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NAMA : Fajri Fadillah

NIM : 856982245
SEMESTER : 1 (satu)

Kode Mata Kuliah : PDGK 4304

Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk SD
Pokok Bahasan : 1. Transportation
2. Leisure Activities
3. Clothing and Fabric
4. Education
5. Sports and Transportation
6. All Tenses

1. Buat karangan dengan topic “CHILDREN AND EDUCATION” dengan supporting

sentences sbb.:
a. pendidikan penting bagi anak-anak Indonesia.
b. pendidkan membuat masa depan anak bagus.
c. orang tua wajib menabung untuk membiayai pendidikan anak-anak mereka.
d. anak-anak membentuk masa depan bangsa.
e. dengan pendidikan anak yang baik Indonesia akan menjadi negara yang
Answer :
„‟Education is important for Indonesian children‟‟

Education for Indonesian children and the implementation of early childhood

education is intended to provide efforts to stimulate, guide, nurture and provide
learning activities that will produce abilities and skills in children. Early childhood
education is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation for physical
growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence,
creativity, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence.
So, what is the importance of early education for Indonesian children? there are
five namely :
1. In order to stimulate motor or skills in children
By instilling early education in Indonesian children, one of them is to make
children able to develop their skills and hone deeper in the right brain.
2. Develop children's creativity.
Developing children's creativity who is taught or introduced to the importance
of early education will have a positive impact by letting children explore what
they want to know, so that children can be more creative in finding out
something new according to the experiences they are going through.
3. Become a personal learner
In learning, it is often associated with formal education at school or college. In
fact, children can get knowledge anywhere and anytime.
4. Be one step further
By introducing education from an early age it can make children one step
ahead in terms of knowledge compared to children who are left without
education from an early age.
5. Improve socialization in children
By introducing early education, children can further develop their socialization
to others, especially with their friends. Because they learn by meeting various
people, so they can provoke children's social attitudes.


„‟Pendidikan penting bagi anak-anak Indonesia‟‟

Pendidikan bagi anak-anak Indonesia dan dengan diterapkanya pendidikan

anak usia dini adalah guna untuk pemberian upaya untuk menstimulasi,
membimbing, mengasuh dan pemberian kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan
menghasilkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan pada anak. Pendidikan anak usia
dini merupakan salah satu bentuk penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang
menitikberatkan pada peletakan dasar ke arah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
fisik (koordinasi motorik halus dan kasar), kecerdasan, daya cipta, kecerdasan
emosi, dan kecerdasan spiritual.
Jadi, apa saja sih pentingnya pendidikan dini bagi anak-anak Indonesia? ada
lima yaitu
1. Guna merangsang motorik atau ketrampilanpada anak
Dengan menanamkan pendidikan dini pada anak Indonesia salah satunya
menjadikan anak mampu mengembangkan sebuah keterampilannya dan
mengasah lebih dalam otak kanan.
2. Dengembangkan kreativitas anak.
Dengembangkan kreativitas anak anak yang diajarkan atau dikenalkan
pentingnya pendidikan dini akan memberikan dampak positif dengan
membiarkan anak mengeksplorasi apa yang ingin dia ketahui, sehingga
dengan begitu anak bisa lebih kreatif dalam mencari tahu suatu hal yang baru
sesuai dengan pengalaman yang dilaluinya.
3. Menjadi pribadi pembelajar
Dalam belajar sering dihubungkan dengan pendidikan formal di sekolah atau
perguruan tinggi. Padahal kenyataannya anak dapat memperoleh
pengetahuan di mana saja dan kapan saja.
4. Menjadi satu langkah lebih maju
Dengan mengenalkan pendidikan sejak dini bisa membuat anak satu langkah
lebih maju dalam hal pengetahuan dibanding dengan anak yang sejak dini
dibiarkan tanpa dikenalkan pendidikan.
5. Meningkatkan sosialisasi pada anak
Dengan mengenalkan pendidikan lebih dini, anak bisa lebih mengembangkan
sosialisasinya terhadap sesama, terutama dengan teman-temannya. Karena
mereka belajar dengan bertemu orang-orang yang bervariasi, sehingga
mampu memancing sikap sosial anak..

2. Terjemahkan bacaan “WHY EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT” berikut ini.

Education provides people with the tools and knowledge to understand and
participate in today‟s world. It helps to sustain the human values and gives
contribution to individual and collective well-beings. It is the basis for life-lonh
learning. It inspires confidence and provides the skills to participate in public
Education enhances the ability of households to manage health problems,
improve nutrition and childcare, and plan for a better future. It is essential for
economic development. It eradicates poverty and allows people to earn a better
living. It also provides people with the knowledge and awareness to promote
tolerance and understanding among people. And most of all, it makes people
more self-reliant and aware of their duties and rights.

Pendidikan memberi seseorang alat dan pengetahuan untuk memahami dan

berpartisipasi dalam dunia saat ini. Ini membantu mempertahankan nilai -nilai
kemanusiaan dan memberikan kontribusi bagi kesejahteraan individu dan
kolektif. Ini adalah dasar untuk pembelajaran seumur hidup. Ini menginspirasi
kepercayaan dan memberikan keterampilan untuk berpartisipasi dalam urusan
Pendidikan meningkatkan kemampuan rumah tangga untuk menangani masalah
kesehatan, meningkatkan gizi dan pengasuhan anak, serta merencanakan masa
depan yang lebih baik.Ini pentinguntuk pembangunan ekonomi. Ini memberantas
kemiskinan dan memungkinkan orang untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih
baik. Ini juga memberi orang pengetahuan dan kesadaran untuk mempromosikan
toleransi dan pemahaman diantara orang-orang. Dan yang terpenting, itu
membuat orang lebih mandiri dan sadar akan tugas dan hak mereka.


Budiman is going to a wedding-party. He is wearing a ____ Tie __ and a
___jacket _. They are very good. They must be ___ made _ of fine_ fabrics. In
this kind of __event you should not wear a T-shirt and ___ jeans.
(Tie - jacket - made - fabrics - event - jeans)

4. Isilah dengan kata-kata yang tepat.

Contoh: :These shoes are (too big). I need smaller ones.
These shoes are too small. I need (bigger ones).
a. This belt is too short. I need a ____ longer ones ________.
b. This jacket is _______ too eyfensives ___. I need a cheaper one.
c. The socks are too tight. I need ___ looser one_____.
d. The color is ___ too bright ____. I need a darker one.
e. The bag is too bad. I need a __ good ones ______.

5. Buatlah kalimat dalam Continuous dan Present tenses.

Contoh: Ani – blue shirt – Mondays.
She is Ani. She is wearing a blue shirt. She wears a blue shirt on Mondays.
a. Ahmad – a sarong – go to the mosque.
b. Ahmad and Rudi – T-shirts – at home.
c. Mitro – black shoes – Fridays.
d. My sister and I – glasses – at school.
e. Rini – a motor-cycle – almost every day.
a. He's Ahmad. she is wearing a sarong. He wears a sarong when going to the
b. They are ahmad and rudi. They wear t-shirts. they wear t-shirts at home.
c. He is a mitro. she wears black shoes. She wears black shoes every Fridays.
d. My sister and I wore glasses at school. We both wore glasses every day at
e. She is rini. he rides a motorbike. He rides a motorcycle almost every day

6. Buat karangan tentang SPORTS seperti contoh berikut.

Hi, I am Mike Tyson.
I love boxing.
Boxing is not only my hobby, it is also my living.
I earn my living from boxing.
I am a professional boxer.
I practice every day to become a good boxer.
a. Gilang Ramadan (drummer); atau Inul Daratista (dancer and singer)
a. Gilang Ramadan (drummer)
Hi, my name is Gilang Ramadhan
My hobby is playing drums.
Playing drums is not only my hobby, but also the breath of my life
I make a living playing drums.
I am a proficient drummer.
I train every day to become a good and professional drummer.


Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berikut ini.
a. What local transportations are in Sampang?
Answer: Delman
b. What transportation can we go with if we go from Surabaya to Jakarta?
Answer: Train
c. Please show me the way from Alon-Alon (Central Park) to SMPN 2 Sampang.
Answer :

Write a story in five (5) sentences each about your…

a. Past activity
Last year our football team won the inter-village competition on 17 August last
year. Our team won 1st place. We got trophies and money and prizes. Our
team cheered happily.
b. present activity
Currently the Indonesian state is facing a problem with the danger of the
Covid 19 virus. And until now the government and citizens of Indonesia are
trying hard to handle and participate.
c. future activity
In the coming year my campus will plan a multipurpose building construction
for all students so that carrying out activities will be easier.

Use Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous, Perfecr Present and
Continuous, Future tense.
a1. Last year our football team won the competition.
b1. At present we are looking for a new trainer.
c1. Next year all of the players are going to have an exhibition tour in
the Asean countries.

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