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DCA Syllabus 2018 Onwards

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Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA)

Duration: 01 Year Total credit: 32

1st Semester (DCA)

Course Title (T-L-P) Credit
CSP-40 Computer Fundamentals T 02
CSP-41 Office Automation (Word, Excel, Power Point) T 04
CSP-11 Data Communication & Networking T 04
Total Theory Credits 10
Project / Laboratory
CSPL-40 Computer Fundamentals Lab L 02
CSPL-41 Office Automation Lab L 02
CSPL-11 Data Communication & Networking Lab L 02
Total Project / Laboratory Credits 06

2nd Semester (DCA)

Course Title (T-L-P) Credit
CSP-42 Web Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML) T 02
CSP-43 Database Management System T 02
CSP-44 Application Development Using PHP T 02
Total Theory Credits 06
Project / Laboratory
CSPL-42 Web Design Lab L 02
CSPL-43 Database Management System Lab L 02
CSPL-44 Application Development Using PHP Lab L 02
CSPP-01 Project Work P 04
Total Project / Laboratory Credits 10



* Each Counselling Session for Theory is of 2 hours & Practical is of 3 Hours.

Computer Fundamentals (CSP-40)
Block-01(Computer Basic with Number System)
UNIT-01(Introduction of Computer)
Introduction, Definition, Characteristics of Computer, Functions of computer, Application
of computer, Classification of Computer, Generation of Computer, Computer Memory Unit,
Components of a computer (Board Overview): Input Unit, Processing unit (memory Unit,
Control Unit, ALU), Output Unit, Components of a computer (Detailed Overview): SMPS,
Motherboard (North Bridge, South bridge, Chipset, 20 pin ATX power connector, CMOS,
Ports and other connected devices)

UNIT-02 (Number System)

Definition, Types of Number System (Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal), Number
Conversion: Decimal to Binary Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Decimal to
Hexadecimal Conversion), Binary to Octal Conversion, Binary to Hexadecimal,
Hexadecimal to Binary, Hexadecimal to Octal, octal to Binary, Octal to hexadecimal,
negative number conversion.

Block-02 (Fundamental Concept of Windows and Linux)

Unit-03 (Windows Operating System)
Introduction, S/W and its types, Operating System Concepts, Function of Operating System,
Classification of OS, OS Benefits
Windows: Windows OS, versions of Windows OS, Windows 7 OS, My Computer, Device
Manager, Remote Setting, System Protection, Map Network Drive, Control Panel.
File and Folder Management in Windows 7: create a directory/folder, How to change to
a directory/folder, Creating a file in a directory/folder, Make the file read only, Make the
file hidden, Editing a file in a directory/folder, Renaming a file in a directory/folder, How
To Delete a file in a directory/folder, Listing the files in the directory, Copy a file from one
directory /folder to the other, Deleting all files from a directory/folder, Deleting a
Installation Process: Formatting a hard disk and fresh installation of Windows 7.

Unit-04 (Linux Operating System)

Introduction, Linux Installation Process, Directory Structure, working with Linux, Linux
GUI, Linux terminal mode, Trash, Basic Commands in Linux.
File and Folder Management in Linux: create a directory/folder, How to change to a
directory/folder, Creating a file in a directory/folder, Make the file read only, Make the file
hidden, Editing a file in a directory/folder, Renaming a file in a directory/folder, How To
Delete a file in a directory/folder, Listing the files in the directory, Copy a file from one
directory /folder to the other, Deleting all files from a directory/folder, Deleting a
Office Automation (CSP-41)
Unit-01(Starting MS Word)
Introduction: Basics of MS-Word, Tools(Status bar, Title bar, Help, Ruler bar, Dialog box
launcher, Document area, Zoom control, Quick access bar, View Buttons, File Tab, Ribbon),
Tabs(Home, Insert, Page Layout, Reference, Mailings, Review, View, Design, Layout),
Creating a new word document, Opening an existing document, Editing and saving a
document, Text Alignment, Formatting Text, Find, Advance find and replace, Formatting
page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape.

Unit-02 (Symbols and Pictures)

Insertion: Inserting a Picture, Inserting a clip art, inserting shapes, Inserting smart art,
Inserting charts, Inserting Equation, Inserting Symbol, Use of Bullets.

Tables: Basics, Table Creation, table manipulation: Using and manipulating tables,
inserting / deleting of rows and columns, sorting tables.

Unit-04(Working with header, footer)

Working with headers, footers and page numbers, Changing character width and line
spacing, Print a document, Copy and moving text between two different documents, Typing
more than one language in the same text.

Unit-05 (Shortcuts in MS Word)

Shortcuts: Shortcuts for various activities in MS Word

Block-02(MS-Excel -Vol-I)
Unit-01(Starting MS-Excel)
Introduction, definition, Understand the MS-Excel Screen: Tabs, Entering to MS-Excel,
Creating a new excel workbook, creating an excel worksheet, working with Excel worksheet
(formulas, Data filtering, Data sorting, Using ranges, Data validation, Using styles, Using
themes, Using templates, Using macros).

Unit-02 (Working with Graphics)

Add and delete graphics (Picture, Clip Art, Shapes, Smart Art and Word Art)

Unit-03(Formatting a Worksheet)
Formatting a Worksheet (Adjusting margins, Page orientation, Setting header and footer,
Inserting page breaks, Setting background, Freeze panes), Conditional formatting, Format
cell (Format Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Fill), Text Decoration.

Unit-04(Charts and other Controls)

Working with Charts (Create, manipulation), Zoom in Out, Special Symbols, Comments
(insert, view, Edit, delete, previous and next comment, show comment), Adding Textbox,
Undo Changes.
Block-03(MS-Excel -Vol-II)
Basic fundamental of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP with example

Unit-06(Printing, translating and Workbook security)

Printing worksheets, Translate worksheet, Email workbooks, Workbook security (protect
worksheet, protect workbook.

Unit-07(Data Table and Pivot Table)

Working with Data tables, Pivot tables and its uses

Unit-08 (keyboard Shortcuts)

Keyboard shortcuts: Working with Basic shortcuts in MS-Excel

Introduction: Basics of MS-Word, Tools ( File tabs, Home, Insert, Design, Transition,
Animation, Slide show, Review, View, Format)

Working with Textboxes, Working with Slides, working with slide notes, working with slide
bar, working with sections, working with outlines

Features of Power Point: Presentation views, setting presentation background, Cut and
Paste Operations, Copy and Paste Operations, Edit PowerPoint Presentation, Content
Translation, Set Language Type, Duplicating Content, Special Characters,

Slides Zoom in-out, Font Management and Text Decoration, Paragraph Indentation, Set
line spacing, Borders and Shading, Using slide master to create design template, Manage a
picture on a slide, Working with shapes on a slide, Adding audio and video to a slide,
Working with charts on a slide

Unit-05(Sharing a Presentation)
Convert PowerPoint to PDF, Convert PowerPoint to Video, Create an Image from
PowerPoint, Print a PowerPoint, Broadcast PowerPoint presentation.
Data Communication & Networking (CSP-11)
Unit-01(Fundamentals of Data Communication and Computer)
Introduction, Data and Information, Data Communication, Data Representation, Data
Transmission Modes, Computer Networks. Network Topology (Bus topology, Star
topology, Ring topology, and Mesh topology), Categories of Networks (LAN, MAN,
WAN), Protocols, and Standards in Networking
Unit-02(Network Reference Model)
OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Addressing in TCP/IP.
Unit-03(Transmission Media and Network Devices)
Transmission Media and its Categories, guided Media, Comparison between Twisted Pair
Cable, Co-Axial Cable and Optical Fiber, Unguided Media, Network Devices: Hubs,
Switches, Bridges, Repeater, Router, Gateway.

Block-02(Physical and Data link Layer Functionalities)

Unit-01(Analog and Digital Signals)
Data and Signals, Analog Signal, Digital Signal, Types of Channels, Transmission of digital
Signal, Bandwidth of Signal and Channel
Signal Encoding, Synchronization, Digital data to digital Signal, Analog Data to analog
Signal Conversion.
Unit-03(Multiplexing and Switching)
Multiplexing, FDM, TDM, CDM, WDM, SDM, Switching, Circuit Switched and Packet
Switched Networks, Comparison between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Unit-04(Data Link Layer protocols)
Data Link Layer Services, Common Data Link Layer Protocols, Token Ring / IEEE 802.5,
Medium Access Control (MAC), Random Access Protocols, Controlled Access Protocols,
Channelization (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA), Physical Addressing, Error Detection,
Identifying the Encapsulated Data, Framing, Flow Control, Error Control, Congestion

Block-03 (Network Protocols and Security)

Unit-01(Network Layer Protocols)
Network Layer, Internetworking, Internet Protocol (IP), and IPV4, Internet Control Protocol (ARP,
Unit-02 (Transport Layer Protocols)
Transport Services, Introduction to TCP, TCP Segment Header, TCP Services, Introduction to
UDP, UDP Segment Structure, UDP Services
Unit-03 (Application Layer Protocols)
Client Server Model, Bootsratp Protocol (BOOTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
HTTP Transaction, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME), Post Office Protocol (POP), Domain Name System (DNS), Telnet
(Terminal Network), File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Unit-04(Internet and its Services)
History Of The Internet, How Internet Works?, Addressing Scheme in the Internet, Internet
Service Providers , World Wide Web (WWW) , Services Provided By The Internet,
Applications Of Internet
Unit-05(Network Security)
Types of Security (Application Security, Computer Security, Data Security, Information
Security, Network Security), Need of Security, Security Services (Confidentiality, Integrity,
Availability, Authentication, Non-Repudiation, Access Control), Firewalls, Malware, Types
of Malware, Security Countermeasures, Antivirus Software.
Web Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML) (CSP-42)
Block-01 (HTML)
Introduction of HTML, Writing my first HTML Page, Basic tags used in HTML, Elements
In HTML, Attributes In HTML, Formatting In HTML, Meta Tags and their use,
Commenting a HTML Code, Images and incorporating images, working with Tables,
Working with Lists, Working with hyperlinks, Frames and frame management, Working
with Iframes, Working with Block elements.

Background images, Coloured text and coloured background, working with fonts, Form
designing and Form Management, Using Multimedia inside HTML, Marquee Tag, Headers,
Working with Layouts, Role of Tags in Html, Attributes in Html, Event Handling, MIME
Media Types.

Block-02 (CSS)
Introduction of CSS, CSS Syntax, CSS Selectors, Ways To Insert CSS, Background image
handling, Background colour management using CSS, Text management using CSS, Font
management using CSS, Managing Hyperlinks using CSS, Managing Lists using CSS,
Designing Tables using CSS, Working with the BOX Model, Designing Borders using CSS,
Designing Outline using CSS, Setting Page Margin using CSS.

Padding using CSS, Setting Display Using CSS, Setting Width And Max Width using CSS,
Setting Position using CSS, Setting the Float Property using CSS, Inline Block property,
Horizontal Alignment in CSS, Working With Combinators, Working with Pseudo-class,
working with Pseudo-elements, Creating a navigation bar, Working with images, Working
with Attribute selectors.

Block-03 (Java Script)

JavaScript Basics, JavaScript Syntax, Enabling JavaScript in Browsers, Placing JavaScript,
Variables, Operators, Conditional Statement(if, if else), Switch case, Loops(while, do while
and for loop), Functions, Events and event handling, Cookies, Page Redirection, Dialog
Box(Alert, Confirm, prompt), void keyword, Printing webpage using JavaScript

Working with Objects, Numbers, Boolean, String in JavaScript, Arrays and Array
Management, Working with Date, Mathematical operations, Regular Expressions,
Document Object Model (DOM), Errors and Error Handling, Client Side Validation,
Animations in Webpages, Multimedia in Webpages, Image Map.
Database Management System (CSP-43)
Introduction: Data and Information, Record, File, File oriented System, Databases, Database
System and its Characteristics, Database Administrator (DBA), Other Users of database, Database
Languages (DDL, DML).

Database System Architecture: Schema, Subschema, Instance, Three Tier Architecture of
database, Data Independence, Mappings, Types of Database.

Data Models: Data Models and its Types (Object Based Data Models, Record Based Data Models),
ER-Model: Entity, Attribute, Keys, Relationship, ER Diagram Notations, Conversion of ER
diagram to Relations.

Relational database Overview, Relational Languages (Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus),
Operation of Relational Algebra, Join, Minus, Translating SQL Queries into Relational Algebra,
Division Operation.
Procedural and Non procedural Query Language, Codd’s Rule, introduction to SQL, Data Types in
SQL, Operator, DQL, DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, Constraints in SQL.
Unit-03 (Functional Dependency)
Database Dependencies (Functional Dependencies, Trivial Functional Dependencies, Full
Functional Dependencies, Transitive Dependencies, Multi-valued Dependencies),
Importance of Dependencies, Study of Functional Dependency, Basics of Functional
Dependency, Axioms Rules, Trivial Functional Dependency, Why FD Is Important In
Database Design, Characteristics of FD in Normalization, Functional Dependency Diagrams
(FDD), Full Functional Dependency (FFD), Redundant Functional Dependencies, Closures,
decomposition, Properties of Decomposition
Unit-04 (Normalization)
Database Normalization, Need of Normalization, Multi-valued Dependencies, Types of
Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF)

Unit-01(Transaction processing and concurrency control)
Transaction concepts, concurrency control, locking and Timestamp methods for
concurrency control.
Unit-02(Database Recovery System)
Types of Data Base failure & Types of Database Recovery, Recovery techniques.
Application Development Using PHP (CSP-44)
Unit-01 (Basics of PHP)
Introduction, Algorithm, Flowchart, Program, Programming Languages and its generation,
OOPs Concept.

Unit-02 (Introduction to PHP)

PHP Basic (installing Process of PHP (XAMPP)), Structure of PHP program, Write the first
PHP program, Syntax, Variables, Constants, Echo and Print Command, Data Type, Array
Data Type, Types of Array in PHP, Multi dimension Array, Object data Type.
Operations: Basics and types of operation in PHP.

Unit-03 (Control Statement in PHP)
Condition Statement (if Statement, if else statement, if else if else statement, Switch
Statement), Loop (While, do While, for and for each Loop). Super global Variable.

Unit-04 (Form Management)

Form Design: get and Post method, Working with Textbox, Text Area, Password, Check
Box, Radio Buttons, Drop down Box, File, Submit Buttons, Reset, Button, data, date Time,
Email, search, Tel, URL etc.
Working with $Globals, $Server, $ENV, $SESSION, $COOKIE with Example. Form
Validation, Form Navigation

Block-03(Advance PHP)
Unit-01 (Object Oriented Concept in PHP)
Introduction, Basics of OOP in PHP, Pillars of OOPS, Understanding Classes and Objects,
PHP Class Properties and Methods, Static, Constants, Constructor and destructor, Magic
Methods in PHP, Inheritance in PHP, Interface, Abstract class, Final, Polymorphism

Unit-02 (File management and Exception Handling)

Introduction, what is File, File Formats supported by PHP, File Operations, File Permission.
Error Handling in PHP, Exception Handling, try… catch and throw, Top Level Exception
Handler, User Defined Exception Handler

Unit-03 (Database Connectivity in PHP)

Introduction, Introduction to MySQL, What can MySQL do? Why MySQL use with PHP,
Features of MySQL, Communication between PHP and MySql Server: Create a connect to
the MySql server (mysql, mysqli (MySQL improved, pdo (PHP Data Object)), Create
Database and Tables in MySql, Insert Data into MySql Server, Mysql SELECT Statement,
Update MySql Records, Delete MySql Records, Example database access from Webpage.

Project Work (CSPP-01)

Guideline will be available in website.

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