Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Write your solution in Overleaf and save as a pdf file. Submit your pdf file.
Write your code in only a notebook Google Colab with attached your result and submit
your Goolge Colab link.
Name of your pdf file: MSSV_Fullname_assg2.pdf
Name of your Colab file: MSSV_Fullname_assg2.ipynb
Any copy the source code of other students will be banned.
Deadline: 22h 23/8/2021
You should follow as below:
Use what you learned about broadcasting in the previous problem to write a function that will produce a
Vandermonde matrix for a vector [1, 2, . . . , N]^T for any N. Do it without using a loop. Here’s a stub to get
you started:
Use subplot to make three subplots, rendering the coordinate data after applying each of these three
transformations for parameter values of your choosing. Make sure to set the subtitles appropriately.
(C) Do these transformation commute? Create a rotation matrix and a shear matrix for some non-trivial
parameters. Create a figure with two subplots, in which you compose these transformations: one with
rotate-then-shear and another that is shear-then-rotate. Make sure to set the subtitles appropriately.