CSE 341, Spring 2011, Midterm Examination 27 April 2011
CSE 341, Spring 2011, Midterm Examination 27 April 2011
CSE 341, Spring 2011, Midterm Examination 27 April 2011
• The exam is closed-book, closed-note, except for one side of one 8.5 × 11 in. piece of paper.
• When writing code, style matters, but don’t worry about indentation.
(a) (5 points) Write a function sum that returns the sum of the values stored in the Leaf nodes of
a Tree. Your function only needs to work correctly on trees whose Leaf nodes contain integer
(b) (8 points) Write a function height that returns the height of a Tree. For the purposes of this
question, the height of a tree consisting of only a Leaf node is 0; the height of any other tree is 1
greater than the height of its tallest subtree.
For full credit, your solution may not use any additional functions (either defined by you or in
the standard SML library), and may not compute the height(s) of any subtrees more than once.
(Hint: let may be your friend.)
(c) (2 points) What are the types of functions sum and height from parts (a) and (b)?
2. (8 points) Write a tail-recursive function fib n that returns a list of the first n Fibonocci numbers
for n > 0. For example,
fib 8 = [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13]
fib 1 = [0]
(Recall that the Fibonocci numbers are the series beginning with 0 and 1, and each successive number
is the sum of the previous two.)
For full credit the number of tail-recursive calls made by your function should be linear in n. However,
you do not need to worry about the costs of accumulating the answers in a list (i.e, don’t worry about
the costs of the list append operations).
3. For each of the following programs, give the value that ans is bound to after evaluation.
(a) (3 points)
val x = 1
val y = 2
val f = fn y => x + y
val x = 5
val y = 10
val ans = f x + y
(b) (3 points)
val x = 1
val y = 2
val z = 3
fun f x = let val x = 10 in fn y => x+y+z end
val y = 2
val ans = f y 7
(c) (3 points)
val q = fn x => List.map tl x
val ans = q [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
4. One of your colleagues has been insisting that a language without a “real” for-loop must be useless.
You have decided to settle the argument by showing that an equivalent loop can be written in SML.
(a) (9 points) Write a function named for with parameters loopvarinit test incr body and
accinit that has the same effect as the following loop in one of those lesser languages:
acc = accinit;
for ( loopvar = loopvarinit; test(loopvar); loopvar = incr(loopvar) ) {
acc = body(loopvar, acc);
yield acc; /* i.e., the final value of acc is the "value" of the loop */
In the above description, loopvar and acc are additional values that are not parameters of for.
You will want to have similar values in your solution. Your solution must be properly tail-recursive
and may not use any other functions defined outside of function for.
fun for loopvarinit test incr body accinit =
(b) (5 points) Complete the following function so that it uses function for to compute the sum of the
numbers 1 through n. You should supply appropriate values (integers and anonymous functions)
for the parameters of for.
fun sum(n: int) =
for ____________________________________________
5. Suppose we are implementing a dictionary (collection) of words. Version 1.0 of the software uses this
SML structure definition:
fun member(s,dict) =
case dict of
None => false
| Cons(str,rest) => s=str orelse member(s,rest)
Now suppose that in version 2.0 of the software we want to replace that structure with this new one,
where the dictionary datatype in version 1.0 is replaced with a regular SML string list.
(a) (8 points) Write the necessary function bindings to complete version 2.0 of the structure so that
it has the same functionality as the version 1.0 structure.
Hint: Be sure that your new version of the structure includes sufficient operations so that client
code can construct new dictionaries and process them.
Write your answer on the next page.
(b) (6 points) Complete this signature so that both version 1.0 and version 2.0 of the structure will
type-check without errors. Use one abstract type definition and any necessary val bindings.
signature DICT =
Write your answer on the next page.