Fish As Food
Fish As Food
Fish As Food
Fish contain about 16–20% protein compared to about 12% in egg, 3.5% in milk
and 6–8% in rice and wheat. Moreover, it is wholesome, tasty, highly nutritive
and an excellent source of essential minerals, vitamins and essential amino
acids. At present about 31% of the total animal protein supply in the Asian region
is in the form of fish protein. For the poorest segments of the population, fish is
not only the most important animal protein source, but often the only one.
The reproductive potential of fish compared to any other farmed animal is also
very high. A kilogram of female cultivable carp species yields on an average
about 0.1 million eggs, each of which has the potential to become 1 kg fish in
about a year. No livestock animal possesses this magnitude of fecundity.
Fish are cold blooded or poikilothermic animals. In other words they cannot
maintain a constant and high body temperature like other livestock animals.
Instead, their body temperature fluctuates according to the surrounding
temperature. In warmer climates, their metabolism accelerates and they grow
faster, while in colder climates, the metabolic rate slows down, resulting in a
reduced rate of growth. In this way they save energy by not spending it for
maintaining a higher and constant body temperature
Employment Potential
Aquaculture is also considered to be a potential source of employment for poor
farmers and displaced capture fishermen. Rapid development of aquaculture has
already generated considerable employment through culture of marketable fish,
fish seed production, and marketing of fish and fish seed.
1. A good site
o Water supply- fish depends on water it can be from sea, rainfall, natural
water, run off, springs and wells
o Soil- it contributes to the fertility of water
o Topography- shape of the land
2. Quality seedlings
o Healthy
o Uniform in size
o Right size
3. Good water quality
o Promotes faster growth and high survival of fish
o You can maintain good water quality by: fertilization and liming, regular
water exchange, and maintain ideal water depth.
4. Appropriate feeds and Feeding Management
o Types of Feeding includes:
- Natural food
- Supplemental
- Complete
5. An intelligent and industrious farmer
1. Pond preparation
2. Water culture
3. Stocking
4. Feeding management
5. Water quality management
6. Sampling
7. Harvest
1. Saltwater Fishing
2. Ice Fishing
3. Catch and release
4. Fly fishing
5. Fishing at a glance
Types of Fishing
CAPTURE FISHING- involves obtaining fish from natural resources like in sea water or
fresh water.
Pearl spots
INLAND FISHERY- comprise fresh water and sea water where fish are trapped or