Assignemnt - 6 - On - Couplers and Power Dividers
Assignemnt - 6 - On - Couplers and Power Dividers
Assignemnt - 6 - On - Couplers and Power Dividers
Subject: Microwave Engineering Issue Date: 20/10/2020
Code : EC 3505 Pages : 4
Dead Line: 02/11/2020
1. Consider the T-junction of three lines with characteristic impedances Z1, Z2, and
Z3, as shown below. Demonstrate that it is impossible for all three Lines to be
matched, when looking toward the junction.
2. A directional coupler has the scattering matrix given below. Find the directivity,
coupling, isolation, and return loss at the input port when the other ports are
terminated in matched loads.
3. Two identical 90 degree couplers with C = 8.34 dB are connected as shown below.
Find the resulting phase and amplitudes at ports 2' and 3', relative to port 1.
4. A 2 W power source is connected to the input of a directional coupler with C = 20
dB, D = 25 dB, and an insertion loss of 0. 7 dB. Find the output powers (in dBm)
at the through, coupled, and isolated ports. Assume all ports to be matched.
6. Consider the T and 𝜋 resistive attenuator circuits shown below. If the input and
output are matched to Z0, and the ratio of output voltage to input voltage is 𝛼, derive
the design equations for R1 and R2 for each circuit. lf Z0 = 50 Ω, compute R1 and
R2 for 3 dB, 10 dB, and 20 dB attenuators of each type
7. Design a three-port resistive divider for an equal power split and a 100 Ω system
impedance. If port 3 is matched, calculate the change in output power at port 3 (in
dB) when port 2 is connected first to a matched load, and then to a load having a
mismatch of Γ = 0.3.
8. Consider the general resistive divider shown below. For an arbitrary power division
ratio, 𝛼 = P2/P3 ,derive expressions for the resistors R1, R2 , and R3 , and the output
characteristic impedances Z02, Z03 so that all ports are matched, assuming the source
impedance is Z0.
9. Design a Wilkinson powerdividerwith a power division ratio of P3/P2 = 1/3, and a
source impedance of 50 ohm.
10. Consider the general branch-line coupler shown on the next page having shunt arm
characteristic impedances Za and series and characteristic impedances Zb. Using an
even-odd mode analysis, derive design equations for a quadrature hybrid coupler
with an arbitrary power division ratio of a = P2/ P3• and with the input port (port
I) matched. Assume all arms are λ/4long. Is port 4 isolated, in general?
11. An edge-coupled stripline with a ground plane spacing of 0.32 cm and a dielectric
constant of 2.2 is required to have even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances
of Z0e. = 70 Ω and Z0o = 40 Ω. Find the necessary strip widths and spacing.
12. A coupled microstrip line on an FR-4 subsuate with 𝜀𝑟 = 4.2 and d = 0.158 cm bas
strip widths of 0.30 cm and a strip spacing of 0.1173 cm. Find the even- and odd-
mode characteristic impedances.
13. Repeat the derivation in Section 7.6 (in Microwave Engineering By David M Pozar
Third Edition) for the design equations of a single-section coupled line coupler
using reflection and transmission coefficients, instead of voltages and currents.
14. Design a single-section coupled line coupler with a coupling of 19.1 dB, a system
impedance of 60 Ω, and a center frequency of 8 GHz. If the coupler is to be made
in stripline (edge-coupled), with 𝜀𝑟 = 2.2 and b = 0.32 cm, find the necessary strip
widths and separation.
15. Repeat Problem 14 for a coupling factor of 5 dB. Is this a practical design?
16. Derive Equations (7.83) and (7.84) (in Microwave Engineering By David M Pozar
Third Edition).
17. A 20 dB three-section coupled line coupler is required to have a maximally flat
coupling response, with a center frequency of 3 GHz, and Z0 = 50 Ω. (a) Design
the coupler and find Z0e. and Z0o., for each section. Use CAD to plot the resulting
coupling (in dB} from 1 to 5 GHz. (b) Lay out the microstrip implementation of
the coupler on an FR4 sobstrate having 𝜀𝑟 = 4.2, d = 0.158 cm, tan𝛿= 0.02, with
copper conductors 0.5 mil thick. Use CAD to plot the insertion loss versus
18. Repeat Problem 17 for a coupler with an equal-ripple coupling response, where the
ripple in the coupling is 1 dB over the passband.
19. An input signal V1 is applied to the sum port of a 180° hybrid, and another signal
V4. is applied to the difference port. What are the output signals?
20. Calculate the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances for a tapered coupled
line 180" hybrid coupler with a 3 dB coupling ratio and a 50 Ω characteristic
21. For the symmetric hybrid shown below, calculate the output voltages if port 1 is
fed with an incident wave of 1<0° V. Assume the outputs are matched.
Note: Submit the softcopy/handouts of solutions for Problem No. 2,3,4,6,7,19 in the
Moodle before the deadline.