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Hal HR Manual Book 1a

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Book 1A

(Updated upto 31st March 2015)


Corporate Office
15/1, Cubbon Road, Bengaluru - 560 001

(for Private Circulation Only)

Book – 1A
(Updated upto 31st March 2015)


Corporate Office
15/1, Cubbon Road, B
Bengaluru- 560 001
(for Private Circulation only)


SECTION-A - Promotions in the Workmen Cadre

1 Promotion Schemes 1
2 Time Scale Promotion Scheme (TSP) 1
2.4 Span of Promotion 1
3 Career Plan Scheme (CPS) 3
3.1 Background 3
3.3 Channel / Cadre Structure 3
3.4 Induction Levels 4
3.9 Induction Levels for Specific Qualifications 4
3.15 Promotion / Career Growth 6
3.16 Pay Fixation on up-gradation of the Induction Levels 7
Conditions applicable to both Time Scale Promotion Scheme
4 7
and Career Plan Scheme
Special consideration in respect of employees belonging to
4.9 8
SC/ST category
4.14 Physical Attendance 8
Grant of additional increment to Workmen in Scale-10, Scale-
5 10
9 and Senior Pre-fixed in Scale-6
5.1 Workmen in Scale-10 10
5.2 Workmen in Scale-9 10
5.3 Senior Pre-fixed Workmen in Scale-6 11
6 Promotion of re-mustered Workmen to higher Scales 11
6.4 Dead-End Trades 11
7 Career growth from one Channel to another Channel 11
8 Other Aspects pertaining to modified TSP/CPS w.e.f. 1.3.08 12
8.1 Seniority anomalies 12
Workmen continuing in the Induction Scales (B3, C4 or D5)
8.8.1 as on 1.3.08 and who are to be elevated to the next higher 13
scale (B4, C5 or D6)
Workmen inducted under the Career Plan Scheme in Scales
8.8.2 B3, C4 or D5 on or after 16.4.97 and who have been 14
promoted to higher scales on or before 1.1.08
9 Extension of date of Promotion 15
10 Workmen on whom penalties are imposed 15
Methodology of assessing suitability for promotion under the
11 17
Time Scale Promotion Scheme & Career Plan Scheme
12 Designation Structure 18
13 Re-categorization 18
14 Fixation of pay on Promotion 19
15 Fixation of pay on Reversion and subsequent Promotion 19
16 Relaxation 20
17 Vigilance Clearance 21
18 Removal of Salary disparities – Workmen 22
19 Increments for Workmen 23
SECTION-B - Promotions from Workmen to Executive Cadre
1 Modes of Promotion 25
1.1 By Promotion (NPQ) 25
1.2 Professionally Qualified Scheme (PQ) 25
Professional qualifications for the purpose of promotion in the
1.3 26
Technical disciplines and in the Non-Technical disciplines
General conditions applicable for NPQ / Professionally
1.4 27
Qualified Scheme
1.5 Incorporation of Qualification 30
SECTION-C - Promotions in the Executive Cadre
1 Modes of Promotion 31
2 Effective Date of Promotion 31
3 Span of Service 32
4 Method of Selection 32
5 PAR Criteria 33
6 Vacancy Based promotions - Internal Merit Selections (IMS) 33
6.6 MRC (Management Review Categorization) 34
6.7 Number of Vacancies 34
6.8 Composition of Selection Committees 35
6.9 Assessment Method for effecting Promotions under IMS 35
6.15 Notification of Promotions 37
Vacancy Based Promotions – Departmental Promotion
7 38
Committee (DPC)
7.2 Assessment Method for effecting Promotions under DPC 38
7.3 Notification of Promotions 39
7.4 Processing and effecting promotions 39
7.5 Composition of Selection Committees 39
Written Test for effecting promotions upto & including Grade-
8 40
VI (under the existing system) (for both DPC / IMS)
8.9 Validity of the Written Test Marks 41
9 Career Plan Promotion for officers in Grades-I and III 42
Criteria / conditions applicable for effecting promotions from
9.3 42
Grade-I to II & Grade-III to IV
9.6 Performance (PAR) Criteria 43
9.7 Assessment Method 43
9.8 Composition of Selection Committees 43
9.9 Other conditions 43
10 Effecting Promotion to Posts in Grades – IX & X 45
10.3 Assessment Method 45
10.4 Composition of Selection Committee 45
10.5 Notification of Promotions 46
10.6 Effective date of Promotions 46
10.7 General 46
11 Policy for appointment to the posts of Chief Executives 47
11.1 Pay Scale, Perks and Benefits 47
11.2 Eligibility 47
11.3 Interview 47
11.4 Assessment Method 47
11.5 Qualifying Marks 48
11.6 Composition of Selection Committee 48
11.7 Notification of Appointment 48
11.8 Other Terms & Conditions 48
11.9 Effective date of Appointment 48
12 General conditions for all the Grades for DPC / IMS / CPP 49
Professional qualifications for the purpose of promotion in the
13 Technical disciplines and in the Non-Technical disciplines 49
within the Executive cadre
14 Vigilance clearance
Effect of punishments on Vacancy Based Promotions and
15 56
Career Plan Promotion
Promotion of Officer who is under suspension or against
16 59
whom disciplinary / criminal proceedings are pending
Effect of Leave without Pay (LWP) / extension of probation /
17 61
extension of training / contract period
Promotion of officers who are sponsored / deputed for higher
18 64
studies / training or granted study leave
Officers who could not be considered for promotion due to
19 non - availability of vacancies or not found suitable by the 68
selection committee
20 Supersession of SC / ST employees in Promotion 69
21 General conditions for all promotions (except for CPP) 69
Special Consideration in respect of Employees belonging to
21.1 69
the SC/ST Category
22 Appeals 69
23 Probation and confirmation 70
24 Increments for Officers 71
25 Relaxation 73
Grant of Personal Scales of Pay to Officers in Grade-III to VI
26 not possessing requisite educational qualification for 74
26.2 Procedure 74
27 Removal of salary disparities on pay fixation – Officers 75
28 Designation Structure of Executives 76
29 Seniority 79
29.17 Fixation of seniority of Officers on Deputation 80
Fixation of seniority of Officers / Officers appointed on
29.19 81
contract basis
29.20 Seniority on reversion/ demotion 81
30 Recognition of employees receiving National Awards 82
30.1 Scope 82
30.2 Eligibility 82
30.3 Benefits 82
30.4 Procedure 83
30.5 Effective date 83



An employee will be eligible to be considered for promotion to next Group / Scale on

completion of specified number of years of Service in the existing Group / Scale and
possessing requisite Educational Qualification prescribed for Promotion subject to
fulfilling other prescribed conditions. For the purpose of Promotion, Workmen in the
Company are segregated into two categories w.e.f 15.4.97 as follows:

a) Those who were on the Regular Rolls of the Company as on 15th April 1997, are
covered under Time Scale Promotion (TSP) Scheme;

b) Those who have been appointed / will be appointed as Regular employees on or

after 16th April 1997 are covered under Career Plan Scheme (CPS).


This Scheme is applicable to all Workmen who have been appointed in the regular Pay
Scales of the Company on or before 15.4.97.

BACKGROUND: Prior to 1985, Promotions were based entirely on the availability of

vacancies. Consequently, Career opportunities for Workmen differed widely from Trade
to Trade and from Division to Division. In order to correct the situation and to evolve a
Time Bound Promotion policy, Management had introduced the Time Scale Promotion
Scheme for Workmen in Group-A, B, C, D and E effective from 1st January 1985. The
suitability of Workmen for promotions was determined by Written Test and Interview.
With the introduction of Group-F in the Workmen Cadre, the Time Scale Promotion
Scheme was extended to cover Promotions from Group-E to Group-F with effect from

2.1 With a view to provide further promotional avenues to the existing Workmen, two new
Scales were introduced in the Company i.e. Scale-5 (between Group-B & C) and Scale-
10 (above Group-F) with effect from 15.4.97. With the introduction of Career Plan
Scheme w.e.f. 16.4.97, Vacancy Based Promotions from one Wage Group/Scale to
another Wage Group/Scale is discontinued within the Workmen cadre.

2.2 With effect from 1.1.2000, Promotions in the Workmen Cadre would be effected only
from one date in a year i.e. 1st January. Modifications in the existing Time Scale
Promotion Scheme were made effective from 1.1.01. The Written Test & Interview for
promotions under Time Scale Promotion Scheme has been withdrawn w.e.f 1.1.04 and
Promotions are now effected without referring to vacancies by adopting the
methodology indicated at para 11.

2.3 A Special Scale (SS) equivalent to Grade-I is introduced in the Workmen Cadre above
the present Scale-10 and certain modifications in the Time Scale Promotion Scheme
was made with effect from 1.3.08.

2.4 SPAN OF PROMOTION: Workmen in Scale-2 to Scale-10 [i.e Group-B, C, D, E, F and

Scale-10] will be eligible for Time Scale Promotion to the next higher Group on
completion of specified number of years of service in each Scale of Pay as indicated
below subject to fulfilling other prescribed Terms & Conditions:

Promotion (from Scale to Scale) SSLC or above Below SSLC
2 to 4 8 9
4 to 5 7 7
5 to 6 7 7
Professional Relaxed
Promotion Qualification Diploma educational
from Scale i.e Degree in in Engg. SSLC qualification
to Scale Engg or its / B.Sc* prescribed in
equivalent R&P Rules.
4 to 6
NA 7 8 8 9
(Gp. B to C)

5 to 6# NA 6 6 6 7

6 to 7
5 6 6 7 8
(Gp. C to D)
7 to 8
4 5 6 6 7
(Gp. D to E)
8 to 9
4 4 4 5 6
(Gp. E to F)
9 to 10
4 4 4 6 NA
Scale-10 to
Special 4 4 4 5 NA
Professional BA /
Promotion Qualification B.Sc / PUC /
SSLC qualification
from i.e CA / ICWA B.Com Intermediate
prescribed in
/ MBA etc. etc
R&P Rules.
4 to 6
NA 7 8 8 9
(Gp. B to C)

5 to 6# NA 6 6 6 7

6 to 7
5 6 7 7 8
(Gp. C to D)
7 to 8
4 5 6 6 7
(Gp. D to E)
8 to 9
4 4 5 5 6
(Gp. E to F)
(Gp. F to 4 4 5 6 NA
Scale-10 to
Special 4 4 4 5 NA
* Wherever prescribed for Direct Recruitment prior to 15.4.97.
# Applicable only to re-mustered Workmen in Scale-5. Period reckoned from the date of re-


i. In order to improve the overall Qualification profile of the Company, Workmen in the
Technical disciplines acquiring Degree in Engineering or its equivalent and in Non-
Technical disciplines acquiring 2 years Full Time or 3 years Part Time / Correspondence
Professional qualifications (viz. ICWA, CA, ACS, MBA etc.), in the relevant discipline,
while in service are given one year relaxation in their existing promotion span under
Time Scale Promotion Scheme in all Group / Scales as indicated in the above Table. In
any case, the period of uninterrupted service to be completed (span) for Promotion
from one Group / Scale to another will not be less than 4 years (fast track promotions
for Professionally Qualified Workmen).

ii. To derive the benefits of Professional Qualification for Promotion within the same Group
/ Scale as at (i) above, the Workmen should have acquired the qualification in the
Discipline in which they are working (examples: employees working in the Finance
Department should acquire the qualification in the Finance Discipline; employees
working in the HR Department should acquire qualification in the HR Discipline,
Workmen in Technical areas should acquire Degree in Engineering, etc.).


3.1 BACKGROUND: A new Scheme known as Career Plan Scheme was introduced for the
new comers with effect from 16.4.97. In addition to the existing Wage Groups / Scales
of Pay, four more Pay Scales were introduced in respect of Workmen covered under this
Scheme. The Pay Scales would be known as Scales-1 to 10. The newly introduced
Scales are Scale-1 (before Group-A), Scale-3 (between Group-A and Group-B), Scale-5
(between Group-B and Group-C) and Scale-10 (above Group-F). Modifications in the
existing Career Plan Scheme were made with effect from 1.1.01 and again w.e.f 1.3.08

3.2 This Scheme would be applicable to all Workmen who have been / who would be
appointed in the regular Pay Scales of the Company on or after 16th April 1997.


There are 4 Channels / Cadres in the Workmen Category under this Scheme, known as
Channels A, B, C & D. Workmen are categorized into the respective Channels, based on
the qualification required to be possessed for entry into each Channel as indicated

Channel / Qualifications
Skill Level
Scale of Pay Technical Non-Technical
A/1 No Induction SSLC Un-skilled
B/4 ITI PUC / Inter * Semi-skilled
C/5 BA/ B.Sc / B.Com* $ Skilled
Diploma in Engg /
D/6 MA/M.Sc/M.Com * Highly skilled

* With relevant certificates of Proficiency in Typing, Stenography, PC Operations etc
(Minimum of 3 months duration), as the case may be. In respect of candidates
possessing the Qualification of Degree in Computer Science or Degree in Computer
Application, the certificate of proficiency in PC Operations need not be insisted upon.
$ would mean Bachelors Degree in Arts / Science / Commerce / Administration /
Management / Computer Applications (like BA/BSc/BCom/BCA/BBA/BBM).
~ In Trades wherever BSc / MSc is presently prescribed for Direct Recruitment


The Scales of pay to which appointments were made with effect from 16.4.97 to
28.2.08, Channel-wise are as follows:

Channel Pay Scales to which appointments are made / to be made

From 16.4.97 to 28.2.08 w.e.f 1.3.08
A A1 A1
B B3 B4
C C4 C5
D D5 D6

Note: No appointments would be made in lower or higher Scales of Pay, in any


3.5 Consequent to the upgradation of the Induction levels in Channels B, C & D w.e.f.
1.3.2008, Service Weightage equivalent to 75% of the service put in the Scale in which
the employee has been inducted (including the training period), subject to a maximum
of 3 years, in units of completed years, has been granted to Workmen inducted under
the Career Plan Scheme in Scales D5, C4 & B3 on or after 16.4.97 and who have been
promoted to higher Scales on or before 1.1.08, for their next promotion(s), in order
to eliminate seniority anomalies.

3.6 Workmen inducted in Scales-D5, C4 & B3 and continuing in these Scales as on 1.3.08
were elevated to Scales-D6, C5 & B4 respectively, w.e.f. 1.3.08. Further, they were
granted Service Weightage @ 50% of the service put in the Scale in which they are
inducted (including the training period), for the next Promotion. This Weightage has
been considered in units of completed years and months.

3.7 Workmen appointed in Scales-D5, C4 & B3 after 1.3.08 were re-fitted in Scales-D6, C5
& B4 respectively, depending on the qualifications possessed by them.

3.8 Workmen, if any, who were appointed under the Career Plan Scheme in the past in a
Scale of Pay higher than the one in which they would normally have been appointed as
per the qualifications possessed by them will not be eligible for grant of Service
Weightage or elevation to the next Scale of Pay.


Induction levels for posts in the Trades of Pharmacist, Nursing Staff and Clerical Cadre,
in respect of candidates possessing specific qualifications, will be as follows:

Channel and
Designation Qualification possessed Scale of
PUC/Inter + Diploma in Pharmacy
(D. Pharma) (2 years) C5
PUC/Inter + Bachelors Degree in Pharmacy
(B. Pharma) D6

PUC/Inter + Diploma in General Nursing C5

Nursing Staff
PUC/Inter + Bachelors Degree in Nursing D6
SSLC + Diploma in Commercial and
Computer Practice/ Diploma in Commercial
Practice/ Diploma in Secretarial Practice +
one year Apprenticeship. *
Clerical Staff University Degree + Diploma in Commercial
and Computer Practice/ Diploma in
Commercial Practice/ Diploma in Secretarial D6

* The Diploma in Commercial and Computer Practice/ Diploma in Commercial

Practice/Diploma in Secretarial Practice should be acquired from the State
Board of Technical Education

3.10 In certain Technical Trades like Tool & Die Maker, Millwright etc, the ITI course is of 3
years duration, as against 2 years in generic Trades like Fitter, Miller, Turner etc.
Personnel in such Trades have to learn about Trades like Fitter, Turner and Machinist
etc. also. As such, such personnel could be considered as possessing qualification on
par with Diploma in Engineering.

3.11 Considering the aspects at para-3.10, personnel possessing such qualifications will be
inducted in the next Scale, compared to the Scale in which normal ITI or NAC/NCTVT
qualified candidates are inducted.

3.12 Accordingly, personnel in Trades where the ITI Course is of 3 years duration (like Tool &
Die Maker) will be inducted in Scales & Channels as indicated below:

Qualification possessed Channel & Scale of induction

ITI Course of 3 years duration B5 (as against B4 for normal ITIs)

NAC Course of 4 years duration OR ITI C6

(3 yrs) + NCTVT (as against C5 for normal NACs/NCTVTs)

3.13 Policy provides for induction of Ex-Servicemen who are having relevant experience in
the Discipline / Trades in which requirements arise. Based on the qualification(s)
possessed, they are either appointed in higher Scales of Pay (compared to the induction
levels prescribed under the Career Plan Scheme) and / or are granted Advance
Increment(s), depending on the years of service put in the Armed Forces. In other
words, experienced Ex-Servicemen will continue to be appointed at higher levels,
compared to fresh candidates.

3.14 Appropriate Service Weightage, in line with the provisions of paras-3.5 & 3.6 was
granted to such Ex-Servicemen also.


Workmen in each Channel would be eligible for Promotion to higher Scales of pay within
the same Channel, provided they have completed un-interrupted service in their
respective existing Scales of pay as indicated below, on the specified dates, subject to
fulfilling all other specified conditions:

Promotion Period of un-interrupted

service to be completed
From Scale To Scale in the lower scale (in
1 2 6

2 3 6
(SSLC – Non Technical 3 4 6
4 5 7

5 6 7

4 5 5
5 6 6
Technical Trades
(ITI) 6 7 6

Non-Technical Trades 7 8 6
(PUC/Intermediate +
8 9 6
Professional Certificates in
Typing, Stenography, PC 9 10 6
operations etc.,)
10 5
C 5 6 5
Technical Trades
(NAC/NCTVT) 6 7 6

7 8 6
Non-Technical Trades
(Degree of a recognized 8 9 6
University + Professional
Certificates in Typing, 9 10 5
Stenography, PC Special
operations etc.,) 10 4
D 6 7 5 (4*)
Technical Trades
(Diploma in Engineering) 7 8 5 (4*)

Non-Technical Trades
8 9 5 (4*)
(PG Degree of a
recognized University +
Professional Certificates in 9 10 4
Typing, Stenography, PC
operations etc.,) 10 4

* No. of years indicated in the bracket in Channel-D above would be applicable in respect of
Professional Qualification in the concerned Discipline.


i. In order to improve the overall qualification profile of the Company, Workmen in the
Technical disciplines acquiring Degree in Engineering or its equivalent and in Non-
Technical disciplines acquiring 2 years full time or 3 years part time / correspondence
Professional qualifications (viz. ICWA, CA, ACS, MBA etc.), in the relevant discipline,
while in service are given one year relaxation in their existing promotion span under
Career Plan Scheme in all Scales as indicated in the above Table. In any case, the
period of uninterrupted service to be completed (span) for Promotion from one Scale to
another will not be less than 4 years.

ii. To derive the benefits of Professional Qualification for promotion within the same
channel as at (i) above, the Workmen should have acquired the qualification in the
Discipline in which they are working (examples: employees working in the Finance
Department should acquire the qualification in the Finance Discipline; employees
working in the HR Department should acquire qualification in the HR Discipline,
Workmen in technical areas should acquire Degree in Engineering, etc.).


On elevation to the next higher Scale on account of upgradation of the induction levels,
the Basic Pay will be fixed by applying the normal Rules for fixation of Pay on Promotion
or at the applicable minimum Basic Pay in the elevated Scale, whichever is higher.



4.1. All promotions in Workmen Cadre under TSP / CPS would be effected only from one
date in a year, i.e. 1st January.

4.2. Employees in Special Scale will continue to perform the duties of Workmen and will be
eligible for various Allowances / facilities, like Officers in Grade-I;

4.3. Workmen in Special Scale would continue to be eligible for the Service Weightage Pay
as was being drawn in Scale-10.

4.4. Diploma Holders in Engineering or its equivalent in the Technical Trades and BA / B.Sc
/ B.Com Degree Holders or its equivalent in the Non-Technical Trades will be eligible
for Promotion from Scale-10 to Grade-I (Officers’ cadre) as at present. Such
employees who are not promoted to Grade-I will be elevated to the Special Scale, on
completion of the specified span of service in Scale-10.

4.5. Employees elevated to the Special Scale and possessing the qualifications
prescribed for Promotion to Grade-I, will be eligible for movement to Grade-I parallely,
against vacancies notified for Promotion from Scale-10 to Grade-I, along with Workmen
in Scale-10. Inter-se-seniority in Scale-10 will be reckoned for deciding the eligibility for
the parallel movement to Grade-I. There will not be any change in the Basic Pay on
such parallel movement to Grade-I.

4.6. Employees who have atleast one month of service left behind for superannuation would
be eligible for promotion under the Time Scale Promotion and Career Plan Scheme.

4.7 While effecting promotions, in cases, where the first of the month happens to be a
Sunday or Company declared Holiday, the seniority will be reckoned notionally from the
first of the month though it is a Sunday/declared Holiday for the Divisions / Offices.
However, the Financial benefits will accrue only from the next working day following the
holidays or from the actual date of assumption of charge in the higher Scale of Pay.

4.8 Workmen who are re-mustered or are re-categorized from Technical Trades to Non-
Technical Trades or vice-versa will be eligible for Time Scale Promotion / Career Plan
Scheme, taking into account their original date of Appointment / Promotion to the
Group and the Qualification relevant to the re-mustered / re-categorized Trade, subject
to fulfilling other stipulated conditions for effecting Promotions in respect of re-
mustered / re-categorized Workmen.



The Rules on reservation of posts for SC/STs are not applicable for effecting promotion
from one Scale to the next under the TSP / Career Plan Schemes, as the promotions
are Time Bound. However, in case the Govt. of India issues directions to the effect that
reservation of posts is to be made in TSP & Career Plan Schemes or to the effect that
reduced time span be prescribed for these promotions in respect of SC/ST employees
compared to employees in the General category, the same will be implemented in the
Company also.

4.10 Promotion under the scheme will be without reference to vacancies and Workmen
promoted will be given the Designation of higher Group / Scale and will not be adjusted
against regular vacancies in the higher Group / Scale. Workmen who are promoted
under the TSP Scheme / Career Plan Scheme will continue to perform the duties they
were performing in the lower Group / Scale prior to their Promotion.

4.11 Time Scale Promotion / Career Plan Scheme Promotion will not leave / result in
vacancies in the lower Wage Group / Scale as those promoted are held supernumerary
in the promoted Group / Scale.

4.12 Qualifying period of service should be the number of years preceding the due date for
Time Scale Promotion / Career Plan Scheme.

4.13 In case of Regulation of Time Scale Promotion for demoted employees, period of
qualifying service in the existing group shall include the services rendered prior to


4.14.1 The requirement of average Physical Attendance during the preceding 2 years to
become eligible for Promotion / Additional Increments(s) under the Time Scale
Promotion and Career Plan Scheme will be 210 days and should not have been on
Leave Without Pay (LWP) during that period as enumerated below:

a) The following types of absence would be reckoned for the purpose of consideration of
Physical attendance of 210 days:

i. Special Leave for participating in Sports activities sponsored by the Company;

ii. Deputation by the Company for Training courses, Seminars, Meetings etc.;

iii. Special leave for family welfare operation to the extent admissible under the

iv. Maternity Leave as admissible under the Maternity Benefit Act or the ESI Scheme
for the first 3 deliveries;

v. Paternity Leave as per Rules;

vi. Leave on account of employment injury;

vii. If a Workmen attends duty for half a day and avails half a day’s Casual Leave for
the other half on that day, such Workmen should be treated as having been
present for full day for this purpose;

viii. Special Casual Leave granted to Workmen on account of curfew / civil

disturbance may be treated as Physical attendance provided Workmen had
attended the duty both on the preceding day and following day of the Special
Casual Leave;

ix. Additional paid holidays granted by the Company may also be treated as
physical attendance provided the Workmen had attended duty both on the
preceding and the following day of the holiday;

x. Period of absence on account of hospitalization due to accident or sickness

including the period of rest and or treatment at home following the
hospitalization as advised and certified by authorized Medical Officer of HAL;

The above certification from the authorized Medical Officer of Government could
be considered on the following cases only:

a) For Workmen posted at places where there is no HAL Hospital;

b) When a Workman is out of Headquarters on Tour or Leave;

While on this, certification from the authorized Medical Officers of Referral

Hospitals could be considered for all referred cases by HAL’s authorized Medical

Employees who apply for LWP on Medical Grounds need to enclose required
supporting documents along with the Leave Application. Further, the application
should be submitted at the earliest opportunity. In this regard, employees need
to submit applications for availing / regularizing already availed LWP on medical
grounds, within a maximum period of 1 month from the date of joining back for

b) In case of average LWP (per annum) above nineteen days and upto thirty eight days,
promotion / grant of additional increment(s) will get deferred by six months and
beyond that period by one year. For being eligible for said promotion / grant of
additional increment there should be no LWP during the extended period otherwise the
promotion gets further shifted by six months and so on.

4.14.2 Once the promotion is deferred on account of not meeting the condition of average 210
days of Physical attendance (on account of LWP) during the preceding two years, the
promotion can be effected in subsequent year, provided there was no LWP during the

extended period, without further checking whether the employee fulfills the condition of
average 210 days of Physical attendance during the preceding two years with reference
to revised date of reckoning.

4.15. Since the assessment of the employees for promotion under Time Scale Promotion
Scheme and Career Plan Scheme are determined based on Average Performance Index
and Committee Evaluation, the Promotion of Workmen will be notified individually and
their promotion will be made effective only on their assuming charge of the higher
Group / Scale in writing.




5.1.1 Workmen having the Qualification of SSLC / equivalent & above with unblemished
service in Scale-10 will be granted one Additional increment on completion of eligibility
period of 4 years of uninterrupted service in Scale-10. On the introduction of the
Special Scale, the system of granting the 2nd Additional Increment to Workmen in
Scale-10 on completion of 8 years of un-interrupted service in Scale-10 is discontinued.

5.1.2 The rate of Additional increment will be at the rate of increment due to the concerned
employee and this additional increment will be reckoned as Basic Pay for all purposes.

5.1.3 The following conditions need to be fulfilled by the Workmen in Scale-10 with
qualification of SSLC & above for getting the Additional Increment:

a) The Workmen should have met the Average Physical Attendance criterion as
enumerated at para 4.14;

b) If any Workmen has been awarded minor or major punishment during the reckoning
period then the grant of increment will be postponed by six months and one year for
each minor and major punishment respectively.


5.2.1 Workmen in Scale-9 with less than SSLC Qualification and with unblemished service in
Scale-9 will be granted 2 Additional increments, the first Additional Increment on
completion of 6 years of un-blemished & un-interrupted service in Scale-9 and the
second Additional Increment on completion of 11 years of un-blemished & un-
interrupted service in Scale-9.

5.2.2 The rate of Additional increment will be at the rate of increment due to the concerned
employee and this additional increment will be reckoned as Basic Pay for all purposes.

5.2.3 The following conditions need to be fulfilled by the Workmen in Scale-9 with less than
SSLC qualification for getting the Additional Increment:

a) The Workmen should have met the Average Physical Attendance criterion as
enumerated at para 4.14;

b) If any Workmen has been awarded minor or major punishment during the reckoning
period then the grant of increment will be postponed by six months and one year for
each minor and major punishment respectively.


5.3.1 Senior pre-fixed Workmen in Scale-6 will be granted one Additional Increment, on
completion of 5 years of un-blemished & uninterrupted service in Scale-6.

5.3.2 The Terms and Conditions for grant of additional increments to Workmen in Scale-9
with less than SSLC qualification (who are not eligible for promotion to Scale-10) will be
applicable for the grant of additional increment to Workmen in Scale-6.


6.1 The Scheme for re-mustering of Unskilled Workmen in Semi-skilled Trades in the same
Scale was discontinued from the year 2003 / 2004.

6.2 Workmen who are re-mustered from Un-skilled Trade to Semi-skilled Trades, in Scale-
4/5 will be eligible for promotion to Scale-6, on completion of un-interrupted service in
Scale - 4/5 from the date of re-mustering, as provided in the Rules.

6.3 50% of the service put in by Workmen who are re-mustered from Un-Skilled Trades to
Semi-Skilled Trades and who are continuing in the same Scale, in the Un-Skilled Trade
in the re-mustered Scale, in units of completed years, will be reckoned as Service
Weightage for the purpose of their TSP to the next Scale. In respect of Workmen who
have already been promoted to higher Scale(s) from the re-mustered Scale, the period
of Service Weightage so arrived at will be reckoned for the purpose of their subsequent

6.3.1 Service Weightage for their next promotion will be arrived at with reference to the total
service in the Un-skilled Trades in Scale-4 & 5 put together. The Service weightage
would be 50% of the Total service in the Un-skilled Trades in Scales-4 & 5 put together,
in units of completed years.

6.3.2 In order to avoid the occurrence of anomalous situation, if a junior Un-skilled Workman
in Scale-5 in the Division/Office is promoted to Scale-6 under the TSP Scheme, Senior
Workmen in Scale-5 in the Division/Office who have been re-mustered to Semi-skilled
Trades in Scale-5 could be granted TSP to Scale-6 w.e.f. the date on which the junior
Unskilled Workman has been promoted to Scale-6, irrespective of the number of years
of service completed by the Senior Workman in the re-mustered Trade in Scale-5.


The Workmen in the dead-end Trades are also eligible for promotion to the next higher
Group. On promotion they will continue to have the designation of the respective dead-
end Trade in the higher Group also indicating the Group to which the employee belongs
within brackets Eg: Chief Cook (Group-C) on promotion to Group-D will be designated
as Chief Cook (Group-D). The prescribed qualification and designation for posts in
various dead end Trades are indicated at Annexure-I


7.1 Workmen would be eligible for movement from one Channel to another Channel i.e
Channel B to C, Channel C to D on acquiring higher qualification while in service in the
discipline prescribed for entry into the next Channel, relevant to Divisional requirement
without any linkage to vacancies. The following criteria need to be fulfilled for such
movement to next higher Channel:

i. Workmen should possess qualifications prescribed for entry into the concerned higher

ii. Movement from one Channel to next would be in the same Scale of Pay only (eg: B5 to
C5, C6 to D6 etc.);

iii. The Management will be free to decide the posting of such employees on their elevation
to the higher Channel;

iv. Criteria for movement from one Channel to the next would be merit. Suitability of
Workmen would be assessed by the duly constituted Selection Committee based on
Test & Interview and past performances as reflected in the Confidential Reports for the
last 3 years;

v. The Workmen should have met the Average Physical Attendance criterion as
enumerated at para 4.14.

vi. If any Workmen has been imposed with minor or major punishment during the
reckoning period, his movement from one Channel to another in the same Scale of Pay
gets postponed by six months and one year for each minor and major punishment

vii. When Workmen move from one channel to another in the same scale of pay (eg: B5 to
C5, B6 to C6, C6 to D6) there would not be any change in the pay drawn.



Consequent to the up-gradation of the induction levels under the Career Plan Scheme
as at Para 3.4 and grant of Service Weightage as at Paras-3.5/3.6/3.14, seniority
anomalies may arise between Workmen possessing qualification of NAC / NCTVT
inducted in Scale 4 under the Time Scale Promotion (TSP) Scheme on or before 15th
April 1997 and Workmen possessing the same qualification inducted after 15th April
1997 in Channel C under the Career Plan Scheme (CPS). No seniority anomalies are
expected in respect of employees possessing other qualifications.

8.2 The total span for reaching Scale 10 under the TSP Scheme in respect of Workmen
possessing NAC / NCTVT qualification inducted in Scale 4, with the span for promotion
as indicated at Para-2.4, will be 28 years. The total span for reaching Scale 10 under the
CPS, after upgradation of the induction levels as at Para-3.15 in respect of Workmen
with NAC/NCTVT qualification, would also be 28 years. In respect of Workmen with NAC
/ NCTVT qualification inducted under the CPS in Scale 4 who have already been
promoted to a higher Scale, the total span for reaching Scale 10, with the benefit of 3
years Service Weightage as at Para-3.5 would be 30 years.

8.3 The procedure as at Paras-8.4 to 8.7 will be followed for settling seniority anomalies, if
any, which may arise between Workmen referred at Para-8.2 inducted under the TSP
Scheme on or before 15th April 1997 and those inducted under the CPS after 15.4.97
who have got the benefit of Service Weightage

8.4 As indicated at Para-8.2, the total span required in respect of a Workman with
NAC/NCTVT qualification under the TSP Scheme, to reach Scale 10, from Scale 4, would
be 28 years vis-à-vis 30 years required by a Workman possessing the same
qualification inducted in Scale 4 under the CPS who will derive the benefit of 3 years
Service Weightage. Considering this aspect, no changes would be made in respect of
the employees under the TSP Scheme. In other words, the case will not be considered
as a seniority anomaly;

8.5 Alternatively, in case a Workman under the CPS who is eligible for Service Weightage
becomes eligible for promotion to the next higher Scale earlier to a senior Workman
under the TSP Scheme, the senior Workman under the TSP Scheme will also be eligible
for promotion to the next higher Scale, on the same date as the Workman under the
CPS. In this case, further promotions of the Senior Workman who is presently under the
TSP Scheme, will be under the CPS only.

8.6 Concerned senior Workmen under the TSP Scheme would have to choose between the
options at paras-8.4 or 8.5.

8.7 Comparison as at para-8.5 would be made within the same Division / Office only.

8.8 The following guidelines are to be followed in respect of employees who have availed
Leave Without Pay / whose training period was extended / whose probation period was
extended / who have been imposed with punishment etc., and who are to be
considered for elevation to the next higher Scale of Pay / Grant of Service Weightage
for their next promotion:


OR D6)


a. In order to become eligible for elevation to the next higher Scale w.e.f 1.3.08,
Workmen should meet the requirement of average Physical Attendance of 210 days
during the preceding 2 years and should not have been on leave without pay during
that period like in the case of Time Scale Promotions as provided at Para 4.14.1. In
respect of employees who have not completed 2 years regular service as on 1.3.08, the
requirement of average Physical Attendance will be decided on a pro-rata basis;

b. Further, like in the case of Time Scale Promotions as provided at para 4.14.1, in cases
of average LWP (per annum) above 19 days and upto 38 days, the elevation will be
deferred by 6 months. In cases of LWP above 38 days, the elevation will be deferred
by one year. For being eligible for the elevation, there should be no LWP during the
extended period of 6 months / 1 year. Otherwise, the elevation will be further extended
by 6 months and so on.

c. In order to become eligible for the elevation, no punishments should also have been
imposed on the Workmen during the preceding 2 years. In case where punishments
are imposed, the elevation will get shifted by six months for each minor punishment
and by one year for each major punishment.

d. Deferment as at (b) & (c) above, if any, will be cumulative.


a. Workmen whose training period before absorption was extended upto 6 months on
account of unsatisfactory performance, or whose probation period in the induction Scale
was extended upto a maximum of 6 months, or who were on LWP (average per annum)
between 19 – 38 days; or who were imposed with a minor punishment, will be eligible
for Service Weightage of only 25% (as against 50% in normal cases) of the service put
in the Scale in which they are inducted (including the training period), in units of
completed years, limited to a maximum of 2 years;

b. In case of an employee falls into more than one category as indicated at para (a) or has
been imposed with 2 or more Minor punishments, no Service Weightage will be

c. Employees whose training period before absorption as regular employees was extended
beyond 6 months on account of unsatisfactory performance; or whose probation period
in the induction scale was extended beyond 6 months; or who were on LWP beyond 38
days (average per annum); or who were imposed with Major Punishments; will also not
be eligible for any Service Weightage;

d. The period of Service Weightage will be determined with reference to the service put in
by the employee from the date of induction as a Trainee to 1.3.08 only.


a. The normal conditions of meeting the requirement of average Physical attendance

during the preceding 2 years and that no punishments should have been imposed
during the eligibility period, would be applicable for their promotion to the next higher
Scale. In respect of employees who were on LWP above 19 days (average Physical
Attendance) or who were imposed with punishments, promotions would be deferred as
provided in the Rules;

b. Employees whose training period before absorption was extended upto 6 months on
account of unsatisfactory performance; or whose probation period in the induction scale
was extended upto a maximum of 6 months; or who were on LWP (average per annum)
between 19 – 38 days in the induction Scale; or who were imposed with a minor
punishment while in the induction scale, will be eligible for Service Weightage of only
37.5% (as against 75% in normal cases) of the service put in the Scale in which they
are inducted (including the training period) in units of completed years, limited to a
maximum of 3 years;

c. In case of employee falls into more than one category as indicated at para (a) or has
been imposed with 2 or more minor punishments, no Service Weightage will be

d. Workmen whose training period before absorption as regular employees was extended
beyond 6 months on account of unsatisfactory performance; or whose probation period
in the induction Scale was extended beyond 6 months; or who were on LWP (average
per annum) beyond 38 days during the service in the induction Scale; or who were
imposed with major punishments during the service in the induction scale, will not be
eligible for any Service Weightage for their promotion to the next Scale;


9.1 In cases where the prescribed training / contract period is extended on account of
unsatisfactory performance / non-completion of training satisfactorily, the service
eligibility for promotion to the next higher Scale will be increased by the period by
which the training / contract period is extended in units of minimum 6 months or 1
year, as the case may be as given below:

Scale of Normal service eligibility Service eligibility for promotion to the next
Induction for promotion to the next higher Scale when the training / contract period
higher scale under the is Extended
Career Plan Scheme Extension upto 6 Extension between 6
Months months & 1 year
Scale 4 5 years 5 ½ years* 6 years
Scale 5 5 years 5 ½ years* 6 years
Scale 6 5 years 5 ½ years* 6 years

9.2 The eligibility for promotion to the next Scale, in cases where the probation period is
extended due to unsatisfactory performance in the Scale in which they are initially
appointed, will be deferred as indicated below:

Extension of probation period Extension of Service eligibility for promotion

Upto 6 months 6 months#

6 months to 1 year 1 year
More than 1 year 2 Years

*, # As promotions are effected only from 1st January of the year, the promotion will be
effected 1st January of the year; with financial benefits of the higher scale only from the
date from which the employee completes the specified period of postponement.


i) Time Scale Promotion / Promotion under the Career Plan Scheme in respect of
Workmen on whom punishments are imposed and / or who commit acts of misconduct
during the qualifying period of service and on whom punishment is imposed subsequent
to the date on which the Promotion was normally due will be deferred to the extent
indicated below:

Punishment Deferment
(a) Fine;
(b) Suspension not exceeding four days;
Six months
(c) Postponement of Increment without
cumulative effect.
(a) Postponement of Increment with
cumulative effect;
(b) Suspension for more than four days;
One year
(c) Reduction to a lower stage in the Time
Scale of pay; and
(d) Demotion


(a) The deferment indicated above would be for each punishment imposed. If more
than one punishment is imposed, the period of deferment would be cumulative,
with respect to the number of punishments imposed;

(b) Deferment of promotion will be one year or six months from the date it is
normally due.

ii) The concept of currency of punishment is not applicable to these promotions.

iii) Workmen who are demoted to lower Group / Scale as a measure of punishment will be
eligible for Time Scale Promotion and Career Plan Scheme from the Group / Scale to
which they were demoted to the next higher Group / Scale only after they complete the
qualifying service in the lower Group / Scale (including the service put in the higher
Group / Scale before demotion) plus one additional year on account of punishment of

iv) Employees who are reinstated in service with full back Wages and deemed as having
continued in service, will also be eligible for promotion under TSP Scheme subject to
their fulfilling other conditions.

v) Workmen who is reverted during probation period can be considered for TSP subject to
his satisfying the other conditions stipulated in the scheme only after he has completed
one year of service from the date of reversion to the lower group.

vi) Promotion of Workmen who is suspended pending enquiry or against whom disciplinary
proceedings are in progress or against whom CBI enquiry is pending will not be effected
till conclusion of such proceedings. If they are found guilty of the charges, the
promotion which is withheld will be deferred to the extent indicated above. However, if
the Workman is exonerated of the charges, the effective date of promotion would be
the date on which they normally would have been promoted with ante-dated seniority
and financial benefit, subject to their fulfilling the other conditions prescribed for


11.1 There would not be any Trade / Written Test and / or Interview for Promotion from one
Group / Scale to the next. Suitability for such promotions would be assessed by an
Assessment Method which would consist of ‘Average Performance Index’ and
‘Committee Evaluation’ and Marks would be awarded as follows:

Maximum Marks
Average Performance Index (API) : 70
Committee Evaluation : 30
Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of Overall CR Gradations or PAR Marks for preceding 3 years X 70

100 (Highest possible CR Gradations or PAR Marks) X 3

For this purpose, conversion of CR Gradations to be reckoned for the concerned years
would be quantified as indicated below:

Overall Gradation Equivalent Marks

Outstanding 100
Very Good 80
Good 60
Fair 40
Poor 20

11.2 Minimum qualifying marks to become eligible for promotion would be 45% each in API
and Committee Evaluation as well as in aggregate. In respect of Workmen belonging to
SC/ST Category, qualifying Marks will be 10% less.

11.3 For the purpose of Evaluation, the Committee will consider factors such as Job
Knowledge, Skills possessed, Efficiency, Discipline, Achievements, Specialized exposure
etc. Pay on promotion will be fixed in accordance with the normal Rules.

11.4 Workmen who have not been found suitable by the duly constituted Selection
Committee for promotion w.e.f. 1st January of a year will be eligible for consideration
for promotion w.e.f. 1st January of the next year.

11.5 Workmen promoted will be on probation for a period of Six Months.

11.6 The Marking system to be followed by the Committee is at Annexure-II.

11.7 With the approval of ED / GM, the Assessment Committee for promotion under TSP / CPS
consisting of the following Officers will be constituted:


Head of the Department (not below Grade-II) Chairman

Three / Four Members including SC/ST
representative (wherever applicable)
Officer from HR Dept. Member / Secretary

The Designation Structure of Workmen is at Annexure-III.


13.1 An employee who wishes to be re-categorized into a different Trade in the same group,
may be permitted to do so, provided:

i) There is a vacancy in the Trade to which re-categorization is sought;

ii) The employee so requesting for the re-categorization has the requisite
educational qualification and experience for the new Trade; and

iii) He passes the prescribed Trade / Written Test and Interview.

13.2 Conversion / re-categorization of Direct Workmen as Indirect Workmen or assigned to

do indirect Jobs is not permitted now. However, the following was permitted as one
time measure:

13.2.1 Direct Workmen who had been assigned to work in Indirect Departments to do Indirect
Jobs before 11.11.11, due to medical reasons / organizational requirements, can be
considered for re-categorization as Indirect Workmen, as a one time measure. This re-
categorization will be done only when vacancies in Indirect category exists / arise based
on Overall Sanctioned Strength (OSS) of the Division;

13.2.2 Conversion / re-categorization will not be done in respect of assignments / changes

made after 11.11.11, except in specific Medical cases, where it is permitted;

13.2.3 Conversion as at paras 13.2.1 & 13.2.2 will be done only on fulfilling the following

i) No conversion as at paras 13.2.1 & 13.2.2 will be done till equal number of Direct
Workmen (DL) are recruited against converted Indirect Workmen (IDL) vacancies;

ii) Re-categorization could be considered only after clear need is established in the
respective areas. Further, it would strictly be in accordance with Organizational

iii) Only such cases where a Direct Workman is not able to discharge his/her duties on
account of physical / medical disability would be considered;

iv) The Workman has been transferred by Management to Indirect Technical category and
there is a documentary evidence for the same;

v) Other than the cases mentioned at (iii) & (iv) above, all other Direct Workmen should
have rendered at least 15 years of service in the Direct area before being considered for

vi) To become eligible for re-categorization, no punishment should have been imposed
during his / her service and no disciplinary case should be pending / contemplated
against him / her;

vii) Direct Workmen who have been assigned to work in Indirect Non-Technical
Departments will not be considered for re-categorization, except in Medical cases;

viii) Direct Workmen who are / were representatives of various Bi-partite forums viz Plant
Level Committee, Shop Level Committee, Works Committee, Sports Club, Welfare Fund
Management Committee, Canteen Committee, House Allotment Committee, Death
Relief Fund Committee, EC Members of the Union, etc will not be considered for re-


The pay of an employee promoted from a lower post to a higher post will be fixed in the
Scale of Pay of the higher post:

a) At the minimum; or

b) One notional increment @ 3% of the basic Pay in the pre-promoted Scale will be
added to the Basic Pay drawn in the pre-promoted Scale as on the date of
promotion. The resultant amount will be rounded up to the next multiple of Rs.10/-
and it will be the Basic Pay in the promoted scale. In case amount so arrived at is
less than the minimum of the promoted scale, the pay will be fixed at the minimum
of the promoted scale.


15.1 The pay of such an employee directly recruited to the higher Grade / Group shall, on
demotion, be fixed in the lower Group as if he was appointed to the lower Group with
effect from the date of their original appointment to the higher Grade / Group. In the
case of an employee who had been promoted / appointed from the lower Grade / Group
to which he has been demoted subsequently, the pay shall be fixed as if they had
continued in the lower Grade / Group during the period of their appointment in the
higher Grade / Group.

15.2 If such a demoted employee is subsequently promoted / appointed to the Grade /

Group from which he was demoted, his pay shall be fixed at the same stage of the scale
of pay at which he was drawing his pay prior to reversion or as per the rules regarding
fixation of pay on promotion by taking the actual pay drawn in the lower Grade / Group
at the time of his promotion / appointment into account whichever is more beneficial to
the employee.


The Managing Directors, Executive Directors and General Managers will have the
powers to make appointments to posts in relaxation of the minimum standard
prescribed to the extent indicated below:-

Relaxation Posts for which

Educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment Grade-I & below
may be relaxed to the standards indicated in the rules for
promotion to the post in question, provided the individual
has the corresponding length of experience.

Prescribed period of experience may be relaxed by not

more than two years for effecting promotion
Minimum experience prescribed may be relaxed up to two Grade-III & below
years, subject to the condition that no one without
experience is appointed except in posts for which
recruitment of individuals without experience is authorized
under the rules.
Upper age limit prescribed in the rules may be relaxed up Grade-III & below
to two years.

These powers will be exercised by the Executive Directors/General Managers only if

candidates with the qualifications and experience prescribed in the rules are not
available, and ED/GMs are satisfied that the relaxations will not adversely affect

The Managing Directors are authorized to make relaxations in Age, Educational

Qualifications and Experience, to the extent necessary, for appointment to post below
Grade-IV, whether the appointment is to be made by Direct Recruitment or by


i. Cases of individuals appointed to posts below Grade – IV by Direct Recruitment

or by Promotion in relaxation of the prescribed standards are to be reported to
the Chairman every month indicating precisely:

a) The relaxation granted;

b) The reasons for doing so;
c) Whether the relaxation was approved by the GM / ED / MD

Appointments made by ED / GM in relaxation of the rules should likewise be

reported to the concerned MD.

ii. These powers to relax the minimum standards of educational qualification and /
or experience are not applicable in case of promotions under the Time Scale
Promotion scheme;

iii. Relaxation of qualification for Promotion in the Company is to be granted only

once in the career of an employee at the level of whole time Directors (MD/FD)
for posts upto Gr.III. Only exceptional cases deserving relaxation of qualification
for the second time are to be referred to Corporate Office for obtaining specific
approval of Chairman.


17.1 There should not be any Disciplinary case pending / Contemplated against the Workmen
who are being considered for promotion. Vigilance Clearance needs to be obtained in
respect of the Workmen who are being considered for promotion;

17.2 The practice of obtaining Vigilance Clearance in respect of Selection Committee

Members for Vacancy Based and Time Bound promotions in respect of Workmen is

17.3 HR Dept. should ensure that (Members) being nominated as Selection Committee
Members for promotion (Vacancy Based & Time Bound) in respect of Workmen have not
been issued any Advisory / Punishment in Recruitment / Promotion cases during the
preceding three years, reckoning the date of the Selection Committee Meeting;

17.4 Officers as at 17.3 above will not be nominated as Selection Committee Members;

17.5 Divisions / Offices will put a system in place to ensure compliance of the provisions at
paras 17.3 & 17.4 above;


18.1 Adjustment of pay of a Senior employee if a Junior employee in the lower Group
promoted subsequently receives higher pay than that of the Senior.

18.2 The disparity in pay between the Junior and the Senior employee should have been the
direct result of application of the normal rules regarding fixation of pay on Promotion;

18.3 Both the Senior and the Junior employee should belong to the same Wage Group in the
same Division / Office.

18.4 On the date of Promotion of the Senior employee from the lower Group, they should
have been receiving equal or higher pay as compared to that of the Junior employee,
who was promoted subsequently.

18.5 The subsequent date of increment of the Senior employee would be reckoned with
effect from the date on which his pay was stepped up to equal with that of the Junior
employee. This would, however, not alter their inter-se-seniority in the higher Group
which would be reckoned only with reference to their respective dates of appointment
to the higher Group;

18.6 The disparity in pay of the Junior and the Senior employee in question should not have
been the result of any advance increments granted to the Junior employee at the time
of their appointment, or stoppage or with-holding of increments of the senior employee
as a measure of punishment.

18.7 This rule would not apply to the cases of disparity if any arising between the promoted
employees and the employees appointed through open selection and cases of disparity,
if any, arising as a result of fixation of pay on account of wage revision in the revised
scales of pay.

18.8 Adjustment of pay is to be effected on the basis of representations, if any, made in this
behalf by the concerned employee within a period of one year from the date of such
disparity in pay has occurred. This does not, however, prevent the Management from
correcting such disparities on its own, if (a) such disparities are patent (b) fulfill the
prescribed conditions and (c) come to light at the time of effecting promotions or soon
thereafter but in any case not exceeding one year from the date of such disparity.

18.9 Method of removal of salary disparities will be issued along with the Wage Revision
which needs to be referred before making any changes.


19.1 Increments will be granted on the first of the month in which the individual completes
one year of service after appointment.

19.2 The system of single date of Annual Increment, i.e. 1st January and its regulation would
continue. Annual Increment will be granted @ 3% of the revised running Basic Pay.
The resultant amount will be rounded up to the next Rs.10. Items which are considered
as Basic Pay for different purposes (excluding Personal Pay granted during 2012 wage
revision for Workmen) like Special pay & Service Weightage pay, will not be reckoned
for grant of the Annual Increment.

19.3 Annual Increments in the respective Time Scales of pay will accrue to the employees
automatically, unless it is withheld or postponed in the following circumstances:-

(i) as a penalty imposed in accordance with the Certified Standing Orders, as a


(ii) as a result of leave without pay exceeding 15 days in a year reckoned from the
date of last increment.

19.4 In the case of Workmen who are covered by the HAL leave Rules 1988 notified vide PC
582 Dt. 15.07.1988, the deferment will be only for that particular year. The deferment
of increment on account of absence will not have cumulative effect for the purpose of
deriving subsequent increment.

19.5 Where penalty is imposed, the orders imposing penalty are to indicate the period for
which the increment is postponed and whether it is to have cumulative effect or not.

19.6 The first spell of leave without pay, taken by an employee shall not result in
postponement of his increment. Any further leave without pay availed by the employee
will result in postponement of his increment.

19.7 In cases where the annual increment in any year is deferred on account of leave
without pay / unauthorized absence, the due date of the next increment will be
determined notionally by reckoning a period equal to the period of leave without pay
from the date on which the increment would otherwise become due. If this happens to
fall between 1st to 15th of the month, the increment will be allowed on the 1st of the
month. Otherwise, the increment will be allowed on the 1st of the following month.

19.8 In the case of employees covered under the ESI Scheme, the period of absence not
exceeding 91 days in a year on account of sickness, certified by ESI Doctors, during
which employee has received sickness benefit from the Corporation but no wages from
the Company shall not be treated as leave without pay and shall not postpone

19.9 In the case of employees not covered under ESI Scheme, leave without pay sanctioned
to cover absence on account of sickness, certified by the Competent Medical Authority
according to the rules shall not postpone increment provided the duration of such leave
does not exceed 91 days in a year.

19.10 Leave without pay sanctioned to the employees not covered under the ESI Scheme to
cover the absence on account of diseases and employment injuries mentioned below
will be considered for not postponing the increment on merits of each case.

19.11 Periods of sickness on account of diseases mentioned below during which the
employees receive extended sickness benefit from the ESIC shall not postpone
increment. Similarly, the periods of absence on account of employment injuries shall
also not postpone increment of the employees, if the employees concerned received
periodical payments during that period from ESIC.

List of diseases for which extended sickness benefit is allowed by ESIC:

a) Tuberculosis;
b) Leprosy;
c) Mental diseases;
d) Malignant diseases;
e) Paraplegia;
f) Hemiplegia;
g) Chronic Congestive heart failure;
h) Bronchiectasis and lung abscess;
i) Immature cataract with vision 6/60 or less in the affected eye
j) Myocardial infraction;
k) Parkinsons’s disease;
l) Dislocation and Prolapse of inter-vertebrat disc;
m) Aplastic Anaemia;
n) Cirhosis of Liver with ascitis;
o) Fracture of lower extremity;
p) Detachment of Retina;
q) Non-union or delayed union of fracture;
r) Intra cranial Space occupying lesion;
s) Spinal cord compression;
t) Empyema;
u) Chronic (simple) primary glaucoma;
v) Monoplegia;
w) Spasmodia Torticuis.

19.12 Maternity Leave availed of by Women employees of the Company, shall not postpone
the normal service increment.




Promotion of Workmen to Grade-I is effected under the following Modes:

i. By Promotion (NPQ)
ii. Professionally Qualified Scheme (PQ)


1.1.1 Workmen in Technical Trades possessing minimum qualification of Diploma in

Engineering or its equivalent and those in Non-Technical Trades possessing minimum
qualification of BA/B.Sc/B.Com or its equivalent would only be eligible to be considered
for promotion to Grade-I (Officer Cadre) against notified vacancies;

1.1.2 Workmen with other qualifications (i.e. SSLC, ITI, NAC, NCTVT, PUC / INTER or
equivalent) will not be eligible for promotion to Grade-I;

1.1.3 Workmen who are covered under the Time Scale Promotion Scheme and who possess
the qualification of Diploma in Engineering or its equivalent in the Technical Discipline
and University Degree or its equivalent in the Non-Technical Discipline should have put
in a minimum uninterrupted service of 3 years in Scale-10 for becoming eligible for
promotion to Grade-I;

1.1.4 In case adequate number of Workmen belonging to SC/ST categories with Diploma in
Engineering or its equivalent (in the Technical Trades) OR University Degree or its
equivalent (in the Non-Technical Trades) qualification, with 3 years service in Scale-10,
are not available for promotion to posts in Grade-I, against reserved vacancies, then
the eligibility period of 3 years for promotion to Grade-I can be computed by taking into
account the service in Scales-9 & 10 put together;


1.2.1 As per the prevailing Rules, Workmen possessing qualification of Degree in Engineering
or its equivalent in the Technical Disciplines and University Degree plus Professional
Qualifications such as CA / ICWA / ACS or MBA / PG Degree / PG Diploma (2 years Full
Time OR 3 years Part Time / Correspondence Course) in the concerned Disciplines, in
the Non-Technical Trades will become eligible for promotion to posts in Grade-I under
the Professionally Qualified quota irrespective of the Scale of Pay, subject to completion
of 5 years service (including the Training period as Diploma / Technician Trainees and
Contract period of 2 years in respect of Ex-servicemen) in the Company.

1.2.2 In case Workmen acquire Professional Qualification in a Trade / Discipline other than in
the Trade / Discipline in which they are working, they can be considered by the Division
/ Office for lateral transfer / re-categorization to the said Trade / Discipline, in
accordance with the Rules / guidelines for such movement (wherever re-categorization
from one category to another is not permitted, it will not be done), depending on
requirement & availability of vacancies in the new Discipline / Trade and sparability
from the existing Discipline / Trade. The Workmen, however, will not have any right to
seek the transfer / re-categorization;

1.2.3 Workmen as at 1.2.2 above should have completed atleast 3 years service in the
transferred Trade / Discipline, to become eligible for consideration for elevation to
Grade I under the Professionally Qualified stream. In other words, Workmen in one
Trade / Discipline will not be eligible for elevation to Grade I in another Discipline
directly (eg : Workmen in a Technical Discipline will not be eligible for direct elevation
to Grade I in HR Discipline, on acquiring Professional Qualification in HR)

1.2.4 The above instructions are applicable uniformly in respect of Workmen belonging to all
categories (UR/ST/ST/OBC).



1.3.1 Workmen in Scales 8, 9 & 10 possessing the qualifications of University Degree + PG

Degree / Diploma in the concerned Discipline (of atleast one year duration acquired
from a recognized University / Institution before 23.06.2006) will be eligible for
consideration for promotion against the vacancies earmarked for Professionally
Qualified Workmen, on completion of one year service in Scale-8, in the concerned
Non-Technical Discipline.

1.3.2 Employees possessing directly acquired PG Qualifications under the Open University
system from a recognized University on or before 23.06.06 plus PG Diploma in the
concerned Discipline (of atleast one year duration acquired from a recognized University
/ Institution before 23.06.2006) will be eligible for consideration for promotion to
Grade-I against the vacancies earmarked for Professionally Qualified Workmen, on
completion of one year service in Scale-8, in the concerned Non-Technical Discipline.

1.3.3 Further, Workmen in Scales 8, 9 & 10 possessing the qualifications of University Degree
/ Diploma in Engg + GDMM (GDMM should have been acquired before 23.6.06) would
be eligible for consideration for promotion in the IMM Discipline (Purchase & Stores
Depts.), against vacancies earmarked for Professionally Qualified Workmen, on
completion of one year service in Scale-8;

1.3.4 Workmen possessing the qualifications of University Degree / Diploma in Engg + GDMM
(2 years Full / Part Time) + PGDMM (one year Part Time / Correspondence) acquired
before 7.11.13 would be eligible for consideration for promotion in the IMM Discipline
(Purchase & Stores Depts.), against vacancies earmarked for Professionally Qualified
Workmen, on completion of 5 years service in the Company;

1.3.5 Workmen possessing University Degree + 2 years Part Time / Correspondence MA

Degree in Hindi acquired before 23.06.2006 + PG Diploma in Translation (Hindi to
English and vice-versa) of atleast one year duration acquired from a recognized
University / Institution or an equivalent qualification will be eligible for promotion to
Grade-I under the Professionally Qualified quota of posts, in the concerned Discipline,
irrespective of their Scale of Pay, subject to completion of 5 years service (including the
Training period) in the Workmen Cadre;

1.3.6 Workmen possessing University Degree + 2 years Part Time / Correspondence MA

Degree in Hindi acquired before 23.06.2006 are eligible for promotion to posts in
Grade-I under the Professionally Qualified Quota in concerned Discipline on completion
of one year service in Scale-8.


i) Successful completion of ten months pre-Commission training course from the Officers'
Training School, Madras or from any other equivalent Institution under the Defence
Forces; OR

ii) Successful completion of one to one and a half years course conducted by the
Central/State Governments qualifying for appointment as Deputy Superintendent of
Police/Sub-Inspectors in State Police, Railway Protection Force, Central Reserve Police,
Border Security Force; OR

iii) Successful completion of one year training course conducted by Central Government for
those selected for the posts of Intelligence Officers in the Central Intelligence Bureau
and Research and Analysis Wing; OR

iv) Successful completion of Training conducted by the central government for candidates
selected for the post of Sub Inspectors in the CISF or successful completion of one year
training conducted by Home Ministry, Government of India, for SI in CBI; OR

v) 52 weeks training course of Instructions for IAF Police in the rank of Sergeant, Junior
Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer and Master Warrant Officer; OR

vi) Two years PG Degree (M Sc) in Forensic Science & Criminology acquired after
(10+2+3); OR

vii) Two years PG Degree (MA) in the following Subjects, acquired after Graduation

MA – Sociology/ Economics/ Psychology/ Public Administration/ Criminology/ Political

Science/ Anthropology/ Human Rights/ Media Studies/ Social Policy/ Public Policy; OR

viii) Bachelor's Degree with 2 years Full Time or 3 years Part Time / Correspondence PG
Degree / PG Diploma / MBA / MSW / MA (10+2+3/4+2) with specialization in Human
Resources / Personnel Management / Industrial Relations / Labour Management /
Organizational Development / Human Resource Development / Labour Welfare etc.,
from Institutes / Universities recognized by appropriate statutory authorities.

1.3.8 Qualifications acquired by employees in the Non-Technical disciplines after 23.06.2006

under the 10+2+3+2 system are only recognized for the purpose of determining the
eligibility for promotions in the Company.



1.4.1 Vacancies for effecting promotion of Workmen to Grade-I will be released / sanctioned
by Corporate Office. Notification for promotion under NPQ / Professionally Qualified
Stream will be issued by concerned Division/Office inviting applications from the eligible
and willing Workmen. The applications received will be screened by the HR Department
in consultation with Departmental Head or an Officer authorized by him. Suitability for
promotion is to be determined on the basis of a Written Test followed by Interview.
Accordingly, eligible employees will be administered Written Test and particulars of the
employees who are qualified in the Written Test will be submitted to the Selection
Committee together with complete service particulars and Performance Appraisal
Reports of the employees concerned. The composition of Selection Committee is as

Promotion to Committee
AGM / DGM - Chairman
I Concerned Departmental Heads - Members
SC / ST Representative - Member
(wherever applicable)
Concerned HR Head - Member / Secretary

1.4.2 Employees will have the option to answer the questions in English / Hindi / Regional
Language in the written test as well as interview. The availability of the above option
should be clearly indicated in the test / interview call letter sent to the candidates for
appearing for written test / interview for promotion.

1.4.3 Written tests should be conducted for all posts in Grade-I filled by promotion of
Workmen. The question paper will be in two parts, one relating to functional aspects of
work and the other relating to organizational and administrative aspects of work as
given below:


(i) Two questions relating to the specific area or areas of the

specialization / Trade concerned (20 marks each);

(ii) One question relating to basic supervisory functions /

responsibilities of supervisor (20 marks)


(i) One question relating to HAL’s Organization structure, its Divisions and Products
(10 Marks);

(iii) One question relating to basic HAL Rules such as Leave Rules,
Standing Orders including procedure for taking disciplinary action
(15 Marks)

Note : Question papers for all Written test held in connection with Promotion
may be set in English / Hindi / bilingually and / or trilingual by including official
language of the State (Regional Language) in which the unit of HAL is located.

(iii) One question relating to the provisions of the Factories Act and Safety
Regulations that supervisors should be familiar with (15 marks)

1.4.4 Only candidates who secure 50% and above Marks in the Written test are to be called
for interview.

1.4.5 The Marking system to be followed by the Departmental Promotion Committee is at


1.4.6 In order to qualify for promotion, an employee should secure 50% Marks in the Written
Test and 12 out of 25 Marks in the Interview and 50% of the Total Marks in the

1.4.7 The names of the employees (i.e Workmen in Scale-10 / Special Scale) who qualify for
Promotion on the above basis are then to be arranged in the order of their inter-se-
seniority and promotions are to be effected in that order subject to suitability. In
respect of Workmen being considered for promotion to Grade-I under the Professionally
Qualified Stream, Promotion would be effected purely based on Merit and list of
selected Workmen would be prepared in the order of Merit.

1.4.8 Presidential Directives on Reservation Policy for SC/ST on Promotion shall be applicable
for both modes of Promotions.

1.4.9 It is envisaged that this Scheme will encourage Workmen to acquire Diploma in
Engineering or equivalent in the Technical Trades and University Degree or its
equivalent in the Non-Technical Trades, thereby improving the overall qualification
profile of the Company.

1.4.10 The conditions relating to Physical Attendance would be the same as applicable for
promotions within the Workmen cadre.

1.4.11 The procedure for considering the Workmen for promotion to Grade-I in respect of
Workmen who have been imposed with punishments will be the same as applicable to
promotion of Officers with the modification that the effect will be 6 months for minor
penalties and one year for major penalties as under:

i. Promotion of Workmen to Grade-I on whom punishments are imposed during the

preceding 3 years are considered from:

(a) The date arrived at by increasing the service eligibility period in the Scale /
Grade by 6 months & 1 year for each minor & major penalty respectively;

(b) From the date arrived at by postponing the date of promotion by 6 months & 1
year from the date on which each minor & major punishment respectively is

Whichever is later.

ii. If any other punishment is imposed during the extended / deferred period, the system /
procedure at (i) above to be followed again.

iii. Further, if the punishment imposed is still under implementation [e.g.: postponement
of Annual Increment with cumulative effect for 4 years] i.e during the period of
currency of punishment, the Workmen will not be eligible for promotion during the

iv. The term 'currency of punishment' will be applicable only to punishments which are
implemented over a period of time, like Postponement of Increments.

Example: If Annual Increment of a Workman is postponed without cumulative effect for

a period of 3 years, then the currency of punishment would be applicable consecutively
for next 3 years [say if punishment is awarded on 1.4.13, Increment due on 1.1.14 will
be postponed and will be re-stored on 1.1.17. In this case, the currency will be till


1.5.1 The Professional Qualification acquired by the employees after joining the Company (by
obtaining NOC) will be incorporated in the personal records. In respect of employees
who had indicated in the Application for Employment, undertaking submitted, etc at the
time of selection that they were pursuing higher studies, qualifications acquired
subsequently will continue to be incorporated in the personal records. However, this
would be done after verification / cross checking all the relevant particulars, on a case
to case basis. Details of such employees will be forwarded by the Divisions / Offices to
the Corporate Office, in the Format as at Annexure-V, before extending any benefit.

1.5.2 Workmen who had indicated in the Application for employment or who had submitted
undertaking before appointment, that they were not pursuing any higher qualification at
the time of selection / appointment, will not be eligible for incorporation of the higher
qualification in the personal records, in case they were pursuing the higher qualification
at the time of selection / appointment and submit requests for incorporation of the
qualification subsequently.

1.5.3 Where there was no practice of obtaining an undertaking / declaration from the
candidates as to whether they were pursuing any higher qualification or not, at the time
of induction, before 2011, the qualification acquired by such Workmen after joining the
Company would be incorporated in the personal records, subject to the following

a) In case it was indicated by the Workman that he was not pursuing any higher
qualification (in the Application for Employment, any letter, undertaking,
Declaration, Verification Forms etc submitted before appointment or after joining
the Company) at the time of selection / appointment, but was actually pursuing the
qualification, the qualification acquired after joining the Company will not be
incorporated in the personal records.

b) Incorporation of higher qualification in the personal records in eligible cases would

be done after verification/cross checking all the relevant particulars, including re-
conforming the position as at (a) above, on a case to case basis.

c) Details of such employees will be forwarded by the Division / Office to the Corporate
Office, before extending any benefit.



An Officer will be eligible to be considered for Promotion to next higher Grade on

completion of specified number of years of Service in the existing Grade and possessing
requisite Educational Qualification prescribed for Promotion subject to Assessment and fulfilling
other prescribed conditions.



i) Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC)

- Applicable for promotion from Grade II to III, Grade IV to V & higher

ii) Internal Merit Selection (IMS)

- Applicable for promotion from Grade I to II and higher


i) Career Plan Promotion (CPP)

- Applicable for promotion from Grades I to II and III to IV


Promotions within the Executive Cadre are effected twice in a year. The Grades and the
effective date of Promotion are as under:

Mode of
Grades Effective date

I to II, II to III & III to IV 1st January / 1st July

IV to V & above 1st July

II to III 1st January / 1st July

IV to V & above 1st July

CPP I to II & III to IV 1st January / 1st July


The Qualification and Minimum span of Service required to be possessed by the Officers in the
lower Grade to become eligible for promotions are as under:

Qualification Possessed
Degree in Engineering (Technical
Diploma in Engineering
Disciplines) / University Degree with
Sl. (Technical Disciplines) /
Grade Professional Qualification in the
No University Degree (Non-Technical
concerned Discipline (Non-Technical


1 I to II NA 3 4 NA 5 6

2 II to III 4 3 NA 6 5 NA

3 III to IV NA 3 4 NA 5 6

4 IV to V 4 3 NA 6 5 NA

5 V to VI 4 3 NA 6 5 NA

6 VI to VII 4 3 NA NA NA NA



9 IX to X 3 NA NA NA NA


Method of Selection for Promotions under DPC / CPP / IMS are as under:

Method of Selection
to Grade DPC IMS CPP (Paper Selection)

PAR Marks, Written Test & PAR Marks & Internal

II -
Interview Assessment
PAR Marks, Written PAR Marks, Written Test &
Test & Interview Interview

PAR Marks, Written Test & PAR Marks & Internal

IV -
Interview Assessment

PAR Marks, Written PAR Marks, Written Test &

V & VI -
Test & Interview Interview

PAR Marks & PAR Marks, Assessment

Interview Centre Marks & Interview

IX & X PAR Marks & Interview -


The minimum PAR eligibility criteria to be met by the Officers in the lower Grade to become
eligible for promotions are as under:

PAR Eligibility Criteria

Sl.No Grade

1 I to II Officers should have

Officers should have scored “50 Marks” obtained PAR Marks of ‘80’
2 II to III or above in the PAR of the immediate or above (out of 100) in
3 III to IV last year. Further, the Average PAR each of the previous three
Marks of the last 3 years should also be years out of which it
4 IV to V “50 or above” should be ‘85’ or above for
at least 2 years.
5 V to VI
[should have undergone
6 VI to VII Officers should have secured a minimum Assessment Centre in case
cumulative PAR Marks of '201' during of promotions to Grades
7 VII to VIII the preceding 3 years. VII & VIII]

8 VIII to IX
Officers should have obtained Average PAR Marks of ’80 or above’
during the preceding three years.
9 IX to X


6.1 Degree Holders in Engineering or its equivalent in the Technical Disciplines and
University Degree Holders with relevant Professional Qualifications (viz
CA/ICWA/ACS/MBA/PG Degree / PG Diploma (2 years Full Time or 3 years Part Time /
Correspondence course) in the Non-Technical Disciplines are eligible. PARs of the
previous 3 years are to be reckoned for the purpose of deciding the eligibility for
promotion. Accordingly, the PARs to be reckoned for effecting Promotions from 1st July
of the year will be preceding 3 years (eg: for effecting promotion from 1st July 2015, the
PARs to be reckoned will be 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15);

6.2 In respect of Officers who complete the service eligibility period for promotion from Gr-I
to II, Gr-II to III and Gr-III to IV w.e.f. 1st January of a year under IMS, a Special
Report for the 8 months period from 1st April to 30th November of the previous year will
be raised. This Special Report and the PARs of the preceding 2 years would be reckoned
to decide the eligibility of such Officers for promotion w.e.f. 1st January. (eg: for
effecting promotion from 1st January 2015, the PARs to be reckoned will be 2012-13,
2013-14 and from 1st April 2014 to 30th November 2014);

6.3 Keeping in view the fact that the IMS scheme is introduced to give accelerated
promotion to high fliers, consideration for promotion under IMS would be restricted to
Officers who have completed service eligibility of 3 years in the existing Grade as on 1st
July / January of the year of selection (including training period in respect of
Management / Design / Executive Trainees) and who fulfill all the other laid down
criteria only. In other words, Officers who have completed service eligibility of 4 years
or more as on 1st July / January of the year of selection will not be eligible for
consideration under IMS and they will be considered under DPC only;

6.4 The period of training undergone by Management / Design Trainees and Executive
Trainees, who are absorbed in Gr-II and Gr-I respectively, on successful completion of
the Training, would be reckoned as Service in Gr-II and Gr-I for the purpose of
determining their Service Eligibility in Gr-II and Gr-I respectively for promotion to
higher Grade (under IMS/DPC). In view of the fact that the service eligibility for
promotion under IMS is 3 years, PAR Marks and Management Review Categorization
would be available only for 2 years in respect of such candidates before they are
considered for promotion under IMS to Grades III & II respectively. Candidates who
have secured cumulative PAR Marks of 167 during the last 2 years will be eligible for
consideration under IMS, subject to the condition that the Marks in one year will not be
less than ‘80’ and during the other year not less than ‘85’. Management Review
Categorization in both the years should be ‘A’ also. The Marks for API in such cases
would be arrived at based on the PAR Marks of 2 years, instead of 3 years as in normal

6.5 Officers in the Non-Technical Discipline possessing the Qualification of PG Degree (of 1
year duration) will not be eligible to be considered for Promotion under IMS.


Officers should have been rated as ‘A’ in the MRC (having high degree of potential for
advancement) in the PARs for the previous three years;



Vacancies will be sanctioned by Corporate Office every year which will be limited to a
maximum of 25% of the strength of Officers in Grades-I & III respectively in a Division
/ Office / Complex who meet the Qualification and service eligibility requirements for


Vacancies for effecting promotions to these Grades are released by Corporate Office
every year. Out of the vacancies so sanctioned, a maximum of upto 25% of the
vacancies in each Grade in the Division / Complex / Company can be earmarked for
effecting promotions under IMS.


The Selection Committee for effecting Promotions under IMS would be constituted at
the Divisional / Complex / Corporate Level as follows:

Promotion to Committee
Headed by the Divisional ED / GM. It will also have 2 Officers in
Grade VIII from other Divisions / Offices / Organizations

Headed by Director. Committee will also have 2 Officers in Grade IX

IV, V & VI
/ X from other Complexes / Offices / Organizations
Committee will consist of at least two / three Directors. It will also
VII have 2 Functional Experts relevant to the Discipline from other
Chairman & all Directors with 2 external Experts relevant to the

In addition to the above Members, other Senior Officers from the concerned Division /
Office / Complex / Company could also be nominated as Members in the Committee, as
required. Further, SC/ST representatives would also be nominated, wherever required,
in accordance with the prevailing Rules.



Selection of Officers would be based on Marks scored in the PARs for the previous 3
years (API), Written Test & Interview. Marks would be awarded in the Assessment as

Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 50
Written Test 25
Interview 25
Total 100

Minimum Qualifying Marks would be as follows

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

Written Test (60%) 15 (out of 25)
Interview (75%) 18.75 (out of 25)
Total [API + Written Test + Interview] 85 (out of 100)


Selection of Officers would be based on Marks scored in the PARs for the previous 3
years (API), Assessment Centre & Interview. Marks would be awarded in the
Assessment as under:

Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 50
Assessment Centre 25
Interview 25
Total 100

Minimum Qualifying Marks would be as follows

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

API + Assessment Centre 60 (out of 75)
Interview (75%) 18.75 (out of 25)
Total [API + Assessment Centre + Interview] 85 (out of 100)

Considering that the Overall Minimum Qualifying Marks is 85 (out of 100), Officers
whose cumulative Marks in the API + Assessment Centre is ’60 or above’ (out of 75)
would only be called for the Interview.

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of "Overall PAR Marks" for the preceding 3 years X 50

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System X 3

6.10 The system of Assessment Centre has been introduced for effecting promotions to
Grades - VII & VIII under the IMS stream. Officers meeting all eligibility criteria for
promotion to Grades VII & VIII would be called for interview. No notification will be

6.11 Officers who are left with less than 1 year of service before their
Superannuation as on 1st July of the year of selection will not be eligible for Vacancy
Based Promotions;

6.12 The Officers who would be considered eligible for promotion under IMS would be of
exemplary conduct and should not have been involved in any Disciplinary Proceedings;

6.13 Processing & Effecting promotions would be done as indicated at para 7.4. While
promotions under IMS upto & including Gr VI will be processed at Divisional / Complex
level, approval of Corporate Office will be obtained before effecting the promotions.

6.14 The period of Training of one year as Management / Design Trainees will be reckoned as
service in Grade I for the purpose of Promotion to Grade II where Trainee was absorbed
in Grade I immediately on completion of 52 weeks of Training as they did not qualify for
absorption in Grade II. In cases where the Training period was extended by six months
and then absorbed in Grade I or where the Trainee was absorbed after an extended
period based on a review, the original period of one year training will only be reckoned
as service in Grade I for the purpose of Promotion to Grade II.


Promotions under IMS to each Grade would be effected based on Merit as reflected in
the Assessment. List of selected Officers would be prepared in the order of Merit,
separately for each Grade. Promotions would be effected from the merit list, depending
on the sanctioned number of vacancies available under IMS for each Grade in the
Division / Office / Complex / Company.


7.1 Instructions at paras 6.1 to 6.4 would be applicable for promotions under DPC also. All
Officers who meet the eligibility criteria of Qualification, PAR Marks, minimum service in
the lower Grade and other stipulated conditions in the Rules would be called for
Interview to assess their suitability for promotion. No notification will be issued.



Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 50
Written Test 25
Interview 25
Total 100

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of "Overall PAR Marks" for the preceding 3 years X 50

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System X 3

Minimum Qualifying Marks would be as follows

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

Written Test (40%) 10 (out of 25)
Interview (60%) 15 (out of 25)
Total [API + Written Test + Interview] 60 (out of 100)


Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 60
Interview - Committee’s Evaluation 40
Total 100

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of "Overall PAR Marks" for the preceding 3 years X 60

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System X 3

Minimum Qualifying Marks would be as follows:

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

Interview (60%) 24 (out of 40)
Total [API + Interview] 60 (out of 100)


7.3.1 Promotions to posts in Grades-III, V & above would be effected based on Merit and list
of selected Officers would be prepared in the order of Merit, separately for each post
and promotions effected accordingly;

7.3.2 Officers who are left with less than 1 year of service before their superannuation as on
1st July of the year of selection will not be considered eligible for promotion.


Promotions to different Grades under the existing systems including IMS stream would
continue to be processed & effected is as under:

Promotion to Grade Effected at

II & III Divisional Level
IV, V & VI Complex Level
VII & above Corporate Level


The Selection Committee for effecting Promotions under DPC would be constituted at
the Divisional / Complex / Corporate Level as follows:

Promotion to Committee
Executive Director / General Manager : Chairman
III AGM / DGM (Head of the Departments) : Members
Officer from HR Dept. (Gr IV & above) : Member / Secretary
Managing Director / Director : Chairman
V & VI EDs / GMs of the Divisions / Offices : Members
HR Head of the Complex : Member / Secretary

VII Committee will consist of at least two / three Directors.

VIII Chairman & all Directors

In addition to the above Members, other Senior Officers from the concerned Division /
Office / Complex / Company could also be nominated as Members in the Committee, as
required. Further, SC/ST representatives would also be nominated, wherever required,
in accordance with the prevailing Rules.

7.6 Sample Assessment Sheet for Promotion of Officers under DPC / IMS is indicated at


8.1 As per the Policy on promotion of Executives, assessment of candidates for effecting
promotions upto and including Grade VI (both under DPC & IMS) will be made based on
the Marks scored in the PARs, Written Test & Interview. For effecting promotions to
Grades VII & VIII under IMS, the assessment criteria are Marks scored in the PAR,
Assessment Centre and Interview;

8.2 The system of administering the Written Test for effecting promotions to Grades-II, III,
IV, V & VI has been introduced in the Company w.e.f. 1.7.06;

8.3 Written Test is being conducted once in a year during May / June for the Officers in
Grades I to V who are due for promotion to higher posts under IMS & DPC wef 1st July
of the year and 1st January of the subsequent year;

8.4 The Written Test will be administered centrally by Corporate Office, with the help of
external Agencies / Specialists. The Test will be conducted in each Division / Office. The
Written Test will be common under both the stream, i.e for effecting Vacancy Based
Promotions to Grades III, V & VI under DPC & for effecting promotions under IMS upto
& including Gr VI;

8.5 The Written Test will be Objective Type (multiple choice questions) with 100 questions
of one Mark each. There will be no negative Marks. The syllabus for the Test will
comprise of:

i) Section A : Questions about HAL and its products – 20 Questions – 20 Marks.

ii) Section B :
Part– I : Theoretical questions related to the discipline of Engineering &
Management in case of Technical Disciplines and Non Technical Disciplines
respectively – 20 Questions - 20 Marks.

Part – II : Questions related to General Management & Lean – 10 Questions - 10


iii) Section C: Functional / Practical oriented questions specific to the

concerned Discipline – 50 Questions - 50 Marks.

8.6 The Question papers will be made Discipline wise & Grade wise. The duration of the
Test will be 90 minutes;

8.7 Besides the Functional Skills / Efficiencies, the Written Test will also test the
Competencies required to be possessed for elevation to the next higher Grade. There
will be three parts which will be as follows:


i) Focus on HAL as a whole and its products, Organizational growth &

development. New Projects, opportunities, challenges and developments in the
Aeronautical Industry;

ii) Overview of the growth of PSUs in the Country and their classification as
Navaratnas, Mini-Ratnas, etc;
iii) Economic scenario and the role of Public Sectors in the Country.


Part-I :

Theoretical Questions pertaining to the Branch of Engineering and Management

in respect of Technical & Non-Technical Disciplines respectively.


Questions related to General Management & Lean


Practical and application oriented Questions specific to the concerned Disciplines

and functional areas of the Divisions and its products.

Disciplines for conducting the Test will be freezed by the committee which will be
constituted every year.

8.8 The Test will be conducted based on 3 difficulty levels for all the Technical, Non
Technical & Design Disciplines, as follows:

a) Difficulty Level 1 : Representing the lowest difficulty level;

b) Difficulty Level 2 : Representing Medium / Moderate level;
c) Difficulty Level 3 : Representing High difficulty level.


i) Written Test Marks obtained during a year for promotion w.e.f 1st July of the year / 1st
January of the next year, will be valid for promotion w.e.f 1st July of the next year / 1st
January of the subsequent year also. In other words, the validity of the Written Test
Marks will be 2 years. If the Officer is not promoted within 2 years, he will have to
appear for the Test again for consideration for promotion;

ii) Officers who have not qualified in the Written Test are required to appear for the
Written Test again in the next year;

iii) Officers who have not qualified in the Written Test for promotion under IMS during the
current year but meets the qualifying criteria in the Written Test for promotion under
DPC in the subsequent year, need not appear for the Written Test again next year for

iv) Officers who wish to improve their Written Test Marks for consideration for promotion in
the subsequent year can be permitted to write the exam again. In such cases, Marks
obtained during the 2nd Test will only be reckoned;

v) The system at (i) to (iv) are implemented for effecting promotions w.e.f 1.7.13 and


9.1 A scheme of Career Plan Promotion (earlier known as Time Scale Promotion) in respect
of Officers in Grades-I, II & III was introduced in the Company during 1984. Promotions
under the CPP Scheme are effected on completion of specified years of service in the
lower Grade, without reference to vacancies, subject to fulfilling other prescribed Terms
& Conditions;

9.2 Subsequently, the system has been revised during 2001. Under the revised system,
promotion from Grade-I to II & Grade-III to IV would only be by ‘Paper Selection’;



Promotions from Grade-I to II and from Grade-III to IV being within the same Cadre,
would be effected without reference to vacancies, on completion of un-interrupted
service in the immediate lower Grade, as on 1st January / 1st July of the concerned year,
depending on the qualifications possessed as indicated below:

Years of un-
Minimum Qualification Possessed
interrupted Service
to be completed in
the immediate
Technical Disciplines Non-Technical Disciplines lower Grade
MBBS, BDS, Degree in Arts /
Degree in Engineering or its Science / Commerce or its
4 years
equivalent equivalent with relevant
Professional Qualification
Diploma in Engineering or
its equivalent (B.Sc for Degree in Arts / Science /
6 years
posts in Laboratory & Commerce or its equivalent
Process Shop)
NAC / NCTVT / ITI / SSLC PUC / Intermediate / SSLC
(only for Promotion from (only for Promotion from 8 years
Grade-I to II) Grade-I to II)

9.4 Promotions from Grade-I to II would be effected on a Divisional / Office wise basis and
promotions from Grade-III to IV on a Complex wise basis.

9.5 The period of Training undergone by Executive Trainees, who are absorbed in Grade-I
on successful completion of the Training, would be reckoned as service in Grade-I for
the purpose of determining their Service eligibility in Grade-I. Similarly, the period
spent on Contract basis (as Project Engineers etc.) by the candidates initially appointed
on Contract basis against Manpower sanctions issued by the Corporate Office, having
requisite qualifications and who have been absorbed as regular Officers in Grade-I,
would be reckoned as Service in Grade-I for the purpose of determining their service
eligibility in Grade-I. Further, one year on-the-job training (out of the normal period of
two years training) undergone by Officer Trainees in the Security / Vigilance / Fire
Fighting disciplines, who will be absorbed as regular Officers in Grade-I after successful
completion of their training, would be reckoned as service in Grade-I for the purpose of
determining their service eligibility in Grade-I.


In order to become eligible for promotion, Officers should have scored “50 Marks” or
above in the PAR for the immediate last year. Further, the Average PAR Marks of the
last 3 years should also be “50 or above”


Suitability of Officers for Promotion would be assessed by ‘Paper Selection’ as under the
existing system. The assessment method would, however, consist of Average
performance Index and Committee Evaluation only and Marks would be awarded as

Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 60
Committee’s Evaluation 40
Total 100

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of "Overall PAR Marks" for the preceding 3 years X 60

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System X 3


For the purpose of Evaluation, the Committee will generally consider factors such as
Potential for Growth, Creative / Innovative Skills, Discipline, Significant / Professional
Achievements, Specialized exposure etc. Minimum percentage of Marks to be scored in
Committee Evaluation to become eligible for promotion would be 60% (24 out of 40);


The Selection Committee for effecting Promotions would be constituted at the Divisional
/ Complex Level are as follows:

Promotion Committee
to Grade
Divisional ED / GM - Chairman
II Concerned Departmental Heads - Members
Concerned HR Head - Member / Secretary
Concerned Director - Chairman
IV Concerned Divisional ED / GM - Members
Concerned Complex HR Head - Member / Secretary


Eligibility conditions prescribed apply uniformly to all candidates including those

belonging to SC/STs Communities. The minimum years of qualifying service prescribed
above is not therefore, relaxable in favor of SC/ST employees.

Officers promoted under the scheme will be given the designation of the higher post but
will be held supernumerary in the Grades to which they are promoted. They will not be
adjusted against regular vacancies in the higher Grade, but their name will be included
in the seniority list of the Grade to which they are promoted. Officers granted higher
scales of pay will continue to be counted against the lower post from which they were
promoted. The promotions under this scheme will not result in consequential vacancies
in the lower Grades.
9.10 Officers who are left with less than 3 months of service before their superannuation as
on 1st January or 1st July of the year of selection will not be considered eligible for
promotion. In other words, Officers who are due for superannuation w.e.f. 28th / 29th
February or 31st August will not be considered for promotions to be effected from 1st
January and 1st July respectively.

9.11 Sample Assessment Sheet for Promotion of Officers under CPP is indicated at

9.12 Service Weightage : The Company has been inducting fresh candidates as Management
/ Design Trainees, on the basis of All India Written Test and Interview. On successful
completion of the training, the candidates are absorbed in Grade-II. During the year
1999, the Executive Trainee Scheme was introduced in the Company and on successful
completion of one year Training, these ETs were absorbed in Grade-I and this scheme
was in vogue till 2004. Induction of ETs was reviewed during the year 2005 and it was
decided that ETs will not be inducted further for the time being. Based on the HR survey
conducted in the Company and requests from Projects Engineers / Contract Engineers /
Executive Trainees (who were inducted in Grade I) to elevate them to Grade-II / higher
Grades, the matter was reviewed and Service Weightage were granted to such Project
Engineers / Contract Engineers / Executive Trainees.


Eligibility Technical Non-Technical

University Degree with Professional
Qualifications such as CA / ICWA / ACS
or MBA / PG Degree / PG Diploma (2
Degree in Engineering or
Qualification years Full Time or 3 years Part Time /
its equivalent
Correspondence Course) from a
recognized University / Institute, in the
concerned Discipline
Minimum Service in the Officers who have completed 3 years service in the immediate lower
lower Grade Grade as on 1st July of the concerned year would only be eligible
Officers should have obtained Average PAR Marks of ’80 or above’
PAR Marks during the preceding three years to become eligible to be

10.1 Officers who meet the eligibility criteria of Qualification, PAR Marks, minimum service in
the lower Grade and other stipulated conditions in the Rules would be called for
Interview to assess their suitability for promotion. No notification will be issued;

10.2 Interviews, selection of candidates and notification of promotions would be done by the
Corporate Office;


Selection of Officers would be based on Marks scored in the PARs for the previous 3
years and Interview. Marks would be awarded in the Assessment as follows:

Criteria Maximum Marks

Average Performance Index (API) 60
Committee’s Evaluation 40
Total 100

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total of "Overall PAR Marks" for the preceding 3 years X 60

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System X 3


Minimum qualifying marks in the Interview would be as follows:

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

Interview (60%) 24
Overall (75%) 75


The Selection Committee would consist of Chairman, all Full Time Directors and One
Part Time Director and / or one Expert from an external Agency. Further, SC/ST
representative would be co-opted, wherever required, in accordance with the prevailing

Promotions to posts in Grade-IX & X (appointments) would be effected purely based on

merit as arrived at in the Selection and after approval by the Board.


Promotions will be effected w.e.f. 1st July of the concerned year only.


Officers who are left with less than 1 year of service before their superannuation as on
1st July of the year of selection will also be considered eligible for promotion.

All other Terms & conditions prescribed for effecting vacancy based Promotions as
under existing Rules would continue to be applicable for effecting promotions to posts in
Grades IX & X.



Same as for Board level (Functional Director) incumbents (Pay Scale of Rs.75000-



Degree in Engineering / Technology or its equivalent.


Officers who have completed 2 years of service in HAL in Grade IX as on the date of
occurrence of the vacancy would only be eligible. Officers in Grade X are also eligible for
the post of Chief Executive Officers, irrespective of the service in Grade-X, as long as
the criteria of 2 years of service is put in by the Officer in Grade-IX.


Officers who are left with less than 2 years of service before their superannuation as on
the date of occurrence of the vacancy will not be eligible for appointments.


Officers should have obtained Average PAR Grading in the Range of 1 to 1.8, in the
Scale of 1 to 5, in Grade IX / X; and PAR Marks of ‘80’ or above, out of ‘100’, in Grade
VIII, in the preceding 5 years, to become eligible to be considered.


The post of Chief Executive Officer will be notified internally, specifying the qualification
requirement and job description / specifications.

Interviews, selection of candidates and notification of appointments would be done by

Corporate Office.


Selection of Officers would be based on Grading / Marks scored in the PARs for the
preceding 5 years in Grade VIII / IX / X and Interview. Weightage of Marks in the
Assessment would be as follows:

Criteria Weightage
Average Performance Index (API) 80
Interview 20

Marks for API would be awarded as follows:

Total ‘Overall PAR Marks’ of preceding 5 years in Grade VIII/IX/X * 80

Highest possible Overall Marks in the Appraisal System * 5


i) The PAR Gradations in the Scale of 1 to 5 in Grades IX / X will be converted as Marks

out of 100, for this purpose;

ii) In case PAR Marks are available for less than 5 years (like in cases of lateral
appointments in Grade IX), Marks for 5 years would be arrived at by extrapolating the
available Marks to 5 years.


Minimum Qualifying Marks would be as follows:

Criteria Minimum Qualifying Marks

Interview (65%) 13 (out of 20)

Overall (75%) 75 (out of 100)


The Selection Committee would consist of Chairman, one Independent Director, One
Government Director and all Whole Time Directors. Director (HR) would also be the
Member / Secretary. Further, SC / ST Representative [at the level of Director in HAL or
equivalent, from HAL or other Organizations / Agencies] would be co-opted, wherever


Appointment of Chief Executive Officers would be effected purely based on Merit as

arrived at in the selection and after approval by the Board.


All other Terms & Conditions prescribed for effecting Vacancy Based Promotions to
posts in Grades IX & X as under the existing Rules would continue to be applicable for
effecting promotions to posts of Chief Executive Officers.


Appointment will be effected w.e.f. the date of occurrence of the vacancy or the date of
assumption of charge, whichever is later.


Zones of Promotion for all disciplines will be as under:

For Grade-IV to V For Grade-VI & VII

Technical General Technical General
(Manufacturing, Production Engineering, (Manufacturing, Production Engineering,
Quality Control, Management Services, Quality Control, Management Services,
Product Support & Plant Maintenance Product Support, Plant Maintenance &
Lab & Process Lab & Process
Information Technology Information Technology*
Design Engg. & Design Liaison Design Engg. & Design Liaison
Medical Medical
Human Resources Human Resources
Commercial & Marketing Commercial & Marketing
Finance & Accounts Finance & Accounts
Training Training
Flight Operations Flight Operations
Aerodrome Operations Aerodrome Operations
Security & Vigilance Security & Vigilance
Secretariat Secretariat
Works Engineering Works Engineering
* Degree holders in Engineering are only eligible

Officers transferred either on promotion or on as-is-basis should comply with the orders
of the Management.



Discipline Qualification (from recognized University)

Technical BE / B.Tech / B.Sc (Engineering) / AMIE / Grad IETE
/ Grad IIIE / AM.Ae.S.I / AMIIM or its equivalent
Doctors MBBS / MS / MD / BDS / MDS
Finance & Accounts Pass in Final Examination of Institute of Cost and
Works Accountants, Calcutta / London.
Pass in Final Examination for membership of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / England.
Pass in SAS Examination conducted by Comptroller
and Auditor General of India.
MBA Degree with specialization in Finance awarded
by the recognized Universities and the Indian
Institute of Management at Calcutta, Ahmedabad,
Bangalore and Lucknow.
Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Business
Administration with specialization in Finance from
recognized Universities.
Secretariat Pass in Associate Membership Examination of the
Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi

Human Resource PG Degree / PG Diploma in Social Welfare / Personnel
Management / HR / Social Science / Industrial
Relations awarded by recognized Universities /
Institutions recognized by Government.

MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta,

Ahmedabad, Bangalore or any University recognized
by the Government with specialization in Personnel
Management / Industrial Relations.

Post Graduate Diploma of one year duration in PM &

IR etc. from recognized Universities etc., However,
the qualification should have been acquired prior to
23.06.2006 [DPC].
Public Relations MA in Journalism and Communication from
recognized Indian Universities

Post Graduate Diploma of one year duration in

Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising awarded
by the Indian Universities or recognized Institutions
like Indian Institute of Mass Communication, etc.,
However, the qualification should have been acquired
prior to 23.06.2006.
Legal Cells Regular LLB Qualification
Should be working in separate Legal Cell
Security & Vigilance i) Successful completion of ten months pre-
Commission training course from the Officers'
Training School, Madras or from any other equivalent
Institution under the Defence Forces; OR

ii) Successful completion of one to one and a half

years course conducted by the Central/State
Governments qualifying for appointment as Deputy
Superintendent of Police/Sub-Inspectors in State
Police, Railway Protection Force, Central Reserve
Police, Border Security Force; OR

iii) Successful completion of one year training course

conducted by Central Government for those selected
for the posts of Intelligence Officers in the Central
Intelligence Bureau and Research and Analysis Wing;

iv) Successful completion of Training conducted by

the central government for candidates selected for
the post of Sub Inspectors in the CISF or successful
completion of one year training conducted by Home
Ministry, Government of India, for SI in CBI; OR

v) 52 weeks training course of Instructions for IAF

Police in the rank of Sergeant, Junior Warrant Officer,
Warrant Officer and Master Warrant Officer; OR

vi) Two years PG Degree (M Sc) in Forensic Science &

Criminology acquired after (10+2+3); OR

vii) Two years PG Degree (MA) in the following
Subjects, acquired after Graduation (10+2+3):-
MA – Sociology/ Economics/ Psychology/ Public
Administration/ Criminology/ Political Science/
Anthropology/ Human Rights/ Media Studies/ Social
Policy/ Public Policy; OR

viii) Bachelor's Degree with 2 years Full time or 3

years Part Time / Correspondence PG Degree / PG
Diploma / MBA / MSW / MA (3 / 4 + 2 years after
10+2) with specialization in Human Resources /
Personnel Management / Industrial Relations /
Labour Management / Organizational Development /
Human Resource Development / Labour Welfare etc.,
from Institutes / Universities recognized by
appropriate statutory authorities.
Fire Fighting / Fire Brigade i) Bachelor degree of Fire Engineering from the
National Fire Service College, Nagpur awarded by the
Nagpur University i.e., B.E., (Fire Engineering); OR

ii) Bachelor degree of Fire Engineering / Fire

Technology from Institutes / Universities recognized
by appropriate statutory authorities. OR

iii) Pass in Associate Membership / Membership

Examination of Institute of Fire Engineering. UK; OR

iv) Degree of recognized University with Pass in GIFE

– India / UK.

Divisional Officers Course of 22 weeks duration

conducted by the National Fire Service College,
Nagpur. (to be considered at par with Diploma)

Station Officers and Instructors Course of 22 weeks

duration conducted by the national Fire Service
College, Nagpur followed by 2 years of service at a
Fire Brigade. (to be considered at par with Diploma).
Official Language University degree (with English as one of the
subjects) + 2 years Regular & Full Time MA Degree
in Hindi + PG Diploma in Translation (i.e. Hindi to
English and vice-versa) of atleast one year duration
from a recognized University / Institution.

University Degree + 2 years Part Time /

Correspondence MA Degree in Hindi acquired before
23.06.2006 are eligible for promotion within the
Executive Cadre under DPC with minimum service
eligibility of 4 years in the existing Grade.

University Degree + 2 years Part Time /

Correspondence MA Degree in Hindi acquired before
23.6.06 + PG Diploma in Translation (Hindi to English
and vice-versa) of atleast one year duration acquired
from a recognized University / Institution or an

equivalent qualification will be eligible for promotion
to Grade-I under the Professionally Qualified quota of
posts, irrespective of their Scale of Pay, subject to
completion of five year service in the Workmen

University Degree + 2 years Part Time /

Correspondence MA Degree in Hindi acquired before
23.6.06 are eligible for promotion to Posts in Grade-I
under the Professionally Qualified quota on reaching
Scale-8 and on completion of one year service in

13.2 Officers possessing the Qualification of Diploma in Engineering in the Technical

Disciplines and University Degree from a Recognized University in the Non-Technical
Discipline will be considered for promotion under Vacancy Based promotions upto and
including Grade-VI only.

13.3 Officers possessing the Qualification of University Degree plus PG Diploma in PM&IR, HR
Discipline (of at least one year duration acquired from a recognized University /
Institution before 23.06.2006) will be treated as possessing Professional Qualification
for the purpose of promotion to posts in Grade-VII and above under DPC subject to
fulfilling all other terms and conditions.


13.4 Officers possessing the Qualification of University Degree plus Graduate Diploma in
Materials Management (2 years) awarded by the Indian Institute of Materials
Management plus one year PG Diploma in Materials Management awarded by the Indian
Institute of Materials Management (PGDMM) can be considered as possessing
Professional Qualification for the purpose of promotion within the Executive Cadre,
under DPC. To become eligible for promotion under IMS, 3 years Part Time /
Correspondence PG Degree / Diploma specified in the Rules should be one continuous &
integrated Course.

13.5 Qualification of University Degree / Diploma in Engineering + 2 years GDMM + 1 year

PGDMM acquired by the Workmen before 7.11.13 will continue to be considered as PQ
for promotion of Workmen to Grade I.

13.6 Officers possessing the qualification of University Degree / Diploma in Engineering plus
GDMM acquired before 23.6.06 from IIMM would be considered as eligible for promotion
under DPC in the IMM Discipline (Purchase & Stores Dept.). After 23.6.06, Officers who
acquired the qualification of PGDMM, with University Degree, are only eligible for DPC
(Service eligibility of 4 years).


13.7 B.Sc (Agriculture) (4 years) & M.Sc (Agriculture) (2 years) are professional
qualifications, in the Horticulture Discipline. Qualification of B.Sc (Agriculture) (3 years)
& M.Sc (Agriculture) (2 years) acquired through Regular Mode can be considered as
professional qualification for the purpose of promotion, under DPC. However, the same
will not be considered as Professional Qualification for promotion under IMS.


13.8 Full Time/Regular MCA Degree of 3 years duration can only be considered as a
Professional Qualification on par with BE (Computer Science) for the purpose of
Promotion in the company, in the Computers / IT Discipline. MCA acquired from IGNOU
or any other University through Correspondence / Distance Education after 31.5.11 will
not be considered as Professional Qualification. In other words, MCA acquired from
IGNOU or any other recognized University through Correspondence / Distance
Education before 31.5.11 will continue to be considered as Professional Qualification for
the purpose of promotion in the Executive Cadre, but under DPC/CPP only.


13.9 Master Degree in Commerce (M.Com) would not be considered as a Professional

Qualification in any Discipline for the purpose of Promotion in the Executive Cadre.


13.10 Diploma / Degree in Engineering / Technology Qualifications acquired through Distance

Education Mode / Correspondence from IGNOU or any other Open Universities,
(including JNTU, Hyderabad and Yaswant Rao Chavan Maharastra Open University)
after 5.7.13, will not be considered as recognized Professional Qualifications for the
purpose of Promotions in the Company. However, Diploma / Degree in Engineering /
Technology Qualifications acquired before 5.7.13, through Distance Education Mode /
Correspondence from JNTU, Hyderabad and Yaswant Rao Chavan Maharastra Open
University will continue to be considered as recognized Professional Qualification for the
purpose of Promotions in the Company.


13.11 MBA acquired from IGNOU through Distance Mode which is of Minimum 2 1/2 years
duration can continue to be considered as Professional Qualification for the purpose of
promotion in the Executive and Non-Executive Cadre, in the concerned Non-Technical
Disciplines, including for IMS, like in the case of 3 years Part Time / Correspondence PG
Degrees / PG Diplomas.

2 Years Part Time Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management awarded by the
National Institute of Personnel Management cannot be recognized as a Professional
Qualification for the purpose of Promotion in the Workmen Cadre, Officers Cadre or
from the Workmen to the Officers cadre, in the Company.

The Qualifications acquired through Distance Education from Sikkim Manipal University
cannot be considered as Professional Qualification for the purpose of Promotion within
the Workmen Cadre, Workmen Cadre to Officer Cadre and within the Officer Cadre.

13.12 Qualifications acquired from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan – Rajendra Prasad Institute of
Communication & Management, Mumbai will not be considered as recognized /
Professional Qualifications for the purpose of Promotions in the Company, w.e.f 20th
September 2012, irrespective of the date of acquiring the qualifications.

13.13 Qualification of Associate Membership Examination (AMIIM) acquired from the Indian
Institute of Metals, Kolkata can be considered as equivalent to Degree in Metallurgy for
the purpose of promotion within the Workmen Cadre, from the Workmen Cadre to the
Executive Cadre and within the Executive Cadre.

13.14 The qualification of M.Sc (Chemistry) will be equated with Degree in Engineering for the
purpose of promotion under DPC / CPP (not under IMS), only in Chemical Labs &
Chemical Process shops, where the requirement of M.Sc (Chemistry) exists.


13.15 Pass in Sections A & B of the Associate Membership (Chartered Engineers) Examination
in Mechanical Engineering conducted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME),
Mumbai will be considered as equivalent to Degree in Engineering in respect of
candidates who join the course after acquiring Diploma in Engineering;

The qualification of Part I & II of Technician Engineers (T) awarded by the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers (India) can be considered as equivalent to Diploma in
Engineering, for the purpose of Promotion in the Company

Pass in AMIETE Examination conducted by the Institution of Electronics &

Telecommunication Engineers will be considered as equivalent to Degree in Engineering
in respect of candidates who join the course after acquiring Diploma in Engineering.

13.16 The qualification of MBA acquired from Sikkim Manipal University through Distance
Education and MFM acquired from Christ College under the Twinning programme with
Pondicherry University through Distance Education, cannot be considered as
Professional Qualification for the purpose of Promotion in the Company.

13.17 B.Tech (Mechanical) Degree acquired through Distance Education from JRN Rajasthan
Vidyapeeth University is not recognized in the Company.

13.18 PG Diploma in IR, Labour welfare & Personnel Management acquired by the employees
from Dr RML Awadh Univeristy will not be considered as recognized Qualification.

13.19 Ex-Servicemen possessing the Qualification of Diploma in Engineering plus 10 years of

Technical experience in IAF cannot be considered on par with employees possessing the
qualification of Degree in Engineering for the purpose of Promotion in the Company.

13.20 The qualification of BA acquired through Private mode cannot be considered as

recognized Qualification.

13.21 Regular Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (3 yrs) plus Post Basic BSc (Nursing)
(3 yrs) offered by IGNOU together can be considered on par with regular BSc (Nursing)
(4 yrs) for the purpose of Promotion.

13.22 Qualifications acquired through Distance Education Mode from the Vinayaka Mission
University, Salem cannot be recognized for the purpose of Promotions in the Company.

13.23 Degree in Engineering acquired from KSOU through Correspondence cannot be

recognized for the purpose of Promotion in the Company.

13.24 Pass in Sections A & B of the Associate Membership Course (Civil / Architecture),
[AMICE(I)] conducted by the Institution of Civil Engineers (India), Ludhiana (Punjab) is
recognized as equivalent to Degree in Engineering.

13.25 Pass in Parts I & II of the Technician Membership Examinations [T. Engg. (Civil /
Architecture)], conducted by the Institution of Civil Engineers (India), Ludhiana
(Punjab) is recognized as equivalent to Diploma in Engineering.

13.26 External Diploma in Engineering, acquired by employees already possessing ITI / NAC /
NCTVT qualification, which is offered by the Department of Technical Education,
Government of Karnataka, is recognized on par with regular Diploma in Engineering, for
the purpose of promotion in the Company.

13.27 Officers and Workmen working in the Secretarial Discipline need to acquire any of the
recognized Professional Qualifications in the Non-Technical Disciplines to become
eligible for promotion under the Professionally Qualified category.

Candidates possessing Non-Technical Qualifications like BA/BSc/BCom appointed in the

Non Technical Trade of Admin / Clerical are posted to Technical Departments also, to
carry out Clerical / Admin jobs, based on need. They are considered as part of the
Admin Trade in the Company. As such, they can acquire recognized higher qualifications
in the HR Discipline, like MBA (HR).

Benefit of Qualifications like MBA (Finance) needs to be given to employees in the

Accounts / Finance / Systems Audit Departments only. Similarly, benefit of
Qualifications in the IMM / Commercial Discipline need be given to employees in the
IMM / Commercial Departments only.


14.1 There should not be any Disciplinary case pending / Contemplated against the Officers
who are being considered for promotion. Vigilance Clearance needs to be obtained in
respect of the Officers who are being considered for promotion;

14.2 The practice of obtaining Vigilance Clearance in respect of Selection Committee

Members for Vacancy Based and Time Bound promotions in respect of Officers is

14.3 HR Dept. should ensure that (Members) being nominated as Selection Committee
Members for promotion (Vacancy Based & Time Bound) in respect of Officers have not
been issued any Advisory / Punishment in Recruitment / Promotion cases during the
preceding three years, reckoning the date of the Selection Committee Meeting;

14.4 Officers as at 14.3 above will not be nominated as Selection Committee Members;

14.5 Divisions / Offices will put a system in place to ensure compliance of the provisions at
paras 14.3 & 14.4 above;



i) Vacancy Based Promotions in case of Officers on whom punishments are imposed

during the preceding 3 years are considered from:

(c) The date arrived at by increasing the service eligibility period in the Grade by 1
& 2 years for each minor & major penalty respectively;

(d) From the date arrived at by postponing the date of promotion by 1 & 2 years
from the date on which each minor & major punishment respectively is imposed;

whichever is later.

ii) If any other punishment is imposed during the extended / deferred period, the system /
procedure at (i) above to be followed again.

iii) Further, if the punishment imposed is still under implementation [e.g.: postponement of
Annual Increment with cumulative effect for 4 years] i.e during the period of currency
of punishment, the Officer will not be eligible for promotion during the period.

iv) The term 'currency of punishment' will be applicable only to punishments which are
implemented over a period of time, like Postponement of Increments.

Example: If Annual Increment of an Officer is postponed without cumulative effect for a

period of 3 years, then the currency of punishment would be applicable consecutively
for next 3 years [say if punishment is awarded on 1.4.13, Increment due on 1.1.14 will
be postponed and will be re-stored on 1.1.17. In this case, the currency will be till

Illustrative examples:
Officer Date of Educational Effective date Normal Date of Eligibility date of DPC after punishment
Seniority in Qualification of Minor eligibility considerati
Date arrived Date arrived Date on which the
Grade -IV Punishment date for on for DPC
at by at by Officer will be
increasing the postponemen eligible to be
Service t of one year considered for
Eligibility from the date Vacancy Based
period in the of Promotion (date as
Grade by one punishment at Col.(7) or Col. (8),
year whichever is later)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

A 1.7.09 B.E 1.8.10 1.7.13 1.7.13 1.7.14 1.7.13 1.7.14

B 1.7.09 B.E 1.6.11 1.7.13 1.7.13 1.7.14 1.7.13 1.7.14

C 1.7.09 B.E 1.6.12 1.7.13 1.7.13 1.7.14 1.7.13 1.7.14

D 1.7.09 B.E 1.6.13 1.7.13 1.7.13 1.7.14 1.7.14 1.7.14


i) No punishment should have been imposed on the Officer during the preceding three
years. Officers on whom minor penalties are imposed are debarred from being
considered for Career Plan Promotion by 1 year and those on whom major penalties
have been imposed would be debarred for 2 years;

ii) Postponement of promotion is to be reckoned from the normal due date of CPP (i.e the
date on which the Officer would have been eligible for CPP had there been no
punishment) and not from the date of imposition of punishment;

iii) The concept of currency of punishment is not applicable to these promotions.


Postponement of promotion by 1 & 2 years indicated at (i) above would be applicable

for each minor & major punishment respectively.

iv) In cases where Disciplinary proceedings are pending on the normal due date of
promotion after issuance of Charge Sheet, promotion would not be effected and the
same would be kept pending till the completion of the disciplinary proceedings;

v) In case the Officer is exonerated of the charges, he will be considered for promotion,
after the closure of the case, with effect from the normal due date. Such ante-dated
promotion will be without financial benefit.

vi) In cases where punishments are imposed, upon completion of the Disciplinary
proceedings, the Officer will be considered for promotion, after closure of the case, from
the next available & eligible date for effecting promotion, also reckoning the
postponement of promotion to be effected based on the punishment imposed. Illustrate
cases are as under:

Case – I

Date of Seniority in Grade - III : 01.07.2009

Normal due date of CPP to Grade - IV : 01.07.2013

Disciplinary Action was pending as on

01.07.2013, hence not promoted.

Punishment (Minor) imposed on : 25.09.2013

Effect of punishment : Postponement of CPP by

one year from the normal
due date.

Date of eligibility for CPP to Grade - IV : 01.07.2014

Case – II

Date of Seniority in Grade - I : 01.07.2008

Normal due date of CPP to Grade - II : 01.07.2012

Disciplinary Action was pending as on

01.07.2012, hence not promoted.

Punishment (Major) imposed on : 15.10.2013

Effect of punishment : Postponement of CPP by

two years from the
normal due date.

Date of eligibility for CPP to Grade - II : 01.07.2014

Case – III

Date of Seniority in Grade - III : 01.07.2007

Normal due date of CPP to Grade - IV : 01.07.2011

Disciplinary Action was pending as on

01.07.2011, hence not promoted.

Punishment (Major) imposed on : 25.02.2014

Normal effect of punishment : Postponement of CPP by

two year from the normal
due date.

Date of eligibility for CPP to Grade - IV : 01.07.2014 (Promotion to

be effected from the 1st
available & eligible date
after the date of
imposition of


System as at (A) above will be applicable for promotion from the Workmen cadre to
posts in Grade I, with the modification that the effect will be 6 months for minor
penalties and 1 year for major penalties.


16.1 While considering the suitability of Officers, who are within the zone of Vacancy Based
Promotions / Career Plan Promotions, details of Officer(s) falling under the following
categories should be brought to the notice of the Departmental Promotion Committee:-

(a) Officers under suspension;

(b) Officers in respect of whom a charge-sheet has been issued and disciplinary
proceedings are pending;

(c) Officers in respect of whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending

16.2 The DPC after assessing the suitability of the Officer coming under one of the categories
mentioned above, shall keep the assessment in a sealed cover with the superscription
that “Findings regarding suitability for promotion to Grade ____ in respect of
Shri_________________ not to be opened till the termination of disciplinary
proceedings / criminal prosecution / investigation / enquiry against

The proceedings of the DPC need only contain the note. The findings are contained in
the attached sealed cover.

16.3 On conclusion of the enquiry / investigation or criminal proceedings which results in

dropping of allegation or complaints against Officer, the sealed cover shall be opened.
In case the Officer is completely exonerated, the due date of his promotion will be
determined with reference to the position assigned to him in the findings kept in the
sealed cover / covers and with the reference to the date of promotion of his next junior.
He may be promoted notionally with reference to the date on which he would have been
promoted. However, whether the Officer concerned will be entitled to any arrears of pay
for the period of notional promotion preceding the date of actual promotion and if so, to
what extent, will be decided by the appointing authority by taking into consideration
facts and circumstances of the disciplinary proceeding / criminal prosecution. Where the
authority denies arrears of salary or part of it, it will record its reasons for doing so. It is
not possible to anticipate and enumerate exhaustively all the circumstances under
which such denials of arrears of salary or part of it may become necessary. However,
there may be cases where the proceedings, whether disciplinary or criminal, are, for
example delayed at the instance of the employee or the clearance in the disciplinary
proceedings or acquittal in the criminal proceedings is with benefit of doubt or on
account of non-availability of evidence due to the acts attributable to the employee, etc.
These are only some of the circumstances where such denial can be justified.

16.4 If there is no vacancy available in the relevant discipline at the time of his promotion,
he may be promoted and adjusted against the next wastage vacancy. If any penalty is
imposed on the Officer as a result of disciplinary proceedings / investigations, the
findings of the sealed cover / covers shall not be acted upon. His case for promotion
may be considered by the next DPC in the normal course and having regard to the
penalty imposed on him;

16.5 It is necessary to ensure that the disciplinary cases / investigation instituted against
any Officer is not unduly prolonged and all efforts to finalise expeditiously the
proceedings should be taken, so that, the need for keeping the case in the sealed cover
is limited to the barest minimum;

16.6 However, if the disciplinary proceedings / investigation goes beyond the validity of the
panel i.e one year from the date of interview, the sealed cover shall not be acted upon
and the case of the Officer for promotion may be considered by the next DPC and the
recommendation of the DPC be kept in the closed cover in the event the disciplinary
proceedings and investigation is not completed at the time of conducting the DPC;

16.7 An Officer who is recommended for promotion by DPC but in whose case any of the
circumstances mentioned in para-16.1 above arises, after the recommendations of the
DPC are received but before he is actually promoted, it will be treated as if his case has
been placed in the sealed cover by the DPC. He will not be promoted until he is
completely exonerated of the charges against him and the provisions contained above
will be applicable in such cases also.

16.8 To ensure that promotion of Officers are not kept pending on account of frivolous cases,
the following procedure will be followed while considering an Officer for promotion,
against whom prosecution for criminal charge is pending (Refer para 16.1 (c)):


The existing system will continue to be applicable.


The existing system of sealed cover procedure will be followed in such cases also.
However, if the prosecution for the criminal charge is pending in a matter not related to
HAL / Service in HAL, and has arisen out of a private complaint / petition filed by a third
party, the authority competent to effect the promotion can review the matter, pending
closure of the criminal proceedings and decide to open the sealed cover, after
ascertaining the nature / type of the case and process the matter further. However, if
the private complaint is filed in a matter, which has already been decided in favour of
employee by a Competent Authority, it will have no impact on promotion. If pending
criminal proceedings are initiated by the State, though the matter may not be related to
HAL / service in HAL, the sealed cover will not be acted upon till the completion of the


17.1 The guidelines for considering Officers who fall into the following categories for
promotion are indicated at paras 17.2 to 17.8:

i) Officers whose training period as Executive Trainees / Management Trainees / Design

Trainees is extended on account of non completion of the prescribed training

ii) Officers who are initially appointed on Contract basis for specific periods & whose
contract service is extended before regularization on account of unsatisfactory
performance during the specified contract period, wherein the contract period is
reckoned as service for the purpose of promotion to the next Grade;

iii) Officers whose probation period on initial appointment is extended on account of non
satisfactory performance during the probation; and

iv) Officers who avail Leave Without Pay.

17.2 In cases where the prescribed training / contract period is extended on account of
unsatisfactory performance / non-completion of training satisfactorily, the service
eligibility for promotion to the next higher Grade will be increased by the period by
which the training / contract period is extended, in units of minimum 6 months or 1
year, as the case may be. Illustrative examples are given below:

Normal Service Service eligibility for promotion to the next higher

eligibility for Grade when the training/contract period is extended
promotion to the
next higher Grade Extension upto Extension between 6
6 months months & 1 year

Officers in Grades I to III

3 yrs. 4 yrs. 3½ yrs. 4½ yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs.

Officers in Grade IV & higher

3 yrs. 4 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs.

17.3 In cases where the probation period on initial / fresh appointment is extended, the
prescribed period of service eligibility for promotion to the next Grade will be increased
by the periods indicated below, under all modes of promotion (i.e. IMS/DPC/CPP):

Extension of probation period Extension of service eligibility for

Officers appointed in Grades I to

Upto 6 months 6 months

6 months to 1 year 1 year

More than 1 year 2 years

Officers appointed in Grade IV &


Upto 1 year 1 year

More than 1 year 2 years

17.4 The prescribed period of service eligibility for promotion to the next Grade, under IMS /
DPC / CPP, in respect of Officers who take ‘Leave Without Pay’ during the service in the
existing Grade, will be increased by the periods indicated below:

Extension of service eligibility for promotion

LWP availed Other than on Medical On Medical grounds
Officers in Grades I to III
Upto 15 days Nil
16 to 30 days 6 months Nil
31 to 60 days 1 year
61 to 180 days 2 years 6 months
181 to 365 days 2 years for 180 days plus 1 year
Beyond 1 year 1 yr. for each addl. Block By the period of LWP, in units of
of 60 days (eg. 3 yrs. for 6 months, rounded up to the
185 days) next 6 months.
Officers in Grade IV & higher
Upto 15 days Nil Nil
16 to 60 days 1 year
61 to 180 days 2 years 1 year
181 to 365 days 2 years for 180 days plus
Beyond 1 year 1 yr. for each addl. Block By the period of LWP, in units of
of 60 days (eg. 3 yrs. for 1 year, rounded up to the next
185 days) year

17.5 Officers who take Leave Without Pay on Medical grounds would be required to produce
a Certificate from the Chief of Medical Services of the concerned Complex / Division,
indicating the sickness and certifying that they were unable to attend duty for the
period of LWP on account of the said sickness.

17.6 The effect of LWP availed by Executive / Management / Design Trainees during their
training period, on their promotion to the next higher Grade is as under:
i) The Training period in respect of Executive / Management / Design Trainees is reckoned
as service in the Grade in which they are absorbed, for the purpose of their promotion
under IMS/DPC/CPP to the next higher Grade, subject to meeting the other prescribed
conditions. Consequently, it is clarified that LWP, if any, availed by Executive /
Management / Design Trainees during the training period will be considered as LWP
availed during the service in the Grade in which they are absorbed, and their promotion
to the next higher Grade would be processed as spelt out Para 17.4 above.

ii) It is further clarified that extension of the date of absorption of Executive / Management
/ Design Trainees, from the actual due date, by the number of days of LWP availed
during the training period, will not fall in the category indicated at Para 17.2. Extension
of the normal period of training, by specific periods (say, 3 months, 6 months etc.) on
account of non completion of the training within the normal period / failure, will only be
reckoned under para 17.2.

17.7 The procedure to be adopted in determining the date of eligibility for promotion in
respect of Officers who avail further LWP during the extended period, whose promotion
was earlier extended on account of LWP availed during the normal eligibility period is as

i) In respect of Officers who avail LWP other than on Medical Grounds during the extended
period, there would be further extension of service eligibility for promotion under
IMS/DPC/CPP to the next higher Grade, as indicated below:

Extension of Service Eligibility for further LWP availed during the extended
Quantum of LWP availed Further extension of Service Eligibility for
during the extended period promotion
Officers in Grades I to III
Upto 6 days Nil
7 to 45 days Six months
46 to 90 days One year
91 to 180 days One and a half years
181 to 365 days Two years
Two years for 365 days plus one year for each
Beyond 365 days
additional block upto 180 days
Officers in Grade IV & higher

Upto 6 days Nil

7 to 90 days One year

91 to 365 days Two years
Two years for 365 days plus one year for each
Beyond 365 days
additional block upto 180 days

ii) As regards Leave Without Pay availed on Medical Grounds during the extended period,
there would be no further extension of service eligibility. However, such Officers would
be required to produce Certificate from the Chief of Medical Services of the concerned
Complex / Division, indicating the sickness & certifying that they were unable to attend
duty for the period of LWP on account of the said sickness.


18.1 Guidelines to be followed in respect of Promotion of Officers who are sponsored /

deputed for higher studies / training or granted Study Leave, covering the following
aspects are detailed in paras 18.2 to 18.6:

i) Procedure to be followed for considering Officers, who are deputed/sponsored for

Higher Studies/Training or granted Study Leave, for promotion;

ii) Date of joining on promotion, reckoning of Probation Period and Confirmation in cases
of Officers promoted as at (i) above;

iii) System for raising PARs during the period of Deputation/Sponsorship/Study Leave;

iv) Procedure for reckoning Probation period, Confirmation etc in respect of Officers who
are sponsored/deputed for Higher Studies/Training or granted Study Leave, before
completion of Probation period;

v) Grant of Annual increments in cases of Officers deputed/sponsored for Higher

Studies/Training after promotion but before completion of the probation period.

18.2 Officers who are sponsored / deputed by the Company for Higher Studies / Training
would be considered for Career Plan Promotion w.e.f. the normal due dates and for
Vacancy Based Promotions during the year(s) in which they would have been
considered for promotion, had they not been on Deputation / Sponsorship. However,
promotion orders in respect of such Officers who are cleared for promotion (under CPP /
DPC / IMS / Selection) would be issued only after they join back for duties, w.e.f. the
original due date of promotion, with seniority and financial benefits. Annual increments
in such cases, in the promoted Scales / Grades, would be granted (after the promotion
orders are issued) as if the Officers concerned have been confirmed. Probation period in
such cases would start w.e.f. the actual date of joining the promoted post. Confirmation
would be processed depending upon the completion of the probation period and Annual
Increments already granted, pending confirmation, would be re-adjusted, if necessary,
depending upon the date of confirmation;

18.3 Officers who are granted Study Leave by the Company would be considered for Career
Plan Promotion w.e.f. the normal due dates and for Vacancy Based Promotions during
the year(s) in which they would have been considered for promotion, had they not been
on Study Leave. Promotion orders in respect of such Officers who are cleared for
promotion (under CPP / DPC / IMS / Selection) would also be issued only after they join
back for duties. Though they would be granted ante-dated seniority in the promoted
post w.e.f. the original due date of promotion, they would be eligible for financial
benefits in the promoted post only from the date of issue of the promotion order;

18.4 Requisite number of vacancies for promoting Officers who are on Deputation /
Sponsorship for Higher Studies / Training or who have been granted Study Leave and
who have been found suitable for Vacancy Based promotions as at Paras 18.2 & 18.3
above, should be kept aside by the Division / Office concerned, out of the total
vacancies available during the concerned year(s), for effecting promotions of such
selected Officers, after they join back for duties.

18.5 No Performance Appraisal Reports would be raised during the period of Sponsorship /
Deputation for Higher Studies/Training or Study Leave. However, if the Officer is
available for duties for a part of the year (more than 3 months), PAR for that period
would be raised and the same would be considered as for the full year, for the purpose
of promotions.

18.6 In respect of year(s) for which PARs are not available, the overall Gradation of the year
for which PAR was raised last would notionally be taken as the Gradation for the
concerned year(s), for the purpose of considering such Officers for Promotion.


PARs of 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 are to be reckoned for considering an Officer
for promotion to Gr-III. However, no PARs were raised during 2012-13 and 2013-14 as
the Officer was deputed for Higher Studies. Gradation of 2011-12 was ‘87’. Accordingly,
Gradations for 2012-13 and 2013-14 would be reckoned as ‘87’ for the purpose of
considering him for promotion.

18.7 In respect of Officers who are deputed / sponsored for Higher Studies / Training or
granted Study Leave, during the period of Probation, the probationary period of 12
months would be reckoned covering the period which such Officers would already have
served in the promoted post prior to Deputation/Sponsorship for Higher Studies /
Training or grant of Study Leave and the balance period after they join back for duties.
Such Officers who are deputed / sponsored for Higher Studies / Training would be
eligible for Annual Increments every year, irrespective of the fact that they have not
been confirmed. Annual Increments already granted to such Officers, pending
confirmation, would be re-adjusted, if necessary, depending upon the date of


An Officer who was promoted w.e.f. 1.7.12 was deputed for Higher Studies during the
period 6.10.12 to 5.4.14. The Probation period in his case would be from 1.7.12 to
5.10.12 and again from 6.4.14 to 31.12.14 (i.e., excluding the period 6.10.12 to 5.4.14
during which he is undergoing Higher Studies)

18.8 The methodology to be adopted for conducting the Interview of candidates who are
sponsored for higher studies aboard are as follows:

i) Written Test of Officers sponsored for Higher Studies abroad, granted Study Leave to
pursue courses abroad, posted abroad, etc. would be conducted through Internet, at
the same time when the Written Test is conducted for Officers within the Country;

ii) Conduct of Written Test through Internet can also be done in respect of Officers who
are within the Country but not at the Head Quarters (like sponsorship for Higher
Studies; granted Study Leave, posted at Outstations etc.). Alternatively, such
candidates can be called to attend the Written Test at the nearest Division / Office;

iii) Interview of Officers sponsored for Higher Studies aboard, granted Study Leave to
pursue courses abroad, posted abroad etc. would be done at the same time as that of
their counterparts within the Country, through Video Conferencing;

iv) Interview of Officers in the category at (ii) will also be conducted through Video
Conferencing. If Video Conferencing facilities are not available, they can be called to
the Division / Office for attending the Interview.

v) Promotion Orders in respect of Officers sponsored for Higher Studies or granted Study
Leave (both abroad & within the Country) and who are selected for promotion would be
issued only after they join back duty in the Division / Office, as specified in the Rules.
Requisite number of vacancies for promoting such selected Officers would be kept aside
by the Division / Office also, as specified. Promotion Orders in respect of Officers who
are posted abroad & selected for promotions will be issued alongwith their counterparts
within the Country. There will be no change in effecting the promotions in respect of
Officers who are being considered for promotion under CPP.

18.9 Officers should be confirmed in their existing Grade for consideration for promotion to
the next higher Grade.

18.10 In some cases, Officers who were sponsored to pursue higher studies could not be
considered for promotion to the next higher Grade as they had not been confirmed in
their existing Grade as on the date of eligibility for promotion. The issue has arisen due
to administrative delay in issuance of promotion orders. Further, Officers who are
sponsored for higher studies during the period of probation has to complete the balance
period of probation after they join back the Division. In other words, the period of study
/ sponsorship is not considered for the purpose of probation. Similarly, promotion
orders of the Officers who are sponsored for higher studies can only be issued after
they join back for duties and their probation will start thereafter, on assumption of
charge. In such cases, the following system need to be adopted:


To assess the suitability of such Officers for promotion after their confirmation in the
existing Grade, from the next earliest available date of promotion, along with other
fresh Officers due on that date, on fulfilling the other requisite criteria, against the
vacancies available as on the date of assessment. If found suitable, they will be
considered for promotion with ante dated seniority, from the original due date. Financial
benefits will be given only from the date of assumption of charge of the higher post.
Sample cases are indicated below:

Case I

Date of release to pursue EPGDM at IMI, Delhi : 18.5.10

Date of release of promotion orders (Gr V) : 16.11.10
Date of issuance of promotion order to the Officer : 4.10.11
and assumption of charge in Grade V
Seniority in Grade V : 1.7.09
Due date of confirmation in Grade V : 4.10.12
Normal due date of eligibility to Grade VI under : 1.7.12
Next earliest date available for promotion : 1.7.13
[date of consideration for promotion]
Seniority to be counted wef (if promoted) (IMS) : 1.7.12

Case II

Date of issuance of promotion order to the Officer : 5.2.11

and assumption of charge in Grade III
Seniority in Grade III : 1.7.09
Date of release to pursue EPGDM at MDI,Gurgaon : 9.4.11
Date of joining back the Division : 29.9.12
Due date of confirmation in Grade III : 29.7.13
Normal due date of eligibility to Grade IV under : 1.7.12
Next earliest date available for promotion : 1.1.14
[date of consideration for promotion]
Seniority to be counted wef (if promoted) (IMS) : 1.7.12

Case III

Date of issuance of promotion order to the Officer : 5.2.11

and assumption of charge in Grade III
Seniority in Grade III : 1.1.10
Date of release to pursue EPGDM at MDI,Gurgaon : 9.4.11
Date of joining back the Division : 29.9.12
Due date of confirmation in Grade III : 29.7.13
Normal due date of eligibility to Grade IV under : 1.1.13
Next earliest date available for promotion : 1.1.14
[date of consideration for promotion]
Seniority to be counted wef (if promoted) (IMS) : 1.1.13

Note: In all the above cases, Financial Benefits will be given from the actual date of
assumption of charge of the promoted post.


Officers who are due for promotion under CPP will be assessed wef the original due date
of promotion. However, promotion orders will be issued after their confirmation in the
existing Grade. Seniority will be reckoned wef the original due date of promotion.
Financial benefits will be granted wef the date of assumption of charge of the higher
post only (i.e after confirmation).

18.11 Grant of Financial Benefits in respect of Officers sponsored for Higher studies, whose
promotion orders were issued after they joined back for duties on completion of the

i) Promotion Orders in respect of Officers who are Sponsored / Deputed for Higher Studies
would be issued only after they join back for duties, w.e.f the original due date of
promotion, with Seniority & Financial Benefits, provided promotion of other Officers in
the Division / Office were effected on the due date of promotion itself [i.e issuance of
Promotion Order on or before 1st Jan / 1st July];

ii) If normal promotions in a year have been effected later than the actual due date of
Promotion and Officers in the Divisions / Offices have been extended Financial Benefits
w.e.f the actual date of assumption of charge, Financial Benefits in respect of the
Officers Sponsored / Deputed would also be extended from the date from which the
benefits were extended to the other Officers who were in the Divisions / Offices. An
illustrative case is as under:

a) Date of release from the Division for higher studies : 16.7.11

b) Period of Sponsorship : 2011-2013

c) Due date of promotion from Grade - II to III : 1.7.12

d) Promotion order issued to other Officers who were : 26.9.12

in the Division
i) Seniority : 1.7.12

ii) Financial Benefits : 26.9.12

e) Date of reporting back to duty after completing studies : 17.7.13

f) Date of issuance of promotion order to the Officer : 17.7.13

g) Date of Seniority : 1.7.12
h) Grant of Financial Benefits : 26.9.12

iii) In any year, if effecting promotions is delayed due to administrative reasons and
Financial Benefits are extended w.e.f the actual due date of promotion, the same would
also be applicable in respect of the Officers Sponsored / Deputed for Higher Studies by
the Company;

iv) In respect of Officers of the categories covered in para 18.10, instructions contained in
the said para will be applicable.


19.1 Officers who qualify for promotion w.e.f. 1st July under IMS / DPC, but are not promoted
on account of lack of vacancies, can be considered for selection for promotion w.e.f. 1st
January of the subsequent year, under the same mode, against vacancies arising w.e.f.
1st January of the subsequent year, along with fresh candidates who would become
eligible w.e.f. that date. Similarly, Officers who qualify for promotion w.e.f. 1st January
under IMS / DPC, but are not promoted on account of lack of vacancies, can be
considered for selection for promotion w.e.f. 1st July of the same year, under the same
mode, against vacancies arising w.e.f. that date, alongwith fresh candidates who would
become eligible we.f. that date. The promotions will be effected subject to meeting
other stipulated requirements.

19.2 Officers who fail in the selection for promotion under IMS / DPC w.e.f. 1st January / July
will not be eligible to be considered for promotion under the same mode w.e.f. the
subsequent 1st July / January respectively. However, Officers who fail in the selection
for promotion under IMS w.e.f. 1st January / July will be eligible to be considered under
DPC w.e.f. the subsequent 1st July / January respectively, provided they are otherwise
eligible for DPC w.e.f. that date and meet the stipulated requirements.


Prior approval of the next higher authority is to be taken in cases of supersession of

SC/ST employees in promotion. Accordingly, in cases where GM / ED is the Competent
Authority to effect promotions, supersession is to be approved by the MD and where MD
is the Competent Authority, supersession is to be approved by the Chairman. This
would be applicable for Vacancy Based Promotions and not for promotions under IMS.




As per rules, Orders of Reservation are applicable for effecting Promotions to posts in
the Lowest Rung of Group-A (i.e Grade-II in HAL). Promotion to posts in Grade-II is
effected under IMS Mode also where reservation is applicable as these promotions are
effected based on sanctioned vacancies and performance in Written Test / Interview.

Relaxation of 10% to SC/ST candidates in the minimum Qualifying Marks need to be

applied uniformly in the Written Test, Interview and in the Aggregate, as under:

Particulars Minimum Qualifying Marks for SC/ST (10% relaxation in the

IMS (UR/OBC) Minimum Qualifying
Written Test 60 out of 100 54 out of 100
Interview 18.75 (75%) out of 25 16.88 out of 25
Total 85 out of 100 76.5 out of 100

21.2 The Committee will draw up a panel of selected candidates in the order of merit /
seniority, as the case may be. These select panels (Promotion / Internal Merit
Selection) are valid for a period of one year from the date of meeting of the selection
committee and not from the date of approval of the recommendations of the Selection
Committee by the Appointing Authority.

21.3 Although the Appointing Authority will as a rule, pay due regard to the
recommendations of the Departmental promotion committee, the Committees are
purely advisory bodies and the responsibilities for granting promotions and making
appointments are that of the Appointing Authority only.


Non-selection to a post, promotion to which is by merit is not appealable. Any employee

who is aggrieved by an order of promotion to a post, promotion to which is by seniority,
on the ground that he has been superseded, may appeal through the Appointing
Authority to the next higher authority. While forwarding the appeal, the Appointing
Authority will enter a separate note giving reasons why the decision was taken. The
appeal should be routed through the HR Department, which will enter their comments.
The decision taken by the authority higher to the Appointing Authority will be
communicated to the employee concerned through the HR Department. Reasons for
rejecting the appeal should be communicated in brief to the employee.


i) Every Officer promoted to the higher Grade either by Departmental Promotion / Internal
Merit Selection / Career Plan Promotion will be on probation in that Grade for a period
ONE YEAR from the date they assume charge of the higher post;

ii) If the Officer does not acquire the standards required of him or his conduct and work
are considered unsatisfactory during the period of probation, the period of probation
may be extended at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. The reasons for
extending the period of probation are to be communicated to the Officer concerned in
writing. The Officer will be treated as on probation till they are confirmed. The Officer is
deemed as confirmed in their post, only if they are intimated to that effect in writing;

iii) In the case of Officers in Grade-I and above, the period of probation is to be closely
watched and monitored by the appropriate Initiating, Reviewing Authority. Deficiencies
found, if any, should be communicated in writing to the probationer concerned and this
should be indicated in the Sixth / Eleventh monthly probationary reports;

iv) If the performance of the probationer is not found to be satisfactory in spite of

intimating the deficiencies noticed in writing, the Appointing Authority may consider
extending the probationary period and then decide the question of confirmation of the
Officer in the present Grade on the basis of their performance during the extended
period of probation. If at the end of such extended period, the Officer’s performance is
still found to be unsatisfactory, they should be reverted to their lower post;

v) In the cases where the period of probation is extended, the Officer whose probation has
been extended will lose the seniority by a period equivalent to the period by which the
probation was extended. The due date of increment will also be postponed in the event
of extension of probation period. The revised due date of increment thereafter will be
reckoned with reference to the actual date of confirmation;

vi) Cases of Officers who are unable to perform duties during their probation satisfactorily,
on account of long sickness / deputation / study leave will be considered on merits

vii) In the case of an Officer who is charge-sheeted or whose conduct is under investigation
or against whom a CBI / Criminal case is registered, during probationary period, his
confirmation in the post to which he was promoted, kept in abeyance till the conclusion
of the proceedings initiated against him. If they are fully exonerated of the charges,
they may be confirmed in the post from the due date, if their performance was
otherwise satisfactory during the probationary period. In case the Officer is found
guilty, appropriate punishment commensurate with the gravity of charges has been
imposed, the fact that the Officer continues to be on probation should also be taken into
account while deciding about the penalty to be imposed.

Categories of Officers on Competent Authority who is authorized to

probation approve Confirmation

Executive Directors / General Managers or the

Grade-I, II & III
Officers authorized by them
Managing Directors of the Complex / Functional
Grade-IV, V & VI
Grade-VII and above Chairman


24.1 One notional increment @ 3% of the basic Pay in the pre-promoted Scale will be added
to the Basic Pay drawn in the pre-promoted Scale as on the date of Promotion. The
resultant amount will be rounded up to the next multiple of Rs.10/-. In case amount so
arrived at is less than the minimum of the promoted Scale, the pay will be fixed at the
minimum of the promoted Scale. Other existing provisions for pay fixation on promotion
(like re-fixation on the date of Annual Increment) would continue to be applicable.

24.2 In order to eliminate the occurrence of anomalies on account of pay fixation on

promotion between 2 Officers, the following methodology would be adopted in fixing the
pay on Promotion:

a) Pay would be fixed in the promoted Scale with effect from the date of promotion after
reckoning the Annual Increment, if any, which would be due on that date in the pre-
promoted scale;

b) In case where the date of promotion and the date of Annual Increment do not coincide,
the pay would be re-fixed on the date on which the Officer would have drawn his Annual
increment in the pre-promoted scale, as if the Officer was promoted w.e.f. that date,
after reckoning the Annual Increment which would have been due to him as on that
date in the pre-promoted Scale had he not been promoted earlier. His next Annual
Increment would be due after one year from the date of such re-fixation of pay;

c) In case the pay on re-fixation as at para (b) above comes to the same stage in the
promoted Scale as was the pay fixed originally as at Para (a) above, re-fixation of pay
as at Para (b) is not to be done. In such a case, the Officer concerned would draw his
next Annual Increment after one year from the original date of promotion;

d) With the introduction of the above system for fixation of pay on Promotion, the system
of permitting Officers to postpone the date of joining on promotion, upto a maximum of
three months from the date of promotion, in order to derive the benefit of Annual
Increment, if any, due within this period of three months in pay fixation on promotion,
stands withdrawn;

e) The above methodology of pay fixation on Promotion was effected from 1.01.97.


In cases of Officers promoted w.e.f. 1st July of the year, whose Annual Increment before
Promotion was due on 1st January, the Pay on Promotion would initially be fixed w.e.f.
1st July. Thereafter, the Pay would be re-fixed w.e.f. 1st January of the next year (i.e.
date of Annual Increment in the pre-promoted Grade, as if he was promoted from that
date), provided the re-fixation would be beneficial. Such re-fixation of pay w.e.f. 1st
January is not to be construed as grant of ‘Annual Increment’. The first Annual
Increment in the promoted Grade will be granted w.e.f. 1st January of the subsequent
year, provided the Officer is confirmed in the promoted Grade effective from 1st January
of the year or earlier. Otherwise, the Annual Increment will be granted w.e.f. 1st of the
month (after January) from which he is confirmed.

24.3 Annual Increments in the respective Time Scales of pay will accrue to the employees
automatically, unless it is withheld or postponed in the following circumstances:

i) As a penalty imposed in accordance with the HAL Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules
as a punishment;

ii) As a result of leave without pay exceeding 15 days in a year reckoned from the date of
last increment.

24.4 Where penalty is imposed, the orders imposing penalty are to indicate the period for
which the increment is postponed and whether it is to have cumulative effect or not.

24.5 The first spell of leave without pay, taken by an employee shall not result in
postponement of his increment. Any further leave without pay availed by the employee
will result in postponement of his increment.

24.6 In case of postponement of increment due to leave without pay exceeding 15 days in a
year, the increment will be postponed during the 1st year. In the subsequent year the
increment will be brought back to the original date unless postponed as a result of
further leave without pay or as a measure of punishment.

24.7 Where an Officer is imposed with the punishment of postponement of increment without
cumulative effect, the procedure outlined above will be followed.

24.8 Where the penalty of postponement increment with cumulative effect if imposed, the
increment date is postponed as per the orders of the Disciplinary Authority. It will not
be restored to the original date in the second and subsequent years.

24.9 Maternity Leave availed of by Women employees of the Company, shall not postpone
the normal service increment.


The Managing Directors, Executive Directors and General Managers will have the
powers to make appointments to posts in relaxation of the minimum standard
prescribed to the extent indicated below:-

Relaxation Posts for which

Educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment Grade-I & below
may be relaxed to the standards indicated in the rules for
promotion to the post in question, provided the individual
has the corresponding length of experience.

Prescribed period of experience may be relaxed by not

more than two years for effecting promotion
Minimum experience prescribed may be relaxed up to two Grade-III & below
years, subject to the condition that no one without
experience is appointed except in posts for which
recruitment of individuals without experience is authorized
under the rules.
Upper age limit prescribed in the rules may be relaxed up Grade-III & below
to two years.

These powers will be exercised by the Executive Directors/General Managers only if

candidates with the qualifications and experience prescribed in the rules are not
available and ED/GMs are satisfied that the relaxations will not adversely affect

The Managing Directors are authorized to make relaxations in Age, Educational

Qualifications and Experience, to the extent necessary, for appointment to post below
Grade-IV, whether the appointment is to be made by Direct Recruitment or by


i. Cases of individuals appointed to posts below Grade – IV by Direct Recruitment

or by Promotion in relaxation of the prescribed standards are to be reported to
the Chairman every month indicating precisely:

a) The relaxation granted;

b) The reasons for doing so;
c) Whether the relaxation was approved by the GM / ED / MD

Appointments made by ED / GM in relaxation of the rules should likewise be

reported to the concerned MD.

ii. All cases of relaxation of rules for appointment to posts in Grade – IV and above
are to be referred to the Chairman for prior approval;

iii. Relaxation of qualification for Promotion in the Company is to be granted only

once in the career of an employee at the level of Whole Time Directors (MD/FD)
for posts upto Gr.III. Only exceptional cases deserving relaxation of qualification
for the second time are to be referred to Corporate Office for obtaining specific
approval of Chairman.


26.1 Every year on a selective basis, higher Scales of Pay are granted to a limited number
(maximum of six only) of Officers in Grade-III to VI, who do not possess the requisite
minimum educational qualification prescribed for promotion, as personal to them in the
existing posts, subject to the following conditions:

a) they should not be of less than 45 years of age;

b) they should not possess the prescribed minimum educational qualification for
promotion to the next higher post;

c) they should have put in a minimum of 4 years of service in their existing grade;

d) they should have been rated at least “ABOVE AVERAGE” in the Performance
Appraisal Reports consistently during the last four years;

e) this benefit should be admitted only once during the career of the Officer;

f) the Management may at its discretion revert the Officer who was granted the
higher scale of pay as personal to him to the lower scale of pay, if the Officer
does not maintain the requisite standards of performance on the job;

g) the Officer granted higher scale of pay as personal to him will continue to hold
the post in the lower scale which he was holding prior to grant of higher scale of
pay on a personal basis and will enjoy all the benefits applicable to the higher
scale including seniority.


i) Employees fulfilling the conditions of eligibility are called for interview by the
Departmental promotion Committee at Corporate Office on a selective basis. Based on
their performance on the job as reflected in their Performance Appraisal Reports and
their performance in the Interview, the Departmental Promotion Committee will select
Officers who are considered meritorious enough to be granted the next higher Scale of
Pay as personal to them. The names of Officers cleared by the Departmental Promotion
Committee for grant of higher Pay Scale as personal to them under this procedure
would be interpolated in the select list (panel) for promotion in the concerned discipline.
Orders of promotion will be issued granting them higher Scales of Pay when the Officer
junior to him in the select panel is to be promoted to the higher Grade on a regular


In order to remove disparity in pay of Senior Officers who draw less pay than their
Junior Officers who are promoted at a later date, the pay of the Senior Officers should
be stepped up to equal that of the pay fixed for the Junior Officer promoted
subsequently. The stepping up should be done with effect from the date of promotion
of the Junior Officer subject to the following conditions:

i) Both the Senior and the Junior Officer should belong to the same discipline / sub-
discipline as the case may be before and after promotion;

ii) Both Senior and the Junior Officer should have been promoted from the same Scale to
the higher identical Scale;

iii) The disparity in pay between the Senior and the Junior Officer should have arisen
directly as a result of the application of normal pay fixation Rules and not attributable to
extraneous factors such as Junior having received any advance increments at the time
of appointment or deferment of increment on account of absence without pay etc;

iv) On the date of promotion of the Senior Officer from the lower Grade, the Senior should
have been receiving equal or higher pay, as compared to that of the Junior employee
who was promoted subsequently;

v) The subsequent date of increment of the Senior Officer would be reckoned with effect
from the date on which his pay was stepped up to equal that of the Junior. This would
not, however, alter their inter-se-seniority in the higher Grade which would be reckoned
with reference to the respective dates of appointment to the higher Grade;

vi) This disparity in pay should not have arisen between the Junior and the Senior officer as
a result of appointment of either of them through open selection;

vii) The rules of stepping up of pay would not apply to (i) cases of disparity, if any, arising
between promoted Officers and Officers appointed through open selection; and (ii)
cases of disparity, if any, arising as a result of fixation of pay of Junior in the revised
Scale of pay as compared to the Senior in the pre-revised Scale of pay;

27.2 Decided to permit comparison for the purpose of stepping up of pay with any Junior
Officer in the same Grade, in the Division / Complex / Company (depending on the
Grade), irrespective of their discipline / sub-discipline. Officers promoted to Grade-VII
and above can continue to make the said comparison on a company wide basis. Those
promoted to Grades-IV, V & VI can make the comparison within the Complex only. In
respect of Officers promoted to Grade-II and III, the comparison is to be restricted
within the Division / Office concerned.

27.3 Such adjustment of pay is to be effected on the basis of representations, if any, made
in this behalf by the concerned Officer within a period of one year from the date such
disparity in pay has occurred.

27.4 Since the rules on fixation of pay on promotion are the same for any channel of
promotion i.e., DPC or IMS or open selection, if an Officer is promoted to the higher
Grade through open selection and gets less pay than his Junior promoted subsequently
or if an Officer promoted through DPC gets less pay than his Junior promoted through
open selection, stepping up of pay of the Senior should be allowed provided other
conditions for stepping up of pay are fulfilled.





Managing Directors / Directors

Chief Executive Officers


Executive Director

Grade –IX

General Manager /
General Manager Quality Assurance / Design & Development / Planning / Projects / JV /
Indigenization / Marketing / Off-sets / Business Development /
Modernization / Management Services / Customer Services / Finance /
Systems Audit / IMM / HR / HR-ER / Facilities Management / Flight
Operations & Safety / IT
Officer on Special duty
Chief of Medical Services
Chief Test Pilot
Chief of Projects / Production
Chief Vigilance Officer
Chief Designer
Principal / Dean, HMA

Grade – VIII

AGM Design / Planning / Manufacturing / Off-sets / Quality / Indigenization /
IT / JV / Marketing / IMM / Projects / Finance / Systems Audit /
Production / Services & Co-ordination / Management Services / Works /
Marketing / HR / Vigilance / Security
Chief of Medical Services
Resident Manager
Company Secretary
Chief Test Pilot
Officer –on-Special Duty (Technical)
Senior Faculty, HMA
Flight Test Engineer

Grade – VII

DGM Planning / Technical / Design / IT / Indigenization / JV / Quality /
Management Services / Works / Production / Marketing / IMM / HR /
Finance / Industrial Relations / Systems Audit / Security & Fire / Vigilance
Deputy Chief of Medical Services
Resident Manager
Senior Faculty, HMA
Flight Test Engineer
Deputy Chief Test Pilot

Grade – VI

Chief Manager Planning / Aerodrome / Production / Quality Control / Manufacturing /

Overhaul / Design / Computer / Management Services / Laboratory /
Metallurgy / Testing / Works / Projects / Technical / Finance / Systems
Audit / HR / Transport / Marketing / Product Support / Commercial
Chief Medical Superintendent
Test Pilot / Navigator
Senior Faculty, HMA
Deputy Resident Manager
Flight Test Engineer

Grade – V

Senior Manager Shops / Aerodrome / Maintenance / Management Services / Computer /

Laboratory / Production / Quality Control / Design / Projects / Technical /
Works / Product Support / Marketing / Commercial / Estate / HR /
Training / Transport / Security & Fire / Security / Fire / Vigilance /
Finance / Systems Audit
Senior Medical Superintendent
Deputy Resident Manager
Test Pilot / Navigator
Flight Test Engineer

Grade – IV

Manager Shops / Maintenance / Methods / Tooling / Programming / Inspector /

Planning / Management Services / Computer / Documentation /
Laboratory / Projects / Works / Design / Printing Press / Blue Print /
Flight Test / Aerodrome / HR / Public Relations / Security & Vigilance /
Training / Transport / Finance / Accounts Audit / Systems Audit /
Marketing / Product Support / Sales / Commercial / Stores / Purchase /
Library / Photography
Deputy Secretary
Medical Superintendent

Grade – III

Deputy Manager Maintenance / Methods / Tooling / Programming / Inspection / Design /

Printing Press / Blue Print / Management Services / Computer / Planning
/Aerodrome / Documentation / Flight Test / Laboratory / Works / HR /
Training / Fire Services / Security & Vigilance / Transport / Finance /
Accounts / Systems Audit / Sales / Purchase / Commercial / Stores /
Product Support / Photography / Public Relations / Library
Senior Service Engineer
Executive Assistant
Senior Medical Officer

Grade – II

Engineer Shops / Maintenance / Safety / Methods / Production / tooling / Progress

/ Inspection / Aeronautical / Management Services / Flight Test /
Computer / Transport Maintenance / Civil / Printing Press / Flight
Engineer / Data Processing officer / Aerodrome Officer / Scientific Officer
/ HR Officer / Labour Welfare officer / Training officer / Secretarial officer
/ Transport officer / Security officer / Vigilance officer / Fire officer /
Finance Officer / Audit officer / Systems Audit officer / Commercial officer
/ Service Engineer / Sales Officer / Purchase officer / Stores officer /
Administrative officer (Liaison) / Public Relations Officer / Medical Officer
/ Photo officer / Joint Executive Assistant / Library officer

Grade – I

Assistant Engineer Shops / Maintenance / Safety / Methods / Production / Tooling / Progress

/ Inspection / Aeronautical / Flight Test / Programme / Management
Services / Computer / Printing Press / Blue Print / Civil

Assistant Photo Officer / Assistant Scientific Officer / Assistant HR Officer / Assistant Labour
Welfare Officer / Assistant Training Officer / Assistant Public Relations Officer / Assistant
Security Officer / Assistant Vigilance Officer / Assistant Fire Officer / Assistant Transport
Officer / Assistant Finance Officer / Assistant Audit Officer / Assistant Systems Audit Officer
Assistant Commercial Officer / Assistant Sales Officer / Assistant Purchase Officer /
Assistant Stores Officer / Assistant Service Engineer / Assistant Secretarial Officer /
Assistant Medical Officer / Assistant Library Officer / Nursing Superintendent / Personal
Assistant / Translators / Interpreter

Note : The Designations indicated above are illustrative.


29.1 Seniority of persons appointed by Direct Recruitment as well as Promotion is to be

determined with reference to the date of their joining the post for which they are
selected. If two persons join on the same day, one in the forenoon and the other in the
afternoon, the one who joined in the forenoon becomes Senior. If the one or more
persons join the same Grade on the same forenoon or afternoon, their inter-se-seniority
is to be fixed as follows:

a) On the basis of the Marks awarded by the Selection Committee, if the selection was
made by Direct Recruitment;

b) In the case of personnel promoted by Departmental Promotion and / or Internal Merit

Selection in the same discipline, seniority will be fixed with reference to their inter-se-
seniority in the Grade from which they are promoted

Note : Officers in Grade–I and above posted from Manufacturing / Production,

Management Services, Computer Systems and other disciplines to Systems Audit Group
in the Divisions / Offices will retain their seniority in the parent discipline. For this
purpose, their names are to be shown in the seniority list in their parent disciplines only
(not in Finance/Accounts Discipline) with a remark that the Officers concerned have
been posted to the Systems Audit Group. They will continue to be considered for
promotions in their parent discipline, subject to their eligibility. These Officers may also
be reverted to parent disciplines after they have completed tenure of 3 years. However,
the Management reserves the rights to extend or curtail the period.

c) In the order in which the names of the selected employees are arranged by the
Departmental Promotion Committee, if the appointment is by Promotion to posts in
Grade–I & below.

29.2 In the cases referred at (a) above, the inter-se-seniority of persons who have secured
the same number of Marks is to be determined with reference to their age, the older
being senior to the younger.

29.3 Between employees appointed to the same Grade by Direct Recruitment and by
Promotion on the same forenoon / afternoon of the same date, those appointed by
Promotion are to be deemed senior to those appointed by Direct Recruitment.

29.4 The inter-se-seniority of employees promoted by Internal Merit Selection or

Departmental Promotion to all posts in Grade–II and above is to be reckoned from the
effective date indicated in the orders. However, where the assumption of charge of the
post to which an employee is promoted is delayed for more than one month for reasons
attributable to the employee, his seniority is to be reckoned only from the date on
which he assumes charge of the post. The inter-se-seniority of Officers promoted to
Grade–IV by DPC/IMS on the same day in the same discipline is to be determined with
reference to their inter-se-seniority in Grade–III. This will not apply to Time Scale

29.5 For purposes of probation and salary in the higher posts, the promotion will be deemed
to be effective from the date of actual assumption of charge of higher post.

29.6 Seniority lists Grade wise are to be drawn up and maintained up to-date. Any employee
who is aggrieved with the seniority assigned to him is entitled to appeal to the
Appointing Authority through proper channel. A common seniority roster in respect of
all Officers in Grade – VI and above will be maintained at the Corporate Office. In

preparing such rosters, name of Officers on deputation and Officers on contract will be
shown distinctly.

29.7 The office of the Managing Directors will maintain seniority lists of Officers in Grade-III,
IV & V of its constituent Divisions. The seniority particulars of the Officers in Grade-VI
and above will be maintained by Corporate Office on a Company-wide basis.

29.8 All Appointments / Promotions made by the Managing Directors to posts in Grade–VI
are to be communicated to Corporate Office duly indicating the date of appointment as
well as inter-se-seniority in case more than one Officer has been appointed / promoted
to the Grade on the same date.

29.9 In addition, cases of postponement of Officers in Grade–VI and above, due to extension
of Probation are also to be intimated to the Corporate Office for incorporation in the
seniority list of officers in Grade–VI and above maintained by Corporate Office on a
Company wide basis.

29.10 Seniority of employees transferred from one Trade to another in the same Group at the
request of the employee, will be reckoned from the date of his appointment to the new
Trade. This should be made clear to the employee and an undertaking obtained.

29.11 Seniority of employees transferred by the Management on its own from one Trade to
another in the same Group will remain unaltered i.e., will be protected.

29.12 All appointments to new Trades either at the instance of the Management or at the
request of the employee should be effected only against Direct Recruitment quota of

29.13 Seniority of employees in Grade–II and below transferred at their request from one
Division to the other on as-is-basis will be reckoned from the date of reporting at the
new Division for all purposes including allotment of quarters, except Time Scale

29.14 The Division / Office forwarding the request of employees for transfer from one Division
to the other should obtain a written undertaking from the employee that he agrees that
the transfer, if agreed to, will be on loss of seniority in the Grade / Group for all
purposes. A copy of such undertaking should be enclosed to the request.

29.15 Employee transferred from one Division to the other at the instance of the Management
will, however be eligible for protection of seniority in the Grade / Group

29.16 Officers in Grade–V transferred at their request from one Division to other within the
same Complex will not lose their seniority as seniority for Promotion to posts in Grade –
VI is reckoned on a Complex-Wide basis. Similarly, Officers in Grade–VI and above
transferred at their request from one Division / Office/ Complex to the other will not
lose their seniority as promotions to posts in Grade – VII and above are reckoned on
Company–Wide basis.


The seniority of the deputationists or of an individual who is appointed in the Company

on immediate absorption basis in the post in which he is absorbed is to be reckoned
from the date on which he was appointed to that post on that Grade on deputation.
However, where an Officer on deputation is absorbed in a Grade higher than that in
which he was on deputation, his seniority in the higher Grade is to be reckoned from

the date of his absorption in the company. The seniority of Officers on deputation who
are appointed to posts in the higher Grade on an officiating basis, is to be reckoned with
effect from the date on which they are appointed to posts in the higher Group by the
Competent Authority and not from the date on which they are appointed to posts in the
higher Grade on an officiating basis.

29.18 With the object of reducing the number of surplus Direct Workmen in certain Trades, a
scheme for payment of Cash Incentive of Rs. 2000 /- to the surplus Direct Workmen
volunteering for re-training and accepting transfer to another Direct Trade in which
additional personnel are required is in operation. Seniority of the re-trained surplus
employees in Direct Trade vis-à-vis the employees in the Direct Trades to which the re-
trained employees are transferred will be reckoned as follows:-

i) The seniority of existing Workmen in the Direct Trade and seniority of the
retrained/transferred Direct Workmen will not be dovetailed. The seniority list of
Workmen retrained/transferred will be kept as a separate block;

ii) If a vacancy in the higher Group in the concerned Direct Trade to which surplus
personnel were (retrained) transferred is notified for filling up by promotion, eligible
retrained/ transferred Workmen may also apply and will be considered for promotion, if
found suitable;

iii) If the notified post is filled by Promotion of existing Workmen junior to the
retrained/transferred Workmen, the latter will be promoted to the higher Group as
supernumerary, if he is also cleared for promotion to the higher Group;

iv) The resultant vacancy in the lower Group will be kept unfilled so long as the
retrained/transferred employee is holding the supernumerary post;

v) Re-trained /transferred Workmen who are thus held supernumerary in the higher Group
will be adjusted against Direct Recruitment quota or regular vacancies in that
Trade/Group as and when occurring.



Services rendered by employees on contract in the company will be reckoned for the
purpose of fixing their seniority in the respective Grade after their appointment on a
regular basis.


The seniority of an employee demoted/ reverted to the lower Grade/ Group shall, in the
case of an employee directly recruited to the higher Grade/ Group, be reckoned from
the date of his appointment to the higher Grade/ Group and in the case of an employee
promoted/ appointed to the higher Grade/ Group from the lower Grade/ Group from the
date of his original appointment to the lower Grade/ Group to which he has
subsequently been demoted

If such a demoted/ reverted employee is subsequently promoted/ appointed to the

Grade/ Group from which he was demoted, the service rendered by the employee in the
Grade/ Group prior to reversion/ demotion shall be taken into account while fixing his
seniority in the higher Grade/ Group after such promotion/ demotion.


The Scheme is introduced with a view to give recognition to employees of the Company
who win All India / National & International Awards of repute in recognition of their
significant contributions and unique accomplishments in specified fields.

30.1 SCOPE: The Scheme shall be applicable to all the employees who are on the regular
rolls of the Company. Personnel engaged on Contract Basis (including Ex-
servicemen), against Manpower Sanctions, will also be covered within the scope of the
Scheme. If Deputationists working in the Company receive the Awards, they will be
extended the benefits on absorption in the Company. Lien Holders, Apprentices /
Trainees, Casual / Contract Labour etc. will be excluded from the coverage of the


Benefits under the Scheme shall be admissible to only those employees who are
conferred with any of the following Awards:

i) Prime Minister’s Shram Award;

ii) National Level Award conferred by the Government of India for outstanding
performance as the most efficient disabled employee (National Award for the Welfare of
People with Disability);
iii) National Technology Awards by the Government of India;
iv) Arjuna Award for Sportsmen;
v) Fire Service Medal awarded by the President of India;
vi) Medals won at International level in Sports & Games;

Each of the above Awards received while in service in HAL will be treated as a separate
Award for the purpose of extending benefits under the Scheme.



i) Employees who are conferred with any of the specified Awards shall be granted one
Special Increment with effect from the date on which the Award is actually conferred.

ii) Rate of the Increment which will be granted to the employee will be the rate of the next
Annual Increment due to him / her. In respect of employees who have reached the
maximum of the concerned Scales of Pay, the Special Increment will be granted at the
rate of the last Annual Increment drawn by him/ her.

iii) The above Special Increment shall be treated as Personal to the employee and would
remain fixed and paid as a separate element in the Pay packet, during his / her entire
balance service in the Company. This will be considered as Basic Pay for the purposes of
payment of DA, Contribution to PF, VL Encashment and payment of Gratuity.


i) Employees who win the specified Awards and who are qualified for Promotion to the
next higher Scale / Grade, will be promoted to the next higher Scale / Grade,
irrespective of the qualifying service required under the applicable schemes for

ii) Such employees who are not qualified to be promoted to the next Scale / Grade will be
granted the next higher Scale / Grade, as personal to them.

iii) For the purpose of deriving the benefit of Promotion or grant of higher Scale as above,
an employee should have put in a minimum of one year service in the existing Scale /

iv) Promotions / grant of higher Scale / Grade as above will be without reference to
vacancies and will be effected without any test / interview. However, administrative
approval of the concerned Competent Authority will be taken.

v) Promotion / grant of higher Scale / Grade, as above, will be effected w.e.f 1st January of
the next year, after the date of conferment of the Award.

In case the Award is conferred on the employee after his Superannuation, Medical
Termination, Death etc., the terminal benefits etc. will be reworked and paid.
Promotions will also be granted notionally, for this purpose


Head of HR Department of the concerned Division / Office will initiate necessary action
for extending the benefits under the Scheme to the employee conferred with the Award,
immediately on receipt of the information.

The Competent Authority for approving the above benefits under the Scheme would be
as indicated below:

Officers in Grade VI & above - Chairman

Officers in Grade III to V - Concerned MD/FD
Officers in Grade I & II and - Head of the Division
Workmen in Scales 1 to 10

Divisions / Offices may intimate Corporate Office, the details of employees who have
been extended the benefits under the Scheme, as and when the awards are conferred
and the benefits extended.

The Promotion order will be handed over to the employee by the Head of the Division /
Office at a special function organized for this purpose


The Scheme came into force w.e.f 26.4.07. However, the benefits under the Scheme
would be extended to the employees who have won any of the specified Awards in the
past also, with retrospective effect (including financials benefits), as indicated at paras
30.3 a (i) & 30.3 b (v) above.




Sl.No. Designation Group-B Group-C Group-D Group-E

**Qualification same as for Group-B (Designation to
1 Binder Literate
continue as in Group-B
SSLC + 2 Degree / ** Qualification same as for
years in Intermediate / Group-C (Designation to continue
operating SSLC / Middle as in Group-C)
Blue Print & School
2 Machine
School + 2
** Qualification same as for
3 Cook Literate Literate Group-C (Designation to continue
as in Group-C)
Intermediate + ** Qualification same as for
pass in Group-C (Designation to continue
recognized as in Group-C)
Computer Course
School +
/ SSLC +
Compounde Recognized
4 r/ Computer
Pharmacist under
Course / Middle
School +
Literate or **Qualification
higher same as for
General Group-B
Despatch Qualification (Designation to
Rider + Scooter / continue as in
Motor Cycle Group-B
**Qualification same as for Group-B (Designation to
Middle continue as in Group-B
School +
of Training
in First Aid
Dresser (as from Indian
per earlier Red Cross
level of or St.
induction) Ambulance
Assn. or
similar /
literate with
Literate / Literate + Heavy Literate + **Qualification
Higher Duty Licence – 8 Heavy Duty same as for
General years Licence – 10 Group-D
Educational years (Designation to
Qualification continue as in
7 Driver
+ Heavy Group-D
Middle School **Qualification
same as for
8 Band Master
(Designation to
continue as in
B.Sc in **Qualification **Qualification
Chemistry same as for same as for
Clinical Physics or Group-C Group-D
Assistant Biology / PUC in (Designation to
Science / SSLC continue as in
Graduate / Graduate / **Qualification
Intermediate / Intermediate / same as for
SSLC + Diploma SSLC + Group-D
Radiographe / Certificate in Diploma / (Designation to
r (Medical) Radiography Certificate in continue as in
Radiography to Group-C
continue as in
Degree, **Qualification
Experience same as for
preferred / Group-D to be
11 Receptionist SSLC prescribed
Literate or higher general **Qualification
educational qualification + Heavy same as for
Duty Vehicle driving Licence. Group-C
12 Crane
(Designation to
continue as in
Intermediat Degree / Inter / **Qualification same as for
Telephone e / SSLC / SSLC / Middle Group-C (Designation to continue
Operator Middle School as in Group-C

SSLC / ITI / NAC / **Qualification same as for

14 Compositor Middle Middle School / Group-C (Designation to continue
School Literate as in Group-C
General Literate with Middle School Middle School
Educational certificate of with Certificate with Certificate
Qualificatio Competency of competency of competency
n not below issued by the issued by the issued by the
Middle Boiler Inspector Boiler Boiler Inspector
School with or General Inspector (Designation to
certificate Educational (Designation to continue as in
of Qualification not continue as in Group-C)
Competenc below Middle Group-C)
Boiler y issued by School with
Operator the Boiler certificate of
Inspector or Competency
Literate issued by the
with Boiler Inspector
y issued by
the Boiler
NAC/ITI Not Middle School / ITI / NAC /
Below ITI / Diploma (Designation to continue
16 Checker Middle NAC/Diploma / as in Group-C)
School / B.Sc
NAC/ITI Not Middle School / ITI / NAC /
Below Diploma (Designation to continue
Diploma Not
17 Engraver Middle as in Group-C)
Below Middle
School /
School / Literate
NAC/ITI / Middle School / ITI / NAC /
Mason / Diploma / B.Sc Diploma (Designation to continue
18 Literate
Plumber Not Below Middle as in Group-C)
School / Literate
19 Operator NAC / ITI / Middle School / ITI / NAC /
Metal Not Below Diploma (Designation to continue
Diploma / B.Sc
Spraying Middle as in Group-C)
Not Below Middle
School /
School / Literate
20 Painter Literate ITI / NAC / Middle School / ITI / NAC /
(Civil Diploma / B.Sc. / Diploma (Designation to continue
Maintenance Middle School / as in Group-B)
(Designation to
continue as in
21 Planner / NAC / ITI / NAC / ITI / NAC / Diploma / Middle
Shaper / Middle Diploma / B.Sc. / School (Designation to continue
Slotter School Literate – 5 as in Group-B)
Operator-B Literate – years as in
3 years Group-B)
22 Radio Wirer- NAC / ITI / NAC/ITI/B.Sc/ ITI / NAC / Diploma / Middle
B Middle Diploma/ Literate School (Designation to continue
School / (Designation to as in Group-B)
Literate continue as in
Sl.No. Designation Group-B Group-C Group-D Group-E
23 Winder-B NAC / ITI / NAC / ITI / ITI / NAC / Diploma / Middle
Middle Middle School / School (Designation to continue
School Diploma / B.Sc. / as in Group-B
Literate – Literate – 5
3 years years
(Designation to
continue as in
24 Sand / Shot Literate NAC / ITI / ITI / NAC / Diploma / Middle
Blast Middle School / School (Designation to continue
Operator Diploma / B.Sc. / as in Group-B
Literate – 6

** Trade Structure does not provide for post in this Group.

_______________ DIVISION / OFFICE, ___________



Punishments Marks
Name, Date of
Eligibility if any, during
SL. Dept / EID.No Birth / Committee
Qualification date of the API Total Remarks
NO. Designation Date of Evaluation
Promotion qualifying (70) (100)
Scale Seniority (30)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)



Un-skilled Trades - Scales : 1 to 6


Sl. No.
Scale-1 Scale-2 Scale-3
1 Helper (Ayah) Jr. Attendant (Ayah) Asst. Attendant (Ayah)
2 Helper (Laundry) Jr. Attendant (Laundry) Asst. Attendant (Laundry)
3 Helper (Shop) Jr. Attendant (Shop) Asst. Attendant (Shop)
4 Helper (Lift) Jr. Attendant (Lift) Asst. Attendant (Lift)
5 Helper (Horticulture) Jr. Attendant (Horticulture) Asst. Attendant (Horticulture)
6 Helper (Office) Jr. Attendant (Office) Asst. Attendant (Office)
7 Helper (Sanitation) Jr. Attendant (Sanitation) Asst. Attendant (Sanitation)
8 Helper (Canteen) Jr. Attendant (Canteen) Asst. Attendant (Canteen)
9 Helper (Ward) Jr. Attendant (Ward) Asst. Attendant (Ward)

Scale-4 Scale-5 Scale-6
1 Attendant (Ayah) Sr. Attendant (Ayah) Head Attendant (Ayah)
2 Attendant (Laundry) Sr. Attendant (Laundry) Head Attendant (Laundry)
3 Attendant (Shop) Sr. Attendant (Shop) Head Attendant (Shop)
4 Attendant (Lift) Sr. Attendant (Lift) Head Attendant (Lift)
5 Attendant (Horticulture) Sr. Attendant (Horticulture) Head Attendant (Horticulture)
6 Attendant (Office) Sr. Attendant (Office) Head Attendant (Office)
7 Attendant (Sanitation) Sr. Attendant (Sanitation) Head Attendant (Sanitation)
8 Attendant (Canteen) Sr. Attendant (Canteen) Head Attendant (Canteen)
9 Attendant (Ward) Sr. Attendant (Ward) Head Attendant (Ward)

Semi-Skilled/Skilled/Highly Skilled Trades : Scales- 4 & 5

Scale-4 Scale-5

1 Technician - B (Aircraft Electrical) Technician – A (Aircraft Electrical)

2 Technician - B (Battery) Technician – A (Battery)
3 Technician - B (Electrical) Technician – A (Electrical)

4 Technician - B (Engraving) Technician – A (Engraving)

5 Technician - B (Fabric Work) Technician - A (Fabric Work)

6 Technician - B (Forging) Technician - A (Forging)

7 Technician - B (Furnace) Technician - A (Furnace)

Technician - B (Drilling/ Boring Machine Technician - A (Drilling/ Boring Machine
8 Operation) Operation)
9 Technician - B (Electroplating) Technician - A (Electroplating)
10 Technician - B (Fitting) Technician - A (Fitting)
11 Technician - B (Grinding) Technician - A (Grinding)

12 Technician - B (Heat Treatment Operation) Technician - A (Heat Treatment Operation)

13 Technician - B (Layout) Technician - A (Layout)

14 Technician - B (Automobile) Technician - A (Automobile)

15 Technician - B (Engines) Technician - A (Engines)

Technician - B (Instruments) Technician - A (Instruments)
17 Technician - B (Process) Technician - A (Process)

18 Technician - B (Radio/ Radar) Technician - A (Radio/ Radar)

19 Technician - B (Milling) Technician - A (Milling)

20 Technician - B (Moulding/ Core Making) Technician - A (Moulding/ Core Making)

Technician - B (Planner/ Shaper/ Slotter Technician - A (Planner/ Shaper/ Slotter
21 Operation) Operation)
22 Technician - B (Press Operation) Technician - A (Press Operation)
23 Technician - B (Printing Machine Operation) Technician - A (Printing Machine Operation)

24 Technician - B (Radio Wiring ) Technician - A (Radio Wiring )

25 Technician - B (Resistance Welding) Technician - A (Resistance Welding)

26 Technician - B (Sand/ Shot Blast Operation) Technician - A (Sand/ Shot Blast Operation)

27 Technician - B (Sheet Metal Spinning) Technician - A (Sheet Metal Spinning)

28 Technician - B (Sheet Metal Work) Technician - A (Sheet Metal Work)
29 Technician - B (Tool & Die Making) Technician - A (Tool & Die Making)

30 Technician - B (Tracing) Technician - A (Tracing)

31 Technician - B (Turning) Technician - A (Turning)

32 Technician - B (Welding) Technician - A (Welding)

33 Technician - B (Winding) Technician - A (Winding)

34 Technician - B (Furnishing) Technician - A (Furnishing)

35 Technician - B (Boiler Operation) Technician - A (Boiler Operation)

36 Technician - B (Plumbing) Technician - A (Plumbing)

37 Technician - B (Blacksmith) Technician - A (Blacksmith)

38 Technician - B (Carpentry) Technician - A(Carpentry)

39 Technician - B (Checking) Technician - A (Checking)

40 Technician - B (Masonary Work) Technician - A (Masonary Work)

41 Technician - B (Metal Spraying Operation) Technician - A (Metal Spraying Operation)

42 Technician - B (Painting) Technician - A (Painting)

43 Technician - B (Patternmaking) Technician - A (Patternmaking)

44 Technician - B (Plastic & Fibre Work) Technician - A (Plastic & Fibre Work)

45 Junior Assistant (Progress) Assistant-B (Progress)

46 Junior Assistant (Aerodrome Operation) Assistant-B (Aerodrome Operation)

47 Junior Assistant (Traffic Inspection) Assistant-B (Traffic Inspection)

48 Junior Assistant (Binding) Assistant-B (Binding)

49 Junior Assistant (Copying Machine Operation) Assistant-B (Copying Machine Operation)

50 Junior Assistant (Admin)/Junior Asst.(Clerical) Assistant-B (Admin)/Assistant-B(Clerical)
51 Junior Assistant (Admin)/Junior Asst.(Clerical) Assistant-B (Admin)/Assistant-B(Clerical)

52 Junior Assistant (Dark Room) Assistant-B (Dark Room)

53 Junior Assistant (Despatch) Assistant-B (Despatch)

54 Junior Assistant (Dressing) Assistant-B (Dressing)

55 Junior Assistant (Midwifery) Assistant-B (Midwifery)

56 Junior Assistant (Stores) Assistant-B (Stores)

57 Junior Assistant (Telephone Operation) Assistant-B (Telephone Operation)

Junior Assistant Assistant-B
(Calculating Machine Operation) (Calculating Machine Operation)
59 Junior Assistant (Composing) Assistant-B (Composing)
60 Junior Assistant (Nursing) Assistant-B (Nursing)
61 Junior Assistant (Lab) Assistant-B (Lab)
62 Junior Assistant (Compounding) Assistant-B (Compounding)
63 Junior Assistant (Pharmacy) Assistant-B (Pharmacy)
64 Cook - C Cook-B
65 Junior Driver Assistant Driver- B
66 Fireman - B Fireman - A
67 Junior Instructor (Physical Training) Assistant Instructor-B (Physical Training)
68 Junior Sanitary Inspector Assistant Sanitary Inspector-B
69 Security Guard - B Security Guard - A

Semi-Skilled/Skilled/Highly Skilled Trades : Scale – 6

Sl. Scale 6 (TSP/CPS)

1 Senior Technician (Aerodrome Operation)
2 Senior Technician (Aircraft Electrical)
3 Senior Technician (Aircraft Erection)
4 Senior Technician (Pictograph Operation)
5 Senior Technician (Boiler Operation)
6 Senior Technician (Drilling/ Boring Machine Operation)
7 Senior Technician (Electrical)
8 Senior Technician (Electroplating)
9 Senior Technician (Engraving)
10 Senior Technician (Fabric Work)
11 Senior Technician (Field Service)
12 Senior Technician (Fitting)
13 Senior Technician (Forging)
14 Senior Technician (Furnace)
15 Senior Technician (Furnishing)
16 Senior Technician (Grinding)
17 Senior Technician (Layout)
18 Senior Technician (Lofts)
19 Senior Technician (Automobile)
20 Senior Technician (Engines)
21 Senior Technician (Instruments)
22 Senior Technician (Process)
23 Senior Technician (Radio/ Radar)
24 Senior Technician (Milling)
25 Senior Technician (Millwright)
26 Senior Technician (Moulder/ Core Making)
27 Senior Technician (Patternmaking)
28 Senior Technician (Heat Treatment Operation )
29 Senior Technician (Plastic & Fibre Work)
30 Senior Technician (Press Operation)
31 Senior Technician (Printing Machine Operation )
32 Senior Technician (Printed Circuit Operation)
33 Senior Technician (Resistance Welding)
34 Senior Technician (Sheet Metal Spinning)
35 Senior Technician (Sheet Metal Work)
36 Senior Technician (Tool & Die Making)
37 Senior Technician (Tracing)
38 Senior Technician (Turning)
39 Senior Technician (Welding)
40 Senior Technician (Winding)
41 Senior Technician (Calculating Machine Operation)
42 Senior Technician (Planner/ Shaper/ Slotter Operation)
43 Senior Technician (Crane Operation)
44 Senior Technician (Mobile Crane Operation)
45 Senior Technician (Punch/ Verifying Operation)
46 Senior Technician (Aircraft Painting)
47 Senior Technician (Carpentry)
48 Senior Technician (Checking)
49 Assistant (Progress)
50 Assistant (Stores)
51 Assistant (Aerodrome Operations)
52 Assistant (Admin) / Assistant (Clerical)
53 Assistant (Admin) / Assistant (Clerical)
54 Assistant (Laboratory-Medical)
55 Assistant (Compounding)
56 Assistant (Pharmacy)
57 Assistant (Copying Machine Operation)
58 Assistant (Civil Works)
59 Assistant (Photography)
60 Assistant (Stenography)
61 Assistant (Telephone Operation)
62 Assistant (Traffic Inspection)
63 Assistant Tractor Driver
64 Assistant Driver
65 Assistant Driver
66 Cook - A
67 Assistant Sanitary Inspector
68 Senior Fireman
69 Draughtsman-B/ Design Assistant-B
70 Inspector - B
71 Planner - B
72 Safety Inspector - B
73 Work Study Asst.- B
74 Scientific Asst.- B
75 Staff Nurse
76 Security Jamedar

Semi-Skilled/Skilled/Highly Skilled Trades : Scale – 7

Sl. Scale 7 (TSP/CPS)

1 Highly Skilled Technician (…………...)
2 Highly Skilled Technician (Aerodrome Operation)
3 Highly Skilled Technician (Pictograph Operation)
4 Highly Skilled Technician (‘X-Ray’ - Medical)
5 Senior Assistant (Progress)
6 Senior Assistant (Band)
7 Sr. Assistant (Photography)
8 Sr. Assistant (Vehicle Inspection)
9 Sr. Assistant (Traffic Inspection)
10 Sr. Assistant (Laboratory - Medical)
11 Sr. Assistant (Data Entry)
12 Sr. Assistant (Reception)
13 Sr. Assistant (Admin)/Senior Assistant (Clerical)
14 Sr. Assistant (Stenography)
15 Sr. Assistant (Stores)
16 Senior Assistant (Pharmacy)
17 Draughtsman-A/Design Assistant-A
18 Scientific Assistant-A
19 Planner-A
20 Work Study Asst.-A
21 Inspector-A
22 Security Subedar
23 Fire Captain
24 Sister
25 Senior Cook
26 Senior Driver

Semi-Skilled/Skilled/Highly Skilled Trades : Scale – 8

Sl. Scale-8 (TSP/CPS)

1 Master Technician (………….)
2 Master Technician (Fitting)
3 Master Technician (Machinist)
4 Master Technician (Millwright)
5 Master Technician (Tool Making)
6 Asst. Supervisor (………….)
7 Asst. Supervisor (Laboratory- Medical)
8 Asst. Supervisor (Photography)
9 Asst. Supervisor (Admin.)
10 Asst. Supervisor (Stores)
11 Asst. Supervisor (Computers)
12 Asst. Supervisor (Statistics)
13 Assistant Supervisor (Dietician)
14 Assistant Supervisor (Library)
15 Accountant
16 Matron
17 Personal Secretary
18 Steward
19 Warden
20 Security Inspector
21 Vigilance Inspector
22 Fire Inspector
23 Master Cook
24 Draughtsman-A (Layout)
25 Assistant Supervisor (Inspn.)
26 Instructor - A
27 Inspector – A (Safety)
28 Assistant Supervisor (Lab)
29 Assistant Supervisor (Draughtsman / Design)
30 Assistant Supervisor (Plg.)
31 Assistant Supervisor (MS)

Semi-Skilled/Skilled/Highly Skilled Trades : Scales - 9 to SS


Scale-9 Scale-10 Special Scale

1 Senior Master Technician Chief Supervisor (………..) Senior Chief Supervisor (……….)
Senior Master Technician Chief Supervisor (Fitting) Senior Chief Supervisor (Fitting)
2 (Fitting)
3 Senior Master Technician Chief Supervisor (Machinist) Senior Chief Supervisor (Machinist)
4 Senior Master Technician Chief Supervisor (Millwright) Senior Chief Supervisor (Millwright)
Senior Master Technician (Tool Chief Supervisor (Tool Making) Senior Chief Supervisor (Tool
5 Making) Making)
6 Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (…………..) Senior Chief Supervisor (…………..)
Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Admin.) Senior Chief Supervisor (Admin.)
7 (Admin.)
8 Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor Senior Chief Supervisor
(Photography) (Photography) (Photography)
Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Dietician) Senior Chief Supervisor (Dietician)
9 (Dietician)
10 Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Computers) Senior Chief Supervisor
(Computers) (Computers)
Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Library) Senior Chief Supervisor (Library)
11 (Library)
12 Senior Assistant Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Laboratory- Senior Chief Supervisor
(Laboratory- Medical) (Laboratory-Medical)
Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Statistics) Senior Chief Supervisor (Statistics)
13 (Statistics)
14 Senior Asst. Supervisor Chief Supervisor (Stores) Senior Chief Supervisor (Stores)
15 Senior Accountant Chief Supervisor (Accounts) Senior Chief Supervisor (Accounts)
16 Senior Matron Chief Matron Senior Chief Matron
17 Senior Personal Secretary Chief Personal Secretary Senior Chief Personal Secretary
18 Senior Steward Chief Steward Senior Chief Steward
19 Senior Warden Chief Warden Senior Chief Warden
20 Senior Security Inspector Chief Security Inspector Senior Chief Security Inspector
21 Senior Vigilance Inspector Chief Vigilance Inspector Senior Chief Vigilance Inspector
22 Senior Fire Inspector Chief Fire Inspector Senior Chief Fire Inspector
23 Senior Master Cook Chief Cook Senior Chief Cook
24 Supervisor (Inspection) Chief Supervisor (Inspection) Senior Chief Supervisor (Inspen.)
Senior Instructor Chief Instructor Senior Chief Instructor
26 Senior Draughtsman (Layout) Chief Draughtsman (Layout) Senior Chief Draughtsman (Layout)
Senior Inspector (Safety) Chief Inspector (Safety) Senior Chief Inspector (Safety)
28 Supervisor (Lab) Chief Supervisor (Lab) Senior Chief Supervisor (Lab)
Supervisor (Draftsman Chief Supervisor Senior Chief Supervisor
29 /Design) (Draftsman/Design) (Draftsman/ Design)
30 Supervisor (Plg.) Chief Supervisor (Plg.) Senior Chief Supervisor (Plg.)
Senior Tool Designer Chief Tool Designer Senior Chief Tool Designer
32 Supervisor (MS) Chief Supervisor (MS) Senior Chief Supervisor (MS)
Annexure - IV
_______________ DIVISION / OFFICE, ___________



Name of the post : Notification No. :

No. of posts (incl reservation) : Date of Notification :
Scale of Pay : Date & Time of Interview :
Minimum Educational Qualification No. of Candidates called for
: :
Prescribed Interview
Date of Written Test : No. Reported :
No. Qualified in Written Test : No. Selected :
Name, Marks
SL. Dept / EID.No Date of
Qualification Category Remarks
NO. Designation Supn. Written Test API / ACR Interview Total
Scale 50 25 25 100
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Note : A candidate, in order to qualify should get a minimum of 50% aggregate with a minimum of 50% in Written Test and 12 out of 25 in the
Interview. Relaxation in respect of reserved category is as per rules.





1. NAME :

2. PB. NO. :


4. DEPT :















Annexure - VI
_______________ DIVISION / OFFICE, ___________



No. of Candidates called for

Number of Posts / Vacancies : :
Mode of Promotion : No. Reported :

Date & Time of Interview : No.found suitable :

Name, Date of Date of PAR Marks Evaluation

SL. Dept / EID.No Birth / Appt. / Categ
Qualification Remarks
NO. Designation Date of Date of ory API WT Int. Total
12-13 13-14 14-15
Grade Supn. Snty.
(50) (25) (25) (100)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)


Annexure - VII
_______________ DIVISION / OFFICE, ___________



Date of Assessment : No. of Candidates :

No.found suitable :

PAR Marks Evaluation

Name, Date of Date of
SL. Dept / EID.No Birth / Appt. / Categ
Qualification Com. Remarks
NO. Designation Date of Date of ory API Total
12-13 13-14 14-15 Eva.
Grade Supn. Snty.
(60) (40) (100)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)


Book 1

Modified Recruitment Rules - 2013


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