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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Case study on the flood situation of Assam State

Ar. Rakesh Kumar1, Ar. Agrawal Raghav2
1Assistant Professor, Amity school of Architecture and Planning, Amity University Haryana, India
2 Assistant Professor, Amity school of Architecture and Planning, Amity University Haryana, India
Abstract: The Brahmaputra River has been the lifeline
of northeastern India since ages. Brahmaputra is an
important river for irrigation and transportation in the
state of Assam, India. About 2,900 km long and with an
average depth of 38 m mighty river is prone to
catastrophic flooding in spring when the Himalayan
snows melt. The average discharge of the river is about
19,300 cubic metres per second and floods can reach
over 100,000 cubic metres per second. .In this paper, an
attempt has been made to define the past trend in bank
erosion due to flood and its mitigation in Assam. .Based
on analysis and the data collected from the Water
The objective of the task is to conduct a review of flood
Resource Department, Guwahati, this paper presents the
studies conducted for Guwahati which cover disaster
mitigating or controlling the negative impacts of bank
risk related issues including the risk related to climate
erosion due to frequent flood occurrence.
change and different vulnerabilities that triggering the
impact of floods. The review will also reflect the list of
findings and suggestion in terms of two timeframe –
short and long term. The purpose is to turn knowledge
The Brahmaputra river originates in a great glacier
into action. This is not an academic review but an
mass in Kailas range of the Himalayas (elevation
action oriented review.
5300m) and flows through China, India and
Bangladesh for a total distance of 2800 km before
empting into the Bay of Bengal. It drains a combine
The different major tributaries of Brahmaputra river
international area of approximately 580,000 sq.km. It
such as Dihang, Subansiri, Dibang, Luit, Manas,etc. and
is fourth largest river in the world in terms of average
the significant tributaries and sub tributaries like
discharge at the mouth. Prior to the great earthquake
Jiadhol, Ranganadi, Gainadi, Simenn Nadi, Burhidihing,
in the entire north east in 1950, the river had a well-
Kopili, Dudhnoi, Krishnai, Bolbola, Beki, Pagladia are
defined course with stable banks. However, the entire
associated with the Brahmaputra valley that has
scenario changed after the earthquake of 1950, as a
always been causing a periodic flood havoc in monsoon
result of which, the mountain system of north east got a
seasons. The periodic flood havoc is one of the main
big jolt and tributaries started to carry huge quantity of
reasons for which it has always interrupted in
silt which got deposited on the bed of Brahmaputra.
increasing trend of per capita income in the state. The
Because of this, the river lost its original equilibrium
state has to lose huge quantity of cultivation on lakhs of
and started causing erosion in both the banks.
hectares of land apart from river bank erosion has been
taken place in hundreds of hectares of land. In this
consequence, watershed prioritization and
management of each and every rivers have come most
important for mitigation of flood hazards in their
downstream areas. Failure of embankments at

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4192
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

different places have caused major destruction to

thousands of villages along with affecting lakhs of
people. Districts of Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Dibrugarh,
Sonitpur, Nagaon, Morigaon, Nalbari, Barpeta are the
worst affected region due to failure of embankments.



The instability of the river due to high sediment
deposit, transverse gradient and steep slope leads to
erosion. The silt brought in the process of the instable
flow, gets deposited as a river descends into the plains
with sudden reduction in slope, with the consequent
reduction in the flow velocity and sediment carrying
capacity. Due to this heavy deposition of silt, the river Erosion menace: Since 1954 till 2008
frequently changes its course with the main channel Total area eroded = 4, 27,000 Ha.
flowing into multiple channels hitting the river bank (7.4% of plain area of Assam)
causing severe bank erosion. Thus, the excessive Rate of erosion = 8,000 Ha. / year.
sediment transported down from uphill are deposited Table 1: Overall damage due to bank erosion in Assam
in the flood plain as well as in the river bed causing rise (Bhuyan, 2013)
in its bed level. This causes reduction in natural
discharge carrying capacity and the river tends to
widen by eroding its bank. The widening of
Brahmaputra River in Assam is triggering
unprecedented erosion. 1. First survey (1912-1928):
area : 3870 square km. 2. Second survey (1963-1975):
area : 4850 square km. 3. Third survey (2006 NESAC):
area : 6080 square km. Indications: The river area
increase by more than 50% by the way of erosion.
The idea behind this scheme is for supporting the rural
groups who have requirement of being paid for their
jobs that can either be manual or unskilled.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4193
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May 2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. MITIGATION ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN due to high currents does not occur, which may lead to
underscoring action and failure of the geo mat.
The various flood management activities taken up of
short and medium term measures by the Brahmaputra REFERENCES
Board, Ministry of Water Resources and Water
Resource Department of Assam under various policy [1] Coleman, J.M.(1969), “Brahmaputra River: channel
initiatives. These measures include construction of process and sedimentation”, Sedimentary Geology,
bank revetments, stone spurs, porcupines, bolder Vol. 3, 129-239
deflectors, etc. But now a days an advance technique is [2] Goswami, D. (1985), “Brahmaputra River Assam,
designed for flood protection and anti-erosion works India, Physiography, Basin denudation and channel
aggradation”, Water Resources Research 21(7),
using geotextiles and geobags for protection of the
[3] Bhuyan, D.k. (2013), “ Flood Management activities
Of impending flood and rising water level in the rivers
in Assam”, Assam Water Conference- 2013, 15-20.
on day-to-day basis. Since flood is the regular
[4] Assam State Disaster Management Authority (2012)
phenomena in the district so it is essential to monitor „Relief Camp details‟, Guwahati, Assam
the situation in advance for better preparedness. BIOGRAPHIES
According to the rainfall in the catchment area and Ar. Rakesh Kumar
prediction of IMD, there was high possibility of the Graduated(B.Arch.) from MANIT
Bhopal, M. Plan. from SPA Bhopal.
flood hitting the district this year, a number of
Currently working as Asst.
necessary arrangements / exercises have been carried Professor in Amity University,
out i.e. identification of potentially weak areas along Haryana.
embankments and river banks, capacity building, quick
Ar. Agrawal Raghav
response, early warning etc. All the potentially weak
Completed M.Arch. (Architectural
embankments were identified as vulnerable sites and Pedagogy) from Jamia Millia
mapped by the Water Resource Department. Islamia University – New Delhi and
Immediately after the warning for severe rainfall at the graduaten in B.Arch from ZHCET,
AMU, Aligarh in 2014. Rendered
catchment areas and speculation of flooding of the Architecture services at
district, a 24x7 Emergency Control Room has been Archopolis, Design Forum and Fair
established with adequate number of supporting staffs wood in NCR. Currently working as
and officers. Asst. Professor at Amity University,


The main vision of flood management in North Eastern
states especially in Assam is that Assam is mainly
dependent on cultivation not only for its economy but
also for the overall development like cultural, social
development, etc. flood affects badly on the economy of
Assam. If proper actions are not taken against flood
then it may affect the lives of the people along with the
economy of the state. Vulnerable sections of the
Brahmaputra river should be determined and geo mat
should be provided to stop erosion. People residing on
the river side should be relocated to the country side so
that less damage occurs during flood. Geo mat should
be properly installed so that seepage action of water

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4194

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