41-3/4 42-1/2 290
(197) (222) (65) (1086) (1060) (1080) (132) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

30 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

M Orifice
3.60 sq. in.
(2323 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200








Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 31

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
N Orifice JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
4.34 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 10 psig (0.68 barg)
(2800 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit@38C
Inlet psig barg
x ANSIFlanges Inlet Inlet
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style x to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to to
+232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 4N6 150 150 285) 185 285 80 19.6 12.7 19.6 5.51
JBS- 25 4N6 300 150 285) 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 35 4N6 300 150 740) 615 285 160 51.0 42.4 19.6 11.0
*JOS-H- 45 4N6 600 150 1000) 1000 ) 285 160 68.9 68.9 19.6 11.0

JOS- 16 4N6 150 150 185 80 285 80 12.7 5.51 19.6 5.51
JBS- 26 4N6 300 150 285 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 36 4N6 300 150 615 410 285 160 42.4 28.2 19.6 11.0
JOS-H- 46 4N6 600 150 1000 825 285 160 68.9 56.8 19.6 11.0

JBS- 37 4N6 300 150 510 225 285 160 35.1 15.5 19.6 11.0
JLT- 47 4N6 600 150 1000 445 285 160 68.9 30.6
) 19.6 11.0

14 4N6 150 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51

JOS- 24 4N6 300 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51
JBS- 34 4N6 300 150 720) 275 160 49.6 18.9 11.0
JLT- 44 4N6 600 150 1000) 275 160 68.9 ) 18.9 11.0

12 4N6 150 150 275 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51

JOS- 22 4N6 300 150 275 275 80 18.9) 18.9 5.51
JBS- 32 4N6 300 150 450 275 160 31.0 18.9 11.0
JLT- 42 4N6 600 150 500 275 160 34.4 18.9 11.0

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights N Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 7-3/4 8-1/4 2-1/8 43-1/4 42-1/4 43 260
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (197) (210) (54) (1099) (1073) (1092) (118)
JLT- 32,34,35,36,37 7-3/4 8-1/4 2-1/8 43-1/4 42-1/4 43 280 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (197) (210) (54) (1099) (1073) (1092) (127) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
42,44,45,46,47 7-3/4 8-3/4 2-3/8 43-1/4 42-1/4 43 297 TYPE D (PACKED LIFTING LEVER)
(197) (222) (60) (1099) (1073) (1092) (135) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

32 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

N Orifice
4.34 sq. in.
(2800 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200







Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 33

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
P Orifice JOS = 7 psig (0.48 barg)
6.38 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
(4116 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

ValveSize Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit@100F Limit@38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSIFlanges
Valve Orifice RaisedFace -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style * to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
x to to to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C
JOS- 15 4P6 150 150 285) 185 285 80 19.6 12.7 19.6 5.51
JBS- 25 4P6 300 150 285) 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 35 4P6 300 150 525) 525 285 150 36.1 36.1 19.6 10.3
*JOS-H- 45 4P6 600 150 1000) 1000 ) 285 150 68.9 68.9 19.6 10.3
JOS- 16 4P6 150 150 185 80 285 80 12.7 5.51 19.6 5.51
JBS- 26 4P6 300 150 285 285 285 80 19.6 19.6 19.6 5.51
JLT- 36 4P6 300 150 525 410 285 150 36.1 28.1 19.6 10.3
JOS-H- 46 4P6 600 150 1000 825 285 150 68.9 56.8 19.6 10.3
JBS- 37 4P6 300 150 510 225 285 150 35.1 15.5 19.6 10.3
JLT- 47 4P6 600 150 1000 445 285 150 68.9 )
30.6 19.6 10.3

14 4P6 150 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51

JOS- 24 4P6 300 150 275) 275 80 18.9 18.9 5.51
JBS- 34 4P6 300 150 525) 275 150 36.1 18.9 10.3
JLT- 44 4P6 600 150 1000) 275 150 68.9 ) 18.9 10.3
12 4P6 150 150 175 275 80 12.0 18.9 5.51
JOS- 22 4P6 300 150 175 275 80 )
12.0 18.9 5.51
JBS- 32 4P6 300 150 300 275 150 20.6 18.9 10.3
JLT- 42 4P6 600 150 480 275 150 33.0 18.9 10.3

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights P Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 7-1/8 9 2-1/8 42-1/2 41-1/2 42-1/4 270
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (181) (229) (54) (1080) (1054) (1073) (122)
JLT- 32,34,35,36,37 8-7/8 10 2-1/8 44-1/4 43-1/4 44 286 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (225) (254) (54) (1124) (1099) (1118) (130) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
42,44,45,46,47 8-7/8 10 2-9/16 46-1/2 45-1/2 46-1/4 401
(225) (254) (65) (1181) (1156) (1175) (182) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

34 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

P Orifice
6.38 sq. in.
(4116 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200







Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 35

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
Q Orifice JOS = 5 psig (0.34 barg)
11.05 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 7 psig (0.48 barg)
(7129 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

Valve Size Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Limit @100F Limit @38C
Inlet Connections Inlet Inlet barg
x ANSI Flanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style x to to to
+450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 6Q8 150 150 165) 165 115 70) 11.3 11.3 7.92 4.82
JBS- 25 6Q8 300 150 165) 165 115 70) 11.3 11.3 7.92 4.82
JLT- 35 6Q8 300 150 300) 300 115 115) 20.6 20.6 7.92 7.92
*JOS-H- 45 6Q8 600 150 600) 600 ) 115 115) 41.3 41.3 7.92 7.92

JOS- 16 6Q8 150 150 165 80 115 70) 11.3 5.51 7.92 4.82
JBS- 26 6Q8 300 150 165 165 115 70) 11.3 11.3 7.92 4.82
JLT- 36 6Q8 300 150 300 300 115 115) 20.6 20.6 7.92 7.92
JOS-H- 46 6Q8 600 150 600 600 115 115) 41.3 41.3 7.92 7.92

JBS- 37 6Q8 300 150 165 165 115 115 11.3 11.3 7.92 7.92
JLT- 47 6Q8 600 150 600 445 115 115 41.3 30.6 ) 7.92 7.92

14 6Q8 150 150 165) 115 70 11.3 7.92 4.82

JOS- 24 6Q8 300 150 165) 115 70 11.3 7.92 4.82
JBS- 34 6Q8 300 150 300) 115 115 20.6 7.92 7.92
JLT- 44 6Q8 600 150 600) 115 115 41.3 ) 7.92 7.92

12 6Q8 150 150 165 115 70 11.3 7.92 4.82

JOS- 22 6Q8 300 150 165 115 70 11.3) 7.92 4.82
JBS- 32 6Q8 300 150 250 115 115 17.2 7.92 7.92
JLT- 42 6Q8 600 150 300 115 115 20.6 7.92 7.92

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights Q Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 9-7/16 9-1/2 2-5/16 47-3/4 46-3/4 47-1/2 481
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (240) (241) (59) (1213) (1187) (1207) (218)
JLT- 32,34,35,36,37 9-7/16 9-1/2 2-5/16 47-3/4 46-3/4 47-1/2 492 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (240) (241) (59) (1213) (1187) (1207) (223) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
42,44,45,46,47 9-7/16 9-1/2 2-15/16 51-3/4 50-3/4 51-1/2 565 TYPE D (PACKED LIFTING LEVER)
(240) (241) (75) (1314) (1289) (1308) (256) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

36 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

Q Orifice
11.05 sq. in.
(7129 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200


200 100





Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 37

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
R Orifice JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
16.0 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
(10323 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

Valve Size Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit @100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSI Flanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style * to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
x to to to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 6R8 150 150 100) 100 60 60 6.89 6.89 4.13 4.13
JBS- 25 6R8 300 150 100) 100 60 60 6.89 6.89 4.13 4.13
JLT- 35 6R10 300 150 230) 230 100 100 15.8 15.8 6.89 6.89
*JOS-H- 45 6R10 600 150 300) 300 ) 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89
JOS- 16 6R8 150 150 100 80 60 60 6.89 5.51 4.13 4.13
JBS- 26 6R8 300 150 100 100 60 60 6.89 6.89 4.13 4.13
JLT- 36 6R10 300 150 230 230 100 100 15.8 15.8 6.89 6.89
JOS-H- 46 6R10 600 150 300 300 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89
JBS- 37 6R8 300 150 100 100 60 60 6.89 6.89 4.13 4.13
JLT- 47 6R10 600 150 300 300 100 100 20.6 20.6) 6.89 6.89

14 6R8 150 150 100) 60 60 6.89 4.13 4.13

JOS- 24 6R8 300 150 100) 60 60 6.89 4.13 4.13
JBS- 34 6R10 300 150 230) 100 100 15.8 6.89 6.89
JLT- 44 6R10 600 150 300) 100 100 20.6 ) 6.89 6.89
12 6R8 150 150 55 60 60 3.79 4.13 4.13
JOS- 22 6R8 300 150 55 60 60 3.79) 4.13 4.13
JBS- 32 6R10 300 150 150 100 100 10.3 6.89 6.89
JLT- 42 6R10 600 150 200 100 100 13.7 6.89 6.89

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights R Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 9-7/16 9-1/2 2-5/16 53-1/4 52-1/2 53-1/4 564
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (240) (241) (59) (1353) (1334) (1353) (256)
JLT- 32,34,35,36,37 9-7/16 10-1/2 2-5/16 53-1/4 52-1/2 53-1/4 602 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (240) (267) (59) (1353) (1334) (1353) (273) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
42,44,45,46,47 9-7/16 10-1/2 2-3/4 53-1/4 52-1/2 53-1/4 631
(240) (267) (70) (1353) (1334) (1353) (286) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

38 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

R Orifice
16.0 sq. in.
(10323 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200


200 100





Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 39

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS, JLT and JOS-H
Low Set Pressure Limits:
T Orifice JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
26.0 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits JBS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
(16774 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JLT-JOS = 15 psig (1.03 barg)
Effective Area JLT-JBS = 25 psig (1.72 barg)

Valve Size Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit @100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSI Flanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to
to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 8T10 150 150 65) 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 25 8T10 300 150 65) 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06
JLT- 35 8T10 300 150 120) 120 60 60 8.27 8.27 4.13 4.13
*JOS-H- 45 8T10 300 150 300) 300 ) 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89

JOS- 16 8T10 150 150 65 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 26 8T10 300 150 65 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06
JLT- 36 8T10 300 150 120 120 60 60 8.27 8.27 4.13 4.13
JOS-H- 46 8T10 300 150 300 300 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89

JLT- 37 8T10 300 150 300 225 60 60 20.6 15.5 4.13 4.13

JOS- 14 8T10 150 150 65) 30 30 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 24 8T10 300 150 65) 30 30 4.48 2.06 2.06
JLT- 34 8T10 300 150 120) 60 60 8.27 4.13 4.13

JOS- 12 8T10 150 150 50 30 30 3.44 2.06 2.06

JBS- 22 8T10 300 150 50 30 30 3.44
) 2.06 2.06
JLT- 32 8T10 300 150 65 60 60 4.48 4.13 4.13

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights T Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 882
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (400)
JLT- 32,34,35,36,37 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 902 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
JOS-H- (276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (409) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
45,46 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 930 TYPE D (PACKED LIFTING LEVER)
(276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (422) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

40 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

T Orifice
26.0 sq. in.
(16774 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200







Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 41

Specifications - Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JOS-H
T2 Orifice
27.872 sq. in. Sizes and Pressure/Temperature Limits Low Set Pressure Limits:
(17981 sq. mm) (See also Set Pressure Chart Opposite) JOS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)
Effective Area JBS = 8 psig (0.55 barg)

Valve Size Standard Maximum Set Pressure - psig Back Press. Maximum Set Pressure - barg Back Press.
Connections Limit @100F Limit @38C
Inlet Inlet psig Inlet barg
x ANSI Flanges
Valve Orifice Raised Face -450F -75F -20F -268C -59C -29C
Style to to
to +450F +800F +1000F JOS JBS to to
to +232C +427C +538C JOS JBS
Outlet Inlet Outlet -76F -21F +100F -60C -30C +38C

JOS- 15 8T210 150 150 65) 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 25 8T210 300 150 65) 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06
*JOS-H- 35 8T210 300 150 120) 120 60 60 8.27 8.27 4.13 4.13
45 8T210 300 150 300) 300 ) 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89

JOS- 16 8T210 150 150 65 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 26 8T210 300 150 65 65 30 30 4.48 4.48 2.06 2.06
JOS-H- 36 8T210 300 150 120 120 60 60 8.27 8.27 4.13 4.13
46 8T210 300 150 300 300 100 100 20.6 20.6 6.89 6.89

JBS- 37 8T210 300 150 300 225 60 60 20.6 15.5 4.13 4.13

JOS- 14 8T210 150 150 65) 30 30 4.48 2.06 2.06

JBS- 24 8T210 300 150 65) 30 30 4.48 2.06 2.06
34 8T210 300 150 120) 60 60 8.27 4.13 4.13

JOS- 12 8T210 150 150 50 30 30 3.44 2.06 2.06

JBS- 22 8T210 300 150 50 30 30 3.44
) 2.06 2.06
32 8T210 300 150 65 60 60 4.48 4.13 4.13

*Upper temperature limit of JOS-H-15, 25, 35 and 45 valves is +650F (+343C).

Outlet pressure for temperatures above +100F (+38C) should not exceed the ANSI flange rating.
Valves set below 15 psig (1.03 barg) cannot be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol. Only metal seated valves may be set below 15 psig.

Dimensions and Weights T2 Orifice

Valve Dimensions - in. (mm) Approx.
Valve Center to Face Use To Approximate Height Weight
Style Inlet Outlet Find Bolt lbs(kg)
Length Valve (Cap) Type Type
JOS- 12,14,15,16, 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 882
JBS- 22,24,25,26 (276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (400)
JOS-H- 32,34,35,36,37 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 902 TYPE J (SCREWED CAP)
(276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (409) TYPE C (REGULAR LIFTING LEVER)
(also JOS-H)
45,46 10-7/8 11 2-9/16 59-1/2 58-1/2 59-1/4 930
(276) (279) (65) (1511) (1486) (1505) (422) TYPE L (BOLTED CAP)

42 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Chart

T2 Orifice
27.872 sq. in.
(17981 sq.mm)
Effective Area






400 200







Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 43

Air Capacities Capacity in standard cubic
feet per minute of air at 60F
Styles JOS and JBS and 10% overpressure. Valve
discharging to atmospheric
Set Pressures USCS UNITS pressure.
5-780 psig (United States Customary System) Capacities certified by the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
Shaded values are JOS only in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Note: For air capacities, USCS Units are exact equivalents of Imperial Units. Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2
(psig) 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0 27.872
*1 psi incr. 2.1 3.8 6.0 9.8 15.4 25.3 36.1 56.1 70.8 85.3 125 217 314 511 548
*5 psi incr. 10.8 19.2 30.2 49.4 77.2 126 180 280 354 426 627 1087 1574 2557 2742

5 121 199 311 510 728 4379

6 128 211 329 540 771 1197 4637
7 135 221 345 566 808 1255 2807 4862
8 89.9 140 230 360 590 843 1308 1651 1991 2927 5069 7340 11928 12787
9 93.6 146 240 374 614 877 1362 1719 2072 3047 5277 7641 12417 13312

10 54.5 97.1 152 249 388 637 910 1413 1783 2150 3161 5475 7928 12883 13810
15 64.3 114 179 294 459 752 1075 1668 2105 2538 3731 6463 9359 15208 16303
20 74.1 132 207 339 529 867 1239 1924 2427 2926 4302 7451 10790 17533 18796
30 93.8 167 261 429 669 1098 1568 2434 3071 3703 5443 9428 13652 22184 23782
40 115 205 322 528 824 1351 1929 2995 3780 4557 6699 11602 16800 27300 29266

50 137 244 382 627 978 1604 2291 3557 4488 5411 7954 13777 19948 32416 34750
60 158 282 443 726 1133 1857 2653 4118 5196 6265 9209 15951 23097 37532 40235
70 180 321 503 825 1287 2111 3014 4679 5905 7119 10465 18125 26245 42648 45719
80 202 360 563 924 1442 2364 3376 5241 6613 7973 11720 20300 29393 47764 51203
90 223 398 624 1023 1596 2617 3738 5802 7321 8827 12976 22474 32542 52880 56688

100 245 437 684 1122 1751 2870 4099 6364 8030 9680 14231 24648 35690 57996 62172
120 288 514 805 1319 2059 3377 4823 7486 9447 11388 16742 28997 41986 68228 73141
140 331 591 926 1517 2368 3883 5546 8609 10863 13096 19253 33345 48283 78460 84109
160 375 668 1047 1715 2677 4390 6269 9732 12280 14804 21763 37694 54580 88692 95078
180 418 745 1168 1913 2986 4896 6993 10855 13697 16512 24274 42043 60876 98924 106047

200 461 822 1288 2111 3295 5403 7716 11977 15114 18220 26785 46391 67173 109156 117015
220 505 900 1409 2309 3604 5909 8439 13100 16530 19928 29296 50740 73469 119388 127984
240 548 977 1530 2507 3913 6416 9163 14223 17947 21636 31806 55088 79766 129620 138953
260 591 1054 1651 2705 4222 6922 9886 15346 19364 23344 34317 59437 86063 139852 149922
280 634 1131 1772 2903 4531 7429 10609 16468 20780 25052 36828 63785 92359 150084 160890

300 678 1208 1892 3101 4840 7935 11333 17591 22197 26760 39339 68134 98656 160316 171859
320 721 1285 2013 3299 5149 8442 12056 18714 23614 28468 41850 72483
340 764 1362 2134 3497 5458 8948 12779 19837 25031 30176 44360 76831
360 808 1439 2255 3695 5767 9455 13503 20959 26447 31884 46871 81180
380 851 1517 2376 3893 6076 9961 14226 22082 27864 33592 49382 85528

400 894 1594 2497 4091 6384 10468 14949 23205 29281 35300 51893 89877
420 937 1671 2617 4289 6693 10974 15673 24328 30698 37008 54403 94226
440 981 1748 2738 4487 7002 11481 16396 25451 32114 38716 56914 98574
460 1024 1825 2859 4685 7311 11987 17119 26573 33531 40424 59425 102923
480 1067 1902 2980 4883 7620 12494 17843 27696 34948 42132 61936 107271

500 1111 1979 3101 5081 7929 13000 18566 28819 36365 43840 64446 111620
520 1154 2057 3221 5278 8238 13506 19289 29942 37781 45548 66957 115969
540 1197 2134 3342 5476 8547 14013 20013 31064 39198 47256 69468 120317
560 1241 2211 3463 5674 8856 14519 20736 32187 40615 48963 71979 124666
580 1284 2288 3584 5872 9165 15026 21459 33310 42032 50671 74490 129014

600 1327 2365 3705 6070 9474 15532 22182 34433 43448 52379 77000 133363
620 1370 2442 3826 6268 9783 16039 22906 35555 44865 54087 79511
640 1414 2519 3946 6466 10092 16545 23629 36678 46282 55795 82022
660 1457 2596 4067 6664 10401 17052 24352 37801 47698 57503 84533
680 1500 2674 4188 6862 10709 17558 25076 38924 49115 59211 87043

700 1544 2751 4309 7060 11018 18065 25799 40046 50532 60919 89554
720 1587 2828 4430 7258 11327 18571 26522 41169 51949 62627 92065
740 1630 2905 4550 7456 11636 19078 27246 42292 53365 64335 94576
760 1673 2982 4671 7654 11945 19584 27969 43415 54782 66043 97087
780 1717 3059 4792 7852 12254 20091 28692 44538 56199 67751 99597

*Not valid below 30 psig set pressure.

Capacities below 30 psig set pressure are calculated at 3 psi overpressure.

44 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Air Capacities Capacity in standard cubic
feet per minute of air at 60F
Styles JOS and JBS and 10% overpressure. Valve
discharging to atmospheric
Set Pressures USCS UNITS pressure.
800-6000 psig (United States Customary System) Capacities certified by the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Note: For air capacities, USCS Units are exact equivalents of Imperial Units. Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2
(psig) 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0 27.872
1 psi incr. 2.1 3.8 6.0 9.8 15.4 25.3 36.1 56.1 70.8 85.3 125 217 314 511 548
5 psi incr. 10.8 19.2 30.2 49.4 77.2 126 180 280 354 426 627 1087 1574 2557 2742

800 1760 3136 4913 8050 12563 20597 29416 45660 57616 69459 102108
820 1803 3214 5034 8248 12872 21104 30139 46783 59032 71167 104619
840 1847 3291 5155 8446 13181 21610 30862 47906 60449 72875 107130
860 1890 3368 5275 8644 13490 22117 31586 49029 61866 74583 109640
880 1933 3445 5396 8842 13799 22623 32309 50151 63283 76291 112151

900 1976 3522 5517 9039 14108 23130 33032 51274 64699 77999 114662
920 2020 3599 5638 9237 14417 23636 33756 52397 66116 79707 117173
940 2063 3676 5759 9435 14726 24143 34479 53520 67533 81415 119683
960 2106 3753 5879 9633 15034 24649 35202 54642 68950 83123 122194
980 2150 3831 6000 9831 15343 25156 35926 55765 70366 84831 124705

1000 2193 3908 6121 10029 15652 25662 36649 56888 71783 86538 127216
1100 2409 4293 6725 11019 17197 28195 40266 62502 78867
1200 2626 4679 7329 12009 18742 30727 43882 68116
1300 2842 5065 7933 12998 20286 33259 47499 73729
1400 3059 5450 8537 13988 21831 35792 51115 79343

1480 3232 5759 9021 14780 23067 37818 54009 83834

1500 3275 5836 9141 14978 23375 38324 54732
1600 3492 6222 9746 15968 24920 40857 58349
1700 3708 6607 10350 16957 26465 43389 61965
1800 3924 6993 10954 17947 28009 45921 65582

1900 4141 7379 11558 18937 29554 48454 69198

2000 4357 7764 12162 19927 31099 50986 72815
2100 4574 8150 12766 20916 32643 53519 76432
2200 4790 8536 13370 21906 34188 56051 80048
2300 5007 8921 13974 22896 35733 58584

2400 5223 9307 14578 23886 37277 61116

2500 5440 9693 15182 24875 38822 63648
2600 5656 10078 15786 25865 40366 66181
2700 5872 10464 16390 26855 41911 68713
2800 6089 10850 16994 27845

2900 6305 11235 17599 28834

3000 6522 11621 18203 29824
3100 6738 12007 18807 30814
3200 6955 12392 19411 31804
3300 7171 12778 20015 32793

3400 7388 13164 20619 33783

3500 7604 13549 21223 34773
3600 7820 13935 21827 35763
3700 8037 14321 22431 36752
3800 8253 14706 23035

3900 8470 15092 23639

4000 8686 15478 24243
4200 9119 16249 25452
4400 9552 17020 26660
4600 9985 17792 27868

4800 10418 18563 29076

5000 10851 19334 30284
5200 11284 20106
5400 11717 20877
5600 12149 21648
5800 12582 22420
6000 13015 23191

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 45

Water Capacities Capacity in U.S. gallons per
minute of water at 70F and 10%
Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS overpressure.

Differential Pressures P* USCS UNITS

Capacities certified by the National Board of
5-1040 psi (United States Customary System) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
Note: USCS Units for water and liquids are U.S. gallons per minute in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
(1 U.S. gallon equals 0.8327 Imperial gallon). Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.


Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T
P 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0
5 6.9 12.3 19.3 31.6 49.3 80.9 115 179 226 273 401 695 1006 1635
10 9.7 17.4 27.3 44.7 69.8 114 163 253 320 386 567 983 1423 2313
15 11.9 21.3 33.4 54.8 85.5 140 200 310 392 472 695 1204 1743 2833
20 13.8 24.6 38.6 63.3 98.7 161 231 359 453 546 802 1390 2013 3271
40 19.5 34.8 54.6 89.5 139 229 327 507 640 772 1135 1966 2847 4627
60 23.9 42.7 66.9 109 171 280 400 621 784 945 1390 2408 3487 5667
80 27.6 49.3 77.2 126 197 323 462 718 906 1092 1605 2781 4027 6543
100 30.9 55.1 86.3 141 220 362 517 802 1013 1221 1795 3109 4502 7316
120 33.9 60.4 94.6 155 241 396 566 879 1109 1337 1966 3406 4932 8014
140 36.6 65.2 102 167 261 428 611 949 1198 1445 2124 3679 5327 8656
160 39.1 69.7 109 179 279 458 654 1015 1281 1544 2270 3933 5695 9254
180 41.5 73.9 115 189 296 485 693 1077 1359 1638 2408 4171 6040 9815
200 43.7 78.0 122 200 312 512 731 1135 1432 1727 2538 4397 6367 10346
220 45.9 81.8 128 209 327 537 767 1190 1502 1811 2662 4612 6678 10851
240 47.9 85.4 133 219 342 561 801 1243 1569 1891 2781 4817 6975 11334
260 49.9 88.9 139 228 356 583 833 1294 1633 1969 2894 5013 7259 11797
280 51.7 92.2 144 236 369 606 865 1343 1695 2043 3004 5203 7533 12242
300 53.6 95.5 149 245 382 627 895 1390 1754 2115 3109 5385 7798 12672
320 55.3 98.6 154 253 395 647 925 1436 1812 2184 3211 5562 8054 13087
340 57.0 101 159 260 407 667 953 1480 1867 2251 3310 5733
360 58.7 104 163 268 419 687 981 1523 1922 2317 3406 5899
380 60.3 107 168 275 430 705 1008 1565 1974 2380 3499 6061
400 61.9 110 172 283 441 724 1034 1605 2026 2442 3590 6218
420 63.4 113 177 290 452 742 1059 1645 2076 2502 3679 6372
440 64.9 115 181 296 463 759 1084 1684 2124 2561 3765 6522
460 66.3 118 185 303 473 776 1109 1721 2172 2619 3850 6669
480 67.8 120 189 310 483 793 1133 1758 2219 2675 3933 6812
500 69.2 123 193 316 493 809 1156 1795 2265 2730 4014 6952
520 70.5 125 196 322 503 825 1179 1830 2310 2784 4093 7090
540 71.9 128 200 328 513 841 1201 1865 2354 2837 4171 7225
560 73.2 130 204 334 522 857 1223 1899 2397 2890 4248 7358
580 74.5 132 208 340 531 872 1245 1933 2439 2941 4323 7488
600 75.8 135 211 346 541 887 1266 1966 2481 2991 4397 7616
620 77.0 137 215 352 550 901 1287 1999 2522 3040 4470 7742
640 78.3 139 218 358 558 916 1308 2031 2562 3089 4541 7866
660 79.5 141 221 363 567 930 1328 2062 2602 3137 4612 7988
680 80.7 143 225 369 576 944 1348 2093 2641 3184 4681
700 81.8 145 228 374 584 958 1368 2124 2680 3231 4750
720 83.0 147 231 379 592 971 1387 2154 2718 3277 4817
740 84.2 150 235 385 600 985 1406 2183 2755 3322 4883
760 85.3 152 238 390 608 998 1425 2213 2792 3366 4949
780 86.4 154 241 395 616 1011 1444 2242 2829 3410 5014
800 87.5 156 244 400 624 1024 1462 2270 2865 3454 5077
820 88.6 157 247 405 632 1037 1481 2298 2900 3497 5141
840 89.7 159 250 410 640 1049 1499 2326 2936 3539 5203
860 90.7 161 253 415 647 1062 1516 2354 2970 3581 5264
880 91.8 163 256 419 655 1074 1534 2381 3005 3622 5325
900 92.8 165 259 424 662 1086 1551 2408 3039 3663 5385
920 93.8 167 262 429 670 1098 1568 2435 3072 3704 5445
940 94.9 169 264 433 677 1110 1585 2461 3105 3744 5504
960 95.9 170 267 438 684 1122 1602 2487 3138 3783 5562
980 96.9 172 270 443 691 1133 1619 2513 3171 3823 5620
1000 97.8 174 273 447 698 1145 1635 2538 3203 3862 5677
1020 98.8 176 275 452 705 1156 1651 2564 3235 3900 5733
1040 99.8 177 278 456 712 1167 1667 2589 3266 3938 5789

*Differential Pressure ( P) equals) inlet pressure (set pressure plus overpressure) at flowing conditions minus back pressure.
See pages 14 to 43 for Minimum and Maximum Set Pressure Limits.

46 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Water Capacities Capacity in U.S. gallons per
minute of water at 70F and 10%
Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS overpressure.

Differential Pressures P* USCS UNITS

1060-6600 psi (United States Customary System) Capacities certified by the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
Note: USCS Units for water and liquids are U.S. gallons per minute in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
(1 U.S. gallon equals 0.8327 Imperial gallon). Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.


Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T
P 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0
1060 100 179 281 460 719 1179 1683 2613 3298 3976 5845
1080 101 181 283 465 725 1190 1699 2638 3329 4013 5900
1100 102 182 286 469 732 1201 1715 2662 3359 4050 5954
1120 103 184 289 473 739 1212 1730 2686 3390
1140 104 186 291 477 745 1222 1746 2710 3420
1160 105 187 294 482 752 1233 1761 2734 3450
1180 106 189 296 486 758 1244 1776 2757 3479
1200 107 191 299 490 765 1254 1791 2781 3509
1220 108 192 301 494 771 1264 1806 2804
1240 109 194 304 498 777 1275 1821 2827
1260 109 195 306 502 784 1285 1835 2849
1280 110 197 309 506 790 1295 1850 2872
1300 111 198 311 510 796 1305 1864 2894
1320 112 200 313 514 802 1315 1879 2916
1340 113 201 316 518 808 1325 1893 2938
1360 114 203 318 521 814 1335 1907 2960
1380 114 204 320 525 820 1345 1921 2982
1400 115 206 323 529 826 1355 1935 3003
1420 116 207 325 533 832 1364 1949 3025
1440 117 209 327 537 838 1374 1962 3046
1460 118 210 330 540 844 1383 1976 3067
1480 119 212 332 544 849 1393 1989 3088
1500 119 213 334 548 855 1402 2003 3109
1600 123 220 345 566 883 1448 2068 3211
1700 127 227 356 583 910 1493 2132
1800 131 234 366 600 937 1536 2194
1900 134 240 376 616 962 1578 2254
2000 138 246 386 633 987 1619 2313
2100 141 252 395 648 1012 1659 2370
2200 145 258 405 663 1036 1698 2425
2300 148 264 414 678 1059 1736 2480
2400 151 270 423 693 1082 1774 2533
2500 154 275 431 707 1104 1810
2600 157 281 440 721 1126 1846
2700 160 286 448 735 1147 1881
2800 163 291 457 748 1168 1916
2900 166 297 465 762 1189 1950
3000 169 302 473 775 1209 1983
3100 172 307 480 788
3200 175 312 488 800
3300 177 316 496 813
3400 180 321 503 825
3500 183 326 511 837
3600 185 330 518 849
3700 188 335 525 860
3800 190 339 532 872
3900 193 344 539 883
4000 195 348 546 895
4100 198 353 553
4200 200 357 559
4300 202 361 566
4400 205 365 573
4500 207 369 579
4600 209 374 585
4700 212 378 592
4800 214 382 598
4900 216 386 604
5000 218 390 610
5500 229 409 640
6000 239 427
6600 251 448
* Differential Pressure (P) equals inlet pressure (set pressure plus overpressure) at flowing conditions minus back pressure.
See pages 14 to 43 for Minimum and Maximum Set Pressure Limits.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 47

Saturated Steam Capacities Capacity in pounds per hour of
Unfired Pressure Vessel Service steam at 10% overpressure.
Valve discharging to atmospheric
Styles JOS and JBS pressure.

Set Pressures USCS UNITS Capacities certified by the National Board of

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
5-550 psig (United States Customary System) in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Shaded values are JOS only Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.


Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2
(psig) 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0 27.872
*1 psi incr. 6.0 10.8 16.9 27.7 43.3 71.0 101 157 198 239 352 610 883 1436 1539
*5 psi incr. 30.3 54.1 84.7 138 216 355 507 787 994 1198 1761 3051 4418 7180 7697
5 341 559 873 1431 2044 12292
6 361 592 924 1516 2165 3361 13018
7 379 621 969 1589 2270 3524 7881 13649
8 252 395 647 1010 1657 2367 3674 4636 5589 8216 14231 20606 33484 35895
9 262 411 674 1052 1725 2464 3824 4826 5818 8553 14814 21450 34857 37367
10 152 272 427 699 1091 1790 2556 3968 5007 6036 8873 15369 22254 36163 38766
15 180 321 504 825 1288 2113 3017 4684 5911 7126 10475 18143 26271 42690 45764
20 208 371 581 952 1486 2436 3479 5400 6814 8215 12077 20917 30288 49218 52762
30 263 469 735 1204 1880 3082 4402 6833 8622 10394 15280 26466 38322 62273 66757
40 324 577 904 1482 2313 3793 5417 8409 10610 12792 18804 32569 47159 76634 82151
50 384 685 1074 1760 2747 4504 6432 9984 12599 15189 22328 38672 55996 90995 97546
60 445 794 1244 2038 3180 5215 7447 11560 14587 17586 25852 44776 64834 105355 112941
70 506 902 1413 2316 3614 5925 8463 13136 16576 19983 29376 50879 73671 119716 128336
80 567 1010 1583 2593 4048 6636 9478 14712 18564 22380 32900 56982 82509 134077 143730
90 628 1118 1752 2871 4481 7347 10493 16288 20552 24777 36424 63086 91346 148438 159125
100 688 1227 1922 3149 4915 8058 11508 17864 22541 27174 39948 69189 100183 162798 174520
110 749 1335 2091 3427 5348 8769 12523 19439 24529 29572 43472 75292 109021 177159 189915
120 810 1443 2261 3705 5782 9480 13539 21015 26518 31969 46996 81396 117858 191520 205309
130 871 1552 2430 3983 6216 10191 14554 22591 28506 34366 50520 87499 126696 205881 220704
140 931 1660 2600 4260 6649 10901 15569 24167 30495 36763 54044 93602 135533 220242 236099
150 992 1768 2770 4538 7083 11612 16584 25743 32483 39160 57567 99706 144370 234602 251494
160 1053 1876 2939 4816 7516 12323 17599 27318 34471 41557 61091 105809 153208 248963 266888
170 1114 1985 3109 5094 7950 13034 18615 28894 36460 43954 64615 111912 162045 263324 282283
180 1174 2093 3278 5372 8383 13745 19630 30470 38448 46352 68139 118016 170883 277685 297678
190 1235 2201 3448 5649 8817 14456 20645 32046 40437 48749 71663 124119 179720 292045 313073
200 1296 2309 3617 5927 9251 15167 21660 33622 42425 51146 75187 130222 188557 306406 328468
210 1357 2418 3787 6205 9684 15877 22675 35198 44413 53543 78711 136326 197395 320767 343862
220 1417 2526 3957 6483 10118 16588 23690 36773 46402 55940 82235 142429 206232 335128 359257
230 1478 2634 4126 6761 10551 17299 24706 38349 48390 58337 85759 148532 215070 349489 374652
240 1539 2742 4296 7039 10985 18010 25721 39925 50379 60734 89283 154636 223907 363849 390047
250 1600 2851 4465 7316 11419 18721 26736 41501 52367 63132 92807 160739 232744 378210 405441
260 1660 2959 4635 7594 11852 19432 27751 43077 54356 65529 96330 166842 241582 392571 420836
270 1721 3067 4804 7872 12286 20143 28766 44652 56344 67926 99854 172946 250419 406932 436231
280 1782 3175 4974 8150 12719 20853 29782 46228 58332 70323 103378 179049 259257 421292 451626
290 1843 3284 5144 8428 13153 21564 30797 47804 60321 72720 106902 185152 268094 435653 467020
300 1903 3392 5313 8706 13586 22275 31812 49380 62309 75117 110426 191256 276931 450014 482415
310 1964 3500 5483 8983 14020 22986 32827 50956 64298 77514 113950 197359
320 2025 3608 5652 9261 14454 23697 33842 52532 66286 79912 117474 203462
330 2086 3717 5822 9539 14887 24408 34858 54107 68274 82309 120998 209566
340 2146 3825 5991 9817 15321 25119 35873 55683 70263 84706 124522 215669
350 2207 3933 6161 10095 15754 25830 36888 57259 72251 87103 128046 221772
360 2268 4041 6331 10373 16188 26540 37903 58835 74240 89500 131570 227876
370 2329 4150 6500 10650 16622 27251 38918 60411 76228 91897 135094 233979
380 2389 4258 6670 10928 17055 27962 39934 61986 78217 94294 138617 240082
390 2450 4366 6839 11206 17489 28673 40949 63562 80205 96692 142141 246186
400 2511 4474 7009 11484 17922 29384 41964 65138 82193 99089 145665 252289
410 2572 4583 7178 11762 18356 30095 42979 66714 84182 101486 149189 258392
420 2632 4691 7348 12039 18789 30806 43994 68290 86170 103883 152713 264496
430 2693 4799 7518 12317 19223 31516 45010 69866 88159 106280 156237 270599
440 2754 4908 7687 12595 19657 32227 46025 71441 90147 108677 159761 276702
450 2815 5016 7857 12873 20090 32938 47040 73017 92135 111074 163285 282806
460 2876 5124 8026 13151 20524 33649 48055 74593 94124 113472 166809 288909
470 2936 5232 8196 13429 20957 34360 49070 76169 96112 115869 170333 295012
480 2997 5341 8365 13706 21391 35071 50086 77745 98101 118266 173857 301116
490 3058 5449 8535 13984 21825 35782 51101 79320 100089 120663 177380 307219
500 3119 5557 8704 14262 22258 36492 52116 80896 102077 123060 180904 313322
510 3179 5665 8874 14540 22692 37203 53131 82472 104066 125457 184428 319426
520 3240 5774 9044 14818 23125 37914 54146 84048 106054 127854 187952 325529
530 3301 5882 9213 15096 23559 38625 55162 85624 108043 130252 191476 331632
540 3362 5990 9383 15373 23993 39336 56177 87200 110031 132649 195000 337736
550 3422 6098 9552 15651 24426 40047 57192 88775 112020 135046 198524 343839
Capacities below 30 psig set pressure are calculated at 3 psig overpressure.
*Not valid below 30 psig set pressure.

48 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Saturated Steam Capacities Capacity in pounds per hour of
Unfired Pressure Vessel Service steam at 10% overpressure.
Valve discharging to atmospheric
Styles JOS and JBS pressure.

Set Pressures Capacities certified by the National Board of

USCS UNITS Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
560-1700 psig (United States Customary System) in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2
(psig) 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0 27.872
1 psi incr. 6.0 10.8 16.9 27.7 43.3 71.0 101 157 198 239 352 610 883 1436 1539
5 psi incr. 30.3 54.1 84.7 138 216 355 507 787 994 1198 1761 3051 4418 7180 7697
560 3483 6207 9722 15929 24860 40758 58207 90351 114008 137443 202048 349942
570 3544 6315 9891 16207 25293 41468 59222 91927 115996 139840 205572 356046
580 3605 6423 10061 16485 25727 42179 60238 93503 117985 142237 209096 362149
590 3665 6531 10231 16762 26160 42890 61253 95079 119973 144634 212620 368252
600 3726 6640 10400 17040 26594 43601 62268 96655 121962 147032 216144 374356
620 3848 6856 10739 17596 27461 45023 64298 99806 125938 151826 223191
640 3969 7073 11078 18152 28328 46444 66329 102958 129915 156620 230239
660 4091 7289 11418 18707 29196 47866 68359 106109 133892 161415 237287
680 4212 7506 11757 19263 30063 49288 70390 109261 137869 166209 244335
700 4334 7722 12096 19819 30930 50710 72420 112413 141846 171003 251383
720 4455 7939 12435 20374 31797 52131 74450 115564 145823 175797 258430
740 4577 8155 12774 20930 32664 53553 76481 118716 149799 180592 265478
760 4698 8372 13113 21486 33531 54975 78511 121868 153776 185386 272526
780 4820 8588 13452 22041 34399 56396 80541 125019 157753 190180 279574
800 4941 8805 13792 22597 35266 57818 82572 128171 161730 194975 286622
820 5063 9021 14131 23152 36133 59240 84602 131323 165707 199769 293670
840 5184 9238 14470 23708 37000 60662 86633 134474 169684 204563 300717
860 5306 9454 14809 24264 37867 62083 88663 137626 173660 209357 307765
880 5427 9671 15148 24819 38734 63505 90693 140777 177637 214152 314813
900 5549 9887 15487 25375 39602 64927 92724 143929 181614 218946 321861
920 5670 10104 15826 25931 40469 66348 94754 147081 185591 223740 328909
940 5792 10320 16165 26486 41336 67770 96785 150232 189568 228535 335957
960 5913 10537 16505 27042 42203 69192 98815 153384 193545 233329 343004
980 6035 10753 16844 27598 43070 70614 100845 156536 197521 238123 350052
1000 6156 10970 17183 28153 43937 72035 102876 159687 201498 242917 357100
1020 6278 11187 17522 28709 44805 73457 104906 162839 205475
1040 6399 11403 17861 29265 45672 74879 106937 165991 209452
1060 6521 11620 18200 29820 46539 76300 108967 169142 213429
1080 6642 11836 18539 30376 47406 77722 110997 172294 217406
1100 6764 12053 18879 30932 48273 79144 113028 175445 221382
1120 6885 12269 19218 31487 49140 80566 115058 178597
1140 7007 12486 19557 32043 50008 81987 117089 181749
1160 7129 12702 19896 32599 50875 83409 119119 184900
1180 7250 12919 20235 33154 51742 84831 121149 188052
1200 7372 13135 20574 33710 52609 86252 123180 191204
1220 7493 13352 20913 34266 53476 87674 125210 194355
1240 7615 13568 21252 34821 54343 89096 127241 197507
1260 7736 13785 21592 35377 55211 90518 129271 200659
1280 7858 14001 21931 35932 56078 91939 131301 203810
1300 7979 14218 22270 36488 56945 93361 133332 206962
1320 8101 14434 22609 37044 57812 94783 135362 210113
1340 8222 14651 22948 37599 58679 96204 137392 213265
1360 8312 14811 23200 38012 59323 97259 138899 215603
1380 8443 15045 23565 38610 60257 98791 141087 219000
1400 8575 15279 23932 39211 61195 100329 143282 222408
1420 8706 15514 24300 39814 62136 101871 145485 225827
1440 8839 15749 24669 40419 63080 103419 147695 229257
1460 8971 15986 25039 41026 64027 104972 149913 232700
1480 9105 16223 25411 41635 64977 106530 152139 236155
1500 9238 16461 25784 42246 65931 108094 154372 239622
1520 9373 16700 26159 42860 66889 109664 156614
1540 9507 16940 26535 43475 67850 111239 158864
1560 9642 17181 26912 44094 68814 112821 161123
1580 9778 17423 27290 44714 69783 114408 163390
1600 9914 17666 27671 45337 70755 116002 165666
1620 10051 17909 28052 45962 71731 117602 167951
1640 10188 18154 28436 46590 72711 119209 170246
1660 10326 18400 28821 47221 73695 120823 172550
1680 10465 18647 29207 47854 74683 122443 174864
1700 10604 18895 29595 48490 75676 124070 177189

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 49

Saturated Steam Capacities Capacity in pounds per hour of
Unfired Pressure Vessel Service steam at 10% overpressure.
Styles JOS and JBS Valve discharging to atmospheric
Capacities certified by the National Board of
Set Pressures USCS UNITS Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
1720-2900 psig (United States Customary System) in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2
(psig) 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.503 0.785 1.287 1.838 2.853 3.60 4.34 6.38 11.05 16.0 26.0 27.872
1 psi incr. 6.0 10.8 16.9 27.7 43.3 71.0 101 157 198 239 352 610 883 1436 1539
5 psi incr. 30.3 54.1 84.7 138 216 355 507 787 994 1198 1761 3051 4418 7180 7697
1720 10744 19143 29985 49129 76673 125705 179523
1740 10884 19394 30377 49771 77674 127347 181868
1760 11025 19645 30770 50416 78681 128996 184223
1780 11167 19897 31166 51063 79691 130654 186590
1800 11309 20151 31563 51714 80707 132319 188968
1820 11452 20406 31962 52368 81728 133992 191358
1840 11596 20662 32363 53025 82753 135674 193759
1860 11740 20919 32766 53686 83784 137364 196173
1880 11885 21178 33172 54350 84821 139063 198600
1900 12031 21438 33579 55017 85862 140771 201039
1920 12178 21699 33989 55688 86910 142488 203491
1940 12326 21962 34400 56363 87963 144215 205957
1960 12474 22227 34815 57042 89022 145951
1980 12623 22493 35231 57725 90087 147698
2000 12773 22760 35650 58411 91159 149454
2020 12924 23029 36072 59102 92237 151222
2040 13076 23300 36496 59797 93321 153000
2060 13229 23573 36923 60496 94413 154789
2080 13383 23847 37352 61200 95511 156590
2100 13538 24123 37785 61908 96617 158402
2120 13694 24401 38220 62621 97730 160227
2140 13851 24681 38658 63340 98850 162064
2160 14009 24962 39100 64063 99979 163915
2180 14169 25246 39544 64791 101115 165778
2200 14329 25532 39992 65525 102260 167655
2220 14491 25820 40443 66264 103414 169546
2240 14654 26110 40898 67008 104576 171452
2260 14818 26403 41356 67759 105747 173372
2280 14983 26698 41818 68516 106928 175308
2300 15150 26995 42283 69279 108119 177260
2320 15318 27295 42753 70048 109319 179229
2340 15488 27597 43226 70824 110530 181214
2360 15659 27902 43704 71606 111752 183217
2380 15832 28210 44186 72396 112985 185237
2400 16006 28520 44673 73193 114229 187277
2420 16182 28834 45164 73998 115484 189336
2440 16360 29151 45660 74811 116752 191415
2460 16539 29470 46160 75631 118033
2480 16720 29793 46666 76460 119327
2500 16904 30120 47177 77298
2520 17089 30450 47694 78144
2540 17276 30783 48217 79000
2560 17465 31120 48745 79866
2580 17657 31461 49279 80741
2600 17850 31807 49820 81627
2620 18046 32156 50367 82523
2640 18245 32510 50921 83431
2660 18446 32868 51482 84351
2680 18650 33231 52051 85282
2700 18856 33599 52627 86226
2720 19066 33972 53211 87183
2740 19278 34350 53803 88154
2760 19493 34734 54405 89139
2780 19712 35123 55015 90138
2800 19934 35519 55634 91153
2820 20159 35921 56264 92185
2840 20388 36329 56903 93233
2860 20621 36744 57553 94298
2880 20858 37166 58215 95382
2900 21100 37596 58888 96485

50 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Equivalents and Conversion Factors
This table may be used in two ways

(1) Multiply the unit under column A by the figure under column B, the result is the unit under column C.
(2) Divide the unit under column C by the figure under column B, the result is then the unit under column A.


Atmospheres 14.70 Pounds per square inch Inches of water 0.03613 Pounds per sq. in.
Atmospheres 1.033 Kilograms per sq. cm Inches of water 0.07355 Inches of mercury
Atmospheres 29.92 Inches of mercury
Atmospheres 760.0 Millimeters of mercury Kilograms 2.205 Pounds
Atmospheres 407.2 Inches of water Kilograms 0.001102 Short tons (2000 lbs.)
Atmospheres 33.93 Feet of water
Kilograms 35.27 Ounces
Atmospheres 1.013 Bars
Atmospheres 101.3 KiloPascals Kilograms per minute 132.3 Pounds per hour
Kilograms per sq. cm 14.22 Pounds per sq. in.
Barrels 42.00 Gallons (U.S.) Kilograms per sq. cm 0.9678 Atmospheres
Bars 14.50 Pounds per square inch Kilograms per sq. cm 28.96 Inches of mercury
Bars 1.020 Kilograms per sq. cm Kilograms per cubic meter 16.018 Pounds per cubic foot
Bars 100.0 KiloPascals KiloPascals 0.1450 Pounds per sq. in.
KiloPascals 0.0100 Bars
Centimeters 0.3937 Inches KiloPascals 0.01020 Kilograms per sq. cm
Centimeters 0.03281 Feet
Centimeters 0.010 Meters
Liters 0.03532 Cubic feet
Centimeters 0.01094 Yards
Cubic centimeters 0.06102 Cubic inches Liters 1000. Cubic centimeters
Cubic feet 7.481 Gallons Liters 0.2642 Gallons
Cubic feet 0.1781 Barrels Liters per hour 0.004403 Gallons per minute
Cubic feet per minute 0.02832 Cubic meters per minute
Cubic feet per second 448.8 Gallons per minute Meters 3.281 Feet
Cubic inches 16.39 Cubic centimeters Meters 1.094 Yards
Cubic inches 0.004329 Gallons Meters 100.0 Centimeters
Cubic meters 264.2 Gallons Meters 39.37 Inches
Cubic meters per hour 4.403 Gallons per minute
Cubic meters per minute 35.31 Cubic feet per minute
Pounds 0.1199 Gallons H2 O @ 60F (U.S.)
Standard cubic feet per min. 60.00 Standard cubic ft. per hr
Standard cubic feet per min. 1440. Standard cubic ft. per day Pounds 453.6 Grams
Standard cubic feet per min. 0.02716 Nm3/min. Pounds 0.0005 Short tons (2000 lbs.)
Standard cubic feet per min. 1.630 Nm3/hr. Pounds 0.4536 Kilograms
Standard cubic feet per min. 39.11 Nm3/day Pounds 0.0004536 Metric tons
Standard cubic feet per min. 0.02832 Sm3 /min. Pounds 16.00 Ounces
Standard cubic feet per min. 1.699 Sm3/hr. Pounds per hour 6.323/M.W. Cubic feet per minute
Standard cubic feet per min. 40.78 Sm3 /day Pounds per hour .4536 Kilograms per hour
Pounds per hour liquid 0.002/Sp.Gr. Gallons per minute
Feet 0.3048 Meters liquid (at 60F)
Feet 0.3333 Yards
Pounds per sq. inch 27.68 Inches of water
Feet 30.48 Centimeters
Feet of water 0.8818 Inches of mercury Pounds per sq. inch 2.307 Feet of water
Feet of water 0.4335 Pounds per square inch Pounds per sq. inch 2.036 Inches of mercury
Pounds per sq. inch 0.07031 Kilograms per sq. cm
Gallons(U.S.) 3785. Cubic centimeters Pounds per sq. inch 0.0680 Atmospheres
Gallons(U.S.) 0.1337 Cubic feet Pounds per sq. inch 51.71 Millimeters of mercury
Gallons(U.S.) 231.0 Cubic inches Pounds per sq. inch 0.7032 Meters of water
Gallons(Imperial) 277.4 Cubic inches Pounds per sq. inch 0.06895 Bar
Gallons(U.S.) 0.8327 Gallons (Imperial) Pounds per sq. inch 6.895 KiloPascals
Gallons(U.S.) 3.785 Liters
Gallons of water 8.337 Pounds (at 60F)
Specific gravity 28.97 Molecular weight
Gallons of liquid 500 x Sp. Gr. Pounds per hour liquid
per minute (at 60F) (of gas or vapors) (of gas or vapors)
Gallons per minute 0.002228 Cubic feet per second Square centimeter 0.1550 Square inch
Gallons per minute 227.0 x SG Kilograms per hour Square inch 6.4516 Square centimeter
Gallons per minute .06309 Liters per second Square inch 645.16 Square millimeter
Gallons per minute 3.785 Liters per minute SSU 0.2205 x SG Centipoise
Gallons per minute .2271 M3/hr. SSU 0.2162 Centistoke
Grams .03527 Ounces
Water (cubic feet) 62.4 Pounds (at 60F)
Inches 2.540 Centimeters
Inches 0.08333 Feet
Inches 0.0254 Meters
Inches 0.02778 Yards Centigrade = 5/9 (Fahrenheit - 32)
Inches of mercury 1.133 Feet of water Kelvin = Centigrade + 273
Inches of mercury 0.4912 Pounds per square inch Fahrenheit = 9/5 (Centigrade)+32
Inches of mercury 0.03342 Atmospheres Fahrenheit +460 = Rankine
Inches of mercury 0.03453 Kilograms per sq. cm Fahrenheit (F+460) 5/9 = Kelvin

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 51

Air Capacities Capacity in standard cubic
meters of air per minute at 16C
Styles JOS and JBS and 10% overpressure.
Valve discharging to atmospheric
Set Pressures Capacities certified by the National Board of
0.35-88 barg Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
METRIC UNITS in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Shaded values are JOS only Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2 Pressure
(barg) 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 17981 (kPag)
1 bar incr. 0.8 1.5 2.4 4.0 6.3 10.3 14.8 23.0 29.0 35.0 51.5 89.2 129 209 225 100 kPa incr.
5 bar incr. 4.4 7.9 12.3 20.3 31.6 51.9 74.2 115 145 175 257 446 646 1049 1125 500 kPa incr.
0.35 3.4 5.6 8.8 14.5 20.7 124 35
0.40 3.6 5.9 9.2 15.1 21.6 129 40
0.45 3.7 6.1 9.5 15.6 22.3 34.7 134 45
0.50 3.8 6.3 9.8 16.1 23.1 35.8 80.2 139 50
0.55 2.5 3.9 6.5 10.1 16.6 23.8 37.0 46.6 56.2 82.7 143 207 337 361 55
0.60 2.6 4.0 6.7 10.4 17.1 24.5 38.0 48.0 57.9 85.1 147 213 347 372 60
0.65 2.6 4.2 6.9 10.7 17.6 25.2 39.1 49.4 59.5 87.6 151 219 357 382 65
0.70 1.5 2.7 4.3 7.0 11.0 18.1 25.9 40.2 50.7 61.1 89.9 155 225 366 392 70
0.75 1.5 2.8 4.4 7.2 11.3 18.6 26.5 41.2 52.0 62.7 92.2 159 231 376 403 75
0.80 1.6 2.9 4.5 7.4 11.6 19.0 27.2 42.3 53.3 64.3 94.6 163 237 385 413 80
0.85 1.6 2.9 4.6 7.6 11.9 19.5 27.9 43.3 54.7 65.9 96.9 167 243 395 423 85
0.90 1.7 3.0 4.7 7.8 12.2 20.0 28.6 44.4 56.0 67.5 99.3 172 249 404 433 90
0.95 1.7 3.1 4.8 8.0 12.5 20.5 29.2 45.4 57.3 69.1 101 176 254 414 444 95
1 1.7 3.1 5.0 8.1 12.7 20.9 29.9 46.5 58.6 70.7 104 180 260 423 454 100
2 2.6 4.6 7.2 11.8 18.5 30.4 43.4 67.4 85.1 102 150 261 378 614 658 200
4 4.3 7.7 12.2 19.9 31.1 51.1 73.0 113 143 172 253 439 635 1033 1107 400
6 6.1 10.9 17.1 28.1 43.8 71.9 102 159 201 242 356 617 894 1453 1557 600
8 7.9 14.1 22.1 36.2 56.5 92.7 132 205 259 312 459 796 1152 1873 2008 800
10 9.7 17.2 27.0 44.3 69.2 113 162 251 317 382 562 974 1411 2293 2458 1000
12 11.4 20.4 32.0 52.4 81.9 134 191 297 375 452 665 1153 1669 2713 2908 1200
14 13.2 23.6 36.9 60.6 94.5 155 221 343 433 522 768 1331 1928 3133 3358 1400
16 15.0 26.7 41.9 68.7 107 175 251 389 491 593 871 1510 2186 3552 3808 1600
18 16.8 29.9 46.9 76.8 119 196 280 435 550 663 974 1688 2444 3972 4258 1800
20 18.5 33.1 51.8 84.9 132 217 310 482 608 733 1077 1866 2703 4392 4709 2000
22 20.3 36.2 56.8 93.1 145 238 340 528 666 803 1180 2045 2200
24 22.1 39.4 61.7 101 157 259 369 574 724 873 1284 2223 2400
26 23.9 42.6 66.7 109 170 279 399 620 782 943 1387 2402 2600
28 25.6 45.7 71.7 117 183 300 429 666 840 1013 1490 2580 2800
30 27.4 48.9 76.6 125 196 321 458 712 898 1083 1593 2759 3000
32 29.2 52.1 81.6 133 208 342 488 758 957 1153 1696 2937 3200
34 31.0 55.2 86.5 141 221 362 518 804 1015 1223 1799 3116 3400
36 32.7 58.4 91.5 149 234 383 548 850 1073 1294 1902 3294 3600
38 34.5 61.6 96.4 158 246 404 577 896 1131 1364 2005 3473 3800
40 36.3 64.7 101 166 259 425 607 942 1189 1434 2108 3651 4000
42 38.1 67.9 106 174 272 446 637 988 1247 1504 2211 4200
44 39.9 71.1 111 182 284 466 666 1034 1305 1574 2314 4400
46 41.6 74.2 116 190 297 487 696 1081 1364 1644 2417 4600
48 43.4 77.4 121 198 310 508 726 1127 1422 1714 2520 4800
50 45.2 80.6 126 206 322 529 755 1173 1480 1784 2623 5000
52 47.0 83.7 131 214 335 550 785 1219 1538 1854 2726 5200
54 48.7 86.9 136 223 348 570 815 1265 1596 1924 2829 5400
56 50.5 90.0 141 231 360 591 844 1311 1654 1995 2932 5600
58 52.3 93.2 146 239 373 612 874 1357 1713 2065 3035 5800
60 54.1 96.4 151 247 386 633 904 1403 1771 2135 3138 6000
62 55.8 99.5 155 255 398 653 933 1449 1829 2205 3241 6200
64 57.6 102 160 263 411 674 963 1495 1887 2275 3344 6400
66 59.4 105 165 271 424 695 993 1541 1945 2345 3448 6600
68 61.2 109 170 279 436 716 1023 1587 2003 2415 3551 6800
70 63.0 112 175 288 449 737 1052 1634 2061 7000
72 64.7 115 180 296 462 757 1082 1680 2120 7200
74 66.5 118 185 304 474 778 1112 1726 2178 7400
76 68.3 121 190 312 487 799 1141 1772 7600
78 70.1 124 195 320 500 820 1171 1818 7800
80 71.8 128 200 328 512 841 1201 1864 8000
82 73.6 131 205 336 525 861 1230 1910 8200
84 75.4 134 210 344 538 882 1260 1956 8400
86 77.2 137 215 353 551 903 1290 2002 8600
88 78.9 140 220 361 563 924 1319 2048 8800

Capacities below 2.0 bar set pressure are calculated at 0.2 bar overpressure.

52 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Air Capacities Capacity in standard cubic
meters of air per minute at 16C
Styles JOS and JBS and 10% overpressure. Valve
discharging to atmospheric
Set Pressures Capacities certified by the National Board of
90-410 barg METRIC UNITS Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2 Pressure
(barg) 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 17981 (kPag)
1 bar incr. 0.8 1.5 2.4 4.0 6.3 10.3 14.8 23.0 29.0 35.0 51.5 89.2 129 209 225 100 kPa incr.
5 bar incr. 4.4 7.9 12.3 20.3 31.6 51.9 74.2 115 145 175 257 446 646 1049 1125 500 kPa incr.
90 80.7 143 225 369 576 944 1349 2094 9000
92 82.5 147 230 377 589 965 1379 2140 9200
94 84.3 150 235 385 601 986 1408 2186 9400
96 86.0 153 240 393 614 1007 1438 2233 9600
98 87.8 156 245 401 627 1028 1468 2279 9800
100 89.6 159 250 409 639 1048 1497 2325 10000
102 91.4 162 255 418 652 1069 1527 2371 10200
104 93.2 166 260 426 665 1090 1557 10400
106 94.9 169 265 434 677 1111 1587 10600
108 96.7 172 270 442 690 1132 1616 10800
110 98.5 175 275 450 703 1152 1646 11000
112 100 178 279 458 715 1173 1676 11200
114 102 181 284 466 728 1194 1705 11400
116 103 185 289 474 741 1215 1735 11600
118 105 188 294 483 753 1236 1765 11800
120 107 191 299 491 766 1256 1794 12000
122 109 194 304 499 779 1277 1824 12200
124 110 197 309 507 791 1298 1854 12400
126 112 200 314 515 804 1319 1883 12600
128 114 204 319 523 817 1339 1913 12800
130 116 207 324 531 829 1360 1943 13000
132 118 210 329 539 842 1381 1972 13200
134 119 213 334 548 855 1402 2002 13400
136 121 216 339 556 868 1423 2032 13600
138 123 219 344 564 880 1443 2062 13800
140 125 223 349 572 893 1464 2091 14000
142 126 226 354 580 906 1485 2121 14200
144 128 229 359 588 918 1506 2151 14400
146 130 232 364 596 931 1527 2180 14600
148 132 235 369 604 944 1547 2210 14800
150 134 238 374 613 956 1568 2240 15000
160 142 254 398 653 1020 1672 16000
170 151 270 423 694 1083 1776 17000
180 160 286 448 734 1146 1880 18000
190 169 302 473 775 1210 19000
200 178 318 498 816 20000
210 187 333 522 856 21000
220 196 349 547 897 22000
230 205 365 572 938 23000
240 214 381 597 978 24000
250 222 397 622 1019 25000
260 231 412 646 26000
270 240 428 671 27000
280 249 444 696 28000
290 258 460 721 29000
300 267 476 746 30000
310 276 492 770 31000
320 285 507 795 32000
330 293 523 820 33000
340 302 539 845 34000
350 311 555 35000
360 320 571 36000
370 329 587 37000
380 338 602 38000
390 347 618 39000
400 356 634 40000
410 365 650 41000

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 53

Water Capacities Capacity in liters per minute of
water at 21C and 10% overpres-
Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS sure.

Differential Pressures P* Capacities certified by the National Board of

1-80 bar METRIC UNITS Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T Pressure
P 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 P
(bar) (kPa)
1 44.6 79.5 124 204 318 522 745 1157 1460 1760 2588 4482 6490 10547 100
2 63.1 112 176 288 450 738 1054 1636 2065 2489 3660 6339 9179 14916 200
3 77.2 137 215 353 551 904 1291 2004 2529 3049 4482 7764 11242 18268 300
4 89.2 159 249 408 636 1044 1491 2314 2920 3521 5176 8965 12981 21094 400
5 99.7 177 278 456 712 1167 1667 2587 3265 3936 5787 10023 14513 23584 500
6 109 194 305 499 780 1278 1826 2834 3577 4312 6339 10980 15898 25835 600
7 118 210 329 539 842 1381 1972 3062 3863 4658 6847 11859 17172 27905 700
8 126 224 352 577 900 1476 2108 3273 4130 4979 7320 12678 18358 29832 800
9 133 238 373 612 955 1566 2236 3472 4381 5281 7764 13447 19471 31641 900
10 141 251 393 645 1007 1651 2357 3659 4618 5567 8184 14175 20525 33353 1000
11 147 263 413 676 1056 1731 2472 3838 4843 5839 8583 14867 21527 34981 1100
12 154 275 431 706 1103 1808 2582 4009 5058 6098 8965 15528 22484 36536 1200
13 160 286 449 735 1148 1882 2688 4172 5265 6347 9331 16162 23402 38028 1300
14 166 297 465 763 1191 1953 2789 4330 5464 6587 9683 16772 24285 39464 1400
15 172 307 482 790 1233 2022 2887 4482 5656 6818 10023 17361 25138 40849 1500
16 178 318 498 816 1273 2088 2982 4629 5841 7042 10352 17930 25962 42189 1600
17 183 327 513 841 1312 2152 3074 4771 6021 7259 10671 18482 26761 43487 1700
18 189 337 528 865 1351 2215 3163 4910 6195 7469 10980 19018 27537 44748 1800
19 194 346 542 889 1388 2275 3250 5044 6365 7674 11281 19539 28292 45974 1900
20 199 355 556 912 1424 2334 3334 5175 6531 7873 11574 20046 29027 47169 2000
21 204 364 570 935 1459 2392 3416 5303 6692 8068 11860 20541 29743 48333 2100
22 209 372 584 957 1493 2448 3497 5428 6849 8257 12139 21025 30443 49471 2200
23 214 381 597 978 1527 2503 3575 5550 7003 8443 12412 21497 31128 50583 2300
24 218 389 610 999 1560 2557 3652 5669 7154 8625 12679 21960 2400
25 223 397 622 1020 1592 2610 3728 5786 7301 8802 12940 22413 2500
26 227 405 635 1040 1623 2662 3801 5901 7446 8977 13197 22856 2600
27 231 413 647 1060 1654 2712 3874 6013 7588 9148 13448 23292 2700
28 236 420 659 1079 1685 2762 3945 6124 7727 9316 13695 23719 2800
29 240 428 670 1098 1714 2811 4015 6232 7864 9481 13937 24139 2900
30 244 435 682 1117 1744 2859 4083 6339 7998 9643 14175 24552 3000
31 248 442 693 1136 1773 2906 4151 6443 8131 9802 14410 24958 3100
32 252 449 704 1154 1801 2953 4217 6547 8261 9959 14640 25357 3200
33 256 456 715 1172 1829 2999 4283 6648 8389 10113 14867 25750 3300
34 260 463 726 1189 1856 3044 4347 6748 8515 10265 15091 26137 3400
35 263 470 736 1207 1883 3088 4411 6847 8639 10415 15311 26519 3500
36 267 477 747 1224 1910 3132 4473 6944 8762 10563 15528 26895 3600
37 271 483 757 1241 1937 3175 4535 7039 8883 10709 15743 27266 3700
38 275 490 767 1257 1963 3218 4596 7134 9002 10853 15954 27632 3800
39 278 496 777 1274 1988 3260 4656 7227 9120 10994 16162 27993 3900
40 282 502 787 1290 2014 3302 4715 7319 9236 11134 16368 28350 4000
41 285 509 797 1306 2039 3343 4774 7410 9351 11273 16572 28702 4100
42 289 515 807 1322 2063 3383 4832 7500 9464 11409 16773 29050 4200
43 292 521 816 1338 2088 3423 4889 7589 9576 11544 16971 29394 4300
44 295 527 826 1353 2112 3463 4945 7677 9687 11678 17167 29734 4400
45 299 533 835 1368 2136 3502 5001 7763 9796 11810 17361 4500
46 302 539 844 1383 2159 3541 5057 7849 9904 11940 17553 4600
47 305 545 853 1398 2183 3579 5111 7934 10011 12070 17743 4700
48 309 550 862 1413 2206 3617 5165 8018 10117 12197 17931 4800
49 312 556 871 1428 2229 3654 5219 8101 10222 12324 18117 4900
50 315 562 880 1442 2251 3691 5272 8183 10326 12449 18300 5000
52 321 573 898 1471 2296 3764 5376 8345 10531 12695 18663 5200
54 327 584 915 1499 2340 3836 5479 8504 10731 12937 19018 5400
56 333 595 931 1526 2383 3906 5579 8660 10928 13175 19367 5600
58 339 605 948 1553 2425 3976 5678 8814 11122 13408 19710 5800
60 345 615 964 1580 2466 4044 5775 8964 11312 13637 20047 6000
62 351 626 980 1606 2507 4110 5870 9113 11499 13862 20379 6200
64 356 636 996 1632 2547 4176 5964 9258 11683 14084 20705 6400
66 362 645 1011 1657 2587 4241 6057 9402 11864 14303 21026 6600
68 367 655 1026 1682 2625 4305 6148 9543 12042 14518 21342 6800
70 373 665 1041 1707 2664 4368 6238 9683 12218 14730 21654 7000
72 378 674 1056 1731 2702 4430 6326 9820 12391 14939 21961 7200
74 383 683 1071 1755 2739 4491 6414 9956 12562 15145 22264 7400
76 389 693 1085 1778 2776 4551 6500 10089 12731 7600
78 394 702 1099 1802 2812 4610 6585 10221 12897 7800
80 399 711 1113 1825 2848 4669 6668 10351 13062 8000
*Differential Pressure ( P) equals inlet pressure (set pressure plus overpressure) at flowing conditions minus back pressure.
See pages 14 to 43 for Minimum and Maximum Set Pressure Limits.

54 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Water Capacities Capacity in liters per minute of
water at 21C and 10%
Styles JLT-JOS and JLT-JBS overpressure.

Differential Pressures P* Capacities certified by the National Board of

82-455 bar METRIC UNITS Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T Pressure
P 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 P
(bar) (kPa)
82 404 719 1127 1847 2883 4727 6751 10480 13224 8200
84 408 728 1141 1870 2918 4785 6833 10607 13384 8400
86 413 737 1154 1892 2953 4841 6914 10732 8600
88 418 745 1168 1914 2987 4897 6994 10857 8800
90 423 754 1181 1935 3021 4953 7073 10979 9000
92 428 762 1194 1957 3054 5007 7151 11101 9200
94 432 770 1207 1978 3087 5061 7228 11221 9400
96 437 779 1220 1999 3120 5115 7305 11339 9600
98 441 787 1232 2019 3152 5168 7381 11457 9800
100 446 795 1245 2040 3184 5220 7456 11573 10000
102 450 803 1257 2060 3216 5272 7530 11688 10200
104 455 810 1270 2080 3247 5324 7603 11802 10400
106 459 818 1282 2100 3278 5375 7676 11915 10600
108 463 826 1294 2120 3309 5425 7748 12027 10800
110 468 833 1306 2140 3339 5475 7820 12138 11000
112 472 841 1318 2159 3370 5525 7890 12248 11200
114 476 848 1329 2178 3400 5574 7960 12357 11400
116 480 856 1341 2197 3429 5623 8030 11600
118 484 863 1352 2216 3459 5671 8099 11800
120 488 870 1364 2235 3488 5719 8167 12000
122 492 878 1375 2253 3517 5766 8235 12200
124 496 885 1386 2272 3546 5813 8302 12400
126 500 892 1397 2290 3574 5860 8369 12600
128 504 899 1409 2308 3602 5906 8435 12800
130 508 906 1419 2326 3630 5952 8501 13000
132 512 913 1430 2344 3658 5998 8566 13200
134 516 920 1441 2362 3686 6043 8631 13400
136 520 927 1452 2379 3713 6088 8695 13600
138 524 934 1463 2397 3740 6133 8758 13800
140 527 940 1473 2414 3767 6177 8822 14000
142 531 947 1484 2431 3794 6221 8885 14200
144 535 954 1494 2448 3821 6265 8947 14400
146 539 960 1504 2465 3847 6308 9009 14600
148 542 967 1515 2482 3874 6351 9070 14800
150 546 973 1525 2499 3900 6394 9131 15000
160 564 1005 1575 2581 4028 6604 9431 16000
170 581 1036 1623 2660 4152 6807 17000
180 598 1066 1670 2737 4272 7004 18000
190 615 1095 1716 2812 4389 7196 19000
200 631 1124 1761 2885 4503 7383 20000
210 646 1152 1804 2956 21000
220 661 1179 1847 3026 22000
230 676 1205 1888 3094 23000
240 691 1231 1929 3161 24000
250 705 1257 1969 3226 25000
260 719 1282 2008 3290 26000
270 733 1306 2046 3352 27000
280 746 1330 2083 3414 28000
290 759 1354 2120 29000
300 772 1377 2157 30000
310 785 1399 2192 31000
320 798 1422 2227 32000
330 810 1444 2262 33000
340 822 1466 2296 34000
350 834 1487 2329 35000
360 846 1508 2362 36000
370 858 1529 2395 37000
380 869 1549 38000
390 881 1570 39000
400 892 1590 40000
410 903 1609 41000
420 914 1629 42000
430 925 1648 43000
440 936 1667 44000
450 946 1686 45000
455 951 1696 45500
*Differential Pressure ( P) equals inlet pressure (set pressure plus overpressure) at flowing conditions minus back pressure.
See pages 14 to 43 for Minimum and Maximum Set Pressure Limits.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 55

Saturated Steam Capacities Capacity in kilograms per
hour of steam at 10% over-
Unfired Pressure Vessel Service pressure. Valve discharging to
atmospheric pressure.
Styles JOS and JBS
Capacities certified by the National Board of
Set Pressures Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
0.35-76 barg METRIC UNITS Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Shaded values are JOS only
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2 Pressure
(barg) 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 17981 (kPag)
*0.1 bar incr. 3.9 7.1 11.1 18.2 28.5 46.7 66.7 103 130 157 231 401 581 944 1012 10 kPa incr.
*0.5 bar incr. 19.9 35.6 55.7 91.3 142 233 333 518 654 788 1159 2007 2906 4723 5063 50 kPa incr.
0.35 155 255 398 652 932 5606 35
0.40 162 266 415 680 972 5843 40
0.45 168 275 430 705 1007 1563 6054 45
0.50 173 284 444 728 1040 1614 3611 6254 50
0.55 114 179 293 458 751 1072 1665 2101 2533 3723 6449 9338 15174 16267 55
0.60 117 184 302 471 773 1104 1713 2162 2607 3832 6638 9611 15618 16743 60
0.65 121 189 310 485 795 1135 1762 2224 2681 3941 6827 9885 16063 17220 65
0.70 69.7 124 194 319 497 816 1165 1809 2283 2753 4047 7009 10149 16493 17680 70
0.75 71.5 127 199 327 510 837 1196 1856 2343 2824 4152 7192 10414 16922 18141 75
0.80 73.4 130 204 335 523 858 1226 1904 2402 2896 4257 7374 10678 17352 18601 80
0.85 75.2 134 209 344 536 880 1257 1951 2462 2968 4363 7557 10942 17781 19061 85
0.90 77.0 137 215 352 549 901 1287 1998 2521 3039 4468 7739 11206 18211 19522 90
0.95 78.8 140 220 360 562 922 1317 2045 2580 3111 4574 7922 11471 18640 19982 95
1 80.6 143 225 368 575 943 1348 2092 2640 3183 4679 8104 11735 19069 20442 100
2 117 208 326 535 835 1369 1955 3034 3829 4616 6786 11754 17020 27658 29649 200
3 156 279 437 716 1118 1833 2618 4065 5129 6183 9090 15744 22798 37046 39714 300
4 196 350 548 899 1403 2301 3286 5101 6437 7760 11408 19759 28611 46494 49841 400
5 236 421 660 1082 1688 2769 3954 6138 7745 9337 13727 23775 34425 55941 59969 500
6 276 492 772 1265 1974 3236 4622 7175 9053 10914 16045 27790 40239 65388 70096 600
7 316 564 883 1447 2259 3704 5290 8211 10361 12491 18363 31805 46052 74835 80224 700
8 356 635 995 1630 2544 4172 5958 9248 11669 14068 20681 35820 51866 84283 90351 800
9 396 706 1106 1813 2829 4639 6626 10285 12978 15645 23000 39835 57680 93730 100479 900
10 436 777 1218 1996 3115 5107 7293 11321 14286 17222 25318 43850 63494 103177 110606 1000
11 476 849 1329 2178 3400 5574 7961 12358 15594 18799 27636 47865 69307 112625 120734 1100
12 516 920 1441 2361 3685 6042 8629 13395 16902 20376 29954 51880 75121 122072 130861 1200
13 556 991 1552 2544 3970 6510 9297 14431 18210 21953 32272 55895 80935 131519 140989 1300
14 596 1062 1664 2727 4256 6977 9965 15468 19518 23530 34591 59910 86748 140966 151116 1400
15 636 1133 1776 2909 4541 7445 10633 16505 20826 25107 36909 63926 92562 150414 161244 1500
16 676 1205 1887 3092 4826 7913 11300 17541 22134 26684 39227 67941 98376 159861 171371 1600
17 716 1276 1999 3275 5111 8380 11968 18578 23442 28261 41545 71956 104190 169308 181499 1700
18 756 1347 2110 3458 5397 8848 12636 19615 24750 29838 43863 75971 110003 178756 191626 1800
19 796 1418 2222 3641 5682 9316 13304 20651 26058 31415 46182 79986 115817 188203 201754 1900
20 836 1489 2333 3823 5967 9783 13972 21688 27367 32992 48500 84001 121631 197650 211881 2000
22 916 1632 2556 4189 6538 10718 15308 23761 29983 36146 53136 92031 2200
24 996 1774 2780 4554 7108 11654 16643 25834 32599 39300 57773 100061 2400
26 1076 1917 3003 4920 7678 12589 17979 27908 35215 42454 62409 108092 2600
28 1155 2059 3226 5285 8249 13524 19315 29981 37831 45608 67046 116122 2800
30 1235 2202 3449 5651 8819 14460 20650 32054 40447 48762 71682 124152 3000
32 1315 2344 3672 6017 9390 15395 21986 34128 43064 51916 76319 132182 3200
34 1395 2487 3895 6382 9960 16330 23322 36201 45680 55070 80955 140212 3400
36 1475 2629 4118 6748 10531 17265 24657 38274 48296 58223 85591 148243 3600
38 1555 2771 4341 7113 11101 18201 25993 40348 50912 61377 90228 156273 3800
40 1635 2914 4564 7479 11672 19136 27329 42421 53528 64531 94864 164303 4000
42 1715 3056 4787 7844 12242 20071 28665 44494 56144 67685 99501 4200
44 1795 3199 5011 8210 12813 21007 30000 46568 58761 70839 104137 4400
46 1875 3341 5234 8575 13383 21942 31336 48641 61377 73993 108774 4600
48 1955 3484 5457 8941 13954 22877 32672 50714 63993 77147 113410 4800
50 2035 3626 5680 9306 14524 23812 34007 52788 66609 80301 118046 5000
52 2115 3768 5903 9672 15095 24748 35343 54861 69225 83455 122683 5200
54 2195 3911 6126 10037 15665 25683 36679 56934 71841 86609 127319 5400
56 2275 4053 6349 10403 16236 26618 38014 59008 74458 89763 131956 5600
58 2355 4196 6572 10768 16806 27554 39350 61081 77074 92917 136592 5800
60 2434 4338 6795 11134 17376 28489 40686 63154 79690 96071 141229 6000
62 2514 4481 7018 11500 17947 29424 42022 65227 82306 99225 145865 6200
64 2594 4623 7242 11865 18517 30359 43357 67301 84922 102379 150502 6400
66 2674 4766 7465 12231 19088 31295 44693 69374 87538 105533 155138 6600
68 2754 4908 7688 12596 19658 32230 46029 71447 90155 108687 159774 6800
70 2834 5050 7911 12962 20229 33165 47364 73521 92771 7000
72 2914 5193 8134 13327 20799 34101 48700 75594 95387 7200
74 2994 5335 8357 13693 21370 35036 50036 77667 98003 7400
76 3074 5478 8580 14058 21940 35971 51372 79741 7600
Capacities below 2.0 bar set pressure are calculated at 0.2 bar overpressure.
*Not valid below 2.0 bar set pressure.

56 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Saturated Steam Capacities Capacity in kilograms per
hour of steam at 10% over-
Unfired Pressure Vessel Service pressure. Valve discharging to
atmospheric pressure.
Styles JOS and JBS
Capacities certified by the National Board of
Set Pressures Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and
in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
78-200 barg METRIC UNITS Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.
Pressure D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T T2 Pressure
(barg) 71.0 126 198 325 506 830 1186 1841 2323 2800 4116 7129 10323 16774 17981 (kPag)
0.1 bar incr. 3.9 7.1 11.1 18.2 28.5 46.7 66.7 103 130 157 231 401 581 944 1012 10 kPa incr.
0.5 bar incr. 19.9 35.6 55.7 91.3 142 233 333 518 654 788 1159 2007 2906 4723 5063 50 kPa incr.
78 3154 5620 8803 14424 22511 36906 52707 81814 7800
80 3234 5763 9026 14789 23081 37842 54043 83887 8000
82 3314 5905 9249 15155 23652 38777 55379 85961 8200
84 3394 6047 9473 15520 24222 39712 56714 88034 8400
86 3474 6190 9696 15886 24793 40647 58050 90107 8600
88 3554 6332 9919 16252 25363 41583 59386 92181 8800
90 3634 6475 10142 16617 25934 42518 60721 94254 9000
92 3714 6617 10365 16983 26504 43453 62057 96327 9200
94 3780 6736 10550 17286 26978 44230 63167 98050 9400
96 3866 6889 10791 17681 27593 45240 64608 100287 9600
98 3953 7044 11033 18077 28212 46254 66056 102535 9800
100 4040 7199 11276 18475 28834 47273 67512 104794 10000
102 4127 7355 11520 18876 29458 48297 68975 107065 10200
104 4215 7512 11766 19278 30086 49327 70445 10400
106 4304 7669 12013 19683 30718 50362 71923 10600
108 4393 7828 12261 20089 31353 51402 73410 10800
110 4482 7987 12511 20498 31991 52449 74904 11000
112 4572 8147 12762 20910 32633 53502 76408 11200
114 4663 8309 13015 21324 33279 54561 77920 11400
116 4754 8471 13269 21740 33929 55626 79442 11600
118 4846 8634 13524 22159 34583 56698 80973 11800
120 4938 8799 13782 22581 35241 57778 82514 12000
122 5031 8964 14041 23006 35904 58864 84065 12200
124 5124 9131 14302 23433 36571 59958 85628 12400
126 5218 9298 14565 23864 37243 61059 87201 12600
128 5313 9467 14829 24297 37919 62169 88785 12800
130 5409 9638 15096 24734 38601 63287 90382 13000
132 5505 9809 15365 25175 39289 64414 91991 13200
134 5602 9982 15636 25618 39981 65549 13400
136 5700 10157 15909 26066 40680 66694 13600
138 5799 10332 16184 26517 41384 67849 13800
140 5898 10510 16462 26972 42094 69013 14000
142 5999 10689 16742 27432 42811 70189 14200
144 6100 10869 17025 27895 43535 71375 14400
146 6202 11052 17311 28363 44265 72572 14600
148 6306 11236 17599 28836 45003 73782 14800
150 6410 11422 17891 29314 45748 75004 15000
152 6516 11610 18186 29796 46501 76239 15200
154 6622 11800 18483 30284 47263 77487 15400
156 6730 11992 18784 30777 48033 78749 15600
158 6839 12187 19089 31277 48812 80027 15800
160 6950 12384 19397 31782 49600 81319 16000
162 7062 12583 19710 32293 50399 82628 16200
164 7175 12785 20026 32812 51207 83954 16400
166 7290 12990 20346 33337 52027 85298 16600
168 7406 13197 20671 33869 52858 86660 16800
170 7525 13408 21001 34409 53701 17000
172 7644 13621 21336 34957 17200
174 7766 13838 21675 35514 17400
176 7890 14059 22021 36080 17600
178 8016 14283 22372 36655 17800
180 8143 14511 22728 37239 18000
182 8274 14743 23092 37835 18200
184 8406 14979 23462 38441 18400
186 8541 15220 23839 39059 18600
188 8679 15465 24224 39690 18800
190 8820 15716 24617 40334 19000
192 8964 15973 25018 40991 19200
196 9262 16503 25849 42352 19600
200 9574 17059 26721 43781 20000

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 57

Pressure Relief Valves -
Custom Designed by Crosby Engineering
Crosby can design and manufacture pressure relief valves to meet
your unique requirements.
Emergency depressurizing system for overpressure protection and protection in the
event of a fire or runaway exothermic reaction.

Crosby Style JBS pressure relief valve with special axial pneumatic actuator custom
designed by Crosby Engineering.

Standard direct operating pressure relief valve which can also be opened pneumatically.

Pneumatic operation as a result of remote sensing of pressure, temperature or other

process variables.

Direct in line loading of valve spindle without the use of levers or cams.

Full lift of valve disc with zero pressure at the inlet port.

Remote valve lift indication.

To find out more about this unique pressure relief valve with special axial pneumatic actuator, or for information
about how Crosby can provide you with a special valve designed to meet your needs, contact the Crosby Factory
or your local Crosby Representative.

Crosby Block Body Pressure Relief Valves

With todays process systems requiring greater and larger
throughputs at ever increasing pressure, Crosbys Block Body
Pressure Relief Valves provide the solution to applications involving
very high set and back pressures that exceed standard ranges.
One single Crosby Block Body Pressure Relief Valve installation can
handle the capacity of multiple API-526 standard valves with:
Fewer potential leak paths
Less down time and maintenance
Fewer spare parts required
Cost savings on inlet and outlet piping

Design Details:
Full nozzle design for maximum tightness
Geometrically designed valve block body and bonnet for weight savings
Dissimilar materials are used for guiding surfaces to eliminate galling
Interference fitted inlet studs provided
Available in orifice sizes from D through T2
Materials of construction available for special process applications
Available in Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT valve designs
For more information, contact the Factory or your local Crosby Representative.
58 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.
Crosby Styles JBS and JLT-JBS balanced bellows valves
with supplementary back pressure balancing piston

Styles JBS-BP and JLT-JBS-BP are a modification to the Crosby bellows pressure
relief valve designed and tested in collaboration with engineers of one of the world's
leading petroleum companies. This adaptation provides additional assurance of safe
performance in the event of bellows failure on installations having discharge manifold
systems where back pressures (constant or variable) are present.

The Crosby bellows pressure relief valve (Styles JBS and JLT-JBS) was especially
developed for service under back pressure conditions. The balanced area bellows
counteracts back pressure effects. However, in case of a broken or ruptured bellows,
the valve would perform in the manner of a standard valve without bellows. Introduc-
tion of the Supplementary Back Pressure Balancing Piston guarantees full perfor-
5B mance characteristics of the valve until necessary replacement of the bellows can be
made. This design, illustrated at the left, thus affords double protection.

Unless compensated for, the effects of back pressure may cause (1) a change in the
opening pressure, (2) a decrease in valve capacity, and (3) valve performance to
become unstable at higher back pressure. Use of the bellows valve with supplemen-
17 tary balancing piston maintains the balancing effect even after bellows failure and in
such event would allow the valve to function in essentially the same manner as with
the bellows intact. However, the bonnet of the valve must be vented in order to insure
proper functioning of the valve. The vent also serves for a tell-tale in case of a ruptured
or broken bellows.

The auxiliary balancing piston is incorporated in the basic bellows valve, modified
to include the piston (5B) and the cylinder (17) which is part of the disc holder. The
guiding clearances are held to a minimum and, in addition, grooves in the piston
Styles JBS-BP form a labyrinth seal to reduce flow between the piston and cylinder. Thus, in the
event of a bellows failure, the leakage of fluid to atmosphere is kept to a minimum.

Flanges and Flange Facing

Dimensions of flanges conform to current ANSI standards. On full
nozzle valve inlets, however, the thicknesses are greater than the
minimum required by ANSI standards. Dimension X shown at right
should be used to determine bolt length. Dimension X remains the
same for raised face or ring joint flanges and is found on pages 14
through 42.

All flange facings are spiral serrated finish or concentric serrated

finish. Optional finishes are available. Drilling of inlet and outlet
flange holes straddle the valve center line. Inlet and outlet flanges
are spot faced on back for stud nuts. Center-to-face dimensions are
subject to tolerance of 1/16" (1.5mm) for valves through 4" inlet
size and 1/8" (3.17mm) for valves with inlet size larger than 4".

In addition to standard raised face or ring joint flanges, tongue and

groove or other flange facings are available as options.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 59

Crosby JBS and JLT-JBS Balanced Bellows Pressure Relief Valves
for Sour Gas Service per NACE MR0175
Level 1 - For applications where compliance with NACE MR0175 is required for wetted parts in
the primary (upstream) pressure zone of the pressure relief valve.

Level 2 - For applications where compliance with NACE MR0175 is required for wetted parts in
the primary (upstream) and secondary (downstream) pressure zones of the pressure
relief valve.

The stainless steel or Inconel bellows isolates the valve spring and other critical components above
it from the process fluid.

While the materials recommended for the Crosby Style JBS and JLT-JBS sour gas valves are
suitable for average service conditions, optional materials are available to provide additional
resistance to corrosion beyond the minimum requirements of the standard.

Standard NACE Material

No. Part Name Level 1 Level 2
1 Body Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB
2 Nozzle 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
3 Nozzle Ring 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
4 Set Screw 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
5A Disc Holder 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
5B Bellows Top Flange 316L St.St. Inconel (Note 2) Note: This vent
5C Bellows 316L St.St. Inconel must remain
open on JBS
6 Disc Insert 316 St.St. 316 St.St. construction
8 Guide St.St. St.St.
ASTM A 297 Gr. HE ASTM A 297 Gr. HE
9 Spindle 416 St.St. 416 St.St.
10 Spring Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Aluminum Metallized
11 Spring Washer Steel Steel
12 Bonnet Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB 5B
13 Bonnet Stud Alloy Steel Note 1
14 Bonnet Nut Steel Note 1 5C
15 Adjusting Bolt 416 St.St. 416 St.St.
16 Adj. Bolt Nut Steel Steel 5A
20 Set Screw Gasket * *
21 Guide Gasket * *
22 Seal & Wire Lead & St.St. Lead & St.St.
23 Seal Clip St.St. St.St.
24 Type J Cap Steel Steel Style JBS
(with bellows)
25 Cap Gasket * *
Note: Shaded materials indicate variation from standard.
*Organic Fiber Non-Asbestos

Note 1 - Standard bolting material is furnished for NACE MR0175 Class III applications where bolting is not directly
exposed to sour environments and is not buried, insulated, equipped with flange protectors, or otherwise
denied direct atmospheric exposure. If Class I or II bolting is required, bolts will be ASME A193 Grade
B7M HRC-22 maximum and nuts will be ASME A194 Class 2HM HRC-22 maximum.

Note 2 - Top flange on D and E orifice bellows is 316 stainless steel.

60 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Crosby JOS and JLT-JOS Pressure Relief Valves
for Sour Gas Service per NACE MR0175
Level 1 - For applications where compliance with NACE MR0175 is required for wetted parts in
the primary (upstream) pressure zone of the pressure relief valve.

Level 2 - For applications where compliance with NACE MR0175 is required for wetted parts in
the primary (upstream) and secondary (downstream) pressure zones of the pressure
relief valve.

While the materials recommended for the Crosby Style JOS and JLT-JOS sour gas valves are
suitable for average service conditions, optional materials are available to provide additional
resistance to corrosion beyond the minimum requirements of the standard.

Standard NACE Material

24 23 22 25 No. Part Name Level 1 Level 2
1 Body Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB
16 2 Nozzle 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
11 3 Nozzle Ring 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
4 Set Screw 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
12 5 Disc Holder 316L St.St. 316L St.St.
10 6 Disc Insert 316 St.St. 316 St.St.
8 Guide St.St. St.St.
9 ASTM A 297 Gr. HE ASTM A 297 Gr. HE
9 Spindle 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
13 11 10 Spring Carbon Steel Inconel X750
14 11 Spring Washer Steel 316 St.St.
21 12 Bonnet Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
SA-216 Gr. WCB SA-216 Gr. WCB
8 13 Bonnet Stud Alloy Steel Note 1
14 Bonnet Nut Steel Note 1
6 15 Adjusting Bolt 416 St.St. 316 St.St.
20 16 Adj. Bolt Nut Steel 316 St.St.
20 Set Screw Gasket * *
4 3 21 Guide Gasket * *
22 Seal & Wire Lead & St.St. Lead & St.St.
23 Seal Clip St.St. St.St.
1 24 Type J Cap Steel Steel
2 25 Cap Gasket * *
Note: Shaded materials indicate variation from standard.
Style JOS *Organic Fiber Non-Asbestos

Note 1 - Standard bolting material is furnished for NACE MR0175 Class III applications where bolting is not directly
exposed to sour environments and is not buried, insulated, equipped with flange protectors, or otherwise
denied direct atmospheric exposure. If Class I or II bolting is required, bolts will be ASME A193 Grade B7M
HRC-22 maximum and nuts will be ASME A194 Class 2HM HRC-22 maximum.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 61

Pressure Relief Valve Seat Tightness
Metal-to-Metal Seats and Soft Seats

As system pressure approaches the valve set pressure, the differential force Tightness Standard
tending to hold the seats in contact is diminished. Consequently, to obtain an The leakage rate in bubbles per minute shall not exceed the values indicated in
acceptable degree of tightness capability, the valve must be designed and Table I below. For soft seated valves there shall be no leakage for one minute
built with a high level of quality. (zero bubbles for one minute).

Crosby pressure relief valves are carefully engineered and manufactured to Table I
provide those features essential for good valve performance and continuous
long term protection. The inherent high degree of seat tightness found in
Effective Orifice Sizes Effective Orifice Sizes
Crosby pressure relief valves is possible due to the following design features:
0.307 in.2 and Smaller Larger Than 0.307 in.2
1. Positive alignment of the seats through generous guiding and ball joints. Set Max. Approximate Max. Approximate
Pressure Bubbles Leakage Rate Bubbles Leakage Rate
2. Minimum distortion as a result of full nozzle construction and thermally psig Per Per 24 Hours Per Per 24 Hours
balanced disc design. (barg) Minute Standard Standard Minute Standard Standard
Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic
3. Excellent flatness and surface finish of the seating surfaces by precision Feet Meters Feet Meters
machining and custom lapping. 15-1000 40 0.60 0.017 20 0.30 0.0085
Cleanliness of the system and proper installation of the valve are also
essential for good seat tightness. 1500(103.4) 60 0.90 0.026 30 0.45 0.013
2000(137.9) 80 1.20 0.034 40 0.60 0.017
Definition 2500(172.4) 100 1.50 0.043 50 0.75 0.021
Ambiguous terms such as "bubble tight," "drop tight," "zero leakage" and 3000(206.8) 100 1.50 0.043 60 0.90 0.026
"commercial tightness" have been used in the past. Since these terms were 4000(275.8) 100 1.50 0.043 80 1.20 0.034
used without uniform definition, they lacked true practical meaning. 5000(344.8) 100 1.50 0.043 100 1.50 0.043
6000(413.7) 100 1.50 0.043 100 1.50 0.043
Now with the adoption of a standard that defines the terminology used to
describe pressure relief devices (ASME Performance Test Code PTC- Maximum Seat Leakage Rate
25.3), and the adoption of a standard describing a method of determining seat
tightness of relief valves (API Standard 527), there should exist a degree of
Metal Seated Pressure Relief Valves
uniformity throughout the industry.

"Commercial" Seat Tightness Standard

(API Standard 527) Crosby Seat Tightness Standard -
The following API Standard of "commercial" tightness has been adopted by
industry and users in order to clarify testing methods and tightness standards Water Service Valves (Style JLT)
for the sake of uniformity. It applies to pressure relief valves. Crosby pressure relief valves are checked for seat tightness by a quantitative
seat leakage test. All of the test fluid passing through an assembled valve
The API Standard is as follows: is collected and measured under the following test conditions:

Scope: 1. The inlet pressure is adjusted to a test pressure which is 90% of the "Cold
This standard describes a method of determining seat tightness of pressure Differential Test Pressure." Valves set below 50 psig (3.44 barg) are
relief valves as covered in API Standard 527 Seat Tightness of Pressure tested at 5 psig (.34 barg) below the cold differential test pressure.
Relief Valves. The maximum acceptable leakage rates are defined for
commercial pressure relief valves with metal-to-metal and soft seats for set 2. The seat leak pressure is maintained for a period of not less than ten
pressures up to 6000 psig (414 barg). If greater tightness is required, it can minutes.
be supplied but must be specified on the purchase order or inquiry. See page
9 for Crosby soft seat pressure-temperature limits. Allowable Leak Rate
The maximum allowable leakage rate should not exceed 10 cubic centimeters
Test Apparatus per hour per inch of diameter of nominal valve inlet size. For nominal valve
A typical test arrangement for determining seat tightness for pressure relief sizes of 1 inch (25.4 mm) or less, the leakage rate shall not exceed 10 cubic
valves is shown in Fig.1. Leakage measurement shall be made with use of centimeters per hour. For soft seated valves there shall be no leakage for
a 5/16 in. (7.93 mm) OD tubing with 0.035 in. (.88 mm) wall. The tube end shall one minute.
be cut square and smooth. It shall be parallel to and 1/2 in. (127 mm) below
the surface of the water. A clamp type seat leak apparatus is available from NOTE - THE COVER PLATE
Crosby. Contact the factory. SUITABLE DEVICE TO RE-
With the valve mounted vertically, as shown in Fig. 1, the leakage rate in TUBE 5/16" O.D. x 0.035" WALL
bubbles per minute shall be determined with pressure at the valve inlet held (7.93 mm O.D. x .88 mm wall)
at 90 percent of the cold differential test pressure, except for valves set at 50
psig (3.44 barg) or below, in which case the pressure shall be held at 5 psig
(.34 barg) below the cold differential test pressure. The test pressure shall be
applied for a minimum of 1 minute for valves of inlet sizes through 2 in. (50.8
mm); 2 minutes for sizes 2-1/2, 3 and 4 in. (63.5, 76.2 and 101.6 mm); 5
minutes for sizes 6 in. and 8 in. (152.4 and 203.2 mm). Air at approximately
atmospheric temperature shall be used as the pressure medium. COVER PLATE


Typical Test Arrangement

Figure 1

62 Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63.

Ordering Information
The primary purpose of Style JOS/JBS/JLT pressure relief valves is to Parts
protect lives and property. In order to select the proper valve for your To order parts, the following information should be included:
application, please provide the information listed below. Details of the 1. Quantity
process fluid and conditions are especially important. If there is any 2. Part name, i.e., disc insert
doubt as to selection or application of valves or parts, please contact 3. Size, style and valve number
your local Crosby Sales Office or Representative. 4. Assembly number (from valve nameplate)
5. Serial number (from valve nameplate)
Ordering Information Example 6. Original purchase order number (if assembly
Quantity 5 number has been destroyed).
Nominal valve size (inlet x orifice x outlet) 4xLx6
Valve style JOS-45
Inlet connection rating and facing 600 RF
Outlet connection rating and facing 150 RF
Service (liquid, gas or vapor) Air
Set pressure (psig) 800 psig
Back pressure (psig) if any, and Atmosphere Sample Nameplate
(Figures shown are for illustrative purposes only.)
whether constant or variable
Maximum service temperature (F) Ambient 60F Crosby provides special fast response delivery service of
Cap or lifting lever type Type C spare parts to satisfy unplanned parts requirements. Fast
Valve materials Standard response delivery service can be initiated by contacting
Seat material Metal-to-metal your local Crosby representative. Emergency delivery ser-
standard vice is available direct from the factory, 24 hours a day, 7
Code requirements ASME Unfired days a week by calling (508) 384-3121.
Pressure Vessel Springs with Washers
Code Section VIII To order springs with washers, in addition to the other
Required capacity 45433 SCFM information included for "Parts," the required valve set
Accumulation (allowable overpressure) 10% pressure must also be specified. If the spring is for a non-
Molecular weight - vapor - bellows valve, and there is a constant back pressure condi-
Specific gravity - gases and liquids 1.0 tion, that too should be specified. Also specify spring
Viscosity - liquids - material and coating if other than standard.
Replacement Valves
To replace a valve in service, the assembly number, serial
number, set pressure and previous order number should be

Crosby Valve & Gage Company, Crosby Valve and Engineering Company, Limited, Crosby Services International Ltd., Crosby Valve Pte. Ltd., Crosby
Valve Ltd. or Crosby Valve Corporation (collectively Crosby) hereby warrant, for a period of one year from the date of shipment by Crosby, that its
product or products (Product) shall be free from defects in workmanship and material. This Warranty shall extend only to original purchasers of
Product (the Purchaser) and shall be exclusive of the effects of corrosion, erosion, normal wear and tear as well as defects due to improper
application, handling, storage, installation or maintenance or where Purchaser has failed to comply with Crosbys warnings. This Warranty also does
not apply to any repairs, assembly or test work done on the Product by parties other than Crosby. Crosby does not warrant that its Product will perform
in any specific or designated application. The use of replacement parts, components, products or services not manufactured by Crosby may, in the
sole discretion of Crosby, void this Warranty.
Under no circumstances shall Crosby be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to, claims for economic loss.
Moreover, in no event shall Crosbys total liability exceed the original purchase price of the Product.
Within this one year warranty period, any Product which Purchaser believes to be defective may be returned to Crosby after written notification to
and authorization by Crosby. If Crosby determines that such Product is, in fact, defective, Crosby shall, at its option, either repair or replace the Product
free of charge to the Purchaser. If the Product is not covered by this Warranty, any repair and shipping charges will be the responsibility of the
Purchaser. These remedies are Purchasers sole and exclusive remedies.
Should any portion of this Warranty be found to be invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the other terms of the Warranty which shall
be construed as if such portion had never been contained herein.
The Product is a safety related component intended for use in critical applications. The improper application, installation or maintenance of the Product
or the use of parts or components not manufactured by Crosby may result in a failure of the Product. The advice of a qualified engineer should be sought
prior to any use of the Product.
Any installation, maintenance, adjustment, repair or test performed on the Product must be done in accordance with the requirements of all applicable
Codes and Standards.

The information, specifications and technical data (the Specifications) contained in this document are subject to change without notice. Crosby does
not warrant that the Specifications are current and assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse thereof. The Purchaser should verify that there have
been no changes to the Specifications prior to use.

WARNING: The information contained in this catalog is for informational purposes only. See also Crosbys Engineering Handbook and computer program,
CROSBY-SIZE. The actual selection of valve products is dependent upon numerous factors and should be made only after consultation with applicable
Crosby personnel. Crosby assumes no responsibility for the actual selection of such products and hereby expressly disclaims liability for any and all claims
and damages which may result from the use or application of this information or from any consultation with Crosby personnel.

Please refer to Warranty and Warnings on page 63. 63

Crosby Styles JOS, JBS and JLT

Catalog No. 310

Effective: April 1995

Corporate Headquarters and Operations Center

P.O. Box 944
Stafford, Texas 77497, USA
Telephone: (281) 274-4400, Fax: (281) 240-1800

Operations Centers
43 Kendrick Street
Wrentham, Massachusetts 02093, USA
Telephone: (508) 384-3121, Fax: (508) 384-8675

Corrie Way, Bredbury Industrial Estate

Stockport, Cheshire SK6 2ST, UK
Telephone: 44-161-494-5363, Fax: 44-161-494-5672

Crosby Road
Market Harborough, Leics LE16 9EE, UK
Telephone: 44-1858-467281, Fax: 44-1858-434728

No. 45, Tuas Avenue 9

Jurong, Singapore
Telephone: 65-861-1655, Fax: 65-861-8310

149 Gul Circle

Singapore 629605
Telephone: 65-862-2177, Fax: 65-862-1778

1999 Anderson Greenwood / Crosby Printed in USA

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