Product Manual 26355 (Revision J) : F-Series Throttle (FST) Integrated Throttle Body
Product Manual 26355 (Revision J) : F-Series Throttle (FST) Integrated Throttle Body
Product Manual 26355 (Revision J) : F-Series Throttle (FST) Integrated Throttle Body
(Revision J)
Original Instructions
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an
overspeed shutdown device to protect against runaway or damage to the prime
mover with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage.
The overspeed shutdown device must be totally independent of the prime mover
control system. An overtemperature or overpressure shutdown device may also
be needed for safety, as appropriate.
Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed before
installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and
precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.
This publication may have been revised or updated since this copy was produced. To verify that
you have the latest revision, be sure to check the publications page on the Woodward website:
The current revision of all publications is shown in file "current.pdf".
The latest version of most publications is available on the publications page. If your publication is
not there, please contact your customer service representative to get the latest copy.
Any unauthorized modifications to or use of this equipment outside its specified mechanical,
electrical, or other operating limits may cause personal injury and/or property damage, including
damage to the equipment. Any such unauthorized modifications: (i) constitute "misuse" and/or
"negligence" within the meaning of the product warranty thereby excluding warranty coverage
for any resulting damage, and (ii) invalidate product certifications or listings.
Woodward reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time. Information provided by Woodward is
believed to be correct and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Woodward unless otherwise expressly
© Woodward 2007
All Rights Reserved
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
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Regulatory Compliance
European Compliance for CE Marking:
These listings apply to stationary industrial markets only and are limited only to
those units bearing the CE Marking.
Pressure Equipment
Directive: Exempt per Article 1-3.10
This product is certified as a component for use in other equipment. The final
combination is subject to acceptance by the authority having jurisdiction or local
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Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Special Conditions for Safe Use:
Field Wiring must be suitable for at least 105 °C.
The Ingress Protection rating of the control depends on the use of proper mating
connectors. Refer to Table 3-1 in the Installation section of this manual for
information on the proper mating connectors for use with this control.
Do not clean equipment unless power has been switched off or the
area is known to be non-hazardous.
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Chapter 1.
General Information
This manual does not contain instructions for operation of the complete engine
system. For engine or plant operating instruction, contact the plant-equipment
This revision of the manual applies to all 14-pin F-Series position-control models
with software 5418-2723 and 5418-2745. The software version can be identified
on the Service Tool by clicking on the Details button on the bottom of the screen
(Application ID).
Intended Applications
The F-Series actuator is intended to be mounted on-engine for use in various
industrial applications, including, but not limited to, stationary generator sets, gas
compressors, and on-highway industrial gas, gasoline or diesel reciprocating
engines. The device is effectively a positioner that accepts a desired position
signal from another device in the system, such as a speed control, and drives to
that position. Key environmental characteristics of these applications include
extended industrial operating temperatures (–40 °C to +105 °C/–40 °F to
+221 °F), Industrial EMC Requirements, electrical transient response and
stability and lower operating voltages (12/24 V).
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The F-Series actuator is a modular electric actuator or an actuator with an
integrated throttle body (ITB). There are currently three (3) types available:
F-Series Throttle (FST)
F-Series Throttle Plus (FSTP)—not covered in this manual
F-Series Modular Actuator—not covered in this manual
The F-Series Throttle (FST) has a 14-pin connector and only accepts a PWM
(pulse-width modulated) position demand. The PWM input type can be wired for
Push-Pull or Low-Side (High-Side is possible but requires external customer-
provided circuitry). The monitored duty cycle and frequency will be set to zero (0)
when a failed PWM signal is detected.
The F-Series Throttle Plus (FSTP) and Modular Actuator versions have
additional capabilities and additional I/O, utilizing 23-pin connectors. A discrete
output and CAN communication are available in the FSTP and Modular Actuator
versions. They accept PWM, CAN, 0 V to 5 V (dc), or 4 mA to 20 mA position
demands, and support demand redundancy (primary/backup) with fail-over and
fall-back logic. For additional information on the FSTP and Modular Actuator
versions, see Woodward manual 26600.
The position demand signals are issued by the appropriate supervisory engine
management system. The F-Series actuator must be set up properly in hardware
and software to expect the correct signal for the application.
The F-Series drives the 0–70 degree output shaft to the demanded position
based on an internal shaft position sensor. The high-efficiency torque motor
delivers a net 1.36 Nm (1.0 lb-ft) steady-state torque output and a net 2.71 Nm
(2 lb-ft) transient torque output over the 70° travel range. See the specifications
in Appendix B for further details.
The F-Series integrated throttle body (ITB) types are available in 33, 48, 60, 68,
and 75 mm bore sizes for a variety of air and fuel throttling applications. The ITB
is designed to operate on air and gases ranging from pipeline quality natural gas
to specialty gas (such as landfill, digester, or other biogases). The 33 and 48 mm
ITBs are rated at 80 psia maximum working pressure (MWP). The 60, 68, and 75
mm ITBs are rated at 50 psia MWP. See the specifications in Appendix B for
further details.
The flow output of the ITB is a function of throttle position. The actuator and throttle
position respond proportionally to the position demand input. An optional non-linear
position demand curve can be configured for a non-linear position demand versus
position demand response. When the optional non-linear position demand curve is
configured, the throttle position signal (TPS) is corrected to account for the effect of
the curve, so that the TPS should still normally match the position demand input.
A sight cover is provided over the slotted throttle shaft end to view the actual
throttle position. The slot in the end of the shaft is in line with the throttle plate and
indicates the plate’s angular position. Note that the throttle plate is 15 degrees off
of horizontal (flange plane) when fully closed. Therefore the slot in the shaft will
also be at about 15 degrees off of horizontal when the valve is fully closed.
When included with an ITB, the actuator depends solely upon the
return spring inside the throttle body assembly to drive toward
minimum position when not powered. Therefore other positive
shutdown devices like fuel shut-off solenoids are recommended to
ensure shutdown upon loss of signal to the control system. Also,
separate overspeed trip devices are always mandatory.
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The F-Series actuator requires a power supply of 10 V to 32 V (dc). The supply must
be capable of providing a sustained 24 W during steady-state (4 A at coil) operation
and 98 W instantaneous during transients (8 A at coil) for at least 200 ms.
33 mm Cv
150.00 48 mm Cv
60 mm Cv
68 mm Cv
0 20 40 60 80
Cv (Flow Coefficient)
Position (Deg) 33 mm Cv 48 mm Cv 60 mm Cv 68 mm Cv
0 0.55 0.65 1.08 1.08
2 0.95 1.54 2.43 2.51
4 1.39 2.44 3.78 4.82
6 1.85 3.35 5.11 6.43
8 2.28 4.22 6.54 8.16
10 2.78 5.15 8.16 10.2
15 4.23 8.18 12.99 16.94
20 6.18 12 18.77 25.11
25 8.57 16.64 25.94 35.8
30 11.39 21.95 34.67 48.31
35 14.85 27.96 45.24 65.7
40 18.98 34.82 58.62 87.71
45 23.49 42.86 75.33 109.22
50 28.20 52.76 95.19 138.93
55 32.10 65.75 118.06 172.42
60 34.97 80.12 144.36 210.18
65 37.88 94.99 173.22 243.87
70 38.67 108.5 202.19 272.55
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F-Series ITB valve size can be determined by using the following equation:
Q = Flow (lb/Hr) (1 lb = 0.4535924 kg)
G = Specific gravity of fluid (Use 1.0 for air & 0.6 for Nat Gas)
T = Absolute temperature (460 + °F)
P1 = Inlet pressure (psia)
P2 = Discharge pressure (psia)
K = P2 if P1–P2 is less than 10 % of P1
= P1 if P1–P2 is 25 % or more of P1
= (P1+P2)/2 if P1–P2 is in between 10 % and 25 % of P1
Programmable Features
Control setup is accomplished through the use of a PC (personal computer),
Woodward Service Tool software, and a programming harness. All F-Series
actuators are provided pre-configured with default settings and may not require
additional setup. The features identified below are described in Chapters 5 and 6.
Some features are not included with certain models. Briefly, the programmable
features include:
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Figure 1-3b. F-Series ITB Product Configuration and Throttle Option Details
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Chapter 2.
Mechanical Installation
This chapter provides instructions on how to mount and connect the F-Series
modular actuator and ITB into a system. Hardware dimensions are provided to
mount the device for specific applications.
The surface of this product can become hot enough or cold enough
to be a hazard. Use protective gear for product handling in these
circumstances. Temperature ratings are included in the specification
section of this manual.
Be careful when unpacking the actuator. Check the unit for signs of damage,
such as bent or dented panels, scratches, and loose or broken parts. Notify the
shipper and Woodward if damage is found.
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Mechanical Installation
Mounting Location
Locate the F-Series actuator away from sources of extreme radiant heat, such as
exhaust manifolds or turbochargers. The operating temperature range of the
control is –40 °C to +105 °C (–40 °F to +221 °F). In spark-ignition applications,
locate the F-Series actuator away from the ignition coils and leads, and do not
route the actuator harness wires next to the spark plug wires.
Mounting Orientation
The F-Series actuator may be mounted on-engine in any position. While it is not
a requirement, it is good practice to orient the connector feature on the control in
a horizontal or downward orientation to minimize fluid accumulation between the
enclosure and the mating connector’s gasket.
The 33, 48, 60, 68, and 75 mm ITB sizes have two mounting flanges with four
through holes each in a square pattern. Refer to the table in Figure 1-3b for the
flange and bolt pattern dimensions and bolt diameters for the various ITB sizes.
Flange gaskets are not included with the Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) and
these are not available from Woodward.
F-Series Grounding
The F-Series must be grounded to the engine structure through a low impedance
connection in order to ensure proper EMC performance. This may be
accomplished through the mechanical mounting of the actuator/throttle itself
(preferred), or through a wired connection to a designated ground screw on the
unit. If a wired connection is used as the primary EMC ground, it must be through
a low impedance wire or strap < 30 cm (12 inches) in length, 3 mm² (12 AWG)
minimum. See Figure 1-3a for ground screw location on the Actuator with ITB.
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Output Shaft
The F-Series actuator output shaft has 68° to 72° (nominal 70°) of available
travel. In addition, the ITB versions incorporate the use of on internal return
spring. Unless otherwise specified, the spring load drives the throttle plate to the
closed position.
The actuator’s maximum slew rate can place stress on the fuel
system stops and on the linkage between the actuator and the fuel
system. The maximum actuator speed is 1800 degrees per second in
both increase and decrease fuel directions under normal operating
conditions. Exceeding the control input voltage requirements may
cause a unit shutdown in which the actuator speed may exceed 1800
degrees per second.
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Chapter 3.
Electrical Installation
This chapter provides instructions on how to connect the F-Series control into a
system. Figure 3-1 shows typical control connections to external devices. Wiring
pinouts, as viewed by looking into the F-Series control connector feature, are
shown in Figure 3-2.
Shielded Wiring
Shielded wiring is generally not required. The use of cable with individually
shielded-twisted pairs is only required where indicated by the control wiring
diagram (Figure 3-1). However, some users may elect to run shielded wires for
some I/O signals. Cable shields must be terminated as indicated in the control
wiring diagram using the installation notes described below. DO NOT attempt to
directly ground the shield at both ends since an undesired ground loop condition
may occur.
Installation Notes
Failure to provide shielding can produce future conditions which are difficult to
diagnose. Proper shielding, when provided, at the time of installation is required
to assure satisfactory operation of the product.
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Electrical Connections
Prior to installation, refer to the wiring diagrams and the representative I/O
interface schematics in this chapter.
Use 1 to 1.5 mm² (16 to 18 AWG) stranded copper wire with insulation meeting
temperature requirements in the harness design. A wiring harness stress relief
within 150 mm (6”) of the control’s connector is recommended.
Limit all I/O and signal lines to less than 30 m (98 ft) for Stationary Industrial
EMC Compliance.
For the TPS output wiring, the (AGND) TPS– connection pin is internally
connected to Input Power –. Therefore (AGND) TPS– should only be used when
the users controller contains a differential input or isolated input. Otherwise a
ground loop will exist, assuming the users controller power ground is common to
the F-Series power ground (Input power -). If the TPS output is used with a
Differential or Isolated input, the TPS– must be used or the system will not
function. If TPS output is not used with an isolated or differential input on the
users end (i.e. single ended), the return path is through the common
system/power ground back to F-Series Input Power –.
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Dress the wiring harness with wire loom (or equal) to contain it in a single bundle.
Use grommets when passing the harness through metal panels.
The following AMP mating connector components (or equal) are needed for
harness designs:
12 V/24 V
INPUT POWER - 10 (-)
1 Not Used 2
PWM + 12
(300 HZ TO 2 KHZ, 4 V TO 32 V)
4 PWM - 7
TTL TX 3 2
TTL to RS-232 converter
3 Woodward # 1249-1039
Not Used 4
Not Used 5
Not Used 9
Not Used 13
Not Used 14
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Pin # Function 1 2 3 4 5
1 Input Power +
6 7 8 9
2 Aux Power Out
3 TTL TX 10 11 12 13 14
4 Not Used
5 Not Used
9 Not Used
10 Input Power -
11 TPS -
12 PWM +
13 Not Used
14 Not Used
Run the power leads directly from the power source to the control. Do not power
other devices with leads common to the control (see Figures 3-3a and 3-3b). If
the power source is a battery, be sure the system includes an alternator or other
battery-charging device.
The input power must be fused. Failure to fuse the F-Series actuator
could, under exceptional circumstances, lead to personal injury,
damage to the control, and/or explosion.
When wiring pin 11, be careful to ensure that the external circuit
interface is isolated from battery ground, either by means of galvanic
isolation or differential input/output. If it is not, a ground loop could
be formed that can cause excess noise on the lines and/or damage to
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The power supply terminals are reverse polarity protected, and in the case that a
reverse polarity condition exists, the F-Series actuator will not power-up and, if
attached to a throttle body (ITB) with an internal return spring, will remain at the
position dictated by the return spring.
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Service Port
Pin 3 = TTL TX
Pin 8 = TTL RX
Pin 11 = TTL Ground (–)
The RS-232 service port is used to configure, calibrate and trouble shoot the
F-Series control. The F-Series Service Tool can be downloaded from the Internet
at The RS-232 wiring must meet the
requirements in the EIA RS-232 Standard document.
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The PWM demand input is a differential type capable of handling low-side and
push-pull style PWM sources. Pull-up level is 5 V through 4.99 k. See Figure
3-6 for acceptable PWM input types.
This input will handle a PWM frequency range from 300 to 2000 Hz at amplitudes
ranging from 4 to 32 V. Normal operating range is from 10 % to 90 % duty cycle,
however these settings are configurable using the service tool.
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TPS Output
Pin 6 = TPS (+)
Pin 11 = TPS (–)
Do not try to inject signals into the TPS output, as it will negatively
impact the performance of the F-Series actuator. This output is
intended to be used with a high impedance device, such as a
voltmeter. Do not tie TPS (+) directly to battery or ground. If the
application does not use this output, leave it open.
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Chapter 4.
Description of Operation
The F-Series actuator is ready for operation immediately (within 1 second) when
the power supply is connected. Power may be connected to the control at the
same time the engine starter is engaged. The actuator will power up in a stable
and predictable manner whether a demand signal is present or not. Upon power-
up, the actuator will immediately go to the demanded position. The demanded
position will be the initial spring check start setting, if the spring check is
configured for use, and the permissives are present. Once the spring check
function is finished, the actuator then drives to maintain the position demanded
by the supervisory control.
The supply voltage fault low and high thresholds are configurable. Default values
are below 9 V (dc) and above 33 V (dc) respectively. The unit can be configured
to either alarm or shutdown upon detection of a supply voltage fault.
Position Control
The F-Series actuator provides closed-loop position control based on an internal
position sensor and the desired position demand signal. Software model-based
position and current controllers are utilized to position the output. Position control
is provided using a customer's position demand, an internal position feedback
sensor and an internal driver output. The driver provides a 0 V to 5 V (dc) analog
output (TPS) for indication of actual throttle or actuator output shaft position. If an
optional non-linear position demand curve is configured, the TPS is corrected to
account for the effect of the curve, so that the TPS should still normally match the
position demand input.
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90 Threshold points
50 User-defined Demand
40 & Threshold points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PWM Duty Cycle, %
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The PWM position demand input signal failure level thresholds are configurable.
Default settings are below 2 % and above 98 % duty cycle. The unit can be
configured to either alarm or shut down upon detection of a position demand
input failure.
The PWM input can optionally be configured to a non-linear mode that provides a
5-point curve relationship between the demand input (%) and the desired position
demand (%) (Figure 4-2).
Desired Actuator Position, %
20 user-defined points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Position Demand Input, %
Serial Communications
RS-232 communications are available on the F-Series actuator when used with an
external transceiver. Serial communications provide for use of the F-Series Service
Tool. The service tool communicates at 38,400 bps. The simplest way to establish
communication is to use Woodward communication harness kit part number
8923-1254. Functions available through this port include troubleshooting, setup,
tuning and configuration of the F-Series control. Detailed driver status information
is also displayed.
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Any RS-232 wiring must meet the requirements in the EIA RS-232 Standard
document. The RS-232 standard states that the length of the RS-232 cable
between the driver and the PC must be less than 50 ft (15 m) with a total
capacitance less than 2500 pF. The communication port is non-isolated and
susceptible to both EMI noise and ground loops related to PC connections and
typical industrial environments.
Temperature Sensing
The F-Series actuator monitors board temperature with on-board temperature
sensors to protect the unit from over temperature. If configured, a fault is
annunciated when temperature greater than 140 °C or less than –45 °C is
detected. These threshold settings are fixed and not configurable.
Current limiting based on temperature begins when the combined current and
temperature environment causes board temperatures greater than 118 °C. The
limit curve is a linear de-rate from full current at 118 °C down to zero current at
125 °C. Depending on the current (actuator torque) and ambient operating
temperatures, the unit may never reach the current limiting state.
Once the position control becomes active at power-up, the F-Series actuator
moves the output shaft to the configured ‘Start’ position. Once the output shaft
reaches the ‘Start’ position, an internal timer starts and the actuator drive current
drops to zero (the unit goes limp). Failure to reach the ‘Start’ position in 200 ms
or failure to reach the ‘Finish’ position before the timeout period expires will
trigger a Spring Check fault. If successful, the spring check Status area of the
Service Tool will display ‘Passed’.
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The spring check function is not performed if a valid demand signal or shutdown
condition is present before the spring check completes. The spring check status
area of the Service Tool will display ‘Not Performed’.
Active Faults are those presently detected or previously detected but latched and
not reset. The configuration as latching/non-latching faults factors into this
indication. If the fault is latching, then an active fault could either be one that is
still present or one that had occurred but is now normal and has not been reset.
A logged fault is one that has occurred but is no longer active or latched in the
control. Logged faults are non-volatile and can only be cleared by selecting the
‘Reset Logged Faults’ button on the Service Tool Alarm or Shutdown screens.
Shutdown List
The following diagnostic conditions always cause a shutdown:
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Position Sensor Failed—An internal diagnostic check has determined the
actuator position sensor has failed. This is a hard-coded internal shutdown. If
detected, the control output will drive to the Fail Direction using current control.
This fault always latches and requires a reset or power cycle to clear.
PWM Duty Cycle High—Indicates the PWM input went above the configured
PWM Duty Cycle High Threshold.
PWM Duty Cycle Low—Indicates the PWM input went below the configured
PWM Duty Cycle Low Threshold
Input Voltage High—Indicates the input supply voltage went above the
configure Supply Voltage High Threshold.
Input Voltage Low—Indicates the input supply voltage went below the configure
Supply Voltage Low Threshold.
Power-up Reset—This indication goes true when power is first applied to the
F-Series actuator.
Low Power Reset—This indication goes true when reset was caused by low
voltage on microcontroller. [not provided in 5418-2723]
Spring Check Failed—This indicates the return spring failed to reach the
configured ‘Finish’ position in the configured timeout period during power-up.
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Chapter 5.
Service Tool
This chapter covers the process of installing and servicing the control by using
the F-Series Service Tool. It is assumed that the control has already been
installed on the engine.
The Service Tool software is used to configure, setup, and troubleshoot the
F-Series actuator. This chapter describes the installation and use of the Service
Tool. It identifies the control parameters available for viewing. Detailed
instructions for configuring and setting up the F-Series control for the customer-
specific application is provided in Chapter 6.
Each F-Series actuator type has a unique Service Tool. The Service Tool
selected for use must be appropriate for the actuator type (FST, FSTP, etc.)
being serviced. The service tool for the 14-pin F-Series is available for download
on, part number 9927-1524 for firmware
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For end users wishing to make their own communication harness the transceiver
used is a B & B Electronics model 232LPTTL (or equal) and wiring on the “TTL”
end can be standard 16 to 18 AWG stranded wire. See Figure 5-2b for harness
wiring and connector pinouts.
System Requirements
The following hardware is required to work with the F-Series control:
PC-compatible laptop or desktop computer
Microsoft Windows® XP, Vista, 7, (32- and 64-bit)
Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1
600 MHz Pentium® CPU
96 MB of RAM
Minimum 800 by 600 pixel screen with 256 colors
Serial Port
Serial Extension Cable
Communication/data link harness.
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Getting Started
Installation Procedure
The F-Series Service Tool software can be downloaded and installed from the
Woodward Internet site ( The service tool is
based on Woodward Toolkit software (standard version) included with the service
tool installation. End users with a professional version of Toolkit (V3.5 or newer)
already installed should skip installing the standard version.
What to do Next
After the software is installed, install the correct programming harness and
connect a serial communications cable between the transceiver RS-232 port and
an unused serial port on your computer. Power must be applied to the F-Series
control for the Service Tool to connect.
Run the appropriate Service Tool program and select an available comm. port.
Connect to the F-Series control by clicking the connect button on the tool bar or
by selecting ‘Device, Connect’ on the main menu.
Once connected to the control, the screen view will populate with current values
and the status bar will display ‘Connected on COM x’.
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The application type of the control (e.g. FST) is displayed on the Overview
The Application firmware version can be verified by clicking on the Details button
on the bottom of the screen. The Application ID is the firmware version of the
connected device. This window is closed by clicking on the Details button again.
The following window appears if the Service Tool cannot find the correct service
interface definition (sid) file to communicate with the device. If this occurs, select
the Browse button and choose the C:\Program Files\Woodward\Toolkit
Definitions folder (default) or the folder chosen during the Service Tool install.
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The following window appears if the Service Tool cannot find the correct service
interface definition (sid) file to communicate with the device. If this occurs, the
device is not compatible with the Service Tool version. The latest versions can be
downloaded at
Highlight the SID files option, and then select Modify. Using the browser, choose
the folder where the sid files have been installed - this is ‘C:\Program
Files\Woodward\Toolkit Definitions’ by default. When finished select OK.
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Screen Navigation
Service Tool screens can be selected for viewing in a variety of ways:
Pull Down Box on the tool bar
Next/Previous Page buttons on the tool bar
Page Up/Page Down keyboard keys.
Navigation buttons
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Overview Screen
To view general F-Series control parameters, go to the Overview screen.
Position Setpoint
Displayed value of the Position Setpoint – in percent.
Actual Position
Displayed value of the Actual Position – in percent.
PWM Input
Displayed value of the PWM Input Position – in percent.
Shutdown LED
Indicates an active or shutdown condition when illuminated (Red). The cause of
any shutdown is displayed on the shutdown screen.
Alarm LED
Indicates an active alarm condition when illuminated (Yellow). The cause of any
alarm is displayed on the alarm screen.
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PWM Input Duty Cycle
Displayed value of the PWM Input Duty Cycle – in percent.
Supply Voltage
Displayed value of the input power, in volts, as read by the processor.
Electronics Temperature
Displayed value of the electronics temperature sensor, in degrees Celsius, as
read by the processor.
Application Type
Displayed value of the control’s firmware application (FST, FSTP,
Active faults are those presently detected, or previously detected but latched and
not reset. To clear active faults that are latched on, click the ‘Reset Active Faults’
button on the Shutdowns or Alarms screens. If configured as non-latching, active
faults self-clear when the fault condition no longer exists.
A logged fault is one that has occurred but is no longer active or latched in the
control. Logged faults are non-volatile and can only be cleared by clicking the
‘Reset Logged Faults’ button on the Shutdowns or Alarms screens.
Woodward 37
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Shutdowns Screen
To view shutdowns, go to the Shutdowns screen. The Shutdowns screen
displays the status (Red LEDs) of active or logged shutdown conditions.
38 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Alarms Screen
The Alarms screen displays the status (Yellow LEDs) of active or logged alarm
Woodward 39
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Click the Start button to begin a position trend. Click the Stop button to freeze the
currently displayed values. Clicking the Start button again erases the frozen
values and begins trending current values again.
Unchecking the Disable Auto Control Mode restores automatic position control
and blocks manual position control.
Stay clear of the actuator output shaft and all attachments as sudden
movement can occur at any time. Failure to comply with this
recommendation can cause personal injury and/or property damage.
40 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Enable Manual Control
Checking the Enable Manual Control check box enables manual position control
when automatic position control is disabled. The actuator immediately drives to
and follows the Manual Position Setpoint. Manual position control is blocked
when automatic position control is not disabled.
Manual Setpoint
When both the Disable Auto Control and Enable Manual Control check boxes are
checked, the actuator position follows the Manual Position Setpoint.
To change the position setpoint, highlight the present value and type in a new
Trend properties can be changed. Click the Properties button to open the
Trending Properties window (Figure 5-7). From this window the trend time span,
sample rate, pen colors and high and low range scaling can be changed.
Checking the show samples option causes the trend plot points to be displayed
as enclosed points on the displayed trend.
Click Color Change to select a different plot color for the highlighted plot (e.g.,
Position Setpoint).
Checking the automatic scale option dynamically sets the range at the maximum
and minimum values measured during a trend run. Checking the automatic scale
check box overrides the high and low range scaling settings. Unchecking uses
the high and low settings. Click ‘X’ to close the Trend Properties pop up window.
Woodward 41
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Click the Export button to save a *.csv file of the trend data points taken during
the time period just prior to clicking the stop button (Figure 5-8).
42 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
For example, right clicking the Estimated Current then clicking ‘Add to trend’
produces the following trend.
The properties default range is automatic and the time span is 20 sec. Use the
properties button to make any desired changes. Additional values can be added
to this trend as desired by right-clicking other values. Custom trend values can
be exported to a *.csv file.
Woodward 43
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Chapter 6.
The F-Series control is configured using the Service Tool. Refer to Chapter 5 for
Service Tool installation and connection instructions.
44 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
This starts a Save Setting Wizard to save the F-Series control settings to a
configuration settings file. You will be prompted for a File name. These settings
can be saved to an existing file or, by entering a new file name, to a new file.
To open the Settings Files, click ‘Settings’ on the F-Series Service Tool menu bar
then select ‘Edit Settings File’. From the list of names, simply double click the
desired file name. This opens a Settings Editor screen for viewing or editing the
configuration settings (for example, Figure 6-2, Configure PWM Input).
Woodward 45
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Configuration Parameters
The Settings Editor screens are used to set the configuration parameters.
The tuning range of a selected parameter is displayed on the screen status bar.
Attempts to enter values outside the parameter minimum and maximum range
will not be accepted and an error message is displayed
46 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
PWM Duty Cycle Min Input
Sets the PWM Duty Cycle, in percent, that corresponds to the Position Demand
at Min Input setting.
Adjustable range: 5 % to 95 %, default 10.
Woodward 47
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Position Demand In
Sets position demand input breakpoints (%) for the demand curve. Each
breakpoint [5] value must be larger than the previous and less than the next
value. Adjustable range: 0 % to 100 %, must be monotonically increasing.
Defaults 0, 25, 50, 75, 100.
Position Demand Output
Sets the position demand output percentage [5] for the configured position demand
input breakpoint (%). Adjustable range: 0 % to 100 %, defaults 0, 25, 50, 75, 100.
Desired Actuator Position, %
user-defined points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Position Demand Input, %
48 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Analog Output Min Position
Sets the actuator position, in percent, that corresponds to the Output Voltage at
Min Position setting. Adjustable range: 0 % to 100 %, default 0.
For each of the faults from the list, check the Used checkbox to use the adjacent
fault condition as either an alarm or shutdown. Uncheck the Used checkbox to
ignore the adjacent fault condition.
Woodward 49
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Alarm (Checked) or Shutdown (Unchecked)
Set the desired action for each of the used faults from the list (unused faults are
ignored). Adjustable range: Alarm, Shutdown
Check to set the fault condition as an alarm. Setting the selection as an
Alarm allows the unit to attempt to continue running.
Uncheck to set the fault condition as a shutdown. Setting the selection as a
Shutdown will position the output in the configured position upon fault.
For details on each fault condition, refer to the Fault section of the Description of
Operation, Chapter 4.
50 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Woodward 51
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
If the application is spring ‘open’, it is assumed the demand will normally be at
100 % position command. In this case the Active Demand Threshold/Permissive
must be set to a value greater than the Initial Open (Start) Position (98 %) and
the position demand must be greater than this setting at power up to permit the
spring check test to run. Adjustable range: 0 % to 100 %, default 2.
52 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
A Load Settings Wizard opens. Follow the wizard instructions to complete
loading a Settings File configuration to the F-Series control.
To select settings file to be exported, from the main tool, select ‘Settings’ then
‘Edit Settings File’ on the F-Series Service Tool menu bar and choose proper
settings file.
Woodward 53
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Once the Settings Editor screen opens, select ‘’File, Export’ on the menu bar
An Export Settings screen opens. Select a folder and File Name to save the
exported file to. The file name may be existing (to replace) or a new name.
54 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Click ‘Yes’ to replace the existing exported document file or ‘No’ to create a
different document file name or path for the exported settings file.
Woodward 55
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Chapter 7.
This chapter presents several broad categories of application failures typically
experienced in the field, possible causes, and some tests used to verify the
causes. Because the exact failure experienced in the field is the product of the
mechanical/electrical failure combined with the configuration file resident in the
control, it is left as the OEM’s responsibility to create a more detailed
troubleshooting chart for the end user. Ideally, this end-user troubleshooting
chart will contain information about mechanical, electrical, engine, and load
failures in addition to the possible actuator failures.
The troubleshooting scenarios listed below assume that the end user has a
digital multi-meter at his disposal for testing voltages and checking continuity,
and that the application has been engineered and tested thoroughly.
The surface of this product can become hot enough or cold enough
to be a hazard. Use protective gear for product handling in these
circumstances. Temperature ratings are included in the specification
section of this manual.
56 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Engine/Generator Troubleshooting
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Test/Correction
Engine does not start. Stuck throttle/frozen shaft Move throttle by hand. Assess smoothness,
friction, and return spring force.
Run Enable not closed Verify status of input. Measure input. Verify
input and configuration using Service Tool.
Fault detected in control. Using Service Tool, read faults from control.
Verify/correct any shutdown conditions.
The actuator is not The control is configured for the wrong Check linkage setup.
opening the control opening direction.
valve during engine
cranking. The Run Enable input is not enabled. Make sure the run enable input, if configured
for use, is made active. Check wiring.
The control has detected a shutdown Reset the control by cycling power to the
situation and has not been reset. control, hitting reset on the Service Tool, or
toggling the run enable switch.
There is no power supplied to the control. Check fuse, wiring, and battery voltage.
The engine over speeds The control is setup for the wrong opening Check linkage setup.
on start-up. direction.
The overspeed trip level is set incorrectly. Verify the overspeed trip setting.
Engine starts, but shuts Error detected by control. Verify the exact cause of the error using the
down on error. Service Tool.
Unable to develop full Non-indexed linkage slipped on shaft. Manually verify full travel of throttle plate.
Fault detected in control. Using Service Tool, view status of fault codes.
Take appropriate action for active faults.
Woodward 57
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Wiring fault or ground loop. Check the wiring. Look for loose connections
and disconnected or misconnected cables and
connections. Remove all wiring except the
position demand and power input and verify
Incorrect cable used or converter missing. Converter interconnect cable must be straight-
through and have all 9 pins connected. In-line
TTL to RS-232 converter required. See
Chapter 5 for details.
The Service tool is disconnected. Verify harness setup and connections (see
Chapter 4).
The wrong communication port has been Verify the port setting is correct.
Service Tool not Old version of Service Tool or file Re-install Service Tool. Get the latest version
communicating–‘Error corruption or bad install. from the Woodward web site
message displayed on (
PC when trying to
Power supply fluctuation Flyback energy on the Batt(+) input can Add a forward-biased power diode in series
(if using a switching interfere with some switching power with the Batt(+) input of the F-Series. Use at
power supply instead of sources. least a 6 A, fast recovery diode.
battery power).
58 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Power supply wiring too long or too Make sure wiring is of the
thin. F-Series actuator will reset correct thickness and length
during transient power uses. according to manual.
PWM Frequency The PWM Frequency is PWM signal has frequency out of Check signal and fix incorrect
Out Of Range out of the 250 Hz to range. signal frequency.
20 kHz range
Incorrect or intermittent wiring
Woodward 59
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
60 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Chapter 8.
Service Options
OEM and Packager Support: Many Woodward controls and control devices are
installed into the equipment system and programmed by an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) or Equipment Packager at their factory. In some cases, the
programming is password-protected by the OEM or packager, and they are the best
source for product service and support. Warranty service for Woodward products
shipped with an equipment system should also be handled through the OEM or
Packager. Please review your equipment system documentation for details.
Woodward 61
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
This option allows you to call your Full-Service Distributor in the event of an
unexpected outage, or in advance of a scheduled outage, to request a
replacement control unit. If the unit is available at the time of the call, it can
usually be shipped out within 24 hours. You replace your field control unit with
the like-new replacement and return the field unit to the Full-Service Distributor.
Charges for the Replacement/Exchange service are based on a flat rate plus
shipping expenses. You are invoiced the flat rate replacement/exchange charge
plus a core charge at the time the replacement unit is shipped. If the core (field
unit) is returned within 60 days, a credit for the core charge will be issued.
Flat Rate Repair: Flat Rate Repair is available for the majority of standard
products in the field. This program offers you repair service for your products with
the advantage of knowing in advance what the cost will be. All repair work carries
the standard Woodward service warranty (Woodward Product and Service
Warranty 5-01-1205) on replaced parts and labor.
Flat Rate Remanufacture: Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat
Rate Repair option with the exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-
new” condition and carry with it the full standard Woodward product warranty
(Woodward Product and Service Warranty 5-01-1205). This option is applicable
to mechanical products only.
When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
return authorization number;
name and location where the control is installed;
name and phone number of contact person;
complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
description of the problem;
instructions describing the desired type of repair.
62 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
protective caps on any connectors;
antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing
a packing carton with double walls;
a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.
Engineering Services
Woodward offers various Engineering Services for our products. For these services,
you can contact us by telephone, by email, or through the Woodward website.
Technical Support
Product Training
Field Service
Technical Support is available from your equipment system supplier, your local Full-
Service Distributor, or from many of Woodward’s worldwide locations, depending
upon the product and application. This service can assist you with technical
questions or problem solving during the normal business hours of the Woodward
location you contact. Emergency assistance is also available during non-business
hours by phoning Woodward and stating the urgency of your problem.
For information on these services, please contact us via telephone, email us, or
use our website:
Woodward 63
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department or consult our
worldwide directory (search on "25225" or "worldwide directory" at: for the name of your nearest
Woodward distributor or service facility.
Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before phoning:
Your Name
Site Location
Phone Number
Fax Number
Engine/Turbine Model Number
Number of Cylinders (if applicable)
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, steam, etc)
Control/Governor #1
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #2
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #3
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or
the menu settings written down and with you at the time of the call.
64 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Appendix A.
AUX Auxiliary
CAN Control area network
CCW Counterclockwise
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CW Clockwise
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
GUI Graphic user interface
I/O Inputs/outputs
ITB Integrated throttle body
ACTUATOR Woodward modular bi-directional actuator with integral
position feedback control and driver
FST F-Series throttle
FSTP F-Series throttle Plus
LED Light emitting diode
MWP Maximum working pressure
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
PC Personal computer
PWM Pulse-width modulated
RS-232 A communications standard
SID Service interface definition
SPI A/D Serial peripheral interface analog/digital
SPI D/A Serial peripheral interface digital/analog
TPS Throttle position sensor
Woodward 65
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Appendix B.
F-Series Control Specifications
General Specifications
Power Supply 12/24 V systems (10 V to 32 V [dc]), reverse polarity
Power Source Capacity 10 A minimum
Power Consumption 24 W steady-state, 98 W instantaneous during transient
Travel 70 ±2 degrees
Torque Steady State: 1.36 Nm (1.0 lb-ft) at 105 °C, 12 V (dc)
Transient: 2.71 Nm (2 lb-ft) at 105 °C, 12 V (dc)
Mass/Weight 33 mm ITB = 5.0 kg (11.1 lb)
48 mm ITB = 4.9 kg (10.8 lb)
60 mm ITB = 4.7 kg (10.4 lb)
68 mm ITB = 4.5 kg (10.0 lb)
75 mm ITB = 6.3 kg (13.8 lb)
Integrated Throttle Body (ITB) 33 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm, 68 mm, and 75 mm
Position Feedback 0.5 V to 4.5 V (dc), configurable in software
Connector Orientation 4 versions at 90° rotation intervals
Modular Actuator Load Inertia Ranges from 0 (bare shaft) to 0.0025 kg-m²
Positioning Accuracy ±4 % full stroke for all input types after effects from –40 °C
(actual position relative to to +85 °C board temperature
position demand) ±7 % full stroke all input types above 85 °C board
Positioning Repeatability <= 1 % of full stroke
Power-Up Time <1s
10 % to 90 % step Slew Time 55 ms (at 12 V [dc], room temperature, no external load)
Overshoot <2%
1 % Settling Time 200 ms
Bandwidth >= 10 Hz at –3 db, ±0.5 % of full scale
>= 14 Hz at –3 db, ±2 % of full scale
No-load Steady State Limit Cycle < 0.25 degree p-p (at 12 V [dc], room temperature)
66 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Integrated Product: The target B10 life in the field is 35,000 hours at 60 °C
ambient and steady state operation.
Regulatory Compliance
(See page iv.)
Woodward 67
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
I/O Specifications
Power Supply Input
Parameter Value
Max Input Power ~24 W (32 V [dc] at 0.75 A)
Input Voltage Range 7 V to 32 V (dc)
Transient Suppression 54 V to 58 V (dc) during surge and load dump up to
200 ms
Hold Up Time NOTE: Depends on operating conditions.
0.4 ms at 12 V (dc) with max load
2.7 ms at 24 V (dc) with max load
Jump Start 40 V (dc) max.
Battery Voltage Monitor Voltage divider circuit read directly from the power bus that
feeds the H-Bridge
Configurable fault range Low voltage = 6 V to 18 V (dc). High voltage = 12 V to 36 V
Parameter Value
PWM Input Type Low-Side and Push-Pull (differential input)
PWM Amplitude Range 4 V to 32 V p-p
Specified Frequency Range 300 Hz to 2000 Hz
Max Allowed Frequency 5000 Hz
PWM Detection Threshold 1.15 V (dc) nominal
PWM Hysteresis 0.6 V to 1.7 V (dc)
Duty Cycle Scaling Configurable in software. See Chapter 6
Isolation None
Input Impedance 10 kΩ all modes
Resolution 12 bits up to 1953 Hz
The duty cycle and frequency are read with reduced
resolution at higher frequencies
Accuracy ±1 % all modes at 32 V and frequencies < 1000 Hz
±2 % all modes at 32 V and frequencies > 1000 Hz
NOTE: Low-Side detection accuracy could depend on
integrity of signal source.
Pull-Up Level 5 V through 4.99 kΩ
I/O Execution Rate 600 µs
Calibration Configurable in software. See Chapter 6.
Loss of Signal <153 Hz. Sets Duty Cycle and Frequency to zero.
Out of Range Duty Cycle Configurable in software. See Chapter 6.
68 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Parameter Value
Output Type 0.5 V to 4.5 V (dc)
Output Scaling Configurable in Software. See Chapter 6.
Isolation None
Response Time Min to Max ~ 4 ms (0.5 V [dc] steady-state to settling at 4.5 V [dc])
Position Output Update Rate 9.6 ms
Filter Cutoff Frequency 1000 Hz at 3 dB pass band attenuation
Final Low Pass Filter 1 ms (fo = 169 Hz)
Transient Protection According to EMC norm
Impedance at Output Pin 20 kΩ
Accuracy of Position Output ±1 % FS over entire operating temperature range
Calibration Method Factory calibrated to maintain 1 % accuracy
Overvoltage Protection Output protected against 32 V (dc), steady-state. Also
protected from direct short to ground.
Minimum Impedance 2500 to ensure ±1 % accuracy. Accuracy will degrade
with larger loads (less impedance).
Parameter Value
Isolation None
Baud Rate Fixed 38.4 K baud
Electrical Interface Outputs are TTL level. Requires external transceiver for
conversion to RS-232 levels for proper communication.
FST Pinout Tx = pin 3, Rx = pin 8, Gnd = pin 11
FSTP & Modular Actuator Pinout Tx = pin 3, Rx = pin 11, Gnd = pin 15
Maximum Cable Length 10 m (33 ft) – for service only (not intended for permanent
Cable Type Straight-through (no crossover)
Parameter Value
Accuracy ±2 °C at 25 °C
±3 °C over full 165 °C range
Scaling Fixed at factory
Temperature Fault Levels Configurable in software. See Chapter 6.
I/O Execution Rate 9.6 ms
Woodward 69
FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version Manual 26355
Diagnostics Faults
Parameter Value
Watchdog Reset Occurred A watchdog timer is set at 13.1 ms. If the timer times out,
the unit will reset and this fault is set.
EEPROM Read Fail EEPROM is always read twice. If the values do not match
a retry counter is incremented. After 5 retries the fault is
EEPROM Write Fail When writing to the EEPROM every byte is checked. If the
value does not match the written value after 5 retries the
fault is set.
Parameter Version Error This fault is set if the CRC checksum stored with the
parameters does not match checksum currently residing in
non-volatile memory.
AD Converter Error This fault is set if the A/D is not getting interrupts and
providing updates for more the 96 ms.
SPI DAC Error This fault is set if voltage on TPS output is lower or higher
with 0.5 V than it should be
SPI ADC Error This fault is set if the A/D is not communicating or failed to
complete all its conversions in 6 ms.
+15 V Supply Error This fault is set if an out of range of the internal +15 V
power circuit is detected.
–15 V Supply Error This fault is set if an out of range of the internal –15 V
power circuit is detected.
–5 V Reference Supply Error This fault is set if an out of range of the internal –5 V
reference is detected.
5 V Supply Error This fault is set if an out of range of the internal 5 V power
circuit is detected.
PWM Duty Cycle High This fault is set if the PWM input went above the PWM
Duty Cycle High threshold.
PWM Duty Cycle Low This fault is set if the PWM input is below the PWM Duty
Cycle Low threshold.
PWM Frequency Out Of Range This fault is set if the PWM input frequency is out of 250 Hz
to 20 kHz range.
Input Voltage High This fault is set if the Input Supply Voltage went above the
Supply Voltage High Threshold.
Input Voltage Low This fault is set if the Input Supply Voltage went below
above the Supply Voltage Low Threshold.
Electronics Temperature High This fault is set if the internal electronics temperature went
above 140 °C.
Electronics Temperature Low This fault is set if the internal electronics temperature went
below –45 °C.
Position Error This fault is set if the position feedback is not following the
position demand. Detection logic is designed to prevent
against false indication during normal actuator response
Low Power Reset This fault is set when unit was reset because power on
Power-up Reset This fault is set when power is first applied to the unit and
remains set until reset.
70 Woodward
Manual 26355 FST Integrated Throttle Body/14-pin Version
Parameter Value
Spring Check Failed This fault is set if the return spring fails to move the output
shaft to the configured Finish position within the configured
timeout period during power-up.
Diagnostics Execution Rate 9.6 ms
-1 0 1
10 10 10
Phase [deg]
-1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Woodward 71
Revision History
Changes in Revision J—
Updated information for 14-pin version
Removed 23-pin version information (now in manual 26605)
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