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Pittsylvania County Correspondence With Jonathan Slye

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P.O. Box 426 • 1 Center Street

Chatham, Virginia 24531
Phone (434) 432-7710
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________

September 30, 2021

Jonathan Slye
Purpose Driven Events
4009 Murray Place
Lynchburg, VA 24501

Dear Mr. Slye:

We received your email yesterday and have appropriately deducted the $153,209.17 Meals Tax
payment from the $500,000 cash bond, which leaves a residual balance of $346,790.83. It is
understood that you prefer to pay for remaining outstanding costs via other sources;
Accordingly, we will retain unused bond funds until these invoices are satisfied.

Per your authorization and your agent Terry Wecker’s approval, the County procured FCS, Inc.
to clean all grounds “outside the venue” after the festival’s conclusion. It is understood that this
company has not been paid for such services. Accordingly, we have added this obligation to
the list of outstanding invoices below that the County intends to collect.

FCS, Inc. Invoice IS1350 $46,421.60

Danville Public Schools Invoice 308 $13,378.69
Pittsylvania County Invoice 342 $25,746.20
Pittsylvania County Invoice 343 $44,828.21
Pittsylvania County Invoice 344 $18,023.55
Pittsylvania County Invoice 345 $177,472.26
City of Danville Unnumbered $11,721.98
Total Due $337,592.29

Pittsylvania County will remit the remaining balance of your Bond when it receives payment for
the above. If we do not receive full payment of $336,295.50 by October 28, 2021, we will
deduct the full amount from the remaining Bond on hand and then wire the remaining
$10,495.33 to the appropriate account as outlined in your September 29 th email.

Please contact me if you have any further related questions or concerns.


David M. Smitherman
County Administrator


D a v i d M . S m i t h e r ma n , C o u n t y A d m in i s t r a t o r
d a v i d . sm i t h er m a n @ p it t g ov .o r g
lop. ink. LLE - - P blic ; `='
rtw 4oci..e
P. O. Box 9600

Danville, VA 24543

Phone: ( 434) 799- 6400 INVOICE# DATE

308 9/ 15/ 2021


Purpose Drive Events LLC Due Upon Receipt


Four Buses for 09/ 10- 09/ 13/ 2021( Bus Numbers 46, 55, 57, 65)($ 300/ Day/ Each) 4 900. 00 3, 600. 00

Bus Preparation Fee- 4 Buses( Pre- concert) 4 150. 00 600. 00

Fuel Charge- for buses 46, 55, 57,& 65 171. 6 10. 00 1, 716. 00

Wages for Four Bus Drivers 100. 5 50. 00 5, 025. 00

FICA Taxes for Four Bus Drivers($ 5, 025 x 7. 65%) 1 384. 41 384.41

Administrative oversight Dr. Hairston, Dr. Lyle and Tim Scearce( 3 hours each) 9 150. 00 1, 350. 00

FICA Taxes for School and Department Administrators($ 1, 350 X 7. 65%) 1 103. 28 103. 28

Bus Preparation Fee- 4 Buses( Post- concert) 4 150. 00 600. 00

Thank you for your business! SUBTOTAL 13, 378. 69

TAX RATE 0. 000%


TOTAL 13, 378. 69

If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact

Danvile Public Schools Finance Department 434- 799- 6400
r sc - Cityof Danville, Virginia INVOICE

September 16, 2021

P. 0. Box 3300
Danville, VA 24543

434) 799- 5245

Contact: Cara Fisher

TO Purpose Driven Events
Phone: 434 944 7064
Blue Ridge Rock Festival LLC

4009 Murray Place

Lynchburg, VA 24501


City of Danville support of Blue Ridge Rock Festival - September 9- 12, 2021

4 Labor - 4 PW employees delivered Message Boards a Light Towers - 9/ 9/ 21 682. 72

3 Message Boards @ $ 11. 60/ HR - 72 Hours 2, 505. 60

1 Light Tower @$ 11. 11/ HR - 72 Hours 799. 92

1 ATV from Fire Dept. provided @$ 35. 00/ HR - 32 Hours 1, 120. 00

4 Labor - 4 PW mechanics prepared DPS buses for transport - 9/ 10/ 21 337. 46

1 Materials from Public Works Warehouse for bus preparation 90. 82

11 Labor - 11 PW employees to clean up trash and haul away - 9/ 12/ 21 3, 252. 23

8 Vehicles and Equipment used for trash collection - 9/ 12/ 21 1, 984. 21

2 Labor - 2 PW employees picked up Message Boards a Light Towers - 9/ 13/ 21 240. 26

2 Labor - 2 City Attorney staff assistance 303. 75

1 Labor - City Manager assistance 405. 00


City of Danville
P. 0. Box 3300

Danville, VA 24543

INVOICE AMOUNT $ 11, 721. 97

Make all checks payable to the City of Danville

Blue Ridge Rock Festival City of Danville Support ( Sept. 9- 13, 2021)

H rly
Labor Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Benny Alford 2. 50 242. 60 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Isaac Conner 2. 50 129. 20 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Steve Flippen i 2. 25 143. 26 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Andrew Hall 3. 00 167. 67 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Subtotal: $ 682. 72

Message Board 1084 $ 11. 60 72. 00 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051

Message Board 1085 $ 11. 60 72. 001 $ 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051

Message Board 1086 $ 11. 60 72. 00 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051

Light Tower 327 $ 11. 11 0. 00 0. 00 Set on 9/ 9. Picked up 9/ 13 * Did not work FEMA# 8870

Light Tower 329 $ 11. 11 72. 00 799. 92 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8870

Subtotal: $ 3, 305. 52

Friday, September 10, 2021

Marcellus Clements 475 I 2. 50 59. 81 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Marcellus Clements 507 1. 00 23. 92 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time

Hunter Cornell 505 2. 50 49. 44 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Hunter Cornell) 507, 1. 00 19. 78 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Allen Ford 496 j 3. 00 80. 55 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Allen Ford 507 0. 50 26. 85 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Zachary Green 464 2. 50 55. 08 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Zachary Green 1 515 j 1. 00 22. 03 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Subtotal: $ 337. 46

Materials for masking buses . L.- 90. 82 Materials from PW Warehouse

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Patrick Tucker 7. 50 342. 62-.Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
I 347. 02 Clean
Jamie Davis _ 7. 00 up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Micah Eanes 7. 00 325. 76 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

William Joyce 3. 75 165. 66 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Blue Ridge Rock Festival City of Danville Support ( Sept. 9- 13, 2021)

H rly
Labor _ Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes
Brian Thomasson 7. 25 349. 96 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Mark Hodgin 7. 00 282. 78 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Austin Bowman 6. 75 218. 74 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Gary Jackson 7. 00 263. 95 Clean trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Kenneth Sage 4. 00 164. 03 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Joe Farmer 8. 00 515. 51 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Brian Conner 5. 25 276. 21 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead

Subtotal: $ 3, 252. 23

Blue Ridge Rock Festival City of Danville Support ( Sept. 9- 13, 2021)

H rly
Labor Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes
Rearloader Truck 220 $ 49. 79 7. 00 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730

Rearloader Truck 221 $ 49. 79 7. 00' 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730

Rearloader Truck 219 $ 49. 79 7. 00' 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730

Bucket Truck 116 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822

Bucket Truck 1131 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822

Bucket Truck 343 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822

Pick Up Truck 64 $ 22. 64 5. 25 118. 86 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8807

Pick Up Truck 1 250 $ 22. 64 8. 00 181. 12 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8807

Subtotal: $ 1, 984. 21

Monday, September 13, 2021

Benny Alford 3. 00 149. 28 Picked up message boards and light towers Rate + Overhead

Joe Farmer 2. 25 90. 97 Picked up message boards and light towers Rate + Overhead

Subtotal: $ 240. 26

Other Departments

City Attorney Office 0. 75 303. 75 City Attorney Office ( Clarke & Allen) Rate + Overhead

City Manager Office 2. 00 405. 00 City Manager Office ( Ken Larking) Rate + Overhead

Subtotal: $ 708. 75

Fire Dept. ATV 35. 00 32. 00 $ 1, 120. 00 Gator provided by Fire Dept. on Sat. & Sun. Per Tim Duffer

Labor 5, 221. 42
Vehicles/ Equipment 6, 409. 73
Materials 90. 82
TOTAL 11, 721. 97 Labor includes Overtime, Travel Time, and 35% Overhead

11, 721. 97 Verification formula


P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531
Telephone: 434- 432- 7740
Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice # 342 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 29/ 2021

For Event Supplies 4 Blue Ridge Amphitheater Page 1

Date: Vendor Description Amount

07/ 14/ 21 Exair. com Sound Level Meter 464. 27

08/ 08/ 21 Sawyer Products Bug Spray 145. 05

08/ 05/ 21 Fire Safe Fire Extinguishers 989. 50

08/ 12- 13/ 21 Boundtree Medical Supplies 3, 707. 44

Fire Safe Extinguishers for EMS 2, 074. 35

08/ 25/ 21 Amazon 11 Pop up Tents 888. 14

08/ 26/ 21 Amazon Room Dividers& IV poles 794. 46

08/ 26/ 21 Fastenal Ext Cords, Cline& Tri- tap 226. 03

08/ 27/ 21 Boundtree IV Admin. Set( 2) 128. 00

08/ 30/ 21 Lowes Funnels, Brooms& Trash Bags 269. 25

08/ 30/ 21 Family Dollar Toilet Paper, Fans& Towels 66. 00

08/ 30/ 21 Walmart 12 Coolers 209. 64

08/ 31/ 21 Lowes Air Purifiers 382. 48

09/ 01/ 21 Boundtree IV Admin ST 89" RII 178. 00


P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Telephone: 434- 432- 7740
Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 342 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 29/ 2021

For Event Supplies @ Blue Ridge Amphitheater Page 2

Date: Vendor Description Amount

09/ 02/ 21 WVEMS Drug Boxes 170. 00

Sunbelt Rentals Rent of Side- by- Side ( EMS& PCSO) $ 14, 702. 55

09/ 09/ 21 Family Dollar 2 Coolers 32. 50

09/ 10/ 21 Commonwealth Pharmacy Ibuprofen 61. 54

09/ 21/ 21 Piedmont Printing& Graphics BRRF Posters- Laminated Maps 257. 00

TOTAL: 25, 746. 20

Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim Van Der Hyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531
Invoice Number: IS1350
Invoice Date: Sep 21, 2021
Page: 1
Voice: 434-429-3787
Fax: 434-792-0237

Bill To: Ship to:

Blue Ridge Rock Festival, LLC
4009 Murray Place
Lynchburg, VA 24501

Customer ID Customer PO Payment Terms

BRR Net 30 Days
Sales Rep ID Shipping Method Ship Date Due Date
Description Amount
Post-event cleanup labor (686.65 hours @ $60/hour): 41,199.00
Equipment rental: 2,950.00
Supplies: 2,272.60
We appreciate your business!

Subtotal 46,421.60
Sales Tax
Total Invoice Amount 46,421.60
Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied
TOTAL 46,421.60

P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 7740

Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 345 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 23/ 2021

For Blue Ridge Rock Festival Page 1

Date: Vendor Description Amount

David Smitherman, County Administrator

09/ 09- 13/ 2021 Pittsylvania County 150/ hr. for 58. 5 hours 8, 775. 00

Richard Hicks, Assistant County Administrator

09/ 11- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County @$ 125/ hr. for 7 hours 875. 00

J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney @$ 150/ hr.

09/ 10/ 21 & 09/ 12/ 21 Pittsylvania County for 2 hours 300. 00

Kaylyn McCluster, Deputy Clerk to the Board

09/ 11/ 21 Pittsylvania County @$ 50/ hr. for 7 hours 350. 00

Solid Waste Truck Drivers @$ 50/ hr. for 23

09/ 12/ 21 Pittsylvania County hours 1, 150. 00

Solid Waste Trucks Gas and Wear& Tear @

09/ 12/ 21 Pittsylvania County 100/ hr. for 23 hours 2, 300. 00

Solid Waste Tonnage @$ 50/ ton total of

09/ 12- 20/ 2021 Pittsylvania County 138. 65 tons 6, 932. 50

09/ 17/ 21 Sovah Health- Danville Extra Supplies needed for BRRF 959. 90

09/ 17/ 21 Derrick' s Cleaning Service Cleaning Command Centers 230. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Paramedic- 8 Employees @$ 40/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 303. 50 hours 12, 140. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Intermediate- 6 Employees 4$ 38/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 205. 50 hours 7, 809. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Command Staff- 3 Employees @$ 46/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 68 hours 3, 128. 00



P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 7740

Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 345 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 23/ 2021

For Blue Ridge Rock Festival Page 2

Date: Vendor Description Amount

Pittsylvania County Public Communications/ IT- 1 Employees 4$ 40/ hr.

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety for 64 hours 2, 560. 00

Pittsylvania County Public 911 Supervisor- 2 Employees @$ 43/ hr. for 84

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 3, 612. 00

Pittsylvania County Public EMS Operation Supervisor- 1 Employee 4

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 43/ hr. for 84 hours 3, 612. 00

Pittsylvania County Public FF Operation Supervisor- 6 Employees

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 43/ hr. for 108 hours 4, 644. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Firefighter( FF)- 19 Employees @$ 30/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 553. 50 hours 16, 605. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Fire Marshall- 2 Employees @$ 35/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 98. 50 hours 3, 447. 50

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety EMT- BLS- 1 Employee $ 30/ hr. for 18 hours $ 540. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety EMT- A- 8 Employees 4$ 35/ hr. for 286 hours $ 10, 010. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety EMT- B- 23 Employees C$ 33/ hr. for 648 hours $ 21, 384. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Logistics- 2 Employees @$ 30/ hr. for 74. 50

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 2, 235. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Dispatcher- 19 Employees©$ 35/ hr. for 340

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 11, 900. 00



P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 7740

Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 345 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 23/ 2021

For Blue Ridge Rock Festival Page 3

Date: Vendor Description Amount

Matching FICA( 7. 65%) for Employee' s hours

09/ 08- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County paid 8, 038. 36

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Cool Branch Engine @$ 75/ hr. for
09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 108 hours 8, 100. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Cool Branch RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 100

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 3, 500. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety Rental of Blairs Fire RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 88 hours $ 3, 080. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Chatham RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 88

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 3, 080. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety Rental of Java RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 100 hours $ 3, 500. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of PCPS Ambulance @$ 75/ hr. for 93

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety hours 6, 975. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Chatham Ambulance @$ 75/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 64 hours 4,800.00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Gretna Ambulance @$ 75/ hr. for

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 112 hours 8, 400. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety Administration Fee @$ 500/ day for 5 days $ 2, 500. 00

TOTAL: 177, 472. 26

Please make checks payable to Ptttsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim VanDerHyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531

Pittsylvania County Schools

P 0 BOX 232
Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 2761

Fax: 434- 432- 9560

Invoice# 343 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 30/ 2021

For Blue Ridge Rock Festival

Date: Vendor Description Amount

Employee Compensation with matching

09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools FICA share 26, 078. 21

09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools Bus Preparation- 12 Buses @$ 150 per Bus $ 1, 800. 00

Bus Rental- 12 Buses @$ 300 per Day for 3

09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools Days 10, 800. 00

09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools Fuel- 495 Gallons @$ 10 per Gallon $ 4, 950. 00

09/ 13/ 21 Derrick' s Cleaning Service Cleaned 12 School Buses @$ 100 per bus $ 1, 200. 00

TOTAL: 44, 828. 21

Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Schools and mail to Pittsylvania County Schools,
Attn: Tracey Worley, P 0 Box 232, Chatham, VA 24531

rb11 P. O. Box 232, 39 Bank Street, SE, Chatham, VA 24531

Division Superintendent

Pitt8lrly> Schools

September 21, 2021

Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors

P. O. Box 426
Chatham, VA 24531

To Whom It May Concern;

This letter will serve as invoice for expenses payable to Pittsylvania County Schools by the
organizers of the Blue Ridge Rock Festival. Included with this letter are spreadsheets that
itemize the expenses associated with employee compensation and bus rental, prep and fuel. The
following is a summary of these expenses:

Employee Compensation 26, 078. 21

With matching FICA share

Bus Preparation 1800. 00

12 Buses @ $ 150 per Bus

Bus Rental 10. 800. 00

12 Buses @ $ 300 per Day for 3 Days

Fuel 4, 950. 00
495 gallons @ $ 10 per gallon

Total Amount Due 43, 628.21

Thank you for your assistance in collecting payment for these expenses.


1( 24C61) 14j11 (( 1-?

Tracey R Worley
Director of Finance

TELEPHONE NUMBERS: ( 434) 432- 2761 ( 434) 793- 1624( Danville) ( 434) 630- 1817 ( Gretna) FAX ( 434) 432- 9560
2021 Blue Ridge Rock Festival Employee Compensation Record

Employee Position Description Hours Worked Hourly Rate Total Compensation .

Pyron, Cecil Lead Mechanic 18 Hrs. On- Call; 5 Hrs. Duty 23 50. 00/ hr. 1, 150. 00

1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation; 18 Hrs. On- Call;

Fraser, Shawn Mechanic 2 Hrs. Road Call 21 50. 00/ hr. 1, 050. 00

Gibson, Thomas Mechanic 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00

Mechanic 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00
Oakes, Billy
1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation; 18 Hrs. On- Call; 1 Hr.

Thompson, Brian Mechanic Road Call 20 50. 00/ hr. 1, 000. 00

Parts and Labor

Jones, Jim Specialist 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00


Shelton, Deborah Specialist After- Hours Clerical Support 2 50. 00/ hr. 100. 00

Austin, Barry Steve Shuttle Driver Driving 22. 5 50. 00/ hr. 1, 125. 00

Dallas, Denise Shuttle Driver Driving 8 50. 00/ hr. 400. 00

French- Torres, Edward R. E. Shuttle Driver Driving 42 50. 00/ hr. 2, 100. 00

Hall, Robin Shuttle Driver Driving 40. 5 50. 00/ hr. 2, 025. 00

Harper, Tawaiin Shuttle Driver Driving 36. 5 50. 00/ hr. 1, 825. 00

Harris, Shuttle Driver Driving 38 50. 00/ hr. 1, 900. 00

Harris, Linda Gail Shuttle Driver Driving 41 50. 00/ hr. 2, 050. 00

Hylton, Virginia Shuttle Driver Driving 41 50. 00/ hr. 2, 050. 00

Mayhew, Tony Shuttle Driver Driving 37 50. 00/ hr. 1, 850. 00

McCain, Henry Lester Shuttle Driver Driving 39 50. 00/ hr. 1, 950. 00

Roach, JoAnn Shuttle Driver Driving 35 50. 00/ hr. 1, 750. 00

VanDerHyde, Jackie Shuttle Driver Driving 35 50. 00/ hr. 1, 750. 00

Total Employee Compensation 24, 225. 00

FICA 1, 853. 21

Grand Total 26, 078. 21

2021 Blue Ridge Rock Festival Bus Rental Expense Log
Gallons of
Gallons of
Daily Fuel
Preparation Days Rental Fuel Per Gallon Fuel
Bus Rental Dispensed Amount Due
Fee Rented Expense Dispensed Fuel Rate Expense
Rate Upon
09/ 11/ 21

41 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 36 27 10/ Gallon $ 630. 00 1, 680. 00

51 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 27 10/ Gallon $ 270. 00 1, 320. 00

91 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 34 22 10/ Gallon $ 560. 00 1, 610. 00

100 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 13 31 10/ Gallon $ 440. 00 1, 490. 00

105 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 11 10/ Gallon $ 110. 00 1, 160. 00

112 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 21 25 10/ Gallon $ 460. 00 1, 510. 00

114 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 41 10/ Gallon $ 410. 00 1, 460. 00

122 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 17 31 10/ Gallon $ 480. 00 1, 530. 00

127 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 14 30 10/ Gallon $ 440. 00 1, 490. 00

134 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 28 22 10/ Gallon $ 500. 00 1, 550. 00

136 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 12 18 10/ Gallon $ 300. 00 1, 350. 00

138 150. 00 3 50/ Day $ 900. 00 35 10/ Gallon $ 350. 00 1, 400. 00

Total Total Total

Total Fuel
Preparation Rental Amount
Fees 1, 800. 00 Expense $ 10, 800. 00 4, 950. 00 Due 17, 550. 00


GRETNA, VA 24557

Contractor: Derrick Wilson Office: 434- 324401e

Cell: 434- 221- 8716

Business: Pittsylvanla County Schools

Service Provided: Cleaned 12 school buses inside and windows outside. Wiped down all
inside of buses, got trash, swept inside, mopped inside and fogged with a sanitizing fog.
Date of Service: 9/ 13/ 2021
S 100. 00 per bus)
Total: S1200. 00

Note: Please make check payable to the

above named company and send to the above
named address. If there are any questions please
feel free to contact Derrick or the office.

Thank you for your business!

L0 39dd AS 9NINti31S S>19I8a3G ZBVVVZEVEV SE: 60 S00Z/ SZ/ Z0


P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 7740

Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 344 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 23/ 2021

For Worship on the Mountain Page 1

Date: Vendor Description Amount

Pittsylvania County Public EMT/ Advance- 3 Employees @$ 35/ hr. for 48

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 680. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Paramedic- 3 Employees @$ 40/ hr. for 48

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 920. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety EMT- 4 Employees @$ 33/ hr. for 60 hours $ 1, 980. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety EMT- I- 1 Employee @$ 30/ hr. for 22 hours $ 660. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Intermediate- 2 Employees @$ 38/ hr. for 36

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 368. 00

Pittsylvania County Public EMS Operations Supervisor- 1 Employee @

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety 43/ hr. for 36 hours 1, 548. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Command Staff- 1 Employee @$ 46/ hr. for

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety 14 hours 644. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Firefighter- 1 Employee @$ 30/ hr. for 22

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 660. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Communications/ IT- 1 Employee @$ 40/ hr.

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety for 36 hours 1, 440. 00

alminomosoi COUNTY, VIRGINIA

P 0 BOX 426

Chatham, VA 24531

Telephone: 434- 432- 7740

Fax: 434- 432- 7746

Invoice# 344 Purpose Driven Events 9/ 23/ 2021

For Worship on the Mountain Page 2

Date: Vendor Description Amount

Pittsylvania County Public Dispatcher- 3 Employees @$ 35/ hr. for 33

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 155. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Matching FICA( 7. 65%) for Employee' s hours

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety paid 888. 55

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety Rental of Ambulance @$ 75/ hr. for 29 hours $ 2, 175. 00

Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Riceville/ Java RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 33
09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 155. 00

Pittsylvania County Public

09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety Administration Fee @$ 250/ Day 750. 00

TOTAL: 18, 023. 55

Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim Van Der Hyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531
Page 8
K. E. M. S.


Earnings/ Deduction Summary

For Period 17 Ending 09/ 15/ 2021
Current Earning Amount - EVNT 0 SPECIAL EVENT - FESTIVAL

Amount Employee Amount

Employee Amount Employee

2066 ALLEN, BRIAN 420. 00

1909 BURKE, SHANON 840. 00

1910 CHITWOOD, JEFFREY 960. 00

1912 DEMOTT, JENNIFER 396. 00

1892 HARRIS, DARYLE 420. 00

1880 HOLLEY, STAR 210. 00


1586 KEATTS, JORDAN 660. 00

2095 LEACH, DILLON 396. 00

1915 LOHR, JOANN 480. 00

1907 MEEKS, BENJAMIN 420. 00


1918 RANDALL, MATHEW 912. 00

2094 REYNOLDS, ANNA 396. 00

1847 SEAY, KASEY 1548. 00

2093 SEAY, ROBERT 792. 00


1911 TALLEY, CRISTEN 456. 00

1923 WILLIAMS, EMILY 480. 00


Current Earning Amount
Total 19 Employees »
Pittsylvania County- Special Events Timesheet

Worship at the Mountain

Name: Daniel Kendrick

Employee or Volunteer Employee

Title: Communications/ IT Systems Administrator

Position assigned Hours Position daily pay

Day for time period Date worked pay rate total

Thursday Comm/ IT 9/ 2/ 2021 12. 5 40 $ 500. 00V

Friday Comm/ IT 9/ 3/ 2021 13 40 $ 520. 00/

Saturday Comm/ IT 9/ 4/ 2021 10. 5 40 $ 420.00

total 1,440. 0&


Supervisor 54

I14110. 00
P.O. Box 426 • 1 Center Street
Chatham, Virginia 24531
Phone (434) 432-7710

October 7, 2021

Jonathan Slye
Purpose Driven Events
4009 Murray Place
Lynchburg, VA 24501

Dear Mr. Slye:

We received Cara Fischer’s amended Meals Tax report and have adjusted our draw from the
$500,000 cash bond accordingly. Therefore, the remaining available bond amount is

Pittsylvania County will remit the remaining balance of your Bond when it receives payment for
services invoiced September 28, 2021. If we do not receive full payment of $337,592.29 by
October 28, 2021, we will deduct the full amount from the remaining Bond on hand and then
wire the remaining $11,854.20 to the appropriate account as outlined in your September 29th

Please contact me if you have any further related questions or concerns.


David M. Smitherman
County Administrator

Cc: Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors

Pittsylvania County Executive Team
Robin Goard, Commissioner of the Revenue


David M. Smitherman, County Administrator

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