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2nd QTR Reviewer CL

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2nd QTR.

REVIEWER  TRUE/FALSE: God calls for us comes 

DISCERNMENT  through the people, things or events 
that happen to us.  
- Every day, we make our own 
decisions. Success and failures  DEEPENING (Samuel)  
depend on what we decided. That's  -Samuel was called by God three 
why it is important to have a  times. Three times he answered. 
Three times he thought it was Eli. 
discernment first before we come up 
with a final decision.   Until Eli told him, it was the Lord. 
RESPONSIBLE   -God calls us. The call comes through 
-Exerting effort and time to know  people, things, or events that happen 
God's will for oneself  to us. Like Samuel, we sometimes fail 
to understand this call. In this regard, 
Expounding the meaning of the value 
"responsible"    more time for prayer and reflection is 
-To do something using energy/effort,  needed.  
discern, pray, and listen to what is  Lesson to ponder and should be 
the will of God for you.  remembered:   
-One wrong decision, choice, or 
-Often times, we neglect the call of  action may have a lifetime impact. 
God for us because we have so much  DISCERNMENT 
anxiety and stress in many things. We  - Discernment is the process of 
discovering God's plan or will 
should be responsible in all our 
actions and focus on one thing at a  - We are moved by various motives, 
time. Sometimes, we want to fulfill  both from what we do every day and 
everything in one snap. With this  in our own decisive choice.  
regard, we fail to understand the real  - Many forces contribute such as 
personal interest, altruism, family, or 
call of God for us, that's why we need 
more time for prayer and reflection.  money.  
GENERALIZATION  - Altruism - goodwill  
DEVELOPMENT/FORMATIVE  -Motive is our driving force to do 
ASSESSMENT   things and make things happen.  
-Our motive should be based on love 
Direction: Supply the missing word in 
the following sentences. Choose your  that our Lord Jesus Christ 
answer from either of the word/s in  exemplified.  
close parenthesis.   -There should not be any conflict 
with what we want and what God 
1. It is important to have a 
(consultation from others,  wills. For whatever God wills is best 
discernment​) first before we come up  and truly good for us 
with a final decision.  WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO DISCERN?   
2. Being responsible is exerting effort  In spiritual discernment, we need to 
listen, admit our powerlessness, trust 
and time to (​know​, wait) God's will 
for oneself.   in the Lord, make choice, become 
3. Like Samuel, we sometimes fail to  responsible, and expect instability 
understand God's call for us. In this  -First, we have to learn to listen   
regard, more time for (attending  -Second, we have to admit that we 
need God  
mass, ​praying​) and (silence, 
reflection​) is needed.    
-Third, trust is important yet difficult  DEEPENING (PARABLE OF WISE AND 
to keep. When faced with  FOOLISH VIRGINS)  
uncertainties, difficulties, trials and  - The oil (spiritual) were the good 
hardships, and sufferings, some still  works that you have done. In the end 
question His loving presence. To  of our journey here on earth, the Lord 
journey with God requires trust.  will see if we have enough oil.  
-Fourth, we have to make a choice.  -The oil cannot be shared and taken 
We have to avoid saying "Go with the  by someone else because it has to be 
flow."  earned by each one. The oil or the 
-Fifth, we have to take responsibility  good works can serve only as an 
with our choices. We need other  inspiration and example to others.  
people for guidance and direction but  -Keep watch and be vigilant for we do 
ultimately, we are to decide.  not know when, where, how the 
-Sixth, we have to accept the various  bridegroom will fetch us. Keep our 
feelings of sadness, happiness, fear,  lamp burning every day, be good and 
surprises, upset, and even anger  don't waste every opportunity to help 
(sometimes all at once). All these are  others. Save oil so that we will have 
a part of spiritual discernment.  enough anytime the bridegroom 
1. Reflect on your true self  CHOICE IS RIGHT?  
- We try to discover His will through  -The choice is right when we 
ourselves   experience the fruits of the Holy 
- We get to know ourselves and find  Spirit, growth in our faith, have the 
ourselves, we have to accept it  zeal to do mission, and desire to offer 
2. Be one with the source, origin and  oneself to God through loving service, 
goal    empathy with others, and realization 
-In prayer, we let God speak to us  of greater purpose. 
and so we listen  - If we are trying to live a life in 
3. Consider options, make decision   accordance with God's will, the best 
- After having in touch with ourselves  criterion to know whether the 
and with God, we can start to gather  decision is good or not, is how we 
all the facts and options to be  find ourselves "blessed." 
considered in our decision  -Aside from experience, there is 
-God would not give us anything that  growth in our faith, in our personal 
by nature will deceive us  relationship with God. We live not 
-Together with reason, feelings can  only for ourselves but for God and for 
lead us to the right choice  the people whom He loves. There is 
4. Remain in truth    an understanding that God has a 
- Once decision is made, we can  greater plan for us.  
spend more time in prayer to confirm  HINDRANCES TO DISCERNMENT  
whether it is the right decision or not   1. Pride   
- Sharing our decision is a wise thing  -Makes us think that we are solely in 
to do as well   charge of all that may happen to us 
- Others can provide us valuable  - Destroys discernment   
feedback on the process of  - Leads us to listen to no one except 
discernment we go through   ourselves  
2. Selfishness   you if needed, at any time. You are 
- We look into ourselves for ourselves    always to feel loved, and supported.  
-The decision is not what God asks us  The Church and Scripture stand 
to do but what we want for ourselves  about making discernment on pp. 
- With this, we will never be truly in  72-72  
peace and joy   Through creation, Scripture, Church, 
- It is in live that we find peace and  and other religions, God reveals 
joy   Himself and His plan. It pleases Him 
GENERALIZATION    to share His goodness and glory to all 
-Discernment is very important in  of us. He calls us friends and lives 
making decisions. Invoking the  with us.  
guidance of the Holy Spirit, having  -Only to Him who calls we will know 
time for prayer and reflection will  the meaning and purpose of our lives  
help us to come up with a right  GENERALIZATION   
decision and especially we will be  - In God alone we will know the 
able to discover the plan or will of  meaning and purpose of our lives. 
God for us. We just only humble  And it is through prayer and worship 
ourselves and be selfless in front of  that we will be able to discern God's 
God, because God cannot help us if  will in our daily lives.  
we are full of ourselves. We should  GENERALIZATION 
remember that God is the giver of all  DEVELOPMENT/FORMATIVE 
grace and in Him nothing is  ASSESSMENT 
impossible.  Direction: Supply the missing word in 
GENERALIZATION  the following sentences. Choose your 
DEVELOPMENT/FORMATIVE  answer from either of the word/s in 
ASSESSMENT  close parenthesis.  
Direction: Supply the missing word in  1. Only in God who calls us that we 
the following sentences. Choose your  will know the (​meaning,​ answer) and 
answer from either of the word/s in  (goal,​ purpose​) of our lives. 
close parenthesis.  2. "…Each of us is the result of a 
1. Discernment is the process of  (mind, ​thought​) of God." - Pope 
discovering (​God's​, own's) plan or will.   Benedict XVI  
2. The choice is right when we  3. From the Footprints on the Sand: 
experience the (boost in our  "…I never leave you… when you saw 
confidence,​ growth in our faith​).   only one set footprints, it was the 
TRUE/FALSE: The hindrances to  time that I (​carried,​ piggyback) you."  
discernment are our own pride and  TRUTH 
selfishness.   DEEPENING   
DEEPENING​ (Footprints on the Sand)   -We Filipinos, value truthfulness. We 
-Our faith in God does not excuse us  easily get discouraged with people 
from experiencing hardship and  who lie, though they have been good 
sadness. The reality is that we all go  to us. A liar means a person who 
through ups and downs in our lives.  cannot be trusted with what she/he 
Whatever season you may encounter,  says and does, that even the 
you are never to feel alone. God will  truthfulness of their present good 
always be beside you, and carrying  acts are put to question. This is one 
of the reasons why parents teach 
seriously the value of honesty to their  truthfulness of their present good 
children.   acts are put to (​question​, test).  
TRUTHFULNESS  Multiple Choice: What did Jesus reply 
- Being true to one's thoughts, words,  to the elders when he was asked, 
and actions accepting his/her  "Are you the Son of Man?"  
responsibility as bearer and sharer of  a. You say that I am  
truth   b. I do not know who is the Son of 
DEEPENING (​ Luke 22:47-53,66-71)   Man  
-Jesus was a victim of injustice. It  Identification: What value do you have 
was illegal during His time to arrest  if you are always true to your 
and put Him in trial at night. It was  thoughts, words, and actions and you 
illegal to arrest someone of a capital  accept your  
crime on the basis of one's followers  responsibility as a bearer and sharer 
or anyone related or connected to the  of truth. ​Answer - truthfulness 
accused. It was illegal to pass  THE MAGUINDANAO PEARLS By Isidro 
immediate judgment from those  L. Retizos  
members of the Jewish court. Jesus  This story revolves around customs 
was put to death not on the crime of  of ancient Filipinos. In this story the 
blasphemy which they could not  Sultan’s daughter Lakambini calls on 
prove and warrant capital  Sinag-Tala, the best basket weaver 
punishment. He was put to death for  of the place. She wants her weave a 
treason He never did.   basket worthy as a gift to the mother 
-Not far from reality, we too may  of the man whom she hoped to 
become victims of injustices. We may  marry. The servant of the Sultan’s 
never be accused of something we  daughter saw this man Walang Gulat 
never said or done. If this happens,  always talking with Sinag-Tala as she 
what will we do? How are we  gathers reeds for the basket. But 
expected to deal with it as Catholic  Sinag-Tala did not know he was as he 
Christians?  had introduced himself as Magiting. 
GENERALIZATION  Sinag-Tala did not know he was a 
-We should always be truthful in  prince and that he was the man 
whatever we say and do, be a sharer  Lakambini was interested in. When 
and bearer of truth.   the Sultan’s daughter learned that 
-It is a disgrace to a liar because  Walang Gulat was interested in 
he/she cannot be trusted with what  Sinag-Tala, she made a plan to do 
she/he says and does, that even the  away with the girl. She pretended 
truthfulness of his/her present good  that she had lost a string of pearls 
acts are put to question.   and she accused Sinag-Tala taking 
GENERALIZATION  them. She also hired a servant to 
Direction: Supply the missing word in  attest that she had seen Sinag-Tala 
the following sentences. Choose your  taking the pearl necklace and hiding 
answer from either of the words in  it. At that time, the way to find out if 
the close parenthesis.   the person is guilty of theft was to 
1. liar means a person who cannot be  have them dip their hands in boiling 
(relied, ​trusted​) with what he/she  water. If the suspect’s hands came 
says and does, that even the  out unscathed he or she is declared 
innocent. But who can escape the 
effects of the boiling water? As the  - Being thrown to an isolated place  
trial was going on Pirang Kawayan,  What does the eighth commandment 
the father of the accused girl, was  command us to do?  
watching at a distance. He was good  -The eighth commandment 
marksman. And as his daughter was  commands us to speak the truth in 
about to dip her hands into the  all things at all times especially 
boiling water, he got his sharp  concerning the good name and honor 
pointed dagger and aimed it towards  of others 
his tumbling daughter. The Sultan’s  -As children of God, we are called to 
daughter saw what was going to  be like Him  
happen and was conscious stricken.  - To speak the truth means to tell 
She cried out! I have the pearls!   what is true   
Sinag-Tala forgive me! I hid them –  -Truth hurts but there is no other 
the pearls – I hid them – the pearls –  way. Only truth can lead us to the 
Oh I hid them! Sinag-Tala.  right path. 
DEEPENING (​ The Maguindanao Pearls)   Why should one not bear false 
-"We should keep our tongue from  witness against one's neighbor?  
evil, our lips from speaking lies. That  - We are created in His image and 
we should turn evil and do good, seek  likeness  
peace, and pursue it." (Psalm  - Each one is good and honorable, 
34:14-15)   worthy of praise  
-We should be careful of what we say  - It is in our inner calling to speak the 
to other people, especially if it can  truth  
damage the reputation of others.   Why should we protect our good 
What is the law that upholds the  name?   
truth?    - Our good name is a gift   
-The law upholds the truth is the  How can we protect our good name?   
eighth commandment, "You shall not  Doing good works build for us a good 
bear false witness against your  name or reputation. It is like a light 
neighbor" (Exodus 20:16;  that shines. Even without showing it 
Deuteronomy 5:20)   to others, it naturally spreads and 
- Lies and deceit cause separation  enlightens others about our true 
and distrust, while truth, though  selves.  
sometimes hard produces unity and  HYPOCRITE 
trust.  - pretender, showy  
- In the Old Testament, it is evident  GENERALIZATION 
that truth is not a private possession  -Being created as an image and 
of anyone. Any concerns, problems,  likeness of God, we are expected to 
and decisions of the people were  live a good and honorable life, that 
referred to the whole. Those who  we do good and say what is true.  
violated a law were put in a public  -God wants us not to bear false 
trial. To bear false witness against a  witness against our neighbor but 
neighbor is, therefore, to lie   rather "profess the truth" (Eph. 4:15)  
bear false witness against a neighbor  GENERALIZATION 
is, therefore, to lie against the whole  Direction: Supply the missing word in 
community.   the following sentences. Choose your 
answer form either of words in close   
1. "You shall not bear false (watcher,  GENERALIZATION 
witness​) against your neighbor  Direction: Supply the missing word in 
(family, neighbor)"   the following sentences. Choose your 
2. Our good name is a (​gift​, reward).   answer from either of word in close 
3. The eighth commandment  parenthesis.  
commands us to speak the (secret,  1. In the Sacrament of (Baptism, 
truth​) in all things at all times  Confirmation​), we become soldiers of 
especially concerning the (​good name​,  God.  
good reputation) and honor  2.We become the (​ salt​, sand) of the 
(achievement, honor) of others.   earth and (fire, ​light​) of the world. 
DEEPENING (​ STORY OF SUSANA)   3. We become (​bearers​, keepers) and 
- The Truth does not refer only to  (​heralds​, suppressors) of the truth.  
lying as not telling falsehood against  INTELLECT 
one's neighbor but also bearing  -With this faculty or capacity, we can 
witness to the truth of the Christian  tell things rightly  
Doctrine and faith even when  SONS AND DAUGHTERS  
threatened with death.   -It is the identity we share through 
- In the Sacrament of Confirmation,  Christ, our Brother  
we become soldiers of God. We  LITURGICAL CALENDAR 
become the salt of the earth and light  -Starts at the first sunday of advent 
of the world. We become bearers and  in december 
heralds of the truth. We become  -Ends on the last saturday of ordinary 
witnesses of Christ. It is contrary to  time on November 
our mission of spreading the Lord's  LITURGICAL COLORS 
presence in truth if we do not keep  Purple​- Penance and Preparation 
the eighth commandment.   -used during advent and lent 
SPIRIT    -used during Passion Sunday,Good 
1. Wisdom   Friday, Pentecost and feast of 
2. Knowledge  Apostles and martyrs. 
3. Counsel  Pink​- Anticipation 
4. Fortitude   -Used on the third sunday of Advent 
5. Understanding   and fourth sunday during lent 
6. Piety   Green​- Hope, Life, Growth 
7. Fear of the Lord   -Used throughout Ordinary Time 
GENERALIZATION  White/Gold​- Joy and Purity 
-We become soldiers of Christ the  -Used on Easter, Christmas seasons 
moment we received the Sacrament  and feasts of the Blessed 
of Confirmation. We become the salt  Mother,angels and saints who weren’t 
of the earth and light of the world.  martyred 
We become bearers and heralds of  Blue​-Serenity, Inspiration, Stability 
the truth. We become witnesses of  -dedicated exclusively for the blessed 
Christ.   virgin Mary 
- "Truthful lips endure forever"   LITURGICAL SEASONS AND ITS 
- "Honesty brings joy"   SIGNIFICANCE 
Advent- Jesus is coming  Lies of Propaganda- mostly used by 
Christmas- Jesus is born  government officials which is evident 
Ordinary Time-Jesus teaches  during election 
Lent-Jesus will die and rise  Half-truths - trust can’t be said or 
Paschal triduum-Jesus suffers and is  twisted to say and mean something 
crucified  which is not so. 
Easter- Jesus rises  Contrived Flattery- exaggeratedly 
FAST FACTS  used to gain or win undue favor from 
Advent- preparation of the coming of  the authorities. 
the Son of God  Lies told from malice- lie intended to 
Christmas- birth of Jesus  harm others 
Epiphany- Jews or the Israelites were  Silence (pa-simple)- “playing safe”. 
the chosen people of God  Lie when one remains silent though 
Baptism of Jesus-Beginning of Jesus’  obliged to speak in order to free 
ministry  himself/herself from trouble. 
Passion,Death and Resurrection of  SECRET 
Jesus- saving works of Jesus  -known privately to a person or only 
-Easter-most important season of  a few persons 
the year-St. Paul  -common to friends 
LYING  -considered as one of the basis of a 
-saying or doing what is untrue with  true friend 
the intention of deceiving  KINDS OF SECRET: 
-may be done through words and  Natural Secret- secret that cannot be 
actions  revealed.  
-is a contrary to our identity as  -would cause a person harm in 
children of truth  his/her reputation,honor, or influence 
-is an abuse of speech and  Promised Secret- secret a person 
communication  promised from another person to 
-is selfishness  keep it unknown after he/she learned 
-opposes basic human relationship  it. 
-is an injury against other people who  Entrusted Secret/Commited Secret- 
are led to error  same lng with promised secret 
-is an injury to society public welfare  Confessional Secret- secret that 
is sacrificed  comes from a professional person. 
DIFFERENT LIES   -known as “Confedentiality” 
White Lies (pasiklab/boasting)-  Seal of Confession- secrecy 
exaggerating one’squality in order to  demanded in the sacrament of 
get affirmation and recognition from  penance. 
Escapist Lies (palusot)- preserving  -restoration of something lost or 
one’s supposed good image before  recompense for injury 
others, or avoiding possible   
Careless lies (sabi-sabi) or bola-   
simple but the damage may cause the 
person who does and who lied to, 
may not be easy to correct or change 

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