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ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit

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ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit

Department of Health Research,

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
E-Block, 2nd Floor, Govt. TDMC Hospital Complex, Vandanam,
Alappuzha – 688005 Kerala
Ph: +91-477-2970004 Telefax: +91-477-2270100
E-mail: nivkeralaoffice@gmail.com

Advt No. 02/2020/NIV/KU

Following positions would be filled up purely on temporary contract basis for our ad-hoc
research project titled, “Clinical and epidemiological study of Lyme disease : A Multi-Centric
taskforce study in India.”, through Interview via video conference at ICMR-National Institute of
Virology, Kerala Unit, E-Block, 2nd floor, Govt. T. D. M. C. Hospital Complex, Vandanam,
Alappuzha–688005, Kerala, India.

SNo Post No. of Vacancies Category Consolidated salary

1 Project Technical assistant 01 UR Rs.31000/-
2 Project Staff Nurse 01 UR Rs.31500/-
3 Project Technician ‘III’ 01 UR Rs.18000/-

Date of VC interview: _____________.

Selection Procedure: Interested candidates may apply to the Director, NIV, Pune through
email to nivkeralaoffice@gmail.com. The prescribed format of application form can be
downloaded from NIV website www.niv.co.in. The duly filled application form should be
supported by scanned copies of proof of age, educational qualifications and experience. The
closing date of application will be 18th December 2020. In case the number of applicants is
large only shortlisted candidates will be called for the VC. The VC platform, date & time of
video conference interview and the login credentials will be communicated later. Candidates
who fail to logon to the VC platform at the allotted date and time will not be considered. The
Director, NIV, Pune reserves the right to change the date and time of the interview, selection
procedure or cancel the recruitment without assigning any reasons thereto.

Details of educational qualification and other requirements are as follows.

SN Post Essential Desirable qualifications Job Responsibilities Age

Qualifications Limit
1 Project Graduate in 1. Zoology or Entomology 1. Field work for
Technical Biological Science / or Life science or field ticks collection from
Assistant relevant subjects/ survey experience in forest area and
(1 - Post) from a recognized wildlife, knowledge of rodent capture for 30
(UR) university with three Computer and basic field ecto parasite years
years work data collection. collection
experience from a 2. Work experience in the 2. Molecular
recognized ticks/mosquito biology and analysis for
institution or ecology/field data collection pathogen detection
Master’s degree in for tick fauna/DNA from ticks and other
the biological barcoding/ molecular insect vectors
science subject. phylogeny
2. Staff Diploma in Nursing 1. Public health hospital 3. Field work for
Nurse or Midwifery (GNM) experience Blood sample
(1 Post) or equivalent and 2. Working experience in collection from
(UR) registered nurse or field survey different hospitals of 30
ANM with any state Kerala. years
Nursing council
3. Project 12th pass in Science 1. B.Sc. Microbiology/ 1. Molecular
Technici subjects and Two Biotechnology/Zoology analysis for
an’ III’ years diploma in 2. Work experience in pathogen detection
(1 Post) Medical Laboratory diagnostic laboratory/PCR from blood/ ticks 30
(UR) Technician or related 3. Knowledge of computer and other insect years
subject or One year application/ report vectors
DMLT plus one year preparation 2. Lab management
required experience 4. Research experience in 3. Preparation and
in a recognized entomology, knowledge of maintain lab register
organization or Two Computer and basic field and records
years field/laboratory data collection. 4. Coordination with
experience in laboratory staff
Government 5. Any other duties
recognized that are assigned by
organization. the PI from time to
* B.Sc. degree shall time
be treated as 3
years experience

Terms and conditions: -

1. Number of vacancies may vary.
2. The position is meant for temporary extramural project for appointment purely on
temporary contract basis and co-terminus with the project.
3. Consolidated Salary: The rates of consolidated salary shown in this advertisement are
project specific and likely to be modified according to sanction of the funding agency of
the Project.
4. Age Concession: Age relaxation will be admissible to various categories of candidates
as per GOI and ICMR rules.
5. Cut-off date for age limit will the date of video conference interview.
6. Qualification & experience should be from an Institution of repute. Experience should
have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
7. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
8. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department /
Organizations are not eligible to apply.
9. The appointment may be renewed as per the need of the project subject to satisfactory
performance of the candidate and approval of the competent authority.
10. The institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.
11. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall
disqualify the candidature at any stage.
12. Project personnel cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.
13. Payment of salary/stipend/consolidated emoluments to the project staff shall be
depending upon availability of funds from funding agency of the project.
14. The place of posting will be ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Kerala Unit, E-Block,
2nd floor, Govt. T.D.M.C. Hospital Complex, Vandanam, Alappuzha–688005, Kerala.
However, the selected candidate is liable to serve anywhere in India.
15. The personnel engaged in project mode shall not have any claim on a regular post in
this institute or in any Department of Government of India and their project service will
not confer any right for further assignment. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension
Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible.
16. The Project Investigator and/or Appointing authority reserves the right to terminate the
service of project personnel even during the agreed contract period or extended
contract period without assigning any reason.
17. Leave shall be as per the ICMR rules applicable to ad hoc project staff.
18. NIV reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the
process, at its discretion.
19. The decision of the Director, NIV will be final and binding.
20. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
21. Corrigendum/addendum/further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement,
will be published on NIV websites only.
22. Prior intimation of attending for Interview via video conference may please be given to
email id: nivkeralaoffice@gmail.com, at least two days before the interview.
23. No candidate shall be entertained after their allotted time slot on the day of interview.
24. Candidate must submit his/her duly filled in application form in the prescribed format
with a recent passport size color photograph along with a detailed bio-data/C.V. and all
relevant documents; in original; with one set of self attested photocopies, in proof of
his/her educational qualifications [all certificates and mark-sheets from 10th Std.
onwards], working experience, age, and photo id [Aadhar Card/Indian Passport/PAN
Card/Driving License] etc., to our email id: nivkeralaoffice@gmail.com failing which
his/her candidature will not be considered.
ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune
ICMR-National Institute of Virology
1. Name of the Post, applied for : _________________________________

2. Name of the Project : _________________________________

_________________________________ Latest
_________________________________ photograph
3. Name in full (IN BLOCK LETTERS) : _________________________________
4. Mother’s Name : __________________________________
Father’s Name ______________________________________________
Husband’s Name ______________________________________________

5. Address for Correspondence : ______________________________________________

with Tel/Mobile No. E-mail ID ______________________________________________
6. Permanent Address : ______________________________________________
7. Date of Birth (Certificate must be : ________________________ Age : _________________
8. Whether SC/ST/OBC/General : ________________________ Caste: ________________
9. Marital Status : Married / Unmarried
10. Educational Qualifications : (Certificates in proof of qualifications must be supported).



11. Work Experience (Certificates in proof of experience must be supported):

SN Period Post held Name of Employer Reason for
From date To date No. of No. of leaving
Yrs Mths

Note: Additional information, if any can be provided on a separate paper or on overleaf of this page.
25. If selected what period would you require joining the post: ____________________________
14. Have you ever been declared unfit by a medical Board/Court _____Yes / No _______
for appointment in any Govt. Service? If yes, details _________________________
I hereby declare that the particulars furnished in this form by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Furnishing of false
information or suppression of facts will be disqualification and is likely to render the candidate unfit.
Date: Signature of the candidate

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