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Letter: Principal's MESSAGE

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(A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking)

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

NEWSLETTER Volume 2, Issue 1

October 2014-March 2015

Principal’s MESSAGE
The CSE/IT association, Samyuktha, encourage both the students and
is publishing its newsletter in this faculty to make themselves no-
academic year as well. I am elated to ticed by the fellow professionals.
Contents pen this message for the newsletter Prof.(Dr)K C Raveendranathan
pertaining to 2014-’15. The team be- Principal
• Training Programs hind this publication need to be lauded
• IEEE Activities
• Christmas Celebrations
highly, for continuing their efforts in
show-casing the technical talents of HOD’s MESSAGE
• Sports Day the students and the faculty. I wish to CSE/IT Association, ‘Samyuktha’ is
• Film Fest congratulate, one and all, who make publishing the newsletter in the sec-
• Yavanika 2015 the association vibrant and visible. ond consecutive year. Team behind
this endeavor needs loud applause. I
• Technical Fest
This is indeed a model to be emulated heartly congratulate the team for the
• KSWDC Women Cell
by other associations in the institute. I consistent efforts.
• Yagna Dhruva 2015
am sure, as in the previous years, the
• Student Achievements Dr. Shreelekshmi R
newsletter will report the latest news
HOD, Dept. of Computer Science
happening in the department of Com-
puter Science and Engineering, and

Dept. of Computer Science

Training Programs
To be a renowned academic and • Training Programs like STTP on Data Structures and Algorithms was con-
ducted on 30 Dec 2014-3 Jan 2015 organized by Anver S R,Associate Profes-
research center in Computer
sor of CSE and Naveen K S ,Assistant Professor of CSE.
Science and allied domains. • Workshops on Outcome based NBA Accreditation and Intellectual Property
Rights was conducted from 28-30 Jan 2015 organized by Dr.Shreelekshmi R,
Mission Manoj Kumar G and Sreejith.S.
• External Training Programmes like Continuing Professional Development
To impart quality technical edu-
Programme on “Implementation on IPv6” organized by Hyderabad on March
cation by providing a conductive 16 to 19, 2015 and “Pedagogical Training” organized by SPFU in associa-
learning and research ambience tion with Teaching & Learning Centre, IIT Madras on March 19 to 21, 2015
for moulding ethically respon- were conducted.
sible engineers, academicians • Expert talks on ‘Digital Signal Processing’ by Dr.Gopakumar.K Professor
and researchers catering to the in ECE, TKMCE and Theory of Computation by Mrs Ajitha, Asso Prof in
Maths, College of Engineering, Kottarakkara have been coordinated by fac-
needs of industry and society
ulty staffs Ms. Smitha Vas P Asst.Prof,CSE and Ms.Jayalekshmi S, Associate
Prof in CSE.
LBS NEWSletter Oct 2014- Mar 2015 1
IEEE Activities
The IEEE SB of LBSITW celebrated IEEE week The IEEE Travancore Hub WIE Congress 2014,
through a series of events conducted at the college Empower 2.0 was held on the 13th of Decem-
over a period of 4 days. As a part of the IEEE day ber at the main seminar hall of LBSITW. The
celebrations a quiz contest was conducted on 1st event had a participation of 158 students. The
Oct at the auditorium in the college during the in- Chief Guest for the day was Mr.Sasi.P.M, Addi-
terval. The event witnessed participation by 150 tional Director of CDAC,Trivandrum. Mrs.Sarada
students. On the second day of the celebration an Jayakrishnan,chair-WIE AG, Kerala Section de-
interactive session on the latest technologies in en- livered the keynote address. This was immedi-
gineering was handled by Parvathi Maya Thampi, ately followed by the forenoon session on life skill
Chairperson of IEEE SB. A slideshow was pre- management by Dr.Thomas George, Chairman of
sented with an aim to make the students aware of Lead College of Management, Palakkad. The af-
the ever growing innovations in the field of engi- ternoon session dealt on topics like procrastina-
neering. The final day of IEEE WEEK was cele- tion, stress management, engineering ethics, etc.
brated by both staff and student members of IEEE.

Christmas Celebrations
LBSITW celebrated a grand Christmas,
on 19th December, 2014.The day was
made colorful by various competitions
like carol, crib making and the presence
of Santa.

Sports Day
LBSITW witnessed a first of its
kind sports meet ‘Escapade’,which
was conducted outside our col-
lege campus for the first time.
The event was conducted on 13th
January,2015 at Central stadium,

Film Fest
This year’s Film Fest was con-
ducted in both the semesters. One
movie each, ‘Velayilla Pattathari’,
was featured on 4th September
2014 and the other, ‘Ormayundo ee
Mukham’, on 26th January 2015 at
Ajanta Theatre. The day proved to
be a break for the students.

2 LBS NEWSletter Oct 2014- Mar 2015

Yavanika 2015
The intra collegiate arts fest was conducted on 27th and
28th January 2015.With over 35 events, the day saw
ardent participation from students. An essay writing
was conducted on 12th January as part of Lal Bahadur
Shastri Memorial Day. It proved to be an event to under-
stand the founder, due to whom our esteemed institu-
tion exists. The Literary fest was conducted along with
‘Yavanika’. The various events helped in flourishing
and nurturing the creativity of our students.

Vismaya 2015 KSWDC Women Cell

KSWDC Women Cell has participated in three activities
The Technical Fest, ‘Vismaya 2015’ organized by KSWDC during the period from October
was conducted on 2nd February 2015. 2014 to March 2015. On 12th and 13th January, 2015
It showcased enthusiastic performance Women Cell of LBSITW participated in the First Aid
from students and turned out to be an training program conducted by KSWDC in association
event to sharpen the technical skills. with Indian Red Cross Society Trivandrum at Indian
Paper Presentation (CS/IT), Tech Word Red Cross Society Hall Trivandrum. The training pro-
Hunt(CS/IT),C Gaming, C Debugging, gram mainly focused on creating essential knowledge
TechieSmiley(CS/IT), Techzine, Quiz, on “First Aid”.
Tech Treasure Hunt, Innovative Paper The Launch of ‘Sandesh one’ conducted on 12th
Presentation, Tech Love Letter, Tech January,2015 was attended by 10 students of final and
Jam, Tech Short Story were conducted . 2nd year and 2 faculty members of LBSITW at Taj Vi-
vanta. On 21st March 2015, Women Cell of LBSITW
participated in the SHE walkathon in association with
Metro Manorama in connection with International
Women’s Day Celebrations.

LBS NEWSletter Oct 2014- Mar 2015 3

Yagna Dhruva 2015
‘YAGNA DHRUVA’, the intercollegiate techno cul- A number of events like Minesweeper, Paper Pre-
tural fiesta was hosted from March 6th to 8th in the sentation, Android Duos, Triathlon, Web Design-
campus. Flash Mob and Scooter Rally were conducted ing, Tech Olympiad etc, were organized as part
as promotional activities. The Fest was inaugurated of the event and witnessed participation from stu-
by Smt.Ambika Pillai , renowned women entrepre- dents across various colleges. For the first time
neur and Dr.A.Mujeeb, Director, LBSCST. The func- ever, we had organized the CS/IT Association
tion was presided over by Dr.K.C.Raveendranathan, EXPO- TANHA’15. The association also launched
Principal, LBSITW. Students from various colleges the technical magazine- TECHBYTES’15 during
converged at our campus to celebrate talent and in- the inaugural ceremony of YAGNA DHRUVA’15
novation. Over 80 events and prizes worth 5,00000,
the three days provided an unforgettable festive The event found its extreme with a great musical
mood to one and all who gathered at LBSITW. show by Haricharan Seshadiri and Bennet and the
Band who captivated the crowd.

Student Achievements
• Nivia Goutham (S6 CS2) – Secured 3rd place for • 8 students from S8 CS2 presented their paper at Na-
Rugby in National Games 2015. tional Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering
• Ashtami P S (S8 CS1) - 2nd prize winner in Kera- and Technology [nCORETech] held on 20th and 21st
la University Kalostav for Mohiniyattom, Keralana- January, 2015 conducted by LBS College of Engi-
danam, Kuchipudi successively for fourth time. neering, Povval, Muliyar, Kasaragod.
• 21 students of S8 CS1 and 55 students of S8 IT • 11 students from S8 CS2 presented their paper at In-
presented and published their papers in various ternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engi-
National and International Conferences and Jour- neering, Business and Disaster Management [ICBDM
nals 2015] held on 27 and 28th February 2015, at Noorul
• 16 students presented their paper at International Islam University, Kumaracoil, Tamilnadu.
Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and • Meenu P J and Nicy Susan Koshy of S6 CS2 received
Technology (ICET-15) held on 29th March 2015 at first prize for paper presentation at M G College of
Trivandrum organized by IFERP-India. Engineering on 16th March 2015.
• Vinita V Nayak, Reshma A (S6 CS2) - Participat- • Sajna Noushad and Reshma Susan Wilson of S6 CS2
ed and received prize in the Students Essay Contest received first prize for the event ‘Mehandi Design-
held during November 2014 - January 2015. ing’ held at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and

Editorial Board Editor:

Sreedevi S M
(CS/IT Association Secretary)
Staff Editor:
Lekshmy PL
Sub Editors:
Reshma C Sree Lakshmi V
Design and Layout:
Sneha VL

4 LBS NEWSletter Oct 2014- Mar 2015

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