Pittsylvania County Correspondence With Jonathan Slye
Pittsylvania County Correspondence With Jonathan Slye
Pittsylvania County Correspondence With Jonathan Slye
Jonathan Slye
Purpose Driven Events
4009 Murray Place
Lynchburg, VA 24501
We received your email yesterday and have appropriately deducted the $153,209.17 Meals Tax
payment from the $500,000 cash bond, which leaves a residual balance of $346,790.83. It is
understood that you prefer to pay for remaining outstanding costs via other sources;
Accordingly, we will retain unused bond funds until these invoices are satisfied.
Per your authorization and your agent Terry Wecker’s approval, the County procured FCS, Inc.
to clean all grounds “outside the venue” after the festival’s conclusion. It is understood that this
company has not been paid for such services. Accordingly, we have added this obligation to
the list of outstanding invoices below that the County intends to collect.
Pittsylvania County will remit the remaining balance of your Bond when it receives payment for
the above. If we do not receive full payment of $336,295.50 by October 28, 2021, we will
deduct the full amount from the remaining Bond on hand and then wire the remaining
$10,495.33 to the appropriate account as outlined in your September 29 th email.
David M. Smitherman
County Administrator
Danville, VA 24543
Four Buses for 09/ 10- 09/ 13/ 2021( Bus Numbers 46, 55, 57, 65)($ 300/ Day/ Each) 4 900. 00 3, 600. 00
Fuel Charge- for buses 46, 55, 57,& 65 171. 6 10. 00 1, 716. 00
FICA Taxes for Four Bus Drivers($ 5, 025 x 7. 65%) 1 384. 41 384.41
Administrative oversight Dr. Hairston, Dr. Lyle and Tim Scearce( 3 hours each) 9 150. 00 1, 350. 00
FICA Taxes for School and Department Administrators($ 1, 350 X 7. 65%) 1 103. 28 103. 28
P. 0. Box 3300
Danville, VA 24543
City of Danville support of Blue Ridge Rock Festival - September 9- 12, 2021
City of Danville
P. 0. Box 3300
Danville, VA 24543
H rly
Labor Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes
Isaac Conner 2. 50 129. 20 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Steve Flippen i 2. 25 143. 26 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Andrew Hall 3. 00 167. 67 Delivered Message Boards and Light Towers Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Subtotal: $ 682. 72
Message Board 1084 $ 11. 60 72. 00 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051
Message Board 1085 $ 11. 60 72. 001 $ 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051
Message Board 1086 $ 11. 60 72. 00 835. 20 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8051
Light Tower 327 $ 11. 11 0. 00 0. 00 Set on 9/ 9. Picked up 9/ 13 * Did not work FEMA# 8870
Light Tower 329 $ 11. 11 72. 00 799. 92 Set on Thu., Sept 9. Picked up Mon., Sept. 13 FEMA# 8870
Subtotal: $ 3, 305. 52
Hunter Cornell 505 2. 50 49. 44 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Hunter Cornell) 507, 1. 00 19. 78 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Allen Ford 496 j 3. 00 80. 55 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Allen Ford 507 0. 50 26. 85 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Zachary Green 464 2. 50 55. 08 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Zachary Green 1 515 j 1. 00 22. 03 Mechanic worked on DPS bus for transporting Labor during regular work time
Subtotal: $ 337. 46
Materials for masking buses . L.- 90. 82 Materials from PW Warehouse
Micah Eanes 7. 00 325. 76 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
William Joyce 3. 75 165. 66 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Blue Ridge Rock Festival City of Danville Support ( Sept. 9- 13, 2021)
H rly
Labor _ Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes
Brian Thomasson 7. 25 349. 96 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Mark Hodgin 7. 00 282. 78 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Austin Bowman 6. 75 218. 74 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Gary Jackson 7. 00 263. 95 Clean trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Kenneth Sage 4. 00 164. 03 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Joe Farmer 8. 00 515. 51 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Brian Conner 5. 25 276. 21 Clean up trash and haul away Overtime + Travel Time + Overhead
Subtotal: $ 3, 252. 23
Blue Ridge Rock Festival City of Danville Support ( Sept. 9- 13, 2021)
H rly
Labor Vehicle Rate Hours Cost Description of service Internal Notes
Rearloader Truck 220 $ 49. 79 7. 00 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730
Rearloader Truck 221 $ 49. 79 7. 00' 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730
Rearloader Truck 219 $ 49. 79 7. 00' 348. 53 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8730
Bucket Truck 116 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822
Bucket Truck 1131 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822
Bucket Truck 343 $ 53. 22 4. 00 212. 88 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8822
Pick Up Truck 1 250 $ 22. 64 8. 00 181. 12 Trash collection equipment FEMA# 8807
Subtotal: $ 1, 984. 21
Joe Farmer 2. 25 90. 97 Picked up message boards and light towers Rate + Overhead
Subtotal: $ 240. 26
Other Departments
City Attorney Office 0. 75 303. 75 City Attorney Office ( Clarke & Allen) Rate + Overhead
City Manager Office 2. 00 405. 00 City Manager Office ( Ken Larking) Rate + Overhead
Subtotal: $ 708. 75
Fire Dept. ATV 35. 00 32. 00 $ 1, 120. 00 Gator provided by Fire Dept. on Sat. & Sun. Per Tim Duffer
Labor 5, 221. 42
Vehicles/ Equipment 6, 409. 73
Materials 90. 82
TOTAL 11, 721. 97 Labor includes Overtime, Travel Time, and 35% Overhead
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Telephone: 434- 432- 7740
Fax: 434- 432- 7746
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Telephone: 434- 432- 7740
Fax: 434- 432- 7746
Sunbelt Rentals Rent of Side- by- Side ( EMS& PCSO) $ 14, 702. 55
09/ 21/ 21 Piedmont Printing& Graphics BRRF Posters- Laminated Maps 257. 00
Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim Van Der Hyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531
Invoice Number: IS1350
Invoice Date: Sep 21, 2021
Page: 1
Voice: 434-429-3787
Fax: 434-792-0237
Subtotal 46,421.60
Sales Tax
Total Invoice Amount 46,421.60
Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied
TOTAL 46,421.60
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
09/ 17/ 21 Sovah Health- Danville Extra Supplies needed for BRRF 959. 90
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 43/ hr. for 108 hours 4, 644. 00
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Cool Branch Engine @$ 75/ hr. for
09/ 08- 15/ 2021 Safety 108 hours 8, 100. 00
Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Cool Branch RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 100
Please make checks payable to Ptttsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim VanDerHyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531
09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools Bus Preparation- 12 Buses @$ 150 per Bus $ 1, 800. 00
09/ 10- 12/ 2021 Pittsylvania County Schools Fuel- 495 Gallons @$ 10 per Gallon $ 4, 950. 00
09/ 13/ 21 Derrick' s Cleaning Service Cleaned 12 School Buses @$ 100 per bus $ 1, 200. 00
Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Schools and mail to Pittsylvania County Schools,
Attn: Tracey Worley, P 0 Box 232, Chatham, VA 24531
Pitt8lrly> Schools
This letter will serve as invoice for expenses payable to Pittsylvania County Schools by the
organizers of the Blue Ridge Rock Festival. Included with this letter are spreadsheets that
itemize the expenses associated with employee compensation and bus rental, prep and fuel. The
following is a summary of these expenses:
Fuel 4, 950. 00
495 gallons @ $ 10 per gallon
Thank you for your assistance in collecting payment for these expenses.
Tracey R Worley
Director of Finance
TELEPHONE NUMBERS: ( 434) 432- 2761 ( 434) 793- 1624( Danville) ( 434) 630- 1817 ( Gretna) FAX ( 434) 432- 9560
2021 Blue Ridge Rock Festival Employee Compensation Record
Pyron, Cecil Lead Mechanic 18 Hrs. On- Call; 5 Hrs. Duty 23 50. 00/ hr. 1, 150. 00
Fraser, Shawn Mechanic 2 Hrs. Road Call 21 50. 00/ hr. 1, 050. 00
Gibson, Thomas Mechanic 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00
Mechanic 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00
Oakes, Billy
1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation; 18 Hrs. On- Call; 1 Hr.
Jones, Jim Specialist 1 Hr. After- Hours Bus Preparation 1 50. 00/ hr. 50. 00
Shelton, Deborah Specialist After- Hours Clerical Support 2 50. 00/ hr. 100. 00
Austin, Barry Steve Shuttle Driver Driving 22. 5 50. 00/ hr. 1, 125. 00
French- Torres, Edward R. E. Shuttle Driver Driving 42 50. 00/ hr. 2, 100. 00
Hall, Robin Shuttle Driver Driving 40. 5 50. 00/ hr. 2, 025. 00
Harper, Tawaiin Shuttle Driver Driving 36. 5 50. 00/ hr. 1, 825. 00
McCain, Henry Lester Shuttle Driver Driving 39 50. 00/ hr. 1, 950. 00
FICA 1, 853. 21
Service Provided: Cleaned 12 school buses inside and windows outside. Wiped down all
inside of buses, got trash, swept inside, mopped inside and fogged with a sanitizing fog.
Date of Service: 9/ 13/ 2021
S 100. 00 per bus)
Total: S1200. 00
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
alminomosoi COUNTY, VIRGINIA
P 0 BOX 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Pittsylvania County Public Rental of Riceville/ Java RTV @$ 35/ hr. for 33
09/ 03- 05/ 2021 Safety hours 1, 155. 00
Please make checks payable to Pittsylvania County Treasurer and mail to Pittsylvania County,
Attn: Kim Van Der Hyde, P 0 Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531
Page 8
K. E. M. S.
Supervisor 54
I14110. 00
P.O. Box 426 • 1 Center Street
Chatham, Virginia 24531
Phone (434) 432-7710
October 7, 2021
Jonathan Slye
Purpose Driven Events
4009 Murray Place
Lynchburg, VA 24501
We received Cara Fischer’s amended Meals Tax report and have adjusted our draw from the
$500,000 cash bond accordingly. Therefore, the remaining available bond amount is
Pittsylvania County will remit the remaining balance of your Bond when it receives payment for
services invoiced September 28, 2021. If we do not receive full payment of $337,592.29 by
October 28, 2021, we will deduct the full amount from the remaining Bond on hand and then
wire the remaining $11,854.20 to the appropriate account as outlined in your September 29th
David M. Smitherman
County Administrator