ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit
ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit
ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit
Following positions would be filled up purely on temporary contract basis for our ad-hoc
research project titled, “Clinical and epidemiological study of Lyme disease : A Multi-Centric
taskforce study in India.”, through Interview via video conference at ICMR-National Institute of
Virology, Kerala Unit, E-Block, 2nd floor, Govt. T. D. M. C. Hospital Complex, Vandanam,
Alappuzha–688005, Kerala, India.
Selection Procedure: Interested candidates may apply to the Director, NIV, Pune through
email to nivkeralaoffice@gmail.com. The prescribed format of application form can be
downloaded from NIV website www.niv.co.in. The duly filled application form should be
supported by scanned copies of proof of age, educational qualifications and experience. The
closing date of application will be 18th December 2020. In case the number of applicants is
large only shortlisted candidates will be called for the VC. The VC platform, date & time of
video conference interview and the login credentials will be communicated later. Candidates
who fail to logon to the VC platform at the allotted date and time will not be considered. The
Director, NIV, Pune reserves the right to change the date and time of the interview, selection
procedure or cancel the recruitment without assigning any reasons thereto.
Note: Additional information, if any can be provided on a separate paper or on overleaf of this page.
25. If selected what period would you require joining the post: ____________________________
14. Have you ever been declared unfit by a medical Board/Court _____Yes / No _______
for appointment in any Govt. Service? If yes, details _________________________
I hereby declare that the particulars furnished in this form by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Furnishing of false
information or suppression of facts will be disqualification and is likely to render the candidate unfit.
Date: Signature of the candidate