All standard Intramural Rules apply
The rules of badminton states that a toss shall be conducted before a game starts. If you win, you can
choose between serving first or to start play at either end of the court. Your opponent can then exercise
the remaining choice.
Scoring system
Matches will be 1 game only
The side that first scored 21 points shall win.
‐The side winning a rally shall add 1 point to its score.
‐If a score becomes 20‐20, the side which scores 2 consecutive points shall win that game.
‐If the score becomes 29‐29, the side that scores the 30th point shall win that game.
Rules of Badminton ‐ Singles
Serving and receiving courts
You shall serve from, and receive in, the right service court when you or your opponent has scored an
even number of points in that game.
You shall serve from, and receive in, the left service court when you or your opponent has scored an
odd number of points in that game.
You and your opponent will hit the shuttle alternately until a 'fault' is made or the shuttle ceases to be
in play.
Scoring and serving
You score a point and serve again from the alternate service court when your opponent makes a 'fault'
or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your opponent's side of court.
No points will be scored when you make a 'fault' or the shuttles ceases to be in play because it touches
the surface of your side of court. The serving right will then be transferred to your opponent.
Rules of Badminton ‐ Doubles
At the start of the game, and each time a side gains the right to serve, the service shall be delivered
from the right service court. Only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the
Should your opponent's partner touched or hit the shuttle, it shall be a 'fault' and your side scores a
Order of play and position on court
After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your
side of the net. Then either player from the opposing side may do the same, and so on, until the shuttle
ceases to be in play.
Scoring and serving
If you are serving or receiving first at the start of any game, you shall serve or receive in the right service
court when your side or your opponent's side scored an even number of points.
You shall serve from or receive in the left service court when your side or your opponent's side has
scored an odd number of points.
The reverse pattern shall apply to your partner.
In any game, the right to serve passes consecutively from the initial server to the initial receiver, then to
that initial's receiver's partner, then to the opponent who is due to serve from the right service court,
then to that player's partner, and so on.
You shall not serve out of turn, receive out of turn, or receive two consecutive services in the same
game, except as provided in service court errors and 'lets'.
Service court errors
A service court error has been made when a player has served out of turn, has served from the wrong
service or standing on the wrong service court while being prepared to receive the service and it has
been delivered.
If a service court error is discovered after the next service had been delivered, the error shall not be
corrected. If a service court error is discovered before the next service is delivered, the following rules
If both sides committed an error, it shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and won the rally, it
shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and lost the rally, the error shall not be corrected.
If there is a 'let' because of a service court error, the rally is replayed with the error corrected. If a
service court error is not to be corrected, play in that game shall proceed without changing the player's
new service courts.
The rules of badminton consider the following as faults:
‐ If the shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court, passes through or under the net, fail to pass
the net, touches the ceiling or side walls, touches the person or dress of a player or touches any other
object or person.
‐ If the initial point of contact with the shuttle is not on the striker's side of the net. (The striker may,
however, follow the shuttle over the net with the racket in the course of a stroke.)
‐ If a player touches the net or its supports with racket, person or dress, invades an opponent's court
over the net with racket or person except as permitted.
‐ If a player invades an opponent's court under the net with racket or person such that an opponent is
obstructed or distracted or obstructs an opponent, that is prevents an opponent from making a legal
stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net.
‐ If a player deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures.
‐ If the shuttle is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke.
‐ If the shuttle is hit twice in succession by the same player with two strokes.
‐ If the shuttle is hit by a player and the player's partner successively or touches a player's racket and
continues towards the back of that player's court.
‐ If a player is guilty of flagrant, repeated or persistent offences under Law of Continuous Play,
Misconduct, Penalties.
‐ If, on service, the shuttle is caught on the net and remains suspended on top, or, on service, after
passing over the net is caught in the net.
'Let' is called by the umpire, or by a player (if there is no umpire), to halt play.
A 'let' may be given for any unforeseen or accidental occurrence. The rules of badminton consider the
following as 'lets':
‐ If a shuttle is caught in the net and remains suspended on top or, after passing over the net, is caught
in the net, it shall be a 'let' except on service.
‐ If, during service, the receiver and server are both faulted at the same time, it shall be a 'let'.
‐ If the server serves before the receiver is ready, it shall be a 'let'.
‐ If, during play, the shuttle disintegrates and the base completely separates from the rest of the shuttle,
is shall be a 'let'.
‐ If a line judge is unsighted and the umpire is unable to make a decision, it shall be a 'let'.
‐ A 'let' may occur following a service court error. When a 'let' occurs, the play since the last service shall
not count and the player who served shall serve again, except where in situations where the Law of
Service Court Errors is applicable.
Shuttle not in play
A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net and remains attached there or suspended on top.
A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net or post and starts to fall towards the surface of the court
on the striker's side of the net.
A shuttle is not in play when it hits the surface of the court or a 'fault' or 'let' has occurred.