Police Power and Its Limitations MMDA vs. Garin, G.R. No. 130230, April 15, 2005
Police Power and Its Limitations MMDA vs. Garin, G.R. No. 130230, April 15, 2005
Police Power and Its Limitations MMDA vs. Garin, G.R. No. 130230, April 15, 2005
Petitioner Ernesto B. Francisco, Jr. (3) a favorable action will likely redress the
(petitioner), as member of the Integrated Bar injury. On the other hand, a party suing as a
of the Philippines and taxpayer, filed this taxpayer must specifically show that he has
original action for the issuance of the writs a sufficient interest in preventing the illegal
of Prohibition and Mandamus. Petitioner expenditure of money raised by taxation and
prays for the Prohibition writ to enjoin that he will sustain a direct injury as a result
respondents Bayani F. Fernando, Chairman of the enforcement of the questioned statute.
of the Metropolitan Manila Development Petitioner meets none of the requirements
Authority (MMDA) and the MMDA under either category.
(respondents) from further implementing its
“wet flag scheme” (“Flag Scheme”). Nor is there merit to petitioner’s claim that
the Court should relax the standing
Petitioner contends that the Flag Scheme: requirement because of the “transcendental
importance” of the issues the petition raises.
(1) has no legal basis because the MMDA’s As an exception to the standing requirement,
governing body, the Metro Manila Council, the transcendental importance of the issues
did not authorize it; raised relates to the merits of the petition.
Thus, the party invoking it must show,
(2) violates the Due Process Clause because among others, the presence of a clear
it is a summary punishment for jaywalking; disregard of a constitutional or statutory
prohibition. Petitioner has not shown such
(3) disregards the Constitutional protection clear constitutional or statutory violation.
against cruel, degrading, and inhuman
punishment; and On the Flag Scheme’s alleged lack of legal
basis, we note that all the cities and
(4) violates “pedestrian rights” as it exposes municipalities within the MMDA’s
pedestrians to various potential hazards. jurisdiction, except Valenzuela City, have
each enacted anti-jaywalking ordinances or
ISSUE: traffic management codes with provisions
for pedestrian regulation. Such fact serves as
Whether or not the petition was valid. sufficient basis for respondents’
implementation of schemes, or ways and
HELD: means, to enforce the anti-jaywalking
ordinances and similar regulations.
The Court dismissed the petition. A citizen
can raise a constitutional question only After all, the MMDA is an administrative
when: agency tasked with the implementation of
rules and regulations enacted by proper
(1) he can show that he has personally authorities. The absence of an anti-
suffered some actual or threatened injury jaywalking ordinance in Valenzuela City
because of the allegedly illegal conduct of does not detract from this conclusion absent
the government; any proof that respondents implemented the
Flag Scheme in that city.
(2) the injury is fairly traceable to the
Lucena Grand Terminal, Inc., vs. JAC Liner,
Velasco vs. Villegas, 120 SCRA 568 Inc., February 23, 2005