RPH #20 Last Filipino General To Surrender To The America
RPH #20 Last Filipino General To Surrender To The America
RPH #20 Last Filipino General To Surrender To The America
NOV. 13,2021
ACTIVITY No. 20: Last Filipino General to Surrender to the americans
1. Who do you think is the last Filipino general to surrender to the Americans?
Support your answer with primary sources (e.g. individual persons, original
documents, etc.) or secondary sources (articles, books, manuscripts, etc.).
● According to the article "Ola, not Malvar, Was the Last General to Surrender,"
Pio Arsenio Labanan, a local historian and the author of Sons, died on September 22,
2016.According to the Chair of Guinobatan Cultural Heritage and Arts:
2. JOSE MALVAR Miguel Malvar as the last General Malvar did not
ACCOUNT, MALVAR’S Filipino general to surrender surrender. He entered into a
GRANDSON to the Americans but rather peace agreement. But the
he claimed that there was no newspaper gave the occasion
surrender that took place but the spin of victory by calling
rather a peace agreement the occasion a surrender
with the Americans.