SYS600 - Modbus Slave Protocol
SYS600 - Modbus Slave Protocol
SYS600 - Modbus Slave Protocol
Modbus Slave Protocol
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1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
1 Copyrights ............................................................................................. 5
2 Introduction ........................................................................................... 7
2.1 This manual .................................................................................. 7
2.2 Related documents ....................................................................... 8
2.3 Document revisions ...................................................................... 8
4 Instructions .......................................................................................... 11
4.1 General ......................................................................................... 11
4.2 Configuration ................................................................................ 11
4.2.1 Base system configuration ............................................. 12
4.2.2 Communication system configuration ............................ 14
4.3 After configuration ......................................................................... 21
4.4 Start-up ......................................................................................... 22
4.5 How to test the configuration ....................................................... 25
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
1 Copyrights
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1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
2 Introduction
Modbus slave
The Modbus slave protocol is mainly used for upper level communication between SYS
600 and a network control system as illustrated by Figure 2.1. In MicroSCADA, the
Modbus slave protocol is implemented using the CPI protocol development environment.
Figure 2.1: The Modbus master sees the NET unit and the process behind it as a slave
The data from the process activates a certain event channel and command procedure in
the base system. This command procedure sends the information forward to the Modbus
slave CPI application program and the Modbus master.
When COM 500i is used, all protocol specific objects are created automatically (for
example, command procedure and event channels). This is recommended since otherwise
the user has to create an application, which forwards the data between the process device
and the Modbus protocol.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
3 Safety information
System backup
Usually, a system backup is taken after the application is made. A backup should be
taken every time changes are made to the SYS 600 system. For example, if the driver
configuration or the network set-up is changed.
Application backup
An application backup is taken simultaneously with the system backup after the
application is made. A backup should be taken every time changes are made to the
application. For example, if pictures or databases are edited or new pictures are added.
In case of a fatal error:
1. Write down the possible SYS 600 error messages.
2. Shut down the SYS 600 main program. If this cannot be done in the SYS 600 Control
Panel, try to end the task in Windows Task Manager.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
3. In Windows, the data kept in the main memory at the time of a fatal error is placed
in the drwtsn32.log file. It is placed in a system folder, for example, WINNT. Analyze
and copy the data in this file.
4. Restart the system.
Report the program break-down together with the possible SYS 600 error messages and
the information from the drwtsn32.log file to the SYS 600 supplier.
Status codes
Error messages in SCIL are called status codes. A list of status codes and short
explanations can be found in SYS 600 Status Codes.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
4 Instructions
4.1 General
The following software is required:
• SYS 600
• Windows operation system
• Modbus slave executable
• MDDebugWin.exe (debug window executable)
The Modbus slave application can be installed either on the same computer as the SYS 600
base system or on a separate computer. The most common and recommended setup is
that the modbus slave instances are connected to the same computer as the SYS 600 base
system and the COM 500i application.
Modbus Slave software is installed when SYS 600 is installed. modbus_slave.exe and
the configuration file config.ini are installed to the /sc/prog/modbus_slave directory. If
an older config.ini file is found, it is overwritten. A config$ini file is created from a new
installation file.
4.2 Configuration
The configuration can be divided into following parts:
• Base system configuration
• Communication system configuration
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
Each base system has a set of objects that specify the base system and its environment,
hardware and software, as well as the physical and logical connections of the base system
and its applications.
The base system objects are defined with SCIL commands in the SYS_BASCON.COM
file, which is executed every time the base system is started. With a few limitations, the
definition and modification of the base system objects is possible at any time when
SYS 600 is running. During the operation, the base system objects are in the primary
memory of the base system computer.
The Modbus slave CPI application program emulates an RTU type station, which means
that the interface towards the base system is similar as with an RTU station. The CPI
application program requires a node of its own. Communication between this node and
the base system takes place via a LAN link.
Configuration steps
To configure SYS_BASCON.COM:
1. Define the base system.
2. Define a LAN link.
3. Define an application.
4. Define nodes for the Modbus slave instances
5. Define the RTU stations. The number of RTU stations can be the same as the number
of the connected process units. This way the information related to a certain process
unit can be routed to the corresponding station in the NET unit. This way, the Modbus
master can differentiate between the information from different process units. In
the COM 500i configuration, it is possible to use a maximum of 8 NCC stations.
The definitions are made in the example below. For more information on the system
objects, see SYS 600 System Objects. Steps 1..3 are necessary, but they are configured
using the standard SYS_BASCON.COM template. Steps 4..5 are necessary for the
Modbus slave.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
The following is an example of the SYS_BASCON.COM file for communication with
the Modbus slave protocol. An application CPI_TEST is defined. In this example, 1
node and 2 stations are configured.
#LOOP_WITH I = 1..5
@MON_MAP(%I) = -1
#LOOP_WITH I = 6..10
@MON_MAP(%I) = -1
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
Unlike configuring a protocol implemented in PC-NET, configuring the communication
system for the Modbus slave protocol is done by configuring the CPI application program.
This can be done by setting the configuration parameters of the file config.ini located in
the sc\prog\modbus_slave directory. Config.ini can be edited by using a text editor, such
as Notepad. The parameters should be set before the Modbus slave CPI application
program instances are started.
The communication parameters of a Modbus slave CPI application program can be
divided into six groups:
• Own Node Parameters
• Base System Parameters
• Serial Port Communication Parameters
• TCP/IP Communication Parameters
• Modbus Slave Parameters
• Debug Parameters
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
The parameters are grouped into sections in the configuration file, which are separated
by section headers written inside square brackets. For example, the serial port
communication parameters are listed below the section header [SerialPortCommPar].
The names of the sections and parameters should not be modified. If these names are
modified, the program will use default values.
• application_number. The number of the SYS 600 application the CPI application
program communicates with.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
If there are problems with the COM port, try to set the COM
port configuration of Windows to be the same as in the
Initialization file.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
• connection_watchdog defines the time a connection waits for a request from a master
before the connection is closed as unused. The watchdog time is given in seconds
and the default value is 20
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
Change bit value 0 means that the process objects state has not changed or that the
changed state can be seen in the objects current value.
Value 1 means that the process objects state has changed more than once between
the last polled state and the current state.
The actual process objects and their memory bits are stored in the same container,
so the change bits can be read the same way, and in the same poll as the process
object. A change bit is created only for binary process objects when they are written.
Each binary process object in Modbus slave has only one change bit. When creating
and cross-referencing binary process objects, the user should be cautious not to
assign addresses that overlap with other objects change bits. When a change bit is
read, the bit is cleared. If the change bit is not read at all, the value of the change
bit stays unchanged. The change bit functionality can only be used with one master
due to clearing of a change bit after it is read. Figure 4.1 below shows the
functionality of a change bit when a process objects value changes and when a read
message (dashed line) occurs.
Value: 0 – not in use,
Values: 1 ... 32767 – change bit is used, and this is also the number of offset in bits.
Recommended offset values are 1 and 16, in which the change_bit is always the
next bit or the same bit in the next word/byte.
If the change_bit_offset is 1, a binary process object in address: block 2 bit 0 has
its change bit in address to block 2 bit 1.
If the change_bit_offset is 16, a binary process object in address: block 3 bit 1 has
its change bit in address to block 4 bit 1.
• modbus_master. Type of the Modbus master. If SYS 600 is used as the Modbus
master, this parameter should be given value 1. If other master system than SYS 600
is used, this parameter should be given value 0.
• no_of_stns. Number of Modbus stations configured in the system. The maximum
number of stations used in one Modbus slave is 8.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
* The most significant byte - the least significant byte order (and vice versa).
• respond_also_if_invalid. This parameter defines whether or not an exception message
is sent the master if the status of data in the requested station is not ok. Valid values:
0 = Modbus requests are responded to with exception 0xB if data is invalid, 1 =
Modbus requests are responded to even if data is invalid (Default = 1).
• se_applevent_used. This parameter sets the Modbus slaves' SE attribute, which is
related to system and node status messages and use of the Self System Supervision
(SSS). If the SSS is not used, this parameter should be set to 1, which is also the
default value. If the SSS is used, this parameter needs be set to value 4. In this case,
the status of the node and stations are updated to the SSS process objects. Information
about the SSS process objects is presented in System Self Supervision, on page 24.
For more information about the SSS, see Application design manual chapter 16.
Value 1 = SSS is not used. Also the default value.
Value 4 = SSS is used.
Debug parameters
The following parameters describe the properties of the debug functionality. The debug
functionality affects the whole Modbus slave regardless of the used communications.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
• debug_window. Defines whether or not a separate debug window is used. The debug
window is started from a separate executable MDDebugWin.exe. This feature should
be used if debug messages are needed and the Modbus slave is started from the
APL_INIT procedure, as explained in Section 4.4 Start-up. Valid values: 1 – is used,
0 – not used.
• error_debugs_only. Defines if only error messages are printed into the used debug
window. Valid values: 1 – only error messages are printed, 0 – both error and
communication related messages are printed.
This is an example of the Modbus slaves' config.ini file with the configuration parameters
explained above. Modbus slave with two stations and all four communication channels
are configured in this example.
own_node_no = 3
own_station_no = 203
serial_port_in_use = 1
serial_port_2_in_use = 1
tcpip_1_in_use = 1
tcpip_2_in_use = 1
basesystem_node_no = 9
basesystem_station_no = 209
tcp_ipadd =
application_number = 1
port_name = COM1
baud_rate = 1200
parity = 0
stop_bit = 0
data_bits = 8
flow_control = 0
dtr_control = 1
port_name = COM1
baud_rate = 1200
parity = 0
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
stop_bit = 0
data_bits = 8
flow_control = 0
dtr_control = 1
slave_ip_addr =
tcp_port = 502
no_of_masters = 4
no_of_ips = 3
allowed_ip_addr_1 =
allowed_ip_addr_2 =
allowed_ip_addr_3 =
connection_watchdog = 20
slave_ip_addr =
tcp_port = 502
no_of_masters = 4
no_of_ips = 2
allowed_ip_addr_1 =
allowed_ip_addr_2 =
connection_watchdog = 20
address_offset = 0
change_bit_offset = 0
modbus_master = 1
no_of_stns = 2
stn_no_1 = 1
stn_no_2 = 2
format_analog = 5
respond_also_if_invalid = 0
se_applevent_used = 1
debug_info = 0
debug_window = 0
namedpipe_name = namedpipe
error_debugs_only = 0
In order to add one more station with address 10 under the Modbus slave parameter, add
the following information:
no_of_stns = 3
stn_no_1 = 1
stn_no_2 = 2
stn_no_3 = 10
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
In addition to the configuration of the base and communication systems, following steps
are needed:
1. Configure the Modbus master in NCC.
2. Configure the base system for process communication.
3. Configure the process units.
4. Create and define input and output process objects for the process communication.
This is usually done when creating the station picture by using standard functions
from an application library.
5. Define the COM 500i cross-references for signals. For more information, see SYS
600 COM 500i User's Guide
If COM 500i is used, the cross-references between the process objects and the Modbus
slave are made in the Signal X-references Tool. COM 500i creates the required event
channels and command procedures automatically. For more information, see SYS 600
COM 500i User’s Guide.
If COM 500i is not used, for more information on how to program the command
procedures and values of the attributes, see Chapter 5 Technical description in this
4.4 Start-up
The Modbus slave protocol runs in an external executable program and must be started
separately. The basic idea of the start-up is similar to stand-alone and HSB systems. The
configuration of the HSB system is described in the System Configuration manual,
chapter Configuring redundancy.
As mentioned earlier in chapter 4.1, a Modbus slave can have two serial and two TCP
communication channels running simultaneously. Both TCP communications can
communicate with multiple masters, but serial port communications can only have a
single master. If different Modbus slave IP addresses or more master connections than
one slave can co-operate with are needed, separate Modbus slave instances must be
This example must be applied to the required amount of Modbus slave lines, i.e. NCC
connections from COM 500i. The following steps are required to configure 3 Modbus
slave instances:
1. Create the following directories:
* \sc\prog\modbus_slave\s1
* \sc\prog\modbus_slave\s2
* \sc\prog\modbus_slave\s3
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
4. Edit the config.ini configurations in each directory for that specific Modbus slave
instance and make the corresponding configuration to the base system as instructed
in Section 4.2.1 Base system configuration in this manual. The number of the main
application should be given to the configuration item "application_number".
5. Create a .bat file Mds1.bat into the modbus_slave\s1 directory, with the following
example content:
cd C:\sc\prog\modbus_slave\s1
Create a similar .bat file for each instance in their own subdirectory. A .bat
file can be created with, for example, Windows Notepad.
6. Add the following script to a command procedure executed from the event channels
APL_INIT_1 and APL_INIT_H (only in HSB systems) of the main application.
@MDS1_STATUS = OPS_CALL("C:\sc\prog\modbus_slave\s1\MDS1.BAT",0)
@MDS2_STATUS = OPS_CALL("C:\sc\prog\modbus_slave\s2\MDS2.BAT",0)
@MDS3_STATUS = OPS_CALL("C:\sc\prog\modbus_slave\s3\MDS3.BAT",0)
7. Add the following script in a command procedure executed from the event channel
APL_CLOSE of the main application.
@MDS1_STATUS = OPS_CALL("taskkill /IM mds1.exe /F",0)
@MDS2_STATUS = OPS_CALL("taskkill /IM mds2.exe /F",0)
@MDS3_STATUS = OPS_CALL("taskkill /IM mds3.exe /F",0)
8. Define the NCC connections to the Signal X-reference tool in the base system.
The entered RTU station numbers should be equal to the values entered in config.ini
files, item stn_no_*. COM 500i initializes the Modbus databases in the order NCC1,
NCC2, and so on. If some of the Modbus slaves require a faster communication
start-up after a takeover, they should be configured into a lower NCC number
compared to the others.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
cd C:\sc\prog\modbus_slave\s1
mds1 -closedisable
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
Input (UN=0, OA=6000+Node number) and type ANSI Binary Input (UN=0,
OA=6000+1000000hex+Node number). In the SE = 4 mode, the Modbus slaves' interface
with the SSS is similar to External OPC DA Client with IEC 61850, setting SE = 4.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
TN = 2)
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
5 Technical description
5.2 Communication
The CPI application program establishes a connection to the base system with the TCP/IP
address as specified in the Modbus slave's configuration file. After establishing the
connection, a link is established to the application specified in the configuration file.
The CPI application program can access the SYS 600 process database using the CPI
library functions.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
SYS 600 can have a number of slaves connected to it. The CPI application program acts
as a communication front-end and is seen as a node in the SYS 600 system. The stations
configured in SYS 600 can also be logically created in the CPI application program. For
Modbus slave emulation, SYS 600 is seen as a data collector.
Figure 5.1 describes the data flow between the process devices and the Modbus master.
Both directions are described separately since the data is handled in a different way
depending on the direction.
See COM 500i User's guide for detailed information about the data flow configuration.
Figure 5.1: Data flow between the process devices and the Modbus master
Input data
When input data, for example, indications and measured values, are sent from the process
devices to the Modbus master, the following steps are taken:
1. The process devices send the data to the SYS 600 process database.
2. The updated process object activates an event channel.
3. The event channel executes a command procedure. Some of the attributes of the
process object are given as arguments to the command procedure.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
4. The command procedure sends the data to the database of the CPI application
program based on specific cross-reference information.
5. The CPI application program sends the data to the Modbus master.
The cross-reference information is needed to deliver data to the database of the CPI
application program, for example, object address and message type. The number of event
channels and command procedures needed to deliver data to the master depends on the
application. One solution is to have one command procedure for each process object
type. Examples of the command procedures are given later in this document. If COM
500i is used, all the required command procedures and event channels are created
Output data
When output data, for example, object commands and analog setpoints, are sent from
the Modbus master to the process devices, the following steps are taken:
1. The command is received by the SYS 600 process database. There must be a separate
input process object for each Modbus command address. These process objects are
created automatically when COM 500i is used.
2. The updated process object activates an event channel.
3. The event channel executes a command procedure. Some of the attributes of the
process object are given as arguments to the command procedure.
4. The command procedure sends commands to the process devices by setting the
corresponding output process object(s) and, if required, sends a confirmation to the
Modbus master via the CPI application program.
Cross-reference data can also be used with commands. It can contain, for example,
information on the logical names and indices of the output process objects. Examples
of the command procedures are given later in this document.
Figure 5.2 shows the addressing schema with analog values in the Modbus protocol when
using the Modbus slave in SYS 600 for example with the COM 500i application and a
Modbus type of NCC. Analog values are mapped to address space 4xxxx in the protocol
definition. The memory area is not used in protocol queries and responses, and it can be
defined from the function type. Protocol addressing is defined in following way:
For example, register 40001 is in query address 0000 and one register is built up of 16
bits (word). If the 3rd party master uses an address offset, the offset parameter must be
set to 1, so that the wanted register number and the used block number in the SYS 600
application match each other. If the offset parameter is 0 in this case, it must be
remembered that the used address is different in the master and the slave.
If SYS 600 is also the master system, the offset value should be set to 0. The SYS 600
master queries do not use address offsets. The defined register in the master configuration
is shown in protocol with the same address number. The SYS 600 configuration does
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
not allow register address 0. Therefore, possible block numbers are 1...65535 on the
slave's side.
Figure 5.2: The addressing schema with analog values in the Modbus protocol
Offset parameter is also used with binary data. In SYS 600 the discrete inputs and coils
of the Modbus slave are mapped to RTU type blocks. Possible block address values are
1...4096 and bit values 0...15. The Modbus protocol does not have a block definition for
binary data, it only uses data grouping of 8-bit bytes in query responses. The used memory
area in protocol definition is 0xxxx. Coils and inputs are addressed starting from 1.
However, in protocol queries the addressing begins from bit 0.
If SYS 600 is used as a master, the bit 0 in query and master database configuration
means the block 1, bit 0 address in COM 500i. In the case of a 3rd party master, the bit
address is 1 in the slave, if the offset parameter is used. This schema is used, if the master
can define only binary addresses starting from 00001.
It must be remembered that the defined topic base address in the SYS 600 master affects
the used bit address in the process object. For example, if the used base address is 1 and
bit 4 is wanted from the slave database, the BI process object's bit address is 4 (block
1). However, if the base address is 2 and the wanted input bit is 4, the used bit address
must be 3. In this case block 1 begins from bit 2 instead of 1.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
The following attributes are used to exchange data between SYS 600 and the Modbus
master. The attributes are similar to those of the RP 570 (SPI) stations with a few
AV Analog Value
Changes in analog measured values that are to be sent to the Modbus master are written
to this attribute. A vector is assigned to the AV attribute consisting of a time stamp and
analog value.
Data type: Vector
Value: A vector of three elements:
TIME Time stamp for the process object whose value is
Time as RTU_ATIME format.
VALUE With configuration 'analog_format' value 5:
Analog value (scaled to -32768…32767)
With configuration 'analog_format' values 6 and 7:
Analog value (scaled to -2147483648...2147483647)
STATUS Status code of the point. Value range: integer 0 …
3, valid = 0
Index range: 1…65535
Access: Write only
;set AV block nr. 100 to 1234, status = OK (= 0 )
#SET STA99:SAV(100) = (RTU_ATIME(%RT,%RM),1234,0)
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
ID InDications
Indication changes that are to be sent to the Modbus master are written to this attribute.
Data type: Vector
Value: A vector with 4 … 6 elements as follows:
TIME Time stamp for the process object whose value is
Time is given in RTU_ATIME format
BIT_NR BIT_NR The bit number for the changed bit (0...15)
BIT_VAL 0...1
STATUS Status code of the point. Value range: integer 0 …
3, valid = 0
Index: 1...4096
Access: Write only
The ERMI_ENABLED and TIME_QUALITY attributes are not used at the moment
in the Modbus slave.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
IU In Use
The IU attribute indicates whether the station is in use or not. If the station has been
taken out of use, no responses are sent to the serial line or to the TCP connections.
Taking the station in use and out of use does not affect the validity of the data. Data
updates using attributes ID, DD, AV and PC are accepted even if the station objects
are out of use. If more than one STA object has been configured to the same modbus
slave instance, it is recommended to have the same IU value for all of them.
When the IU is set to 0, and if the se_applevent_used configuration is 4 in the config.ini
file, the station status code is set to 13489 "SPIP_STATION_STOPPED".
Data type: Integer
Value: 0 = not in use
1 = in use
Default value: 1
Access: No limitations
DI Database Initialized
The CPI application program sets DI to 0 at the start-up. When SYS 600 has updated
all the values in the CPI database, it sets this attribute to 1.The CPI application program
does not process any requests from the Modbus master before DI equals 1. In case DTR
bit controlling is enabled (see control flag 'dtr_control' in Section 4.2.2 Communication
system configuration ), the DTR signal of the serial port set to non-signaled state when
DI = 1 and to signaled state when DI = 0. This signal can be wired to control the fallback
switches if needed.
Data type: Integer
Value: 0 or 1
Access: No limitations
OS Object Status
The current status of the Modbus slave station. If the SE attribute is configured as 4,
the stations statuses are also updated to the SSS process objects and have different
status codes than when the SE is configured to value 1.
Data type: Integer
If SE is 1: 13484 = Not connected to the master / connection to master lost
13485 = Connected / Reconnected to master
If SE is 4: 0 = STATUS_OK
13484 = Not connected to the master / connection to master lost
13489 = Connection stopped (IU attribute is set to 0)
Access: Read only
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
AI Analog Initialization
Writing to this attribute will initialize the analog and pulse counter values of the whole
database. Writing to this attribute is allowed only when the attribute DI Database ini-
tialized is 0. When written successfully, the given VALUE and STATUS are applied
to all AV and PC indices up to 65535 (Modbus addresses up to 65535).
Data type: Vector
Value: A vector of three elements:
TIME Current time in RTU_ATIME format.
VALUE With configuration 'analog_format' value 5:
Analog value (scaled to -32768…32767)
With configuration 'analog_format' values 6 and 7:
Analog value (scaled to -2147483648...2147483647)
STATUS Status code of the point. Value range: integer 0 …
3, valid = 0
Index range: No index
Access: Write only (write allowed only when DI=0)
II Indication Initialization
Writing to this attribute initializes the single and double indication values of the whole
database. Writing to this attribute is allowed only when the attribute DI Database ini-
tialized is 0. When written successfully, the given VALUE and STATUS are applied
to all ID and DD indices up to 4096 (Modbus addresses up to 65535).
Data type: Vector
Value: A vector of three elements:
TIME Current time in RTU_ATIME format.
VALUE 0...1
STATUS Status code of the point. Value range: integer 0 …
3, valid = 0
Index range: No index
Access: Write only (write allowed only when DI=0)
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
PC Pulse Counter
Pulse counter values that are to be sent to Modbus master are written to this attribute.
The PC attribute is assigned a vector consisting of a time stamp, an end of period flag
and a pulse counter value.
The pulse counter values are be stored as analog values in the CPI database. There
should not be any address clash between the analog and pulse counter values.
Data type: Vector
Value: Vector (TIME, VALUE, STATUS)
Parameters are as in the AV attribute.
Index range: 1...65535
Access: Write only
DD Double Indication
Double indications are sent to the CPI database using this attribute.
Data type: Vector
BIT_NR is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14
BIT_VAL is 0,1,2 or 3
Other parameters as in the ID attribute
Index: 1…4096
Access: Write only
The ERMI_ENABLED and TIME_QUALITY attributes are not used at the moment in
the Modbus slave.
Signals are sent from the process units to the Modbus master and commands are sent
from the Modbus master to the process units. COM 500i reroutes the signals using
command procedures and cross-references (see Figure 5.3).
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
If Modbus slave protocol is used with COM 500i, the command procedures available
for COM 500i are used. The cross-reference information is entered in the Signal
Cross-Reference Tool. For more information, see SYS 600 COM 500i User’s Guide.
Table 5.1 shows the COM 500i command procedures and event channels used.
Table 5.1: Used event channels and command procedures
Process Object Type Event Channel Command Procedure
Single Indication COM_USDI COM_USDI
Double Indication COM_USDB COM_USDB
Digital Commands COM_DSBO COM_DSBO
Analog Commands COM_DSAO COM_DSAO
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
If COM500i is not used, all read command procedures and event channels must be done
by the user. The following chapter describes examples of command procedures.
The attribute interface of the Modbus slave CPI application program is similar to that
of the RP 570 slave (SPI) station type in SYS 600. Details of the device communication
attributes used by the Modbus slave can be found in chapter 'Device Communication
The connection between the SYS 600 process objects and messages to and from the
Modbus master is made by using cross-reference data. Cross-reference data can be written
to the FX (Free teXt) and FI (Free Integer) attributes of the process objects by using the
Process Object Definition Tool.
If COM 500i is used, the upstream cross-references for indications are stored in Free-type
process objects.
Cross-references for data transfer from SYS 600 to the Modbus master are written in the
FX attribute, which is a string of max 30 characters. The general syntax for a Modbus
cross-reference is (an example of a syntax):
STA_NUMBER: Logical STA number (range 1...255). The value is stored
as 3 ASCII digits with leading spaces added if necessary.
FX string positions 1...3 are used for this value.
BLOCK_NUMBER: The block number of the Modbus master (range 1...125).
Stored as 3 ASCII digits with leading spaces added if ne-
cessary. FX string positions 4...6 are used for this value.
BIT_NUMBER: Bit number (range 0…15) is the bit position in the indica-
tion data word. It is stored as ASCII digits with a leading
space added if necessary. FX string positions 7...8 are used
for this value. The bit number is defined only if the data
point is to be sent to the Modbus master as an indication.
If it is sent as an analog value, it is undefined (but re-
The FI attribute is used for storing the object index. Modbus commands activate digital
and analog process input objects in SYS 600. The "real" output process object has the
same logical name as this input (i.e. it belongs to the same group), but a different index.
This index is kept in the FI attribute of the input object.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
Analog inputs
Analog values are sent to the Modbus master as integers in the range -32768… 32767.
All analog signals must be scaled to this range (or part of it).
Analog values are sent to the Modbus master by using the AV attribute. The value set
to the AV attribute is:
The block number of the analog input is set to the index of the AV attribute.
Time and status information is not supported in the Modbus protocol and therefore it is
not sent to the master. Status information is stored in the CPI application program and
the analog value is sent to the master, only if the status is OK.
All the analog values are connected to the same event channel/command procedure
combination. The command procedure is activated each time the process object is updated.
It reads the updated value, scales it and sends it to the CPI application program. An
example of the command procedure is listed below:
;read cross-reference data
@VAL = 'LN':POV('IX')
Single indications
All the binary inputs are connected to an event channel/command procedure combination.
The command procedure is activated each time the process object is updated. It reads
the updated value and sends it to the CPI application program.
Single indications are sent to the Modbus master by using the ID attribute. The value set
to the ID attribute is:
The block number of the single indication is set to the index of the ID attribute.
An example of a command procedure handling single indications is listed below. Note
that zero status is assumed.
;read cross-reference data
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
Double indications
Double indications are not supported directly in the Modbus protocol. Double indications
are converted into two single indication messages by the CPI application program.
Double indications are sent to the Modbus master by using the DD attribute. The value
set to the DD attribute is:
The block number of a single indication is set to the index of the DD attribute.
;read cross-reference data
Pulse counters
The pulse counter values are treated as analog values by the Modbus slave. The pulse
counter values are sent to the Modbus master using the PC attribute. The value set to the
PC attribute is:
The block numbers of analog and pulse counter objects should be different since they
are both treated as analog values.
;read cross-reference data
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
No configuration actions described in this chapter are needed if COM 500i is used.
Since the SYS 600 application sees the CPI program as an RTU type station, data that
is transferred from the master to the slave must be handled as input data. When this kind
of input is updated, the value is read by a command procedure and, if necessary, converted
before it is written to the actual output object. The command procedure is activated
through an event channel bound to the input object.
It is also possible to utilize input data to perform arbitrary internal operations in the
application program.
The procedures that are presented below cover the basic cases, when SINCDAC
commands and setpoints are mapped directly to the corresponding output objects. If a
more complex relationship between the input and output objects is needed, application
specific command procedures need to be built.
Process commands
Process commands from the Modbus master are handled as digital inputs with object
addresses (OA attribute) in the range 0…2000 (object commands). When the CPI
application program receives a process command message, it reads the object number
(register address) from the message. It also activates a SYS 600 process object with the
corresponding object address and sets its value according to the command (1 = ON, 0 =
The command is transferred to a binary output process object with a command procedure.
The cross-reference between the input and output objects is accomplished by using the
same logical name, but different indexes for the input and output objects. Input objects
hold the index of the corresponding output object in their FI attribute. This makes it
possible to use a common command procedure for most process commands. Only the
commands that require validity checking or other special processing need individual
SCIL procedures.
Below is a command procedure that is used when no special processing is needed.
;read cross-reference data
Analog setpoints
Analog commands from the Modbus master can be received by analog input process
objects. The object address range starts from 3000 (decimal). The block number (register
address) is added to get the address that is used for a particular setpoint.
Analog setpoints are received as integers in the range -32768… 32767 and may have to
be scaled.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
;scale value
@VAL = %AI-'SC':XSC(1)
@VAL = %VAL / ('SC':XSC(2)-'SC':XSC(1))
@VAL = %VAL * ('SC':XSC(4)-'SC':XSC(3))
@VAL = %VAL + 'SC':XSC(3)
These memory areas can be accessed by using different function codes as shown in
Table 5.3.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
In the Modbus CPI application program there is no difference in the handling of function
codes 1 and 2, as well as function codes 3 and 4. Function codes 1 and 2 access the same
data. This is also the case with function codes 3 and 4.
Table 5.4 lists the Modbus function codes and the used process object types.
Table 5.4: Function codes and the corresponding process object types
Function Code Description Process Object Type
01 Read coil status Indication (single & double)
02 Read input status Indication (single & double)
03 Read holding register Analog Input
04 Read input registers Analog Input
05 Force single coil Digital input
06 Write single register Analog Input
15 Force multiple coils Digital Input
16 Write multiple registers Analog Input
Table 5.5 shows the subfunction codes of function code 8. This function does not affect
the CPI database, which also means that the process database is not affected. Some
subfunction codes update the diagnostic counters in the CPI database.
Table 5.5: Subfunction codes of function code 8
Subfunction Code Description
00 Return query data
01 Restart communication option
10 Clear counters and diagnostic register
11 Return bus message count
12 Return bus communication error count
13 Return exception count
15 Return slave no response count
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
This function reads the value (ON/OFF) of coils from the specified address. The function
can access single and double indication process objects via the CPI database. Modbus
protocol does not allow direct transmission of a double indication. A double indication
is transmitted as two single indications to the Modbus master. This has to be taken care
of at the master’s side. The least significant bit of a double indication is transmitted first
and the most significant bit last.
The query message contains the following information:
• Slave address
• Function code
• Start coil address high
• Start coil address low
• Number of coils high
• Number of coils low
• CRC - error check (Serial port communication only)
Slave address is the logical station address from which the data is requested. The coil
address depends on the process object address.
The coil address for a process object is calculated in the following way:
Coil address = 16 * (block number-1) + bit no + 1
The block number for a coil address is calculated in the following way:
Block number = (Coil address - 1 - bit no) / 16 + 1
Coil address for a process object with block number 2 and bit number 0:
Coil address = 16 * (block 2 number -1) + bit no 0 + 1 = 17
For a double indication with block number 3 and bit number 2:
Coil address1 = 16 * (3-1) + 2 +1 = 35
Coil address2 = 16 * (3-1) + (2 +1) + 1 = 36
The address range is 1…65535. If some or all of the requested data is outside this address
range, an exception response is sent indicating an illegal address value.
The response message contains the following information:
• Slave address
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
• Function code
• Number of bytes
• Data high
• Data low
• CRC - error check (Serial port communication only)
The number of coil values that can be read at a time depends on the master. The slave
has no limitations in this regard.
This function reads analog values from the holding registers. The function can access
analog input process objects from the process database. Different types of formats are
available for reading the data as shown in Table 5.6
Table 5.6: Formats of analog data
Format Code Description
WORD 5 Integer value, two bytes long (unsigned for the SYS 600 Modbus master
and signed for any other Modbus master).
WORD 6 Signed 32 bit value, four bytes long in msb-lsb order*
MSB_LONG 7 Signed 32 bit value, four bytes long in lsb-msb order*
* The most significant byte - the least significant byte order (and vice versa).
The format of analog data is defined in Modbus slave with the format_analog parameter
in the config.ini. This parameter affects all analog values.
The format configured in the configuration is used. If format 5 is used, each piece of
data is two bytes long. The format has to be chosen based on the master. All the above
formats are implemented in the SYS 600 master.
If format 6 or 7 is used, it must be remembered that a single value takes two blocks from
the address base.
The query message contains the following information:
• Slave address
• Function code
• Start register address high
• Start register address low
• Number of registers high
• Number of registers low
• CRC - error check (Serial port communication only)
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
Slave address is the logical station address from which the data is requested. The start
register address is the same as the block number of the first process object. For example,
if the block number of a process object is 10, the register address is also 10.
The address range is 1…65535. Any request for data outside this range results in an
exception response.
The number of registers that can be requested in one message is limited to 125. If more
than 125 registers are requested, an exception response is returned.
This function forces the value of a coil to be either 0 or 1. This function sends an object
command in case SYS 600 is the Modbus master. When this message is received from
the master, the slave treats it as a digital value and forces this process object to 1 or 0.
The command procedure in the SYS 600 Modbus slave forwards these commands to the
process side. For more information about this subject, see the Process commands in
Section Command procedures for commands.
The query message contains the following information:
• Slave address
• Function code
• Coil address high
• Coil address low
• Forcing value high (00 or FF hexadecimal)
• Forcing Value low (00 hexadecimal)
• CRC - error check (Serial port communication only)
The slave address is the logical address of the station to which the command is sent. The
coil address is the object number of the process object. For example, if the block number
of an object command is 100, the coil address is also 100. The normal response message
to this query is an echo of the query itself.
This function code sets a single register to a particular value specified in the query
message. In the case of the SYS 600 Modbus master, this is an analog set point. The
command procedures forward these commands to the process side. For more information
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
about this subject, see Analog setpoints in Section 5.2.4 Addressing schematics with
Modbus protocol.
This function serves to check the communication between the slave and the master. The
following sections describe the subfunction codes of the function code 8.
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
the Listen Only mode. If the Listen Only mode is not used, a normal response is sent.
The query structure is the same as above.
This message sent to any of the slaves in SYS 600 forces all
the stations connected to it out of the Listen Only mode.
However, restart is considered as a station-specific message.
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
This function code returns a status word and an event count (2 bytes each). The event
count is incremented for each successful message completion. This counter is not
incremented for exception responses or fetch event counter commands. The events
counter can be reset with function code 8.
The status word is FFFF (hexadecimal), if the slave is busy. Otherwise the status word
is zero.
The query message contains the following information:
• Slave address
• Function code
• CRC-error check (Serial port communication only)
The response message contains the following information:
• Slave address
• Function code
• Status high
• Status low
• Event count high
• Event count low
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
This function code sets a number of commands in one Modbus message. The slave treats
these commands as digital inputs and also stores them as such. This function code is
equivalent to function code 5 described earlier.
The maximum number of commands that can be sent in one message is limited to 38. If
the master tries to send more than 38 commands in one message, an exception response
with an error code is sent to the master. The valid address range is 1…2048. Any value
outside this range results in an exception response.
This function code is equivalent to function code 6 with only one difference: it handles
multiple commands. On the slave's side, the commands are treated as analog input values
with an object number 3000 + register address.
The maximum number of commands that can be sent in one message is 28. If more than
28 commands are sent in one message, an exception response is sent to the master. The
valid address range is 1…1095. Any value outside this range results in an exception
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
The status reply when communication to every Modbus master has been lost. Also
at restart this status reply implements that a master connection is not yet received.
The status reply when a connection to a Modbus master has been made.
The status reply when MicroSCADA is trying to access an unknown device.
When used with COM 500i, only the following error codes are available:
The status reply when the restart communication request is received. The request is
function code 8 and sub-function code 1, as defined in the Modbus protocol
The status reply when communication to every Modbus master has been lost. Also
at restart this status reply implements that no master connection is yet received.
This is the status reply when the station is running and a connection to a Modbus
master has been made.
When se_applevent_used config.ini configuration is set to 4, the following status codes
are also used:
The status reply when the station is running and connected to the master.
The status reply when the station set to the Not In Use state.
Multiple point-to-point
Electrical Interface
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
RS-232 RS-485
Protocol Mode
Message Length
255 Maximum length L (number of characters)
57600 bit/s
Parity Check
No parity check Even parity check Odd parity check
Stop Bits
1 stop bit 1,5 stop bits
2 stop bits
Function Codes
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
<11> Get Communication Event Counter <12> Get Communication Event Log
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
Address_offset ................................................ 17, 29
Addressing schematics ........................................ 29 data_bits ............................................................... 16
AI .......................................................................... 34 Database Initialised .............................................. 33
allowed_ip_addr_x ............................................... 17 Data flow ............................................................... 28
Analog DD .................................................................. 35, 39
Commands ................................................. 36, 40 Debug parameters ................................................ 19
Inputs .......................................................... 36, 42 Debug window ................................................ 20, 24
Offsets .............................................................. 46 DI .......................................................................... 33
Setpoints .............................................. 29, 40, 45 Diagnostics ........................................................... 46
Values ............................................. 29, 35, 38, 44 Digital
Analog Initialization .............................................. 34 Commands ....................................................... 36
Analog Value ........................................................ 31 Inputs .................................................... 40, 42, 49
application_number .............................................. 15 Directory
AV ............................................................. 31, 35, 38 \prog\Modbus_Slave ................................... 11, 14
Discrete inputs ...................................................... 30
Double Indication ................................ 35–36, 39, 43
B dtr_control ............................................................. 16
basesystem_node_no .......................................... 15
basesystem_station_no ........................................ 15 E
Base system as Modbus master .......................... 25
Binary inputs ......................................................... 38 error_debugs_only ............................................... 20
Bit number ............................................................ 37 Error codes ........................................................... 50
Block number ................................................. 29, 37
Broadcast mode ............................................. 42–43 F
C Fatal error ............................................................... 9
Fetch communication event counter .................... 48
change_bit_offset ................................................. 17 FFFF ..................................................................... 48
Clear counters and diagnostic register ................. 47 FI .................................................................... 37, 40
Coil ....................................................................... 30 flow_control .......................................................... 16
Coil address ................................................... 43, 46 Force multiple coils ......................................... 42, 49
COM 500i ................................................. 29, 35, 50 Force single coil ................................................... 42
Command procedures .......................................... 40 Forcing a coil ........................................................ 45
Communication attributes ..................................... 31 format_analog ...................................................... 19
Communication frontend ...................................... 28 Free Integer .......................................................... 37
Communication Programming Interface (CPI) ..... 27 Free teXt ............................................................... 37
Config.ini ......................................................... 14, 44 Function codes ............................................... 41, 43
Configuration ........................................................ 11 FX ......................................................................... 37
Configuration test ................................................. 25
connection_watchdog ........................................... 17 G
CPI application ..................................................... 27
CPI database .................................................. 35, 41 General parameters ............................................. 17
CRC error ....................................................... 44, 47
Cross-reference information ................................. 29 I
ID .............................................................. 32, 35, 38
SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756642
1MRS756642 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010 Modbus Slave Protocol
Version: B/25.11.2013
Configuration Manual
Values ................................................................... 30 Write multiple registers ......................................... 42
Write single register .............................................. 42
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