Product Manual 26019 (Revision NEW) : UEGO Burner
Product Manual 26019 (Revision NEW) : UEGO Burner
Product Manual 26019 (Revision NEW) : UEGO Burner
(Revision NEW)
Original Instructions
UEGO Burner
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Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
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VM7956 Burner Manual 26019
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Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
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VM7956 Burner Manual 26019
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Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
Chapter 1.
General Information
In order to control the lambda of a lean burn gas engine, the VM7956 burner
burns a small amount of mixture taken from the engine to determine the air/fuel
ratio. Unlike the earlier VM7352/VM7356 burner systems, this new burner can
also work with ultra lean mixtures (e.g., lambda = 2,3).
This new VM7956 burner system can be used in combination with any Deltec
lean burn closed loop, lambda control.
Please read the following warnings carefully before commissioning the burner
Note that very high temperatures can occur under the aluminum
cover of the burner system. Be careful when opening this cover
because some parts remain very hot, even after the system is
switched off!
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Chapter 2.
Mixture Specification
The specifications mentioned below are based on natural gas mixtures.
Electrical Specifications
The burner system needs a 24 Vdc supply and a 12 Vdc supply. The 12 Vdc
supply usually will be taken from the 12 Vdc output of the Deltec lean burn
The minimum and maximum values of the supply voltages listed below, refer to
values measured on the terminal strip (connector) of the burner system. The
output voltage of the lambda sensor is available on a HI and LO terminal. To
avoid inaccuracy in the measurement of the A/F ratio, the LO of the lambda
signal should not be connected to the supply ground.
24 Vdc supply
Allowed range: 24,0—30,0 Vdc (advised: 26,0 Vdc)
Current during start up: Approximately 2 A (8 A peak)
Current in operation: 1,2 A
12 Vdc supply
Allowed range: 12,5—14,5 Vdc (at connector)
Current in operation: 1,2 A—1,4 A
“Burner-ON” Signal
Allowed range: 8,0—30,0 Vdc
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Chapter 3.
Principles of Operation
Burner System
In the VM7956 burner, a small amount of mixture (approx. 1L/min) will be burned
to measure the A/F ratio. The A/F ratio will be measured with the UEGO lambda
sensor, which is mounted in the measuring chamber of the burner. Normally
mixture will be taken from lean burn, turbocharged engines. The mixture can be
taken upstream or downstream of the throttle valve. This depends on the type of
engine and the application.
The mixture supply line should be kept as short as possible and should have a
small internal diameter to improve the response time of the system (see also
installation information in Chapter 4).
The burner unit incorporates a solenoid valve and a pressure regulator. The
pressure regulator is set at the factory and is not adjustable.
After applying the “Burner-ON” signal, the start cycle of the burner system
begins. The “Burner-ON” signal should only be applied if sufficient mixture
pressure is present.
The mixture is pre-heated, then passes the glowing igniter. After the igniter
succeeds in igniting the mixture, the power dissipation of the heater will be
reduced and controlled continuously to a programmed value. The igniter will be
heating continuously to stabilize the combustion process.
Under normal conditions the burner will start quite fast, and the lambda signal will
be available within 15 to 30 seconds.
If the burner does not start immediately, two more attempts will be carried out
before the burner falls into the alarm state. These three attempts will take about
five minutes.
The circuitry continuously checks the igniter, the thermocouple, the combustion
temperature, and the 24 Vdc supply voltage.
If measured values exceed programmed limits, the burner system will switch to
the alarm status, and the lambda signal will be switched off. Reset of the alarm
status can be done by switching the signal "Burner-ON" off and on.
If the combustion temperature drops under the programmed value, three new
start attempts will be carried out before the system switches to alarm.
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Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
On the aluminum control box, two 6 mm test terminals can be found, which can
be used if the lambda sensor needs to be calibrated in ambient air.
The very small potentiometer for calibrating the sensor can be found on the
(black) UEGO controller after opening the little transparent plastic cover. Use a
suitable screwdriver when calibrating the lambda sensor controller, and be
careful not to apply any force on this potentiometer, because it is easily
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Chapter 4.
Mechanical Installation
To avoid any damage to the burner system, the burner should not be mounted
directly on the engine. Suitable silent blocks should always be used.
The burner system should be mounted horizontally, with the mixture input and
output connections pointing downwards.
The mixture line (input) should be kept as short as possible. For this reason the
burner should be mounted close to the mixture connection at the engine. The
internal diameter should be Ø 2 to Ø 4 mm, to obtain a fast response of the
burner system.
The mixture can be taken upstream or downstream from the butterfly valve.
Taking the mixture downstream from the butterfly valve often allows for better
homogeneity. In this situation the burner can only work if the engine load is more
then approximately 50%, because sufficient mixture pressure is needed.
To avoid back pressure, the exhaust line should have the following dimensions:
Length up to 3 meters—minimum internal diameter Ø 4 mm
Length up to 20 meters—minimum internal diameter Ø 6 mm
The exhaust line should also be flowing down, to avoid condensation and
function as a “water-seal”.
If the exhaust gas needs to be recirculated through the air cleaner, a T-piece can
be used to let the condensation drop out, and the exhaust gas will be sucked into
the air cleaner.
Electrical Installation
The burner system needs to be supplied with both 12 Vdc and 24 Vdc supply
voltage. The supply grounds may be connected together. The 12 Vdc supply is
normally provided by the Deltec lambda control. On the connector of the burner
this voltage should be higher than 12.5 Vdc. The 24 Vdc supply should be at
least 26 Vdc at the connector of the burner.
The Deltec lambda controller measures the lambda sensor signal and the output
of the UEGO controller with a differential input, HI and LO. The LO of this signal
should not be connected to the supply ground.
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The burner should be connected as follows:
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Chapter 5.
Burner Maintenance
The burner can easily be taken apart to check and clean all components. The
need to clean the burner depends strongly on the kind of gas that is used.
Cleaning may be necessary more often particularly on engines with a
recirculation system of the blow-by gases. A cleaning at every 8000 hours is
2. The three LEDs on the UEGO controller should indicate that the sensor and
controller are OK (this means a flashing yellow, and a continuous green
Note that very high temperatures can occur under the aluminum
cover of the burner system. Be careful when opening this cover
because some parts remain very hot, even after the system is
switched off!
3. Open the slotted aluminum cover of the burner system, so the lambda
sensor can be unscrewed from the burner system.
4. Take out the lambda sensor and leave it in ambient air for a minute. Be
careful, the lambda sensor may be hot, and it is fragile.
5. Measure the output voltage on the terminals of the burner. The output
voltage should be: 4,50 ± 0,02 Vdc. If the calibration is out of range, the
controller should be adjusted.
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6. Calibration: Open the transparent cover and adjust the output voltage on the
UEGO controller to 4.50 Vdc, using the little potentiometer.
7. Mount the sensor in the burner and close the cover of the burner. Don't
forget to remove the bridge that was used to simulate the ignition-on signal.
New sensors sometimes need a certain burn-in time, so check the 4.50 Vdc a
few times after mounting a new sensor.
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Chapter 6.
Errors can occur in the burner system or in the lambda sensor and the UEGO
controller. If the system is not functioning properly, check the three LEDs of the
UEGO controller behind the transparent cover.
Then check:
Are all supply voltages OK?
Is the "Burner-ON" signal present?
Is all wiring OK?
Exchange various parts to find out which component is causing the problem.
Note that very high temperatures can occur under the aluminum
cover of the burner system. Be careful when opening this cover
because some parts remain very hot, even after the system is
switched off!
If the red LED is on, the RS-232 terminal plus the monitor program can be used
to find the problem.
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If the problem is still not corrected, the following items should be checked:
Check the igniter with the burner system switched off. The resistance of the
igniter can be measured on terminal 3 and 4 on the connector with the 6
terminals. Also the resistance of the igniter can be measured at the
connector of the igniter. The resistance should be approximately 3 Ω. Be
careful, the igniter is very fragile!
Check the mixture flow. This can be done easily by putting the exhaust line
in a cup filled with water (for example). If the "valve open" LED is on, the gas
flow should be visible in the water.
If the mixture flow is to high, resulting in a very high burner temperature, the
following points should be checked:
Pressure regulator out of function? Measure the pressure.
No jet mounted behind the plug?
Thermocouple out of function? Replace or test.
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Chapter 7.
Service Options
OEM and Packager Support: Many Woodward controls and control devices are
installed into the equipment system and programmed by an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) or Equipment Packager at their factory. In some cases, the
programming is password-protected by the OEM or packager, and they are the best
source for product service and support. Warranty service for Woodward products
shipped with an equipment system should also be handled through the OEM or
Packager. Please review your equipment system documentation for details.
You can locate your nearest Woodward distributor, AISF, RER, or RTR on our
website at:
12 Woodward
Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
This option allows you to call your Full-Service Distributor in the event of an
unexpected outage, or in advance of a scheduled outage, to request a
replacement control unit. If the unit is available at the time of the call, it can
usually be shipped out within 24 hours. You replace your field control unit with
the like-new replacement and return the field unit to the Full-Service Distributor.
Charges for the Replacement/Exchange service are based on a flat rate plus
shipping expenses. You are invoiced the flat rate replacement/exchange charge
plus a core charge at the time the replacement unit is shipped. If the core (field
unit) is returned within 60 days, a credit for the core charge will be issued.
Flat Rate Repair: Flat Rate Repair is available for the majority of standard
products in the field. This program offers you repair service for your products with
the advantage of knowing in advance what the cost will be. All repair work carries
the standard Woodward service warranty (Woodward Product and Service
Warranty 5-01-1205) on replaced parts and labor.
Flat Rate Remanufacture: Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat
Rate Repair option with the exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-
new” condition and carry with it the full standard Woodward product warranty
(Woodward Product and Service Warranty 5-01-1205). This option is applicable
to mechanical products only.
When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
return authorization number;
name and location where the control is installed;
name and phone number of contact person;
complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
description of the problem;
instructions describing the desired type of repair.
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Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
protective caps on any connectors;
antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing
a packing carton with double walls;
a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.
Engineering Services
Woodward offers various Engineering Services for our products. For these services,
you can contact us by telephone, by email, or through the Woodward website.
Technical Support
Product Training
Field Service
Technical Support is available from your equipment system supplier, your local Full-
Service Distributor, or from many of Woodward’s worldwide locations, depending
upon the product and application. This service can assist you with technical
questions or problem solving during the normal business hours of the Woodward
location you contact. Emergency assistance is also available during non-business
hours by phoning Woodward and stating the urgency of your problem.
For information on these services, please contact us via telephone, email us, or
use our website:
14 Woodward
Manual 26019 VM7956 Burner
You can also locate your nearest Woodward distributor or service facility on our
website at:
Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before phoning:
Your Name
Site Location
Phone Number
Fax Number
Engine/Turbine Model Number
Number of Cylinders (if applicable)
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, steam, etc)
Control/Governor #1
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #2
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #3
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or
the menu settings written down and with you at the time of the call.
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