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PSCNET - In: PSC Assistant Town Planner - Town and Country Planning Examination Previous Year Question Paper

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PSC Assistant Town Planner - Town

And Country Planning Examination
Previous Year Question Paper

Exam Name: Assistant Town Planner - Town
And Country Planning
Date of Test : 20.08.2015

Question Paper Code: 155/2015

Medium of Questions: English

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : I hour and 15 minutes

The maxinum twisting moment a shaft can resist, is the product of the permissible shear
stress and :
(A) Moment of inertia (B) Polar moment of inertia
(C) Polar modulus (D) Modulus of rigidly

A beam of length L is pinned at both ends and is subjected to a concentrated bending couple
of moment M at its centre. The maximum bending moment in the beam is :
(A) Mu2 (B)

(c) M/3 (D) r\{/2

o. In plastic analysis, the shape factor for a triangular section, is :

(A) 1.5 (B) 1.34

(c) 2.34 (D) 2.5
4. A single rolling load 8 kN rolls along a girder of 15 m span. The absolute maximum bending
moment will be :
(A) 8 kN-m (B) 15 kN-m
(C) 30 kN-m (D) 60 kN-m

o. A rectangular beam 250 mm wide, 310 mm effective depth has 3 bars of 12 mm tliameter
IfYSD grade Fe 415 steel bars. Concrete grade is M20. The ultimate moment of resistance of
the beam is :
(A) 35 kN-m (B) 40 kN-m
(C) 45 kN-m (D) 55 kN-m

6. A cantilever steel beam of 3m span carries a udl of 10 kN/m inclusive of self weight. The
beam comprises of ISMB20@198N/n. Web thickness = 5.4 mm, I* = 1696'6 cma and
I* = llbcma. The maximum bending stress and average shear stresses in Mpa are
respectively :

(A) 66.3 and 55 (B) 265 and27.78

(C) 390.8 and 54 (D) L32.5 and.27.78


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7. In case of principal axes of a section :

(A) sum of moment of inertia is zero
(B) difference of moment inertia is zero
\v,/ --^r,,^+
Pr uuqu! ^f noment of inertia is zero
(D) none of these

8. In case of a beam of rectangular cross section simply supported over a span L and loaded
with a central load W, length of elasto-plastic zone ofthe plastic hinge is :
(A) u2 (B) u3

(c) 1t4 (D) Ll8
9. The degree of static indeterminacy ofa rigid-jointed space ftame is :

(A) m+r-2j (B) m+r-3j
(C) kn+r-Sj (D) 6m+r-Gj

10. For stable structures, one of the important properties of flexibility and stiffness matrices is
that the elements on the main diagonal
(l) of a stiffness matrix must be positive
(ir) of a stiffness matrix must be negative
(iii) of a flexibility matrix must be positive
(iv) of a flexibility matrix must be negative
The correct answer is :
(A) (i) and (iii) (B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iv) (D) (ii) and (iv)
11. In SPI, the test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside diameter:
(A) 45 mm (B) 53 mm
(C) 55 mm (D) 50 mm

12. Unconfined compressive strength is given by 120 kN/m2, what will be the unconfined shear
strength or cohesion?
(A) 60 kN/m2 (B) 80 kN/m2
(C) 90 kN/mz (D) 120 kN/m2
13. If a soil is fully saturated having void ratio 0.67 what will be the porosity?
(A) 4oo/o (B) 42o/o

(c) 44% (D) 46%

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14. Deo is 9.6 mm, Dao is 2 mm and Dro is 0.16 mm, what is the value of Cc (coefficient of
(A) 2.4 (B) 2.5
(c) 2.6 (D) 2.7

L5. Black cotton soi.Is are :

(A) Residual Soils (B) Organic Soils
(C) Expansive Soils (D) Ash Soils


The minimum value of camber provided for thin bituminoug surface hill roads, is :

(A) 2.2o/o @) 2.5o/o

(C) 3o/o (D) 3.5o/o

17. Maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a road during one hour

under the most ideal road way and traffic conditions, is known as :
(A) Traffic density (B) Basic capacity of traffic lane
(C) Possible capacity of traffic lane (D) AII the above
18. The safe stopping sight distance D, rnay be computed from the equation :

(A) D=0.278Vt+ V (B) D -- o.254Vt

254f 278f
(C) D=o-254Vt+ (D) D= O.225Vt+ V
225f 254f

19. Extra widening required at a horizontal curve on a single lane hill road of rarlius 80 m for a
design speed of50 km ph and for a vehicle with wheel base 6.0 m is :
(A) 0.225 m (B) 0.589 m
(C) 1.250 m (D)
None of these

Best ballast contains stones varying in size from :

(A) 1.5 cm to 3 cm (B) 2.0 cm to 4 cm

(C) 2.0 cm to 5 cm (D) 2.5 cm to 6 cm

21. Ryve's formula for flood estimate in cumecs, is :

(A) Q = CAsta (B) Q = cA2t3

(c) Q = CA1t2 (D) Q = CAtts

22. An inclined circular plate of diameter 2 m lies submerged in a liquid of specific gravity 0.9.
The depth of the centroid of plate below the free surface is I meter. The hydrostatic pressure
on one side of the plate in kN is :
(A) 277.4 (B) 308.2
(c) 30.82 i/n\
9n n A

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23. A rectangular open channel carries a flow of 2 m3/sec/m, what is the value of mihimum
specific energy?
(A) o.74m (B) 1.11 m
(C) 1.48 m (D) 1.85 m
24. A hydraulic model ofa spill way is constructed with a scale 1:25. If the prototype discharge is
3125 cumec, then the corresponding discharge for which the model should be tested is :
(A) 1 cumec @) 2 cumec
(C) 4 cumec

@) 8 cumec

25. High COD to BOD ratio of an organic pollutant represents :

(A) High biodegradability of the pollutant
(B) Low biodegradability of the pollutant
(C) Presence of free oxygen for aerobic decomposition
@) Presence of Toxic material in the pollutant

Which is a secondary air pollutant?
Isopleth is a Iine which joins all the points having:
Sulphur dioxide
Dust particles
(A) Equal depth of evapotranspiration (B) Equal depth of evaporation
(C) Equal depth of rainfall (D) Equal depth of inflItration

28. A flood discharge is to be estimated for tlesign of a bridge across a river. If the designer
intends to accept 25o/o risk that a flciod of that or higher magnitude will occur in the next
15 years, the return period that the designer must use in the estimation of flood discharge is :
(A) 53 years (D 45 years
(C) 68 years (D) 76 years

29. A waste water sample contains 10i.6 mmoles/Iitre of hydroryl ions at 25'C. the pH of the
. sample is :

(A) 8.6 (B) 8.4

(c) 5.6 @) 5.4

30. Faculative bacterias survrve rn:

(A) oxygen
The presence of (B) The absence of oxygen
(C)' Both cases (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
L55t2or5 6 A

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31. ABCD is a regular parallelogram plot of land whose angle BAD is 60. If the bearing of the
line .4.E1 is 30', the bearing of CD, is :
(A) eo" (B) r20"
(c) 2ro" (D) 270"
32. The radius of a simple circular curve is 300 m and length of its specified chord is 30 m. The
degree of the curve is :
(A) 5.73" (B) 5.37.
(c) 3.57" (D) 3.75'

33. The difference between the time avail-to do a job and the time required to do the job, is
known as :
(A) Event @) Float

(C) Duration @) Constraint
34. A portion of an embankment having a uniform up-gradient I in 500 is circular with radius
1000 m of the centre line. It subtends 180' at the centre. If the height of the bank is 1 m at
the lower end, anil side slopes 2:1, the earth work involved:
(A) 26,000 m3 (B) 26,500 mg
(C) 27,000 m3 (D) 27,500 ms
The brick work is not measured in cu m in case of
(A) One or more than one brick wall

(B) Brick work in arches

(C) Reinforced brick work (D) Half brick wall

36. What annual sinking fund at 4.5%o must be invested to produce Rs. 1 at the end of 20 years?
(A) 0.0319 @) 0.05
(c) 0.045 (D) 0.025

57. Under the straight line method of charging depreciation, tlepreciation :

(A) increases every year (B) decreases every year

(C) is constant @) fluctuate every year

38. Which one of the following helps to identify the objects on the earth surface?
(A) Atmospheric window (B) Signature
(O Radiometric error @) None of these
39. Which one ofthe following relationship between the wave length (2), and frequency and the
speed (Q of the electromagnetic wave is correct?
(A) C=v+). (B) C = )"tu
(C) C=vl (D) C = rtv).

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40. If fL is the latest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack(s), is equal to :


(c) LFT - Er"r (D) AX the above
4I. The Domus in Ancient Rome was :
(A) A group of buildings for public meetings
(B) A single family occupation building
(C) Three storied flats
(D) A water supply system

42. Which of the followine is not an Indus Vallev Archeoloslcal site?
(A) Kalibangan (B) Dholavira
(C) Lothal (D) Chanchalguda

43. As per the 2011 census The Urban population in India is of the total
Population :

(A) t9.8to/o @) 27.82o/o

(c) 3r.16% (D) 47 .8o/o

44. Indira Awaz Yojana is a :

E (A) Rural Housing Program

(C) Middle income Housing Program

Slum Improvement program
A housing program for women
45. Which ofthe following institutions was establiphed under an act of parliament in 1988?
(A) Housing and Urban Development Corporation
(B) Housing Development Finance Corporation
(C) NationalBuildingOrganization
(D) National Housine Bank
46. The National Urban Housing and Habitat policy 2007 inficates that the Housing Shortage is :
(A) 34.5 lakh units (B) 44.8 lakh units

(C) 24.7 million units (D) 560083 units

47. The city of Ur was situated on the banks of the river :

(A) Euphrates (B) Indus
(C) .Nile (D) Tiber

48. Which of the following is not a post independent planned city?

(A) Gandhi nagar (B) Naya Raipur
(c) Rakhigarh (D) Chandigarh

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49. According to Gideon Sjoberg a city is a community of substantial size and. population
density that shelters a variety of including a literate elite.
(A) Specialists (B) Non agricultural specialists
(C) Technicalspecialists @) Labourers
50. 2011census was the first census where :
(A) Slum blocks are delineated in aII statutory towns
(B) The caste of citizens is recorded
(C) ' Conrlition ofhouses is recorded

(D) People with special needs identified
51. Which of the following towns do not have a predorrinant grid iron system of streets?
(A) Philadelphia @) Siena

(C) Priene (D) Miletus

52. Which of the following is the first Garden City as per the idea of Ebenezer Howard?
(A) Bern (B) Priene
(C) Greendale (D) Letchworth
53. Space syntax Laboratory is associated with:
E (A) Peter Calthorpe
(C) Lewis Mumford
David Harvey
Bill Hillier
54. "Ville Radieuse" was proposed by:
(A) Le Corbusier (B) ChristopherAlexander
(C) Patrick Geddes @) Jane Jacobs

55. Which of the following books is written by Aldo Rossi?

(A) Towards a new urbanism (B) The City Beautiful
(C) The architecture ofthe city (D) Emerging concepts in Urban Desig:n

56. According to Jane Jacobs which of the following will make a street lively :

(A) Clear demarcation between the Public and Private space

(B) Eyes on the streets
(C) Constant use of the sidewalks and the streets
@) AX the above

57. The first Integrated District Development Plan (IDDP) in Kerala was prepared for :

(A) Thiruvananthapuram (B) Kollam

(C) Ernakulam (D) Kannur
A I 155t2}r5

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58. The 12th schedule ofthe 74th amendment of constitution deals with :
(A) Functions of ULBs (B) Peoples participation
(C) Constitution of Municipalities (D) Spatial planning process

59. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has :

(A) Low density residential areas with cul-de-sacs
(B) Iow density housing zones with Bus Rapid Transit System
(C) Multi Moda} Transit system connecting Single family residential accommodation
(D) Mixed Use Commercial and Residential areas with access to public transport

60. Which of the foll'owing is true about a "Perspective PIan"?
(A) It is an annual plan for immediate action

(B) It is a five year plan for phased implementation
(C) It is a long term plan with vision and policy orientation
(D) It is a group of project proposals with time frame

61. Which of the foilowing acts was passed by the Infian Parliament in 2013?
E (A) Land Acquisition Act
(B) Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act
(C) Land Pooling Act
(D) Urban Land Ceiling Act
62. Which of the following is not true about Transferable Development Rights?
(A) It can be traded for money
(B) It can be used for additional FAR in a plot
(C) It is issued for the lifetime of the owner
(D) It is a certifi,cate issued to the owner of a property for the land acquired

68. Compact, Pedestrian friendly, Mixed land use development connected to other areas with

public transport is proposed in :

(A) Plug inCity (B) New Urbanism
(C) Broadacre city (D) Central Bueiness District

64. Which of the following public housing scheme in the US was destroyed due to high crime
(A) Pruitt Igoe (B) Las Vegas
(C) North End (D) Welwyn

15512015 10 A

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65. According to Kevin Lynch which ofthe followihg groups of elements contributes to the Image
of the City?
(A) CBD, Magnets, Fringes, Waterfronts, Roads
(B) Nodes, Edges, Landmarks, Pathways, Districts
(C) Landform, Urban Space, Generators, Ghettoes
(D) Urban Mass, Skyline, Vegetation, suburbs
66. Which of the following is the earliest Regional planning exercise in India?
(A) Damodar Valley Project (B) Narmada Valley Project

(C) Polavaram Irrigation Project @) Ganga Action Plan
67. Which of the following is true about the Policy for urban street vendors?
(A) It proposes to ban street vendors
(B) It proposes to make rehabilitation faqilities and shopping malls for street vendors
so that they will not hinder traffic flow
(C) It recognizes the street vendors'right to vend in any public space
(D) It recognizes the need for regulation by designating restriction free vending,

68. A transition

Restricted vending and no vending zones

zone around a city where the urban and

clash is cailed a :
(A) (B)
rural areas meet, mix and sometimes

Satellite town
Ribbon development
69. Which of the following areas is not part of the National Capital Region?
(A) Faridabad in Haryana (B) Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh
(C) Gurgaon in Haryana (D) Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh
70, The amount of biologically productive Iand and sea used by a given population or activity to
produce the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates is called the :
(A) Biological footprint (B) Ecological footprint
(C) Carbon footprint (D) Thermal footprint

?1. A biogas plant treats waste by :

(A) Aerobic digestion (B) Anaerobic digestion
(C) Carbon fixation (D) Calcification
72. Which of the following is the most polluted city in the world in 2014?
(A) Indore, India (B) Helsinki, Finland
(C) Linfen, China (D) Calgary, Canada
A 11 155r20L5

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73. A person aggrieved by an order of the National Green Tribunal of India can appeal within
90 days to :
(A) The concerned High court (B) The Supreme Court oflndia
(C) The concerned District Court (D) The President oflndia

7 4. Which of the following is not a rating system for green buildings?

' (C) POSDCORB (D) Green Globes

76. Gently used water from. bathroom sink, showers, tubs and washing machines which may
contain traces of dirt, food, grease etc. is called :
(A) Grey water (B) Brackish water
(C) Black water (D) Hard water

76. The report "Our Common Future" is also known as :

(A) RioDeclaration (B) Kyoto Protocol

(C) Brundtland Report (D) Habitat Agenda

77, A sea level rise ofOne meter wiII submerge which of the following countries?
E (A) Japan
(C) Maldives
78. Stepped welle (vavs) are traditional water harvesting and storing technique common in :
(A) Rajasthan (B) Deccan Region
(C) Israel (D) Midde east countries

79. Which of the following description is most suited to Sustiinable development?

(A) Development which does not harm any fellow beings
(B) Development with equality of all human beings
(C) Development which does not affect future prospects ofpregent economic activities

@) Development which does not harm the development prospects of future


80. El-nino is a phenomenon in which:

(A) The temperature ofthe earth's surface goes up
(B) Earthquake produces Tsunami and thundershowers
(C) Aericultural crops are produced in excess
(D) Sea surface temperature increases

L5512015 12 A

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. 81. Which one of the following right was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as 'the heart and soul'
of the constitution?
(A) Right against exploitation (B) Right to constitutional remedies
(C) Right to equality (D) Right to property
82. In the abserice of both President and the Vice-President who acts as the President :
(A) Attorney General of India (B) Prime Minister of India
(C) The Chief Minister of India (D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

From which constitution India borrowed the idea of 'Fundamental Rights' :
(A) Constitution ofthe USA (B) Constitution of Canada
. (C) Constitution ofthe France (D) ConStitution of the Britain
84. Who was the First Vice-President of SNDP?
(A) Sree Narayana Guru (B) Kumaranasan
(C) Sivadasa Iyer (D) Dr. Palpu


(C) Kumara Guru
Who was the founder of
Who was the founder of'Prathyakha Rakha Daiva Sabha'?
(A) V.K. Gurukkal

(A) Vail<unda Swamikal

Pandit Karuppan

Sahodaran Ayyappan
(C) Thycaud Ayya (D) V.T. Bhattathirippad

87. Which rebellion related to 'Wagan Tragedy'?

(A) Attingal rebellion (B) Channar rebellion
(C) Pazhassi rebellion (D) Malabar rebellion

. 8E. Who was the leader of Guruvayoor Satyagraha?

(A) T.K.Madhavan (B) K. Kelappan

(C) C. Kesavan (D) K.P. Kesava Menon

89. Who conducted 'Savarna Jatha'from vaikom to Thiruvananthapuram?
(A) Gandhiji (B) C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer
(C) Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) N.P. Damodaran

90. Name the institution that is recently formed to replace planning commission :
(A) NITI Ayog (B) National Development Council
(C) Inter State Council (D) National Institute of Planning

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91. Who is popularly known as 'Jhansi of Travancore'?

(A) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma (B) Lalithambika Antharjanam
(C) Al<kamma Cheriyan (D) Lalitha Prabhu

92. First women judge in Kerala High Court :

(A) Anna Chanfi (B) Omana Kunjama

(C) K.K. Usha (D) Sujatha Manohar

93. Who was the first chairperson of Kerala Women's Commission?

(A) .K.C.Rosakutty (B) Sugathakumari
(C) Lalitha Kumaramangalam (D) K'R. Gouri Amma

94. Which is the Mahakavyam of Kumaranasan?

(A) Veena Poovu (B) Karuna
(C) Nalini (D) None of these

95. What is Numismatics?

(A) Study ofFossils (B) Studv ofCoins
E (C) Study ofSoils (D) Studv ofCaves
96. Who was the founder "sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham"?
(A) Chattampi Swamikal (B) Dr. Palpu
(C) A.K. Gopalan (D) AYYankaIi
97. Which wae known as 'Magnacarta of Modern Travancore'?
(A) Upper cloth revolts (B) Temple Entry Proclamation
(C) Malayalee Memorial @) Ezhava Memorial
98. The first press in Kerala:
(A) Manorama press (B) Mathrubhoomi press
(C) CMS press @) Kerala Kaumudi press

99. Which river known as the 'Nile of Kerala'?

(A) Bharatapuzha (B) Periyar
(C) Pumpa (D) Bhavani

100. The first Chief Miniet€r of Kerala :

(A) C. Achutha Menon (B) R. Sankar
(C) Pattom Thanupillai (D) E.M.S. Namboothirippad

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