194398-Article Text-492025-1-10-20200408
194398-Article Text-492025-1-10-20200408
194398-Article Text-492025-1-10-20200408
Graded levels of toasted Sunflower seed meal on growth response, nutrient digestibility and carcass yield
of six weeks old weaned rabbits were investigated for 56 days with thirty-six (36) unsexed mixed breed
rabbits of average weight 0.50kg. The rabbits were randomly assigned to four treatments with nine (9)
rabbits per treatment and replicated thrice in a Completely Randomized Design. Four diets were
formulated containing TSSM at 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% as Diet 1(control), 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
Parameters measured include feed intake, growth rate, feed conversion ratio and nutrient digestibility
while a rabbit/ replicate were selected and severe for carcass evaluation. Results obtained showed no
significant (P>0.05) difference in all growth parameters measured. Nutrient Digestibility of diet showed
significant (P<0.05) differences in crude protein, ash content and nitrogen free extract across the dietary
treatments. The crude protein (59.62-86.91%), ash (36.76-73.87%), nitrogen free extract (81.48-96.18%)
values obtained ranged significantly across the dietary treatments with rabbits on D 3 recording the highest
values. Carcass and organ weight showed significant (P<0.05) difference in skin, liver, heart and lungs
among all parameters evaluated. Conclusively, inclusions of TSSM at 50% in rabbit’s diet presented a
better result on growth, digestibility and carcass yield.
Keywords: Sunflower seed meal, Weaner rabbit, Digestibility, Performance, Muscle cuts.
in the cost of feed for human and animal vitamin E which is alpha-tocopherol in its
feeding. Non-conventional feed ingredient biologically active form (9). Several authors
could be processed into a high quality feedstuff have reported the use of sunflowers seeds in
that can favourably supplement. Sunflower is livestock diets. Sunflower seed meal has been
grown in many semi-arid regions of the world. incorporated in rations of poultry (10), rabbits
It is tolerant to both low and high temperature (11) and swine (7). Hence, this study was
(6). Sunflower is one of the most important oil conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding
crops of major economic importance and ranks graded levels of toasted sunflower seed meal
second to soybean among all oil seeds globally on growth response, digestibility and carcass
as a source of vegetable oil. The major nutrient yield of growing rabbits.
in sunflower seeds include protein, thiamine,
vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, potassium, Materials and Method
calcium and essential fatty acids such as Experimental site
linoleic and oleic acid (7). According to (8) The experiment was carried out in the
full-fat sunflower seed has 17% crude protein, Rabbitry unit of the Institute of Agricultural
26.1% crude fat, 29.1% crude fibre, 3.1% ash, Research & Training, Moor Plantation, Ibadan,
18.8% nitrogen free extract, 0.17% calcium Oyo state which lies between 7.38o N and
and 0.53% phosphorus. Sunflower seeds are 3.84oE in the humid zone of the rain forest belt
the best natural and whole food source of of South Western Nigeria.
Adetola et al
Sourcing and Processing of Test Ingredient with an average weight of 450-500g were used
The Sunflower seed used for this for this study for a period of 56 days. The
experiment was obtained from National rabbits were acclimatized for two weeks in
Association of Sunflower Seed Farmers, order to get accustomed to the feed and
Abuja. The sunflower seed was toasted in confinement. During this period, prophylactic
order to reduce the anti-nutritional factor and treatments were administered to the rabbits in
make the nutrients available to the animals order to stabilize them before the study
according to the procedure of (12). A wide commenced. The rabbits were equalized in
aluminum frying pan pre-heated to about 900c weight before they were assigned to the
after which the seed was poured and constantly various diets. Feed and water were supplied
stirred using a wooden spoon to prevent twice per day on daily basis, forages were
burning purposely to enhance even distribution served in the morning and concentrate in the
of heat. The toasting lasted for 5 minutes after evening. Routine medication were
which the seed was allowed to cool and then administered as at when due. The experimental
milled using a milling machine before rabbits were housed in a wooden hutch with a
incorporated into the diet. wire mesh floor (so that feaces and urine can
drop) and window for ventilation. The hutches
Experimental animals and management and its surroundings were cleaned twice per
A total of thirty- six (36) unsexed weaned week. The experimental animals were
mixed breed rabbit aged between 5-6 weeks managed well for optimum performance.
Table 3: Growth Response of Growing Rabbits Fed Toasted Sunflower Seed Meal
TSSM inclusion
PARAMETERS D1 (0%) D2 (25%) D3 (50%) D4 (75%) SEM±
Initial weight (g) 495.33 497.67 500.00 496.67 2.86
Final weight (g) 1517.20 1628.30 1871.70 1526.70 66.43
Weight gain (g) 1021.90 1130.70 1371.70 1030.00 66.66
ADWG(g/rabbit/day) 18.25 20.19 24.50 18.39 1.19
Feed intake (g/day) 5431.60 6181.50 5057.70 4872.9 304.84
ADFI (g/rabbit/day) 96.99 110.38 90.32 87.02 5.44
FCR 5.32 5.44 3.92 4.79 0.44
ADWG: Average Daily Weight Gain, ADFI: Average Daily Feed Intake, FCR: Feed Conversion Ratio,
TSSM: Toasted Sunflower Seed Meal, SEM: Standard Error of Mean.
Adetola et al
Adetola et al
Table 5: Carcass and organs weight of rabbits fed toasted sunflower seed meal
Live weight (g) 1773.30 1766.70 1833.30 1710.00 68.48
Slaughter weight (%) 96.67 96.55 95.17 95.97 0.71
De-skinned 86.21 88.91 85.83 84.82 0.98
Skin weight 10.85a 8.52b 9.92ab 9.01ab 0.36
Eviscerated weight 62.24 47.25 64.72 63.45 4.91
Dressed weight 77.74 51.41 80.92 76.81 6.61
Hind limb 40.83 35.43 36.43 36.17 1.22
Loin 20.23 22.28 21.51 34.61 3.36
Fore limb 17.81 15.43 15.14 17.22 0.74
Back 16.63 13.37 15.67 16.68 0.82
Head 14.66 9.30 13.79 14.15 1.24
Neck 4.12 1.91 2.72 2.83 0.36
Organ weight
GIT 29.56 18.73 24.40 26.75 2.76
Liver 6.41ab 5.49b 5.49b 7.57a 0.32
Heart 0.54 b 0.45 b 0.49 b 0.68a 0.03
Lung 1.36 a 0.84 b 0.98 b 1.04ab 0.07
Kidney 1.29 1.30 1.12 1.24 0.04
Spleen 0.12 0.15 0.24 0.12 0.03
a, b
means along the same role with different superscript are significantly difference (P < 0.05)
(86.91) while least values on D1 (64.53) and D4 that the diets had high dry matter (DM)
(59.62) but for Ash content, D2 (67.57) and D3 contents that ranged from 89.90% in D1 to
(73.87) had the highest (P< 0.05) values 92.00% in D4. This indicated that the diets can
followed by D1 (44.93) and D4 (36.76) had the be stored for longer period of time without
least. Nitrogen Free Extract values ranges from spoilage. These values recorded for DM differs
(81.48 – 96.18) with the highest (P<0.05) slightly from the ranges of 95.29%-96.13%
values on D2, D3 and D4 respectively and D1 DM reported by (13). The crude protein
having the least. Presented on Table V is the content ranges from D4 (10.15) - D1 (15.40)
carcass and organ weight of growing rabbits which reduces as the inclusion level of TSSM
fed toasted Sunflower Seed Meal. Significant increases but fell within the ranges of 9.0 -
(P<0.05) differences were obtained in skin 29.7% as reported by (21) for growing rabbits
weight as well as some organ weight such as in the tropical environment. Although the
liver, heart and lung among parameters values are slightly lower than the report of
evaluated. Highest significant (P<0.05) value (13). The diets had low crude fibre content
for skin was recorded on D1 followed by D3 which is quite lower than the ranges of 8.73-
and D4 while D2 had the least . Both liver and 10.34% reported by the same author, 4.54-
heart showed highest (P< 0.05) values in D4 12.70% by (22) and 10-20% recommended for
and the least were in the other treatments but optimum performance of rabbits by (23) but
for lungs, D1 recorded the highest (P< 0.05) had higher value for ether extract 33.00% (D4)
value followed by D4 and the lowest values on as compared to 13.80% (D1) but contradicts the
D2 and D3 respectively. ranges of 5.09-8.82% reported by (13). This
difference can be attributed to the fact that the
Discussion seed has high oil content and the method of
Sunflower seeds are rich sources of processing. The Ash content ranges from
protein, minerals such as calcium and 4.30% - 8.40% which is lower than the ranges
phosphorus (17). The proximate value of of 7.54-9.02% reported by (13) and 3.10-
toasted sunflower seed in this study is contrary 15.70% reported by (22) when rabbits are fed
to the values reported by the (18) and (19). with wild sunflower inclusion in their diet. The
However, (20) found that chemical high content of NFE in the experimental diets
composition of decorticated sunflower meal as is an indication that the seed has higher energy
41.6% CP, 14.7% EE, 8.9% CF and 7.1% content because NFE consists of mainly sugars
crude Ash while (13) reported 90.00% DM, and starch among other components. The range
23.50% CP, 22.10% CF, 44.00% CFat and of values for Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) fell
4.70% Ash for raw seed and 98.40% DM, within the range reported by (22). The level of
29.10% CP, 30.74% CF, 39.00% CFat and insignificancy in growth response of rabbits in
10.50% Ash for roasted seed respectively this present study agreed with the findings of
which differs from the report of this study. (24) who also reported no significant
Variations in chemical composition of difference in rabbits fed with Mango Fruit
sunflower mean might be attributed to Reject Meal but the values obtained for final
location, micro and macro environmental and weight gain were higher than 1431.25g -
factors or to the different processing methods, 1718.75g and 13.93g- 17.95g recorded by the
which determine the composition of this same author and also higher than that reported
ingredient used as feedstuff. The proximate by (25). However, this is contrary to the
composition of the experimental diets showed findings of (13) who reported significant (P<
Adetola et al